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Today October 21, 2013 at approximately 8:37 am I, Aphrodite Partalis attempted to visit my fiancé and father of my children, Eduardo Rafael Velazquez at the MCC Chicago at 71 W. Van Buren St, where he is involuntarily domiciled. The officer at the front desk, female officer Brown informed me that Eduardo's visitation (even by video monitor) was “suspended” on October 18th until Dec 26th. She would not give me any further information. I visited with Eduardo late morning, around noon on Friday October 18, 2013. I know this action is a direct result of the fraudulent incident report that Officer Brownfield made (one of the ten or fifteen MCC swat team that attacked Eduardo on Sept 26, 2013). This is a Bordenkircher violation and retaliation tactic. This Officer Brownfield filed that incident report 24 hours after the attack on Eduardo and after the MCC and other agencies received all the family's phone calls, emails and faxes requesting emergency medical care and attention for Eduardo. This officer Brownfield lied and claimed that Eduardo tried to hit him in the face.

Attached to those requests for help was the letter I urged the alleged "attorney" James I Marcus to deliver the same day to the judge. Primarily we requested immediate emergency hospitalization and necessary testing as well as follow up care for Eduardo and ‘reinstatement of privileges’ for communication and sustenance. I attached that letter along with my power of attorney (POA) and other grievance letters and requests for emergency medical hospital care and follow up care for Eduardo by email, fax and certified US mail. Marcus did not want to speak up to the judge in court to ask for hospitalization because in his words, "You don't ask the judge for hospitalization", even though Marcus agreed with me that ordering care at the MCC really meant getting no care at all. At least one person recently died due to medical negligence at the MCC. Marcus said, “When you’re right, you’re right.

Right after the attempted visit at the MCC I went to the IARDC located at 130 E. Randolph St, suite 1500 in Chicago in order to open an investigation on the alleged attorney Marcus. To this day, since Eduardo's brutal attack on Sept 26, Marcus has not responded or acted in any way to get Eduardo the proper medical care for the trauma he sustained causing blood in urination even 24hrs later. Marcus has not properly pursued Eduardo’s reinstatement of phone, email and commissary privileges. We were informed by the MCC that only the attorney could facilitate all this on Eduardo's behalf through the senior attorney. Marcus is the only one that could subpoena video from the MCC as well as the separate footage that the female blonde officer took of the attack at the command of Warden Kuta, as well as the pictures that Officer Robinson and Lieutenant Barber took of Eduardo’s injuries upon his return to the MCC that same day. I have had no response back from anyone.

We wrote by certified mail with tracking number and signature delivery to the FBOP central regional office, to the MCC senior attorney, to the DOJ, attorney general and inspector general's office. Only this ridiculous reply came back from senior attorney at the MCC Standefor Mallott, on Friday the 18th, almost a whole month after the attack which I am attaching. This similar response came to us as well from the admin at the BOP; an anonymous person that only chose to respond to this particular email, although we had sent more recent and more detailed information. I am attaching this as well as the 2 letters and emails to James Marcus.

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To deny Eduardo the proper medical attention that he needs when he has repeatedly asked for it is a direct violation of his eight amendment rights. It is unjust and inhumane. The malicious, sadistic attack alone is an atrocity that we are still in shock about, yet to continue to deny him help almost a month after the attack and to further punish him by denying him his only source of communication with his loved ones and to deny us that as well is a grave injustice. To prevent him from having access to phone and email communication as well is unbelievable. To not administer pain medicine for a whole week is torture. To keep him in solitary confinement is a complete disgrace. How many more rights must be violated before someone takes action to help Eduardo?

Why has attorney Marcus deliberately presented the case inaccurately to the court and failed Eduardo innumerable occasions when he needed to act and to speak on his behalf? Why does Marcus keep lying to Eduardo and to the members of the family that he will act on Eduardo’s behalf but fails to follow through each time? Marcus has caused such irreparable harm to Eduardo and the case. It is my humble yet strong opinion that James Marcus be severely reprimanded, if not disbarred.

James I Marcus has not only fallen short of his professional, fiduciary responsibilities but also has violated Eduardo’s 6thamendment rights.

James I Marcus failed to act with honor and with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing Eduardo from the beginning. He was hired on the basis that he would go to trial, address and fight all the errors and violations in the case to prove Eduardo’s innocence. While also bringing to light that former Civil case attorney Jim Koch, who was paid $250K, committed deliberate harm to Eduardo; with violation and obstruction of justice by having Eduardo sign a document without disclosing fact that he was waiving his rights to double jeopardy. And after withdrawing from the case, he took no care to avoid foreseeable prejudice to Eduardo‘s rights.

James I Marcus has shown intentional dishonesty. He has wrongfully held our money.

James I Marcus has never demonstrated having any knowledge of key elements about the case, including discovery and the counts against Eduardo.

James I Marcus engaged in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice by failing to review the case, promising and failing to hire a forensic accountant, and failing to meet with Eduardo in general but more importantly to strategize on how they would address all the errors and violations in the case.

Instead, James I Marcus did nothing except collaborate a guilty plea with prosecutor, Brian Hayes, and coerced Eduardo to sign a guilty plea under duress and false promises; intentionally lying to Eduardo.

Please see sworn attached affidavits from Eduardo, myself as well as Eduardo’s sisters Zully Velazquez and Bianca Ganvik.

I am attaching the August 2012 motion to recuse attorney Marcus which includes all documentation of Marcus’ ineptness, including proof of payment of $50,000.00 to Marcus for Eduardo’s defense and sworn filed affidavits. Please let me know what other documentation could be of value. As well, I’m attaching emails from Marcus and

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prosecutor Hayes that prove that Marcus was trying to work out a plea deal instead of actually working on the case, going through discovery or interviewing witnesses… responsibilities that every decent attorney must perform. I am attaching a docket minute entry from Marcus that also proves he was attempting to do a change of plea hearing, unbeknownst to any of us, including Eduardo. I am attaching emails requesting pertinent information and duties that were left unanswered and ignored by Marcus, instead of going through “all five bankers’ boxes of documents”. When Marcus motioned to withdraw as attorney he lied to the court that Eduardo was the one that refused to speak with him, when in fact it was the complete opposite. Furthermore, after Eduardo filed the motion to recuse attorney and revoke the plea, Marcus made all sorts of empty promises again to the family and to Eduardo. He went on record telling the court that it was a “misunderstanding”, saying part of it was due to error of the MCC staff, partial blame to himself and partly also the fault of Eduardo. That he was “now” speaking with his client. We documented all that we asked Marcus to do, which he promised to deliver, again to no avail.

We urge you to help us regain some type of faith in this failed process. A system that has not only let us down but has beaten us up, tortured us and punishes us to this day. Where is the justice?

Thank you,

Aphrodite Partalis, Zully Velazquez and Bianca Ganvik

[email protected] tel.312-694-3123 [email protected] [email protected]

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