  • 8/2/2019 Edinburgh Seminar Ski



    City of Edinburgh

    Scottish Gaelic: Dn ideannScots: Embra

    Edinburgh's skyline at dusk

    Coat of arms

    Logo of the City Council

    Nickname(s): "Auld Reekie", "Athens of the North"

    Motto: "Nisi Dominus Frustra" "Without the Lord, everything is in vain"

    Edinburgh shown within Scotland

    Coordinates: 555658N 3937W / 55.94944N 3.16028W

    Sovereign state United KingdomConstituent country Scotland

    Lieutenancy area Edinburgh

    Edinburgh is the capital city ofScotland, a position it has held since 1437.It is the seventh largest city in the United Kingdom and the second largest
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    Scottish city afterGlasgow. The City of Edinburgh Council is one ofScotland's 32 local governmentcouncil areas.

    Located in the south-east of Scotland, Edinburgh lies on the east coast ofthe Central Belt, along the Firth of Forth, near the North Sea. Owing to its

    rugged setting and vast collection of Medieval and Georgian architecture,including numerous stone tenements, it is often considered one of themost picturesque cities in Europe.

    The city forms part of the City of Edinburgh council area; the city councilarea includes urban Edinburgh and a 30-square-mile (78 km2) rural area.

    Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. The city was one of themajor centres ofthe Enlightenment, led by the University of Edinburgh,earning it the nickname Athens of the North. The Old Town and New Towndistricts of Edinburgh were listed as a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site in

    1995. There are over 4,500 listed buildings within the city. In the census of2001, Edinburgh had a total resident population of 448,625.

    Edinburgh is well-known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, a collection ofofficial and independent festivals held annually over about four weeks fromearly August. The number of visitors attracted to Edinburgh for the Festivalis roughly equal to the settled population of the city. The most famous ofthese events are the Edinburgh Fringe (the largest performing arts festivalin the world), the Edinburgh Comedy Festival (the largest comedy festivalin the world), the Edinburgh International Festival, the Edinburgh MilitaryTattoo, and the Edinburgh International Book Festival.

    Other notable events include the Hogmanay street party (31 December),Burns Night (25 January), St. Andrew's Day (30 November), and the BeltaneFire Festival (30 April).

    The city attracts 1 million visitors a year, making it the second most visitedtourist destination in the United Kingdom, after London.


    During its pre-history in the Iron and Bronze Ages, humans existed in the

    area around Holyrood, Craiglockhart Hill and the Pentland Hills, leavingtraces of primitive stone settlements.[3] At the time of its actual foundation,it was a part of the Kingdom of Northumbria, an Anglian kingdom on theeast side of Great Britain, spanning from the River Humberto the Firth ofForth.[4] The area surrounding Castle Rock, then known as "Lookout Hill,"became the foundation point.[4] On the hill Edwin of Northumbria a powerfulChristian king founded the fortress to secure the northern part of histerritory against invasion. This fortress was known in the Brythonic,_Edinburgh,_Scientific_and_Cultural_Organization's_Day,_Edinburgh,_Scientific_and_Cultural_Organization's_Day
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    language as Din Eidyn, which means "Edwin's fort" after the king. As thefortress grew, many houses were relocated towards the ridge of Castlehill.A layout began to form, when householders would be given the option tobe granted a "toft" or stretch of garden behind the ridge. The nameeventually developed through the English language into first Edwinesburch

    and then into Edinburgh, the name it is known by today. After the murder ofSt. Oswald King ofNorthumbria, Edinburgh fell under the control of theDanelaw.

    Hereford Mappa Mundi, featuring Edinburgh in 1300.

    In the 10th century, with the collapse of the Danelaw, the Scots capturedthe position. Then in the 12th century a small town flourished at the base ofthe castle known as Edinburgh, along side which another community roseup to the East around the Abbey of Holyrood, known as Holyrood. Togetherin the 13th century these became Royal Burghs. As a consequence ofEdinburgh's earlier Anglo-Saxon rule, Edinburgh and the Border countieslay in a disputed zone between England and Scotland, England claiming allAnglo-Saxon Domains as English territory, and Scotland claiming all

    territory as far south as Hadrian's Wall. The result was a long series ofborder wars and clashes, which often left Edinburgh Castle under Englishcontrol. It was not until the 15th century, when Edinburgh remained for themost firmly under Scottish control, that King James IV of Scotlandundertook to move the Royal Court from Stirling to Holyrood, makingEdinburgh by proxy Scotland's capital.

    As Edinburgh remained under Scottish rule, with the nearby port and RoyalBurgh ofLeith, Edinburgh flourished both economically and culturally. In1603, following King James VI's accession to the English and Irish thrones,James VI instituted the first executive Parliament of Scotland which met in

    the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle, later finding a home in the Tolbooth,before moving to purpose-built Parliament House, Edinburgh, which is nowhome to the Supreme Courts of Scotland. In 1639 disputes over theplanned merger, between the Presbyterian Church and the AnglicanChurch, and the demands by Charles I, to reunify the divided St. Giles'Cathedral, led to the Bishops' Wars, which in turn led to the English CivilWar, and the eventual occupation of Edinburgh by the Commonwealthforces ofOliver Cromwell. In the 1670s King Charles II commissioned the's_Wall,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh'_Cathedral'_Cathedral'_Wars's_Wall,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh'_Cathedral'_Cathedral'_Wars
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    rebuilding ofHolyrood Palace. 1732 saw Lord Lyon King of Arms grant acoat of arms to the Town Council, a modified version of which is usedtoday as the city's official emblem.

    An 1802 illustration of Edinburgh from the west.

    During the last Jacobite rebellion, Edinburgh was occupied by Jacobiteforces, after the retreat of Jacobite forces from Derby it was reoccupied byBritish forces under the command of the Prince William, Duke ofCumberland. Following the defeat of Jacobites there was a long period ofreprisals and pacification. At this time, the Hanoverian monarch wished tostamp his identity on Edinburgh and new developments to the north of thecastle were named in honour of the King and his family; George Street,Frederick Street, Hanover Street, Queen Street, Princes Street, CastleStreet and with control of the Rose of England and the Thistle ofScotland these names were also allocated to streets. The original plan forthis build was to be constructed in the form of King James VI's Union Flagand this shape can be detected when viewing the layout of theaforementioned streets from above.

    Out of the mess left behind by the consequences of the Jacobite rebellioncame a number of Scottish intellectuals, many from Edinburgh, includingAdam Smith, who felt it was time to put the history of the Clans of Scotlandbehind them and that this was a time for Scotland to modernise. Theypromoted the idea ofBritishness, and led Great Britain and the BritishEmpire into a golden age of economic and social reform and prosperity. Itwas during this period, that Edinburgh expanded beyond the limits of itscity walls, with the creation of the New Town, following the draining of theNor Loch, which has since become Princes Street Gardens. Edinburghbecame a major cultural centre, earning it the nickname Athens of theNorth because of the Greco-Roman style of the New Town's architecture,as well as the rise of the Scottish/British intellectual elite in the city, whowere increasingly leading both British and European intellectual thought.Edinburgh is particularly noted for its fine architecture, especially from theGeorgian period. In 17th-century Edinburgh, a defensive city wall definedthe boundaries of the city. Due to the restricted land area available fordevelopment, the houses increased in height instead. Buildings of 11stories were common, and there are records of buildings as high as 14stories and thus are thought to be the pioneers for the modern-day,_Duke_of_Cumberland,_Duke_of_Cumberland,_Duke_of_Cumberland,_Duke_of_Cumberland
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    skyscraper. Many of the stone-built structures can still be seen today in theold town of Edinburgh.

    In the 19th century, Edinburgh, like many cities, industrialised, but most ofthis was undertaken in Leith, which meant that Edinburgh as a whole did

    not grow greatly in size. Glasgow soon replaced it as the largest and mostprosperous city in Scotland, becoming the industrial, commercial and tradecentre, while Edinburgh remained almost purely Scotland's intellectual andcultural centre, which it remains to this day as one of the greatest culturalcentres of the UK.

    Panorama of the Old Town and Southside of Edinburgh from the Nelson monument.

    The term panorama was originally coined by the Irish painterRobert Barkerto describe his panoramic paintings of Edinburgh.


    The historic centre of Edinburgh is divided into two by the broad greenswath ofPrinces Street Gardens. To the south the view is dominated by

    Edinburgh Castle, perched atop the extinct volcanic crag, and the longsweep of the Old Town trailing after it along the ridge. To the north liesPrinces Street and the New Town. The gardens were begun in 1816 onbogland which had once been the Nor Loch. To the immediate west of thecastle lies the financial district, housing insurance and banking buildings.Probably the most noticeable building here is the circular sandstonebuilding that is the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

    Old Town

    The Old Town has preserved its medieval plan and many Reformation-era

    buildings. One end is closed by the castle and the main artery, the RoyalMile, leads away from it; minor streets (called closes or wynds) leaddownhill on either side of the main spine in a herringbone pattern. Largesquares mark the location of markets or surround public buildings such asSt. Giles' Cathedral and the Law Courts. Other notable places nearbyinclude the Royal Museum of Scotland, Surgeons' Hall and McEwan Hall.The street layout is typical of the old quarters of many northern European,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh'_Cathedral,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh'_Cathedral
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    cities, and where the castle perches on top of a rocky crag (the remnants ofan extinct volcano) the Royal Mile runs down the crest of a ridge from it.

    Due to space restrictions imposed by the narrowness of the "tail", the OldTown became home to some of the earliest "high rise" residential

    buildings. Multi-storey dwellings known as lands were the norm from the1500s onwards with ten and eleven stories being typical and one evenreaching fourteen stories. Additionally, numerous vaults below street levelwere inhabited to accommodate the influx of (mainly Irish) immigrantsduring the Industrial Revolution. These continue to fuel legends of anunderground city to this day. Today there are tours of Edinburgh whichtake you into the underground city, Edinburgh Vaults.

    New Town

    Map of the city, showing New and Old Towns

    The New Town was an 18th century solution to the problem of anincreasingly crowded Old Town. The city had remained incredibly compact,confined to the ridge running down from the castle. In 1766 a competitionto design the New Town was won by James Craig, a 22-year-old architect.The plan that was built created a rigid, ordered grid, which fitted well withenlightenment ideas of rationality. The principal street was to be GeorgeStreet, which follows the natural ridge to the north of the Old Town. Eitherside of it are the other main streets ofPrinces Street and Queen Street.Princes Street has since become the main shopping street in Edinburgh,and few Georgian buildings survive on it. Linking these streets were aseries of perpendicular streets. At the east and west ends are St. AndrewSquare and Charlotte Square respectively. The latter was designed byRobert Adam and is often considered one of the finest Georgian squares inthe world. Bute House, the official residence of the First Minister ofScotland, is on the north side of Charlotte Square.

    Sitting in the glen between the Old and New Towns was the Nor' Loch,which had been both the city's water supply and place for dumpingsewage. By the 1820s it was drained. Some plans show that a canal wasintended but Princes Street Gardens were created instead. Excess soilfrom the construction of the buildings was dumped into the loch, creating,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh
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    what is now The Mound. In the mid-19th century the National Gallery ofScotland and Royal Scottish Academy Building were built on The Mound,and tunnels to Waverley Station driven through it.

    The Mound, Edinburgh

    The New Town was so successful that it was extended greatly. The gridpattern was not maintained, but rather a more picturesque layout wascreated. Today the New Town is considered by many to be one of the finestexamples ofGeorgian architecture and planning in the world.

    South side

    A popular residential part of the city is its south side, comprising a numberof areas including St Leonards, Marchmont,Polwarth, Newington, Sciennes,The Grange, Bruntsfield, Morningside, and Merchiston. "South side" isbroadly analogous to the area covered by the Burgh Muir, and grew inpopularity as a residential area following the opening of the South Bridge.These areas are particularly popular with families (many well-regardedstateand private schools are located here), students (the central University ofEdinburgh campus is based around George Square just north ofMarchmont and the Meadows, and Napier University has major campusesaround Merchiston & Morningside), and with festival-goers. These areasare also the subject of fictional work: Ian Rankin's Inspector Rebus lives inMarchmont and worked in St Leonards; and Morningside is the home ofMuriel Spark's Miss Jean Brodie. Today, the literary connection continues,with the area being home to the authors J. K. Rowling, Ian Rankin, andAlexander McCall Smith.,_Edinburgh&action=edit&redlink=1,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh&action=edit&redlink=1,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh
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    Forth Road Bridge


    Leith is the port of Edinburgh. It still retains a separate identity fromEdinburgh, and it was a matter of great resentment when, in 1920, the

    burgh of Leith was merged[22]

    into the county ofEdinburgh. Even today theparliamentary seat is known as 'Edinburgh North and Leith'. With theredevelopment of Leith, Edinburgh has gained the business of a number ofcruise linercompanies which now provide cruises to Norway,Sweden,Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Leith also has the Royal YachtBritannia, berthed behind the Ocean Terminal and Easter Road, the homeground ofHibernian.


    The Scott Monument

    The varied terrain of the city includes several summits which commandsweeping views over Edinburgh.,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh.jpg,_Edinburgh.jpg,_Edinburgh
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    To the southeast of central Edinburgh stands the eminence known asArthur's Seat, overlooking Holyroodhouse and the Old Town beside it. Thecrag is a collection of side vents of the main volcano on which Edinburghis built. The volcano slipped and tipped sideways, leaving these vents asthe highest points for kilometres around. Arthur's Seat is now part of

    Holyrood Park, originally owned by the monarch and part of the grounds ofthe Palace of Holyroodhouse. It contains the United Kingdom's largestconcentration ofgeologicalSSSIs. It was in Edinburgh that James Huttonproduced his pioneering work on scientific geology.

    To the northeast, overlooking the New Town, is Calton Hill. Recentlyshortlisted as one of the best views in Britain, it is topped by an assortmentof buildings and monuments: two observatories, Nelson's Monument (atower dedicated to Admiral Horatio Nelson), the old Royal High School(once almost the home of a devolved Scottish Assembly), and theunfinished National Monument, which is modelled on the Parthenon from

    the AthenianAcropolis and is nicknamed "Edinburgh's Disgrace". Thenickname of the city, "Athens of the North", also hails partly from thismonument. Calton Hill plays host to the Beltane Fire Festival on 30 Aprileach year.

    The Royal Observatory rests on Blackford Hill, the third and southernmostviewpoint of the city.



    Like much of the rest of Scotland, Edinburgh has a temperatemaritimeclimate, which is relatively mild despite its northerly latitude. Winters areespecially mild, considering that Moscow, Labradorand Newfoundland lieon the same latitude, with daytime temperatures rarely falling belowfreezing. Summer temperatures are normally moderate, with daily uppermaxima rarely exceeding 22 C. The proximity of the city to the seamitigates any large variations in temperature or extremes of climate. GivenEdinburgh's position between the coast and hills, it is renowned as a windycity, with the prevailing wind direction coming from the south-west whichis associated with warm, unstable air from the Gulf Stream that can give

    rise to rainfall - although considerably less than cities to the west, such asGlasgow. Indeed, Edinburgh receives a lower annual precipitation totalthan most UK cities outside the south-east of England. Winds from aneasterly direction are usually drier but colder. Rainfall is distributed fairlyevenly throughout the year. Vigorous Atlantic depressions - sometimescalled European windstorms can affect the city between October and May.'s_Seat,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh's_Monument,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh's_Seat,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh's_Monument,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh
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    Edinburgh Castle, as viewed from Princes Street

    Some 350 and 400 million years ago, the cores of several volcanic vents inthe area cooled and solidified to form tough basaltvolcanic plugs. Later,during the last ice age, glaciers moving from west to east eroded the areato its current conformation. Louis Agassiz, who first proposed the

    scientific theory of ice ages, used evidence from Blackford Glen to supportthe theory.

    Old Town

    Castle Rock is one such plug, which during ice ages sheltered the softerrock to the east forming a mile-long tail of material to the east, creating adistinctive crag and tail formation. This structure, along with a ravine to thesouth and a swampy valley to the north, formed an ideal natural fortressand recent excavations found material dating back to the Late Bronze Age,around 850 BC.[24]

    Over the last few hundred years, the area occupied by this geologicalfeature has come to be known as the Old Town. Edinburgh Castle standson the crag, and the Royal Mile follows the narrow crest of the steep-sidedtail, descending from the castle to meet general ground level at HolyroodPalace. The Grassmarket and Cowgate run eastwest through the ravine tothe south, while the swamp of the Nor Loch has now been drained to formPrinces Street Gardens, and accommodates Edinburgh Waverley railwaystation.

    Arthur's Seat

    Like the castle rock on which Edinburgh Castle is built, Arthur's Seat wasformed by an extinct volcano system of the Carboniferous period, whichwas eroded by a glaciermoving from west to east during the Quaternary,exposing rocky crags to the west and leaving a tail of material swept to theeast.[25] This is how the Salisbury Crags formed and became teschenitecliffs between Arthur's Seat and the city centre.[26],_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh's_Seat,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh's_Seat,_Edinburgh
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    Panoramic view of Edinburgh from the top ofArthur's Seat



    Culturally, Edinburgh is best known for the Edinburgh Festival, althoughthis is in fact a series of separate events, which run from the end of Julyuntil early September each year. The longest established festival is the

    Edinburgh International Festival, which first ran in 1947. The InternationalFestival centres on a programme of high-profile theatre productions andclassical music performances, featuring international directors,conductors, theatre companies and orchestras.

    The International Festival has since been taken over in both size andpopularity by the Edinburgh Fringe. What began as a programme ofmarginal acts has become the largest arts festival in the world, with 1867different shows being staged in 2006, in 261 venues. Comedy is now one ofthe mainstays of the Fringe, with numerous notable comedians gettingtheir 'break' here, often through receipt of the Perrier Award.

    In 2008 the largest comedy venues on the Edinburgh Fringe launched as afestival within a festival, labelled the Edinburgh Comedy Festival. Alreadyat its inception it was the largest comedy festival in the world.[39]

    The Iron Duke in bronze by John Steell outside the Balmoral Hotel

    Alongside these major festivals, there is also the Edinburgh Art Festival,Edinburgh International Film Festival (moved to June from 2008), theEdinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival, and the Edinburgh International BookFestival. The Edge Festival (formerly known as T on the Fringe), a popularmusic offshoot of the Fringe, began in 2000, replacing the smaller Flux and's_Seat,_Edinburgh,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington's_Seat,_Edinburgh,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington
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    Planet Pop series of shows. Tigerfest is an independent music festivalwhich ran concurrently with the Fringe in 2004 and 2005 before moving to aMay slot in 2006.

    Running concurrently with the summer festivals, the Edinburgh Military

    Tattoo occupies the Castle Esplanade every night, with massed pipers andfireworks.

    The Edinburgh International Science Festival is held annually in April andis one of the most popular science festivals in the world.


    A Viking longship being burnt during Edinburgh's annual Hogmanay celebrations.

    Equally famous is the annual Hogmanay celebration. Originally simply astreet party held on Princes Street and the Royal Mile, the Hogmanay eventhas been officially organised since 1993. In 1996, over 300,000 peopleattended, leading to ticketing of the main street party in later years, with a

    limit of 100,000 tickets. Hogmanay now covers four days of processions,concerts and fireworks, with the actual street party commencing on NewYear's Eve. During the street party Princes Street is accessible by ticketonly, allowing access into Princes Street where there are live bandsplaying, food and drink stalls, and a clear view of the castle and fireworks.Alternative tickets are available for entrance into the Princes StreetGardens concert and Ceilidh, where well known artists perform and ticketholders are invited to participate in traditional Scottish Ceilidh dancing.The event attracts thousands of people from all over the world. On thenight of 30 April, the Beltane Fire Festival takes place on Edinburgh'sCalton Hill. The festival involves a procession followed by the re-enactmentof scenes inspired by pagan spring fertility celebrations.,_Edinburgh,_Edinburgh
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    A panorama of Edinburgh published by the Illustrated London News in 1868



    Edinburgh has two professional football clubs - Heart of Midlothian andHibernian. They are known locally as Hearts and Hibs and both teamscurrently play in the Scottish Premier League. Hibs play at Easter RoadStadium, which straddles the former boundary between Edinburgh andLeith, while Hearts play at Tynecastle Stadium in Gorgie.

    Edinburgh was also home to senior sides St Bernard's, Ferranti Thistle andLeith Athletic. Most recently, Meadowbank Thistle played at MeadowbankStadium until 1995, when the club moved to Livingston, shedding their oldname and becoming Livingston F.C.. The Scottish national team has

    sometimes played at Easter Road and Tynecastle.

    Non-league sides include Spartans and Edinburgh City, who play in theEast of Scotland League along with Civil Service Strollers F.C., LothianThistle F.C., Edinburgh University A.F.C., Edinburgh Athletic F.C.,Tynecastle F.C., Craigroyston F.C. and Heriot-Watt University F.C..Edinburgh United F.C. plays in the Scottish Junior Football Association,East Region.


    Edinburgh has the strongest economy of any city in the UK outsideLondon. The strength of Edinburgh's economy is reflected by its GVA percapita, which was measured at 28,238 in 2005. The economy of Edinburghand its hinterland has recently been announced as one of the fastestgrowing city regions in Europe Education and health, finance and businessservices, retailing and tourism are the largest employers. The economy ofEdinburgh is largely based around the services sector centred aroundbanking, financial services, higher education, and tourism. Unemployment's_F.C.,_West_Lothian,_East_Region,_East_Region's_F.C.,_West_Lothian,_East_Region,_East_Region
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    in Edinburgh is low at 1.9%, which has been consistently below theScottish average.

    The remains ofHolyrood Abbey

    Banking has been a part of the economic life of Edinburgh for over 300years with the invention of capitalism in the city, with the establishment ofthe Bank of Scotland by an act of the original Parliament of Scotland in1695. Their headquarters are on the Mound, overlooking Princes Street.Today, together with the burgeoning financial services industry, withparticular strengths in insurance and investment underpinned by thepresence of Edinburgh based firms such as Scottish Widows and StandardLife, Edinburgh has emerged as Europe's sixth largest financial centre. TheRoyal Bank of Scotland, which is the fifth largest in the world by marketcapitalisation, opened their new global headquarters at Gogarburn in thewest of the city in October 2005; theirregistered office remains in St.Andrew Square.

    Manufacturing has never had as strong a presence in Edinburgh comparedwith Glasgow; howeverbrewing, publishing, and nowadays electronicshave maintained a foothold in the city. While brewing has been in decline inrecent years, with the closure of the McEwan's Brewery in 2005, CaledonianBrewery remains as the largest, with Scottish and Newcastle retaining theirheadquarters in the city.

    Tourism is an important economic mainstay in the city. As a World HeritageSite, tourists come to visit such historical sites as Edinburgh Castle, thePalace of Holyroodhouse and the Georgian New Town. This is augmentedin August of each year with the presence of the Edinburgh Festivals, whichbring in large numbers of visitors, generating in excess of 100m for theEdinburgh economy.

    As the centre of Scotland's devolved government, as well as its legalsystem, the public sector plays a central role in the economy of Edinburghwith many departments of the Scottish Government located in the city.Other major employers include NHS Scotland and local governmentadministration.'s_Brewery,_Edinburgh's_Brewery,_Edinburgh
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    Edinburgh City Chambers is the headquarters of the City of Edinburgh Council.

    Following local government reorganisation in 1996, Edinburgh constitutesone of the 32 Unitary Authorities of Scotland. Today, the City of EdinburghCouncil is the administrative body for the local authority and has itspowers stipulated by the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994. Like

    all other unitary and island authorities in Scotland, the council has powersover most matters of local administration such as housing, planning, localtransport, parks, economic development and regeneration. The council iscomposed of 58 elected councillors, returned from 17 multi-memberelectoral wards in the city. Each ward elects three or four councillors by thesingle transferable vote system, to produce a form ofproportionalrepresentation. Following the 2007 Scottish Local Elections the incumbentLabour Party lost majority control of the council, after 23 years, to a LiberalDemocrat/SNP coalition.

    Since 2007, the council has operated a committee structure, headed by the

    Lord Provost, who chairs the full council and acts as a figurehead for thecity. The Provost, currently George Grubb, also serves as ex officio theLord Lieutenant of the city. A Leader and Executive, appointed by the fullcouncil, are responsible for the day-to-day running of the cityadministration. Jenny Dawe has been the Council Leader since May 2007.Councillors are also appointed to sit on the boards of public bodies suchas Lothian and Borders Police and the Forth Estuary Transport Authority.

    In terms of national governance, Edinburgh is represented in the ScottishParliament. For electoral purposes, the city area is divided between six ofthe nine constituencies in the Lothianselectoral region. Each constituency

    elects one Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) by the first past thepost system of election, and the region elects seven additional MSPs, toproduce a form of proportional representation.

    Edinburgh is also represented in the House of Commons by 5 Members ofParliament elected from single member constituencies by the pluralitysystem. One of the local constituencies, Edinburgh South West, isrepresented by Alistair Darling the current UK Chancellor of the Exchequer.,_2007#Scotland,_2005,_2005,_2007#Scotland,_2005,_2005
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    Religious communities

    The three spires ofSt Mary's Cathedral


    The Church of Scotland claims the largest membership of any religiousdenomination in Edinburgh. Its most important and historical church is StGiles' Cathedral; others include Greyfriars Kirk, Barclay Church, CanongateKirk and St Andrew's and St George's Church. In the south east of the cityis the 12th century Duddingston Kirk. The Church of Scotland Offices arelocated in Edinburgh, as is the Assembly Hall and New College on TheMound.

    The Roman Catholic Church also has a sizeable presence in the city. Itsnotable structures include St Mary's Cathedral at the top of Leith Walk, theSacred Heart ofJesus, St Patrick's, St. Columba's, St. Peter's and Star ofthe Sea. The Catholic community in Edinburgh is part of the Archdiocese ofSt Andrews and Edinburgh, which is led by Keith Cardinal O'Brien,considered to be the leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland.

    The Free Church of Scotland (Reformed and Presbyterian) hascongregations on the Royal Mile and Crosscauseway; its offices andtraining college are located on the Mound. The Scottish Episcopal Churchis part of the Anglican Communion. Its centre is the resplendent St Mary'sCathedral, Palmerston Place in the west end.'s_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)'_Cathedral'_Cathedral's_and_St_George's_Church,_Edinburgh's_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Catholic)'Brien's_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)'s_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)'s_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)'_Cathedral'_Cathedral's_and_St_George's_Church,_Edinburgh's_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Catholic)'Brien's_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)'s_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)
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    St. Giles' Cathedral

    In addition, there are a number of independent churches situatedthroughout the city; these churches tend to have a high percentage ofstudent congregants and include Destiny Church, Charlotte Chapel,Carrubbers Christian Centre and Bellevue Chapel.

    Other faiths

    Edinburgh Central Mosque - Edinburgh's main mosque and Islamic Centreis located on Potterow on the city's southside, near Bristo Square. It wasopened in the late 1990s and the construction was largely financed by a giftfrom King Fahd ofSaudi Arabia. The first recorded presence of a Jewishcommunity in Edinburgh dates back to the late 17th century. Edinburgh'sOrthodoxsynagogue is located in Salisbury Road, which was opened in1932 and can accommodate a congregation of 2000. A Liberal congregationalso meets in the city. There is also a Sikh Gurdwara and HinduMandirinthe city which are both located in the Leith district.'_Cathedral'_Cathedral

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