Page 1: Edex Magazine April 2013
Page 2: Edex Magazine April 2013
Page 3: Edex Magazine April 2013
Page 4: Edex Magazine April 2013


Kamal Abeysinghe Chairman

Abhaya AmaradasaConsultant

Nandun Fernando Editor

Sharlene de ChickeraManager - Career Services

M. KanapathipillaiEditorial Consultant

Ashokbharan Kumaraguruparan Assistant Editor

Nirojini KanapathipillaiKusum Nandika Gunawardhane

Editorial Assistants

Deepal MalalasekaraGraphic/Page Layout Designer

PUblIShED by

EDEX SecretariatRCU Skills Centre

Royal College UnionRajakeeya Mawatha

Colombo 07

Tel: +94 (11) 4327070E-mail: [email protected]

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Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.

Vg;uy; khjNk ngUk;ghYk; midtuhYk; cs;ehl;L Ritahd czTfis cz;Zk; re;jh;gj;jpid toq;Fk; tpohf; fhykhf Nghw;wg;gLfpd;wJ. ,f;fhyj;ij jtpu cs;ehl;lth;fSf;F $Ljyhf ,t;thwhd Njrpa czT gz;lq;fis cz;gjw;f;F kl;Lky;y ghh;itapLtjw;f;Fkhd re;jh;g;gk; xUtUlk; mw;Wg; Nghfpd;wJ.mjid tPl;by; nra;tJ njhlh;ghfTk; vtUk; rpe;jpg;gjpy;iy.Vnddpy; gpw Ntiyfspdhy; Neukw;W ,Ug;gjhFk;. NkYk; vkf;F czTfis jahhpf;fk; ty;yik ,Ug;gpDk; mj;jFjpfis ntWg;gJld; %iyapYs;s filfspd; czTg; nghjpfSld; nraw;ifapyhd Ritf;Nf ehk; toprikf;fpd;Nwhk;.

,t;thW r%fj;jpy; ,t;thwhd czTg; nghjpfSf;F tuNtw;g;G ,Uf;Fk; gl;rj;jpy; cq;fSf;fhd Ra tpahghu jpwid tsh;f;f Kbfpd;wJ. ,J rikj;jy; my;yJ nghjp nra;tjw;fhd jpwikahfTk;; my;yJ Nff; jahhpf;Fk; jpwdhfTk; ,Uf;f KbAk;.,t;thwhd jpwd;fs; cq;fshy; mq;fPfhpf;fg;glhky; cq;fSf;Fs; xope;jpUf;fpd;wJ.

,t;thwhd kiwe;jpUf;Fk; jpwd;fSld; tpUg;G kw;Wk; mh;g;gzpg;Gk; cq;fs; jpwikfspy; nfhz;bUf;Fk; ek;gpf;ifAk; cz;ikj;jd;ikAk; cq;fs; tho;tpd; ntw;wpf;F toprikg;gJ kl;Lky;yhJ cq;fs; Nehf;fj;jpidAk; rPuikf;fpd;wJ. ,k; khj rQ;rpifapy; ehk; vLj;Jf;nfhs;;Sk; ,t;thf;fkhdJ ,j;JiwapYs;s mNefkhd toptiffis glk; gpbj;Jf; fhl;Lfpd;wJ.

nefpo;tw;w jdpg;gl;l tpopg;Gzh;tpid tpLj;J cq;fspd; fz;fspid rikaw;fiyAyfpy; jpwe;J itg;gPh;fshapd; mq;Nf mNef re;jh;g;gq;fs; cq;fSf;fhf fhj;Jf; nfhz;bUf;fpd;wd. ,J ,dpg;ghd xU cyfj;jpd; Gjpa njhopyhFk;.








Y%S ,xldj ;=, úúO flafIa;%hkays

úysÿkq jD;a;Sh wjia:d ms,sn|j ld,Sk

f;dr;=re f.dkqjla bÈßm;a lrk jD;a;Sh

ud¾f.damfoaYl fiajhla f,i t,solajk EDEX iÕrdj fujr;a kj jD;a;Sh lafIa;%hka

ms,sn|j Tn ieu ±kqj;a lsÍug iQodkï'

fydag,a iy fílß l¾udka;h wm rg ;=,

iS>%j j¾Okh fjñka mj;sk lafIa;%hla'

b;d uE;la jk;=reu fujeks lafIa;%hkays

/lshdjla ms,snoj fndfyda fokd ;=,

Wkkaÿjla ;snqfkau ke;s ;rï'

idïm%odhslj ms,s.ekSula we;s jD;a;Shla f;dard

fkdf.k ;u iyc olaI;djhka flfrys

úYajdih ;nd wêIaGdkh" W;aidyh yd

lemùu ;=,ska ksjerÈ ÿrolakd kqjKska hq;=j

fuu lafIa;%hg tod msúis mqoa.,hska wo fuu

lafIa;%fha Èÿ,k ;re njg m;aj isà'

tjeks mqoa.,hska lsysm fofkl= iuÕ isÿl<

iïuqL idlÉcd weiqßka ms<sfh, jQ ,sms

fm,la fujr l,dmh ;=, wm m<lrkafka

idïm%odhslj fkdis;d kj lafIa;%hkays

jD;a;Sh wjia:d .ek Wkkaÿjlska fidhdn,d

lghq;= lsÍu ksid Tjqka ,o id¾:l;ajh Tn

fj; f.kyer mEughs'

kj;djfhka is;d ieÕjqKq wjia:djka u;=lr

f.k ta ;=,ska ;u jD;a;sh f.dv k.d.ekSug

Tng msgqjy,la fï ;=<ska ,efíhehs wms is;uq'

iqm%isoaO bx.%Sis od¾Yksl *%ekaisia fílka

uy;d b;d wk¾. lshukl fufia lshd we;'

zzkqjke;s ;eke;a;d ;uka fj; tk

wjia:djkag jvd jeä hula ;u W;aidyfhka

u;=lr .kSZZ

A necessary industry with with fascinating careers ....................12Buns for your career ............................14fílßhla ;=, Tfí jD;a;sh....................16Bakery industry a professionin the making ......................................18fílß l¾udka;h msìfok jD;a;shls .....20ntJg;gff; ifj;njhopy; xU thz;ikj;

njhopyhf cUthf;fy; ......................................22Chefs and cooks ..................................24Know your onions .................................25jiyikr; rikaw;fhuh;fs; kw;Wk; rikaw;fhuh;fs; ....................................................26cq;fSf;fhd cs;slf;fq;fis mwpe;J

nfhs;Sq;fs;; ........................................................27Careers Chart .......................................28Enabling Sri Lankan youth to shine in the food industry ............................30,yq;if ,isQh;fis czTj;Jiwapy;

kpspur; nra;jy; ..........................................31Fine tune yourself to succeed as a culinary professional ........................32wdydr ieliqï lafIa;%fhys jD;a;Sh id¾:l;ajh ,nkakg ishqïj ierfiuq .....34

12. Careers

03.Reaching astronomical heights with gastronomical skills ............................03iqmfõÈ Ys,amfhys ysksfm;a;g ,.djQ ,dxflah ;drldj .....................................06rikaw; jpwikfspd; %yk; thdsT cauj;jpid nrd;wiljy; .....................09


April, for most of us, signify a festive season with host of opportunities to savour many local delicacies. Strangely, though most such delicacies are ‘local’, we don’t even see them for a good part of the year. To prepare them at home is not even considered as an option. Though lack of time due to other engagements may be a compelling reason, it is by no means an exaggeration to say that despite being well talented in preparing meals and cooking delicacies, most of us tend to ignore those capabilities and settle for corner shop food packs with mundane taste.

The need for such food packs among many in our society could very well be an opportunity for a budding entrepreneur with talent. It may be the talent for cooking or for baking; or even, dressing cakes. These are talents that lie idling within yourselves, unrecognised.

Such hidden skills, with passion and dedication for what you believe in and faith in your own skills, will certainly lead to success in life, even surpassing your own goals. The articles that we carry in this issue will showcase how that will be possible for many.

Unmoved by conservative view points, if you open your eyes to the world of culinary arts, there are many opportunities to savour.

It’s a sweet world of fresh careers!

48. ITmNlhgp /NghNlhN\hg;; mwpKfk; ..............48

Mw;wy; kw;Wk; #oy;rhH tbtikg;gpy;

jiyikj;Jtk; ........................................45

.eUqßka is;kak" mqxÑ l%shdjlska fmkajkak ................................................46Mw;wy; kw;Wk; #oy;rhH tbtikg;gpy;

jiyikj;Jtk; .......................................47

45. Green

42. EDEX Sithuwam

What a lot they are missing! ................50Decision of a life time ..........................52

50. Education

Rationality and leadership ..................54guPl;irfs;; kl;LNk tho;f;if my;y! ........56

54. Youth

cq;fSila Ra tpguf;Nfhit

gw;wpa rpy jfty;fs;;; ...............................36

Tfí Ôj o;a; igyk ms<sn| jeo.;a lreKq .........................................38Strike while iron is hot .........................40

Page 5: Edex Magazine April 2013

Pinnacle 3

with gastronomical skills

Qualified Dietician, Diploma in CookingCulinary Consultant – Hilton International

Sri Lanka Sikhamani Felicia Wakwella Sorensen

Dubbed as "The Queen of Curries", Felicia is the world's best known Sri Lankan Chef and an

acclaimed expert on Sri Lankan cuisine. She is world renowned for her curries, chutneys and roasted spices.

Her love and passion for it made her travel the globe, putting Sri Lankan cuisine on the global ‘cookery-map’.

Felicia has been a Guest Chef at the Great Chefs Weekend Event at the Resort Mondavi Winery and has won many

awards including the prestigious Escoffier Award. She authored The Exotic Taste of Paradise, a world famous

book on cookery. She lent her flair and expertise at many food promotions overseas in countries such as Maldives,

Mauritius, Singapore, Indonesia and The Philippines. A great Chef, food writer, cookbook editor, author and

columnist, Felicia was honoured with the national title of Sri Lanka Sikhamani in 1992.

Reaching astronomical heights

Having conquered the world of cookery through sheer talent and unfailing desire, Sri Lanka Sikhamani Felicia Wakwella Sorensen shares her wealth of experience in the field of professional cooking with EDEX Magazine, to enthuse our aspiring youth.

Interviewed and narrated by Sharlene De Chickera and Nirojini Kanapathipillai.

Page 6: Edex Magazine April 2013


Q: how did you venture into the world of cuisine?

As I was always in the kitchen learning how to cook, helping my mother and aunties in their kitchens and learning the art of cooking. I really loved cooking and this passion caught on like a fire. This is the main message I want to give to those who have an inherent talent in cooking and who love to cook - go further with it, without letting it idle.

As I loved cooking, at 16 years I was sent for a basic cookery class. I then went to England and obtained a Diploma in Cooking from City & Guilds, London. After marriage, I came to live in a plantation bungalow. With my love for cooking I started teaching the people in close touch with me how to make pizza and other useful European savoury and sweet items. I also used the fruits grown in the garden to produce chutneys and sold them at a local supermarket. Those days “Felicia’s Chutney’s” was a speciality.

Later I left for Hong Kong. While being at a party at the Hilton Hotel in Hong Kong I met the General Manager and his wife who were impressed with my saree and Sri Lankan ensemble. I was subsequently offered a job as a Receptionist. One day after eating some chicken curry at the coffee shop I pointed out to the chef that it was not properly made. At the chef’s request, I demonstrated to the chef at the hotel’s kitchen how to make a chicken curry, which was even picked up by the media who were present in the hotel kitchen. Chicken curry was appreciated by the chef himself and was put on the hotel’s menu as a special feature.

One vital lesson that I learnt from this episode was to be confident in one’s abilities. I was forward in my approach to life and thought “I can teach the chef to cook!” I believed in my capabilities as a cook. Believe in yourself. Do the best you can.

I never looked back from that point and went on to conquer different aspects of cookery conducting food promotions and writing my own recipe books.

Q: Is cooking an art or a career?

Cooking is an art, for which you need to have a passion, too. When your skill in that art accompanies the passion, you have a career in it. However, it is

a pressurizing career. You have to get in to it with a lot of love, commitment and passion. You are not born as a cook, but shall become a cook through hard work. In fact, it is evident that more and more women are now becoming chefs, choosing this field as a career. I was lucky enough to have jumped into

the limelight at an early point in my career. But it must be stated that if you have the talent the world is your “chopping board” literally. From Bohemian to cuisine cooking is an art, a passion and one which a youth can master. It is a learning experience of a life-time so there is never a dull moment.

Always believe that you can do it and you will succeed even if some ingredients for success may be missing

Page 7: Edex Magazine April 2013

Pinnacle 5

Appreciate your personal strengths. It’s your efforts that will make your dreams possbile

Q: What are the unique aspects of this industry in Sri lanka?

The food industry has evolved and with the use of modern technology it has rocketed to great heights. There are cookery demonstrations aired on television shows locally and even foreign ones.

In Sri Lanka there is an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables to delight any cook. There is also an interesting variety of sea-food that will tantalise any palette. Sri Lankan chefs can always use a ‘twist of spice’ and create gastronomical wonders.

Q: What traits are required for a talented person to reach higher in his or her career as a cook or chef?

Talent is inborn. You have to use it. Whatever talent the youth possess they have to use it. In the realm of cooking you have to combine this talent by experimenting and having a desire to continuously learn. You must also remember that you can’t reach the top at once. But there should be a perpetual hunger to reach the top. A youth must want to make something of him or herself.

Ordinary cooking or cuisine, a good chef must know how to cook up anything that is in the refrigerator. Cuisine is the fusion of different foods, flavours and an amalgamation of cultures. Fusion foods compliment one another. You also need to learn the art of cookery of many countries to add flair and flavour. I once traded my pair of earrings to learn a secret recipe of a Thai-woman who was preparing papaya salad on the beach.

One also must have the firm belief that he or she is not doing a low class job. A career as a cook or a chef is globally recognised in the current context and can be equated to any other career in the world.

Q: What is the scope locally and globally in this field?

The scope depends on the guts to go forward, work hard and the desire to be recognised one day. I have become an ambassador for Sri Lankan cuisine and am justly proud of it, because I have not had any major qualifications other than my talent and desire.

Youth who are talented and suitably qualified can join a hotel or a restaurant. They can also aspire to get employment overseas. Locally the scope is rapidly expanding, along with the boom in tourism.

Also, there is no gender bias in this field. Lots of women are now in the field of professional cooking, both locally and globally, having being exposed to an expanding scope that reaches beyond domestic kitchens.

Q: how shall a Sri lankan youth pursue this career, if interested?

Way back in the 1960s when I started out on this path, there was next to nothing for me to sharpen my skills, except my own ingenuity. It was because of my own personality and conviction in my own talents that I kept moving forward. I was driven by my passion for cookery.

But that situation has changed significantly by today. At present, there is a well structured framework in the industry that clearly identifies the way to the top in one’s career. That includes a career of a cook or chef. The scope for youth to qualify and enhance their skills is varied and expanded. There are well recognised places such as hotel schools that offer well planned academic and training courses. Unlike earlier days, there are many aspects such as culinary shows, computerised food and beverage management systems and especially the internet that empower cooks and chefs.

The youth shall follow the path

that exists within a clear framework for

progress. It is advisable for an interested

youth to attend a reputed hotel school

and then take other salient steps in his

or her career. There are many reputed

hotel schools in Sri Lanka.

If the youth can afford he or she

should endeavour to go to Switzerland

or France and really learn the art of

cooking, as I feel these two countries

offer the best.

Q: What opportunities are there for Sri lankan youth to gain exposure in this field?

The Chefs Guild of Sri Lanka

organizes an exhibition which paves the

way for all hotel chefs in Sri Lanka, to

take part in competitions and actively

showcase their talents. These include

areas such as bread making, chocolates,

weddings and many other categories.

The Chef’s Guild awards medals of

competence in Gold, Silver and Bronze


Through shows like this aspiring

youth can gain exposure and show their

talents to the world. It is also a great

platform for personnel to get recruited.

This year’s show will be held mid-year.

The show to be held at the BMICH is

open to general public. Those interested

in cooking should visit this exhibition as

it provides a wealth of experience and motivation.

Page 8: Edex Magazine April 2013


idlÉPd igyk" Yd,ska ã Ñflaard iy ksfrdacks lkm;sms,af,hs"

mßj¾:kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks'

iQmfõÈ Ys,amfhysysksfm;a;g ,.djQ ,dxflah ;drldj

Page 9: Edex Magazine April 2013

Pinnacle 7

m% ( Tn fuu lafIa;%hg msúisfha flfia o@

l=vd wjêfha isgu uu l%Svd

lrkjd fjkqjg uf.a uj;a

kekao,d;a f.or uq¿;ekaf.hs

bjqï msyqï lrk úg tys isáñka

lEu ms<sfh, lrk wdldrh iy

l,dj bf.k.;a;d' ta i|yd ug

buy;a leue;a;la fukau ;shqKq

wdorhlao ;snqKd' we;af;kau

uu leu;shs leu ms<sfh, lsÍug

iyc olaI;djka we;s whg" tla

Wmfoila fokak' ta ;uhs ;u

yelshdj hgm;a jkakg bvfkd§

bÈßhg f.khkak W;aidy lsÍu'

bjqï msyqï j,g ug we;s wdYdj

ksidu udj wjqreÿ 16 § iqmYdia;%

mdGud,djlg fhduqlrkq ,enqjd

bka wk;=rej tx.,ka;hg f.dia

iqmYdia;%h ms<sn|j ämaf,daudjla Chefs Guild fj;ska ud ,enqjd'

újdyfhka miq uu kej; Y%s

,xldjg meñKshd' iqmYdia;%h

ms<sn|j udf.a jq wdorh ksidu

uu ud <.ska weiqre l< whg

msÜid iy f.or fodr idod.;

yels wfkla lEu j¾. ms<sn|j

b.ekaùug mgka .;a;d' tfukau

f.j;af;a jevqkq m<;=re Wmfhda.S

lrf.k pÜks j¾. ksmojd

m%foaYfha iqmsß fj<|ie,la yryd

wf,ú l<d' ta ojiaj, f*,sIshdf.a

pÜksj,g ;snqfka úfYaI

ms<s.ekSula' miqj uu fydxfldx

n,d msg;aj .shd' fydxfldx ys

ys,agka fydag,fha ud iyNd.s

jQ idohl§ ug tu fydag,fha

idudkHdêldßjrhd yd Tyqf.a

ìßoj yuqjqkd' Tjqka udf.a idßh

ms<sn|j;a Y%s ,xldj ms<sn|j;a uy;a

wNsreÑhlska l:dl,d' tu yuqùu

ksidu tu fydag,fha ms<s.ekSfï

ks<Odßkshl f,i /lshdjla

udyg ,enqkd' tla Èkla tys fldams

yf,ys l=l=,auia lßhla riú¢

uu tu lßfhys udÿgq wvqmdvq

wrlaleñhdg fmkajd ÿkakd' Tyqf.a

b,a,Su mßÈ uu fydag,fha uq¿;eka

f.h ;=, § l=l=,auia lßhla

ms<sfh, lrk kshu wdldrh

Tyqg kso¾Ykh lr myod ÿkakd'

tys § fydag,fha uq¿;ekaf.hg

meñK isá udOHfõÈka ta ms<sn|j

udOH yryd o m%pdrkhla l<d' ud

idok ,o l=l=,a uia lßh fydag,a

wrlaleñhd uy;a fia w.h l<d'

fld;rï we.hSula l,do lshf;d;a

fydag,a wdydr ,ehsia;=jg uf.a

l=l=,a uia lßh úfYaIdx.hla

f,i we;=,;a lrkq ,enqjd' fuu

isÿùu ;=,ska ud bf.k.;a jeo.;a

fohla jqfha ieuúgu ;udf.a

yelshdjka flfrys úYajdifhka

lghq;= lsßu jeo.;a jk njhs'

uu uf.a bjqï msyqï yelshdj

ms<sn|j buy;a úYajdihla we;sj

isá ksid wrlaleñfhl=g jqj;a

b.ekaúh yelshs hk is;=ú,a,

we;sj" ìhla ielhla ke;sj

bÈßm;a ùug ug yelsjqkd' iEu

úgu Tn Tn .ek úYajdifhka

lghq;= lrkak' tfukau ieuúgu

Tnf.a Wmßufhka lghq;= lrkak'

ta ,o wjia:dfjka miq uu

bÈßhgu f.dia iqmfõ§ lafIa;%fha

úúO wxYhka úch.%yKh lr ta

;=,ska ,o mkakrfhka fNdack

m%j¾Okhka isÿlsßu iy iqm

Ydia;%Sh lD;s ,súug;a mgka


m% ( wdydr msiSu l,djla o jD;a;shla o @

we;a;gu th l,djla' tfukau

ta i|yd uy;a ,eÈlul=;a ;sìh

hq;=hs' iyc yelshdjg ,eÈlula

tl;= jQ l, tu ixfhdackh ;=,ska

jD;a;Shla ks¾udKh l< yelsjkjd'

tkuq;a th uy;a mSvkhla iys;

jD;a;shla nj mejish hq;=hs'

tu ksidu tu jD;a;shg msúish

hq;af;a uy;a lemùula" we,aula

yd ,eÈlula we;sjhs' Tn Wm;ska

iqmfõÈhl= fkdfjhs' ±ä lemùula

;=,ska ;uhs Tng iqmfõÈfhl=

njg m;aúh yelafla' we;af;kau

wo ldka;djka fuu lafIa;%hg

msúi jD;a;sh iqmfõÈhka njg

m;aùfï keUqre;djhla mj;skjd'

udf.a jD;a;sfha jeä l,a hkakg

u;af;ka lemS fmkSug ,eìu

ud ,o Nd.Hhla' tf,i Tng

ksmqK;dj ;sfíkï fuu lafIa;%h

;=,È w;am;a lr.; yelsoE

wisñ;hs' idïm%odhsl wdydr j,

isg wka;¾cd;sl wdydr msisu olajd

úysÿkq iqm lafIa;%h kue;s tu

l,dj ;reK ;reKshkag ukdj

m%.=K l<yels jD;a;sh lafIa;%hla'

we;af;kau tu l,dj ðú; ld,h

mqrdu m%.=K l< yelalla ksid

fuu jD;a;sh ;=, kSri Ndjhla

lsisúfgl;a Wodjkafka kE'

m%( fuu lafIa;%fhys ±lsh yels Y%s ,xldjg úfIaYs; wxYhka fudkjdo @

iqmYdia;%h l¾udka;h l%ul%ufhka

mßKduh ù kùk ;dlaIKh;a

iuÕ wo iqmsß ;,hlg meñK

;sfnkjd' foaYsh yd úfoaYsh

rEmjdysks kd,sldj, iqm Ydia;%

jevigyka m%pdrh ùu wo iq,Nj

±lsh yelshs' ,xldj t<j¿

yd m<;=re j¾. fndfydauhla

iq,Nj mj;sk rgla ksid ´kEu

iqmfõÈfhl=g uy;a myiqjla' úúO wdldrfha uqyqÿ wdydr

ms<sfh, lsßug;a Tjqkag wjia:dj

,efnkjd' tfukau úúO jQ foaYsh

l=¿nvq fhdodf.k bia;rïj

wdydr ms<sfh, lsßug;a Y%s,dxlSh

iqmfõÈhkag yelshs'

m%( ksmqK;djhlska hq;a mqoa.,fhl=g iqmfõÈfhl= f,i ;u jD;a;sfhys by<g hdug wjYH .=Kdx. fudkjdo @

yelshdj iycfhka tkakla' kuq;a

th mdúÉÑhg .; hq;=hs' wdydr

msisug olaIfhl= ùug tu iyc

yelshdj j¾Okh lr.; hq;=hs'

ieuúgu ;ud .ek ;u yelshdjka .ek úYajdih ;nkak' tu.ska Tng id¾:l;ajhg ,.dùug wjYH iuyr Wmdx. fkdue;sj jqj;a id¾:l;ajfha ysksfm;a;gu ,.dùug yelsjkq we;

Page 10: Edex Magazine April 2013

úh yelshs' tfukau úfoaYSh /lshd

wjia:d ,nd.ekSug;a Tjqkag

yelshs' ,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrfha

m%j¾Okh;a iu. foaYsh /lshd

wjia:d i|yd jQ wjldY is.%fhka

by<hñka mj;skjd'

tfukau fuu lafIa;%fha ia;%s

mqreI fNaohla keye' .Dyia;

uq¿;eka f.hska Tíng f.dia fuu

lafIa;%h mqrd úysÿk wjia:djka

f.ka m%fhdackh ,nd foaYshj yd

wka;¾cd;slj iqmfõoh ;u jD;a;sh

lr.;a ldka;djka fndfydauhla wo

fuu lafIa;%fha isákjd'

m% ( wNsreÑhla we;s Y%S ,dxlsl ;reK ;reKshkag fuu lafIa;%fha jD;a;shlg msúish yelafla flfiao@

1960 oYlfha§ uu fuu lafIa;%hg

msúis úg udf.a yelshdjka j¾Okh

lr .ekSug uf.a iyc l=i,;d yer

fjk;a fohla ;snqfka ke;s ;rï'

uu bÈßhg .sfha udf.a fm!reI;ajh

yd udf.a ksmqK;d ms<sn|j ug ;snQ

iaÓr jegySu ksihs' udj bÈßhg

f.khkq ,enqfõ iqmfõoh ms<snoj

;snQ ±ä we,auhs'

kuq;a wo ;;ajh fnfyúka

fjkia wo fuu lafIa;%h ;=,

hful=g by<g hd yels ud¾.

ms<sn| fydÈka ks¾ñ; wdlD;shla

;sfnkjd' ;reK ;reKshkag

lafIa;%h ;=, iqÿiqlï ,eîug;a

;u ksmqK;djhka jeä ÈhqKq


ta i|yd úúO w;ayod ne,Sï

isÿlsßu;a wLkavj iqmYdia;%h

we,aulska hq;=j ye±ßu;a l< hq;=hs'

tfukau jD;a;sfha by<u ;ekg

,.dùug tljr fkdyels nj;a

u;l ;nd.; hq;=hs' tkuq;a ta

i|yd n,j;a wdYdjla Tn i;=j

;sìh hq;=h' ;reK ;reKshka

ieu úgu lafIa;%fha kula Èkd.

eksug wruqKla we;sj l%shd lsßu


YS;lrKh ;=, we;s ´kEu fohla

mdúÉÑ lr wdydr ms<sfh, lsßug

fyd| fldalsfhl= iu;a úh hq;=hs'

wdydr fõ,la hkq fkdfhla wdydr

j¾. j, rihka yd iïNdIhkaj,

ixl,khkah' tjeks ixl,khka

iys; wdydr j¾. tlsfkl yd

fyd¢ka .e,mSu jeo.;a' tfukau

fjk;a rgj, úúO wdydr j¾.

ms<sfh, lsßug bf.k .ekSu

;=,ska úúO;ajhla fukau rij;a

Ndjhla Tn ms<sfh, lrk wdydr

jÜfgdarej,g ,ndÈh yelshs'

WodyrKhla f,i uu tla Èkla

udf.a lKlr wdNrK ;dhs cd;sl

ldka;djlg § wehf.ka ryis.;

lEu jÜfgdarejla bf.k.;a;d'

weh uqyqÿ fjrf,a mefmd,a j,ska

úfYaIs; i,dohla ms,sfh, lrñkqhs

isáfha' fï ;=,ska uu w¿;a

wdydrhla ms,sh, lrk wdldrh

bf.k .;a;d'

tfukau ;uka lrkafka my;a

mka;sfha /lshdjla fkdjk njg

±ä úYajdihla ieu fokdgu ;sìh

hq;=hs' fldalsfhl= fyda iqmfõÈfhl=

f,i isÿlrk jD;a;sh wo ojfia

wka;¾cd;slj uy;a ms<s.ekSula

we;s tfukau f,dalfha wfkla

´kEu jD;a;shla yd iu;,fha

;eìh yels jD;a;shla jkjd'

m% ( foaYShj fukau wka;¾cd;slj;a fuu lafIa;%fha we;s wjia:djka flfiao @

we;a;gu lafIa;%fhys bÈßhg

hdug we;s wjldYh" lafIa;%h ;=,

kula Èkd.eksug we;s wdYdj;a

yd ta i|yd lemù jev lsßug

we;s W;aidyh;a u; rod mj;skjd'

,dxflah wdydr lafIa;%fha

;dkdm;sksh njg m;aùug yelsùu

ms<sn|j uu we;a;gu wdvïnr

fjkjd' ta ulaksido h;a ug udf.a

yelshdj yd wNs,dYh yer fjk;a

m%Odk iqÿiqlï lsisjla fkd;snq

ksid' ksmqK;ajh yd iqÿiqlï we;s

;reK ;reKshkag fydag,hla fyda

wjkay,lg myiqfjka iïnkaO

lr.ekSug;a úúO jq;a mq¿,a jQ;a

wjldYhka wo mj;skjd' fydag,a

mdie,a jeks fyd| ms<s.ekSula we;s

wdh;k u.ska fydÈka ie,iqï

l, wOHdmksl yd jD;a;sh mqyqKq

mdGud,d mj;ajkjd' tfukau tod

fkdmej;s iqmYdia;%sh m%o¾Yk"

wdydr mdk l<uKdlrKh i|yd

mß.Kl jev igyka fukau

wka;¾cd,fha WmldÍ;ajho wo Èk

iqmfõÈkag fnfyúkau Wmldr ù


;reK ;reKshkag fuf,i

meyeÈ,s wdlD;shla ;=,

f.dvke.=kq uxfm;a .Kkdjla

Tiafia bÈßhg hd yelshs'

wNs,dIhka we;s ;reKhskag

fydo ms<s.ekSula we;s fydag,a

mdie,l mdGud,djla yodrd bkamiq

lafIa;%fha by<g hdug wjYH

wfkl=;a mshjr .; yelshs'

Y%s ,xldj ;=< tjeks ms<s.;a

fydag,a mdie,a .Kkdjla mj;skjd

tfukau uQ,Huh jYfhka

yelshdjla mj;S kï iaúg¾,ka;h"

m%xYh jeks rglg f.dia iQm

Ydia;%h m%.=K lsßug;a wfma ;reK

;reKshkag yelshs' fuu lafIa;%h

ms<sn|j ye±Íug jvd;a iqÿiq rgj,a

fol fï rgj,a fol nj uu


m%( fuu lafIa;%fha m,mqreoaola ,nd.ekSug ,dxflah ;reK ;reKshkag we;s wjia:d fudkjdo @

Chef's Guild Sri Lanka u.ska ixúOdkh

lrk jd¾Isl m%o¾Ykh fï

lafIa;%hkays isiqkag ;u

ksmqK;djhka úoyd mEug yd ;rÕ

j,g iyNd.S ùug we;s wk.s

wjia:djla' mdka iE§u" fpdl,Ü"

ux., W;aij wxYh jeks wxY

fndfydauhla fuys wka;¾.;

jkjd' Chef's Guild u.ska rka" ßÈ"

f,dalv wxY i|yd molalï

msßkukq ,nkjd' ?mjdysksh

;=,ska ±kqu Wkkaÿj we;s fm%alaIl

msßilg fuu jevigyk úldYkh


fujeks jevigka ;=,ska ;reK

;reKshkag fyd| w;a±lsula

,nd.eksug;a ;u olaI;djhka

f,djg m%o¾Ykh lsßug;a yelshdj

,efnkjd' tfukau tjeks whg

/lshd wjia:d mjd fujeks

m%o¾Ykhka ;=,ska ,nd.; yelshs'

fuu jif¾ m%o¾Ykh jir ueo§

meje;afjkq we;s'

Page 11: Edex Magazine April 2013

Pinnacle 9

Neh;Kfg; tprhuizAk; Mf;fKk; -

\hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk; epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is

cyf rikw;fiyapd; Njhy;tpailahj vjph;ghh;g;Gf;fs; kw;Wk; jpwikfis

nfhz;L ntw;wpapid miljy;. ,yq;if rpfhkzp ntyprpah

tf;nty;y nrhnwd;rd;]; rikaw; njhopw; Jiwapd; ngWkjpkpf;f

mDgtq;fis vnlf;]; rQ;rpif cld; gfph;e;J ,j;jiwapy; vjph;ghh;g;Gs;s

,isQh;fis cw;rhfg;gLj;Jfpd;whh;.

yq;if rpfhkzp ntyprpah tf;nty;y nrhnwd;]d;

jFjpngw;w czTg; gj;jpa epGzh;> rikaypy; bg;Nshkh> rikaw;fiy MNyhrfh;- rh;tNjr `py;ld; N`hl;ly;

cauj;jpid nrd;wiljy;

rikaw; jpwikfspd; %yk; thdsT

'fwpfspd; murp" vd ngah; khw;wk; ngw;whh; ntyprpah ,yq;ifapd; kpfg; gpugy;akpf;f jiyikr; rikaw;fhuh; kw;Wk; ,yq;if rikaw;fiyapd; ifNjh;e;jth;. jdJ fwpfs;> rl;dpfs; kw;Wk; fhu tiffSf;F cyfstpy; ngah; nfhz;lth;. ,thpd; xUtpj fhjYk; tpUg;GNk ,tiu cyfstpy; ngUikg;gLj;jpaJld; ,yq;if rikaw; fiyapid rh;tNjr rikay; juj;jpw;f;F cah;j;jpAs;sJ. ntyprpah kpfg;nghpa jiyik rikaw;fhuh;fspd; re;jpg;gpd; tpUe;jpd jiyik rikaw;fhuh; vd;gJld; ngUikkpf;f gy gl;lq;fisAk; ngUikkpf;f v];nfhtpah; gl;lj;jpidAk; ngw;whh;. cyfstpy; rikaw;Jiwapy; gpugy;akhd The Exotic Taste of paradise vd;Dk; Gj;jfj;jpd; vOj;jhsUkhthh;.gy ehLfshd khiy jPT nkhwp]pa]; rpq;fg;G+h; ,e;NjhNdrpah kw;Wk; gpypigd;]py; eilngWk; czTr; re;ijg;gLj;jypy; jdJ jpwidAk; gpugy;aj;Jtj;jpidAk; toq;fp tUfpd;whh;. kpfg; nghpa jiyik rikaw;fhuh; czT vOj;jhsh; rikaw; Gj;jfj;jpd; gjpg;ghsh; gFjp vOj;jhsUkhthh;.ntyprpah Njrpa hPjpapy; ,yq;ifapd; rpfhkzp vd 1992k;; Mz;L ngah; #l;lg;gl;L ngUikg;gLj;jg;gl;lhh;.

tpdh:- rikaw;fiy cyfpDs; ePq;fs; vt;thW Eioe;jPh;fs;?

ehd; rikayiwapy; ,Uf;Fk; Nghnjy;yhk; rikg;gJ vt;thW vd;W vg;NghJk; fw;Wf; nfhs;tJld;> mk;kh kw;Wk; rpj;jp Nghd;wth;fSf;F rikayiwapy; cjtp nra;J ,f; fiyapid fw;Nwd;. ehd; rikaypid tpUk;GtJld; mjd; fl;Lf;flq;fh czh;T vd;idj; jPg;Nghy; gw;wpaJ. vd;Dila gpujhd nra;jpahf midtUf;Fk; toq;f tpUk;GtJ ahnjdpy; cs;shh;e;j jpwikfSk; mjpy; xU tpj fhjYk; ,Ug;gpd; ePq;fs; mjd; %yk; Kd;Ndwpr; nry;yyhk;.

16tajpy; rikaypy; vdf;fpUe;j fhjypdhy; mbg;gil tFg;gpw;f;F nrd;Nwd;. njhlh;e;J rikaypy; bg;Nshkhtpid ,q;fpyhe;jpd; CITY and GUILD epiyaj;jpy; ngw;Wf;nfhz;Nld;. gpd;dh; jpUkzkhdijj; njhlh;e;J gaphpLif gq;fshtpy; tho;e;J te;Njd;.rikaypy; nfhz;l fhjypdhy; vd;NdhL neUq;fp goFgth;fSf;F gPl;]h kw;Wk; cgNahfKs;s INuhg;gpa czT tiffshd fhuk; ,dpg;G gz;lq;fis jahhpf;Fk; Kiwapid fw;g;gpj;Njd;.mj;Jld; gotiffis Njhl;lj;jpy; tsh;j;J mjd; %yk; rl;dpfis jahhpj;J cs;ehl;bd; 7 nghpa re;ijfSf;F tpw;W te;Njd;. me;ehl;fspy; ntyprpah rl;dpfSf;F xU tpNrlj;Jtk; ,Ue;jJ.

gpd;dh; n`hq;nfhq; nrd;Nwd; mq;F `py;ld; n`hl;lypy; xU tpohtpypUe;j NghJ mjd; nghJ KfhikahsiuAk; mthpd; kidtp vdJ GlitapYk; ,yq;if ehfhpfj;jpYk; <h;f;fg;gl;lhh;. mjd; %yk; mq;NfNa tuNtw;ghsh; NtiyapidAk; ngw;Wf;nfhz;Nld;. xU ehs; mq;Fs;s Nfhg;gp filapy; ehd; ,iwr;rp fwpapid cz;l NghJ

mjpYs;s FiwghLfis mq;Fs;s jiyik rikaw;fhuhpw;f;F $wpNdd;. mJ mf; N`hl;ly; rikayiwapy; r%fkspj;j Clftpayhsh;fs; %yk; gpugy;ag;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. mjd; gpd;dh; ehd; rikj;Jf; fhl;ba fwpahdJ jiyikr; rikaw;fhuhpdhy; ghuhl;lg;gl;L czTg;gl;bayl;ilapy; tpNrl czthf Nrh;f;fg;gl;lJ.

,jd; %yk; ehd; ngw;w nghpa gbg;gpid ahnjdpy; jd;ek;gpf;if jpwdhFk;. ehd; vd; tho;tpYk; rpe;jidapYk; vdJ mZF Kiwapy; Kd;Ndhf;fp nrd;Nwd; mjhtJ 'vd;dhy; jiyik rikaw;fhuhpw;f;Fk; rikay; njhl;h;ghf fw;gpf;f KbAk;" ehd; rikaypy; vdf;Fs;s jFjpfis ek;Gfpd;Nwd;.cq;fspy; ek;gpf;if itAq;fs;.cq;fshy; Kbe;jtiu rpwg;ghdtw;iw nra;Aq;fs;.

mjid njhlh;e;j ehd; vdJ ghijapid gpd;Ndhf;fp ghh;j;jNj ,y;iy njhlh;e;J rikaypy; czT tpUj;jp kw;Wk; czT jhahhpf;Fk; Kiwapid Gj;jfkhf ntspapl;L gy;NtWgl;l tplaq;fspy; <Lgl;Nld;.

tpdh:- rikanyd;gJ xU fiyah my;yJ njhopyh cq;fs; fUj;J?

rikay; xU fiy mjpy; jdpg;gl;l cs;Szh;T mjhtJ tpUg;Gk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. mjpy; cq;fSf;Fs;s jpwikAld; tpUg;gKk; xd;W NrUk; NghJ mJ cq;fSf;fhd njhopyhf cUg;ngWfpd;wJ. mjid ePq;fs; xUtpj fhjy;> nghWg;G> tpUg;G Nghd;wtw;why; ngw KbAk;. Mdhy; xU rikaw;fhuuhtjw;f;F fbd ciog;Gk; mtrpakhFk;. cz;ikapy; mz;ikf;fhyj;jpy; mNef ngz;kzpfs; jiyikr; rikaw;fhuh;fshf cUthfpd;wik ,j;Jiwapid

Page 12: Edex Magazine April 2013


njhopyhf vLj;jikapdhyhFk; vd;gjw;f;F xU rhd;whFk;. me;jtifapy; ehd; kpf tpiutpy; ,j;njhopYf;Fs; cs;thq;fg;gl;lJ vdJ mjp~;lkhFk;. me;jtifapy; midtUk; $WtJ ahnjdpy; cq;fSf;F ,j;Jiwapy; jpwik ,Uf;Fkhdhy; ,t;TyfNk cq;fSf;fhd 'ntl;Lk; gyifahfpd;wJ" vd $wg;gLfpd;wJ. kuGfsw;w rikaypypUe;J rikaw; fiytiu rikay; xU fiy vd;gJld; mjpy; tpUg;G nfhz;l ,isQh;fs; kh];lh;fshfTk; KbAk;. ,J tho; ehs; KOJk; Gjpa mDgtq;fis toq;Fk; jUzq;fshFk; ,q;Nf kOq;fhd jUzq;fs; fhzg;glkhl;lhJ.

tpdh:- ,j;jiwapy; ,yq;ifapYs;s jdpj;jd;ikahd tplaq;fs; ahit?

,j;Jiwapy; Gjpa njhopy;El;gq;fs; gq;fspg;Gr; nra;tjpdhy; ,j;Jiw ghhpa cah;tpid mile;Js;sJ. mj;NjhL Vuhskhd rikay; epfo;r;rpfs; njhiyf;fhl;rpfspy; cs;ehl;L hPjpapYk; ntspehl;L hPjpapYk; xspgug;G nra;ag;gLfpd;wJ.

,yq;ifapYs;s Vuhskhd Gj;jk; Gjpa gotiffs; kw;Wk; kuf;fwptiffs; rikaw;fhuh;fSf;F kfpo;tpid nfhLg;gitahFk;.mj;NjhL gy;NtWgl;l kfpo;T+l;Lk; flYzTfs; czT ghijfis myq;fhpf;fpd;wd. ,yq;ifapYs;s jiyik rikaw;fhuh;fshy; fhuq;fspy; khw;wq;fis Vw;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; czTfspy; cahpa mjpraq;fis cUthf;f KbAk;.

tpdh:- jpwikahd xUtDf;Nfh my;yJ xUj;jpf;Nfh rikaw; Jiwapy; cahpa epiyahd jiyik rikaw;fhuh; my;yJ rikaw;fhuh; epiyapid miltjw;f;F Njitahd tpNr\Fzq;fs; ahit?

jpwik vd;gJ xUtUld; $lNt gpwg;gJ. mjid ePq;fs; gad;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. vt;thwhd jpwikfis ,isQh;fs; jd;dfj;Nj nfhz;bUg;gpDk; mjid gad;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. rikaypd; vy;iy ahnjdpy; ePq;fs; nfhz;bUf;Fk; jpwikfis xd;WNrh;j;J ghprPypg;gJ kw;Wk; njhlh;e;J fhzg;gLk; Mh;tj;jpdhy; njhlh;e;J fw;Wf; nfhs;sy;. mj;NjhL ePq;fs; xd;iw epidtpy; itj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk; mJ ahnjdpy; cq;fshy; cldbahf ,j;Jiwapy; cr;r epiyf;F nry;y ,ayhJ.Mdhy; cah; epiyapid miltjw;f;F Nehf;fKld; $ba Mh;tkpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.,isQh; vtNuDk; xd;iw mtDf;fhfNth my;yJ mtSf;fhfNth nra;a Ntz;Lk;.

tof;fkhd rikay; my;yJ rikaw;fiyQh;fshd rpwe;j jiyik rikaw;fhuh;fSf;F Fsprhjdg;ngl;bapYs;stw;iw gad;gLj;jp VNjDnkhd;iw nra;aj; njhpe;jpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. rikaw;fiynad;gJ NtWgl;l czTfis jahhpj;jy; Rit kw;Wk; fyhrhu myq;fhuq;fis ,yFthf;FtjhFk;. mj;NjhL midj;J ehLfspd; czTtiffisAk; njhpe;jpUg;gJ NkYk; RitA+l;LtjhFk;. ehd; xUKiw xU jha;yhe;J ngz;kzp flw;fiuapy; gg;ghrp go ryhl;bid cUthf;fpaij ghh;itapl;L mjid fw;Wf;nfhz;Nld; vdf; $wpdhh;.

mj;NjhL xUtNdh my;yJ xUj;jpNah vg;NghJk; jhk; Fiwe;j ju njhopypid nra;fpd;Nwhk; vd epidf;f $lhJ.

rikaw;fhuuhf my;yJ jiyik rikaw;fhuuhd njhopyhdJ jw;fhy fl;lj;jpy; cyfpYs;s Vida njhopy;fSf;F epfuhdJk; rh;tNjr hPjpapy; mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;lJkhFk;.

tpdh:- ,j;jiwapy; cs;ehl;L hPjpapYk; ntspehl;L hPjpapYk; fhzg;gLk; Nehf;fk; ahJ?

Nehf;fk; ehk; jw;JzpTld; Kd;Ndhf;fpr; nry;tjpYk; fLikahd ciog;gpYk; xUehs; mq;fPfhpg;gpw;f;fhd mthtpYk; jq;fpAs;sJ. ehd; ,yq;if rikaw;fiyapd; J}Jtuhf cUthdjpy; vdf;F ngUikNa Vnddpy; jpwikapidAk; MthypidAk; jtpu Ntnwe;j gpujhd jFjpfisAk; nfhz;bUf;ftpy;iy.

jpwikapidAk; nghUj;jkhd jFjpapidAk; nfhz;bUf;Fk; ,isQh;fs; N`hl;ly; my;yJ czT tpLjpfspy; Nru KbAk;. mth;fs; ntspehLfspy; Ntiy nra;aTk; Mirg;gLthh;fs;. cs;ehl;L hPjpapy; ,jd; Nehf;fk; gbKiwahf cy;yhrj;Jiwapd; epiyahd jd;ikf;Nfw;g gbKiwahf tphptile;J nry;fpd;wJ.

mj;NjhL ,j;Jiwapy; ghy; njhlh;ghf xUgf;fr; rha;Tk; fhdg;gLtjpy;iy. $Ljyhd ngz;kzpfs; ,d;W ,j;Jiwapy; njhopy; thz;ikkpf;f rikaw;fhuh;fshf cs;ehl;bYk; ntspehLfspYk; jpfo;fpd;wdh;. mj;NjhL cl; rikayiwf;Fk; mg;ghy; jkJ Nehf;fpid tphpTgLj;jp mjid Nehf;fpr; nry;fpd;wdh;.

tpdh:- vt;thW ,yq;ifah;fSf;F ,j;Jiwapy; tpUg;gkpUf;Fk; gl;rj;jpy; ,jid njhopyhf njhlu KbAk;?

ehd; gpd;Ndhf;fp 1960 Mz;bid Nehf;fpd; mg;NghJ ehd; ,g;ghijf;F

ntspapypUe;Nj vdJ njhopypid Muk;gpj;Njd;. vdJ Neh;ikapidj; jtpu vdf;fLj;J vdJ jpwikfis nkU$l;Ltjw;nfd;W vJTk; fhzg;gltpy;iy. ,jw;fhd fhuzk; ahnjdpy; vdJ jdpj;jd;ikAk; vdJ jpwikapYs;s eph;zaj; jd;ikANkahFk; ehd; rikaypYs;s tpUg;gj;jpdhy; mjpy; njhlh;e;J gazpj;Njd;.

Mdhy; me;epiyik ,d;W khw;wkile;J tUfpd;wJ.,d;W rhpahf Kiwikg;gLj;jg;gl;l xOq;FKiwik ,j;Jiwapy; fhzg;gLtjdhy; jdpg;gl;lth;fs; ,j;njhopypy; cah;epiyf;F tUtjw;f;F toprikf;fpd;wJ.mtw;wpy; rikaw;fhuh; my;yJ jiyikr; rikaw;fhuUk; cs;slq;Ffpd;wdh;. ,isQh;fSf;fhd Nehf;fk; jFjpailjy; kw;Wk; mth;fSf;fhd jpwikfis rhpghh;j;J tphptilar; nra;jyhFk;.,g;nghOJ mNefkhf mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;l N`hl;ly; ghlrhiyfs; ed;F jpl;lkplg;gl;l gapw;rp tFg;Gfis toq;Ffpd;;iwa ehl;fs; Nghypy;yhky; ,d;W mNef rikaw;fiy epfo;r;rpfs; fzdpkag;gLj;jg;gl;l czT kw;Wk; ePh;g;ghd Kfhikj;Jt Kiwikfs; kw;Wk; tpNrlkhf ,izaj;jsq;fs; rikaw;fhuh;fisAk; jiyikr; rikaw;fhuh;fisAk; NkYk; tsg;gLj;Jfpd;wJ.

,isQh;fs; rhpahd tsh;r;rpf;fhd Kiwikfis gpd;gw;wp mth;fSf;fhd ghijapid Njh;e;njLf;f Ntz;Lk;. tpUg;gKs;s ,isQh;fsf;fhd rpwe;j MNyhridahf jukpf;f N`hl;ly; ghlrhiyfSf;F nry;Yjy; mjidj; njhlh;e;J mtDf;Nfh my;yJ mtSf;Nfh nghUj;jkhd njhopw;ghijapid njhlh;tjw;f;F MNyhrpf;fyhk;. ,yq;ifapy; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w gy N`hl;ly; ghlrhiyfSs;sd.

,isQh;fshy; gq;fspg;G nfhLf;f KbAkhapd; MNzh my;yJ ngz;Nzh Rtp];]h;yhe;J my;yJ gpuhd;];f;F rikaw;fiyapid fw;f Ntz;Lkhapd; ,t; tpU ehLfSk; rpwg;ghdjhFk;.

tpdh:- ,j;Jiwapy; jpwikfis ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;f;F ,yq;if ,isQh;fSf;Fhpa re;jh;g;gq;fs; ahit?

,yq;ifapYs;s midj;J jiyikr; rikaw;fhuh;fspd; jpwikfis ntspf;nfhzUk; Kfkhf xt;nthU Mz;Lk; jiyik rikaw;fhuh;fspd; rq;fj;jpdhy; fz;fhl;rp elhj;jg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ. ,tw;wpy; mlq;Fgitfshtd ghz; cUthf;Fjy; nrhf;nyl;Lfs; jpUkzq;fs; kw;Wk; Vida gphpTfshFk;. ,r;rq;fkhdJ Nghl;bahsh;fSf;F KiwNa jq;fk; nts;sp kw;Wk; gpj;jis gjf;fq;fis xt;nthU gphpTfSf;Fk; toq;Ffpd;wJ.

,jd; %yk; Mh;tkpf;f ,isQh;fspd; jpwikfis cyfstpy; ntspnfhzUk; tha;g;G fpilf;fpd;wJ. mj;NjhL ,J njhopy; ngWtjw;fhd nghpa mbj;jskhf mikfpd;wJ. ,t;thz;Lf;fhd fz;fhl;rp ,t;tUl eLg;gFjpapy; ,lk;ngWk;.,J gz;lhuehaf;f Qhgfhh;j;j; kz;lgj;jpy; nghJ kf;fSf;fhf jpwe;J itf;fg;gLfpd;wJ.rikaypy; Mh;tkpf;f kf;fs; ,f;fz;fhl;rpf;F tp[ak; nra;tjd; %yk; ngWkjpkpf;f mDgtq;fisAk; cw;rhfj;jpidAk; ngw;Wf; nfhs;s KbAk;.

cq;fspd; jdpg;gl;l gyj;jpid Nghw;Wq;fs;; cq;fspd;

Kaw;rpfshy; kl;LNk cq;fSf;fhd

fdtpid edthf;f KbAk;

Page 13: Edex Magazine April 2013
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with fascinating careers

The Food Industry, like any other works on demand and supply of quality 'products' and services except that everybody needs food. With escalation in cost of living, you may wonder if there is a future in it for you. To answer that, consider the following:

- A recent article in the Business Times states that Sri Lanka's food and beverage industry is now the fastest growing sector in the country. After the war ended there was a 42% growth in demand partly from liberated North and East provinces and partly from the growing tourist industry, which is expected to continue.

- Better informed consumers with higher paid jobs are demanding a better life style and food figures high on their lists.

A necessary industry


By Nalin Goonewardene

Page 15: Edex Magazine April 2013

Quality and food safety audits are also key factors in this process. Auditors need to know about best practice and have detailed knowledge of audit criteria and standards to be used.

There is a varied need for engineering skills in installation and maintenance of modern equipment for production, packaging and preservation of food as well as construction and maintenance of warehouses and factories. Energy efficiency, environmental impact and minimizing waste are further requirements.

Modern food processing requires balancing four factors of health, hygiene, efficiency and profitability.


A good start is to proceed along the science stream at A-levels, with such subjects as chemistry, physics, maths, biology. Thereafter, one can specialise in a certain area through a degree, a professional or vocational qualification. There are many universities that offer undergraduate degrees in food technology.

As the industry is changes rapidly, one shall target where it will be in next 3-5 years and work towards it from today.

Entry levels

Entry levels vary by company and country. In general, there are three levels at which you can enter the food industry - apprentices/ students, graduates and experienced professionals, but wherever you join, there is an upward career path.

Students who have passed their O/ Levels can enter the food industry, mainly in to companies abroad, at apprentice level. They will most probably be provided with on the job training and part-time study to develop basic skills, competencies and qualifications necessary.

Graduate level, is an entry level for suitably qualified graduates where the main requirement of the industry is to mould managers for next two to three years.

For experienced professionals, there are a vast range of roles, disciplines and business areas to satisfy the most imaginative and determined minds.

There is obviously something for everybody - so which one is for you?

- Sri Lanka has already been classified as a lower-middle income country while the government is targeting upliftment to the upper-middle income category by 2015. The growth of supermarkets all over the country supports this theory.

- The food industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the United States.

So, definitely, the demand will continue locally and internationally with heavy competition increasing amongst major players, which will give rise to a demand for high quality staff world wide.

What is the food industry?

The food industry is a complex, global collective of diverse businesses that supply much of the food consumed by the world population.

For the purpose of this article we will restrict it to a subset excluding growing of food and agriculture.

The primary concern in food industry is food safety and quality assurance in processing of food through defined steps, to make different products varying from bread to frozen and canned food.

Next is nutrition, labelling and packaging which describes in simple terms the use of ingredients developed through highly scientific means.

Because demand varies, companies integrate and manage resources effectively to manufacture the right food products at the right time and in right quantities.

The food produced is then delivered from a processing plant to a grocery store, restaurant chain or outlet without deterioration, on schedule and in appropriate amounts. Then, retailers use marketing, pricing and promotion to position their products for sale to the public. Restaurants develop attractive, tasty offerings using these products as well as fresh produce.

But the final link in the 'chain' is consumer. It is he or she who buys products that enable the entire food industry to operate. Today, customer service is recognized as a very important part of a retail operation where supermarkets continue to develop methods to retain customer loyalty.

An important change that is taking

The food industry is a

complex, global collective of diverse

businesses that supply much of the

food consumed by the world population

place is consumer education. With advancement of food technologies and home based equipment, education of consumer is part of the explosion in the industry. Specific education is offered in preparation and preservation of food at home using refrigeration, freezing and microwave technologies.


There are many diverse roles required to deliver above successfully. As a major industry, some roles such as sales, marketing, logistics, purchasing, finance, engineering etc are common to other industries.

Key roles specific to the food industry are concerned with specialised capabilities in processing, production and distribution of food products. These require specific knowledge of food science and technology, food preservation, hygiene and food safety as well as relevant ISO and other industry-specific standards.

Food science and technology deals with research and systematic investigation into properties and compositions of food and understanding food processes. This is used to develop safe, nutritious foods with innovative packaging that can be manufactured cost effectively, preserved as required and delivered to 'outlets' for sale to general public.

Skills and knowledge are drawn from many disciplines such as biology, chemical engineering, and biochemistry, etc.

13Careers 13

By Nalin Goonewardene

Page 16: Edex Magazine April 2013


careerNarrated By Sharlene De Chickera and Nirojini Kanapathipillai.

Buns for yourBuns for your

EDEX Magazine speaks to Parakrama Dassanayaka, a veteran in bakery industry with 48 years of experience, to enlighten our youth about its attractive career aspects.

Mr. Parakrama Dassanayaka

Increasingly in Sri Lanka, people are looking for convenience foods. Today many people do not have the luxury of domestics who can always look after domestic cooking affairs. Not too far back in time most people were rather ashamed to buy food from outlets and be seen dinning out. If at all people looked to take away fast food. But now the culture is changing and most love dinning out.

The food industry is growing in Sri Lanka, with immense scope for Sri Lankan youth to get in to this field as beginners or interim. It is also noted that the industry is changing for the better. Kitchens are now modernized and well-equipped and no longer the ‘hot’ places to work in. Simple tasks like cutting onions are also modernised with latest gadgetry and this adds to the motivation level of a cook or chef.

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15Careers 15

Like the yeast that magnifies the dough, baking industry is growing in leaps and bounds, as food outlets, restaurants and hotels thrive

There is a big demand for locally qualified chefs, bakers and cake decorators. Locally the industry is growing at a rapid rate and together with the growth in hospitality trade there is a lot of scope in all areas of the bakery industry.

There are also many opportunities outside Sri Lanka. Globally the scope is enormous and many local chefs, cooks and other trained personnel have

great opportunities to go overseas. This is reflected by the rate of employee turnover in bakery industry.

Baking industry provides a lucrative career path to those interested. He or she that chooses bakery industry shall be able to understand market realities such as who a customer is and carve out an entrepreneurial path. This is the differentiation from being a baker to a professional baker.

The bakery industry needs keen and dedicated youth, of whom there is a dearth at the moment.

Though it is male dominated at the moment, there is a lot of scope for women, too. Ideally, in a local industry perspective, women usually remain in the country. It is easier to train them in most of related aspects, for example in cake decorating.

Among skills required for a talented person to reach the heights in bakery, intelligence and common sense are very important items. A back-ground in science education will be helpful, ideally some knowledge in food science, as it will enrich skills by knowing what is happening in baking.

Being dynamic and requiring constant attention, bakery industry requires people willing to work long hard hours. The relevant youth must be genuinely interested. They have to forget about the comfort factor, to learn the ropes and get a hard training. Also one needs to master the English language, as the norm of communicating within this or any industry is English.

With lot of small scale Sri Lankan bakeries spread out all over the country, there is lot of scope for youth from those traditional baking families to learn their bakery skills at home. They also have institutions at hand such as the Prima Baking School, which conducts proper training programmes. Talented youth can take part in culinary art competitions held bi-annually in Sri Lanka, where they can show-off talent and skills to a discerning audience.

(Parakrama Dassanayaka is Director/ General Manager of P&S, formerly Perera & Sons Bakers. He is a qualified Baking Technologist with a Diploma in Baking Science and Technology, Cookies and Crackers.)

Page 18: Edex Magazine April 2013


Y%s ,xldfõ l,ska ieliq wdydr i|yd jk b,a¨u jeäfjñka mj;s' úfYaIfhkau wo f.orfodr bjqïmsyqï lsÍug .Dyfiaúldjkaf.a myiqlu ,nd.ekSu Y%s ,xldfõ fndfyda fofkl=g tod fuka l, fkdyelalla ù ;sfí' b;d uE; w;S;fha ksjiska msg ia:dkhlska msisk ,o wdydr ñ,g .ekSug fyda msg;g f.dia wdydr wkqNj lsÍu uÈlula f,ihs fndfyda fokd i,lk ,oafoa' tjeks b,a¨ula ;snqkdkï ;snqfka laIKsl wdydr

i|yd mukhs' kuq;a wo iudch fnfyúka fjkia ù we;s w;r fndfyda fokd wjkay,lg f.dia wdydr .ekSug jeä reÑl;ajhla olajhs'

,xldfõ wdydr l¾udka;h Èfkka Èk j¾Okh jkakla' tuksid ;reK ;reKshkag fuu lafIa;%hg wdOqkslhka f,i fyda ;djld,sl f,i iïnkaO ùug fndfyda wjldY mE§ ;sfí' tfukau lsjhq;af;a fuu lafIa;%h .=Kd;aul

fílß l¾udka; lafIa;%fha 48 jirl m,mqreoao we;s mrdl%u oikdhl uy;d tu lafIa;%fha jD;a;Shuh

wjia:djka ms<sn|j EDEX iÕrdj fj;g fufia fy,slrhs'

fílß l¾udka;h jD;a;shla lr.kakd

mqoa.,fhl= fj<|m, wjYH;djhka

.ek yd ;ukaf.a mdßfNda.slhka .ek fyd| wjfndaOhla ,nd .eksu

;=<ska jHjidhl;aj wjia:djka Wodlr .ekSug uxfm;a újr lr .ekSug

yelshdjla ;sfí

Tfí jD;a;shfílßhla ;=,

igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard iy ksfrdackS lkm;sms,af,a úisksmßj¾:kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks

v mrdl%u oikdhl uy;d

Page 19: Edex Magazine April 2013

17Careers 17

mj;skjd' foaYSh jYfhka ne¨j;a

ldka;djka furg re§ isàfï

by< iïNdú;djla mj;skjd'

tfukau fílß l¾udka;hg wE§

we;s wks;a lafIa;%" WodyrK f,i

flala w,xlrKh jeks lafIa;%

i|yd ldka;djka mqyqKq lsßu jvd


fuu lafIa;%fha by<g hdug

wjYH .=Kdx. yd olaI;d w;r

nqoaêu;a nj yd idudkH ±kSu

b;d jeo.;a' úoHd wxYfha

úfYaIfhkau wdydr úoHd wxYfha

(food science) miqìula ;sîu

;=,ska kj ksmqK;djka yd fílß

l¾udka;fha ld,Sk keUqre;d

ms<sn|j ukd wjfndaOhla ,efnk

fyhska tjeks miqìula ;sìu jdis

iy.; fõ'

fílß lafIa;%h .;sl" ksrka;r

wjOdkfhka isáhhq;= lafIa;%hla

ksid meh.Kkla uykaisù jevl<

yels whj wjYHj ;sfnkjd' tu

ksidu lafIa;%hg msúfikakkag ta

ms<sn|j ienE we,aula ;sìh hq;=h'

Tjqka myiqlï .ek fkdis;d

hSiaÜ ksid msá msfmkakd fia wjkay,a" fydag,a yd fNdackd.dr ksid fílß l¾udka;fha o msì§ula we;sj ;sfí

fydÈka uykais ù Ys,am {dkh

,nd.; hq;=h' tfukau Tjqka bx.%Sis

NdIdj o uekúka m%.=K l< hq;=h

Y%s ,xldj mqrd l=vd mßudKfha

fílß rdYshla me;sß mj;sk w;r

mdrïmßlj fílß l¾udka;fha

kshef,k tjeks mjq,a j,

;reK ;reKshkag ish ksjiskau

fílß l¾udka;fha ksmqK;djka

,nd.ekSug wjldY ,eî ;sfnkjd'

tfukau m%Sud fílß mdie, jeks

wdh;k j,ska iqÿiq mqyqKq mdGud,d

mj;ajkq ,nkjd tfukau ksmqK;d

we;s mqoa.,hskag iqmfõ§ ;r.j,g

iyNd.S ù ;u olaI;d yd ksmqK;d

úoyd ±laùug yelshdj ,eî


^mrdl%u oikdhl uy;d P&S

^óg fmr fmf¾rd iy mq;%fhda&

iud.fï wOHlaIl$idudkHdêldß

f,i lghq;= lrhs' Tyq Baking science & technology, cookies and crackers ms<sn|j

ämaf,daudodÍ iqÿiqlï ,;a fílß

;dlaIK Ys,amsfhl= o fjhs'&

jo j¾Okh ù we;s njhs' tod mej;s WIaKdêl uq¿;eka f.j,a fjkqjg kùk ;dlaIKsl fuj,ï iys;

uq¿;eka f.j,a ±ka mj;S' tfukau

ÆKq lemSu jeks ir, ld¾hh mjd

isÿlsÍug kùk;u Wmdx. ;sîu

ksid fldalshl= fyda iqmfõÈfhl=g

buy;a myiqjla ,eî we;'

foaYShj iqÿiqlï ,enQ iqmfõ§ka"

fílßlrejka yd flala w,xlrkh

lrkakkag úYd, b,a¨ula mj;S'

tu ksid fuu l¾udka;fha ish¨u

lafIa;%hka i|yd jD;a;suh

jYfhka fydo wjldYhla mj;S'

Y%S ,xldfõ;a msg;;a fílß wxYfha

wjia:djka fndfydauhla újD;

ù we;s w;r wka;¾cd;slj we;s

tjeks wjldYhka w;suy;ah' tu

ksidu ,dxlSh iqmfõ§ka" fldalshka

yd wfkla mqyqKq jD;a;slhka yg

úfoaY.; ùug fndfyda wjia:d

Wodù we;' fuu lafIa;%fha fiajl

msßjegqï m%;sY;h foi n,k úg

fuh ilaiqola fia meyeÈ,s jkakls'

fuu lafIa;%h ms<sn|j Wkkaÿjla

we;s whg fílß l¾udka;fha

wdl¾IkSh jD;a;suh wjia:djka

,nd.ekSug wjia:d mj;S'

fílß l¾udka;h jD;a;shla

lr.kakd mqoa.,fhl=g fj<|m,

wjYH;djhka .ek yd ;ukaf.a

mdßfNda.slhka .ek fyd|

wjfndaOhla ,nd .eksu ;=<ska

jHjidhl;aj wjia:djka Wodlr

.ekSug uxfm;a újr lr .ekSug

yelshdjla ;sfí' idudkH

fílßlrefjl= isg jD;a;Suh

fílßlrefjl= njg m;aùug

m%.=Kl, hq;= m,mqreoao fuhhs'

fílß l¾udka;fha wo mj;sk

±ä wjYH;djhla ù we;af;a ta

i|yd ±ä we,aula" Wkkaÿjla yd

lemùula we;s ;reK ;reKshka

fidhd .ekSfï ÿIalr;djhs' wo

jk úg fuu lafIa;%fhys ldka;d

ksfhdackh wvq jqj;a ldka;djkag

mq¿,a wjldYhla fuu lafIa;%fha

Page 20: Edex Magazine April 2013


a profession in the

makingBy Sharlene De Chickera and

Nirojini Kanapathipilai

Most parents prefer their children to select careers that are commonly considered as ‘white collar’ jobs. To become a baker does not fall in to such group of first preferences. Culturally, a baker termed a “Bakkarai” is considered to be uneducated. Does it actually count as a potential career worthy of pursuing, in today’s context?

To begin with, baking is a profession omnipresent worldwide, which is well respected with potential to earn a lot of money.

The bakery industry is one that has its cultural and societal norms and traditions. Though in Sri Lanka baking is still not regarded as a recognized profession, elsewhere bakery industry is highly recognised as an interesting, creative and a lucrative one.

Opportunities for ‘bakers’ exist almost everywhere. It can be hotels, restaurants, way side boutiques, eateries, commercial baking plants with large numbers of employees, hostels, etc. Basically, any place where ‘ready to eat food’ is a necessity. It is something that exists right throughout all social strata, from among the wealthiest to the most down trodden, from the simplest form of bread to the finest cakes. Bakers

Bakery industry

Bakery industry

Diploma in baking offered by Prima Baking Training Centre is a professional

qualification that is well recognized locally and globally. It is designed to

meet latest industry requirements, with up to about 70% of its total

content being practical

Mr. Ranjan Amarasinghe

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19Careers 19

can also gain employment overseas as well. Even if all that is not attractive, there is always the possibility of running your own bakery, catering to your neighborhood.

It is now becoming an increasingly popular concept to buy ‘home made’ breads, pastries and cookies. In the baking industry, there are opportunities for practically everyone, school leavers, house-wives as well as small businessmen who own eateries or bakeries.

For many youth facing a quandary as to what to do with themselves after their O/L or A/L examinations, bakery industry is a ‘hot’ option to seriously consider. It is certainly not for the uneducated. It is for those who foresee an industry’s potential and are ready to venture away from the beaten track.

“Sri Lankan youth have great potential and need to be guided in to paths that bring out their inherent talent, one of which is acumen for hand-on skills. Baking is one such skill. We need to instill a sense of pride in an individual to become a baker, as a person who is talented, qualified and professional in what he or she does,” said Ranjan Amarasinghe, Principal of Prima Baking Training Centre in Rajagiriya. It is the only baking educational institution in Sri Lanka which is a licensee of the prestigious Baking Industry Training Centre in Singapore.

Diploma in baking offered by Prima Baking Training Centre is a professional qualification that is well recognized locally and globally. It is designed to meet latest industry requirements, with up to about 70% of its total content being practical. Any youth over 18 years can enroll to follow this diploma.

“It is a little known fact that a student who gets in to baking industry after his or her O/L or A/L examinations can even earn a degree in Food Science, by completing National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) level 7. If interested, there is scope for youth to learn the fine-art of baking whilst studying as a hobby,” revealed Amarasinghe.

(Assistance rendered by Ranjan Amarasinghe who is a graduate of the American Institute of Baking (AIB) Kansas USA, Master Trainer / Assessor AQF TAFE South Australia in preparation of above article is highly appreciated.)

Page 22: Edex Magazine April 2013


fílß l¾udka;h igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard iy ksfrdackS lkm;sms,af,a úisks

mßj¾:kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks

msìfok jD;a;shls

wfmdi id$fm< fyda W$fm<

úNd. j,ska miqj l=uk

jD;a;shl kshef,kafka o hk

fo.sähdjlska miqjk ;reK

;reKshkag fílß l¾udka;h

ms<sn|j wjOdkh fhduq

lsßu iqÿiq h

foudmshka ;u orejkag Wiia

hehs ie,flk jD;a;shla fj;

fhduq lsÍug leue;a;la olajkjd'

fílß lrefjl= ùu tf,i Wiia

jD;a;shla f,i i,lkafka keye'

fuhg fya;=j nlalf¾lrefjl=

f,i ye¢kajqkq fuu jD;a;slhka

kq.;a ksis wOHdmkhla fkd,o

mqoa.,hska f,ihs idïm%odhslj

i,lkq ,enqfõ' kuq;a wog;a fuh

i;Hhlao @

wo ojfia§ fuu ms<s.ekSu tf,iu

fkdfjkiaj mj;So @ ke;skï

l¾udka; lafIa;%fha jD;a;shka

ms<sn|j kj Wkkaÿjla msô§ula

we;s ù ;sfío @

wdrïNfha §u mejish hq;af;a

fílß l¾udka;h f,dalfha i¾j

jHdma;S jD;a;shla fukau" jeä

ms<s.ekSula yd uQ,Huh jYfhka

jeä m%;s,dNhla ,nd.; yels

jD;a;shla njg o tod fuod;=r

mßj¾;kh ù we;s njhs'

fílß l¾udka;h jkd yS

mdrïmßl l%ufõohka yd

ixialD;sl yd iudc.;

m%;sudkhkaf.ka msreKq

l¾udka;hla' jD;a;suh jYfhka

Y%S ,xldfõ jeä ms<s.ekSula

fkd;snqko is;a.kakdiq¿"

ks¾udKd;aul yd m%;s,dNodhs

jD;a;shla f,i buy;a ms<s.ekSula

fílß jD;a;slhkag cd;Hka;r

;,fhaÈ wo ,eî we;'

Page 23: Edex Magazine April 2013

21jD;a;sh 21

olaI;djhka t<shg .ekSug iqÿiq fj; Tjqka fhduqlsÍuhs'

w;ajev ms<sn|j we;s olaI;djh

fuf,i ;reK ;reKshka i;= tla

iycfhka tk yelshdjla' fílß

l¾udka;h tf,i w;ajev ms<sn|

j yelshdjla we;s mqoa.,hskag b;d


we;af;kau fílß jD;a;slhka

jkdys ksmqK;d yd iqÿiqlï imsß

wNsudkj;a jD;a;slhka njg ta;a;=

.ekaùu ;=<ska Tjqka ;=< jD;a;sh

flfrys idvïnrhla wNsudkhla

we;s lsÍu isÿl< hq;=h'

m%Sud fílß mqyqKq wdh;kh

isx.mamqrefõ buy;a lS¾;shla

we;s fílß mqyqKq wdh;kfha

n,m;%,dNS Y%s ,xldfõ tlu

fílß wOHdmk wdh;khhs'

m%Sud fílß mqyqKq wdh;kh

úiska msßkuk fílß ämaf,daudj

,xldj ;=,;a wka;¾cd;slj;a

buy;a ms<s.ekSula we;s jD;a;sh

iqÿiqlula' fuu jevigykaj,ska

70] wxYhg keUqrej

mj;ajdf.k hkafka fílß

l¾udka;fha ld,Sk wjYH;djka

imqrd,Su i|ydh' wjqreÿ 18

iïmQ¾K l< ´kEu ;reK

;reKsfhl=g fuu ämaf,daud

mdGud,dj ye±ßh yelshs' wurisxy

uy;d jeä ÿrg;a woyia olajñka

mjid isgfha id$fm< fyda

W$fm< úNd.hka f.ka miqj

fílß l¾udka;hg msúfik

;reK ;reKshka yg fmdaIKfõ§

Wmdêhla NVQ wÈhr 7 olajd

yodrd ,nd.ekSug yelshdjla

mj;sk nj fndfyda fofkla

fkdokakd lreKla njhs' tfukau

fílß lafIa;%hg iïnkaOj

Wkkaÿjla we;s ´kEu mqoa.,hl=g

úfkdaodxYhla f,i fuu

lafIa;%fha kshef,k .uka fílß

lafIa;%fha ishqï l,djka ye±Ífï

yelshdjl=;a mj;sk nj Tyq m%ldY


^rkacka wurisxy uy;d wefußldkq fílska wdh;kh ^American Institute of Baking (AIB) ys WmdêOdßhls' ta uy;d úiska fuu ,smsh m, lsßug ,ndÿka w.kd wkq.%yh wm ia;=;smQ¾jlj fuysÈ u;la lr Èh hq;=h'&

wo fílß jD;a;slhkag

/lshd wjia:djka rdYshla

,xldfõ oi foiska u;=fjñka

mj;s' fydag,a" wjkay,a" u.

fomi we;s l=vd wdmkYd,d"

fNdackd.dr" l¾udka;Yd,d"

fkajdisld.dr" jeks l,ska

msisk ,o laIksl wdydr ioyd

wjYH;djhla we;s ´kEu

ia:dkhl /lshd wjia:djka

,nd.ekSug jD;a;slhkag

wjia:dj we;'

tfukau iudcfha Okj;au

mqoa.,hskaf.a isg È<sÿu

mqoa.,hka olajd iEu ia:rhlgu

wjYH bia;rïu flala j¾.j,

isg b;d ir, mdka f.äh olajd

úúO jQ wdydruh ks¾udKhka

i|yd jk ±ä b,a¨u ksid

fuf,i mq¿,a /lshd wjia:d

Wod ù we;' ,xldfõ muKla

fkdj tf;r /lshd wjia:d

mjd ,en .ekSug fílß

jD;a;slhkag wo fodrgq újr

ù we;' tfia;a fkdue;sj

; jHdmdrhla f,i ;u

m%foaYjdiskaf.a wjYH;djka

i|yd fílß l¾udka;hl

kshe,sug;a wjia:dj Tng mj;S'

fujeks úYd, b,a¨ula fílß

l¾udka;hg mj;skafka .DydY%s;j

ksmo jQ mdka" fmaiaá% iy m%kS;

úiaflda;= j¾. i|yd jk b,a¨u

ojiska oji by,hdu ksidhs'

mdie,a YsIHhka" .DyKshka"

l=vd mßudKfha jHdmdßlhska jeks

´kEu whl=g fílß l¾udka;hg

m%úYag ùug wo wjia:d Wod ù we;'

wfmdi id$fm< fyda W$fm<

úNd. j,ska miqj l=uk jD;a;shl

kshef,kafka o hk fo.sähdjlska

miqjk ;reK ;reKshkag fílß

l¾udka;h ms<sn|j wjOdkh

fhduq lsßu iqÿiq nj mejish

hq;=h' fílß l¾udka;h w,amY%e;

mqoa.,hskag fkdj tu l¾udka;fha

bÈßh ms<sn|j ukd jegySula we;s"

tfukau mqreÿ iïm%odhs m:hlsksa

neyerj .uka lsÍug iqodkï

W.;a ;reK ;reKshkag iqÿiq


rdc.sßfha m%sud fílß mqyqKq

wdh;kfha úÿy,am;s rkacka

wurisxy uy;d olsk mßÈ Y%s

,dxlSh ;reK ;reKshka uy;a

olaI;dj,ska fyì mrmqrla'

wjYHj we;af;a Tjqkaf.a tu iyc

Page 24: Edex Magazine April 2013


ntJg;gff; ifj;njhopy; xU thz;ikj; njhopyhf cUthf;fy;Mf;fk; - \hypd; B rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk; epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is

ntJg;gff; ifj;njhopy;

nra;tjw;f;FkhFk;. mth;fspd; ifj;jpwd; tpUj;jpailtjw;f;FkhFk;. ntJg;gfk; ,g;gbahd jpwid tUj;jpailar; nra;Ak;. xU jdpegh; ntJg;gf njhopyhf fUjp jpwdfisAk;; tpUj;jp nra;J thz;ikahsuhf tuyhk; vd wQ;rd; mkurpq;f uh[fphpa gphpkh ntJg;gf gapw;rp epiya mjpgh; $wpdhh;. ,JNt ,yq;ifapy; XNunahU gapw;rp epiyakhFk;. ,J rpq;fg;G+h; gapw;rp epiyaj;jpd; mDkjp ngw;w epWtdkhFk;.

ntJg;gfj;jpy; bg;Nshkh rhd;wpjo; gphpkh ntJg;gf gapw;rp epiyaj;jpdhy; toq;fg;gLk; njhopy; thz;ik rhd;wpjo; MFk;.,J cs;ehl;bYk; ntspehl;bYk; mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;lJ. ,J mz;ikf;fhy ifj;njhopy; Njitfis epiwTnra;Ak;. ,jp 70% nray;Kiwf;FhpaJ 18tajpw;f;F Nky; ,e;j ghlnewpfis gbf;fyhk;.

O/L , A/L ghPl;irf;Fg;gpd;G khzth;fs; ntJg;gfj; njhopypy; <LgLthh;fs; Njrpa gapw;rp newpj; jFjpfspd; Kjw;f; fl;lk; Kbj;J gpd;dh; mjd; %yk; czT tpQ;Qhdj;jpy; gl;lg;gbg;ig Nkw;f;nfhs;syhk;. ,isQh;fSf;F Mh;tkpUg;gpd; ,jid ntJg;gfj; njhopiy nghOJNghf;fhff; fw;fyhk; vd mkurpq;f fhl;bAs;shh;.

(jfty;fs; uQ;rd; mkurpq;f ,th; mnkhpf;f ntJg;gf fy;tp epiyak; fz;rh]; If;fpa mnkhpf;f gl;ljhhpAk; gapwlrpahsh; kh];lUk; AQF TAFE ,d; njw;F mT];Nuypahtpd; thp tpjpg;gthpd; NkYs;s Mf;fk; ghuhl;bw;FhpajhFk;)

mNefkhd ngw;Nwhh;fs; jkJ gps;isfis cLg;Gf;frq;fhj epoy; Ntiyfspy; <LgLj;jNt tpUk;Gfpd;whh;fs;. ,j;jifa Kjy; njhpthd njhopyhf ntJg;gfj; njhopy; mikahJ. vkJ fyhrhu hPjpahf ntJg;gfj; njhopypy; <LgLgth;fisf; fy;tpawptw;wth;fs; vd;Nw fUJfpd;wdh;. ,d;iwa epiyapy; ntJg;gfj; njhopy; ngWkjpahdjh? my;yJ gpuNahrdkhdjh vd;gij Nehf;fy; Ntz;Lk;.

,d;W cyfshtpa mbg;gilapy; ntJg;gfj; njhopy; kjpg;Gf;Fhpa njhopyhfTk; ghhpa gzk; ciof;Fk; njhopyhfTk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ntJg;gf ifj;njhopy; ghuk;ghpakhdJk; r%f kuGfisAk; fyhrhuj;ijAk; nfhz;ljhf fUjg;gLfpd;wJ. Mdhy; ,yq;ifapy; ,d;Wk; rpwe;j njhopyhf fUjg;gltpy;iy. NtW ,lq;fspy; ntJg;gff; ifj;njhopy; cah;thf mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;l Mh;tkhd Mf;fj;jpwd; nfhz;l njhopyhf fUjg;gLfpd;wJ.

,jw;fhd re;jh;g;gk; vq;Fk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. czT tpLjpfs; rpw;Wz;br;rhiyfs; rpwpa filfs; cztfq;fs; vd;gtw;wpy; mNef njhopyhspfs; cs;s ,lq;fs; tpLjpfs; vd;gdthFk;. mj;Jld; ve;j ,lj;jpy; czT NjitahdNjh mq;F ntJg;gfk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. r%fj;jpd; vy;yh kl;lq;fspYk; mjpf gzk; cs;s ,lj;jpypUe;J vspa epiytiu cs;sJ. ghzpy; ,Ue;J jpwkhd Nff; tiu tpahgpj;Js;sJ. ntspehLfspYk; ntJg;gf njhopYf;F Ntiytha;g;G cz;L. ,it vy;yhtw;iwAk; tpl nrhe;jkhf ntJfg;gf njhopiy nra;J maytUf;F czit tpepNahfpf;fyhk;.

,d;W gpugy;akhf mjpfhpj;j tPl;by; nra;Ak; ghz; rpw;Wz;btiffSf;fhf ntJg;gf njhopy; tpahgpj;Js;sJ.vy;Nyhhpw;Fk; ,jpy; re;jh;g;gk; cs;sJ. ghlrhiyapypUe;J tpyfpapUg;gth;fs; tPl;Lj; Jiztpfs; rpwpa ntJg;gfj;ij cUthf;Fk; rpwpa tpahghhpfSf;Fk; gad;gLfpd;wJ. mNef ,isQh;fs; O/L , A/L ghPl;ir Kbtile;jijj; njhlh;e;J vd;d nra;tJ vdj; njhpahJ mq;fyha;f;fpd;wdh;. mth;fSf;F ntJg;gf ifj;njhopy; xU #lhd Njh;thFk;. epr;rakhf fy;tpawptw;wth;fs; kl;Lky;y ifj;njhopy; nra;tjw;f;F vjph;ghh;g;gth;fSf;Fk; Gjpa KjyPLfspy; <LgLgth;fSf;Fk; nghUj;jkhdJ.

,yq;if ,isQh;fis rhpahdghijapy; topfhl;b mth;fsplk; cs;s cs;shh;e;j jpwd;fis tpUj;jp

mNef ,isQh;fs; O/L , A/L ghPl;ir Kbtile;jijj; njhlh;e;J vd;d nra;tJ vdj; njhpahJ mq;fyha;f;fpd;wdh;. mth;fSf;F ntJg;gf ifj;njhopy; xU #lhd Njh;thFk;

mNef ,isQh;fs; O/L , A/L ghPl;ir Kbtile;jijj; njhlh;e;J vd;d nra;tJ vdj; njhpahJ mq;fyha;f;fpd;wdh;. mth;fSf;F ntJg;gf ifj;njhopy; xU #lhd Njh;thFk;

Page 25: Edex Magazine April 2013
Page 26: Edex Magazine April 2013


cooksA chef is a professional cook who is able to prepare, cook and present a wide variety of foods efficiently and according to industry standards. The word “chef” is borrowed from the French term chef de cuisine, which means the head of the kitchen.

There is a ranking system amongst chefs. A commis is a lower ranking chef in larger kitchens who most probably is a recently qualified hotel or culinary school graduate. Chef de partie, otherwise known as a line cook is in charge of a particular area of production. Sous chef is the second in command in the kitchen, ranking below the executive or head chef.

Head chefs oversee the operations of a kitchen, including staff, food preparation and all cooking activities. Contrary to popular belief, executive chefs actually do very little cooking, though they have already done a lot, working their way up through the kitchen ranks. It’s generally the line cooks who do the actual cooking according to executive chef’s instructions.

A lot of their time is devoted to researching trends in food industry, planning and creating menus, budgeting and financial planning, recruiting staff, instructing line cooks about

preparation, cooking, garnishing and presentation of food as well as meeting quality standards. Other duties that may come as surprise include representing a restaurant publicly and marketing it, establishing good relationships with customers.

There are career opportunities for chefs and cooks in hotels, restaurants, club kitchens, airline and naval catering services, commercial, industrial and hospital catering organizations, cruise ships, entrepreneurial enterprises, organizations that offer residential facilities such as educational institutions with hostels, etc. These places cater to different cuisines and they too, can be sub divided in to further categories such as hot food, cold food (salads and cold cuts), butchery, pastry and bakery, specialty foods etc.

Apart from those career opportunities that exist within various such places, some may even get opportunities of migrating to other destinations. A commis, cook or chef will always be in demand on a global scale. But all this require a set of culinary skills. While there are some who are born with such culinary skills, many others have studied and improved their skills professionally.

By Sharlene De Chickera and Nirojini Kanapathipllai


Page 27: Edex Magazine April 2013

Careers 25

onions! Treat the eyes first

It is a norm in the culinary world that the eyes eat first! It only after enticing a customer to feast with eyes that a chef can address taste buds. The culinary field also gives ample opportunity to be creative, to create different menus, flavours and explore combinations of foods and preparation styles.

Get the basics right

The road to become a chef is interesting, with many recipes and other ingredients. It is better to start by getting a basic qualification from a recognised hotel school that puts a student through at least six months training in the kitchen department and other culinary disciplines. This training is vital. Together with an innate talent for cooking which can be fine-tuned along the way, a chef needs a good command of the English language.

There are places you can be posted to and gain experience and learn new and exciting methods of cooking. The difficult side of the job is the pressure in dealing with difficult customers. A chef is also responsible for nutrition, hygiene and the costs.

Kitchen is the no.01 department

The kitchen department is always the most sought after in a star class hotel. The guest always return if the food is good and the chefs who have good inter-personal relationships with guests become PR ambassadors as well. As a chef if you can remember people’s favourite food or dishes and say during their next visit “Good day, sir! Would you like to have your usual?” it for more makes them feel special come back.

“Having become a chef, I have no regrets as I earn a good salary with so much job satisfaction,” said Chef Salih.

Narrated by Chef Salih of Galadhari Hotel to EDEX Magazine, passing a message to youth of Sri Lanka who have a penchant for cooking to reach the top.

Know your There are many reasons for any youth to become a chef. It is a very satisfying job if you love to cook and create. It is also a well paid job with many perks. It also gives a person ample opportunity to fine-tune social skills and learn how to interact with people. The culinary field is very vibrant in Sri Lanka and chefs can earn well locally. There is a lot of scope for Sri Lankan youth to become chefs.

“There should be a pride in his or her heart that he or she wants to become a chef and this is the first step,” said Salih. A chef commands a good rating professionally with an international appeal.

Chef Salih

Page 28: Edex Magazine April 2013


Mf;fk; - \hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk;

epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is

Page 29: Edex Magazine April 2013

27Careers 27

Chef Salih

Page 30: Edex Magazine April 2013


Wm wxYhcggphpT


/lshd iajNdjhNtiy tpsf;fq;fs;

iqÿiqlï yd m,mqreoaojFjpfs; / Njitahd mDgtq;fs;;

udisl jegqm re'Cjpak;

Wiia ùï $ jD;a;Sh wjia:dcah;Tj; Njhw;wk; / njhopw;j;Njh;Tfs;

;re mka;sfha fydag,ael;rj;jpu


uq¿;eka f.hrikayiw

wdOqksl fldals $ uq¿;ekaf.a iydhl rikaw; gapw;rpahsh; / rikayiw cjtpahsh;

w'fmd'i idfm, iu;a ù ;sìh hq;=h' ms<s.;a fydag,a mdi,lska ,o iy;slhla ;sîu wu;r iqÿiq luls' f.ngh.j (rh/j) rpj;jp. tpLjp ghlrhiyapy; fy;tp fw;wikf;fhd rhd;wpjo; NkYk; tha;g;ig cWjpg;gLj;Jk;

7"000 - 12"500 fõg¾ $ fldñiaNkirg; gzpahs; / nfhkp];

fldñia III nfhkp]; III

fldalshl= ùug iqÿiqlï ,eîug mgka.; hq;= ;k;=r fuhhs' nfhkp]; 3 Mf ,Uf;ifapy; chef Mfpwhu;

jD;a;Sh ämaf,daudjla yodrd ;sîu fyda fydag,a flaIa;%h $iqm Ydia;%h $ wdydr w,xlrKh jeks wxYhl iy;slhla ;sîu yd wju jYfhka tla jirl mYapd;a iqÿiqlï" m<mqreoao' njhopy;El;g bg;Nshk rhd;wpjo; / tpUe;Njhk;gy; fw;if newpapd; rhd;wpjo; / rpwe;j czT gupkhw;wk; / xU tUl gl;lg;

gbg;gpw;F gpd;duhd njhopypy; mDgtk; kw;Wk; rikay; fiyapy; Njh;r;rp vjph;ghh;f;fg;gLfpd;wJ.

15"000 - 20"000 fldñia II / fldalsnfhkp]; II / n\t;

fldñia II nfhkp]; II

fmaiaá%$ud¿$Y%S,a$frdaiaÜ $t,j¨$ fílß $ flala $ fmrÈ.$ wmrÈ.$wka;¾cd;sl jeks úfYaIs; wxYhl jev lrhs' nghJthf ,J Nghd;w Ng];l;up / kPd; /Grill / Roast / kuf;fwpfs; / Ngf;fup / Nff; / fpof;F / Nkw;F>

Nghd;w ru;tNjr> gFjpfspy; tpNrlkhf njhopy; Ghpjy;

;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fldñia III fY%aKsfha jir 2lg jvd jeä m,mqreoao'el;rj;jpu tpLjpapy; nfhkp]; III Mf ,uz;L tUl njhopy; mDgtk;

20"000 - 30"000 fldñia I / fldalsnfhkp]; I / n\t;

fldñia I nfhkp]; I

by; tla wxYhl ukd m,mqreoao ,nhs' Fwpg;gpl;l gFjpfspy; NkYk; rpwg;G Nju;r;rp miljy;

;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fldñia III/II fY%aKsfha jir 3 - 5 l muK m,mqreoao' el;rj;jpu tpLjpfspy; nfhkp]; 3 / 2 Mf 3-5 tUl njhopy; mDgtk;

30"000 - 40"000 wrlaleñ n\t;

wrlaleñ / Sous Chefn\t; / N\h]; n\t;

uq¿;ekaf.a tla ksIamdok wxYhla Ndrj lghq;= lrhs' m%Odk fldalshdf.a iydhl f,i;a fojekshd f,i;a lghq;= lrhs' ,uz;lhtJ fl;lis mjpfhup kw;Wk; jiyik chef ,d; Neub cjtpahsu;> Fwpg;gpl;l

gFjpapy; cw;gj;jpf;F nghWg;ghdtu;

fldñia $ wrlaleñ f,i jir 5-7 olajd ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl m,mqreoao'el;rj;jpu tpLjpfspy; rikay;fhuuhfNth my;yJ nfhkp]; Mf 5-7 tUl njhopy; mDgtk;

50"000 - 80"000 m%Odk wrlaleñ jiyik rikaw;fhuh;

m%Odk wrlaleñjiyik rikaw;fhuh;

uq¿ ;ekaf.h Ndrj lghq;= lrhs' wdydr jÜfgdare ms,sh, lsÍu" wdydr øjH ñ<§ .ekSu" fiajl l<uKdlrKh jeks lghq;= j, j.lSu orhs'rikayiwapd; nghWg;ghsu;> rikayiwapy; jahupf;fg;gLk; czTfis Nkw;ghu;it

nra;jy; Njitahd nghUs; nfhs;tdT

ms,s.;a fydag,a mdi,lska F & B" flagßka" iqm Y%dia;%h" fydag,a l<uKdlrKh jeks wxYhla ioyd Wmdêhla fyda ämaf,daudjla iuÕ ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl jir 7-10 m<mqreoao HCCPA m%ñ;s ms<snoj ukd ±kqu'gl;lg;gbg;gpid rpwe;j rikaw;fiy ghlrhiyapNyh my;yJ tpLjpg;glrhiyapNyh ngw;wpUg;gJld; bg;Nshk rhd;wpjopid/ gupkhWjy; / tpLjp Kfhikj;Jtk; /rikay; fiyfspy; ngw;wpug;gJld; HCCPA juq;fspy; Njitahd mwpT> el;rj;jpu

tpLjpapy; 10 tUlq;fSf;F Nkw;gl;l mDgtk;;

75"000 - 12"5000 F & B iydh l<uKdlre $ F & B l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd cg Kfhikahsh; / czT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd Kfhikahsh;

wdydr yd mdk (F & B) l<uKdlrKhczT kw;Wk;

ePh; ghd


(F & B) úhoï md,lczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd

ngWkjp fl;Lg;ghl;lhsh;

F & B wxYfha úhoï md,khg l<uKdlrKhg iyh fohs' ;;aj md,k lghq;= isÿlrhs'ePh; ghd tpuaq;fis fl;Lg;gLj;Jk; Kfhikahshpw;f;F cjTjy;. mr; nraw;ghLfis

fl;Lg;gLj;Jk; eltbf;iffspy; <LgLjy;

F & B úhoï md,kh ms,snoj fydo ±kqula mß.Kl Ndú;hg we;s yelshdj' ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl jir 2 lg jeä m,mqreoao'czT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd ngWkjp fl;Lg;ghl;by; rpwe;j mwpT kw;Wk; fzdp mwptpidg; ngw;wpUg;gJld; 2 tUlj;jpw;f;Fk;

Nkw;g;gl;l el;rj;jpu cztfj;jpy; mDgtq;fis ngw;wpUj;jy;

20"000 - 35"000 F & B wëlaIlczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd fz;fhzpg;ghsh;;

(F & B) wêlaIlczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd


F & B iyldr l<uKdlre hgf;a fiajh lrhs' ePh; ghd gpujp Kfhikahsupw;f;F fPo; flikahw;Wgth;

flag¾ia" iQm%Y%ia;%h jeks wod, wxYhla i|yd ämaf,daudjla ,nd ;sîu' wêlaIl fyda úhoï md,k flaIa;%hl jir 2 lg jeä m,mqreoao'gupkhWjy;/ rikay; rk;ge;jkhd bg;Nshkh fw;if newp .2 tUl Nkw;ghu;itahsu; mDgtk;

30"000 - 40"000 F & B iyldr l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd cg Kfhikahsh;

(F & B) iyldr l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd cg


F & B l<uKdlreg iydh fohs' ePh; ghd cg Kfhikahsh;

iQmYdia;%h $ fydag,a l<uKdlrKh ms,sno ämaf,daudjla yd jir 3lg jeä m,mqreoao fyda F & B wêlaIlhl= f,i ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl jir 5-7 muK m<mqreoao'gupkhWjy;/ rikay; rk;ge;jkhd bg;NshkhTld; 3 tUlj;jpw;FNkyhd czT kw;Wk; ePh;g;ghd fw;if newpapid czT

tpLjpapy; 5-7 tUlq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;sy;;

60"000 - 100"000 F & B l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd Kfhikahsh;

(F & B) l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd


wdydr yd mdk (F & B) wxYfha l%shdldß;ajh ms<snoj iïmQ¾K j.lSu orhs'midj;J czT kw;Wk; ePPh;ghd nraw;ghLfSf;F nghWg;ghdth;

fydag,a l<uKdlrKh ms,snoj Wmdê fyda ms,s.;a jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlula ;sîu yd ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl F & B l<uKdlrKh ms,snoj jir 5lg jeä m,mqreoaola ;sîu fyda fydag,a l<uKdlrKh ms,sn|j ämaf,daudjla iu. jir 10lg jeä lafIa;% m,mqreoao'gl;lg; gbg;G / 5 tUlq;fspw;Fk; Nkyhd tpLjp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpy; rpwe;j mwpag;gl;l ,lj;jpyhd njhopy; mDgtk;>

tpUe;Njhk;gSf;fhd bg;NyhkTld; 10 tUl njhopy; mDgtk;.

100"000 - 200"000 ksjdis.; l<uKdlre $ iyldr idudkHdêldß $ idudkHdêldßtjptpl Kfhikahsh; cjtp nghJ

Kfhikahsh;; nghJ Kfhikahsh;

uq¨;eka f.hrikayiw

wdOqksl fldals$Wmldrlrikaw; gapw;rpahsh; / rikayiw cjtpahsh;

w'fmdi id'fm, iu;a ù ;sìh hq;=hs' ms,s.;a fydg,a mdi,lska úfYaIs; wxYhla i|ydjq iy;slhla ;sîu wu;r iqÿiq luls'rhjhuz jug; ghPl;ir ngWNgWfSld; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg; ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJk; rpwe;jjhFk;.

5"000 - 12"500 fõg¾ $ fldñiaNkirg; gzpg;ghsh; / nfhkp];

fldñia $ fldalsnfhkp]; / rikaw;fhuh;

fmaiaá%" .s%,a" fílß" flala" fmrÈ." wmrÈ." wka;¾cd;sl jeks úfYaIs; wxYhla Ndrj lghq;= lrhs'nghJthf ,J Nghd;w Ng];l;up / fpupy;iy / kuf;fwpfs; / Ngf;fup / Nff;Ffs; fpof;F / Nkw;F>

ru;tNjr> Nghd;w Fwpg;gpl;l gFjpfis ifahSfpd;wik

jD;a;sh ämaf,daudjla yodrd ;sîu fyda fydag,a flaIa;%h $iqmY%dia;%h $ wdydr w,xlrKh jeks wxYhl iy;slhla ;sîu iy jir 2 l m,mqreoao fyda ms,s.;a fydag,a mdi,l iy;slhla iu. jir 2-5 muK mYapd;a iqÿiqlï m,mqreoao'bg;Nshkh gapw;rp tpUe;Jgrhuj;jpy; rhd;wpjo; rpwe;j czT kw;Wk; rikaw; fiy mwpTldhd Fiwe;jJ 2 tUl jFjpkpf;f

mDgtq;fs; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg; ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJld; Fiwe;jJ 2-5 tUl jFjpkpf;f


15"000 - 40"000 wrlaleñjiyik rikaw;fhuh;

wrlaleñjiyik rikaw;fhuh;

m%Odk lEu jÜfgdarej Ndrj lghq;= lrhs' wdydr ms,sfh, lsßu Ndrj isà'Kf;fpakhf czTg;gl;baypid ifahs;jy; my;yJ czTr; nraw;ghLfSf;F


jir 3-5 olajd ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fldñia$fldals f,i m,mqreoao fyda ms,s.;a fydag,a mdie,l iy;slhla iu. jir 5 l mYapd;a iqÿiqlï m,mqreoao'3-5 tUl el;j;jpu tpLjpapd; nfhkp]; my;yJ rikaw;fhuhpw;fhd mDgtq;fs; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg;

ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJld; Fiwe;jJ 5 tUl jFjpkpf;f mDgtq;fis ngw;wpj;jy;.

30"000 - 75"000 uqq¨;ekaf.a l<ukdlrerikayiw Kfhikahsh;

uq¨;ekaf.a Ndr l<ukdlrerikayiw Kfhikahsh;

uq¨;ekaf.a ish¿ lghq;= Ndrj l%shdlrhs' ñ,È .ekSï" wdydr ms,sfh, lsßfï ld,igyka iïnkaêlrKh isÿ lrhs'rikayiw nraw;ghLfSf;F nghWg;ghftpUj;jy; czTr; nraw;ghLfis XOq;FgLj;jp


fydag,a l<uKdlrKh $ iQm Y%dia;%h ms,snoj jir 3lg jvd jeä m,mqreoao fyda wrlaleñhl= f,i jir 5lg jvd m,mqreoao'gl;g;gbg;gpid my;yJ bg;Nshkhtpid rikaw;fiyapy; ngw;wpUj;jy; tpLjp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpid 3 tUl mDgtq;fSld;

ngw;wpUj;jy; my;yJ 5 tUl mDgtq;fis nfhz;l jiyikr; rikaw;fhuuhftpUj;jy;.

50"000 - 100"000 wdmkYd,d l<uKdlretpLjpfspd; Kfhikahsh;

fldams y,aNfhg;gp


flala w,xlrK Ys,amSNff; myq;fhpg;ghsh;

wju jYfhka jir 2l m,mqreoao ;sìh hq;=hs' ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fyda wdmk Yd,djl jevlr ;sìu wjYHhs' tfukau ms,s.;a fydag,a mdie,l iy;slhla wu;r iqÿiqlula úh yel'Fiwe;jJ 2 tUl Xnu khjphpapyhd jFjpapidAila mDgtj;jpid ngw;wpUj;jy;; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg;

ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJ rpwe;jjhFk;.

50"000 - 80"000 fldñia $ fldalsnfhkp]; / rikaw;fhuh;

f;a$ fldams ms,sh, lrkakdNjdPh; / Nfhg;gp jahhpg;gth;

/lshdj ;=,ska ,o mqyqKqj jeo.;a' óg wu;rj jir 1-2 muK m,mqreoao fyda ms,s.;a fydag,a mdi,lska ,o iy;slhla wu;r iqÿiqlula úh yel'mNefkhhf tPl;bDs; gapw;rp ngw;wtuhf ,Ug;gJld; 1-2 tUl xNu khjphpapyhd jFjpapidAila mDgtj;jpid

ngw;wpUj;jy;; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg; ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJ rpwe;jjhFk;.

10"000 - 30"000 fldñia $ fldalsnfhkp]; / rikaw;fhuh;


wdydr l¾udka;fha we;s jD;a;Sh wjia:djka lsysmhla mukla fufia úia;r lruq'

igyk -by;ska olajd we;af;a f;dard .;a lafIa;%fha we;eï jD;a;Sh wjia:djka lsysmhla muks' /lshdjkag wod, fiajd lafIa;%hka" iqÿiqlï iy jegqma mßudKhka wdh;kslj" m%dfoaYslj iy wka;¾cd;slj fjkia úh yel'by; f;drf;dre ilia lsÍfï§ ;drld chj¾Ok fukúh iy ;drl nkaÿr;ak iy ,ysre pdur m%kdkaÿ hk uy;=ka úiska olajk ,o iyfhda.h w.h fldg i,luq'

Fwpg;G-NkNy jug;gl;l rikaw; Jiw njhlh;ghd juTfshd njhopy; njhlh;ghd mDgtq;fs; kw;Wk; mth;fSf;fhd cah; epiyfs; kw;Wk; Cjpaq;fs; Nghd;wit ,lj;jpw;fplKk; ehl;bw;f;F ehLk; NtWgl;L fhzg;gLk; vd;gij ftdj;jpw; nfhs;sTk;.

wdmk Yd,d



Page 31: Edex Magazine April 2013


Wm wxYhcggphpT


/lshd iajNdjhNtiy tpsf;fq;fs;

iqÿiqlï yd m,mqreoaojFjpfs; / Njitahd mDgtq;fs;;

udisl jegqm re'Cjpak;

Wiia ùï $ jD;a;Sh wjia:dcah;Tj; Njhw;wk; / njhopw;j;Njh;Tfs;

;re mka;sfha fydag,ael;rj;jpu


uq¿;eka f.hrikayiw

wdOqksl fldals $ uq¿;ekaf.a iydhl rikaw; gapw;rpahsh; / rikayiw cjtpahsh;

w'fmd'i idfm, iu;a ù ;sìh hq;=h' ms<s.;a fydag,a mdi,lska ,o iy;slhla ;sîu wu;r iqÿiq luls' f.ngh.j (rh/j) rpj;jp. tpLjp ghlrhiyapy; fy;tp fw;wikf;fhd rhd;wpjo; NkYk; tha;g;ig cWjpg;gLj;Jk;

7"000 - 12"500 fõg¾ $ fldñiaNkirg; gzpahs; / nfhkp];

fldñia III nfhkp]; III

fldalshl= ùug iqÿiqlï ,eîug mgka.; hq;= ;k;=r fuhhs' nfhkp]; 3 Mf ,Uf;ifapy; chef Mfpwhu;

jD;a;Sh ämaf,daudjla yodrd ;sîu fyda fydag,a flaIa;%h $iqm Ydia;%h $ wdydr w,xlrKh jeks wxYhl iy;slhla ;sîu yd wju jYfhka tla jirl mYapd;a iqÿiqlï" m<mqreoao' njhopy;El;g bg;Nshk rhd;wpjo; / tpUe;Njhk;gy; fw;if newpapd; rhd;wpjo; / rpwe;j czT gupkhw;wk; / xU tUl gl;lg;

gbg;gpw;F gpd;duhd njhopypy; mDgtk; kw;Wk; rikay; fiyapy; Njh;r;rp vjph;ghh;f;fg;gLfpd;wJ.

15"000 - 20"000 fldñia II / fldalsnfhkp]; II / n\t;

fldñia II nfhkp]; II

fmaiaá%$ud¿$Y%S,a$frdaiaÜ $t,j¨$ fílß $ flala $ fmrÈ.$ wmrÈ.$wka;¾cd;sl jeks úfYaIs; wxYhl jev lrhs' nghJthf ,J Nghd;w Ng];l;up / kPd; /Grill / Roast / kuf;fwpfs; / Ngf;fup / Nff; / fpof;F / Nkw;F>

Nghd;w ru;tNjr> gFjpfspy; tpNrlkhf njhopy; Ghpjy;

;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fldñia III fY%aKsfha jir 2lg jvd jeä m,mqreoao'el;rj;jpu tpLjpapy; nfhkp]; III Mf ,uz;L tUl njhopy; mDgtk;

20"000 - 30"000 fldñia I / fldalsnfhkp]; I / n\t;

fldñia I nfhkp]; I

by; tla wxYhl ukd m,mqreoao ,nhs' Fwpg;gpl;l gFjpfspy; NkYk; rpwg;G Nju;r;rp miljy;

;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fldñia III/II fY%aKsfha jir 3 - 5 l muK m,mqreoao' el;rj;jpu tpLjpfspy; nfhkp]; 3 / 2 Mf 3-5 tUl njhopy; mDgtk;

30"000 - 40"000 wrlaleñ n\t;

wrlaleñ / Sous Chefn\t; / N\h]; n\t;

uq¿;ekaf.a tla ksIamdok wxYhla Ndrj lghq;= lrhs' m%Odk fldalshdf.a iydhl f,i;a fojekshd f,i;a lghq;= lrhs' ,uz;lhtJ fl;lis mjpfhup kw;Wk; jiyik chef ,d; Neub cjtpahsu;> Fwpg;gpl;l

gFjpapy; cw;gj;jpf;F nghWg;ghdtu;

fldñia $ wrlaleñ f,i jir 5-7 olajd ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl m,mqreoao'el;rj;jpu tpLjpfspy; rikay;fhuuhfNth my;yJ nfhkp]; Mf 5-7 tUl njhopy; mDgtk;

50"000 - 80"000 m%Odk wrlaleñ jiyik rikaw;fhuh;

m%Odk wrlaleñjiyik rikaw;fhuh;

uq¿ ;ekaf.h Ndrj lghq;= lrhs' wdydr jÜfgdare ms,sh, lsÍu" wdydr øjH ñ<§ .ekSu" fiajl l<uKdlrKh jeks lghq;= j, j.lSu orhs'rikayiwapd; nghWg;ghsu;> rikayiwapy; jahupf;fg;gLk; czTfis Nkw;ghu;it

nra;jy; Njitahd nghUs; nfhs;tdT

ms,s.;a fydag,a mdi,lska F & B" flagßka" iqm Y%dia;%h" fydag,a l<uKdlrKh jeks wxYhla ioyd Wmdêhla fyda ämaf,daudjla iuÕ ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl jir 7-10 m<mqreoao HCCPA m%ñ;s ms<snoj ukd ±kqu'gl;lg;gbg;gpid rpwe;j rikaw;fiy ghlrhiyapNyh my;yJ tpLjpg;glrhiyapNyh ngw;wpUg;gJld; bg;Nshk rhd;wpjopid/ gupkhWjy; / tpLjp Kfhikj;Jtk; /rikay; fiyfspy; ngw;wpug;gJld; HCCPA juq;fspy; Njitahd mwpT> el;rj;jpu

tpLjpapy; 10 tUlq;fSf;F Nkw;gl;l mDgtk;;

75"000 - 12"5000 F & B iydh l<uKdlre $ F & B l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd cg Kfhikahsh; / czT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd Kfhikahsh;

wdydr yd mdk (F & B) l<uKdlrKhczT kw;Wk;

ePh; ghd


(F & B) úhoï md,lczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd

ngWkjp fl;Lg;ghl;lhsh;

F & B wxYfha úhoï md,khg l<uKdlrKhg iyh fohs' ;;aj md,k lghq;= isÿlrhs'ePh; ghd tpuaq;fis fl;Lg;gLj;Jk; Kfhikahshpw;f;F cjTjy;. mr; nraw;ghLfis

fl;Lg;gLj;Jk; eltbf;iffspy; <LgLjy;

F & B úhoï md,kh ms,snoj fydo ±kqula mß.Kl Ndú;hg we;s yelshdj' ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl jir 2 lg jeä m,mqreoao'czT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd ngWkjp fl;Lg;ghl;by; rpwe;j mwpT kw;Wk; fzdp mwptpidg; ngw;wpUg;gJld; 2 tUlj;jpw;f;Fk;

Nkw;g;gl;l el;rj;jpu cztfj;jpy; mDgtq;fis ngw;wpUj;jy;

20"000 - 35"000 F & B wëlaIlczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd fz;fhzpg;ghsh;;

(F & B) wêlaIlczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd


F & B iyldr l<uKdlre hgf;a fiajh lrhs' ePh; ghd gpujp Kfhikahsupw;f;F fPo; flikahw;Wgth;

flag¾ia" iQm%Y%ia;%h jeks wod, wxYhla i|yd ämaf,daudjla ,nd ;sîu' wêlaIl fyda úhoï md,k flaIa;%hl jir 2 lg jeä m,mqreoao'gupkhWjy;/ rikay; rk;ge;jkhd bg;Nshkh fw;if newp .2 tUl Nkw;ghu;itahsu; mDgtk;

30"000 - 40"000 F & B iyldr l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd cg Kfhikahsh;

(F & B) iyldr l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd cg


F & B l<uKdlreg iydh fohs' ePh; ghd cg Kfhikahsh;

iQmYdia;%h $ fydag,a l<uKdlrKh ms,sno ämaf,daudjla yd jir 3lg jeä m,mqreoao fyda F & B wêlaIlhl= f,i ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl jir 5-7 muK m<mqreoao'gupkhWjy;/ rikay; rk;ge;jkhd bg;NshkhTld; 3 tUlj;jpw;FNkyhd czT kw;Wk; ePh;g;ghd fw;if newpapid czT

tpLjpapy; 5-7 tUlq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;sy;;

60"000 - 100"000 F & B l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd Kfhikahsh;

(F & B) l<uKdlreczT kw;Wk; ePh; ghd


wdydr yd mdk (F & B) wxYfha l%shdldß;ajh ms<snoj iïmQ¾K j.lSu orhs'midj;J czT kw;Wk; ePPh;ghd nraw;ghLfSf;F nghWg;ghdth;

fydag,a l<uKdlrKh ms,snoj Wmdê fyda ms,s.;a jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlula ;sîu yd ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl F & B l<uKdlrKh ms,snoj jir 5lg jeä m,mqreoaola ;sîu fyda fydag,a l<uKdlrKh ms,sn|j ämaf,daudjla iu. jir 10lg jeä lafIa;% m,mqreoao'gl;lg; gbg;G / 5 tUlq;fspw;Fk; Nkyhd tpLjp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpy; rpwe;j mwpag;gl;l ,lj;jpyhd njhopy; mDgtk;>

tpUe;Njhk;gSf;fhd bg;NyhkTld; 10 tUl njhopy; mDgtk;.

100"000 - 200"000 ksjdis.; l<uKdlre $ iyldr idudkHdêldß $ idudkHdêldßtjptpl Kfhikahsh; cjtp nghJ

Kfhikahsh;; nghJ Kfhikahsh;

uq¨;eka f.hrikayiw

wdOqksl fldals$Wmldrlrikaw; gapw;rpahsh; / rikayiw cjtpahsh;

w'fmdi id'fm, iu;a ù ;sìh hq;=hs' ms,s.;a fydg,a mdi,lska úfYaIs; wxYhla i|ydjq iy;slhla ;sîu wu;r iqÿiq luls'rhjhuz jug; ghPl;ir ngWNgWfSld; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg; ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJk; rpwe;jjhFk;.

5"000 - 12"500 fõg¾ $ fldñiaNkirg; gzpg;ghsh; / nfhkp];

fldñia $ fldalsnfhkp]; / rikaw;fhuh;

fmaiaá%" .s%,a" fílß" flala" fmrÈ." wmrÈ." wka;¾cd;sl jeks úfYaIs; wxYhla Ndrj lghq;= lrhs'nghJthf ,J Nghd;w Ng];l;up / fpupy;iy / kuf;fwpfs; / Ngf;fup / Nff;Ffs; fpof;F / Nkw;F>

ru;tNjr> Nghd;w Fwpg;gpl;l gFjpfis ifahSfpd;wik

jD;a;sh ämaf,daudjla yodrd ;sîu fyda fydag,a flaIa;%h $iqmY%dia;%h $ wdydr w,xlrKh jeks wxYhl iy;slhla ;sîu iy jir 2 l m,mqreoao fyda ms,s.;a fydag,a mdi,l iy;slhla iu. jir 2-5 muK mYapd;a iqÿiqlï m,mqreoao'bg;Nshkh gapw;rp tpUe;Jgrhuj;jpy; rhd;wpjo; rpwe;j czT kw;Wk; rikaw; fiy mwpTldhd Fiwe;jJ 2 tUl jFjpkpf;f

mDgtq;fs; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg; ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJld; Fiwe;jJ 2-5 tUl jFjpkpf;f


15"000 - 40"000 wrlaleñjiyik rikaw;fhuh;

wrlaleñjiyik rikaw;fhuh;

m%Odk lEu jÜfgdarej Ndrj lghq;= lrhs' wdydr ms,sfh, lsßu Ndrj isà'Kf;fpakhf czTg;gl;baypid ifahs;jy; my;yJ czTr; nraw;ghLfSf;F


jir 3-5 olajd ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fldñia$fldals f,i m,mqreoao fyda ms,s.;a fydag,a mdie,l iy;slhla iu. jir 5 l mYapd;a iqÿiqlï m,mqreoao'3-5 tUl el;j;jpu tpLjpapd; nfhkp]; my;yJ rikaw;fhuhpw;fhd mDgtq;fs; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg;

ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJld; Fiwe;jJ 5 tUl jFjpkpf;f mDgtq;fis ngw;wpj;jy;.

30"000 - 75"000 uqq¨;ekaf.a l<ukdlrerikayiw Kfhikahsh;

uq¨;ekaf.a Ndr l<ukdlrerikayiw Kfhikahsh;

uq¨;ekaf.a ish¿ lghq;= Ndrj l%shdlrhs' ñ,È .ekSï" wdydr ms,sfh, lsßfï ld,igyka iïnkaêlrKh isÿ lrhs'rikayiw nraw;ghLfSf;F nghWg;ghftpUj;jy; czTr; nraw;ghLfis XOq;FgLj;jp


fydag,a l<uKdlrKh $ iQm Y%dia;%h ms,snoj jir 3lg jvd jeä m,mqreoao fyda wrlaleñhl= f,i jir 5lg jvd m,mqreoao'gl;g;gbg;gpid my;yJ bg;Nshkhtpid rikaw;fiyapy; ngw;wpUj;jy; tpLjp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpid 3 tUl mDgtq;fSld;

ngw;wpUj;jy; my;yJ 5 tUl mDgtq;fis nfhz;l jiyikr; rikaw;fhuuhftpUj;jy;.

50"000 - 100"000 wdmkYd,d l<uKdlretpLjpfspd; Kfhikahsh;

fldams y,aNfhg;gp


flala w,xlrK Ys,amSNff; myq;fhpg;ghsh;

wju jYfhka jir 2l m,mqreoao ;sìh hq;=hs' ;re mka;sfha fydag,hl fyda wdmk Yd,djl jevlr ;sìu wjYHhs' tfukau ms,s.;a fydag,a mdie,l iy;slhla wu;r iqÿiqlula úh yel'Fiwe;jJ 2 tUl Xnu khjphpapyhd jFjpapidAila mDgtj;jpid ngw;wpUj;jy;; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg;

ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJ rpwe;jjhFk;.

50"000 - 80"000 fldñia $ fldalsnfhkp]; / rikaw;fhuh;

f;a$ fldams ms,sh, lrkakdNjdPh; / Nfhg;gp jahhpg;gth;

/lshdj ;=,ska ,o mqyqKqj jeo.;a' óg wu;rj jir 1-2 muK m,mqreoao fyda ms,s.;a fydag,a mdi,lska ,o iy;slhla wu;r iqÿiqlula úh yel'mNefkhhf tPl;bDs; gapw;rp ngw;wtuhf ,Ug;gJld; 1-2 tUl xNu khjphpapyhd jFjpapidAila mDgtj;jpid

ngw;wpUj;jy;; my;yJ mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w tpLjpg; ghlrhiyfspd; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wpUg;gJ rpwe;jjhFk;.

10"000 - 30"000 fldñia $ fldalsnfhkp]; / rikaw;fhuh;

Careers 29

czTj;JiwapYs;s njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs; njhlh;ghd jfty;fs; rpy fPNo toq;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

igyk -by;ska olajd we;af;a f;dard .;a lafIa;%fha we;eï jD;a;Sh wjia:djka lsysmhla muks' /lshdjkag wod, fiajd lafIa;%hka" iqÿiqlï iy jegqma mßudKhka wdh;kslj" m%dfoaYslj iy wka;¾cd;slj fjkia úh yel'by; f;drf;dre ilia lsÍfï§ ;drld chj¾Ok fukúh iy ;drl nkaÿr;ak iy ,ysre pdur m%kdkaÿ hk uy;=ka úiska olajk ,o iyfhda.h w.h fldg i,luq'

Fwpg;G-NkNy jug;gl;l rikaw; Jiw njhlh;ghd juTfshd njhopy; njhlh;ghd mDgtq;fs; kw;Wk; mth;fSf;fhd cah; epiyfs; kw;Wk; Cjpaq;fs; Nghd;wit ,lj;jpw;fplKk; ehl;bw;f;F ehLk; NtWgl;L fhzg;gLk; vd;gij ftdj;jpw; nfhs;sTk;.

Page 32: Edex Magazine April 2013


Enabling Sri Lankan youth to shine in the

The Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (SLITHM) through its 46 years of existence, has fine tuned syllabi and practical studies to create career paths that guarantee the success of students who show higher levels of skills.

“The youth are interested in hotels and hotel lifestyles. Due to number of promotions and advertisements that are showing up in media and all over the city and country, younger generations is well aware of the progress of hospitality industry,” he stated.

SLITHM is on par with international hospitality institutes. Local and overseas universities recognize graduates of SLITHM and welcome them in to their masters’ programmes in hospitality which allows them to reach upper levels of management much easier with greater access.

The youth who complete their programmes are much sought after and HR Managers in hospitality industry come over to select the best. Many get absorbed into star class hotels, motels and guest houses in the country. Some students win scholarships and proceed abroad to further enhance their skills.

SLITHM also has a programme for those who have not been able to pass G.C.E (O/L) examination with a skilled level course named “craft level” to cater to youth interested in food industry in hospitality sector.

“That programme provides an insight into housekeeping (hotel), front office (reception), restaurant and professional cookery. Six months of IT training is also provided. The students can select one of such areas and specialise. The duration of the programme is 4

“Sri Lankan youth are able to compete globally with the right training and exposure in the food industry,” stated Sarath Kumara of Sri lanka Institute of Tourism and hotel Management.

½ years,” Sarath Kumara informed. “We are adding laundry, pastry and bakery courses as value additions to the programme,” he added. Apart from skills of the trade that they learn, they also learn how to incorporate themselves into high profile social functions that they will soon be part of.

SLITHM also has satellite schools in Anuradapura, Kandy, Koggala, Bandarawala and Ratnapura for the youth to obtain hands on knowledge in food industry in hospitality sector.

food industryBy Sharlene De Chickera and Nirojini Kanapathipllai

Page 33: Edex Magazine April 2013

,yq;if ,isQh;fis

Careers 31

,yq;if cy;yhr kw;Wk; tpLjp Kfhikj ;Jt fy ;t p e piyak ; 4 6 tUlq;fshf rpwe;j ghlj;jpl;lk; kw;Wk; gapw;rp newpKiwfspd; %yk; khzth;fs; jj;jkJ cah; jpwikfis fhl;Ltjw;f;F cWjpkpF njhopy; topfhl;bahf jpfo;e;J tUfpd;wJ.

,isQh;fs; tpLjp kw;Wk; tpLjp tho ;f ;ifKiwfis tpUk ;Gfpd ;wdh ; . Clfj ;Jiwapy ; mjd ; mg pt pUj ;j p tpsguq;fs; %yKk; kw;Wk; efuq;fspYk; ehLfspYk; mile;Js;s tpUj;jp fhuzkhf ,isa guk ;giu mjd; tsh ;r pa py ; mf;fiwAld; jpfo;fpd;wdh; vd mth; $wpdhh;.

,t;epWtdk; rh;tNjr tpUe;Njhk;gy; epWtdj;jpw;f;F epfuhdjhFk;. cs;ehl;L kw;Wk; ntspehl;L gy;fiyf;fofq;fshy; ,t ; e p W tdj ; j p d ; g l ; l j h h p f s ; mq ;f Pfh pf ;fg ;gLtJld; ,jd ; cah ; fy;tpj; jpl;lq;fs; tuNtw;f;fg;gLtJld; Kfhikj;Jt epiyapy; cahpajhfTk;

Mf;fk; - \hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk;

epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is

kpf ,yFthd cahpa mZfypid nfhz;ljhfTk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.

fy;tp epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lq;fis ed;F ghh;itapl;L gpd;dh; epiwTnra;jpUg;gth;fs; k w ; W k ; HR K f h i k a h s h ; f s ; czTj;JiwapDs; Eioe;J rpwe;jij njhpTnra;fpd;wdh;. ,jpy; mNefkhdth;fs; ehLfspYs;s el;rj;jpu tpLjpfs; czT kw;Wk; jq;Fk; trjp nfhz;l ,lq;fs; kw;Wk; tpUe;jpdh; tpLjpfspy; cs;thq;fg;gLthh;fs;. rpy khzth;fs; Giyikghpr py ;fis ntd;nwLj;J jkJ jpwikfis ntspf;fhl;l ntspehl;bw;f;F nry;fpd;wdh.

,t;epWtdk; fh.ngh.j. rhjhuz juj;jpy; ew;ngWNgWfis vLf;f Kbahjth;fSf;Fk; jpwikfis ntspf;fhl;Lk; fy;tp epiyahd 'fpuht;l; epiy" apid nfhz;L ,isQh;fspd; czTj;jiwapyhd jpwikfis tpUj;jp nra;a cjTfpd;wJ.

,t ;thwhd epfo ;r ;r pj ;j pl ;lq ;fs ; tPl;bid itj;jpUj;jy; mjhtJ tpLjp> Kd;

mYtyfk; - wpnrg;rd; cztf epiyak;

njhopy; hPjpapyhf rikj;jy; Nghd;wtw;iw

toq;Ffpd;wJ. MW khjq;fs; jfty;

njhopy;El;g gapw;rpAk; toq;fg;gLfpd;wJ.

k hzth ; fs ; V NjDk ; gFj p a pid

njhpTnra;J mjpy; tpNrlj;Jtk; ngwKbAk;.

epfo;r;rpj;jpl;lj;jpd; fhy tiuaiw ehd;fiu

tUlq;fshFk; vd ruj; Fkhu mwptpj;jhh;.

Nkyjpfkhf Nyhd;wp> Ng];w;wp kw;Wk;

ntJg;gf tFg;Gf;fs; Nrh;f;fg;gl;Ls;sJ

vd kPs;Nrh;j;jhh;. jpwikfSf;F mg;ghy;

mj;Jiw njhlh;ghf fw;wy; vd;gtw;Wld;

ghhpa r%f mikg;Gld; jk;ik xd;whf

nraw;gl itf;Fk; jpwidAk; toq;Ffpd;wJ.

,yq;if cy;yhr kw;Wk; tpLjp

Kfhikj;Jt fy;tp epiyag; ghlrhiyfs;

mEuhjGuk; fz;b nfhf;fy gz;lhutis

kw;Wk; uj;jpdGup Nghd;wtw;wpy; gue;J fhzg;gLtJld; ,isQh;fis ,j;Jiwapy; rpwe;j mwptpid ngw;Wf; nfhs;tjw;f;F cjTfpd;wJ.

czTj;Jiwapy; kpspur; nra;jy;

vd ,yq;if cy;yhr kw;Wk; tpLjp Kfhikj;Jt fy;tp epiyag; Nguhrphpah; ruj; Fkhu $wpdhh;.

,yq;iftho; ,isQh;fs; rhpahd gapw;rp kw;Wk; ntspfhl;Ljy; %yk; rh;tNjr mstpy; czTj;Jiwapy;

ty;yikkpf;f Nghl;bahsuhf cUthf KbAk;

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Fine tune yourself to succeed as a culinary professional

There are many great opportunities for youth in Sri Lanka in the culinary profession, specially with the boom in tourism and life style changes that have resulted in many fine dining restaurants and coffee bars in the country. However, to succeed in this industry as a

culinary professional there are several personal traits that should be mastered. These personal traits are important for new aspiring

entrants to progress in the industry and become successful.

By Kusum Gunawardene

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33Careers 33

culinary professionalThere are many great opportunities for youth in Sri Lanka in the culinary profession, specially with the boom in tourism and life style changes that have resulted in many fine dining restaurants and coffee bars in the country. However, to succeed in this industry as a culinary professional there are several personal traits that should be mastered. These personal traits are important for new aspiring entrants to progress in the industry and become successful.

Some of the personal traits are easy to acquire while some others may require a lot of effort and discipline in mastering them. If you are really passionate about what you do and keen on learning new skills you will be able to master these with time and maturity and use them to reach the pinnacle of your career.

One personal trait you can practice even at school is to become organized. Always try to have a schedule for your day to day work and learn to manage your time effectively. By focusing on effective time management and developing good organization habits on a daily basis will help when performing in highly pressured and dynamic environments that you may find yourself in.

Personal hygiene is a very important factor in the food industry. Self cleanliness is an absolute must as you will be putting the health of hundreds of customers in danger and ruin the reputation of your restaurant or hotel if basic hygiene guidelines are not followed. In your personal life you can practice good hygiene habits and always keep your surroundings tidy, which may develop into a good habit that would be helpful in your profession.

One of the most important personal traits that many successful personalities in the industry have is passion. A great cook will have a great passion towards food and cooking. He will be passionate in everything he does. He will be passionate to learn new skills, master existing techniques, experiment new things and visualize new creations.

Creativity is another vital ingredient towards becoming a successful culinary expert. It’s one of the most important characteristics that distinguish ordinary professionals from others. Everybody could work out a meal from the same recipe and same ingredients, but some will be outstanding than others. The smell, taste, presentation and appeal will depend on creativity of the culinary professional. Creativity goes hand in hand with passion and deep understanding of ingredients and their combined effects. Experimentation and long hours of hard work will help in strengthening creativity.

To this end hard work, patience and determination also plays a key part. To obtain desired results one may have to repeat things over and over. For example, to master cutting techniques one would have to cut and chop for hundreds of hours and may even get lot of cuts on fingers. The determination and perseverance will help individuals to overcome set backs and repetitiveness as well as coping with pressures.

Attention to detail is another desired trait. Cooking can be described as an art or a science in which every ingredient that goes into a dish, every measurement of those ingredients and the way in which raw food items are treated and cooked will give different results. Being aware of these and making sure that every customer is served with the same attention from start to end everyday will guarantee success.

Ultimately it will be the patrons who enjoy your meals that will matter. To serve them well one must also be committed

to quality. As a culinary professional one must seek the best available ingredients, freshest meats and vegetables and adopt best technique to deliver the best meals.

However there may be times when your dish may be rejected or criticized. It can happen to even most recognised chefs. But a good professional should be able to handle criticism in a constructive way and learn from mistakes without loosing confidence and desire.

Kitchens are busy places with orders flowing in and meals going out. Therefore, for a culinary professional multi tasking is a must. You may be required to do so many things at a time and to be on the look out for many other things as well. Ability to handle pressure and stay calm and organized will help in delivering the best all the time.

Also, one needs to be conscious about costs and profitability of the menus created. You need to have a good business sense and look into ways of improving productivity in the kitchen. Further, you may need to be a good trainer to train the staff so that tasks can be delegated with confidence, when business increases.

It is also necessary to have a good understanding of nutritional values of foods you cook, their adverse effects and suitability of various combinations. As a culinary professional, one must strive to create menus that are healthy and well balanced.

There are endless opportunities in the food industry. It is in your hands to equip yourself with required traits that facilitate progress and become a successful culinary professional.

Page 36: Edex Magazine April 2013

;ud lrk ld¾hh flfrys wdYdj;a" wuqøjH ms<sn|j we;s fyd|

wjfndaOh;a tu wjfndaOh ;=,ska isÿlrk mÍlaIK j, m%;sM,;a tajd jeäÈhqKq lsßu i|yd meh

.Kkdjl W;aidyhla ;=,ska f.dv k.d .kakd fuu yelshdj

fuu lafIa;%h ;=, ñ,l, fkdyels .=Kdx.hls


wdydr ieliqï lafIa;%fhys jD;a;Sh id¾:l;ajh ,nkakg

ishqïj ierfiuql=iqï .=Kj¾Ok úisks

Page 37: Edex Magazine April 2013

35jD;a;sh 35

wdydr ieliqï lafIa;%fhys jD;a;Sh id¾:l;ajh ,nkakg

ishqïj ierfiuq

Y%s ,xldfõ wdydr ieliqï lafIa;%hg iïnkaO ùug ;reK ;reKshkag wk.s wjia:d rdYshla" ±kg we;s ù we;s fydag,a lafIa;%fha msì§u;a" iudchSh fjkialï ksid fine dining restaurants iy fldams y,a ^Coffee bars& iS>%fhka m%p,s; ù hdula Tiafia ìysù we;'

tkuq;a fuu lafIa;%fha id¾:l jD;a;sfhl= f,i bÈßhg hdug wÈgka lrk mqoa.,fhl= úiska jeäÈhqKq lr.; hq;= mqoa.,sl .=Kdx. lsysmhla ;sfí' fuu mqoa.,sl .=Kdx. jeäÈhqKq lsÍu ;=,ska fuu lafIa;%hg msúfik wdOqkslhkag ;u jD;a;Sh l=i,;d j¾Okh lr.ksñka lafIa;%h ;=, kula Èkd.ekSug yelshdj ,efnkq we;'

iuyr .=Kdx. myiqfjka jeäÈhqKq lr.; yels w;ru iuyr .=Kdx. m%.=K lsÍug uy;a fjfyila fukau ixhuhla o we;sj lghq;= l< hq;=h' kuq;a Tng Tn lrk jD;a;shg wdorhla we;akï yd w¨;a foa fidhd hkakg úYd, l=;=y,hla we;akï fï .=Kdx.hka ld,h yd m<mqreoao iu.ska m%.=K lr.ksñka lafIa;%fha ysksfm;a;g ,.dùug yelshdjla mj;S'

mdie,a wjêfha isgu Tng ÈhqKq lr.; yels tl .=Kdx.hla jkafka ms,sfj,lg jev lsÍuhs' tÈfkod jev lghq;= kshñ; ld< igyklg wkqj isÿ lsßu iy ukd ld< l<uKdldÍ;ajhla ;=,ska Tn f.dvk.d .kakd ie,iqï iy.; nj wdydr ieliqï lafIa;%hg msúis miq tys we;s blaukska fjkiajk w;s mSvk wjia:djkag id¾:lj uqyqK §ug WmldÍ jkq we;'

fuu lafIa;%fha § mqoa.,sl ikSmdrlaIdj b;d jeo.;a .=Kdx.hls' Tn msßisÿlu .ek ie,ls,su;a fkdùu ;=<ska Tfí mdßfNda.slhkaf.a fi!LHh ;;ajh wjodkulg ,la lrkjd Tn jev lrk wdmkYd,dfõ fyda fydag,fha lS¾;s kduh m¿ÿjkjd fkdwkqudkh' Tnf.a mqoa.,sl Ôú;fha § fydo ikSmdrlaIl mqreÿ wkq.ukh lsÍu;a Tn wjg mßirh msßisÿj ;nd .ekSug fhduq ùu;a ;=<ska fuu ikSmdrlaIl .=Kdx.h Tfí yoj;g ióm lr .ekSug Tng yelsjkjd we;' th Tfí jD;a;Shg yd jD;a;Sh ÈhqKqjg uy;afia WmldÍ jkq we;'

wdydr ieliqï lafIa;%fha iS>% ÈhqKqjlg hdug WmldÍ jk b;du jeo.;a .=Kdx.hla f,i wdydr ms,sfh, lsÍu ms<sn|j Tng we;s ±ä leue;a; yd keUqrej ye¢kaúh yel' wo f,dalfha iqm%isoaO iqmfõ§ka

njg m;aj we;af;a fuf,i wdydr ms<sn|j;a wdydr ieliSu ms<sn|j;a ukd we¨ïlulska hq;=j l%shdlrk ,o mqoa.,hskah' tjeks mqoa.,hska ;u jD;a;Sh ;=, isÿlrk iEu l%shdjlau b;du we.e¨ïlulska isÿlrhs' kj ksmqK;djhka ,nd .ekSug;a ;u yelshdjka ;j ÿrg;a ÈhqKq lr.ekSug;a" kj;djfhka hq;=j wdydr ieliSug;a" ms<sfh, lsÍug;a" bÈßm;a lsÍug;a Tjqkaj yels jkafka Tõka ;=< ;u jD;a;sh flfrys we;s ukd we.¨ïlu ksihs'

w¨;a foa lsÍug we;s yelshdj id¾:l jD;a;sfhl= f,i fuu lafIa;%fha bÈßhg hdug jeo.;a jk ;j;a tl lreKla fuu lafIa;%fha nn,jk mqoa.,fhl= yd idudkH jD;a;slfhl= f,i lghq;= lrk mqoa.,fhl= w;r we;s lemSfmfkk fjki f,i fuh ye¢kaúh yel' ;u fNdackh N=la;s úÈk ieu mqoa.,fhl=g iEu Èklu ukd iqyoYs,snjlska yd lemùulska ;u fiajdj ,nd §u ;=,ska id¾:l;ajh ,.djkjd fkdwkqudkh'

ieuúgu .=Kd;aulnj ms<sn|j lemùfuka lghq;= l< hq;=h' fï i|yd fydo wuqøjH fhdod .eksu;a w¿;a t<j¿ uiaudxY jeks oE ñ,g .ekSu;a" wdydr fi!LHrlaIs;j .nvd lsßu;a jeo.;ah'

tfukau we;eï úg Tn msiq wdydrh Tn by<skau ;lafiare lr;a th N=la;s úÈ mqoa.,hskaf.a úfõpkj,g ,la ùug Tng isÿúh yel' id¾:l jD;a;slfhl= f,i ,efnk úfõpk Ndrf.k jerÈ ksjerÈ lr.kakjd ñi ta ms<sn|j miq;eùu fyda l<lsÍu fkdl, hq;=h'

fydag,a uq¿;ekaf.h hkq b;d ld¾hnyq, ia:dkhla' úúO wdydr weKjqï .,d tkúg fndfyda foa tlajr isÿ lsßug Tng isÿfõ' tksid nyq ld¾hhka tljr isÿlsÍug we;s yelshdj fukau tys È we;sjk mSvkh yuqfõ ukd ixhuhlska iy ms<sfj,lg jevlsÍug we;s yelshdj Tnj ieuúgu Tfí Wmßufhka lghq;= lsßug WmldÍ fõ' ´kEu mqoa.,fhl=g" wjYH l=¿nvq we;=¨ wuqøjH ;sfíkï lEu jÜfgdarejla foi n,d wdydr j¾.hla ms<sfh, lr .ekSug m,mqreoao ;sfnk uq;a tf,i ieliqk wdydr w;r olaI iqmfõÈhkaf.a wdydr ieuúgu iqj¢ka" rifhka" fmkqfuka yd iajremfhka bÈßfhka isákafka Tjqka kj;djfhka hq;=j tu wdydr ms<sfh, lsÍu ksidh' ;ud lrk ld¾hh flfrys wdYdj;a" wuqøjH ms<sn|j we;s fyd| wjfndaOh;a tu wjfndaOh ;=,ska isÿlrk mÍlaIK

j, m%;sM,;a tajd jeäÈhqKq lsßu i|yd meh .Kkdjl W;aidyhla ;=,ska f.dv k.d .kakd fuu yelshdj fuu lafIa;%h ;=, ñ,l, fkdyels .=Kdx.hls'

;ukag wjYH id¾:l lEufõ,la ms<sfh, lsßug tlu foa kej; kej; isÿlrñka m%.=K lsßug isÿjk w;r WodyrKhla f,i wdydr j¾. lmd ieliSfï ;dlaIKh jev ÈhqKq lsÍug meh .Kkdjl w;a±lSu wjYH fjhs' fuu l%shdj,sfha§ we;sjk miqnEu iy tlu foa kej; kej; lsÍfï§ we;sjk tmdùï iy mSvdjka u.yrjd .ekSug ffO¾hiïmkak úh hq;=h'

;ud lrk oE ms<sn|j ukd wjOdkhlska lghq;= lsÍu;a jeo.;a .=Kdx.hls' wdydr msisu l,djla" úoHdjla f,i ye¢kaúh yelshs' tys § lEu msiSug fhdod .kakd ieu wuqøjhla ms<sn|j;a" ieu ñkqula ms<sn|j;a" wuqøjH ixfhdackh lr we;s wdldrh ms<sn|j;a tajd msiSug fhdod .kakd úfYaIs; l%ufõo ms<sn|j;a ukd wjOdkhlska lghq;= lsÍfuka fyd| m%;sM, <.dlr.; yel'

tfukau wjika jYfhka Tn wdydr ieliSug hk úhou;a .=Kd;aul Ndjh;a ms<sn|j fyd| wjfndaOhla we;sj jevl< hq;=h' uq¿;ekaf.h ukdj l<uKdlrkh lrñka tys fiajlhskag wjYH mqyqKqj ,ndfoñka iy Tjqkag wjYH Wmfoia ,ndfoñka lghq;= lsÍu i|yd ;udf.a l<uKdldÍ;aj yelshdj o m%.=K l< hq;=h'

wdydr ieliqï úfYaI{fhl= f,i .=Kd;aul läkï fiajdjla ,nd foñka fyd| l<uKdldÍ;ajhla we;sj ikSmdrlaIdjg uq,a;ek foñka by; .=Kdx. m%.=K lr lghq;= lsßug Tn fjfyijkafka kï wdydr ieliqï lafIa;%fha we;s buy;a wjia:djka m%fhdackhg f.k bÈßhg f.dia lemSfmfkk jD;a;slfhl= ùug Tng yelshdj ,efnkq fkdwkqudkhs'

Page 38: Edex Magazine April 2013


cq;fSf;F Ntiy jUgthplk; ,Ue;J kiwf;Fk; Kfkhf vijAk; iftpl Ntz;lhk;. cz;ikahd jfty;fisf; nfhz;L

rhpahd Kiwapy; Neh;ikahf G+h;j;jp nra;aTk;

cq;fSila Ra tpguf;Nfhit

gw;wpa rpy jfty;fs;

jdpg;gl;l jfty;fs;

nghJthf cq;fs; ngah; tpyhrk; gpwe;j jpfjp njhiyNgrp ,yf;fk; kw;Wk; kpd;dQ;ry; Kfthp

njhopy;rhh; mDgtk;

filfs; > fspahl;l tpLjpfs; my;yJ tpLjpfspy; FOthf Ntiy nra;jy; Efh;NthUf;fhd rpwe;j Nritia toq;fy; kw;Wk; gpur;rpidfis R%fkhd Kiwapy; jPh;j;jy; Nghd;wtw;wpy; cq;fis <Lgl itf;Fk;

Ntiyah; jpwikfis El;gq;fis njhopYld; njhlh;GgLj;j KidAq;fs;. vz;khdk; gFj;J Muha;jy; kw;Wk; fzf;Ffis jPh;j;jy;

nkhopkhw;wk;:- epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is

Page 39: Edex Magazine April 2013

37Careers 37

Nghd;wit fzf;fhsh; njhlh;ghd njhopy;fspy; cs;slq;Fk; mNjNghy; re;ijg;gLj;jy; Nghd;w NtiyfSf;F Gwf;fzpj;jy; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij mwpe;J nraw;gly; mwpTWj;jy; Nghd;w jpwikfs; cs;slq;Fk;.

tpUg;Gf;fSk; rhjidfSk;

,g;gFjpapid RUf;fkhdjhfTk; nghUSilajhfTk; itj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ePq;fs; NkYk; tajhf cq;fs; gjpTfs; NkYk; Kf;fpaj;JtkilAk; mNjNtis Mh;tk; kw;Wk; jpwikfs; gFjp NkYk; RUf;fkhFk;.

ke;jkhd my;yJ nraw;ghL mw;w jdpikahd nghOJ Nghf;Ffshd (thrpj;jy; Kj;jpiu Nrfhpj;jy;) ,g;gFjpapy; Fwpg;gpl Ntz;lhk;. Vnddpy; ePq;fs; $l;lhf Ntiy nra;aj; njhpahjth;fshfNth my;yJ kf;fs; njhlh;ghL mw;wth;fshf fhzg;gLtPh;fs.;

cq;fsJ Mh;tkhdJ FWfpajhf XLf;fg;gl;ljhf ,y;yhky; gue;Jgl;ljhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.

cq;fsJ nghOJ Nghf;Ffs; toikf;F khwhditahf ,Ue;jhy; mJ cq;fis Vidath;fsplkpUe;J cah;j;jpf; fhl;Lk;.

Fwpg;gpl;l njhopy; njhlh;ghd Mh;tr; nraw;ghLfs; Fwpg;gpLtJ rpwe;jJ.

jiyikj;Jtj;jpw;fhd rhd;Wfis Fwpg;gpLtJ NkYk; rpwe;jjhFk;.


rhjhuzkhf ,uz;L gpujpepjpfis Fwpg;gpLtJ rpwe;jJ cjhuzkhf xUth; fy;tpj;Jiw rhh;e;jtuhfTk; kw;iwath; njhopy;w;Jiw rhh;e;jtuhfTk; ,Uj;jy; rpwe;jJ.

cq;fs; Ra tpguf;Nfhitapid NkYk; rpwg;ghf;FtJ vt;thW?

nghJthf Ratpguf;Nfhitapid cUthf;Ftjw;nfd Fwpg;gpl;l tpjpfs; vJTk; fpilahJ. Mdhy; fPo;tUk; tplaq;fs; nghJthditahFk;.

Fwpg;gpl;l Ntiyia Nehf;fhf nfhz;L mikf;fg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. me;jj; njhopypd; nghUl;L cq;fspy; ,Uf;Fk; jpwikfs; Fwpg;gplg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;.

thrpg;gjw;f;F ,yFthfTk; Kiwahf thpirg;gLj;jg;gl;L ftdkhf mikf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;.

tplaq;fs; midj;Jk; Fwpg;gplg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;whYk; nrhw;r;RUf;fkhfTk; nghUshokhfTk; mikj;jy;. midj;J ghPl;ir ngWNgWfisNah my;yJ cq;fspd; midj;J

nraw;ghLfisAk; $whky; Fwpg;gpl;l rpytw;iw khj;jpuk; Njh;e;njLj;J cq;fs; Ratpguf;Nfhitapy; Fwpg;gpLq;fs;.

cs;slf;fk; kpfr; rhpahdjhfTk; vOj;Jg; gpiofsw;wjhfTk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; :

nrhw;fs; vspikahdjhfTk; kpfr; rpwe;j my;yJ mjp cah;e;j nraw;ghLfis kl;Lk;

nfhz;like;jjhfTk; Neh; fhzYf;nfd xU rpy tplaq;fs; iftplg;gl;bUg;gNj kpfr; rpwe;j Ra tpguf;NfhitahFk;.

Neh;ikahdjhf ,Uj;jy;:

cq;fSf;F Ntiy jUgthplk; ,Ue;J kiwf;Fk; Kfkhf vijAk; iftpl Ntz;lhk;. cz;ikahd jfty;fisf; nfhz;L rhpahd Kiwapy; Neh;ikahf G+h;j;jp nra;aTk;.

Njh;thsh;fs; Ratpguf;Nfhitapy; rpy ,lq;fis cd;dpg;ghf ftdj;jpy; nfhs;tJz;L. Fwpg;ghf Nky; ghjpapd; kj;jpapy; mike;Js;s tplaq;fshFk;. vdNt mtw;wpy; Kf;fpakhd tplaq;fis ePq;fs; cs;slf;f Ntz;Lk;.

Ratphuf;Nfhitapy; ,lk;ngWk; nghJthd gpiofs;

epwtdj;jpd; ngahpNyh my;yJ Kfthpapy; cs;s gpiofs;

gjpypidNah my;yJ KbtpidNah mDg;gtjw;fhd Kfthp Fwpg;gplhik

vOj;Jf;fis cr;rhpf;Fk; tpjj;jpy; vOjpapUj;jy; nghpa vOj;jpw;f;F gjpyhf rpwpa vOj;jpid gad;gLj;jpapUj;jy;

cq;fsJ Ratpguf;NfhitAld; xU fbjj;jpidAk; ,izg;gJ rpwe;jjhFk;.

mLj;jKiw ePq;fs; Ratpguf;Nfhitnahd;iw cUthf;Fk; nghOJ ftdpf;fg;glNtz;bait

ruhrhpahf Kjw;gl;ljhhp Ntiyf;fhf 70 Ratpguf;Nfhitapid mDg;gp itj;jpUg;gpd; ruhrhpahf 7Ratpguf;NfhitfSf;F gjpy; fpilg;gJld; 3 Kjy; 4 tpz;zg;gq;fs; epuhfhpg;gJld;

gl;ljhhpfis Neh;Kf tprhuidf;F miog;G tpl epidTgLj;jy;.

Ratpguf;NfhitAld; fbjj;jpid ,izf;Fk; tpz;zg;gjhhpfspy; 10 tPjkhdkhdth;fSf;F gjpy; fpilf;f tha;g;Gfs; cz;L.

60 tPjkhd Ratpguf;Nfhitfs; jtwhd eghpw;f;F mDg;gg;gLfpd;wJ. tpz;zg;gjhhpfs; rhpahd eghpw;f;F mDg;Gkplj;J 15 tPjkhdth;fSf;F Xg;Gjy; fbjk; mDg;gg;gLtJld; 5 tPjkhdth;fs; Neh;Kftprhuizf;F miog;G tpLf;fg;gLthh;fs;.

vOj;Jg;gpiofsw;w Ratpguf;NfhitAld; fbjq;fis mDg;Gk; tpz;zg;gjhhpfspy; 60 tPjkhdth;fSf;F gjpy; fpilg;gJld; 26 tPjkhdth;fs; Neh;Kf tprhuizf;Fk; miog;GtpL;f;fg;gLthh;fs;. 'cr;rhpg;G rhpghh;f;Fk; ,f;fhyfl;lj;jpy; vOj;Jg; gpiofspw;f;F kd;dpg;G fpilahJ".

Page 40: Edex Magazine April 2013


fm!oa.,sl úia;r

idudkHfhka Tfí ku" ,smskh"

Wmka Èkh" ÿrl:k wxlh iy úoaHq;a

;eme,a ,smskh'

jD;a;sh m,mqreoao

• jeä ÈhqKq lsßu" ie,iqï lsßu"

ixúOdkh jeks l%shdldÍ jpk

mdúÉÑ lsßu'

• i,ams,l" îuy,l fyda

wdmkYd,djl jev lsÍu

;=,skq;a lKavdhï ye.Sï"

mdß fiajdj" meñKs,s yd

fpdaokd iïnkaOj WmdhYs,sj

lghq;= lsÍu jeks .=Kdx. j¾Okh

jk ksid tajd i|yka lsßu iqÿiqh'

tkuq;a tysÈ ffokslj isÿlrk

l¾;jHhka ^WodyrKhla f,i

fïi msßisÿ lsÍu jeks& i|yka

lsßu kqiqÿiqh'

• yeu úgu wenE¾;=jg jeo.;a jk

ksmqK;djhla bÈßm;a lrkak'

WodyrKhla f,i uQ,H wxYfha

/lshdjlg wjYH ixLHd;aul"

úYaf,aIKd;aul yd .eg¿ úi£fï

yelshdj jeks ksmqK;d flf¾ uq,a

;ek Èh hq;= w;r wf,úlrKh

jeks jD;a;shlg wod< /lshdjka

i|yd Tnf.a .kqfokq lsßfï yd

wf,ú m%j¾Okfha yelshdjka

jeo.;a jkjd'

wNsreÑhka iy ch.%yKhka

• fuu fldgia ir, iy ixlaIsma;j

;nkak' Tn jhiska uqyql=rd

h;au Tnf.a jD;a;sh b;sydih

Tfí Ôj o;a; igyk ms<sno jeo.;a lreKq

fyd| Ôj o;a; igykla ixlaIsma;h' tu ksid jeo.;au f;dr;=re wka;¾.; lr wksla f;dr;=re iïuqL mÍlaIkfha§ bÈßm;a lsÍug ;nd .; yel'

mßj¾:kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks

Page 41: Edex Magazine April 2013

39jD;a;sh 39

jvd;a jeo.;a jkq we;s w;r

wNsreÑhkays jeo.;alu yd ta

i|yd fjkajk bv l%ufhka wvq

ù hkq we;'

• hy¿jka iuÕ ld,h .;lsÍu

jeks kSri jdlHhka we;=,;a

lsßfuka j<lskak'

• l%shdYs,s;ajfhka wvq yqol,d

úfkdaodxY ^lshùu" fg,súIka

keröu" uqoaor tl;= lsßu

jeks& fndfydauhla i|yka

lsßfuka j<lskak' tjeks foaj,a

wka;¾.; lsßfï§ Tn lshjk

,o fyda krUk ,o foa ms<sn|j

meyeÈ,s lsÍula isÿlrkak'

tfukau wNsreÑhka bÈßm;a lsßfïÈ

mq¿,a mrdihlska tajd bÈßm;a lsßu

;=,ska Tn mq¿,a w;a±lSï we;af;l=

fia t;a;= .ekafõ' WodyrKhla

f,i l%Svdj ms<sn|j muKla

wNsreÑhla we;af;la kï l%Svdj

ms<sn|j lsisÿ leue;a;la ke;s

fiajd ,dNsfhl= iuÕ ixjdohla

mj;ajd .ekSug Tng fkdyels

fõhehs hfula is;kakg mq¿jka'

úfYaIs; úfkdaodxY Tnj wka

whf.ka fjka lsßug iu;a fjhs'

WodyrKhla f,i .=jka lrKï

fyda lÿ ke.Su Tfí úfkdaodxY

kï tjeks foaj,a j,ska Tn

Tfí yelshdjka Wmßu;,hlg

f.khdug fjfyfikafkla f,i;a

wNsfhda.d;aul wjia:djkays§

id¾:lj l%shdl, yels wfhla

f,i;a biau;= fõ'

/lshdjg wod< wNsreÑhka yqjd

±laùu jeo.;a' WodyrKhla

f,i Tn ckudOHfõÈhl= ùug

m%hka; orhskï wjg f,dalfha

isÿjk foa ms<sn|j f;dr;=re /

ialsÍu jeks wNsreÑhka Okd;aul

m%;sM, f.kfokq we;' kdhl;ajh

ms<sn|j idlaIs f,i bÈßm;a l<

yels lreKq i|yka lsßu jeo.;a'

l%Svd lKavdhul kdhlfhl="

mqyqKqlrefjl= f,i lghq;= lsßu"

jevigyka iïnkaêldrlfhl= f,i

l%shd lsÍu" YsIH iñ;shl uq,iqk

fynùu" nd, olaI" kdhlfhl=

f,i l%shdlsÍu fuys,d jeo.;a fõ'

WodyrKh - zzmdie,a l%slÜ

lkavdhfï kdhlhd f,i uu

l%Svlhkaj Woafhda.Su;a lr Tõkaj

mqyqKq lrñka lghq;= l< w;r

mkaÿ hjkakka yd mkaÿ rlskakka

fydÈka is;d n,d udre lsÍfï§

uu mSvkhla iys; wjia:d j,

mjd fydÈka ;SrK .;a;d'ZZ

ks¾foaYhkaks¾foaYlhka fofofkla isàu

m%udKj;a' tla wfhla Tnf.a

wOHdmksl wxYh ksfhdackh

lsÍug f;dard.; yels w;r wfkla

mqoa.,hd Tnf.a fiajHhd úh yelsh'

ksjerÈ Ôj o;a; igykla ms<sfh, lr .;yelafla flfiao @

we;af;kau ksjerÈ Ôj o;a;

igykla ms<sfh, lr.; yels

iqÿiqu l%uh fï hehs lsj fkdyels

jqj;a ta i|yd ms<smeÈh yels

idudkH Í;s lsysmhla ;sfí'

• th ;uka whÿï lrk rlaIdj

fyda jD;a;sh b,lal lr .ksñka

imhd .; hq;= w;r Tn i;=

wod, jk ksmqK;djka yqjd

±laùug lghq;= l< hq;=h'

• ksis ie,eiaula iy ;¾ldkql+,

.e,mSula iys;j myiqfjka

lshúh yels wdldrhg th

ielish hq;=hs'

• wjYH ish¨ f;dr;=re we;=,;a

l, hq;= jkakdfiau tu

f;dr;=re ixlaIsma;j bÈßm;a

l< hq;=hs' WodyrKhla f,i

Tn uqyqKÿka ish¿u ;rÕ úNd.

fyda Tn iyNd.s jQ ish¨u

l%shdldrlï f.kyer olajkjd

fjkqjg jeo.;ajk f;dr;=re

muKla f;dard we;=,;a lsßu


fyd| Ôj o;a; igykla ixlaIsma;h'

tu ksid jeo.;au f;dr;=re

wka;¾.; lr wksla f;dr;=re

iïuqL mÍlaIkfha§ bÈßm;a lsÍug

;nd .; yel'

ieuúgu wjxl jkak' Ôj o;a;

igykl Tng wjdisiy.; úh yels

lreKq we;=,;a lsßfuka je,lS isáh

yels kuq;a idjoH fyda fkdu.

hjkiq¿ lreKq lsis úfgl;a

we;=,;a fkdl< hq;=h' Ôj o;a;

igykl jeo.;au fldgi f,i

tu igyk lshjk mqoa.,hska ;u

jeäu wjOdkh fhduq lrk fldgi

yeÈkaúh yelsh' fuh idudkHfhka

Ôj o;a; igyfka m,uq msfÜ by<

uOHu m%foaYhhs' tu ksid fuu

fldgfiys w;HdjYH lreKq we;=,;a

lsßug j.n,d .kak'

Ôj o;a; igyka j, iq,N jerÈ

lsysmhla ±lsh yel' tajd my; mßÈ


1' wdh;ksl ku fyda ,smskh

jerÈhg igyka lsÍu'

2' m%;spdr §u i|yd ,smskhla

we;=,;a fkdlsÍu

3' ;ud .ek mejiSfï§ ^i& hk

jpkh l=vd wl=frka igyka


tfukau Ôj o;a; igyk iuÕ

hjk ,smsh ^covering letter& ms<sn|j

o ie,lsh hq;=h' Tnf.a Ôj o;a;

igyk ilik ó<. wjia:dfõÈ

my; lreKq u;l ;nd.ekSu


1' kj WmdêOrfhl= idudkHfhka

Ôjo;a; 70la muK ;u m<uq

/lshdj i|yd whÿïlsÍfï§

hjk w;r fï i|yd

idudkHfhka ,efnkafka

m%;spdr 7la muKh' thskq;a 3la

fyda 4la iqyo f,i m%;slafIam

lsßu iïnkaO ±kqj;a lsÍï

jk w;r iïuqL mßlaIk

i|yd leojqï jYfhka wjia:d

,efnkafka b;sßjk lsysmh

i|yd muKs'

;u Ôj o;a; igyk iu. ,smshla

^covering letter& hjk whÿïlrejkag

m%;spdrhla ,eîfï wjia:dj 10]

lska by< hhs' Ôj o;a;j,ska

60] muK jerÈ mqoa.,hkag

fhduq lrhs' ksjerÈ mqoa.,hkag

fhduql< Ôj o;a; igyka ioyd

m%;spdrhla ,eîug 15] l jeä

iïNdú;djl=;a iïuqL mßlaIKhlg

wjia:djka ,eìug 5] muK

jeä iïNdú;djl=;a ;sfí' wlaIr

ksjerÈj hjkq ,nk Ôj o;a;

igyka i|yd m%;spdrhla ,eîug

60]l jeä bvla we;s w;r iïuqL

mßlaIKhg wdrdOkd lsßug 26]

l jeä wjia:djla Wodfõ' wlaIr

úkHdih mßlaId lsÍug mß>klh

fhdod.; yels úgÈ wlaIr úkHdih

jer§ ;sìu wjir Èh fkdyels


Page 42: Edex Magazine April 2013

A job interview can be stressful, painful and awkward or it can be pleasant, enlightening and successful. It will mostly be determined by how you prepare before an interview and how you perform on the D-day.

Remember to put yourself in the right frame of mind because if you’re not subconsciously ready for it you are not practically ready to face it.


Strike while iron is hot Score well in your job interview

By Maheshika Premachandra

Know yourself and your employerKnow as much as possible about your qualifications, work experiences and personal qualities to establish a positive self-image. Be able to articulate your strengths, skills and backgrounds to the employer’s needs. Show that you are interested in the job. Find out about the organization, its functions, key people, and its missions and goals.

Seize the moment. Take the


Page 43: Edex Magazine April 2013

By Dr. Ajantha Dharmasiri

41Careers 41

“You are one in a million,”

your mother will say. With a little preparation, you

can prove it to your future boss. A job interview can set the tone for your

entire future. Take your time and

prepare to get your dream job.

Dress for successWhen you walk in to the room, interviewer will form an opinion through your appearance. That’s why you have to dress at your best.

Dress according to the corporate culture of the organization you got the interview with. But it doesn’t hurt to be the best dressed in the room during an interview. Try to be conservative in dress unless you are going for job related to fashion industry. Clean, ironed suit and polished shoes will provide the

Expect the unexpectedIt’s impossible to plan for every probable question. All you need to do is relax and be in control. Pause briefly if you need to collect your thoughts. Be positive while answering questions and do not criticize others. Make sure not to evade any question and treat every question as important.

Interview themAsk key questions. By asking them to describe the position you’re applying for, you'll learn their priorities, and get some clues about the points of your resume that need to be emphasized.

An interview is a two- way process. The interviewer is not the only one to evaluate. You must find out if this is the right place and the right job for you.

leave an outstanding final impression The way you say good bye will have a huge impact on what they talk about you afterwards. Make sure that your handshake and farewell smile are really warm.

impression that you want to create. Avoid heavy perfume or cologne, with minimal makeup and jewelry.

Arrive earlyBeing late for an interview makes the employer evaluate you less favourably, no matter how much you are suitable for the job. So be there early. You’ll never regret it.

Smile with everyoneA pleasant demeanour can go a long way towards creating a good impression and it will probably release a little of your tension as well. Remember, every person you meet is a potential co-worker. Don’t forget to greet your interviewer with a smile and firm hand shake.

What is your body saying? It is not only what you say, but how you say it.

During an interview do not fold your arms and lean back or look at the floor. Sit upright and maintain good eye contact. State everything positively and display genuine enthusiasm.

Maintain a friendly yet professional demeanourBe accessible and open, but always professional.

Listen carefully to the questions being asked and make relevant and concise responses. Stay on course with your answers and provide specific examples whenever appropriate to reinforce the points you make.

Page 44: Edex Magazine April 2013

1st Place

1st Place

2nd Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

3rd Place

M. A. Navitha Sathsilu Kumarawansha K/D/ Muhandiram Vidyalaya, Deraniyagala

Y. M. Mandira Sandaruwani YapaKu/St. Bernadette's Adarsha Maha Vidyalaya, Polgahawela

T. M. Sawani Nelithma Thennakoon Ku/St. Bernadette's Adarsha Maha Vidyalaya, Polgahawela

S. M. Thamasha Dinithi Manawage R/Dharmaloka Navodya Vidyalaya, Pelmadulla

A. D. Enumi Withara The Learning Room Montessori, Awissawella

S. M. Tharushi Kaveesha Manawage R/Dharmaloka Navodya Vidyalaya, Pelmadulla

EDEX Sithuwam 42

Winners of EDEX Sithuwam 2013 All Island Art competition

2nd Place

2nd Place

B. M. Nadheesha Dilshan Ranathunga

R/St Aloysius National School, Ratnapura

W. Dilshani Hiroshima Weralupe R/Dharmaloka Navodya Vinyalaya Pelmadulla

1st Place

1st Place

D. Nilushi Chathuranga Sarathchandra Ku/Holy Family Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Kurunegala

T. M. Windya Nuwangani Tennakoon Ku/Holy Family Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Kurunegala

3rd Place

3rd Place

Sandali Priyanwada Mudalige Ku/Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya, Kurunegala.

U. A. B. W. M. R. H. Nisansala Bandaranayake Ku/Holy Family Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Kurunegala


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Page 45: Edex Magazine April 2013
Page 46: Edex Magazine April 2013

Mw;wy; kw;Wk; #oy;rhH tbtikg;gpy;


Affordable Diplomas to aid you in your Career Choice

ESOFT is a trusted name in Sri Lanka for providing high quality education focusing on ICT and Business. This is due in part to the fact that ESOFT builds partnerships with reputed organisations in the education sector in order to provide the best opportunities to Sri Lankan Students.

Apart from the qualifications that we offer via our affiliations and partnerships, ESOFT also has a range of Diploma Programmes that are specially designed to cater for the requirements of school leavers who need hands-on knowledge and experience in the latest technologies in order to prepare them for the local and international job market.

The more popular programmes we have on offer include:

• DiplomainInformationTechnology(DITEC) – this is a 4 month Diploma that covers everything from the basics of computing to operating systems to office productivity applications, as well as computer programming, web designing and multimedia.

• DiplomainSoftwareEngineering(DISE)– a 6 month programme that prepares

you for higher studies in Software Engineering. It covers development in the .Net environment and by itself is a valuable qualification for those that seek employment

• DiplomainWebEngineering(DIWE)– a 6 month intensive programme that covers web designing and development using PHP as the main programming technology. Successful candidates will be able to engage is self employment or find employment in the industry.

• DiplomainBusinessManagement(DIBM)– Ideal for those that wish to progress in the field of Business Management for their higher studies. This presents the ideal groundwork for those that are new to the field. Covers a wide spectrum and can be completed in 6 months.

• DiplomainEnglish–Aprogrammespecially designed by ESOFT since we saw that language skills is an area where students need specialist help. English is a must for those that seek employment today as it is a life skill. ESOFT also offers international certification via the City and Guilds programmes.


for more details

ESOFT also offers a range of courses and programmes for young kids, school leavers, and professionals. Qualifications range from primary ICT classes for kids to Masters Degrees for those that have already completed their first degree or have suitable working experience.

One of the reasons for the success of ESOFT students is that ESOFT has a dedicated full-time academic panel including those with Degrees and Masters, as well as professional qualifications.

APIIT ADVANTAGE – IN hIGhER EDUCATIONAPIIT – is a renowned higher education provider in Sri lanka.APIIT Sri lanka focuses on 5 important Dimensions which are known as unique advantages of Studying at APIIT.

• Global Reputation for Academic Excellence APIIT - Sri lanka offers several degree programmes in Computing/IT, business Management and law in collaboration With Staffordshire University in the UK. These are internationally Accredited internal degree programmes.

• Innovative learning, Teaching and Assessment Close interaction with international partner organizations helps APIIT keep abreast of international developments and trends in higher education. APIIT adopts international best practices that Promote high quality of teaching and learning and a high degree Of integrity and reliability of assessments.

• high Quality Staff Committed to Student Success Students’ academic achievement is the primary focus of the Entire operation at APIIT. In order to support outstanding Student achievement, APIIT places great significance on the Recruitment, development and retention of high quality staff Who are committed to student success.

• Cutting-edge Technology and Premium Facilities being a modern and futuristic higher education institution, APIIT - Sri lanka readily embraces latest technological advances To facilitate its teaching/ learning process as well as academic Management.

• Professional Culture and Value System APIIT possesses a distinctive professional culture and value System. Students are trained from day one to conduct Themselves like professionals.

• Conclusion APIIT’s vision is to be a leading provider of top-quality higher education in the region with an objective to Produce professionals who are immediately employable upon Graduation and enjoy rewarding careers in life.

Page 47: Edex Magazine April 2013

LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)–“Mw;wy; kw;Wk; #oy;rhH tbtikg;gpy; jiyikj;Jtk;” vdg;gLk; ju epHzakhdJ gRikf; fl;blq;fs; (green buildings) vdg;gLk; #oYf;F jPq;F tpistpf;fhj fl;blq;fSf;fhd jur; rhd;wpjshFk; . ,J U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) ,dhy; 1998Mk; Mz;by; cUthf;fg;gl;lJ.

,e;j jur; rhd;wpjo; ngWtJ fl;lhakw;w NghJk;> ,jd; %yk; fpilf;Fk; ed;ikfs; nghUl;L gyH ,jid ngw;Wf;nfhs;s tpUk;Gfpd;wdH. jw;NghJ LEED rhd;wpjo; ngw;w ,lq;fs; 135 ehLfspy; 140km Nkw;gl;l gug;gstpy; cs;sd.

,J jdpNahU jug;gLj;jy; jpl;lk; md;wp> xd;Wf;F Nkw;gl;l> NtWgl;l jutupirfspd; NfhitNa MFk;. LEED jug;gLj;jyhdJ fl;blq;fis rPudKiuapYk;> #oYf;F ghjpg;gpd;wpAk; mikg;gij Cf;fg;gLj;JfpwJ.

NkYk; LEED jug;gJjyhdJ> xU fl;blj;ij fl;Ltjw;fhd nryit khj;jpuk; fUj;jpy;nfhs;sJ> mf;fl;blj;jpd; tho;ehspy; vHglf;$ba midj;J nryTfisAk; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L mjw;Nfw;w tifapy; mf;fl;blj;ij jug;gLJfpwJ.

nghJthf LEED FOf;fs;> Fwpg;gpl;l tif fl;blq;fSf;F Fwpg;gpl;l tif juepHza jpl;lq;fis toq;Fk;. xUtH jdJ fl;blj;Jf;F LEED ngw tpUk;gpdhy;> mtH jdJ fl;bl tifiaj;njupT nra;J> me;j gpuptpy; LEED ngw tpz;zg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. tpz;zg;gk; fpilf;fg; ngw;w FO mtuJ fl;blj;ij gupNrhjpj;J jurhd;wpjo; toq;FthHfs;.

LEED Kiwikf;Nfw;g fl;blnkhd;iw mikg;gjpdhy; gy ed;ikfis milaKbAk;. mtw;wpy; rpy :-

Fiwe;j guhkupg;G nryTfs; kw;Wk; mjpfupf;Fk; nrhj;J kjpg;G

rf;jp kw;Wk; jz;zPH Nrkpg;G

tho;gtHfSf;F xU MNuhf;fpakhd kw;Wk; ghJfhg;ghd ,lkhf ,Uf;Fk;

jPq;F tpistpf;Fk; gRik ,y;y thAf;fis Fiwf;Fk;


Mf;fk; - Nah. fhe;jPgd;

tup js;Sgbfs; kw;Wk; gpw rYiffSf;F E}w;Wf;fzf;fhd efuq;fspy; jFjpngwyhk;

fPo; fhzg;gLgit FOf;fshy; tiuaWf;fg;gl;l fl;bl tiffshFk; :-

Gjpa fl;Lkhdk; kw;Wk; Kf;fpa kWrPuikg;G gzpfs;

gioa fl;blq;fs; tzpf tshf cl;fl;likg;Gfs; core and shell mgptpUj;jp rpW tpahghuq;fs; gs;spfs; tPLfs; r%f mgptpUj;jp Rfhjhu epWtdq;fs;

LEED rhd;wpjo; ngWtjw;F tpz;zg;gpf;f Kd;dH fl;blkhdJ rpy jFjpfs; ngw;Ws;sJ vd;W ep&gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mitahtd:-

midj;J Rw;Wr;#oy; rl;lq;fs; kw;Wk; xOq;FfSf;F Vw;g fl;blk; fl;lg;glLs;sik.

fl;blj;jpd; epue;juj;jd;ik kw;Wk; Kd; kjpg;gPL epiwT

jsj;jpd; vy;iyfs; kw;Wk; area-to-site tpfpjq;fs;

ePH kw;Wk; KO fl;bl rf;jp gad;ghL gfpHT gw;wpa Ie;jhz;L juT

LEED rhd;wpjo;> Gs;sp mbg;gilapy; toq;fg;gLk; jurhd;wpjohFk;. ,e;jg;Gs;spfs; gy;NtWgl;l jug;gLjy;fspy; ngwg;gLk; Gs;spfspd; $l;Lj;njhifahFk;.

tzpf fl;blq;fs; - 110 Gs;sp LEED kjpg;gPl;L msitapy; Fiwe;jJ 40 Gs;spfis ngw Ntz;Lk;.

tPLfSf;F - 136 Gs;sp msitapy; 45 Gs;spfs; Fiwe;jJ ngw Ntz;Lk;.

LEED 2009 y; 100 mbg;gil Gs;spfs; cs;sd. ,jpy; ngWk; Gs;spfs;Sf;F vw;g ehd;F tifahd ju toq;fg;gLk;.

Certified: 40-49 Gs;spfs;Silver: 50-59 Gs;spfs;

Gold: 60-79 Gs;spfs;Platinum: 80 Gs;spfs; kw;Wk; Nky;

vdpDk;> LEED,y; rpy FiwghLfSk; cs;sd. cjhuzkhf njhlf;f tbtikg;G kw;Wk; fl;Lkhd nryT mjpfupf;fpwJ. NkYk; epiyahd fl;Lkhd nfhs;iffis> tbtikg;G ty;YeH ed;F Gupe;J nfhs;s KbahJ Nghfyhk;. mJkl;Lky;yhJ LEED tptuf;Fwpg;Gfis g+Hj;jp nra;Ak; fl;bl nghUl;fs; fpilg;gjpy; gw;whf;Fiw fhzg;gLfpwJ. xU jpl;lj;jpw;F LEED rhd;wpjo; ngw Kaw;rp nra;tNj xU $Ljy; nrythFk;.

vdpDk; xU LEED rhd;wspf;fg;gl;l fl;blj;jpy;> tof;fkhdij tpl Fiwe;j> epiyahd njhopy; nray;ghl;L nryTfs; fhuzkhf fhyg;Nghf;fpy; Vw;gLk; Nrkpg;Gf;fs; %ykhf caH Muk;g nryTfs; jpwk;gl rkd;nra;ag;gLfpwJ. NkYk; jpwd; Ma;Tfs; 25-30% Mw;wy; Nrkpf;fg;gLfpwJ vd;gij fhl;LfpwJ.

,yq;ifapy; LEED jur; rhd;wpjo; ngw;w fl;blq;fs; gy cs;sd. mtw;wpy; gpshl;bdk; jur; rhd;wpjo; ngw;wit fPo;tUtdthFk;.

1. MAS Intimates Thurulie2. Brandix Casualwear Ltd.> Seeduwa 3. Rainforest Ecolodge (Pvt.) Ltd.

,it jtpHj;J ,yq;ifapy; NkYk; %d;W Silver kw;Wk; vl;L Gold jur;rhd;wpjo; ngw;w fl;blq;fs; cs;sd.

gRikf;fl;blj; njhopy; epGzH;fs;> LEED rhd;wspf;fg;gl;l njhopy;ty;YdH guPl;ir apy; rpj;jpailtjd; %yk; rhd;wspf;fg;gl;l njhopy; epGzH Mf KbAk;. ,J Nkw;gb epGzHfs;; gy;NtW LEED Kiwikfs; Clhff; fl;blq;fisr; rhd;Wg;gLj;j cjt trjp nra;fpwJ. njhopy;rhH rhd;wspg;G gRikf; fl;blr; rhd;wspg;G epWtdj;jhy; epHthfk; nra;ag;gLfpwJ. gRikf;fl;lj; Jiw tsHr;rpaile;J tUtjhy; jw;NghJ gRikf;fl;lj; njhopy; epGzHfSf;fhd Nfs;tpAk; mjpfupj;J tUtJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ.

Mw;wy; kw;Wk; #oy;rhH tbtikg;gpy;


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wms ish¨ fokd tlu f,djl ukqIHfhda fjuq' úúO cd;s wd.ï yd u;j, t,an isáho wm yqiau.kafka tlu jdhqjhs' wm îug .kakd c,h fukau wms jikd fï uyfmdf<dj o ish¨ fokdgu fmdÿ jQjls' ñysmsg we;s iïm;a m%fhdackhg .kakka jYfhka wmf.a j.lSu jkqfha mßirh /l.ekSfuka f,dal jdiSkag hym; Wod lr§uhs' l=vd fjkilska úYd, mßj¾;khla l<yels nj Tn okafkao @ wmf.a ;rÕldÍ hdka;%sl tÈfkod ðú;fha§ wm fndafydaúg fkdfhla foa isÿ lrkafka tys m%;s úmdl .ek fkdis;dh' Wod yrKhla jYfhka .;fyd;a lEu ld bj; ,k fmd,s;ska wiqrkh" mdúÉfhka miq jid oukak wu;l lrk mß>klh" wdfrdamkh ù wjika jQ miq;a .id ;sfnk cx.u ÿrl:kh .; yel' wmg wm jgmsgdj flf¾ ukd wjOdkhlska isàfuka fï isÿùï u.yrjd .; yel' úi,a whqßka is;d mqxÑ fjkila isÿlr úYd, m%;sM,hla ,.d lr§ug ±ka ld<h t<U we;'

mka;s ldurfha§" YsIHd.drfha §" iriúfha§" mßir ys;ldó ;reKfhl= f,i l%shd lsÍug Tng fndfyda wjia:d we;'

wer oud we;s c, lrduh jid ±óu;a" Tn ldurfhka bj;aj hk úg úÿ,s n,an ksjd ±óu;a jeks iq¿ oE l%shd;aul fldg mqxÑ werUqula ,nd.; yelshs' Tn mdúÉÑhg .kakd mEka mekai,a" yQkQ l+r" rE,h jeks oE m%fõifuka Ndú;d l< hq;=h' fï iïm;a kdia;s lsÍfuka isÿjkafka ;j;j;a mßirhg wys;lr ma,diaála ksIamdokh;a" jDlaI,;d lmd ±óu;a fjk;a iajNdúl iïm;a ;j;j;a mdúÉÑhg .ekSu;ah' mdif,a we;s iïm;a ; iïm;a f,i is;d wdrlaId lr.; hq;=h' fï l%shdoduh ;j;a tla mshjrla bÈßhg f.k .sh fyd;a iaj leue;af;ka bÈßm;ajk Tfí ñ;=rka lsysm fofkla iuÕ tl;= ù ffokslj Tfí jgmsgdj" mka;sh" mdie,a N+ñh msßisÿ lsßfï l%shdoduhla wdrïN l< yels w;r

tu.ska Tfí wdikaku mßirh msßisÿj

;nd.ekSug Tn odhl jkjd we;' Tfí mdif,a úÿy,am;s fyda wdpd¾h uKav,fha iyh we;sj m%;spl%slrk

lñgqjla msysgqùug Tng uq,a ù l%shdl, yel' m%;spl%slrk ny¨ï ,ndf.k fuh isÿlrk

.uka isiqka iy uyck;djgo fuys we;s jeo.;alu .ek ±kqj;a lsßug wjia:djlao lr.; yel' Tfí mdie,a bx.%Sis Èkh" jdKsc Èkh fyda jd¾Isl l%Svd W;aijfha§ fï ms<sn|j ;jÿrg;a ±kqj;a lsÍfï jHdmdrh;a f.k hd yel'

Tfí úoHd,fha mßir lñgqjla we;akï Tjqka iu. w;aje,a ne|f.k Tng mdie,a iSudfjka tydgf.dia fjr< msßisÿ lsÍu" udj;a msßisÿ lsÍu jeks jevigyka Èh;a l<yel' fuh fndfyda úfkdaockl jkjdo fkdwkqudkh' ióm úoHd,j, iñ;s iuÕ taldnoaO ùfuka fujeks fndfyda jHdmD;s Tng isÿl< yel' tu.ska ±kqu i;=g fukau kj ñ;=oï o f.dvk.d .; yel'

wjidk jYfhka isiqfjl= f,i Tng Tfí mjqf,a idudðlhka w;rg o fuu mKsúvh /f.k hd yel' úÿ,sh msßuisk n,an

±óug Tfí foudmshka Wkkaÿ lrjk w;r" Tfí l=vd fidfydhqrd fyda fidfydhqßhg c,h" úÿ,sh yd wfkl=;a iïm;a wdrlaId lr.; hq;af;a wehs ±hs lshdÈh yel' iduqysl;ajfha fujeks mqxÑ oE isÿ lsßfuka wmf.a mßirhg úYd, hym;la Wod lr Èh yel' mßirh iq/lSug Tfí ld<fhka mqxÑ fõ,djla ffokslj ,nd § mßir ys;ldó mqoa.,fhl= jkak'

wmf.a ;rÕldÍ hdka;%sl tÈfkod ðú;fha§ wm fndafydaúg

fkdfhla foa isÿ lrkafka tys

m%;súmdl .ek fkdis;dh

.eUqßka is;kak" mqxÑ l%shdjlska fmkajkak

l=iqï .=Kj¾Ok úisks

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[hjp rkak; ek;gpf;iffspy; NtWgl;L ehk; fhzg;gbDk; jdp xU eguhf cyfj;jpd; xU mq;fj;jtuhfpd;Nwhk;. ehk; vq;F trpg;gpDk; Rthrpg;gjw;f;F XNu fhw;wpidAk; Fbg;gjw;f;F XNu ePhpidAk; #l;bw;f;F XNu #hpaidANk nfhz;bUf;fpd;Nwhk;. me;j tifapy; ,g;G+kp midtUf;Fk; nghJthdjhFk;. ehk; ekJ G+kpapd; tsq;fis gq;fpLk; NghJ mjid ghJfhf;Fk; nghWg;Gf;fisAk; gq;fpl;L G+kpapw;f;F rpwe;j kdpjh;fshf tho;e;J mjid ghJfhf;f Ntz;Lk;.

rpwpa khw;wq;fs; ghhpa NtWghLfis cz;lhf;Fk;.

vkJ md;whl tho;tpy; mNef tplaq;fis mjd; jhf;fk; vt;thW ,Uf;Fk; vd;gjid mwpahkNyNa nra;fpd;Nwhk;. mJ rhjuzkhf rhg;ghl;L nghypj;jPd; igapid vwpjy; my;yJ fzdpapid epWj;jhkypUj;jy; my;yJ ifalf;fj njhiyNgrpapidNah kbf; fzpg;nghwpapidNah KOjhf ,yj;jpuNdw;wg;gl;Lk; ,yj;jpudpaNyw;wj;jpypUe;J epWj;jhjpUj;jy; Nghd;w nraw;ghLfs; ghhpa tpistpid Vw;gLj;Jfpd;wJ.

Rw;whlypy; mtjhdkpf;f ,isQh;fshf cUthFtjw;f;F gy re;jh;g;gq;fs; cs;sd. tFg;giw gy;fiyf;fofk; my;yJ J}q;Fk; miwfs; Nghd;w ,lq;fspd; tsq;fis cq;fshy; ghJfhf;f KbAk;. mjid XLfpd;w jz;zPhpid %Ljy; my;yJ miwapdpypUe;J ntspNaWk; NghJ ntspr;rj;jpid mizj;jy; Nghd;w nraw;ghLfspd; %yk; Muk;gpf;f KbAk;.

Mw;wy; kw;Wk; #oy;rhH

Ngid ngd;rpy; mbkl;lk; ntz;fl;b Nghd;w nghUl;fspy; mtjhdkhf ,Uj;jy;. ,it tPzhf;fg;gLtJ ghhpa gpsh];bf; cw;gj;jpf;F toptFf;fg;gLtJld; mNef kuq;fs; ntl;lg;gLjy; my;yJ rpy ,aw;if tsq;fs; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ. cq;fs; ghlrhiy kw;Wk; gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; cs;s tsq;fis ePq;fs; ghJfhj;Jf;nfhs;Sq;fs;. NkYk; Kd;Ndhf;fp nry;Yk; Kfkhf njhz;LNritfis ez;gh;fSld; ,ize;J Muk;gpj;J md;iwa ehspid Rj;jkhf itj;jpUg;gJld; xt;nthU ehSk; Rw;Wg;Gwr; #oypYs;s Fg;igfis vLj;J cldbahf #oypid Rj;jg;gLj;jy;.

mjpfhukpf;fth;fspd; cjtpAld; ghlrhiyapNyh gy;fiyf;fofj;jpNyh kPs;#ow;rp rq;fj;jpid GjpanjhU

njhlf;fkhf Muk;gpf;fyhk;. NkYk; khefu rigapd; cjtpAld; kPs;#ow;rpf; $ilfisg; ngw;W epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lq;fis XOq;FgLj;jpNah my;yJ kPs;#ow;r;rpapd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;jpidAk; jfty;fisAk; fy;tp mwptpidAk; VidNahh;fSf;F toq;fp Cf;fg;gLj;Jq;fs;;;;.

,aw;if rq;fk; fhzg;gLkhapd; cldb #oy; Rj;jj;jpw;f;F mg;ghw; nrd;Wnfhz;bUf;Fk; flw;fiuapid Rj;jg;gLj;jy; my;yJ mayth;fspd; #oypid Rj;jg;gLj;jy; Nghd;w epfo;Tfis mjd; %yk; xOq;FgLj;jy;. NkYk; rpy rq;fq;fSld; njhlh;Ggl;L nra;gLjy; kfpo;r;rpahf ,Ug;gJld; Gjpa ez;gh;fisAk; Gjpa tplaq;fisAk; toq;FtJld; tsq;fisAk; ghJfhf;fpd;wJ.

cq;fs; FLk;gj;jpidAk; gRikg;gLj;jyhk;. cq;fs; FLk;gq;fis rf;jpkpf;f tsq;fis Nrkpg;gjpy; Cf;fg;gLj;Jq;fs;. cq;fs; rNfhju rNfhjhpfSf;F vjw;fhf XLfpd;w ePh; Fohapid epWj;Jjy; FspayiwapypUe;J tUfpd;w NghJ ntspr;rj;jpid epWj;Jjypd; Njitapid tpsf;Fjy;. ,t;thwhd rpwpa tplaq;fs; ehis vkJ ,aw;if tsq;fspy; ghhpanjhU mOj;jj;jpid nrYj;Jk;. vkJ #oy; gw;wpa mtjhdj;Jld; ehk; rpwpa topfspYk; vkJ gq;fspg;gpid nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. thUq;fs; nghpjhf rpe;jpj;J rpwpa khw;wq;fSld; ghhpanjhU jhf;fj;jpid Vw;gLj;JNthk;.

tsq;fis ghJfhf;Fk; ed;kdpjuhf tho;Nthk;.

ehk; vq;F trpg;gpDk;

Rthrpg;gjw;f;F XNu

fhw;wpidAk; Fbg;gjw;f;F

XNu ePhpidAk; #l;bw;f;F

XNu #hpaidANk

nfhz;bUf;fpd;Nwhk;. me;j

tifapy; ,g;G+kp midtUf;Fk;



Mf;fk; - Nah. fhe;jPgd; nkhopkhw;wk;:- epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is

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Mf;fk; - mutpe;jd; fpUghde;j%Hj;jp

~mNlhgp| (Adobe) vDk; epWtdj;jhy; cUthf ;fg ;gl ;L ntspa plg ;gLk ; ~/ NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) vdg;gLtJ kpfTk; gpugykhd tiufiy nkd;nghUs; (Graphical tool) MFk;. ,k;nkd;nghUspd; cjtpNahL fzpdpapy; rpj;jpuq;fis tiuaTk ; > Vw ; fdNt tiuag ; gl ; l rpj;jpuq;fisNah> Gifg;glq;fisNah jpUj;jk; nra;aTk; KbAk;. jw;NghJ Gifg;glq;fs; (Photography)rhH Jiwapy; ,Ug;gtHfSf;F ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) XH ,d;wpaikahj tug;gpurhjk; vd;Nw $wyhk;. ,dp ~/ NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) nkd;nghUs; vg;gb cUthdJ vd;gJ gw;wpg;ghHNghk;.

mNlhgp /NghNlhN\hg(Adobe Photoshop)

jpUj;Jk; nkd;NghUshf cUthf;ff;$lhJ?" vd;w vz;zk; vOe;jJ. ,jid mLj;J 1988 ,y; ~[hd;| (John) jdJ rNfhjuNdhL ,ize;J 6 khj fhyk; Ntiy nra;jjd; gydhf ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) ,d; Kjy; epuy; (Program) ~,Nk[; g;Nuh| (Image Pro) vd;w ngaupy; cUthdJ. Mdhy; ~,Nk[; g;Nuh| (Image Pro) vd;w ngaH Vw;fdNt ,d;ndhU epWtdj;jhy; gjpT nra;ag;gl;bUe;jikahy; 'Photoshop' vd;w ngaH #l;lg;gl;lJ.

~ / N g h N l h N\ h g ; | (Photoshop) gy vz;zpylq ;fhj gad ;ghLfis nfhz;bUe;jhYk; mtw;wpy;@ b[pl;ly; gltz;zj;jpUj;jk; (Digital image colour corrections)> Kg;gupkhd cs;slf;fk; (3D Contents)> 'GIF Animations' vdg;gLk; rpW mirt+l;lk;> Gjpa Xtpa kw;Wk; Gifg;glj; jpUj;jq;fis Nkw;nfhs;s cjTk; nka;epfH fUtpfs; Nghd;wit Fwpg;gplj;jf;fitahFk;. ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) I mirAk; gbk tbtikg;ghsHfs; (Animators)> gbt tbtikg;ghsHfs; (Fashion Designers)> tiutpay; tbtikg;ghsHfs; (Graphic Designers) > Gi f g ; g l e p Gz H fs ; (Photographers / Photo Editors) Ng hd ; w gyJiwapdUk; cgNahfpf;fpd;wdH. ,dp Nkw;Fwpg ;gpl ;ltHfSf;F ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) vt;thW cgNahfkhfpwJ vd;gJ gw;wpg;ghHNghk;.

mirAk; gbktbtikg;ghsHfs;; (Animators):

,tHfs; ~ky;bNyaHl;| (Multi Layered) cUtq;fis /ghj;jpuq;fis (Characters) cUthf;f ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) ,id cgNahfpf;fpd;wdH. mtHfs; Gifg;gl gpd;dzpapy; jpUj;jq;fis Nkw;nfhs;sTk; glq;fs; (Still Images) kw;Wk; tPbNah gpNuk;fspy; (Video Frames) jpUj;jq;fis Nkw;nfhz;L mdpNk\d; (Animation) fis cUthf;fTk; gad;gLj;JfpwhHfs;.

Gbt tbtikg ; g hsHfs ; (Fashion Designers):

~/Ng\d; | (Fashion) tbtikg ;G ngUk;ghYk; ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) ,NyNa njhlq;FfpwJ. rpd;dq;fs; (Logos) tbtikg;gjpy; ,Ue;J Milfs; (Dresses)> ~Nff;| (Cake) Nghd;w jpd;gz;lq;fs; kw;Wk; gytifahd tbtq;fis tbtikg;gjw;Fk; ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) gad;gLfpwJ. NkYk ; gbttbikg ; g py ; Kf ;f pak ; ngWk; Mil tbtikg ;Gj ;Jiwapy ; ,k;nkd;nghUspd; gad;ghL gy;NtWgl;lJ. Gjpa Milfspd; Gifg;gl tbtikg;gpYk;> mo$l;ly;> nkU$l;ly; vd;gdtw;wpYk;

'/NghNlhN\hg;" (Photoshop) cUthdfij:

1987 ,y;> ~kpr;rpfd;| gy;fiyf;fofj;ij (University of Michigan) NrHe;j PhD khztdhd ~Njhk]; Nehy;| (Thomas Knoll) vd;gtH> xNu tz;zj;jpyhd fhl;rp glq;fis fUk;rhay;fshf (Grayscale image) fhl;l mtuJ ~Nkfpz;Nlh\; gps];| (Macintosh Plus) ,y; XH epuiy (program) vOjj; njhlq;fpdhH. ~Njhk]; Nehy;| (Thomas Knoll) jahupj;Jf; nfhz;bUe;j ,e;epuyhdJ (Program) mtuJ rNfhjudhd ~[hd; Nehy;| (John Knol) I ftuNt> “,jid Vd; xU KOikahd Gifg;glq;fis (Photographs)

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~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) Kf;fpak; ngWfpwJ.

tiutpay; tbtikg;ghsHfs; (Graphic Designers):

tiutpay; tbtikg;ghsHfs; ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) I cgNahfpj;jJk; fw;gidfSf;F XH cUtk; nfhLj;J mjid ntspf;nfhz;Ltu KbfpwJ. mr;Rj;Jiw> ,izak;> Clfj;Jiw vd;gtw;w py ; tiutpay; tbtikg;G Kf;fpak; ngWfpwJ. ,d;iwa tiutpay; Jiwapd; mbg;gilahd> Kf;fpakhd nkd;nghUshf ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) fhzg;gLfpwJ.

Gifg;gl epGzHfs; (Photographers / Photo Editors):

Gifg;gl nkUNfw;wNk ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) ,d; mbg;gilj; njhopw;ghL MFk;. ,jid Nehf;fkhff; nfhz;Nl ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) cUthf;fg;gl;lJ .Gifg;gl epGzHfs; ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) ,d; cjtpapdhy; jkJ thbf;ifahsHfspd; Xtpaq;fs;> fhl;rpfs;> jpUkzq;fs; my;yJ Vida epfo;Tfspy; vLf;fg;gl;l Gifg;glq;fis jpUj;jk; (Edit) nra;J mtw;wpd; juj;ij caHj;j KbfpwJ. ,d;iwf;F Gifg;glg ;g pbg ;ghsHfs; > Gifg ; glj ; njhFg ; g hsHfSf ;Fk ; ,d;wpaikahj nkd;nghUshf~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) fhzg;gLfpwJ.

e p G z j ; J t k ; n g w ; w Gifg ;glg ;g pbg ;ghsHfs; kl ;Lkd;w p > rhjhuzkhdtHfSk;> jhq;fs; vLf;Fk; Gifg ;glq ;fis nkUNfw ;w ,d ;W gad;gLj;Jk; nkd;nghUs; ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) jhd;. ,d;iwf;F ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrpfspy; Gifg;glnkLf;Fk; tof;fk; mjpfupj ;Js;s mNjNtis ifalf;f cgfuzq;fspy; vLf;fg;gLk; Gifg;glq;fis nkU$l;l ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) ifalf;f cgfuzq;fSf;nfd tpNrl nkd;nghUnshd;iwAk; jw;NghJ toq;FfpwJ. ,JGifg;gl nkU$l;liy ,yFthf;FtNjhL midtUk; ,yFtpy; gad;gLj;Jk; tifapy; mike;Js;sJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ.

ePq;fs; tiufiykw;Wk; Gifg;glq;fs; rhHe;jJiwia NjHe;njLj;jpUg;gPHfshapd; ~/NghNlhN\hg;| (Photoshop) nkd;nghUs; gapw;rp kw;Wk; ,k;nkd;nghUs; gw;wp njupe;jpUg;gjd; %yk; Ntiytha;g;Gf;fis mjpfupj;J cq;fs; vjpHfhy ntw;wpf;F toptFf;fyhk;.

jw;NghJ Gifg;glq;fs; (Photography) rhH Jiwapy; ,Ug;gtHfSf;F '/NghNlhN\hg;" (Photoshop) XH

,d;wpaikahj tug;gpurhjk; vd;Nw $wyhk;

Page 52: Edex Magazine April 2013

By Nalin Goonewardene

Today, there is a lack of interest among students as well as parents on such courses as food technology and cookery. They are specially feeling taboo about the subject of Home Science at O/L and A/L classes saying it’s only for girls. Strangely, even girls shun it, saying it’s only for housewives, not for career women.

What a lot they are missing!

There are famous chefs who have influenced hotels and restaurants to improve their offerings with innovative dishes and imaginative creations, even in Sri Lanka. These chefs have gone on to write cookery books, give TV shows, run catering companies and even become recognized celebrities.

Of course, no one wants to be 'stuck in the kitchen', but if this is their skill, they will not be standing still. Talent in anything is always recognized. It’s up to the individual to work hard to make something out of it, which is common to all careers. Without identifying your best skill you may become a mediocre doctor when you could have been a brilliant chef.

Sri Lanka is changing - fast, so the opportunities for new types of worthwhile career are increasing. Certain vocations were looked down upon, partly by our cultural background, partly because there wasn't a great demand for those specific skills and partly because of lethargic attitude. However, this is changing. People are becoming more discerning by exposure to working and travelling abroad, the internet and TV. The average income

is growing and there are more people earning at higher rates. They are interested in better quality and more sophistication, so the 'anything will do' attitude is declining. Then there’s the tourist industry which is also beginning to take off. There will be a demand for those trained in the hotels and hospitality industries.

This means the demand for better capable vocational skills such as hair dressing, cookery, interior decorating,

There are famous chefs who have influenced

hotels and restaurants to improve their offerings with innovative dishes

and imaginative creations, even in Sri Lanka

50 Education

they are What a lot missing!

Page 53: Edex Magazine April 2013


Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

0Interested in building a globally mobile career?Now is the time to invest your talents on furthering your education of a career of your choice. The days of having a single professional qualification to get one’s foot in the corporate door are coming to an end; in today’s competitive job market, having more qualifications means having a sharper edge that will take you further up the ladder faster.

Qualification For whom Useful Information

ACCA Professional Qualification Post A/L students (2 C passes in A/L & 3 C passes in O/L including math & English) and graduates who want to purse a globally mobile career as a finance professional

Exams – Comprise 14 papersEthics – Students need to complete an online ethics module prior to applying for membership.Experience – 3 years relevant practical experience during, before or after exams.

Introductory Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting

Post O/L students

Comprise 2 papers

Intermediate Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting

Comprise 2 papers

Diploma in Accounting and Business Comprise 3 papers

Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Students over 16 years of ageCAT provides an early start to the young student who can use CAT as a foundation for the ACCA Professional qualification or as the basis for seeking employment

BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University UK

ACCA Professional scheme students complete the first 9 papers of the ACCA examinations + a research project + an ethics module

Contact the ACCA Sri lanka #424, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3.

2301920/2301923E mail [email protected]

fitting curtains and blinds etc will increase. The neglected and looked-down-upon professions such as carpenter, plumber, chef, electrician, mechanic, painter/ decorator, etc will become more important and command reasonably high levels of income. This can be seen from the developed countries where a painter can earn enough money with his skill to own a house, a car and pay for the upkeep of his children.

Whatever natural talent you have, a high level of these skills can only be acquired by relevant education, training and practice. You don’t have to go to an academic university to be a success, but you do need to recognise your special talent, and find relevant sources for acquiring and practicing your skills. Invariably, this will be a mixture of theory and practise.

You need to gain recognized qualifications – because that is what describes your skills to prospective

employers. These days there are many diploma courses which can lead to higher levels of qualifications, not available in the pas.

Did you know that there are several well accredited hotel schools in Sri Lanka?

Don’t miss out. Look to the future and plan for it.

Where will Sri Lanka and the world be in next 5 years time? Do you see yourself there?

Page 54: Edex Magazine April 2013

52 Education

life timeDecision of a

There are many foreign universities and education institutions that offer various degrees for Sri Lankan students with the option of full time study abroad or at a locally accredited institute either on a full time or part time basis. Given the wide range of choices in offer and the diverse nature of courses conducted, it is very important to select the right degree offered by the right educational institute that suits your requirements and finances, caters for the future job markets and most importantly, is recognized both locally and internationally. Hence, you should always make an informed decision taking into consideration all relevant factors before committing the hard earned savings of you and your family. This article aims to provide a guideline to the students who wish to obtain foreign qualifications.

Having a clear understanding of your career path should be your first priority. You should always make a self assessment on your strengths and weaknesses and use your educational experiences to decide on a suitable path that garner your competencies, cater for the future job markets and improve your knowledge and skills. You can consult a known mentor like your high school teacher, principle, parents or a professional person known to you who can guide you towards making an informed decision. In addition you could always use EDEX Careers ( where you can select the most suitable higher educational path for you out of a large pool of courses listed based on your preference.

Always remember that you are investing in your future and your future success will greatly be enhanced by informed decisions you make.

Once you are clear on the type of degree that suits your inspirations you need to carefully research the universities

and educational institutes that offer the degree of your choice. EDEX Expo “which provides the single largest nationwide platform connecting Sri Lankan youth with choices, options and opportunities in the post-secondary, graduate and postgraduate fields, technical and vocational training leading to gainful employment” is an event where you could obtain first hand information about the degree programmes conducted by various foreign universities and higher educational institutes. You could also study about foreign degree providers through the World Wide Web by browsing academic websites or by visiting institutions or by making appointments with local representatives.

In making the final decision following points should be considered.

• Consider the rank of the university/ educational institute both locally

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of education. To ensure that your degree is respected and valued by employers and recognized within Sri Lanka and abroad you must make sure that the university or educational institute has been recognized by a local or international accreditation body, such as below institutions that provide accreditation in different countries.

• UGC (University Grants Commission)- National accreditation body

• IAU (International Association of Universities) -Worldwide accreditation body

• AQF (Australian Qualification Framework) - Australian accreditation body

• CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) - Commonwealth/ EU accreditation body

University Grants commission is the national accreditation body in Sri Lanka. You should visit the website ( as it contains very useful information relating to higher education. According to UGC web site “University Grants Commission recognizes foreign universities/ higher educational institutes based on international acceptance.”

Universities/ higher educational institutes that are listed in following international publications which are authentic sources of information on universities and higher educational institutes are recognized at present.

1. Commonwealth Universities Yearbook Published by Association of Commonwealth Universities

2. International Handbook of Universities Published by International Association of Universities

By making certain that the degree you pursue is accredited you ensure that you are investing on a quality degree that would be recognized by employers worldwide and which would provide you with necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to begin a rewarding and self fulfilling career that will make your journey through your career path easy.

Finally make sure that the educational institute you select locally has qualified and experienced staff, adequate facilities and a flexible payment options that suits your financing needs.

Let the decision of a life time be the right one.

in home country and globally. There are several ranking systems by global institutions that rank universities based on criteria such as quality of degrees in offer, experience and qualifications of faculty members, onsite and offsite facilities available to students and passing out rates. You could always check the rank of a university or institute that you are researching thought below sites.





• Another important aspect is accreditation. Accreditation is

one of the most important aspects of education as it ensures consistency and quality

Page 56: Edex Magazine April 2013

54 Youth

Rationality and leadership

By Nadeeshani Silva

Rational behavior is making decisions in a logical manner before taking action. It means thinking whether the choice we make is suitable or not, comparing its benefits and costs. Rationally, we make profitable choices where benefits are obviously more than the costs.

In economics, the society is studied in components that expand from smallest to the largest. Here the smallest component is an individual. It may be you, me or the person next to you. As soon as a person wakes up in the morning, he or she makes a number of rational decisions within minutes, such as what he or she will have for breakfast, how to travel to school, university etc. This is basically a form of leading one’s own self.

The next smallest component is domestic or the house hold unit. There the number of members is more, at least two. It is mostly a family where father, mother or an elder becomes the leader instinctively. Being matured with knowledge and experience he or she guides others, managing both physical and human resources in efficient and effective manner. Other members need to integrate with one another and with the leader. This will make things easy for a leader to lead the way to achieve common goals through decision making and problem solving missions, overcoming external obstacles.

From an individual through the household unit this economical concept expands to business firms, where leadership should be on a level of master mind. There the responsibilities and

mental stress that comes with them is higher. Rationality is more important here.

Next, let’s consider leaders in a government in a particular country up to the global level with international interactions. In all these cases, leader plays a major role and is bound to take responsibility of failures even at a tiny point. Leaders should lead others with a good mental balance, being a model that is brighter than others.

When anyone is going to be selected for a job, interviewers check the three factors of knowledge, skills and attitudes. The most important would be attitude. It is often asked said, “knowledge can be given; and skills can be developed”, asking “how to provide positive attitudes?” in fact, a main task of a leader is to cultivate positive attitudes among subordinates’ minds.

We all have it

An overview through smallest to largest social units

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Rationality and leadership

The mind leads an individual. If the mind is rich with positive attitudes such as irreversible determination and courage to take on the goals, not only as much as possible but also as soon as possible, the mind itself will ultimately lead a person.

To be a good leader, you should go to another person’s situation to lead and advice; “one should get in to the shoes of the other”. Just think of a moment of talking to a little baby. One never talks with a baby in the same manner that a person talks with adults. When it comes to ‘leadership’, this is a very powerful way of wining hearts of followers. One

shall remember that in a group of persons all may not come from the same environment or family background. Thus, their thoughts, feelings, behavior and capacities will differ from one another. A leader shall be able to understand those differences well through what they speak and how they behave. Though it is a secret of ‘leadership’ which leads to achievement of goals successfully, it is absent among many present day leaders.

There are occasions where visible or tangible leaders may not be found, but a particular culture of leadership is visible. For instance, though we cannot point out a leader in any major religion today, they exists very strong cultures created a long time ago.

Leadership in fact, is a role that can be played by an individual, a team or even by an intangible culture. At most of occasions, many show reluctance and fail to accept leadership in teams.

It is an unfortunate kicking away of valuable opportunities. As each and every long journey starts from a small step, step on to the ladder of leadership from anywhere that a chance comes up, without declining or ignoring it.

Homo sapiens sapiens, in short the ‘human being’ is the most advanced creature that has been evaluated so far on the planet earth. By today, he dominates the whole world, overpowering all other living beings. This remarkable achievement itself is the best evidence to prove that the man has the leadership capability in born or written in to his genes. Just as swimming, leadership is not a lesson to read and understand but an experience to gain and enhance. On the way, be sure to remember that a leader shall be motivated and shall motivate others also with positive attitudes.

To be a good leader, you should go to another person’s situation to lead and advice; “one should get in to the shoes of the other”

Page 58: Edex Magazine April 2013

56 Youth

guPl;irfs;; kl;LNk tho;f;if my;y!

tplh Kaw;rpNahLk; fbd ciog;NghLk; jkJ tho;tpd; fhyj;ijr; nryT nra;J rpye;jp tiynahd;iwg; gpd;Dfpd;wJ. Rod;W mbf;Fk; fhw;whYk; thd; tprpWk; ngUkioahYk; mt; tiy mWe;J njhq;Ffpd;wJ.

Jz;L Jz;lha;r ; rpjwpg ;Nghd fdTj; Jz;Lfisf; fz;L rpye;jp fjWtJ ,y;iy. fyq;fp nehWq;FtJ ,y;iy. ,j;Jld; tho;Tk; Kbe;jJ vd ,og;ig ,og;gha;f; nfhs;tJ ,y;iy. rpye;jp kPsTk; vOe;J jdJ tiyia gpd;dj; njhlq;Ffpd;wJ.

mjw ;F ve ;jr ; rypg ;GzHNth tpuf ;j p czHNth ,Ug;gjpy;iy. tre;jj;Jld; khup> Nfhilfs; te;J NghtNj tho;f;if vd;gij mJ czHe;J itj;jpUf;fpd;wJ. ,og;GfSk; tho;tpd; xU gFjpNa vd;gij mWe;j tiyfisg; GJg;gpf;Fk; rpye;jp czHj;Jfpd;wJ.

kiyNghyg; gue;J fple;j kfj rhk;uh[;[pak;> fdT Nghy kiwe;jJk; ntWk; kz;NkLfspd; Nky; cjpj ;njOe;j tp[aefug ;NguuR> rhk;uh[;[pakha; tpupe ;jJk; tuyhw;wpd; gf;fq;fspy; gjpthfpf; fplf;fpd;wd. ,og;GfSk; ngWiffSk; ,ize;jNj ekJ tho;T vd;gij ehk; mbf;fb kwe;J tpLfpd;Nwhk;.

,og;gpd; typkpFe;j fzq;fs; kdij tpuf;jpapd; tpspk;Gf;F js;Std. Ntjidapd;

Mf;fk; - tpkyehjd; tpkyhjpj;jjd;

cr;rj;Jf;F Vw;Wtd. jsuhj kdTWjpiaAk; jfHj;njwptd. MdhYk;> ntWk; czHr;rpia ek;ik Ms;tjw;F mDkjpf;fg; Nghfpd;Nwhkh vd;w Nfs;tpiaf; Nfl;gjd; %ykhf> Ntjidapd; fhuzj;ij ehk; Njlyhk;. czHr;rptrg;gl;L ehk; vLf;Fk; jtwhd KbTfspy; rpy ek;ik ek;kplk; ,Ue;Nj mopj;J tpLk;. ,btpOe;jJ Nghd;w Jd;gj;jpYk; $l fyq;fhjpUg;gtNd tpNtfp vd ekJ ePjp E}y;fs; $Wfpd;wd.

mz;ikapy; guPl;irfspy; NjHr;rp ngwtpy;iy vd;w fhuzj;jhy; rpy khztHfs; jw;nfhiy nra;J nfhz;l nra;jpfs; gy cs;sq;fis gjwr; nra;jpUf;fpd;wd. ,e;jr; rpWtHfis vJ ,e;j epiyf;Fj; J}z;baJ? jkJ capiu jhNk kha;j;Jf; nfhs;Sk; msTf;F kd

mOj;jij ,tHfs; Nky; jpzpj;jJ ahH? tz;zf; fdTfNshL tho;f;ifia vjpHnfhs;sg; Gwg;gl;l mtHfspd; vz;zr; rpwFfis ,uf;fkpd;wp Kwpj;jJ ahH? tpilfis ahUk; NjLtJ ,y;iy. jw ;nfhiyr; nra;jpfs;> ntWk; nra;jpfshf te;J r%fj;jpd; tha;fs; nky;Yk; mtyhf nfhQ;r ehs; epd;W kiwe;jopAk;.

guPl;irfspy; mjp caHGs;sp n g W j N y t h o ; t p d ; ,yf;nfd;w vz;zf;fUit r pWtajpy ; ,Ue ;Nj> jha ; je ;ijaHfSk ; MrpupaHfSk; r%fKk; Foe;ijfspd; kdjpy;

tpijj;J tUtij ehk; md;whlk; fhz;fpd;Nwhk;.

g ps ;isfs ; jkf ;F Mw ;w Ntz;ba ed;wpf;fldhf jha;

je;ijaH gupl;irfspy; rpwg;ghfj; NjWtij vz;ZtJk;> mijg; gpwuplk;

nrhy;yp jkJ r%f me;j];ij mjpfupj;Jf; nfhs;s KidtJk; ek;ikr; Rw;wpNa ele;J nfhz;L ,Uf;fpd;wd. rpwg;ghd NjHr;rpAWk; g ps ;isfisf ; nfhz ;lhLk ; r%fk ; > guPl;irfspy; Njhy;tpAw;w gps;isfisj; J}w;Wfpd;wJ.

xU Foe;ijia ,d;ndhU Foe;ijAld; xg;gpl;L> caHT jho;Tfisf; fhz;gij> r%fk; jdJ tof;fkhd nghOJNghf;fhf itj;jpUf;fpd;wJ. xt;nthU gps;isAk; xt;nthU tifapy; jpwik cs;sJ vd;gij epidj;Jg; ghHf;fhj ghlj;jpl;l KiwikiaNa ekJ r%fk; nfhz;bUf;fpd;wJ. guPl;irfspy; rpwg ;ghfj; Njwhj gps;isfis kdk; tUe;jj; J}w;WjYk; gpwH Kd;dpiyapy; mtkhdg;gLj;jYk; mbj;jYk; kdk; nehWq;fr; nra;jYNk ngw;Nwhupd; Foe;ij tsHf;Fk; Kiwahf ,Uf;fpd;wd. cyfpd; kpfr; rpwe;j tpQ;QhdpAk;> cyfk; ,Jtiu fz;l Gj;jp[Ptpfspy; Kjd;ikahsuhff; fUjf;$batUkhd my;gHl; Id;];ildpDila ,e;jf; $w;iw ,q;F fl;lhak; Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;. “vy;NyhUk; jpwikrhypfNs! Mdhy; ePq;fs; xU kPid kuNkWk; jpwid itj;J kjpg;gpLtPHfshapd; mJ jd; tho;ehs; KOJk; jd;id Kl;lhshfNt ek;gpf;nfhz;bUf;Fk;“ vd;fpwhH Id;];ild;.

ey;y fy;tp Kiwikapd; Nehf;fk; r%fjpw;F ey;y kdpjHfis cUthf;fp mspg;gNj. mijr; nra;aj; jtwpa ekJ fy;tp Kiwik

,d;W FUjpf; fiw gl;l fuj;Jld; epw;gij r%fk; fhz;gJ ,y;iy.

ntWk; fhfpjq;fspy; mr;rplg;gl;l ghlq;fspyh ,Uf;fpwJ ek;Kila tho;T? nts;isj;jhspw; fplf;Fk; Nfs;tpfSf;F rupahd tpilaspg;gjpy; kl;Lk; jhdh ,Uf;fpwJ ekJ tre;jj;jpd; thry;? guPl;irfs; kl;LNk tho;Tf;fhd jpwTNfhy; ,y;iy. tho;f;if kpfg; gue;jJ. mjd; cs;Ns Eise;J NkNy Vwpg; Nghtjw;fhd to pfSk ; gy ;y ha p uf ; fzf ; f hdit . Foe;ijfs; r%fj;jpd; nrhj;Jf;fs;. mtw;iw tsHg;gjw;fhd cupik kl;LNk ngw;NwhUf;F cz;L. vt;tsT taJk; mDgtq;fSk; ngw;Wk; $l kd KjpHr;rpiaAk; gf;Ftj;ijAk; ngw kwe;j md;idfSk; je;ijfSk; MrpupaHfSk; epuk;gpa cyfj;jpy;> NjHr;rp ngwhj khztHfs; jw;nfhiy Nehf;fpj; js;sg;gLfpd;whHfs;.

xt;nthU khztDk; jd;idr; Rw;wp cs;s r%fj;ijAk; mjd; vz;z Xl;lj;ijAk; rupahfg; Gupe;J nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. jkf;F Nky; jpzpf;fg;gLk; ve;j czHr;rp kpf;f thHj;ijfisAk; mjD}lhd mLj;jtHfspd; vjpHghHg;Gf;fisAk; J}f;fp vwpAk; JzpT ngwy; Ntz;Lk;. ek;Kila tho;T ekf;fhdJ vd;Wk; mijr; rpwg;ghf tho;tjw;F cupa toptiffis ehk; jhd; NjHe;J vLf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;Wk; cWjp nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

ntWk; guPl;irfspy; Njhy;tp ngWtij epidj;J kdk; ciltJ rpWgps;isj;jdkhdJ. jha;je;ijaupd; mtkjpg;igAk; r%fj;jpd; ,ope;j ghHitia vz;zpf; fyq;FtijAk; epWj;j Ntz;Lk;. kd KjpHr;rp milahj mtHfSf;fhf ,uq;f Ntz;Lk;.

ekf;fhd tho;f;if tz;zq;fs; epuk;gpaJ. ekJ j p wikfisAk ; nj hl H g h ly ; jpwidAk; tsHj;Jf;nfhz;lhy; gy;NtW caHkl;lq;fSf;F ehk; Kd;Ndw KbAk;. xt;nthUtUf;Fs;Sk; xU jpwikapUf;fpd;wJ> mjidf; fz;bwpe;J MHtj;JlDk;> mauhj Kaw;rpAlDk; me;jj; Jiwapy; ntw;wpngw KdiaNtz;Lk;. Cf;fKk; cs;typAk; kl ;LNk ekf ;Fj ; NjitahdJ. ekJ fdTfSk; ekJ rpwFfSk; ekf;fhdit. ahUila mOj;jq;fSf;Fk; tpiyNghfhj kdj ;j pz ;ikNa ekf ;F Ntz ;baJ. jw;nfhiyfSk; tpuf;jpAzHTk; jw;fhypf czHr;rpfNs. r%fj;jpd; ngWkjp kpf;f nrhj;jhd cq;fisf; nfhy;tjD}lhf ePq;fs; vjidAk; ngwg;Nghtjpy;iy. cq;fspd; tho;f;ifapD}lhfTk; cq;fs; topfhl;lypD}lhfTk; jq;fspd; tho;f;ifiag; ngWtjw;F kd KjpHr;rpaw;w xU gupjhgkhd rKjhak; fhj;jpUg;gij czHe;jhy;> Ra mopg;ig ePq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;sg; Nghtjpy;iy.

,og;Gfisj; jhz;bAk; kPz;Lk; kPz;Lk; mWgl;l tiyia gpd;DtJ cd;djkhdJ. vOr;rp kpf;fJ. cWjp jUtJ. cd;dhy; KbAk;! tPo ;tJk; > tPo ;e ;J fplg ;gJk; > fple;jgbNa mope;JNghtJk; tPzHfSf;fhk;! jpwikahdtNd> xUKiw tPo;e;Jtpl;ljw;fha; tUe;jhNj> tpOe;jjw;Fk; NrHj;J vO> ,q;Nf rhjpj;jtHfnsy;yhk; jq;fSila tho;tpy; gy tPo;r;rpfisf; fz;ltHfs; jhk; Mdhy; mtHfs; tPo;e;J fplf;ftpy;iy> tPo;e;jjw;Fk; NrHj;J vOe;jhHfs;. tpopj;njO ez;gh!



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