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    DISCLAIMER THE FIRST: It is by JKRs writing alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the grace of coffee that

    thoughts acquire speed, the back acquires strains, the strains become a warning. The warning is that I make no

    money from this. It is by JKRs writing alone I set my mind in motion.

    DISCLAIMER THE SECOND: This fic is approved by the baby-eating Bishop of Bath & Welles.




    For a moment Harry could do nothing but watch as the shades of his parents flew towards

    Voldemort. Then it dawned on him that while Voldemort was engaged with the spirits all it too!

    was one of the "eath #aters to be watching him to sound the alarm. $o ignoring the pain in hisarm Harry bolted towards %edrics corpse.

    's bad luc! would have it (ucius )alfoys confidence in the "ar! (ord was enough for him to

    !eep his wits about him and thus he saw Harry sprinting away. *)y (ord+ The boy flees+,

    Voldemorts serpent-li!e eyes instantly trac!ed to where the Boy-Who-(ived was running. With

    an indistinct roar Voldemort push out his aura in a crac!ling of dar! magic. The ghostly after-

    images of those he murdered seemed to burst into an ethereal flame and were no more.

    *ou cannot escape Fate Harry otter+, Voldemort called. The surrounding "eath #aters

    couldnt help but shiver as a wave of something which could only be described as sic!ly washed

    over them.

    *Avada Kedavra!,

    The green bolt flew true and struc! Harry in the chest as the boy had turned at the sound of the

    /illing %urse. Without a word he crumpled to the ground ne0t to the lifeless body of the

    Hufflepuff champion stri!ing his head on a gravestone on the way down. 1one of this was

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    surprising to the "eath #aters yet all were shoc!ed to see their master give a startled gasp as he

    too collapsed to the ground.


    Harry otter awo!e to the smell of incense. He was pretty sure it was sandalwood as rofessor

    Trelawney often used it in her classroom. $he felt it helped set the mood for proper "ivination

    but most of the students suspected it was to cover up the smell of sherry which seemed to

    permeate the room.

    Harry opened his eyes and found he seemed to be in what could only be described as something

    out of 2332 'rabian 1ights. Harry was clothed in something which to him loo!ed li!e it was

    Tur!ish. He also noticed his arm was healed and that he felt no pain from the other bumps and

    bruises he had from the Final Tas!. From somewhere there was the sound of a sitar being played

    along with an odd shuffling sound li!e an animal trapped in a hedge. Harry rolled over from the

    cushions he found himself on and oriented on the sound.

    *"o not bother young Harry. That what you hear is beyond help.,

    Harry turned towards the deep resonant voice to find a bearded man dec!ed out li!e a sultan

    watching him as he puffed on a hoo!ah pipe. Harry had to admit he had never seen a man who

    radiated masculinity as much as this man 4was he a man56 did. #ven so Harry loo!ed over

    towards the sound he had heard earlier to see what appeared to be a baby. However the babys

    s!in was red and blotchy and he could almost feel the ree! of evil coming off of it.

    The man gave a deep rumbling chuc!le *7 am afraid even your 8saving people thing would not

    help it. 's 7 said it is beyond redemption.,

    Harry couldnt ta!e his eyes off the flailing baby. He wanted to help even as he was revolted by

    it. 7t almost reminded him of Voldemorts form before he was put into the cauldron by Wormtail.

    *What is that thing5, he as!ed.

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    *That my young friend is the piece of soul that was your curse scar. (i!e the shade of Tom

    9iddle which was in the "iary it was a piece of Voldemorts soul. When you were hit with the

    /illing %urse it was removed from you. When we leave this place it will be sent to its infernal

    reward., the man said. He too! a deep drag and began to blow perfectly rounded smo!e rings

    into the air.

    Harry blin!ed at the mans casualness. *ou are telling me 7 have had a piece of Voldemorts

    soul in my head since the attac! of 2:;25,

    The man nodded *'s well as the piece from the "iary. 7t merged with the scar piece after you

    destroyed the "iary with the basilis! fang. Voldemorts soul piece in you formed the basis of the

    connection between the two of you. However unli!e what 7m sure your Headmaster believes it

    isnt the reason you are a arseltongue. 7 am the reason for that.,

    7t was beginning to dawn on Harry of the unreality of what was going on. While everything

    loo!ed real he felt clean rested and clear-headed. 1one of these things were how he had been

    feeling when he faced Voldemort. *'nd you are5, Harry as!ed.

    The man laughed a booming laugh *es+ es+ 7ntroductions must be made. 7 my young friend

    am $amael. (ord of the (ilin., Harry noted how he said pronounced his name $ah-my-ale in

    the you were hit with a /illing %urse by Voldemort. However by using your blood

    to resurrect himself he too! into himself some of the blood protection your mother cast upon

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    you. While he lives he cannot !ill you with the /illing %urse. our soul will return to your

    body as long as you wish it to.,

    $amael leaned towards Harry with a serious loo! upon his face *'s to what 7 want of you Harry

    7 wish 7 had the time to tell you the long history of the '!asha. $uffice to say that a long time

    ago there was a race of beings in another dimension desperately loo!ing to escape the coming

    death of their home. Wi?ards summoned us as demons and while we chafed at this we eagerly

    sought a way to escape here. Fate conspired against us and the Veil Between Worlds shifted

    trapping a many of us here.

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    and my only hope. 7f you die then after more time than you can comprehend 7 will cease to

    e0ist. Thus what 7 want from you is simple> 7 want you to survive.,

    Harry was silent but as everything in the tent 4to include himself6 shimmered again he found his

    voice *$o you are in me controlling me5,

    $amael laughed *1o Harry. Voldemorts soul !ept you from hearing my voice. #ven !now

    even with all of me in you 7 would be a mere whisper in your soul. 7 do not control you 7 live

    through you. 7n time 7 nor any '!asha will no longer need host bodies if Fate is !ind. For now

    7 give to you li!e many in lines li!e the Blac!s the gifts of the (ilin. We are partners even if

    only one side !nows of the deal.,

    Harry gave a start as everything faded to a white nothingness leaving only $amael the bit of

    Voldemorts body and himself. #ven their clothes disappeared. $amael loo!ed sad *7 hope that

    perhaps we will have time to commune again Harry ames otter but that is out of both our

    hands now. 'll 7 can say is this> you struc! your head after being hit by the /illing %urse. ou

    are very hurt and 7m not sure how you will survive. 7f you do survive !now that with

    Voldemorts soul fragment out of you you will come into your full (ilin powers as well as being

    free from the magical bonds which siphoned off your magic to feed all of the wards and trac!ing

    charms placed upon you. With all of me in you you will be TH# (ilin in a way. 7 wish to

    survive and for that 7 need you to breed. 9egardless of this selfness on my part 7 would as! you

    young Harry that if you do escape that you attempt to truly live. ou have merely e0isted since

    the day you survived Voldemorts first attac! on you. ou have been manipulated and lied to.

    ou friends and enemies are often not who you thin! they are. ou deserve a life of your own.

    ou are young but have already earned what should be a heros reward of a good life.,

    Harrys vision began to fade but as he seemed to be blinded by the white nothingness $amaels

    voice called out *ou are an heir to many legacies Harry ames otter+ Be the (ord you were

    born to be+ Be the )arauder you were meant to be+ Be the hero you were destined to be+ Be

    the lover 7 !now you can be+,

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    Voldemorts eyes flew open to find the tip of (ucius wand half-way through what was probably

    a diagnostic spell. The blond wi?ard gave a start and =uic!ly moved his wand away from

    Voldemorts face.

    *)y lord+ %an you hear me5, (ucius as!ed cautiously.

    Voldemort almost snarled at this but chec!ed his anger. With serpentine grace he =uic!ly got to

    his feet. He felt wea! and it felt li!e the very blood in his veins was hot. *What happened

    )alfoy5 $pea!+,

    (ucius bowed his head *ou collapsed for a brief moment after you struc! down otter. ou

    were unconscious only for as long as it too! me to step to you and begin my diagnostic spell.,

    Voldemorts eyes narrowed at this *Wormtail+,

    *es master5, the scruffy man practically s=uea!ed.

    Voldemort gestured towards otters corpse *Co over there and '/ the body again. 7 do not

    want any more surprises from Harry otter.,

    Wormtail gave a bobbing bow and ambled over to the boy. 7t didnt loo! li!e he was alive but it

    was hard to tell. 1ot that it matter to Wormtail. His hatred of the son of ames otter made his

    heart sing that the boy was either dead or would be dead at his own hands in a moment. With a

    sharp Aab Wormtail cast the !illing curse.

    et Aust as he did he was blinded by a brilliant flash of fire. Blin!ing away the spots Wormtail

    saw what loo!ed li!e a bird made of fire was none other than Faw!es the phoeni0 familiar of

    "umbledore himself. Wormtail loo!ed down at otter who loo!ed Aust as still as he had prior to

    his spell. 7t was done.

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    Voldemort couldnt help but cringe at the angelic 4if highly angry6 trilling the phoeni0 was

    ma!ing as it flew over them. $eeing the loo! of satisfaction on Wormtails face he made a

    decision *"eath #aters+ 9eturn whence you came. 7 shall contact you again very soon., He

    turned to (ucius *Ta!e me to your )anor> we do not yet have the strength to deal with the

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    cauldron of all things5,

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    #mmeline Vance cursed to herself for about the fourth time since apparating to the edge of the

    wards around Hogwarts. Why did she have to be the one to bring the bad news5 Beyond the fact

    the besides herself "umbledore probably would have sent 'rthur Weasley to the crime scene

    and hed have been as useful as a boil on a bunion. For a man who wor!ed with )uggles he

    was as clueless as almost every ureblood she had ever met.

    With a snarl she snapped out the password to the Headmasters office and the gargoyles seemed

    eager to get out of her way. Vance tried to order her thoughts as the moveable staircase brought

    her closer to having to brea! the bad news. 's she neared the top Vance could hear a spirited

    discussion already in progress.

    The door opened for her before she could even reach for the door handle. $he was obviously

    e0pected. $ure enough "umbledore was loo!ing her way as she entered. The room was filled

    with professors and one time members of the

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    Vance loo!ed around the room before answering. )olly Weasley seemed to have been crying

    since her eyes were red and puffy. rofessor )cConagall loo!ed even more grim than usual

    while rofessor Flitwic! and $prout Aust seemed sad. The others in the room 4most she !new

    with others she only !new in passing6 loo!ed at her with apprehension as if they !new she would

    dash their hopes. $he noticed that rofessor $nape wasnt there. $he wondered if "umbledore

    had sent him bac! to Voldemort to spy.

    Vance too! a deep breath *7 arrived in (ittle Hangleton alright and from what the Headmaster

    was able to glean from Faw!es finding the cemetery was pretty easy.

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    driver. The ambulance flipped over the guard rail and fell down an emban!ment into a bog. 'll

    inside were !illed along with the driver and passengers in the other vehicle.,

    Vance paused to see if she needed to e0plain a bit more. 'pparently everyone understood

    enough so she continued *)r. "iggorys body is with all the other victims corpses at the Bolton

    morgue. )r. otters body is missing. However the ambulance had been ripped open in the

    crash and there was debris scattered pretty widely.

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    *'lbus 7 would thin! that if the "ar! (ord used )r. otter in some way to further his

    resurrection than perhaps he felt tied to him in some way, rofessor Flitwic! said.

    rofessor Vector nodded *7 agree with Filius. $ince the "ar! (ord seemed to go through a very

    convoluted path to ta!e )r. otter and be resurrected on )idsummers "ay then it stands to

    reason he probably used the boy in a ritualistic way. The fact you said that )r. otter had a

    wound where the "ar! )ar! is on "eath #aters would imply he was bled for the ceremony.

    $haring a blood connection might be enough to !eep the "ar! (ord from wanting to !ill him


    "umbledore nodded *7 agree. Faw!es was certain Harry was alive when he left. He would

    have tried to heal Harry but it was luc!y Faw!es had come far enough along from his Burning

    "ay that he could even apparate to Harry. ' wee! earlier and Faw!es would have been unable to

    fly and a wee! from now Faw!es could have ta!en me there himself., "umbledore shoo! his

    head as if he felt cheated by Time itself.

    "umbledore fell silent. The room waited e0pectantly. Finally 'rthur Weasley as!ed the

    =uestion that was on everyones mind *What do we do now 'lbus5 What do we tell the children

    to say nothing of the )inistry5 Fudge is going insane with all the uncertainties. The Bulgarians

    are livid with Vi!tor being put under the 7mperious %urse and the French believe this was some

    sort of plot against )s. "elacour as well. )ore importantly for #ngland with Harry dead how

    can we hope to defeat the "ar! (ord5,

    "umbledore didnt reply for a moment. $uddenly the old mans head snapped up and his eyes

    were spar!ling again as a hopeful smile bro!e out onto his face.

    *'lbus5 What is it5, )cConagall as!ed. $he couldnt believe "umbledore could be happy at a

    time li!e this+ The %hosen

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    made a grave mista!e. ' wonderful mista!e even as it comes at great cost in life., "umbledore

    said e0citedly.

    *What mista!e would that be Headmaster5, rofessor $inestra said in her soft breathy voice.

    *We both felt Harry otter was the %hosen

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    Her musings were interrupted by a snap of a twig in the tree line not far from where she was.

    (aura stopped and strained to see what had made the noise. While the Forest of "ean didnt

    have any dangerous predators (aura !new well enough that she might not be the only other

    person out for a stroll. "ealing with drun!s from the $peech House might be worse than a wolf.

    )inutes tic!ed by as she stood motionless. $he wished she wasnt so e0posed but she didnt

    want to move into the wood line since she wouldnt be able to see and would probably snap a

    few twigs herself. (aura !new it was probably Aust a deer but living life on the outside of society

    had taught her caution if nothing else.

    ' movement caught her eye but it wasnt a deer which emerged from the woods across the

    clearing but what loo!ed li!e a boy or a very short man. udging from his aw!ward gait (aura

    figured him for a short drun! man. $he was about to continue her wal! when she saw the man

    collapse. $he frowned to herself. 's much as she didnt want to get involved it wasnt right to

    leave a guy passed out in the woods.

    With a sigh at her good nature 4it was certainly going to get her into trouble some day6 she

    carefully made her way over to the prone form. What she found surprised her. Her initial guess

    of a drun!en man was wrong. 7nstead (aura could ma!e out that it was indeed a boy no older

    than 2 or 2G. He was bloodied up pretty badly and his clothing was ripped and torn. $he also

    noticed that ama?ingly he was still conscious as his eyes were loc!ed with hers.

    *Hey there+ 7m going to help you o!ay5 oure hurt so let me help you, (aura said

    soothingly. For some reason there was a wildness to the inAured boy. $omething primal and

    even dangerous. $he didnt want to Aust start helping him up without trying to show she wasnt a

    threat. Her words seemed to wor! as the boys labored panting seemed to ease and the feeling of

    menace faded.

    (aura practically had to drag the boy onto his feet. For such a wiry !id he felt heavier than he

    should to (aura. *

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    to help me out here alright5, For some reason it never entered her head to ta!e him up to the

    $peech House and call for an ambulance. (aura somehow !new it was better not to involve any

    of the authorities.

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    $he loo!ed over at the teen. His green eyes seemed unnaturally bright as he stared out the

    window. His face was li!e a mas! but there was an undercurrent to him a feeling of something

    Aust under that blan! face. (aura Aust hoped this wasnt the one time her gut instinct turned out to

    be wrong.


    A(NI 7m trying to do a little writing everyday. The intent is to wor! on all my stories. 7 Aust felt li!e writing this.

    C)*) V"+."/tI By author fiat (ittle Hangleton will ta!e place of (ittle (ever which is close

    to Bolton. (i!ewise Creater Hangleton will ta!e the place of Creater (ever. 7t is within the 33

    mile radius from $urrey as state in CoF. 4'lthough 7 wonder in the @/ edition did it say 33

    !ilometers56 Historically (ittle (ever was part of the Barony of )anchester and was overseen

    for the Baron by a (eising de (ever. ' =uic! change to de 9iddle and presto-chango we have

    what 7 need. $ince 7 cant find any manor house via Coogle )aps 7m using the (adyshore

    %ottage which has plenty of land is on the river and there is plenty of land near by for the Caunt

    house to be hidden. 7 love Coogle )aps+

    L0)+ P/"*ttt"3I From my research prostitution is legal in the @/ but there are enough

    ancillary laws to ma!e it practically illegal to actually do it. Having a pimp is one way.

    H)t t t5I 7 normally hate fics where Harry is referred to by a different name. 1ot that 7

    have an issue with it per se but 7 dont li!e when Harry is using a different name and the author

    uses it in all things. 'n e0ample of this is in a fic 7 li!e uoth the Ra!en, "e!ermoreby

    G36)F)3. 7f Harry is going my a pseudonym the author should still write things li!e 8Harry

    said or 8Harry felt because he still thin!s of himself as Harry even if hes using a different

    name. $adly for a bit in this fic Harry doesnt !now who he is so until he does hell be written

    as if his name is #dmund *#ddy, ames Blac!.

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