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EconomicsMr. Marchand

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I. Introduction


•Economics is the study of how we satisfy unlimited wants and needs using limited resources.

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A. Economic Assumptions

•Rational Behavior▫Respond to incentives▫Do what benefits, avoid what harms

•Voluntary Exchange▫Free trade of goods and services

•Opportunity Cost▫More of one thing means less of another.▫Cost of doing the next best thing with time

and resources.

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B. Three Basic Economic Questions• WHAT to produce?

▫Decide between options.• HOW to produce it?

▫What effects will different methods have?

• FOR WHOM shall it be produced?▫Who will benefit?

• Every society needs to answer these three questions.

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C. Different Economic Systems•Traditional economy

▫Questions answered according to tradition, customs, and religious practices.

▫Village and family based.

▫Bartering Paul the carpenter

makes furniture for John the farmer in exchange for corn.

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C. Different Economic Systems

•Command Economy▫Individuals have little control▫Government owns & controls economy

and makes all decisions. One person, small group, or central

planners. No private ownership

▫Government answers each question (What, How and For Whom)

▫North Korea; Cuba

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C. Different Economic Systems•Market Economy

▫Individuals decide each question (What, How, Form Whom)

▫Government does not interfere in economy

▫Let the market decide▫Underground

economy, 19th Century Britain

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C. Different Economic Systems

•Mixed Economy▫Elements of Traditional, Command, and

Market economies▫Most nations have mixed economies

▫Federal, state, and local governments make laws to regulate some areas of business.

▫Public and private sectors contribute to economy. Ex: Defense spending can boost economy.

▫Government intervenes from time to time.

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II. Supply and Demand

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Market Graph

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•The desire, willingness, and ability to buy a good or service.▫All three must be present.

•Law of Demand:▫Price and Quantity Demanded move in

opposite directions.▫As price increases, quantity demanded


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Demand Curve

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•Quantities of a good or service that producers are willing to sell at all possible market prices.

•Law of Supply▫Price and quantity supplied move in the

same direction.▫As price increases, quantity supplied


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Supply Curve

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The Market

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III. What Makes the US earn Money?

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How is change introduced?

•Entrepreneurs▫Person who has possession of a new

enterprise, venture, or idea and assumes responsibility for its success or failure.

•Three Types▫Inventors▫Innovators▫Marketing

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Famous Entrepreneurs

•Sam Walton▫Walmart, Sam’s Club

•Steve Jobs▫Apple Computer

•Madame CJ Walker▫Beauty and Hair

Products•Beulah Louise Henry

▫Variety of Inventions

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IV. Banking & Financial Institutions

• Money▫Three Functions

Medium of Exchange Store of Value Measure of Value

• Types▫Salt, animal hides,

gems, tobacco▫Coins and currency

• Money has value because we have confidence in it.

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Financial Institutions•Banks

▫Safe place to deposit, save, and borrow money.

•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)▫Insures money▫If a bank closes, you

still get your money

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Federal Reserve•The banker’s bank•Holds the U.S. Government’s money•When banks need to borrow money, they

borrow from “The Fed”.

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Budgeting• Blueprint of how to raise and spend money.

▫Done by individuals, groups, governments.▫Federal, State, and Local

• Questions to Consider▫Income▫Supplement▫Needs and costs▫Wants and costs

The President and Congress work together to create the federal budget each year.

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Government Income & Expenses•Taxes

▫Income tax▫Payroll tax (Social Security and Medicare)▫Excise tax (gas, tobacco, alcohol)▫Estate tax (when a wealthy person dies

their inheritance is taxed)•Expenditures

▫Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid▫National Defense▫Interest on Debt

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