Page 1: Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster Plan What’s InsideConsulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human

October 2014OO

Events ...................................... 2Programs ................................ 4Marketing ............................... 6News ......................................... 7Tips from the Experts ......... 8From the PIA Bookstore .... 8Member Spotlight ............... 9New Members .................... 10Calendar ................................11

What’s Inside

Mark your calendar for these programs and events:

PEOs WebinarOctober 21, 2014

Sales Webinar SeriesOctober 29, 2014

Indiana Annual MeetingDecember 4, 2014

Wisconsin Holiday Celebration

December 10, 2014

Check our calendar online at

Upcoming Events

Technical HotlineDo you have questions about a technical process? Call the PIA Technical Hotline at (800) 910-4283 ext. 786.

Free HR HotlineUse the free InfoNow line to get answers from MRA’s HR professionals. Call toll-free 24/7 at (866) 275-6721, or email [email protected].

GLGA Hotlines

Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster PlanBy Gary A. Jones, Assistant VP, Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Affairs; Jim Kyger, Assistant VP, Human Relations; and Jessica Gazda, EHS Specialist, Printing Industries of America

Ebola is a disease that has received a considerable amount of attention re-cently due to the potential for it to cause a pandemic.

Even though the likelihood of the pandemic occurring is low, the scope of a pandemic can vary widely. For example, a pandemic may not come to your

town or city, but it could affect your company, such as in sales; ability to bring in paper, ink and other resources; ability to deliver product or mail; psychological toll on employees; and financial toll on the company and employees.

Employer Obligations

Employers may be surprised to learn that there are numerous requirements imposed on them if a pandemic should occur. For example, under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), employers have an obligation under the “General Duty Clause” to protect employees against “recognized hazards” at places of business. Thus, if the employer becomes aware that infected employees or visitors have come to the worksite, the employer is obligated to let employees know and/or to take measures to prevent the spread of infection. Infections at work would qualify for appropriate documentation under OSHA’s recordkeeping rules (i.e., OSHA 300 Log).

Other employer obligations or areas where employers may be affected include workers compensation claims if it can be proven that infection occurred at the workplace; health insurance claims; short- and long-term disability claims; and Family and Medical Leave taken by infected employees or employees who take leave to care for qualified family members.

Response Plan

Each company is encouraged to develop its own customized disaster plan and checklist with the input of employees. Most likely, your local area will not be directly affected by Ebola, but your customers and vendors could be impacted, either directly or indirectly.

Indirectly Affected by Pandemic• Set up service agreements with similar printers to service your clients if your business must tem-

porarily shut down. Typically, these agreements require that the clients may not be solicited by the contractor for six months after the business is returned to your company. These service agreements probably should be with more than two printers outside of your immediate area.

• Set up contingency plans with all your vendors in case their production or supply routes are affect-ed. These may address alternative methods of shipment, different supply chains, back-up vendors, etc. Checklists should be developed for communications and tests or mock drills should be consid-ered to ensure backup systems will work.

• Create communication plans for keeping customers and vendors up-to-date on your operations during an outbreak.

This story is an excerpt from an article that will be released by PIA in October. The complete article may be downloaded from the Members Only area of the GLGA website. For a Disaster Planning, Management and Recovery Checklist, visit Image of Ebola virus virion by CDC/Cynthia Gold-smith [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Page 2: Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster Plan What’s InsideConsulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human

Scenes from the Reception Floor

Graph Expo 2014

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RAM Recycling, Inc. is the Preferred Wisconsin Recycling Partner

of theGLGA Group Buying Power Program!

David Jones, Consolidated Printing, Chicago, IL; Steve VanderVeen, ABS Graphics, Addison, IL; and Steve Johnson, Copresco, Carol Stream, IL.

GLGA Indiana Director Brent Eckhart; Michael Kile, AlphaGraph-ics, Carmel, IN; and Rob Kammer, AlphaGraphics, Carmel, IN.

Charlie and Chris Goes,Goes Lithographing Company, Delavan, WI.

Our private reception area was a good place to catch up with industry colleagues.


Page 3: Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster Plan What’s InsideConsulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human

Third Annual Member Reception Draws Members from All Three StatesThe Great Lakes Graphics Association hosted our third annual Member Reception at Graph Expo, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL on Monday, September 29, 2014. A lively crowd gathered to wind down a busy day on the exhibit floor with appetizers, beverages and conversation.

Thank You to Our Reception Sponsors

Right: Joe Falcone, Kodak, Fontana WI; John Berthelsen, Suttle-Straus, Waunakee, WI.

Far right: Kirk Larsen, Graphic Partners, Zion, IL; GLGA President Joe Lyman; Catherine Austill, Impact Net-working, Waukegan, IL.

Right The team from PagePath Technologies, Plano, IL: Scott Harvey, Joe Kern and Greg Witek.

Far right: Chris Parrilli (center) and Erin Tice of Sun Chemical, Northlake, IL, visit with a guest.

All photos courtesy of Larry Zabinski Photography.

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��� �How Can a PEO Help Your Business

GLGA is pleased to present an informative new webi-nar. Join us for How Printing Companies Can Lever-age the Efficiencies of a PEO on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, at 11:00 a.m. Eastern / 10:00 a.m. Central. This webinar is free for GLGA members.

GLGA member Jeff Rosset, Vice President of Market-ing for PrintMAX, will talk about ways that printing companies can increase efficiency, mitigate risk, and lower insurance costs by working with a professional employer organization (PEO).

After spending years in a corporate environment, Jeff founded a lead-ership development firm called Compass Coaching & Development in 2007. Through Jeff ’s direction, Compass C&D helped companies of all sizes achieve outstanding results, ultimately leading to higher levels of employee engagement, effective and proactive leaders, and overall or-ganizational synergy. In 2011, Jeff successfully merged Compass C&D with MidwestHR, a leader in the PEO industry.

Register online at


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Sales Webinar Series

Would You Buy from You?Are you afraid to admit your answer is no or not sure?

Then this three-part webinar series is designed for you to shed some light on your business vision, ability to differentiate your offerings and to grow your sales.

This series is designed for upper executive (VP and above) level thinking, those who have the power to

develop and implement change within their company. Registrants will be asked to pose questions for each segment that they’d like to focus on. These questions will be addressed in the webinars. So, as you can see this will be quite interactive—not your average webinar!

Participation and attendance in all three sessions is important as each build upon the other. Simply stated, this will be a three-part interactive virtual peer group! We have made the time period the same for three consecutive weeks to bring you maximum value and learning.

The series will be facilitated by Ryan Sauers, President of Sauers Consulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human relations skills, social media and traditional marketing, growing their brand, and increasing their overall sales. Sauers, a highly-rated speaker at GLGA’s 2013 Summer Conference, is working on his Doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership and is the author of the top-selling book Everyone Is in Sales.

Session One - DirectionWednesday, October 29, 2014What is your vision? Where are you now and where are are you going? Where do you want to be? This session will discuss what your world-view is and what others is and how such understanding helps get to WHY level thinking.

Session Two - AlignmentWednesday, November 5, 2014This section focuses on your brand and how successfully communicat-ing it makes the difference in success and failure online and offline. How do you communicate with customers and have your name stand out in a noisy and short attention span world? We’ll also address “so what, why you, who cares” in terms of what you offer and share tan-gible ways to overcome this thinking that many buyers have.

Session Three - ExecutionWednesday, November 12, 2014The execution is simple. It is about sales growth. So, how will your company grow? What is working well for you and what is not? And, we will address that these sales communications must be consistent with both the vision (direction) and (alignment) branding that were covered in the first two sessions.

Register online at If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Flick toll-free at (855) 522-2210 or via email at [email protected].

Page 5: Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster Plan What’s InsideConsulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human



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Today’s world of print is constantly changing, creating new

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Page 6: Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster Plan What’s InsideConsulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human


By John Foley, Jr.CEO interlinkONE and Grow Socially

It’s no secret that the Internet has taken off. So my question to you now is, how developed are your online marketing tactics? With almost 100 mil-lion people using the Internet in the United States alone, I hope your answer is very.

Yes, I know there are so many options and offers floating around out there. They are all intended to help you and your business drive traffic to the website and generate leads through inbound tactics, but the question is, what is right for you?

Unfortunately, in today’s hard and fast world of information, there is no shortcut to marketing your website online. If you want your busi-ness’s website to get the kind of attention that draws customers to your services, you have to develop a basic strategy with three core funda-mentals.

Successful Online MarketingThe path to successful online marketing begins with an understanding of these modern marketing essentials:

1. Search Engine Optimization2. Content Marketing3. Social Media Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)SEO is the practice of organically boosting the visibility of your web-site on search engines. With Google and YouTube as the top search engines of the time, it is important to research how your site can cater to the preferred means of optimization for these engines.

There are many tactics and best practices to enhance the ranking of your website. A few that I strongly suggest are:

• Precise, one-of-a-kind page titles• Better quality page structure• Rich, genuine, appropriate keywords on all pages• Backlinks from respected websites• Consistently updated, relevant content that is shared• Images and videos rich with important words and descriptions

Basically, constructing a firm SEO strategy starts by providing genu-inely sold content that incorporates keywords pertinent to the content you have chosen. It takes time and genuine effort to maintain a search engine’s endorsement, but through content sharing, keywords, and a great site you could become successful through your SEO practices.

It is said that almost all searchers click on the first site that appears on the search engine, so if your website is how you intend to gain busi-ness, SEO is pretty important!

Content MarketingBefore the days of web surfing, finding your prospects was your job and your job alone. But now, everything has changed. It is your job to make it so that your prospects can find you.

How do you do this?

Through providing valuable, genuine, relevant content! Nobody wants to be told what they should do and why, not when a world of infor-mation is available at their fingertips. That’s why you need to provide content that shows your potential and current customers why your products or services are right for them.

Online content can be many things. A few ideas for you are:

• Blogs• White papers• Podcasts• Educational videos

Keep in mind that search engines like Google monitor content, so as previously mentioned, creating and acquiring genuine content is a process that takes time and effort. As a marketer for your business it should be your intention, regardless of shortcuts, to provide authentic, germane content in the name of the products or services you provide.

Social Media MarketingOnce you have your content and SEO packaged neatly, apply a social media strategy to tie it together. It is important to know that search engines take the number of likes and shares of a page into consider-ation when ranking.

Also, consider why it is called ‘social’ media. Regardless of the number of fans or followers you have, without interaction your efforts are meaningless. In order to be successful with search engines, the content you provide can’t be dormant. Active engagement and sharing is abso-lutely required in order to boost your ranking through social media. Besides, search engines aside, these networks give you the opportunity to communicate with your current and potential customers the way they want.

ConclusionTo sum it up, if you want to be successful in today’s marketplace, the Internet is where you need to be. Yes, it’s different from the generation running the workforce today and the previous generation, but it’s im-possible to deny that this form of communication is now the driving factor of commerce in most countries throughout the world.

About the Author:John Foley, Jr. is CEO of interlinkONE and Grow Socially. John and his team consult with print companies on transforming their businesses, write strategic online marketing plans, and consult with companies to get them on a path to marketing success. Learn more about John at, and his companies at and 6

Online Marketing: Tools You Need to Succeed

Page 7: Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster Plan What’s InsideConsulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human


Members Only: Ask the ExpertsHere are some highlights from a recent Member-Ask-the-Members ques-tion. Download the complete compilation of answers at

I’m interested in hearing from other companies whether or not they send clients a holiday gift.

• Years ago we sent gifts to top customers and a just a holiday card to the rest of the customer base. We stopped the gifts about 5-7 years ago and did cards for all. The past few years it has been hit-and-miss even on the cards.

• A number of companies have started to refuse gifts. We found that providing some sort of food basket or even catering a “de-partment” lunch typically got around the concerns companies had over the gift giving process.

• We send out a card with an insert listing 6 charities we support, and let the customers choose where we donate. We then tally up the results and give money on their behalf to the charity of their choice.

• We send 2-lb. wood Cheese boxes made here in Wisconsin. We feel if we support WI products it will help our state locally and nationally.

• Items we have sent in the past include wrapping paper that we ran on our presses.

GLGA Members Represented at Mailer Forum Day

GLGA members Western States Envelope & Label, Butler, WI (left table), and Thompson Direct, Plainfield, IL (right table) were among the exhibitors at Mailer Forum 2014, held on September 10, 2014, at the Medinah Shrine Center in Addison, IL. The event was sponsored by the Chicago and Northern IL Postal Customer Councils as a part of National PCC Week. Also exhibiting were GLGA members BFC, Bata-via, IL, and MCS Inc., Bolingbrook, IL (not pictured).

How Competitive Are You?

2014-2015 Ratios Now Available Printing Industries of America has announced that the 2014–15 Ratios Volumes, their highly rated financial benchmarking tools, are now available at Here is a first view of the results:

�����Average profit rates on sales.

Down slightly from 2.7 percent last year.

�����12-year average profit

������Profit increase by profit leaders

(printers in the top 25 percent of profitability)Compared to 9.9 percent last year.

This rate of profit brings profit leaders to a 12-year high.

��������Sales per employee for all printers

��������Sales per employee for profit leaders

��������Sales per factory employee for all printers

��������Sales per factory employee for profit leaders

More than 300 PIA members participated in the 2014–15 Ratios Survey. If you participated, you will receive a free copy of the report soon. If you have any questions, contact Ed Gleeson, PIA Director of Economic and Market Research, at (412)259-1756 or via email at [email protected].

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��������������������� ����Tips by the PIA Experts: As a member benefit, the following tips are provided to Printing Industries of America members exclusively through local affiliate publications. Jon Hall, Graphic Designer, Printing Industries of America, offers this tip on understanding design details:

The devil lives in the details. That saying can be true for many things, but it’s especially important to designers. Creating effective self-marketing pieces can be challenging, especially when it comes to dealing with the graphic details that many people take for granted. These design details range from the colors used for a direct mail piece to the amount of display text to the type-face used for body text. Here are some tips that relate to the details of design:

Color really matters: When it comes to choosing the right color for a new logo or design piece, color is usually the most important factor. According to a study on color psychology, 60 percent of the time people will decide if they are attracted to a message solely based on the color. In addition, people aptly respond to color for brand recognition more than the message. Think of the McDonald’s logo, if it was purple and green, it probably wouldn’t be as recognizable or even appetizing for most people.

Color effects are associated with subconscious tendencies as well. Based on color psychology studies, you’re more likely to be converted to a buy a prod-uct if the color appeals to you. According to a MarketingProfs study, red is the color most commonly associated with power and decisiveness, while blue signifies trust and intelligence.

A typeface can change your thought process: According to a New York Times experiment, people are more likely to believe a message if it’s written in a traditional serif font, like Times New Roman or Baskerville. Some of the thoughts that reinforce the results of this experiment are that a serif font is more “traditional” and therefore has more history, making it inherently trustworthy.

Legibility vs. Readability: These terms may be unfamiliar to some, but to designers they should be common vernacular. Legibility deals with how well someone can see the letters; their size, shape, and clarity, and color all play a small part in how easy someone can tell each letter apart. However, read-ability deals with something a bit more quantifiable, it deals with how easy something is to read.

According to numerous studies, people are able to comprehend text on a printed page 67 percent easier when it’s set in a serif typeface compared to 12 percent for a sans serif (Arial, Helvetica, Verdana). The reason behind this is that the small serifs found on a serif font lead the readers’ eyes to the next word, guiding them in a way through the copy. When set in a serif typeface, people were able to comprehend the message better, retain more information, and read faster.

Column width: Most people tend to get reading fatigue easily when there are long, wide lines of text on a page. People are prone to read more easily if the same amount of text is set in two or three narrower columns on a single page. Surprisingly, the length of the materials doesn’t matter, but the width of the column on the page is a major contributor to people not finishing an article.

There are many factors when dealing with the details of design. Knowing how people interact with brochures, magazines, and other printed materials can help your designer know what works best in certain situations.

From the PIA Bookstore:Color Management Handbook: A Practical GuideBy Dr. Richard M. Adams II, Dr. Abhay Sharma, and Joseph J. Suffoletto

Item Code: 1784Member Price: $82.50

This title is PIA’s October Book of the Month. Receive a 15 percent discount when you use the Coupon Code CMH2014. Offer expires October 31, 2014.

About This Book:

Technological advancements have transformed the field of color management with new methods while the process has conceptu-ally remained the same. This handbook is an invaluable resource for users who want to match or, more realistically, get an “optimal color reproduction” of the original sample. While this process has histori-cally been time-consuming and difficult, current methods found in this handy guide to color management allow color reproduction to be accomplished far more efficiently. Find information on color man-agement for input devices, monitors, printers, presses, and more in this thorough text.

Contents:1. Introduction2. Color Appreciation3. Color Measurement4. Color Management for Input Devices5. Color Management for Monitors6. Color Management for Proofers and Presses7. Profiling Applications8. Color Utilities9. Color Management for Packaging10. Color-Managed Workflows11. Non-ICC Applications12. Visual Color Evaluation

Specs: 216 pp., 7.5x10-in. perfect bound, ISBN 9780883625873, copyright 2008.

For more on this topic, check out PIA’s Seven-Minute Solutions white paper, The 4 Cs of Color Management, which can be down-loaded from the Members Only area of the GLGA website. An excerpt:

Color management is not just profiling (the third “C,” characteriza-tion). It also involves calibration of devices prior to profiling (the second “C”), and optimization, if necessary, of settings prior to cali-bration (the first “C,” consistency). After these three steps have been accomplished, color workflow programs can use the ICC profile to convert (the fourth “C”) color for accurate, color-matched output.

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Get to know these companies whose knowledge and expertise strengthen our Association.

BCT is a leading trade printer -- always your supplier, never your competitor -- serving the printing industry from our plant in the Milwaukee area for over twenty years. Embracing innovations in technology, we have broadened our product line and services to become a true, value-added supplier to Wisconsin printers. Throughout the years, BCT has built a reputation for industry-leading turnaround times and personalized customer service, without sacrificing competitive pricing.

BCT HEARTLAND1800 Dolphin Drive | Waukesha, WI 53186| www.bctheartland.comContact: Mark Weber, President| Email: [email protected] Cefalu, Customer Service Manager | Email: [email protected]: (262) 650-6300

Digital Data Centers, formerly Data Management Center, is a premiere provider of outsourced invoicing, electronic archive, document print-ing and payment management services utilizing technology to maximize the accuracy, speed and efficiency of the business process while going Green. Digital Data Centers is SSAE 16 certified, Sarbanes-Oxley corporate communications center that designs and implements output delivery tools such as paper, mail or web based solutions. With our use of proven technologies and over 35 years of practical experience, we know how to help you create new revenue opportunities and reduce costs by making your customer documents available in print or online.

DIGITAL DATA CENTERS188 Internationale Blvd. | Glendale Heights, IL 60139 | www.dmcilink.comContact: Dale DemskiPhone: (630) 384-0900 | Email: [email protected]

Quality Printing Company started in Anderson, Indiana (25 minutes Northeast of Indianapolis) in 1970. Although we continue to call Anderson home, our production facilities have grown to 40,000 square feet and includes everything from digital prepress to print production and bindery to direct mail fulfillment, and extensive warehousing for client projects. We also maintain a fleet of vehicles that make daily deliveries to the Indianapolis metro area.

QUALITY PRINTING COMPANY1047 Broadway Street | Anderson, IN 46012 | www.quality-printing.comContact: Steve Harney, PresidentPhone: (765) 644-3959 | Email: [email protected]

United Bindery Service, Inc. offers a trade bindery with extensive handwork and fulfillment capabilities utilizing 65,000 square feet. We special-ize in padding.

UNITED BINDERY SERVICE1845 W. Carroll Avenue | Chicago, IL 60612 Contact: Bruce KosakaPhone: (312) 243-0240 | Email: [email protected]

Come spend some time in The Spotlight and help other members get to know your business better. To have your company featured, contact Sharon Flick toll-free at (855) 522-2210 or via email at [email protected].

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Welcome, New MembersPlease join us in welcoming these new members:

Comtech Multimedia Marketing Group, Inc.6048 Broadcast ParkwayLoves Park, IL 61111comtechcorporation.comJoe Arco, President(779) [email protected]

Comtech Corporation excels at tailoring communications solutions to meet our client’s specific requirements. We bring together the right technologies that not only meet our client’s business needs, but will position them for future growth. We easily migrate to new technologies that fit with our client’s current business climate in the ever-changing landscape of marketing communication. We are committed to our clients to help maintain their competitive edge. Our goal, for every client we serve, is to create successful strategic marketing and multimedia communication services.

InterEdge Marketing3810 Saratoga AvenueDowners Grove, IL 60515www.interedgemarketing.comJohn Edmundson, Principal(630) [email protected]

InterEdge Marketing is dedicated to improving how organizations market, helping them expand their audience and increase revenues. We provide online and offline marketing services including Internet Strategy; Content Marketing; Analytics; Social Media Marketing; Search Engine Optimization; and Direct Marketing. We combine significant commercial printing industry experience with a ro-bust sales and marketing background to provide deliverables that impact your business. Our services have proven to help companies generate more leads, close additional business and increase top and bottom line.

Update Your PrintAccess ListingDon’t forget to update your PrintAccess listing. PrintAccess is the national online searchable database for printing and print service vendors. Your PrintAccess listing also is the basis of your company’s entry in our annual Print Buyers

Guide and Membership Directory. Review your PrintAccess listing now so that your changes will be included in the 2015 edition. If you need your PrintAccess user name and password, please contact Doris Saywright toll-free at (855) 522-2210 or via email at [email protected]. Being listed in PrintAccess and in the Membership Directory are free member benefits.

GLGA Member Takes Home Big Award at the Bennys Gala

Congratulations to HM Graphics, West Allis, WI. They were honored with the Best of Show Second Runner-Up Award in this year’s Premier Print Competition. The award was announced at Printing Industries of America’s annual Gala, held Septem-ber 28, 2014, in Chicago, IL.

HM Graphics received the award for their entry in the “They Said It Couldn’t Be Done” category, the same entry for which they won the Best of Category honors in GLGA’s Graphics Excellence Awards earlier this spring. The piece is a beautiful book entitled Layton’s Legacy: a Historic American Art Collection 1888-2013, which documents the 125-year history of the Frederick Layton Art Collection in Milwaukee, WI. Visit to see sample pages.

HM Graphics’ entry detailed how they met the unique challenges of precisely depicting more than 40 masterpieces of American and Euro-pean art to the museum’s exacting requirements and on a exception-ally tight schedule.

Young Media Alliance Announces New Leadership

The Young Media Alliance, an advisory group of the Great Lakes Graphics Association, has announced that Peter Fioretti, Chicago Sales Representative from Western States Envelope & Label, has become chairman of the group. Peter takes the reins from Alex Horn of NewPage, who has set his sights on a new career in Iowa.

“Alex was there when we started and worked hard with the leader-ship team to build the mission statement and goals,” said Bill Gibson, GLGA Illinois director and advisor to the group. “We thank him for his dedicated service and planning.”

Peter recently reached the five-year mark with Western States Enve-lope & Label in Butler, WI, for whom he has managed a Chicago sales territory for almost four of those years. He earned a degree in adver-tising and marketing from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where he was the marketing director and station manager for the campus radio station. He also was a featured interview in the Wiscon-sin edition of GLGA’s new workforce development brochure.

“Our primary goal is to bring value to our members through educa-tion and networking opportunities,” Peter said. “Creating a valuable organization will help us create awareness for the industry among high school students, college students and young professionals who may not know what a career in print has to offer.”

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Upcoming GLGA Events and Activities

To learn more or to register for any of these programs, contact Sharon Flick toll-free at (855) 522-2210 or via email at [email protected]. For the most current calendar, visit

October 21, 2014 - Webinar: How Printing Companies Can Leverage the Efficiencies of a PEOOctober 29, 2014 - Webinar: Would You Buy from You? session one: DirectionNovember 5, 2014 - Webinar: Would You Buy from You? session two: AlignmentNovember 12, 2014 - Webinar: Would You Buy from You? session three: ExecutionDecember 4, 2014 - Indiana Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, INDecember 10, 2014 - Wisconsin Holiday Celebration, Pewaukee, WI

Upcoming PIA Events

To learn more or to register for any of these programs, visit PIA’s website at

December 6-9, 2014 - Color Management Conference, Scottsdale, AZFebruary 25-26, 2015 - Automation Solutions Network Meeting, Miamisburg, OHMarch 22-25, 2015 - Technical Conference Technical Association (TAGA) Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NMApril 16-20, 2015 - Continuous Improvement Conference, Minneapolis, MNMay 18-19, 2015 - Print Leadership Summit, Minneapolis, MN

Upcoming MRA Webinars

To learn more about these free HR webinars, visit MRA’s website at To register, call MRA’s Registration Hotline toll-free at (800) 488-4845 and ask for the registration department. Be sure to tell them you are a GLGA member.

November 20, 2014 - When Change Clashes with CultureDecember 18, 2014 - What to Do When You Can’t Find the Talent You Need

Authors Wanted! The Power of Association is strongest when members come together to help other members. In that spirit, we are calling for articles for Currents.

Educational articles are wanted to inform and advise members. We welcome stories on any subject or functionality area that directly impacts printing and post-press companies as they conduct their daily business, as well as articles that examine future trends, technology and other issues affecting the printing industry. We cannot accept sales pitches or press releases that advocate for a specific product or service.

A one-page article typically is 500-700 words. If you need more than a page, please contact the editor. We’ll include your byline, headshot, company logo and author bio in your feature.

For more information, to discuss a possible topic or to submit an article, please contact Sharon Flick toll-free at (855) 522-2210 or via email at [email protected]. Thank you for sharing your knowledge in Currents!

%��&������&�'����GEA Tip of the Month

NOW is the perfect time to start compil-ing your entries for the 2015 Graphics Excellence Awards competition. Don’t wait until March, when you may find yourself scrambling to find your samples.

Don’t just grab a few samples to set aside for the competition. Take the time to make sure your samples are abso-lutely perfect – and keep them that way. The GEA judging is so rigorous that the slightest imperfection may be the dif-ference between taking home a Best of Category or a Certificate of Excellence.

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Website: www.glga.infoToll-Free Phone: (855) 522-2210

Joseph [email protected]

Bill GibsonIllinois [email protected]

Brent EckhartIndiana [email protected]

Sharon FlickCommunications ManagerCurrents editorial [email protected]

Debra WarnerMembership Development and Engagement ManagerCurrents advertising [email protected]

Doris SaywrightIT [email protected]

Staff Contacts

Page 12: Ebola - Time to Update Your Disaster Plan What’s InsideConsulting Strategies. The firm consults with printing and affili-ated organizations on their organizational strategy, human

Great Lakes Graphics AssociationW232 N2950 Roundy Circle E, Suite 200Pewaukee, WI 53072







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