Page 1: eBeta Investments · B1.3 The solution avoids or minimizes as much as possible design changes to current trading platform Non-functional Adai Aydin, Bill Sullivan, Darshan Pandey

MET CS632 – IT Project Management

Fall Session 1, 2016

Group Assignment 3 – Milestone 1

Team 2 -4

Project Name: E-Delivery Solution

eBeta Investments

September 23, 2016

Version 1.0

Page 2: eBeta Investments · B1.3 The solution avoids or minimizes as much as possible design changes to current trading platform Non-functional Adai Aydin, Bill Sullivan, Darshan Pandey


1. Content and Revision History

Revision Description Section Date Prepared By Reviews By

1.0 Original document All sections 09/23/2016 E.B. Silva

A. Aydin

M. Trinh

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Table of Contents

1. Content and Revision History ...............................................................................................1

1. PROJECT CHARTER ...............................................................................................................3

2. STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION ...........................................................................................5 a. Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................... 5 b. Stakeholder Register ................................................................................................................... 6

3. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT PLAN ...........................................................................8

4. REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTATIONS ...................................................................................9 a. Business Requirements Documentation ..................................................................................... 10 b. System Requirements Documentation ....................................................................................... 10

5. HUMAN RESOURCES PLAN ................................................................................................. 13 a. Roles and Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 13 b. Organizational Structure ........................................................................................................... 13 d. Staff Release ............................................................................................................................. 14 e. Training .................................................................................................................................... 14 f. Performance Reviews ................................................................................................................ 15 g. Regulation and Policy Compliance ............................................................................................. 15 h. Core Team ................................................................................................................................ 15 i. Stakeholders and Partners ......................................................................................................... 16

6. PROJECT WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE ..........................................................................1 6.1 Project Timeline........................................................................................................................ 1 6.2 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 1 of 4) ................................................................................ 1 6.3 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 2 of 4) ................................................................................ 2 6.4 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 3 of 4) ................................................................................ 2 6.5 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 4 of 4) ................................................................................ 3

Works Cited ...............................................................................................................................4

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Project Title E-Delivery Solution

Organization eBeta Investments

Start Date September 9, 2016

End Date March 13, 2017

Project Champion

Joe Rich


The purpose of this project is to digitize legal documents and develop electronic delivery (E-Delivery) Solution under the “Go Paperless” green IT initiative. The E-Delivery solution will provide a more efficient and secure method to send information anytime to customers’ computers, smartphones and tablets. The E-Delivery will improve process efficiency, and provide an opportunity for the firm to serve investors by reducing and eliminating paper documents they receive. In addition, the E-Delivery solution will be the driver of reducing costs associated with the paper and mailing operations.


Investor documents will be available online under their account to view at their convenience instead of receiving paper documents vial mail. The solution will provide a faster and more secure way to deliver the statements and trade confirms to the customer. Customers will have the ability to opt into the e-Delivery under their account and select the documents they want to receive electronically.


Deliver customers’ legal documents electronically. Reduce the carbon footprint and paper usage. Reduce cost on ongoing paper, print and mailing expenses and grow revenue. Improve customer experience by giving the E-Delivery option and convenience to

access documents anytime.

Success Criteria

Improved customer experience and satisfaction based on feedback Customers sign-up for e-Delivery option as soon as is available online. Customer receives notification when documents are ready online. Customer can view access their statement and trade confirms online securely.

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Project Budget

Total Budged: $200,000


Project Initiation Phase - (9/7/2016 – 9/22/2016)

Identifying Stakeholders Stakeholder roles and responsibilities Project charter Scope Document

Project Planning Phase - (9/23/2016 – 10/27/2016) Planning the project communications Producing BRD (Business Requirements Document) BRD Review with the stakeholders and sign-off Producing Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

System Analysis Phase - (11/01/2016 -11/30/2016)

Hold all day fusion session (workshop) with all stakeholders to deep dive and discover all requirements and system specifications.

Produce System Requirements document review and sign-off Hold detailed design session to design best e-delivery solution Produce SDS (System Design Specifications) document, review and sign-off.

System Development Phase - (12/1/2016 – 01/24/2017)

Documentum server Configuration Document insert and retrieval function (code) Front end design/document access Link front end to backend document storage Email notification (Statement and Confirm ready to view) function Prototype Demo Development Complete

System Quality Assurance/Testing - (01/23/2017 – 02/15/2017)

QA test plan, and test cases are produced Front-end testing Back-end testing

System Install and Transition (02/15/2017 – 02/22/2017)

System install plan document System Install Production validation

Project Close (03/10/2017 – 3/13/2017)

Retrospective meeting (lessons learned) Project closed

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Risks Not having end-user involvement to receive feedback on prototype.

Legal implications on failing to e-Deliver and notify customers on time.

Technologies Java, HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScript, Documentum (PDF and image storage), Control-M job scheduling system.

Signatures E. Silva, M. Trinh, A. Aydin, V. Sujan, V. Kanabar, J. Rich.


a. Stakeholders

Stakeholder Position Interest

Vijay Kanabar CIO Project sponsor with the authority to initiate project.

Vinay Sujan IT Program Manager Will provide advice on project execution and deliverables.

Joe Rich Product Manager As product manager takes ownership of the e-Delivery product, and vision of the product.

Esdras Brito Silva IT Project Manager (PM)

As project manager, is responsible for fulfilling project objectives.

Mike Trinh Business Sponsor Ensures that the project stays in line with business objectives.

Rachel Scalia Legal and Compliance Oversees any legal and compliance issues related to project.

Dan Kimbro Tech Lead Leads technical team that will implement the back-end changes.

Adai Aydin Lead Systems Analyst Gathers system requirements and acts as a liaison between IT and business.

Darshan Pandey Principal Web Developer

Will create the website front-end and coordinate with back-end developers.

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Bill Sullivan Lead Software Engineer

Responsible for technical design, and object oriented programming. Produces reusable code.

Angela Burg Software Engineer Responsible for technical design, and object oriented programming. Produces reusable code.

John Mountain Principal QA Engineer Ensures front end performs well and back end functions properly.

Erin Adams Vendor Sales Will provide equipment needed to implement E-Delivery system.

Su Chan Marketing Manager Responsible for communicating system changes to customers.

b. Stakeholder Register

Stakeholder Rank Role Goal

Vijay Kanabar High Power, High Interest

Approves project Steers project towards the right course, providing advice on effective planning and risk handling.

Vinay Sujan High power, high interest

Execution advice Offers assistance during execution phase when needed to ensure deliverables are met.

Joe Rich Medium power, high interest

Product Manager/Owner

Takes ownership of the e-Delivery product and ongoing product responsibilities.

Esdras Brito Silva

Medium power, high interest

Project Manager Making sure all project objectives are met, communicating effectively with all stakeholders, and balancing constraints.

Mike Trinh Medium power, medium interest

Ensures business focus

E-Delivery solution meets business objectives and shows return on investment.

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Rachel Scalia Medium power, medium interest

Making sure legal and compliance requirements are met

All new hardware and software are up to legal and compliance standards.

Dan Kimbro Medium power, high interest

Implement back end changes

Investor documents stored in servers are able to be accessed by the front end. Sensitive information is secure, only accessible by correct user.

Adai Aydin Medium power, medium interest

Gather system requirements

Assures system requirements and design specification are clear. System inputs, processes and outputs are documented well.

Darshan Pandey

Medium power, high interest

Create website front-end

Front end is intuitive to use and document locations are easy for customers to find. It

Bill Sullivan Medium power, high interest

Build e-Delivery system back-end components

Back-end components and the overall system processes and outputs are programmed with no defects. Each requirement and feature that was in requirements document was added to the system.

Angela Burg Medium power, high interest

Build e-Delivery system back-end components

Back-end components and the overall system processes and outputs are programmed with no defects. Each requirement and feature that was in requirements document was added to the system.

John Mountain

Medium power, high interest

Test software The website front end functions as expected. Customers are able to access their accounts and view all of their documents.

Erin Adams Medium power, medium interest

Provide equipment Equipment needed to implement new system arrive on time, are successfully installed, and works as expected.

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Su Chan Medium power, medium interest

Promote new system

New system appeal to customers due to speed, security and ease of use.


Message Description Audience Method Frequency Sender

Kick-off Meeting

All stakeholders discuss project objectives

Project team, sponsors, and stakeholders

In person Once; Start of project


Requirements Meeting (workshop)

Identify all requirements needed to complete project

Project team, sponsors, stakeholders

In person Once; Start of project


Risk Identification Meeting

Identify risks that can hinder or help project. Develop plan to minimize negative risks and maximize positive risks

Project team and sponsors

In person Once; Start of project


Milestone Meetings

Summarize results of finished milestone and review plan for next milestone

Project team and sponsors

In person or over phone

When milestone is reached; takes place of weekly update


Weekly Updates

Review progress made during the week

Project team, sponsors, and stakeholders

In person or over phone

Every Friday at 2 pm


Page 10: eBeta Investments · B1.3 The solution avoids or minimizes as much as possible design changes to current trading platform Non-functional Adai Aydin, Bill Sullivan, Darshan Pandey


Daily Standups

Team members briefly describe what they accomplished the previous day and what they plan to work on the rest of the day

Development team

In person Every day at 10 am


Prototype Meeting

Demo prototype to show progress and address any lingering concerns

Project team and sponsors

In person Once; After prototype is complete


QA Meeting Review QA plan and progress on testing

PM, development team, and QA team

In person Tuesday and Thursday at 2 pm; After prototype is complete


Completion Meeting

Present final product, detailing all features

Project team, sponsors, and stakeholders

In person Once; End of project


Retrospective Meeting

Examine successes during project and identify areas that can be improved.

Project team and sponsors

In person Once; End of project



Page 11: eBeta Investments · B1.3 The solution avoids or minimizes as much as possible design changes to current trading platform Non-functional Adai Aydin, Bill Sullivan, Darshan Pandey


a. Business Requirements Documentation

Req. ID

Requirement Req. Type

Owner Acceptance Criteria

B1.0 E-Delivery solution reduces costs by eliminating paper documents


Joe Rich, Dan Kimbro, Edras Silva

Paper orders and prints are reduced after E-Delivery Solution delivery.

B1.1 E-Delivery Solution provides seamless process to avoid business interruption


Mike Trinh, Joe Rich, Dan Kimbro

Smooth e-delivery enrollment without interrupting existing platform capabilities.

B1.2 E-Delivery Solution is compliant with internal and external (FINRA) regulations


Rachel Scalia, Joe Rich

Compliant with FINRA rules: on-time E-Delivery, and secure access. Data integrity and backup.

B1.3 The solution avoids or minimizes as much as possible design changes to current trading platform


Adai Aydin, Bill Sullivan, Darshan Pandey

Eliminates 3rd party application integration. Build re-usable processes. Data lookup rather than hard-coded values.

B1.4 The solution is environment friendly Non-functional

Mike Trinh, Joe Rich

E-Delivery Solution effective on reducing paper consumption.

b. System Requirements Documentation

Req. ID

Requirement Req. Type Owner Acceptance Criteria

1.0 Front-End Requirements - - -

1.1 System must have an intuitive designed at E-Delivery enrollment process


Darshan Pandey

User can enroll into E-Delivery by entering email and choosing document type via easy navigation

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1.2 System must allow customer to opt-in and opt-out from e-Delivery under their account online

Functional Darshan Pandey

A new “E-Delivery” page and check box and submit button

1.3 The system must allow customer to enter and store their email address online.

Functional Darshan Pandey

Email text box on “e-Delivery” page

1.4 System must allow secure and easy access to electronic documents


Darshan Pandey

Account authentication after verifying username and password.

1.5 System must provide document download and print capabilities online

Functional Darshan Pandey

User can see download button and click to download selected document as PDF

1.6 System must allow customer to select and search historical documents by entering month and year up to seven years

Functional Darshan Pandey

User can enter month and year into calendar object and search documents, system displays the accurate document

1.7 System must display a new page on front-end “e-Delivery Help” to include FAQ, and a video tutorial on how to enroll in e-Delivery.

Functional Darshan Pandey, Su Chan

“E-Delivery Help” page displayed on front-end including, FAQ and e-Delivery enrollment video tutorial.

2. Middle Tier/Back-End Requirements - - -

2.1 System must be easy to maintain. Apply best design practices.


Bill Sullivan, Angela Burg

Low overhead cost and process simplicity

2.2 System must streamline the process of digital document delivery


Bill Sullivan, Angela Burg, Darshan Pandey

End to end streamlined process. Customer enrolls, system produces document and sends notification, documents available online under customer account.

2.3 The system must send timely and adequate notification (email) to customer that documents are available electronically


Bill Sullivan

Notifications triggered and documents ready to view on time

2.4 The system must process customer E-Delivery enrollment preference as selected on the front end.

Functional Angela Burg

If user chose E-Delivery system does not generate paper document or vice versa

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2.5 System must be integrated with existing company’s database management system

Functional Angela Burg

Existing DB system leveraged and connected with the new system

2.6 System stores data in new DB Tables (Create new DB Tables/Schema)

Functional Angela Burg

2.7 System must support market driven file type storage, i.e PDF

Functional Angela Burg, Bill Sullivan

Documents are retrieved in PDF format

2.8 System must store customer emails linked to their accounts

Functional Bill Sullivan

Email triggered for the right customer and account number

2.9 System must be capable to send emails based on document schedule.

Functional Bill Sullivan

Statement notification (email) sent month end, and Trade Confirms on business days.

2.10 System must be capable to support E-Delivery for any financial documents

Functional Angela Burg, Bill Sullivan

Any form or document data stored in the database can be E-Delivered.

2.11 The system must back-up customer data for up to 7 years.

Functional Angela Burg, Bill Sullivan

Documents backed up after as soon as produced

3.0 Hardware Requirements - - -

3.1 Utilize company’s selection of hardware, in order to be compliant with internal regulations


Erin Adams

New Email and Data server are compatible with the existing systems.

3.2 Calculate current needs of storage and calculate future storage capacity needs


Erin Adams, Dan Kimbro

Accurate report produced.

3.3 Calculate current and future impact to network system


Erin Adams, Dan Kimbro

Accurate report produced.

3.4 Set-up new Email Server to send notifications to E-Delivery enrolled customers


Erin Adams, Dan Kimbro

New email server sends notifications to the user

3.5 Set-up an additional data server to Non- Erin The new data server

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store more data

Functional Adams, Dan Kimbro

stores document data

4.0 QA/Test Requirements - - -

4.1 Front End Functionalities are tested for each requirement defined in Requirement IDs .1


John Mountain

Each test case passes with no defects

4.2 Back-End Functionalities are tested for each requirement defined in Requirement IDs 2.


John Mountain

Each test case passes with no defects


a. Roles and Responsibilities

Product management team is responsible for taking ownership of the product delivered.

Project manager is responsible for the project meeting objectives within budget and

deadline. The PM will have to effectively communicate with all stakeholders and manage


Development team is responsible for creating a secure link between the back end and

front end so that customers with the right credentials can access their documents.

Web developer is responsible for creating a visually pleasing and intuitive front end that

customers can easily use.

Quality assurance is responsible for making sure that the front end and back end functions

as expected, without bugs or glitches.

Legal and compliance is responsible for communicating regulation requirements to

development team.

Systems analyst is responsible for requirements, system design and specifications.

Software Engineer is responsible for technical design, programming, integration of systems

and implementation.

b. Organizational Structure All team members will report to Vinay Sujan who will report to Vijay Kanabar. The only exception to this is Erin Adams, who is an outside vendor supplying equipment for project implementation.

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c. Staff Acquisition

Name Position Period

Esdras Brito Silva Project Manager All phases

Mike Trinh Business Sponsor All phases

Rachel Scalia Legal and Compliance All phases

Joe Rich Product Management All Phases

Dan Kimbro Tech Lead Planning, Design, Implementation

Adai Aydin Lead Systems Analyst Planning, Design, Implementation

Darshan Pandey Principal Web Developer Planning, Design, Implementation

Bill Sullivan Lead Software Engineer Design, Implementation

Angela Burg Principal Software Engineer Design, Implementation

John Mountain Principal QA Lead Design, Testing

Erin Adams Vendor Sales Planning, Design

Su Chan Marketing Manager Planning,

d. Staff Release After project completion and the E-Delivery system is implemented, all stakeholders will be released from the project after one week. The core team will stay on part time for two months to ensure system functionality and stability. Responsibility will transfer to product management team during this time.

e. Training Product management, Marketing and users will be trained on how to use e-Delivery system. Marketing resources and product management teams will be trained internally by IT Lead and

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System Analysts. In addition, e-Delivery enrollment steps will be included on “e-Delivery Help” page.

f. Performance Reviews Project manager will review responsibilities and expectations of core team members during the planning phase. A performance review conducted by the project manager will occur in the middle of the system development phase, providing feedback to team members as well as giving members an opportunity to share their own feedback. A final performance review will occur after project completion to summarize the entire process.

g. Regulation and Policy Compliance Per company policy, employees are not allowed to work longer than 37.5 hours a week without approval from department head or project sponsor. The legal and compliance coordinator will work with core team to ensure that product passes all regulations.

h. Core Team

Name Position Location Contact

Esdras Brito Silva Project Manager Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0004

Joe Rich Product Manager/Owner

Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0994

Dan Kimbro Tech Lead Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0007

Adai Aydin Lead Systems Analyst Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0008

Darshan Pandey Web Developer Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0009

Bill Sullivan Principal Software Engineer/Java

Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0010

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John Mountain Principal QA Lead Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0011

Mike Trinh Business Sponsor Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0005

Rachel Scalia Legal and Compliance

Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0006

i. Stakeholders and Partners

Name Position Location Contact

Vijay Kanabar Project Sponsor Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0001

Vinay Sujan IT Program Manager Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0002

Erin Adams Vendor Sales Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-9999

Su Chan Marketing Manager Boston, MA [email protected]

(617) 555-0003

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6.1 Project Timeline

6.2 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 1 of 4)

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6.3 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 2 of 4)

6.4 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 3 of 4)

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6.5 Project WBS Structure (Screen print 4 of 4)

Project WBS Structure (Screen print 4 of 4)

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Works Cited

1. "The Impact and Inefficiency of Paper in the Office - The Paperless Project - Join the Grassroots Movement." The Paperless Project RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2016. Link:

2. Boston University, CS632 Module 3 –Milestone 1. Link: (blackboard)

3. Boston University, CS632 Team 1 Scope Statement Example. MET CS632 Summer Session 1, 2014. The “Locker Books” Server Virtualization & Consolidation & Project by: iNFINITE DYNANMICS Group 1 / Team 1 Link: (blackboard)

4. Warburton, Roger; Kanabar, Vijay, The Arte and Science of Project Management, 2nd.


5. Henry, By Jennifer. "Three Major Benefits of EDelivery – DataOceans." DataOceans. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2016. Link:

6. (Cover Image) - @CdnUnderwriter. "CSIO Announces Consumer Edelivery Solution with

Canada Post’s Epost." Canadian Underwriter. N.p., 24 June 2015. Web. 19 Sept. 2016. Link:

7. NASD Notice to Members 98-3. Electronic Delivery Of Information Between Members and

Their Customers. January 1998. Link:

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