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Eating raw food is the best thing you can do to improve your health. Raw food is raw plant foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables seeds grain beans nuts dehydrated fruit and seaweed. If you heat food to a temperature above 46 Celsius the heat kills off many of the enzymes in food that are key to helping the body digest food. Raw food also has a life force within it especially sprouting food, which is lost when food is cooked. There are many benefits to following a raw food diet include: 1.Improved energy and strength. 2.Better skin appearance. 3.Better digestion. 4.Weight loss. 5.Better colonic condition. By switching to raw you will avoid many ingredients of the conventional diet that are just no good for us. 1.Sugar. 2.Processed wheat 3.Over supply of protein 4.Acidic foods. Not only that we find that by going raw we eliminate additives, synthetic ingredients, pesticides from crop spraying. Really when you go to the supermarket you should be spending most of your time in the fresh produce section not the meat section or indeed most of the rest of the store. Think about when you have a big cooked meal. Firstly you should only eat until you no longer feel hungry. I know there is pressure on you to eat when you are out at a restaurant or at a friend’s house who has spent hours preparing a meal, but tell them in advance just how much you want to eat. After you've had that big meal then you probably feel heavy. This is because the body has to do a lot more work to break down the food you just ate as most of the enzymes

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were destroyed in the cooking process. Even then it does not break all the food down and much is left to rot in your lower intestine. This is why you need to have a colonic irrigation. Only that process will flush all that toxic waste out of your body. Eating acidic food such as meat makes your body a breeding ground for illness such as kidney stones. The body needs to be leaning towards an alkaline balance and of course raw vegetables delivers the goods here. Don't think that a raw food diet excludes anything that is dried out, such as dates, apricots, or prunes. It is quite all right to warm food just enough to evaporate the water and this will not affect the nutritional quality of your raw food. So start eating raw food now. It will do wonders for your health and you can do your bit for the planet. The carbon footprint from raw food is so much smaller than that of cooked food.

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