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Eat Stop Eat Review

If you don’t want to take the pain of going to the gym and waste your time in performing exercises to lose the extra fat of your body, then you should go for the Eat Stop Eat e-book. It is the end result of Brad Pilon’s own graduate studies of “The Metabolic Effects of Short Periods of Fasting in Humans and its Potential Application in Weight Loss”. Eat Stop Eat consists of the idea of dieting by using intermittent fasting as a way to cut down your calorie consumption while not having to monitor everything you eat. Scientific Research Proves That Eat Stop Eat Will Help You Lose Weight, and Get Rid of Stubborn Body Fat – All While Preserving your Metabolism and Without Making You Lose Lean Muscle.

Eat Stop Eat Review

The author describes a very simple concept in Eat Stop Eat. Following this book will make you to reduce your weekly calories without having to prepare special meals or doing anything extra. The way you are advised to fast for 24 hours without having any food, keeps you stuck to the weight loss target. The author also advises to do some strength training to keep the muscles healthy. You just have to avoid eating anything for twice a week between say 8pm to 8pm of the following day. You can drink water, tea and coffee but you have to avoid sugar. This will result into 20% to 30% of weekly calorie reduction helping you to lose weight. You will not lose muscle mass while fasting due to some hormonal activities in the body.

Eat Stop Eat

Brad however emphasized that the Eat Stop Eat program is a mixture of fasting 1 to 2 times weekly for 24 hours and exercise training for three times per week. This combination conserves the muscles from wasting away when there is no food. If you don’t train, the body will shrink the muscles for not being used. Although at the beginning of the program you would be feeling hungry, however you’ll get used to this feeling very soon. There are many advantages if an Eat Stop Eat plan is followed. One of the major advantages is that there will be decreased insulin level and increased insulin sensitivity level. This means there will be an increased fat loss process leading to increased glucagon levels. As a result there will be a reduction in the fat storage level and increased adrenaline level causing mental attentiveness and intelligibility.

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