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RunningThrough Time!

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In the long story of life on Earth - spanning 3.6 billion years - modern human beings are a footnote, appearing a mere 200 thousand years ago. Yet in that short time, human activity has had a profound impact on global ecosystems. The story of life on Earth is written in the ground upon which we tread; in the layers of sediment, the folds of the Earth’s crust, and fossils underfoot. Does the geological record of life on Earth offer lessons for modern time? In order to answer that question, i2P will visit one of the great geological treasures of the world, the Grand Staircase Escalente National Monument in southern Utah.

GeoloGy - Why Utah?


Twice a year impossible2Possible selects five lucky youth between the ages of 17 - 21 to serve as ‘Youth Ambassadors’ on expeditions designed to complement school curriculum. Youth Ambassadors serve as the eyes and ears of students following in classrooms, relating to them real life learnings they experience in the field. Each remarkable expedition route is carefully chosen to highlight an academic curriculum designed by i2P and Simon Fraser University. State of the art information technology; video, text, images and sound allow Youth Ambassadors and participating classrooms to communicate from the field through social media sites and the i2P expedition website. The real life experience of an i2P expedition awaken and enhance a students’ interest in the core curriculum of primary and secondary school education.

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The unique geology of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument tells a fascinating story of life on Earth. Under the guidance of a world-class faculty of Geologists, Paleontologists, Ecologists and Botanists five i2P Youth Ambassadors will learn the fundamental tools of geology in order to retrace the history of the Earth from 255 million years BC until today. The many things they will learn and share with students following the expedition include:

• How to date the age of rocks; • How the earth’s crust (continents) have moved through time; • How scientists can establish the occurrence of mass extinctions; • How to trace the evolution of lifeforms; • How to estimate the size of a dinosaur from fossilized tracks; • How global warming has occurred before; • How human beings are rewriting natural history; • How we are now living in a time of mass extinction; • How we can reverse our negative impact on life on Earth; and much, much more.

A detailed expedition curriculum will be posted on the expedition website in April.

What the CUrriCUlUm offers:


On the fifth day of the expedition students in classrooms can join live by video-link the Youth Ambassadors and world renowned palaeontologist Scott Sampson as they excavate a dinosaur fossil from Utah’s famous Kaiparowits Formation.



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i2P Education is offered free to any students and classrooms that wish to participate.

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Students can participate in:

• A rich Inquiry-based Geology curriculum found on the expedition website. • Live video conversations from the field with Youth Ambassadors and expedition faculty conducting geology exercises. • Web-based classroom/student activities that can be completed prior to, during, or after the expedition.  • Video presentations and supplemental materials from world-class scientists. • Daily video and text reports on the expedition activities. • Daily web-based geology quizzes

For classrooms that wish to participate in live video-conferencing with the Youth Ambassadors and receive regular expedition updates please register at:

Dr. Alan Titus - Chief Paleontologist, Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument Dr. Scott Sampson - Paleontologist and Chief Curator, Utah Museum of Natural HistoryDr. Gerald Bryant - Director, Geological Field Institute, Dixie State CollegeDr. Randy Irmis - Assistant Professor, Geology & Geophysics, University of UtahDr. Clair Cupples Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Simon Fraser UniversityDr. Joe Sertich - Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, Denver Museum of Nature and ScienceDr. Howard Trottier - Professor of Physics, Simon Fraser UniversityDr. Ian Miller - Curator of Paleontology, Denver Museum of Nature and Science Dr. Amber Hughes - Ecologist - Grand Staircase Escalante National MonumentDr. Matt Zweifel - Archaeologist, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

hoW Classrooms Can PartiCiPate:




exPedition faCUlty:


May 12-19th, 2013

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i2P Education is an adventure based learning program provided free to schools and students by the non-profit organization impossible2Possible (i2P). Since 2009 i2P has brought experiential learning to classrooms from expeditions around the world, including trips to Antarctica, Baffin Island, the Sahara Desert, the Amazon Jungle, the Andes mountains, India and Botswana.



CONTACT US:Matt Howei2P Education & [email protected](612) 508.5555

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