  • on June 11, 2018 from

    ResearchCite this article: Smith MM, Riley A, FraserGJ, Underwood C, Welten M, Kriwet J, Pfaff C,

    Johanson Z. 2015 Early development of

    rostrum saw-teeth in a fossil ray tests classical

    theories of the evolution of vertebrate

    dentitions. Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20151628.

    Received: 7 July 2015

    Accepted: 4 September 2015

    Subject Areas:palaeontology, evolution,

    developmental biology

    Keywords:Cretaceous ray, tooth regeneration,

    developmental model, convergent evolution,

    tooth development

    Author for correspondence:Zerina Johanson

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Present address: School of Earth Sciences,

    University of Bristol, Bristol BS81TH, UK.

    Electronic supplementary material is available

    at or


    & 2015 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, provided the originalauthor and source are credited.

    Early development of rostrum saw-teethin a fossil ray tests classical theories ofthe evolution of vertebrate dentitions

    Moya Meredith Smith1,2, Alex Riley1, Gareth J. Fraser3, Charlie Underwood4,Monique Welten1,, Jurgen Kriwet5, Cathrin Pfaff5 and Zerina Johanson1

    1Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, London SW75BD, UK2Dental Institute, Craniofacial Development, Kings College London, London SE1 9RT, UK3Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK4Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London, London WC1E 7HX, UK5Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna, Vienna 1090, Austria

    In classical theory, teeth of vertebrate dentitions evolved from co-option ofexternal skin denticles into the oral cavity. This hypothesis predicts thatordered tooth arrangement and regulated replacement in the oral dentitionwere also derived from skin denticles. The fossil batoid ray Schizorhiza stromeri(Chondrichthyes; Cretaceous) provides a test of this theory. Schizorhiza pre-serves an extended cartilaginous rostrum with closely spaced, alternatingsaw-teeth, different from sawfish and sawsharks today. Multiple replacementteeth reveal unique new data from micro-CT scanning, showing how the cone-in-cone series of ordered saw-teeth sets arrange themselves developmentally,to become enclosed by the roots of pre-existing saw-teeth. At the rostrum tip,newly developing saw-teeth are present, as mineralized crown tips within avascular, cartilaginous furrow; these reorient via two 908 rotations then relo-cate laterally between previously formed roots. Saw-tooth replacementslows mid-rostrum where fewer saw-teeth are regenerated. These exceptionaldevelopmental data reveal regulated order for serial self-renewal, maintain-ing the saw edge with ever-increasing saw-tooth size. This mimics toothreplacement in chondrichthyans, but differs in the crown reorientation andtheir enclosure directly between roots of predecessor saw-teeth. Schizorhizasaw-tooth development is decoupled from the jaw teeth and their replacement,dependent on a dental lamina. This highly specialized rostral saw, derivedfrom diversification of skin denticles, is distinct from the dentition anddemonstrates the potential developmental plasticity of skin denticles.

    1. IntroductionAn evolutionary and developmental link between external skin denticles and theoral dentition remains controversial [13]. This link is suggested by the classicaltheory that in vertebrate evolution, oral teeth were derived from the dermal skindenticles (placoid scales in chondrichthyans). Consequently, teeth and skin den-ticles should share a common development (for example, similarities in geneexpression [4,5]). These similarities in the individual developmental module(tooth or denticle) should extend to their ordered patterning and replacement,two fundamental features of the functional oral dentition [3]. As potentialexamples of this process, elongate cartilaginous rostra with saw-teeth alongtheir edges have evolved within both major chondrichthyan crown groups: theHolocephali [6] and Elasmobranchii (e.g. sawfish, sawsharks, extinct scleror-hynchid rays [7]). Of particular interest is the Cretaceous sclerorhynchid raySchizorhiza stromeri Weiler in Stromer & Weiler 1930, possessing an extended ros-trum with saw-teeth in a close-packed and distinct alternate pattern [8], differingstrongly from saw-teeth along extant sawfish and sawshark rostra, but similar to[email protected]://

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    the alternating pattern characteristic of the chondrichthyandentition. In both the sawfish and sawsharks, rostrum saw-teeth are regularly spaced along the rostrum, and replacementsaw-teeth only form in sawsharks after the existing saw-toothis lost, while in sawfish they are not replaced, but insteadeach one grows continuously [9,10]. Saw-teeth in these taxaare distinct from the oral dentition and show more similaritiesin development and replacement to external skin denticles [10].

    With saw-teeth putatively more similar to the oral denti-tion, Schizorhiza provides a tractable model to further testthe hypothesis for the evolution of teeth that links dermaldenticles and oral dentitions. We investigated sequentialdevelopmental stages for saw-tooth replacement, stackedcone within cone beneath each functional saw-tooth [8], anarrangement approaching structural patterning in oral denti-tions with multiple replacement teeth (110120 organizedsaw-tooth files [8]). However, important differences in thisreplacement relative to chondrichthyan oral teeth suggestthat Schizorhiza saw-teeth represent modified denticles. Wesuggest that this extinct taxon models complex tooth repla-cement outside the mouth as an example of diversification ofskin denticles but is decoupled from the evolution of oraldentitions and the dental lamina-driven replacement systemin the jaws.

    2. Material and methodsSpecimens of rostra of S. stromeri were obtained from commercialsources from Maastrichtian (Cretaceous) age phosphorites nearOued Zem, Morocco, but without detailed provenance. Theseinclude an articulated partial rostrum tip (NHMUK PV P.73626),two more proximal (towards the chondrocranium) articulatedportions of rostrum (NHMUK PV P.73625, NaturhistorischesMuseum in Wien Inv.NR 1999z009/0001a), and a near-completeand largely articulated rostrum (NHMUK PV P.73625). Numerousisolated rostral saw-teeth were also collected from a number ofsites across Morocco (CJU). Specimens (except for the large articu-lated rostrum) were scanned using a Metris X-Tek HMX ST 225CT scanner (Imaging and Analysis Centre, Natural HistoryMuseum, London), GE Locus SP CT Tech scanner (KCL,London), Viscom X8060 (Department of Anthropology, Univer-sity of Vienna; 160 kV, 300 mA, time 1400 ms, filter, 1 mmcopper). Three-dimensional renderings, segmentation and ana-lyses were performed using AVIZO STANDARD v. 8.1 (, VG STUDIO MAX v. 2.0 ( DRISHTI v. 3.02 ( Due toa high prevalence of broken roots, we used AVISO segmentation toolin our primary morphometric analysis; calculating saw-tooth capvolumes (from apex to widest coronal point; figure 3a, inset) fordirect comparison between NHMUK PV P.73626, P.73627 andNaturhistorisches Museum in Wien Inv.NR 1999z009/0001a, aswell as quantifying saw-tooth disparity in NHMUK PV P.73626.In these, saw-teeth constituting the functional saw were selectedas ones most likely to have completed morphogenesis. In conjunc-tion with volumetric calculations, we measured saw-tooth height(from apex to the end of medial root lobe) manually using callipers(also in NHMUK PV P.73625). We used R v. 3.1.2 and RSTUDIOv. 0.98.1091 for statistical analyses (one-way ANOVA andTukey multiple means comparisons test; cap volumes were logtransformed due to unequal variances) and for graphical represen-tations of data. Schematic drawings in figure 4 were created usingPIXELMATOR v. 1.1. A portion preserving saw-tooth files wasremoved and embedded for sectioning. Sections (NHMUK PVP.73626) were 60 mm thick mounted and covered on glass slides.

    Photographs were either taken on a Leica MZ95, or a Zeiss photo-microscope II with Nikon 100, in both Nomarski and polarizedlight with a gypsum plate, and processed using PS CS or LeicaAPPLICATION SUITE.

    3. Investigation and observationsSchizorhiza occurs rarely in numerous Late Cretaceous depositsalong the southern margin of the western Tethys and the wes-tern part of the Atlantic Ocean including the Gulf Coastal Plainranging from the Santonian to Maastrichtian (ca 8666 Ma[11]). The oldest records are from Jordan, while Campanianand Maastrichtian records are from North Africa and NorthAmerica [8,11], indicating a rapid westward migration acrossthe Atlantic Ocean. Its rare distribution in coastal depositsand across open marine areas, and the size of the almost com-plete rostrum (NHMUK PV P.73625, electronic supplementarymaterial, figure S1a,b), suggest that Schizorhiza was a medium-sized pelagic ray, contrary to the widely held assumption thatsclerorhynchids were bottom-dwellers [12].

    Four articulated partial to near-complete rostra ofSchizorhiza from the Cretaceous of Morocco were studied,including two showing preserved rostrum tips with functionalsaw-tooth crowns. Volume-rendered and segmented micro-CTscans, as well as histological thin sections, were examinedto investigate saw-tooth arrangement and development.The Schizorhiza rostrum comprises a near continuous batteryof staggered saw-teeth, arranged laterally to form the func-tional saw edge. Saw-teeth are absent from the rostrum tip,as well as at the caudal base of the rostrum (figures 1a and2c; electronic supplementary material, figure S3a,b, asterisk).Saw-teeth appear abruptly rostral to this base (electronicsupplementary material, figure S3a,c, black arrows). Prox-imo-lateral and rostro-caudal waves of ordered saw-toothfiles produce an undulating saw surface (figures 1 and 2b,c;electronic supplementary material, figures S1a and S3a).Between the functional rostrum saw edge and the rostrumcartilage is a wide zone composed of the stacked saw-toothroots (figures 1a and 2d; electronic supplementary material,figures S1 and S3). These four-lobed, bifurcated roots extendtowards a densely mineralized, shallow convex supportingcartilage on the rostrum edge, additional to the tessellatedsurface of the rostrum (figure 1e, asterisk, and figure 2b,c;electronic supplementary material, figure S1c). Developingsaw-teeth are not located in sockets but in a shallow groovein this support cartilage (figure 1c,e; electronic supplementarymaterial, figures S1c and S2ac). Saw-tooth crowns lie belowthe functional teeth, fitting between their roots (figures 1cgand 2b,f; electronic supplementary material, figures S1c andS2a,c). A single saw-tooth file shows a developmental seriesof up to six saw-teeth (figures 1ce and 2f; electronic sup-plementary material, figure S1c); across the rostrum saw edgecrowns are regularly spaced and display an organization indiagonal rows and horizontal alternating rows (figures 1acand 2ac). However, more proximally, in the supporting carti-lage furrow, developing saw-teeth are not oriented in thelateral plane (figures 1c,d and 2ac,e; electronic supplementarymaterial, figure S2ac). Although these orientations mayappear random, their precise, gradual rotation laterally intoposition beneath roots of pre-existing saw-teeth is a constantfeature. Newly developing saw-teeth are enclosed by, and pro-tected between, the elongated, bilobed, divided roots offunctional saw-teeth (providing the generic name). Because

  • (b)

    (g) (h)


    ( j) (k) (l)

    (a) (c) (d ) (e)

    ( f )

    Figure 1. Rostrum with developing saw-teeth, crown and root histology. Schizorhiza stromeri Maastrichtian (Latest Cretaceous), Oved Zem region, Morocco. (a l ) NHMUKPV P.73626, smallest specimen (figure 3). (a e) Micro-CT volume-rendered models with segmentation showing arrangement of saw-teeth; size increases sharply fromdistal to proximal, at a certain point, saw-teeth are of similar size, rostrum tip lacks saw-teeth (arrow; double arrow is section plane in (f l )). (a) Exposed surface showswave-like arrangement of arrowhead-shaped, exposed saw-tooth crown. (b) Lower-density roots removed virtually, showing stacked crowns extending laterally from car-tilage support surface (red to purple, higher density), arranged in close-packed, alternate rows. (c) Saw-tooth crowns with developing saw-teeth in rotation phase 1 4; firstforming are laterally flattened against the cartilage support furrow ((e,f ) t1); second, dorsoventrally flattened crown tips pointing caudally, then laterally ((f ) t2), beforemoving into position within the saw-tooth file and between the roots of older saw-teeth (5, 6, position of segmented tooth set in (d )). (d ) Segmented tooth file showingdifferent positions of saw-tooth crown (3, 4), before moving into position beneath roots of older saw-teeth (5, 6), while roots develop (electronic supplementary material,Video). (e) Dorsal surface, plus vertical virtual section through middle of saw-tooth file, saw-tooth crowns with highest mineralization (tsc, mineralized support cartilage; *,developmental furrow), stacked saw-tooth crowns (3 6 of saw-tooth file) aligned between roots (tr) of previous saw-teeth (as in (c,d )). (f l ) Tissue composition of saw-teeth (lateral to right). ( f,g) Reflected light; (f ) attachment of roots to saw-tooth support cartilage, blood vessels (bv) supplying teeth, fibre direction in cartilage and saw-tooth root (double arrow, asterisk, soft tissue junction, see (L) gap in ve birefringent fibres); new saw-tooth crown (t1) flattened laterally onto cartilage, sub-parallelorientation; second rotation saw-tooth (t2) proximo-distally flattened. (g) More lateral field, new saw-tooth crown (t5) below roots of all saw-teeth; osteodentine (od) fillsin pallial dentine cone ( pd) below thin enameloid, and in roots (tr-od). (h,i,l ) Polarized light, gypsum plate (arrow 458 to crossed PA) shows colour of birefringence asblue (ve) or yellow (2ve) reflecting crystallite orientation (aligned along original collagen fibre bundles) and attachment fibre direction. (h) Functional saw-tooth crowntip with very thin enameloid (en), crystallites orthogonal, over pallial dentine ( pd). I, field below tip, solid infill of osteodentine with organized osteodentine crystal fibres(ve and 2ve signs of birefringence). ( j,k) Nomarski optics; ( j ) central pulp field with denteone (d.on, double arrow) and tiny pulp canal ( pc), from which dentinetubules emerge (tub). (k) Field near tip, enameloid, pallial dentine, osteodentine with small pulp canal, fine tubules extend through dentine of both types. (l ) Attachmentregion (field at 458 to (f )) showing direction of crystal Sharpeys fibre bundles (sfb), many in support cartilage and thick groups in root ends (tr; * gap for soft tissuefibres). Scale bars, h,i,l 500 mm: j,k 100 mm.




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  • (a) (b) (c) (e)(d)

    ( f )

    Figure 2. Volume-rendered micro-CT scans showing stages of saw-tooth development. Schizorhiza stromeri Maastrichtian (Latest Cretaceous) Oved Zem region, Morocco.(a c) NHMUK PV P. 73626, saw-teeth in the distalmost rostrum (figure 1a c), distal at top, micro-CT rendered density volume models. Saw-tooth size increases disto-proximally, rostrum tip lacking saw-teeth (arrow, (c)), saw-tooth files near tip have the smallest saw-teeth, with progressively more saw-teeth per file, away from therostrum tip. (a) Surface render (dorsoventral), saw-tooth crowns with highest density after roots dissected away, false colour. As saw-teeth develop, crown tips areoriented caudally (green), shifting to partly lateral below root tips ( purple), then immediately below root space of older saw-teeth (red), all crowns close-packedin alternate positions, final positions show rostro-caudal wave of saw-tooth crowns (grey). (b) Surface render, two groups with timed wave of saw-tooth initiation(arrows), one illustrated in false colours (fuschia, laterally flattened against rostrum; green, dorsoventrally flattened, crown tip caudal; orange, partially rotated;pink, crown tip lateral, roots forming; blue and red, position of alternate tooth files, longer roots). (c) Ventrally deeper surface render, showing sets of developingsaw-teeth between those in (b) smallest developing crowns below saw-tooth roots visible, saw-tooth timed series with individual saw-teeth (1 5) showing rotationinto lateral position within the file (5; arrow, toothless rostrum tip). (d f ) Naturhistorisches Museum in Wien Inv.NR 1999z009/0001a, larger saw-teeth mid-rostrum. (d )Macrophoto showing functional tooth row, exposed roots, with superimposed segmented saw-tooth stack and caudally orientated replacement tooth crowns (red) lyingbelow these roots. (e) Two hollow segmented developing crowns (red; see green in (b)) close to lateral cartilage (grey) showing second stage of orientation during two-stage 908 rotation relative to rostrum. ( f ) Oblique, antero-ventral view of saw-tooth stack (cone in cone, colours red to green for each, successive saw-tooth addition),including positions of a small number of early stage replacement crowns. N.B. different colours (figure 1c,d ) for these mature replacement teeth.




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    of this mode of saw-tooth development, in a fossil, thereis potential for developmental data to be obtained, forcomparison to oral dentitions.

    To investigate the arrangement of functional teeth andthe series of replacement teeth beneath them, we usedspecimen NHMUK PV P.73626, a partial but exceptionallywell-articulated rostrum tip, with the smallest saw-teeth adja-cent to the tip, and becoming larger caudally (figures 1acand 2ac; electronic supplementary material, figure S1d).In vivo exposed arrowhead-shaped crowns are closelyspaced and overlapping, producing the serrated blade witha regular alternate, flattened crown pattern. Virtual dissectionof the roots exposed the mineral-dense, successively gener-ated saw-tooth crowns in a strikingly regular space-fillingarrangement (figures 1b and 2a). Developing and functionalcrowns form a close-packed arrangement with roots extend-ing to the rostrum support cartilage (figures 1ae and 2a,b).These virtual serial dissections also expose the newest devel-oping saw-teeth (figures 1b,c and 2a). Saw-teeth of seriallyiterative, successive stages form within the rostrum saw-blade (figures 1ce and 2d,f; electronic supplementarymaterial, figure S1c) as a cone within cone arrangement(ready-made saw-teeth numbered 36), sheltered within theroots (figure 1d,e; electronic supplementary material, movie;

    To inform the type of tissues comprising the saw-toothblade, we examined thin sections of the entire blade, cut in thevertical plane (figure 1f l; electronic supplementary material,figure S2af). These showed the newest saw-tooth crownsand the highly mineralized saw-tooth support cartilage formingthe developmental furrow (figure 1f, tsc, t1, t2; electronic sup-plementary material, figures S1 and 2ac). Attachment of thesaw-tooth stack to the supporting (non-tesselated) cartilage isvia extensive and numerous Sharpeys fibres (double arrow;figure 1f, *, tr, 1 L, sfb; electronic supplementary material,figures S1 and S2d,f). This is unusual in cartilage but relates toattachment of the substantial roots infilled with osteodentine,the latter easily identified by regular vascular canal spaceswith radiating dentine tubules leading from them. This alsofills saw-tooth crowns (relative to unfilled small, developingcrowns) and theclosely packedroots, enclosing developing teeth(figure 1f,g,ik, od, tr-od; electronic supplementary material,figure S2ac,e,f). This tissue substitutes for bone (absent inchondrichthyans), and with the fibrous attachment of theroots to the cartilage provides extra stability of the saw-toothedge (double arrow, figure 1f,g,l ), as well as substantialprotection for the developing saw-teeth.

    To determine the location of the rostrum growth centre,we compared numbers of saw-teeth per replacement fileand their measurements. These showed that with rostrum

  • 01 2 311 18 11







    nal v


    e (m

    m3 )

    01 2 3 49 24 14

    * *








    h he








    nal v


    e (m

    m3 )

    saw-teeth (proximaldistal)

    (a) (c)



    Figure 3 Comparative measurements of crown volume and saw-tooth height. Schizorhiza stromeri Maastrichtian (Latest Cretaceous) Oved Zem region, Morocco.(a,b) NHMUK PV P.73626, distal rostrum as in figure 1. (a) Graph shows volume of individual saw-tooth crowns, proximal to distal. Inset, individual saw-tooth, horizontal black line delineating coronal volume and vertical line showing height measurement. (b) Specimen with three colours equivalent to crownsmeasured in (a). (c) Mean coronal volume in NHMUK PV P.73626 (rostrum 1; also distal rostrum teethelectronic supplementary material, figure S1dexcludingsmallest teeth near addition site), Naturhistorisches Museum in Wien Inv.NR 1999z009/0001a (rostrum 2, also electronic supplementary material, figure S1a c) andNHMUK PV P.73627 (middle rostrum 3, also electronic supplementary material, figure S1e,f ), revealing a significant volumetric difference between rostral saw-teethfrom these three regions (one-way ANOVA F3,37 23.8, p-value , 0.001). (d ) Mean saw-tooth height in rostrum 1 (excluding smallest teeth near distal additionsite), rostrum 2, rostrum 3 and complete rostrum 4 (NHMUK PV P.73625, excluding smallest teeth near distal site of rostrum growth; also electronic supplementarymaterial, figure 1). Asterisks denote specimens not significantly different from one another. Individual p-values from the Tukey multiple comparisons of meansavailable in the electronic supplementary material.




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    growth, saw-teeth increase in number and size equally, awayfrom the rostrum tip (figures 1a,b, 2a and 3; electronic sup-plementary material, figures S1d and 3a,b, arrowhead), whichentirely lacks mineralized saw-tooth germs (figure 2c, whitearrow; electronic supplementary material, figure S3b, asterisk).This region can be interpreted as the soft tissue growth centrefor both cartilage and saw-teeth (figure 4). To determinewhether saw-teeth were replaced, we compared crownvolumes, showing that those near the rostrum tip are demon-strably smaller. These must be shed and replaced duringgrowth, to reach the maximum saw-tooth size found along therostrum (figure 3; electronic supplementary material).

    We investigated how saw-teeth were regeneratedand replaced, as tooth renewal is an important part of thecontrol mechanism for oral teeth; we also examined whetherthis renewal always occurred at the same rate. We comparedsaw-teeth along the rostrum, from the proximal chondrocra-nium to the distal rostrum tip, with proximal saw-teethsignificantly larger (figure 3a,b). As noted, multiple newsaw-teeth develop close to the rostrum tip (figures 1ac,2ac and 3b); by comparison, there are markedly fewer newsaw-teeth developing in the proximal or middle rostrum,where form and size stabilizes (figure 2d f, red crowns).This indicates that replacement had slowed in the more prox-imal, older regions, with the greater rate of saw-tooth renewalassociated with the rostrum growth centre near the tip.

    We sought evidence for control of timing and spatialorganization of saw-teeth that would be produced by a

    precise, genetic regulatory developmental mechanism, aswithin oral teeth [13,14]. We found that the gradual, preciserotation of new saw-tooth crowns into position beneathroots of pre-existing saw-teeth is a frequent feature of thegrowth region (figures 1ae and 2a f; electronic sup-plementary material, figure S2ac). A model of regularspatio-temporal rotation of the saw-tooth germs is proposedfrom observations of the first mineralized crowns, with differ-ent mineral densities, allowing a temporal developmentalpattern to be identified (figure 1c,d ). Crowns with increasingdensities are numbered in developmental order to illustratethe gradual steps of their rotation (figures 1ce, 16, and2b,c, 15). From the earliest crowns, lying against the carti-lage (laterally flattened) pointing caudally, they first rotate908 into the lateral plane (dorsoventrally flattened) and thencontinue to rotate through 908 relative to the lateral sawedge (figure 1c,d, 46) until they lie below the previoussaw-tooths roots (4), prior to forming roots. These obser-vations of mineralized crowns developing with controlled,multiple rotations in Schizorhiza are different from any chon-drichthyan reported. However, the second rotation is similarto the movement in sharks that developed teeth make tocome into the functional position at the jaw margins (alsothe rotation of the saw-teeth in sawsharks Pristiophoridae[7,10]), and to tooth rotation in a variety of teleost fishes(e.g. Elopomorpha, Characiformes), where regenerated teethrotate through 908 into position, to replace functional teethalong the jaw [15]. Also, the development and replacement of

  • Shh, FGF, BMP, Wnt

    (a) (b) (c)

    (d) (e)

    Sox2, Shh, FGF, BMP, Wnt

    surface epithelium

    rostral cartilage

    enameloid crowns

    osteodentine roots

    HERS-derived stem-like cells

    nerve-associated glial-derived mesenchyme

    dental mesenchyme

    Figure 4. Schematic reconstruction of the developmental origins of saw-tooth addition and replacement. Schizorhiza stromeri (Maastrichtian (Latest Cretaceous)Oved Zem region, Morocco). Information is extrapolated from developmental studies in modern day taxa. (a) Distal (anterior) region of the saw-tooth rostrumshowing a suggested midline symphyseal signalling centre ( purple) that orders rostrum growth (blue, rostral cartilage) (dotted arrow) and provides space forinitiating saw-tooth addition more proximally ( pink, saw-tooth initiation sites). (b,c) Dorsal view of proposed saw-tooth addition site where interactions betweenskin epithelium (invaginating epithelial dental lamina) and underlying neural-crest-derived mesenchyme give rise to new saw-teetha process developmentallylinked to rostrum extension. Epithelial invagination and odontogenic competency would have likely arisen from expression of known, conserved markers of toothinitiation including perhaps Sox2, Shh and members of the Wnt/b-catenin pathway. Subsequent saw-tooth development would have been guided by spatio-tem-poral expression of Shh, and members of the BMP, Wnt/b-catenin, FGF and Notch signalling pathways. (d ) Transverse cross-section (based on micro-CT scans andsoft tissue interpretation) through a saw-tooth replacement family, showing site of saw-tooth development above the highly vascularized cartilage furrow; growingroot of the predecessor saw-tooth (root epithelial sheath HERS dental papilla) would probably house competent cells responsible for tooth replacement (stemcell-mediated). (e) Close-up schematic of the cartilage furrow (in (d)), detailing hypothetical stem-like cellular interactions between epithelium derived from HERS-like cells (blue circles) with neural crest and nerve-associated glial-derived mesenchyme (dark green circles).




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    saw-teeth positioned directly beneath the roots of functionalones (made of osteodentine, a bone substitute) shows moresimilarities to oral tooth replacement in some osteichthyanswith intraosseus tooth development [1517] than to chon-drichthyans with replacement teeth in soft tissue within thedental lamina. This is presumed to be true for oral dentitionsof Schizorhiza, but no articulated jaws with teeth are known.

    4. DiscussionWe have presented data for Schizorhiza showing how the indi-vidual developmental module (saw-tooth) is ordered into astructural pattern along the rostrum saw in two ways: initiationof saw-tooth files at the rostrum growth centre, linked withestablishment of replacement saw-teeth during growth, thenin maintenance of the saw edge through regeneration.These parameters define the oral dentition in chondrichthyansbut tied to and dependent on a dental lamina. Saw-tooth

    development in Schizorhiza as well as in others with elongatedrostra [10] can test hypotheses that oral teeth can be derivedfrom modification of external skin denticles, as proposed incanonical theories of tooth evolution.

    We have demonstrated that Schizorhiza preserves anunusually high degree of developmental data for a fossil, inbuilding the rostrum saw through saw-tooth addition, withgrowth and renewal, larger saw-teeth replacing small. Wesuggest there were two important sites for saw-tooth initiation:(i) the rostrum tip, as a symphyseal signalling centre, regulat-ing initiation to the left and right of the tip, which otherwiseremains free of saw-teeth; (ii) more posteriorly along thecartilage furrow, regulating regeneration below the saw-tooth stacks (figures 14). As shown in our interpretivemodel in figure 4, the rostrum tip signalling centre wouldexpress conserved gene markers linked to cartilage growthand extension and odontogenesis, including members of theHedgehog, Bmp, Fgf and Wnt/b-catenin signalling path-ways [18]. The rostrum cartilage furrow with odontogenic

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    competence for continued saw-tooth replacement was richin a vascular supply from rostrum cartilage blood vessels [7],supplying saw-tooth root growth (figure 1f, bv). Here, vascu-larized, innervated tissue could provide multipotent stemcells (perivascular, neural derivatives) contributing to saw-tooth development and renewal (figure 4d), comparable withthose stem cells demonstrated to contribute to development,growth and renewal of mammalian teeth [19]. Additionally,the outer dental epithelial cells associated with the extendedsaw-tooth root system could act as a source of epithelial andmesenchymal stem cells similar to those of oral dentitions,for saw-tooth regeneration (Hertwigs root sheath, HERS[20]; figure 4e). We suggest a further potential neurovascular-based origin for signals at the rostrum tip growth centre(derived from nerve-associated glial cells, NAGCs [19,21])directing and maintaining stem cell activity for continuedgrowth with saw-tooth renewal. Notably, the rostrum inextant chondrichthyans is rich with sensory ampullae; thesecould be a source of NAGCs, linked to the proposed symphy-seal signalling centre. Although these growth centres areidentified in the fossil Schizorhiza, our reconstructions andinterpretations can be tested using modern sharks and raysas developmental models (for example, the sawshark).

    We conclude that neither Schizorhiza nor other chon-drichthyan taxa with a saw-tooth rostrum exactly replicatethe developmental organization and structural arrangementof teeth in the oral dentition [10,22]. In Schizorhiza, develop-mental rotation of saw-teeth is unique, while the position ofsuccessive, replacement saw-teeth directly below one anotheris more similar to the osteichthyan dentition [11,15,23] thanto the replacement of oral teeth of any shark or ray. Therefore,we agree that rostrum saw-teeth are highly modified dermaldenticles [24,25], but propose that they have diversified afterco-option from a regional, symphyseal-based system, such as

    organized skin denticles located at, or near, the rostrum tip(M.M.S. & Z.J. 2015, personal observation). This is convergentwith the oral dentition of sharks and rays. The capacity fororganized succession and renewal demonstrated in Schizorhizainforms the process of skin denticle diversification throughdevelopmental plasticity, representing a true paradigm for pat-terning teeth outside the mouth, but distinct from teethinside the mouth, associated with articulating jaws [3].

    Data accessibility. Data can be accessed via the NHM Data Portal (;; contributions. M.M.S., Z.J. and C.U. conceived project, A.R. andM.W. rendered CT scans, A.R. provided analysis of saw-toothmeasurements, M.M.S. provided histological data, G.J.F. and A.R.contributed to molecular discussion and figure 4, J.K. and C.P. pro-vided CT scans and systematic discussion, all authors contributedto data interpretation, figures and writing.Competing interests. The authors have no competing interests.Funding. Funding has been provided by NERC Standard grant no. NE/K01434X/1 (Z.J.); NE/K014293/1 (C.U.); NE/K014235/1 (M.M.S.),NE/K014595/1 (G.J.F.). NHM Earth Sciences Collection Committeeprovided funding for specimen purchase.Acknowledgements. We thank David Ward for sourcing the Schizorhizaspecimens described here, as well as Jonathan Jackson (ImageResources Studio Manager, NHM) for photography of these; EmmaBernard and Martha Richter (NHM Earth Sciences), Oliver Crimmenand James MacLaine (NHM Life Sciences) as well as Kristen Hussey(Royal College of Surgeons, Hunterian Museum) for access to theircollections and providing material for this study; also, for access toVienna specimen, Ursula Gohlich, the curator of the Museum ofNatural History, Vienna. Rebecca Summerfield, Dan Sykes (NHMImage and Analysis Centre), Chris Healy (Kings College DentalInstitute) and Martin Dockner (Department of Anthropology,University of Vienna) are also thanked for assistance with CT scan-ning. Moussa Minerals and Fossils are also thanked for assistance.Tony Wighton (Image and Analysis Centre, NHM) is thanked forproducing histological slides.


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    Early development of rostrum saw-teeth in a fossil ray tests classical theories of the evolution of vertebrate dentitionsIntroductionMaterial and methodsInvestigation and observationsDiscussionData accessibilityAuthors contributionsCompeting interestsFundingAcknowledgementsReferences

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