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© Vincent Dutot

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Who am I?

Associate Professor Paris School of Business (France)

MBA and Ph.D in information systems management (Canada)

Teaching classes in digital marketing, business model in the Web, e-business strategy

Scientific research on Social CRM, IT capabilities, knowledge transfer and e-reputation

Consulting and conferences

More than 10 years working with SMEs, government and international companies

Conferences on social media, Web mobile and performance on social networks


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What I want to talk about

5+1 last things to remember E-réputation Social CRM Social media

strategy Some false ideas

about digital

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1: Internet users don’t have any social interaction

Student: use Facebook mainly between 9am and 5pm (school)

Workers: between 9am and 5pm (at work)

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2: Digital is only for young people

Most important growth for 50 years od and more (senior)

Youngers start leaving first social networks

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3: Internet is only a matter of virtual

No more separation between reality and virtual world

More and more pure player go offline to promote their product

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4: Digital investment means success

Failure is more usual than success: 80% of all Google projects are failures

Need for a good business model, key resources and customer knowledge.

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5: Digital means radical transformation

Look for gradual change more than radical

Innovation is the key: Uber, Air BnB, Snapchat

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If you want to go on social media, you need to understand that Each platform has its purpose

Forget about the ROI, think ROA

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Social media planning

1. Pre-planning

2. Listen the conversation

3. Creation of a persona

4. Design specific goals

5. Join the conversation

6. Measure

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How the information drives the industry?

Where information is created and shared?

How consumers interact with the industry?

What networks do they belong to?

What is influencing my customers?

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Listen to the conversation

Securing the brand presence on social networks Community manager

Create platforms for “monitoring” Google Alerts


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Create a persona

Men 24-50 years old $350 billion in revenues

16-19h on line per week

96% on social network

78% trust recommandations of their friends

Attendance Twitter : 31%

Facebook : 33%

LinkedIn : 39%

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Specific goals

Brand management

Improve trafic

Business relations


Improving CRM

Enhance incomes

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Join the conversation

Establish a clear timetable of publications


Rules of communication and response

Management of negative comments

Level of response

Be transparent and authentic

Think conversation, not campaign

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Measurement (ROI)

Qualitatively Are they talking about you?

Consumer perception

Creation of improved relationships

Dialogue rather than monologue

Quantitatively Analytics

SEO ranking


Subscriptions to the newsletter


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Social media vs social network

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From CRM to SCRM

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From Social CRM to e-reputation

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Main issues

Dealing with unsatisfied customers

Loyalty programs

User experience

Commercial efficiency

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Main revolutions

Knowledge of the customers • Information properties and rules

• Big data

Customers’ expectations • Social graphs


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The things to do

1. Reciprocity

2. Reactivity

3. Consistency

4. Transparency

5. Real implication of the firm

6. Acknowledgement of customers

7. Social product

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« Practice of monitoring the Internet reputation of a person, brand or business, with the goal of suppressing negative mentions entirely, or pushing them lower on search engine results pages to decrease their visibility » Example of Axa

On line reputation

“Communicating over the web and using new technology to effectively communicate with stakeholders” (CIPR website 2007)

Overall it is WHAT you SAY, WHAT you DO, and HOW others SEE you and TALK about you

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Of CEO have more trust in traditional channels than digital

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Your brand is NOT what you say. It is what Google says!!!

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Club Med


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Foundations of the reputation

Understand how networks operate

Map the environment before starting any relationship

Rely on flexible communications

Integrate with other marketing disciplines and other public relations channels

Measure and learn from mistakes

Each message must have a purpose, not just a desire

Establish a structure within the organization (digital, public relations, real) and the governance

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Online reputation – how it works

Monitor/ Map/

Research Defensive Promotional

Transparency Honesty

Process Fast answer

Flexibility Integration

Underpinned by

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Monitoring e-reputation (free) Talkwalker Alerts Yahoo Alerts

Google Alerts Social Mention

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Monitoring e-reputation (not free)


Netvibes Topsy

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Social media and e-reputation

Be creative Relation: community management

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Branding on the web

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Employees’ impact

Of employees THINK they can DESTROY their company’s reputation

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Reputation – some examples

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La Redoute ROO ROA ROI


Domino’s Pizza ROO ROA ROI

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Example 2: Coca-cola

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Of board members AGREE that e-reputation should be an important concern within their firm

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But only 15% are acting

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Implication of your brand



Define a strategy

Action Community management

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#1 Think different

● Abandon old habits and let be amazed

● Think usage before technology

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#2 Learn to learn

● Each channel of communication / distribution has its own purpose

● Consumers will decide for you where they want YOU to BE

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#3 Think out of the box

● Agree to cut distances with your customers

● Agree to co-create your brands

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#4 Start by giving, then you’ll receive

● WIN-WIN exists on Social Media, but not on a short term period

● Identify what your customers/ prospects expect and give them what they ask for

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#5 Watch over you and your brand

● People talk about you, no matter you’re on the web or not

● Personal branding and e-reputation are part of the most crucial asset of any firm

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#5+1 Forget everything I’ve said

● The greatest achievements are yours

● Social media means constant learning: what is working today won’t maybe work in the near future

● Do not hesitate to reset everything on a regular basis

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Thanks for your time Vincent Dutot, PhD Associate Professor at Paris School of Business

Researcher on social media, e-reputation, and IT strategy

IT Consultant for 10 years

+33 (0)6 18 87 19 22

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