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As an architecture, its very important to produce a attractive sketch. For example, the Sydney Opera House is one of the best architecture structure in the world, and its well known by everyone, but do you know tat, the architecture who produce the dra







As an architecture student, its very important to produce an attractive sketch. For your information, the Sydney Opera House is one of the best architecture structure in the world, and its well known by everyone, but do you know that, the architect who produces the drawing is chosen from more than 200 architects around the world. It deserve to be call the best. I think, almost every building projects are also chosen from one in a million of the best architecture sketches. This explained how important its to produce an attractive sketch.

To produce an attractive sketch that catches others attention, first you must have an idea on how you design the building or structure. Your idea must be outstanding. For example, it can be a little abnormal but must be logical, one important thing is it must be an original artwork that has never been produced before. To have and concept about your building is also part of the worries. Thats why, the elder always say to obtain wisdom, is to travel around the world, explore and experience the world and show the world your experience. After you have an idea in your mind, then you can start working on it. First things first, write down your idea. I know sometimes its hard to describe something by using words, so you can draw it out, even its only a shape. A shape can be a great inspiration. Pre-drawing is very important, Its a collection of your thoughts, getting your thoughts together. Pre-drawing using freestyle, easy sketch out your idea in your mind.

Next stage is to start preparing. Find a comfortable working place so that you can concentrate easily. Clean and tidy up your working place. After that, get ready all your stationaries, tools, and materials that you need or might need when you are sketching. Place your tools in handy place so you will not panic because of losing your tools. When everything is prepared, its time to start sketching. First of all, do some short sketching. Short sketching is drawing by light hand and short quick strokes. I recommend using HB pencil for light hang drawing, because HB pencil is neither too soft nor too hard, it is excellent for shading. Remember to sharpen your pencil before you start sketching, also dont draw too heavily during short sketching. It is because you will have a hard time later removing those strokes. You can also pre-sketch by using gesture drawing method. Gesture drawing is like a warm-up for your next sketching. It is to capture the essence of the subject, your idea. This stage is to give your sketch a foundation.

After finish building a foundation for your sketch, its time to perfect your sketch. To perfect your sketch, you have to add in some details. Use darker lines to define your strokes more precisely, 6B pencil is properly the best for drawing darker lines. Add inner shape to your sketch and make sure they are to scale. Measure your sketch by using scales ruler to make sure they are in same size or scale. To perfect circle, use a compass, makes it look neat and more details. Be sure to clean smudges on you sketch to make it look clean. Next stage is add in further details like shadow, light refraction and other. Do refer to example when making light refraction, make sure the light direction is in the same direction, because its the most sneaky part to make an error to your sketch and can be ruin your sketch and your day. Measure all the length and scale, degree of triangle or circle, height and width. When measuring, make sure your eye level must be perpendicular to the ruler to avoid any measure errors. After that, perfect lines and presentation and clean smudges. Continuously do so until u get a satisfy sketch.

To produce a attractive sketch is not as easy as we though, it take time, I mean a long time. For example, the most luxury hotel in the world, Burj Al Arab, located at Dubai, was designed by Tom Wright, he used 6 years to conceive this project. As we can see, to produce a attractive sketch take time and patience. In my opinion, a persons attitude decide his future. Do give more effort when sketching, be patience. Learn to be confident. Attempt to sketch, practice, learn from other and perfect yourself. To sum up, take the risk, do not afraid of failure, mistake make perfect.

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