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. Wa.shi"'gton.: Folk Rediscover. the- Potomac · River. . . . ' ' - ' . ''' ' ' ' -

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_p.oll o~ ·~1ll1t»lnt the J>r()lonc~ lfes•lpfi o( the Sl,;t:r~t.,urtJJ ~~~re9 llu- · · . ·- .. · Olllf l:l~n pr~llfl~ o~ thin_. political, but R}tas ~If(!~"'~ t~ -Jh'e :Wash• ... ~--...

fqtop " t>lace. In the h~@rt'- ()( A liU'~~ num"t or traMt~nt realdeJ:~t• on11 t$)



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•J ·- , . l;)f!! pfned clulinJ the J.nldlummer -• · moqtbt. ~Jf• l'lY4ll' tor W!lter !'PO-~


th~ fine :park• iu1d oouqtr;r roads f<H' drhiliJ. tonntr~ dub• ud. )'O()f pr­

....., . ._ '· 4~~. .l>qtlj nrlvfl.tfl · ~uut 1Hlb.\tc, •nil . tn'Ul(l!rout d~Jlcl:!ttul ptac011 tor a!lllnc·. · • al trHeQ ue"•U reTelatlon• to· tbOM

· .•ho • th _,.tat ollli Jl) I~· ~tel· · wtnttr or ~•tl1 IIPfiJJ aspect, ·.

- . Not ttftll 111' thl arute.t rtt<~Jt

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_ _ . . . a aumm11r ...-ort. bllt · •tnee., the re4IJ. · (OTel'T .ot the PotolliiAO rlnr thro-Qb tho ~uttfU\ drJn•. a11"ii walka ..tabo tt•hed aloa& ltiS·ba!lb, tbe tapltil neecl -DO-lOilJW hold ten.ora tor thotf who ..

. II)Uit r~lllaln WUhln thJ terNXIll& llmlt of•tbt J>lltriC!t. ' ' -No te ... a pel'IOJU&Je t~an Prealdeat JobQ Qttl~;r Mama waded thl'O\lJh

tbe manb~ and taorted vau to lh6 baou o( th-. Po£omao tor,an ~~~&t'l)'1txtoi~d··l ·toe dip, wlllle til• .Amtt lntertstln1 proeM<Jtiii 1• ricorded o( I'J,'eltdent '1'-·aYic•r.

Toda7 .one l!lte~ blr;l! otndata bent Up()a th• Qmo errand, an4 atmoat at :the qme howr ot th• l!:lorpla.r-Juat a!wut .eyeu (l'clotk. · 'l'hit ~ret.rr of 'atate- aDd )Ira. IA~nc •r• 11\YelltiP,Unr the charms or th• lDtJDlclpal batbJDI



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- ,, .:.. : ,you 'will ·need- ~:Qle ~ xnoner .... Sieknest,. los•. ~t··, .. •' .


. . work ~- eUJht. t~ in .the wheel .of !ort~ne .. e.2what ~ ·, .. .. -will fOU do? l)l8Con~t and WPrri~ doi ·the toot.. · ..

· · · •WpJ _o.f the ~an wll,o ~'1\dG all h~ 1ncom.e, We. ca11 . lielp :r~u to provldo api;nst thfs worry. wm )'(n~ . let us1 . . . · . · . · ·

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'EXdHANG~ JJANJt, cAruuzozo# NEW M-Exico " · , llltf!te!lt P,ai<l Oll Tlme Dell0$ita ; . · ·

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..~-··, .. ···································~·········· . CAPITAN BARBER SHo.p:

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"Cleaninr and Presalna-, 'LADIES WORK A SPECIALTY. . _ ... , ~~r;;{hlu~ J:etumed .. ~ut tho PlRT, -,Sati"f~t{Qn _auar~ ,


Agenta !or_ Ro$well Steam Laun4.ry. Le&v.e& 'MondaT - and come~ back Friday. _.-;~ · . _ •

JEFF JOHNSONt ·proprietor. . . '

·······························~············~········ . •

·' -•

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... ---~-~ With . ·and )ltiJ. LanaiD# J()I!Cf. ntllir"E,tJttrt..:.;ll,;;_t_,;,lkf;:.;; ... .,..ll.....:f:;.;,_ ~;;:.-U.:;,.J...;~__;--f---..:.·-· -'--;:-;,_-~~

- · Senator and Hra. :Morrt1 Sh~ppard cab . you Jllit exac:UJ where to .ftllll

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. tho beat •lXIt tn tb• pool tor atrlk1n; out, or a 41ye. or juat mbrel7 to tab Jt euy and tloat. Ottea tf)etr C!>lllPf.bfo~ In tbe Poc>l are lleprdfataOve alliS ;'llra. .Nlc:holu Loarworth. both ot Wbellll love the Wftter an4 aro expert •mm•

---· •men{ .or llr • .and Kra.-ltutua.D«7~-'®-.and.d&JI.I1;lUJi<ltl·l&!!' of Kr .. Jlttll~ J)t;r, .or Rept6HotaUn WllllaiD P. Botlabd: . . . .


twhat Uncle· Sam's Exper.t on Charred Money Does

Becomes a. Fad . . Rifle Practice •

10 the' Capital

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~:J~bt) . ~- ·-~


Mr. Hugh••' Talk• About .. Temporary • Prolpirlty1'- Will 1-tav• Hollow

lound tO' the. Votera;.


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Page 2: e~-~: .~r~= ==~ :e.= =~·~''-~·~-~-=!!:!,~!!!! I\:. dn NISHON. . estoom nn

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..... ~.·,_-_.:~- ·.-CA. PIT AN.·.= MOUNTAINEER. f·• · ___ .,..... __ __,. _ __,_,_."""-:"..,....;:,·~----;----:""-~-r---:- . Some of QU'I' peo~JQ . in th~ . . id:r. arid lolJ'8; Buidt.ell~ lettlaat W~~k

-- · · · · ' · · · · • · · · · · aro breaking •i:KJ. tor :.nother tor ,alt ~te!,ld&d ~ft .to tbe ~~t. Published Weekly by Neil H. Bigger. It Company. crop.. ' . • . . . )JeABrii.':Ed Q_qeep, ana. WHll-eq and .

. . ~-·---....,;...· _.....-.,...~ .,.._..,..... _ _._,..........,.,... . f-'r~dble' Va114.'Y hM. n. ttrl>~t .f'ffl<'~'> f~J:Yifll"~ lr.l• ., • . ' • ~. · 'f),., ... ln'fl' .

· NeU H, .Bi~. 'er1

· - i ' Edito.:. ne-w, ·i;;.: ·· . · · .: · ··••··>•.u"u~~ """..;~".,ua. · _J._:_.:...._-:-.-.::::===· =· :::::====::':::=::::;:::::::::::::::===:.....:........::.___:__. _: . " • . "'' n til:t> . . • '.CJlq lron

i>eJ' SCM · · · · ' · ~l OO · Oro_ps are :mu~h b~~wr fn the'yalley · MI11s JoaepbenC. a,.Cale-returned · S.U~f\Cription six months i · . . . . . ~ · • than any one t'~Xl)f'Qted; l,J.'bo · ap'aiiB her home ar. ~' ru~ 011k11 "ner fiX· · · ...- . . . . • · ,. .. · .... ., .. ,... .. , --.. -~ .. · -·>;---.. ·-: · liltlne' and· Clilttl~ wUl s:o lnto the ten«led vJslti ~her eJstet' in Xplloy, Entered •• 11econd mail .mat~r )lay 14. 1~15, •~ the poef.QJilcle at Winter lat.· · · . · . ··. · . N~w.:r.texhm.. ··. . .· . . .

.'' . " Oapltan N.lxl •. under tbe Ac.t'ot !larch. 3, 18'111. , . ·· · .· · · · \ ·· · · · Onr tJ,cbool .lB progressing 'nici'IY -'Mr. t.rpwnsend atul' family; who

. . ~=~'andl~~~e An~oJJD~~~~~~~:·. ~~terf;;m H. Wallace.·· . ~: =~~~=~~~~::t~:::~~:~~pa ~bfteb~~lt~fo:~8J:~~m4~. . . . . . . , : . , .. : , . . . Slaughter Is ,back home, again.. · . :achol.llMotulay.. . . . . · . · ,

· : , Blspee, . Adoon~.t, ·Aug1 10th; Mr. ·Roy ~t-ew•t•t hi home,. t())· et~y. · e acbool b~gtns ·:M:oQda.y, Prof. · l•'or Sheriff, /1.:_ 1('16 The aa.d newe Of a:~ worked;at; Ft. atantQn on.,mQJJtb, •nd ura WyaL'" ar~ hHo of the teach~ '

JOHN J3 n Allt:O · · u ·- · ' . · · · · b~t~ tl•ere la fioo·much e~otlif!ment Ill · . · · ". , "" · 1 · . · •• • · · ~ . · · husbands death gave me aw· ,Par&diJe. Vane1 tor him t-o ·f:ltay crs, ·. . . . . . . . · · . ·

C. W. HYDE. ful sb<>.ek. I had beard ~ewas J:Cf't• a'Way, . . ,.- 1 · · . · . lfisa }!annie AtbQfer is spending a M 0 tht.g alon~ so nicely. in h~alth, Wfihave pburch moall every few.days in .th~.~onptry vtslting her

G. C. OLE ENTQ. .and waH IIJlproving every urdltY .and St~nday at tbe 111,. .,r, .llrll· F~~zpatric!'· . l•'ur 'l'n.x -AHsessor, and then .to learn .of-his bouse~ .. • · ·.· . . . . . . .lllll.Y Ooulter, .Kenneth Wa.tllo.n.

Y N r 1 · ,, · th made the sa() neWS ~·: · · · li'l'~d. Lee1 •and Oor!Jon Wells .sp.ent. J OR~. B H . A. , ·• r. Y uC•l. . • , . . . . l\~r. f!.lld l!J.ra. ~oy fltewart enter- the day in oarrliozo last Friday . ,




· ·· White 'Oak$ Items .. · · . · Message froin ·Paradise ' ' ' .. ~ . . .

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·---~-... .. Dealers · iri

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: General· Merchandise, ' . . .. ' ' !

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worse, (1! suck a thing is pos· talned several .. frfeQds laat Sundt&:V · . · . ·. . · . .' .~ I•'ur f'AJunty OommlrsRion<~r. sible' ·as I was planning ·to. go and aervoo ice cream. Geo. W. Hall and Ja.mea J, ~Iorrls w· ·e"' a"· re St. t' '11. ~. · · d·o· 't''ng ·bUS·l'·neS. S "a·· 't.

WlLI Is HIGHnvJWEJ> · 1'c• i"" · thi f 11·~ · .. ·f , . the contract of .remodeling, ~.. . ., .a' · "'· "'· up to ,ap 1/Un a a J.Or a. cw l{r. JJQston Wdght ha& gone do\\ n and decorating. the· amus~· . f~ol' Huperlntend(•nt Pnblir dnya to . shake hn.n<ls with old tho llondo ACtor !It load offrutt. . ruent a~ tbls place. the 'Old St' and ... a'nd· Wt.'ll sell you

8 1 1 friends n.nd n.ccHmlntnnccs,. Mr. Mr. and Mrs, .JoffPtJNI passed f.Jrrb :rtr. I'rcd LP.e left. for, Dot~,;l~e, , '~ 100

H, Gray In p11rt!cula.r, as I have n.l· the VlllleY thJ~ weck.wlU.t lil. bunch of A.,..l,Nru•, 11\l!t )'•1Pnday .. where l1is · d. g· d }O. th' g h t . h . ·.). K I{OONCI~. way~ held him in the highest f:lt,Qerll! ,.IJ.'boy l!topped our nlsh~.a~ rather and hrolller are WO).'dlug ht ry . 00 s, . c .. :In ' a SJ ·s oes,

MJUi. G. I\:. dn NISHON. . estoom nn<l I will nlw~ya <:herish Sellora on tneirway hom~· . tbemin('fl. . I gro···ce~·t'es, etc··,··· as c· he~ .as you· I · · tlw UWU)Ory pf thB' tnany )dn(l ~f··~CJ:alker fB home aga!n to fltlly- • o•~.-~-. ....... ........,. - .l ~.t"

1 lu~rcb.v nnnoutwc rnY~~If ali a uctfi b~ lln:d done !or and re· bo U) 11. · · ·


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,.,.n·'hl"U• for nomination fnr tlw - ~· "'-l d th l . Judg(\ .Geo. ;Bnrber of Carri· ,.,.. ~hem e·tse. ·• u .... ID{'llllwr many ....... , r.. an : .a~r;,ono:U'liff'e~J tr.e·~~~~ru.l1LQn.·ff-~i.'l;:--Ctl~liml~ ~~~-6~'!...-~~~~L.!!i:!±~--='.J'.....!c!"-..~~~~~~~.!·~ ~---____:-f[~·~--:::=--'-:...;....--.~

pusltion ·of . Knrmrintendrmt of tJth<>rH 8 ar· ... ~y . " f ¥ 1 fla.y - --- ·" · · ..

-· --



i .

. , t~uunc,y fwhool~ subj(>ct to the tl l i . tl. OX· l'rl~. Foater fa building an ad~ltloll ri(!J}< !i . PS • . ; . • ., . ' rwtion of tlw U£•pu bllcnn wuntY' c <' n 1

1e . ti. . . f • ot t.wo rooms to his house 1 · . l:; t.fJ(~ Democratic. nominee --· • . --· ~~,2-=--~-~ ····---~·--·ww· ~u~~ , •• -- • . ~" • ':_ • . I

t•om·pntlon. ' l)l'('!HHWH t lC. se.n ments o tn;') • . • · . ' . tor distrl<:t attorney and was · Mm>. W. l~ Gl'MM. l'l~lf a.n(!tOI~bntrtl~t! ~oirmb~~n(yw)hoJ~ Mr.b~;~~s;~.~~t.ez: ts __ ~~ylng som,c loolting ,1l_!tle~· l~!tl ~~llll_llpli;ti~nJt!·t·.

. ' ' '

. . . , now w1 · 1 1 , .,. ,~... • •. · ' tel'<'!- t!i 1p t us 1>1\.l't of t e coun-1

. -~·-.!...-.----''- tmd 1 oxtcml ou~ HY_Il'lt>a~hy to "-·~· ' -· .. -· , tt•y lJ(~ ltt o.nt~ gf the olcl time"·

Domocratic County Convcn- you and your ramtly m thtli sad Notes from ltfountam Vacw. residents in J.Ancoln Mlmty Is I · hl'1'(•:1w·m~nt. .. J · · . well !muwn to all · thq> early set· I

ti!'n· U('Sl,lY Your l~'rlenU, lJto. ntohard l,tyor closed un.-nlcv-;R wbo.aJ:e neo.rly rlll l•is pCll'·! H, s. Wnllac(\, an day a mccUng lll:rMHund4y mgbt. ~;onal :fri<'nus. · Jud~'~ B<tl'llel' i$

\uh•r or tlu• !lt•nt<•tl.

-• ch wus u t llt~~~lnl, thor: a. ln.wyet· an<l has tlte

' . ·-.we . bu'y ·wool,·- inolfair,- nic!es1--;,q ... -...... _____ ......... • ..... .. t ' . .. v

pelts .. etc. • • . '

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· v 'our p r::1 :eal th

Our Stock of J?rugs'is The Pure~t r .We Can Buy·

We carry every ttiing.found in an up-to-date • ·Drug Store. Come in to, see us. We will ap- a preciate your Patronage. . · •

• • • · ...,., .. _,.;--~~=-··-- ' b -*'! .......... _.,. a=--"'·-xe=·• ~· ..::.:.:>::~~..,==---,_,, -

_D_ru,_g~g}~ts for Particular P~ople. 1

The Sunshine Pha~macy, ·· ~ Capitan · N. M. 1·

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Sanguine of--Success. County School Notes. •• • •


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We_ Car.ry In Stod,t. . _ . ,

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-STUDEBAKI~R WAGONS · -- • . .. . . ,

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· . BLACK LEAF 40 SHg;gp DIP ' . ----~--~~--~-~----~·~--~~----···'---------. •

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•.. LIME&. ETC. •

• ••

' ' .

• •

Our Stock is< large and .Pur prices ~

~~ reasonable ·' .


··Everything For Everyb~dy .. •

My Motto: 11 Quick Sales and Small Profits.''

Peters' Black Diamond·- Shoes. . - . ·-

fST"T7 ..!2,;;;;, - ===- "'" . ,

LtncoJn, .. - .. .. New'M.exlco.

. .

• '

. . . '




Page 4: e~-~: .~r~= ==~ :e.= =~·~''-~·~-~-=!!:!,~!!!! I\:. dn NISHON. . estoom nn

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. ··- . ~

. ' . Boaides Gov~rnme.nt Pra~ts · .There· Are 4,000 Controlled:-.--

. Munition · . , ·

r3,500JOOO ARE. AT • · . ~ - . . '

, i ' •

• High Tide of Oqtput for War Pc,~,·po•~ta I Not Vot Roaehod....,la No!IW Armory

for Allle....._work .of. Ui• ' , lol•r!tllta.

I ... • Lonclon.-Ttu• conormou.. 111trlde "'"''"'·""1 b7 Oteat lStllulu toward IJOivlna. problem of uiuullttmll w•• tnllde Cle'"'

~ ' .. .. '

ra tbe COI!rllll of II KJII!CCb I'CCCIItly d't9

lvured by r. Kt'lh&WU)',. pnrll.-llletltary . · jlleCI'ctal'f to {)!){"t<lr Addison. (&~arlll\•

mentary, 111,cml nry to the 'ulnlatr)' ot IIIUni(!OIIll). A-Ir •• Kellawsy uld the

· mOtrt jwumllaPul ,,__rt "1 th·o war walt that tlutllrh'll or vlcWr7 wu unllmltl!d IIIUOitiOUJ~;

"'l'he IJriiiiJJ anu7 I 11 C'.arly dllfll,'' ' ....

jbe llald, ••wa,il '11(1 OWl·IAUIIIUOII.,11 I hilt ltbo BrHish lfl)ldiCJr auKkl to tuwe b.-en f,.,ata l!~<fQr.o lh~ flghUng bi•JCIII. UtH Itt pl'oYed tbat lw WM a better Oghalng mltll thau the Uer1man. Wbat Ito lul'k"ll'

' . .

' .... -.

·. . "


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. . '

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. .. ". . ,. "

-.. USTI!N FOR CACKLE· OF HEN -··- . ' . -f• f .

FeoJ: FowJ• rn Ac;cCirc:tan~• With oe .. . . - - ' ' . ') ' -

· mand• or-.N.tifre a• .Propounde!f 1 · • · by Po~Jtry .E,('*rb. . ·

,·. _-- -- ........ , , . · . ' - - . - - __ . I , 1 , ,

• · l..lllteQ. tor the c-.cJcJ~ o.t tour hen. .Jt has 11 mQney val11e to ypu.

.· 'l'he · wln_tt>r. seaf!On Is .· approachhfg, · . . · wll.l'n the. prlee. ot eggs will adYAnc~t

aPtl ·the c~cldt' will 'become ·ot even .:rc!lter :lllgpltlcnncl.!· to· you. . . . · · · • . J•IIU~ tor tlJe cuctole, teed the J•ens .

· Jn accordnnce wttll tlle dem11ndtJ ot J11\tllre as propounded . by · tb~ expert!l

. who . hn. ve $pent thel~< Uvea · ln tl:l., work. _ ; . .

It tl~ cac:kli.! ts not heard wltb sul· ftdent trequenry ask yQ)lrse~t wby, Ulg <lQwn anrl 11tudy the .subject tor the more you stv!Jy the oftener f;he · lten, wlll cackle, and (~C~Hng. ;mtan!l mnr" f~ and .. a blr~rer .ban'k ·account. .

~hull~• Von illnd!!llburt: 1.11 tit .WtU'IlJoe ·('clmmunc~ uow ·ut •.aloll& «.~l tltlt · It Ja th~ law ()f .. nutul.'~ tbll.t·a .hen 'J'eutonlc JfrmleiJ on the C!\Bl tronl, Archduk~ 1<111'( J<'fiii!Cfl; JoHcp~ heir to file. sbol,lld lll7i nntl cnclde, She J!bourd AUIIlriJin thri»Ul, Ntlll t!lllla O.Vel.' hlll!•'at·t of the llne.lo Uatllr:IL Be la bere . Jai '6tten and do much Cllckllpg, tor

" -~ '·-·

. . . ..

' '·


·\ , •. ?·' -.6 . ·_ '"

.. r . . . •

- . - ' ' ., .

·" ~-..... ' .

, ... I •

. . . ~ ' \ ~ ' .. ' ' ..

. · ~-~.~ ••. Thlit' s · all. .. · ..... . ,· •

·-.lunch" and ·best - - - ., - - - ·. . . -


' .

', .l : '' . .

. ., . ·; .

·w· · -·· ·s·· .... ,·:a··· ·R· ·--.Eu' ·N .. ,-~ ---. -,' · ..... · - ': ·_ ' '•- -... ' ' .. - :~ .·.-

.. · .. • .. ··II __ :_ .. ····.· ..... · .. ·.· ... · •.. ·.· . - . . ' .-_ ,. -

• r ... -- < . ''-


. . . . Free -~ir.1 ·.· ..• K~J?-· on hand Texas· G~olino ~d . . Oils; Ford accessories;. Tubea, C~ings,

~tc. .. Bring in your cars. SatisFP.c-, •

tion _guaranteed. •

Club. Bros., . ' •

• • •

Props •.. IUleB with oue·or bla acntJriiiiJ phmnltJK 11 new inovl!, . . , . · tUat, too, Is nature's tq.w~ · ...

. _..tJa. munttlowt. ltJ1.1JlJI!'f4-..laJ-......,....,....--...,;.,---------------.,.;.,.......:.,' .....;..· .;•;..· ~""""'"""'""-1-----1 Jili!LlY111 ltot ln. unlHil D.ft_re- . ltnlttllUYe, and tn emJnnncl\ ('I~. 'l'lu•re wm,. 1&1.000 wome~ ~ai- ,•olmraerd,tl ll<'alt.'. '.fhe result "'"" tl•l•t ~lvt!J Jlroper-tdOO flJld eart; cand·thete.-

. .




• .,. - . . ' '

- .. _-

• "1 4o not llilnk Mn)'lldnc thnt Uer· ICttl:ecf 111 Wlll' ·Jndulltrlcll In l$1l4, •ro- within 11 llft~r tha outbre"k or In lleft the wllldom ot the :who

lmeuy bu cvrr ~11100 t'Qn•l• tl~tt WCJrk dHy tb~re nre 0:~.000. 'l'h.e tQtll1 f!UIO· wnr. tlle out'put ot optical ~rlnu In Ullll thliiks be!ol.'e lle acts. · Uti• country IIIII I('C'olllpllahed lu lb~t twr e»t war wo.rkc•rll !n 1014 Willi t,J08,• country wn~t nlultlplled tour lll!d " hult Oet boll! or. some IOOd . literature,


t''~'1 of lndlllllflllt--·OflCIItlh:atlon iiUrlUIC f)(J(), It hu llOW lnW.'IIIIt!d to tJ,G()o,OQ(I, thncJJ. Jt liM DOW lncrenaed te> foUt• read Up OQ U,UHfUbject of ~<I Drc>cl" IUO•~ .ASKREN a WOOD



Uto lnllt twelvu n•onthil. Ort'Ht 1Sr'lt11ln. 'l'hl!rc 471 dltrercnt munltJop proc·. teen Umes the output prev1ou~t to th" Uoo,. apply the knowledte Jbll thus • . which brtl tf~ruull'lwut Iicea t'hu trclllf• d r· obtain; and In the end you ·Will team .,__ i 1

cYIIC•II upon whll'lt' women 11rc now en· wnr• nnc.l thf'tQ 111 Kood groun -ol.' lfliY• .nwweD •nd Carr zcno 1ur1 of tho allh'N. hrt• now ll1•rumf' tlll'lr JCIIICOO. 'l'fle women or l"ninee aru uo- lng that by the end or the )'tiU' ~t wiU to «>.rpt>rJt>nce a kee~ delight hi erery · · · •

• N. M.

tarmurJ. 'l'hcro ur(t now IK'Iltlct~~tl up InK wurul(lrll In mnnlllcm mnldnr, but hn\'O mulllplll'fl tW!'ntytoJd. ctekllt or your hens, · •nd duwn lhe ''ountry Homo f,OOo eon· our wouwn unmltlorr ~·ork!#rl l,leat the "The mln11Jtl')' or munition• hall built, Your bt•n . wants to cackle she 1trollcrl nrrn» prudurlng muulltou11 of world." or 111 building, ho~ttlng arcomrnodatlon~t • will cackle, It you r;lve· her .a cllanct, 1tr11r. .· ·. ,Wqrk of thtt ael4!1n\f~!,. . rar oo,ooo anti 111111 And thcre'a moncr Jn til~ cackle or a


ltD' tile wttr urv••r prudured ,. ~un, • HKid: provhle dercnt ftC:CQUllllodntlon. wtit•ro llllloll or" c·urtrlc.IJ:c•: .Y••tln ten 111110111" '"l'ho ttrcllllern Jnrlnlr tbe I<J~r'nmcmt f'tOO,OOO worker• ltlke lht'ir 1111':1111 tVf!ry

~lie t.ntnlHlry or ruuuttlonll hllH obtnlnml Ill, flrHt, tli dlllrorcr tho tormuln Cit clay, ,. . rom tht>Ktt llrrnll n lllllllhl!r ot flllt'lllf t:hUHNI, JUid JlnVIhiC clllll'OYOr('c) It, &0 "l<'or ft. l,llng tfme OUI' t~ntl•lr('rutc reatetr tlu•n llll' llttnl JltntJut•tloiJ or nil ••KtllfiiiHh the lntlu•try. It 1• tortmmtc KtUltu!riJ hnvo bi'Cn rrylnl out tor un

fh" ICtlYt•rnllll'fll nrli.IIIUIIH tmd gn•nt that Ira thlll ('fll!IIJ wq IHIV8 arn1Jullfe ft IJnllfOVI.'d, hrJJ;ht ftrUlt'r for Zep~ci!.Ull, ;armllml'lll " 11111'• 111 '''httenro "' tbu ttlW fl(:ll!ntU2e mt>n wlw bav& thtl c>Xh1ll111: Jn•lght finders bcluc fllow,



. ..:..· ---IZrr~r· for Farmer to F .. d atoek Fowle

With Th!:IH .lntendtcf tor the HoUclay Mark.t.

• lcommcuc•Nm•nt..or llw wnr. . 1 t worklllK tor '"''*'" illmo~t wllhout rcc· rlumAY nntl hRYlnJt a marK n o t'tr"r lt 111 a gn•nt mhttnke tor Ute farmer

lncrtiH of Ar~naiL ~ Ol(llltlora, 111111 we hll\'e 111110 lnlltltlltell or llumlrl'dlJ or ft'(•t. You will re•llr" to tcerl hl!J stock turk(')"$ wltb thol:>e "Hpe11kl111: lu lllll huu11o ur cumuwnA f!Ut'lt u thu hUJH•rhd c•ttlh.'Uit Itt ~oulh l•ow Umt hntttllrui•Pt>t1 our gunner• 1ll lntenclC14 ter: the holiday mnrkctiJ, ;Jet

)aat J&ar &lr. l.luyd CJuciriCO HturUt•d tho KNralngton nntl tlao National (lh,y14leal· Utf'lr uttP,IIlJltlf to brlna d~>wn U>,p· · JO many ot thetU do, It .ta the wol'St lniUiltrJ tJ.r ftll¥1111: that l•luvun IIUYf 1\1'• lllborurury Ill 'l't•.ddlfl(,tlllt. '1'111.! ltCJV• pellnl. • • tblnK Ia the world to do. . Detore ~nnaJ• bad ~wn r•rovldoo.- 'J'oday, nCit t•rmnent Wt'IJt to tho.e men and ll»ked •'Three men ltCt to work on tbe Jll'ollo the 'turkeys ah'l made rndT tor' Jliar­:~~loven but uii11'IJ ·nnwrml• havu llMM tlu~tll to diiCrov,\r tho torrnuln uxett b)' lt:'m, and fu two M threQ m~mth!J Hll'J' kl't tnake t'holce ot. the turke;va you ~milt or athtJtlrd, Our Wt<'kly oulftUt tile Ot-ruuuul tu their ttrodu('tloo ol fl'OdUrl'd tt hl'lib.t limier whlcb cuv• expect to keep over for breeding pur-

r. JW .f•rtrlriKet 1• "'"'"'~' -1•, -tQitlloua,t .. .,i'iT · Jiltt l'tmrnlcal JtiR,· · · -- - · JJnt· i!Xfll'tiY tins ~lght -of • ·· po!K'll and rtu..o.e .J(Itar Yl!f1 best. PI.-ce: an our auuuul outcmt lwtortt tht> war, ''ThP~K> JsrUh•h IK'h•tilbus, 11tttr 11 rew u. (t •• 11u Important 41•cov· UlC!!Itl a~orucwhere 1111•17 from tbe rest, .,,.. Ia • <·ertalu flll\rhlno cun bt•lnl( w11t•k• ••xpt!riiiii!'UIII, diii(OV(!rt!d tuun1. t•r,v, bllt 1he probll'rn Ia «>nit ODtJ ot and while JOll ket>p the:u In ftne con•

~I'CMlur.od ''' lho hurulrl!d ewcry Wt!t!k nr tho toruwlrtt.O, 1111d It tbtn ltt!Ctuue lmndredll whlrh ate c011t1nuall1 c:ro1,. dlUOA bT teedluc <.'orn •. wheat and oat-, ~· • factory ortJ•rmJ, lJI~tunctJ and uullt J~«l.Mihla tu lll'aln mnrlufnrture 011 a I''"" ut•.'' ' the latter,ltbolled, fonulnc' a be~~tthy

•rfnt th«tt out twi!IY• UJIJnt&.IJ, 'fhu ~~·~ ratlou. for turkers. 4to not &et>k to Mlpt Clf lUiie ••ll bowl~ U'll Ill· · . ' , uMHd ,, aoverar hundred (ICf' rent. RELATE s· TORIES' 4'ttl! (h.•rmUh!l lll't'lli(>(J tu h.o 1\lf llS:H

"We are uol yel at thet run llood bt · trom •lltcoen to ntt7. I ahould IJAT· · faur oUilJ~l or fCIIIIJt aud •holt.. lt Ute · Some nt thC>rn rarno up cr.vln.'f out lavrllllrtlt 1.'1lllnot bo driven bow• oth 11uat thl'1 htrlt bntJ no rood tor tlve


In Bank Buildinr. Phone No. 10 .. _. CarrizOt:o, New. Mexleo

• . '



. .

Otlice 101 __ fHONFJI ~··Of

' • •

DR. F.H • .JOHNSON Physician aad Surgeon

• • .· om~ whh Jlr. a~. ». ~ CARRlZ<Ym. • • • • 'N. M.

. Tbla

. ' ..

1"'1~, owr •rrny will havff aucla • dn)'& Onn .of cJUr boys did wond~a •=c-- ----- .. -. - ··------ .... ,=.

.. •••• ntall.)' Uut tnoat Important munition• ot

tw~''·· lhm1 lhotf¥.1Udl of tous i•t ~tlecl hceu and HI'* ht'lntt 8<\lnl to

1 .. Our roJitrlblltiOJa toward tho C'c)UII•· ' llll!nl of the Ut~lchu• •rrny hu ·IHl(IU • ·- ronUauoua, Alit~ tlte--~thllut- ·I&OIIJ' -htut

n ro-cqulfll•etl anti 11!1Clbl't'i1 to a JUIU(nlnt~nt Oahllnc forro ~01'1 lllfCftl1

1 the wnrknhotu• aud workun or Uat 1Unttr,4 tnnc!lom.

"'l'ho lpbor dhlnllon. hniJ hNm to 1\ l«<unrohiNlllllo l'ltl'ltl •aYI'tl by otar Wlllll·


Thrilling Momenta~ In Charges in Picardy.


• ·- ""!_ •


with Uto wn• rllnlnr

Cholc:e Qobbf•r.

·- . '

...._ _._..., ..-...a'*'•.iM:-4-~.-. :.•••- &, a;._

• '


W• an runnbir our mtn at tun· 011p&eit1 and can em! aU ord_.. for lumbt:r promptlt. FJ.rtt-claA Pine lum~r tirhtMn dollal'IJ Ptr thouwand. .

• - ' - ~ -- " .


w .. W. SLACK ' - ~

Dulerm -.n kblda of •ttY• I\mlbv-... Jntr-n••r Alto,. . . • I

N., Mtxioo. Priee&. u tow aa &ll1 other mill In tM Count,. ~ ordera Alled promptly.. _

-· ., ' .. . ------·------ --- ------ --· _ ... --.~-~- --.

- •

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• • . .

. .


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YauWant ' - . ~ . -

How-TO. Wut It . .


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