  • 036-001 1. Overview of Aomori Nebuta Festival ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】⻘森ねぶた祭 概要 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    1. Overview of Aomori Nebuta Festival The Nebuta Festival is the highlight of summer in the city of Aomori and also marks the symbolic end of the short warm season in this northern region. The focal points of the festival are floats called Nebuta. These giant creations that often depict a historical event or a scene from a Kabuki performance, are illuminated from within. For the local people, companies, and organizations involved with the festival, it is the culmination of months of preparation, and a wave of excitement can be felt throughout the city as the event approaches. Along with the Sendai Tanabata and the Akita Kanto, the Nebuta Festival is one of the three major Tohoku festivals held in August and swells the city with more than 2.5 million visitors every August 2 to 7. The Nebuta floats are pushed by participants along a three-kilometer parade course before audiences of local residents and visitors from around the country. Haneto (festival dancers) show off their moves and chant “Rassera! Rassera!” cheering on the pullers of the floats and rousing the excitement of the audience. The music of the hayashi festival musicians, who play drums, wooden flutes, and hand cymbals in the parade, reverberates along the route, while spectators enjoy festival fare from the food stalls. The Nebuta Festival most likely originated from a mix of the Tanabata Festival, a celebration of the stars, and a Japanese custom called Nemuri Nagashi. These traditions involved releasing lanterns onto rivers or the ocean, and the original Nebuta floats developed from these lanterns. Today’s style of colossal, figure-shaped floats was established after World War II, and in 1980 the festival was designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan. The festival’s evening parades run for five days from August 2 to 6, starting at 7:10 p.m.; all 22 large Nebuta floats make an appearance on the last of those days. On August 7, the final day of the festival, events kick off with a daytime parade at 1:00 p.m. and

  • finish with an evening Bay Parade featuring the best Nebuta floats for that year, plus a fireworks show. Preceding this six-day program, the Nebuta Eve is held on August 1 around Rasse Land, an area where finishing work on the floats is done in hangar-like tents. In addition to these tents, there are also food stalls, hayashi festival music, and the finished floats on display. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    1. ⻘森ねぶた祭 概要





    で、8 ⽉に開催される東北三⼤祭りのひとつ。毎年 8 ⽉ 2 ⽇から 7 ⽇までの期間

    中には、250 万⼈を超える観光客が訪れます。


    歴史的事件や歌舞伎の⼀幕を題材に作られます。祭りの参加者は 3 キロの⾏列ル










  • 年にはねぶた祭が重要無形⺠俗⽂化財に指定されました。現在⽇本政府はその美


    祭りは 6 ⽇間にわたって⾏われ、夜のねぶた運⾏は 8 ⽉ 2 ⽇から 6 ⽇までの

    間、午後 7 時 10 分から開催されます。6 ⽇には 22 台全てのねぶた⼭⾞が披露

    されます。最終⽇となる 8 ⽉ 7 ⽇は、午後 1 時から始まる昼のねぶた運⾏に始


    くります。さらに 6 ⽇間の祭りに先がけて、8 ⽉ 1 ⽇にはねぶた⼭⾞の組⽴が




  • 036-002 2. Origin of Aomori Nebuta Festival ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】⻘森ねぶた祭 起源 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    2. Origin of Aomori Nebuta Festival The origins of the Nebuta Festival are not entirely clear, but it is thought to have developed from a local tradition called Nemuri Nagashi. This custom involved walking outside on a couple of nights in early July carrying leaves and lanterns, and cleansing one’s body of the fatigue and drowsiness of summer by passing those negative states onto these items. The leaves were then cast into rivers and the ocean on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar (which was used in Japan until 1872). The timing of the Nemuri Nagashi overlapped with the Tanabata Festival, a celebration of the stars introduced to Japan from China during the Nara period (710–794). The simple lanterns used in the original ritual were eventually replaced with more elaborate ones called Nebuta, into which tiredness and evil spirits were expelled before they were set afloat, and the custom came to be called Nebuta Nagashi instead. Over time, Nebuta Nagashi developed into the Nebuta Festival, which has been celebrated in some form since at least the first half of the eighteenth century. The early days of the festival featured box-shaped lanterns, while large, figure-shaped floats first appeared in the early 1800s. The current Nebuta style with colossal floats was established after World War II, which is also when the lighting inside the figures was switched from candles to electric lamps. The floats have continued to grow more elaborate over the years, in part due to the increasing popularity of the festival among tourists. In 1980, the Nebuta Festival was designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan. Its Nebuta Nagashi origins live on in the last evening’s Bay Parade, when the Nebuta floats are paraded on boats in Aomori Bay.

  • 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    2. ⻘森ねぶた祭 起源



    れは⼦どもの健康を祈るための⾏事で、7 ⽉初めの数⽇間、⽊の葉やたいまつを


    ます。⽊の葉は太陰暦でいう 7 ⽉ 7 ⽇に川や海に流されます。⽇本では太陰暦が

    1872 年まで使われていました。






    18 世紀前半にはすでにある種のねぶた祭が催されており、初期の頃は箱形の灯

    籠が使われていました。⼤きな⼈型の灯籠が登場したのは 1800 年代初頭のこと





    ともあり、ねぶた⼭⾞はさらに⼤きくなっていきます。1980 年にはねぶた祭が




  • 036-003 3. Parade Route ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】運⾏とルート 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    3. Parade Route The Nebuta Festival is an annual highlight for the entire city of Aomori and brings traffic to a standstill, with roads blocked off and cars barred from the city center to make way for the float parades. The Nebuta floats are brought to the streets and paraded from 7:10 p.m. for the night parades (August 2 to 6) and from 1:00 p.m. for the daytime parade (August 7). The floats travel once around the parade loop, approximately two hours, before retiring to await their next run. The three-kilometer parade route encompasses Aomori’s city center, running along four roads. These four are Heiwa Koen Dori, National Route, Hakko Dori, and Shinmachi Dori. National Route and Shinmachi Dori are the two main thoroughfares, each with its own ambiance. The former is a wide boulevard lined by tall buildings and offers spectators a broad view of the floats, the haneto dancers, hayashi musicians, and other festival participants as they pass by. Shinmachi Dori is a narrow shopping street where the floats are much closer to the audience. Here spectators can enjoy direct and intimate moments with the majestic figures. For the night parades, the Nebuta floats are lined up along the route beforehand, with the lead float positioned near the corner of Heiwa Koen Dori and Shinmachi Dori. The start of the parade is marked by fireworks, with the floats departing in unison as soon as their crews see these colorful signals. For the daytime parade on August 7, all Nebuta floats begin their journey from a spot along Shinmachi Dori. The parades usually come to an end when all Nebuta floats have made it around the route, but sometimes a time limit is reached before the entire round can be completed. Because of this, it is a good idea to find a spot near the starting point to view all the Nebuta. The festival food sold at the stalls along the way is also worth sampling. Paid reserved seats are available, mainly along National Route and Hakko Dori, but it is easy to find a free spot to stand or sit if one arrives early enough. Note that the two intersections near Aomori Station tend to be particularly crowded. The parades go on

  • even if it rains; the Nebuta floats can be wrapped in clear plastic sheets if necessary. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    3. 運⾏とコース



    ねぶた⼭⾞が通りに運ばれた後、夜の運⾏(8 ⽉ 2〜6 ⽇)は午後 7 時 10 分から、

    昼間の運⾏(8 ⽉ 7 ⽇)は午後 1 時から始まります。ねぶたはおよそ 2 時間かけ

    てルートを 1 周した後、次の運⾏に備えて引っ込みます。ルートの全⻑は 3 キロ

    に及び、⻘森の中⼼部にある 4 つの道路を通ります。

    ルート上にあるのは平和公園通り、国道 4 号、⼋甲通り、新町通りです。国道 4

    号と新町通りはいずれも⼤通りで、それぞれ独⾃の雰囲気があります。国道 4 号







    使われ、⾊鮮やかな花⽕と共にねぶたが⼀⻫に出発します。8 ⽉ 7 ⽇の昼間の運


    通常は全てのねぶた⼭⾞がルートを 1 周すれば終了となりますが、その前に予定


  • ートに沿って歩くことをお勧めします。道沿いの屋台で売っている⾷べものもぜ


    有料の指定席も利⽤できます。場所は主に国道 4 号線と⼋甲通り沿いですが、早


    ⾒つけられます。⻘森駅近くの 2 つの交差点は特に混雑しがちなので注意してく



  • 036-004 4. Nebuta Floats ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】ねぶた(⼭⾞燈籠) 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    4. Nebuta Floats Both the namesake and stars of the festival, the Nebuta floats are gargantuan creations weighing up to 4 tons, with a maximum height of 5 meters, a width of 9 meters, and depth of 7 meters. Every year the festival features 22 Nebuta floats that take one year to make, from drafting the design to the actual construction of the figures. Aomori Prefecture has several variations of the Nebuta festival, including a prominent one in the city of Hirosaki, but the city of Aomori’s Nebuta Festival is particularly renowned for its beautiful and impressive floats. Each float has its own distinct style but still follows the traditional Nebuta float appearance. They are handcrafted by nebutashi (Nebuta artisans), who are required to master the three core aspects of the art form: sketching, modeling, and coloring. The figures on the floats are often inspired by a historical event, a Kabuki play, or ancient folklore. All the characters have large faces with intense eyebrows and are depicted wearing colorful, sometimes dotted, clothing. Each float is lit up to contrast against the dark night sky. Some floats reproduce nature, with pastel pink cherry blossoms, or illustrate a fierce war scene in shades of vermillion. The lit-up floats at night resemble massive, surreal creatures towering above the spectators. Each float is carried and maneuvered by a team of hikite pullers. The hikite follow instructions from the conductor, or sensumochi, who is responsible for choreographing the dynamic movements of the float and showing the audience its four sides, which are all intricately decorated in their own way. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    4. ねぶた(⼭⾞燈籠)

  • 祭りの名前そのものであり主役でもあるねぶた⼭⾞は、最⼤で⾼さ 5 メートル、

    幅 9 x 7 メートルで、重量は最⼤ 4 トンにもなる巨⼤なもの。設計図の草案作成

    から実際のねぶた製作まで 1 年がかりというねぶた⼭⾞は、毎年 22 台祭りに登


















  • 036-005 5. Nebutashi Artisans ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】ねぶた師 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    5. Nebutashi Artisans Nebutashi (Nebuta artisans) are the master craftspeople who create the Nebuta floats. Their work usually begins directly after the end of one year’s festival, when they start developing concepts for the next year’s Nebuta. The nebutashi come up with sketches during early winter, and begin crafting the heads, arms, and other parts of the figures from January. In May, they relocate their work to special tents where the Nebuta floats are assembled. Around 14 nebutashi work on the floats; the majority of them hold other jobs in addition to working on the Nebuta part-time. The nebutashi are not assigned exclusively to one float, as some of them work on multiple floats at the same time. Each float has its own distinct theme, shape and artistic techniques used. While the high level of skill involved means that Nebuta-making is now practiced only by a select few artisans, this was not always the case. The floats were originally crafted by skillful Nebuta-loving amateurs from neighborhood associations and other sponsors of the festival. Nowadays, in order to qualify as a nebutashi, one must undergo training and be skilled in sculpting, calligraphy, and painting. But this is not to say that Nebuta construction is a solo effort: the nebutashi work together with a large number of assistants, including electricians. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    5. ねぶた師



    す。ねぶた師は初冬にスケッチを⽤意し、1 ⽉から頭や腕、⼈物像のその他の部

  • 分の制作を開始します。5 ⽉にはその作品を特別なテントに移動させ、そこでね



    14 ⼈前後のねぶた師が⼭⾞の制作に取り組んでいます。その⼤半は普通の会社


    は 1 つの⼭⾞だけを制作するわけではありません。中には同時に複数の⼭⾞を制










    ントと⼀緒に、通常は⼭⾞ 1 つにつき約 300 ⼈と共同で⾏われます。

  • 036-006 6. Building a Nebuta ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】ねぶたの制作⼯程 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    6. Building a Nebuta Every year the Nebuta floats are made from scratch, this process often starting the moment the previous festival ends. The executive committees (a company, school, industry union, or municipal government) work with a nebutashi (Nebuta artisan) on a design for the Nebuta float. The designs depict a historical story or folktale in the distinct Nebuta style, all bright colors and angry faces with thick eyebrows. The nebutashi first sketches out and colors the design. Once the artisan and executive committee agree on the design, the nebutashi begins to construct the float. Using their design as a guideline, the Nebuta artisans and their helpers build the frame from scratch using wire. They craft parts of the large figures, including their heads, hands, and legs, continuing this work until they are ready to move to Rasse Land, a cluster of large tented huts where the Nebuta floats are constructed from mid-May onward. Here the artisans build the figures, using wooden beams as a skeleton and wire to achieve the desired shape, and attach the head and other previously prepared parts. Lightbulbs are added to the interior frame to light up the float at night. After that, the exterior of the figure gets assembled. Washi paper is pasted over the wire and cut into shape, covering the entire float. Once the paper is put on the figure, the craftspeople draw an outline using brushes and calligraphy ink (sumi). Before beginning the coloring process, paraffin is used for borders to prevent the colors from mixing; this also helps make the Nebuta float appear brighter when lit up. Dyes and watercolor pigments are used for coloring, which is done with brushes and spray guns. Finally, the finished figure is lifted onto a decorated and wheeled platform; this step requires about 50 people to complete and is the climax of the year-long process of building a Nebuta float.

  • 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    6. ねぶた制作⼯程











    ッセランドとは、5 ⽉中旬以降にねぶたの⼭⾞が組み⽴てられる⼤きな⼩屋が集











  • 最終的に、出来上がった⼈物像が⾞輪のある装飾が施された台⾞の上に載せられ

    ます。このステップを完了させるには約 50 ⼈の⼈⼿が必要となり、1 年をかけ


  • 036-007 7. Executive Committees of the Nebuta Parade ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】運⾏団体 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    7. Executive Committees of the Nebuta Parade Every year, 22 unique Nebuta floats are built and operated by executive committees, which are formed by representatives of businesses, schools, industry unions, and municipal governments that want to sponsor the festival. Each committee consists of a hayashi (festival music ensemble) to play melodies during the parade; haneto (festival dancers) for cheering on both the Nebuta float and the crowd; a sensumochi (Nebuta float conductor) who controls the float direction; and hikite (float pulling team), young men who push the Nebuta float. Besides a main Nebuta float, many executive committees also produce smaller Mae-Nebuta floats, which are often themed on the products, logos, or characters of the company or organization at the center of the committee. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    7. 運⾏団体

    毎年、22 の個性的なねぶたの⼭⾞が作られ、事業者や学校、労働組合、市役所な







  • これは実⾏委員会の中⼼的位置を占める企業や団体の製品やロゴ、キャラクター


  • 036-008 8. Sensumochi conductor ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】扇⼦持 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    8. Sensumochi conductor The sensumochi (float conductor, literally “fan-holder”) is positioned at the front of a Nebuta float. The conductor uses different whistle tones and fan motions to tell the hikite (float-pulling team) what to do. The team may be instructed to move forward or stop, to dip the float or to twirl it. The whistle is important because half of the hikite are behind the float and cannot see the fan. Only one sensumochi leads a Nebuta float at any time, but conductors may take turns. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    8. 扇⼦持






    ないので、笛は重要です。ねぶたの⼭⾞ 1 台に扇⼦持ちは 1 ⼈しかおらず、観客



  • 036-009 9. Hikite Float Pulling Team ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】曳き⼿ 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    9. Hikite Float Pulling Team The Nebuta Festival revolves around the Nebuta floats, which are moved by the hikite (float pullers) who are responsible for getting the show moving. Each float has around 20 hikite, normally young men, who are positioned directly underneath the float with 10 at the front and 10 at the back. Weighing up to 4 tons, the Nebuta floats rest on a large truck chassis and tires, but being a hikite is hard work. The carriers are tasked with maneuvering the float, pushing against large, wooden yokes to move it forward and backward as well as swiveling it 360 degrees. The hikite take orders from the sensumochi (float conductor), who stands in front of the float and issues directions with whistles and fan movements. Different whistle tones and turns of the fan tell the hikite how to maneuver the float for the most dynamic motion. Rather than just pushing straight ahead, the hikite follow the sensumochi’s instructions, for example, to stop and tip the Nebuta float towards an audience of onlookers, so they can see the intricate details up close. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    9. 曳き⼿


    動かしています。それぞれの⼭⾞には 20 ⼈前後の曳き⼿がおり、通常は若い男

    性で、⼭⾞の真下の前側に 10 ⼈、後ろ側に 10 ⼈が配置されています。ねぶたの

    ⼭⾞は⼤きなトラックのタイヤに⽀えられており、重さは 4 トンにもなるため、


  • せたり、360 度に旋回させたりしながら⼭⾞を操縦するのを任されます。つまり、







  • 036-010 10. Hayashi Festival Musicians ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】囃⼦概要 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    10. Hayashi Festival Musicians The Nebuta Festival would not be what it is without its sounds and, much like the floats, the music is all hand-powered. The hayashi or hayashigata (traditional festival ensembles) each consist of 50–100 musicians and three types of instruments. During the parade, spectators first hear the pounding beat of the drums (taiko) from a distance, followed by high-pitched bamboo flutes (shinobue), and then the jingle of small hand cymbals (teburigane). Two main melodies are played throughout the parade, with all hayashi performing the same tunes. This has been the case since 1952, when the festival organizers decided to adopt a common repertoire, known as seicho hayashi, instead of letting the committees try to outdo each other with different compositions. The seicho hayashi originally comprised 10 melodies. Eight of these were for the taiko and functioned as a means of communication within the float unit, signifying commands such as “Assemble,” “Forward,” and “Backward.” The latter two remain in use today, with “Forward” (Shinko) now considered the “theme song” of the Nebuta Festival. Played when the Nebuta float is moving forward, it contains the double meanings of summoning and seeing off the gods. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    10. 囃⼦概要



    ます。それぞれの⼭⾞の委員会は、50 ⼈から 100 ⼈の演奏者と 3 種類の楽器か

  • ら成るアンサンブルを抱えています。パレードの間、観客は真っ先に遠くからの




    パレードを通じて主に 2 つのメロディが奏でられ、全てのお囃⼦が同じ曲を演奏

    します。これは 1952 年以降のことで、この当時、祭りの主催者は、実⾏委員会


    ートリーを採⽤する決定をしたのでした。正調囃⼦は、元々は 12 のメロディで

    構成されていました。そのうち 10 は、太⿎⽤で、「集合」、「前へ」、「後ろ

    へ」など、⼭⾞の部⾨の内部の意思疎通⼿段として機能していました。後の 2 つ



    は、神様を迎え、送り出す 2 つの意味が込められています。

  • 036-011 11. Instruments of the Hayashi ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】囃⼦楽器 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    11. Instruments of the Hayashi The hayashi musicians use three instruments: taiko drums, which are tied with ropes and have a deep, throbbing tone comparable to a heartbeat; shinobue bamboo flutes; and teburigane hand cymbals. The drums are elevated onto a large rickshaw-like vehicle and spotlit, so spectators can appreciate the strength and energy it takes to play them. The bamboo flutes follow along, playing the recognizable sing-song tune of the festival music; the small hand cymbals top off the concert of sounds, their merry jingle enlivening the group’s melody. Two main melodies are usually repeated throughout the parade. The drummers are always the first in the hayashi line-up, and their loud beating can be heard before the float comes into view and after it has passed by. The bamboo flutes and hand cymbals follow next in the hayashi line. These instruments are responsible for the actual melody followed by the haneto dancers, and accompany the taiko drums. The beat of the drums echoes through the town until the hayashi ensemble is well out of sight.


    11. 囃⼦楽器

    囃⼦⽅は 3 種類の楽器を使います。太⿎(ドラム)、篠笛(⽵製の笛)、⼿振り鉦





  • ようになっています。篠笛が伴奏し、歌うような祭り囃⼦の特徴的なメロディー


    ⼦のメロディーを引き締めます。ねぶた運⾏の間中、通常は 2 種類の主旋律を繰




    の次に来るのが篠笛と⼿振り鉦です。この 2 つの楽器は太⿎の伴奏を務めつつ、




  • 036-012 12. Haneto Dancers ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】跳⼈(ハネト)概要 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    12. Haneto Dancers The enthusiasm of the haneto (festival dancers) maintains the high energy of the festival procession and the crowds. Their name comes from the word haneru (to jump or bounce), which has a double meaning in this context: it refers both to the dancers’ lively movements and their role in sending misfortune flying far away. Each float committee has its own dancing team, with the largest of these having up to 2,000 members (including free participants). The haneto pass by the crowds chanting “rassera,” which is an invitation to the audience to join in the fun. In time with the hayashi musical ensemble drumbeat, a lead dancer shouts through a megaphone or a microphone and the rest echo back the cry. Sometimes the dancers perform a practiced jig, but it depends on the haneto leader and the group. Much like the float conductor, the leaders have whistles that signal to the haneto dancers to take various actions such as dancing, running, or bouncing in unison. Anyone can participate as a haneto by wearing the requisite costume. Participating is the best way to get a close-up view of the floats and an in-action perspective on the festival. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    12. 跳⼈(ハネト)概要




    この語は 2 つの意味を持ちます。まずは踊り⼿の活発な動き、そして悪運を跳ね

  • ⾶ばすという 2 つの意味が重ねられています。ねぶたの各実⾏委員会は専属のハ

    ネトチームを持っており、最⼤のものは 2,000 名に近い参加者がいます。ハネト














  • 036-013 13. Haneto Costume ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】跳⼈(ハネト)コスチューム 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    13. Haneto Costume The haneto (festival dancers) are required to wear a certain type of costume, as specified by the Nebuta Festival’s preservation society. The costume consists mainly of a yukata (lightweight summer kimono); the haneto fold the fabric at the waist to shorten the yukata to knee-level to allow for all the kicking and dancing. The costume is secured around the waist with a belt and a yellow waistband. To secure the long, loose sleeves, a bright length of cloth is wrapped around the shoulders and tied in the back with a bow. Tied up with distinctive, bright fabric, the costume is donned in such a way that nothing will come apart in the middle of the parade. The full costume consists of the yukata and accessories, along with footwear, bells, and a hanagasa (flower hat). Footwear is limited to tabi (traditional split toe socks) and zori (thonged straw sandals). Haneto dancers pin small bells to their costume so when they jump and dance, the bells ring in unison. Topping off the whole costume is a hanagasa, an elaborate triangular straw hat decorated with bright flowers. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    13. 跳⼈(ハネト)コスチューム






  • ボンのように結びます。この装束を全体として⾒ると、⾊彩豊かな布で⾝体のあ









  • 036-014 14. Participating in the Festival ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】跳⼈(ハネト)参加⽅法 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    14. Participating in the Festival Anyone wearing the requisite costume can participate in the Nebuta Festival as a haneto dancer. Rental costumes are available throughout town in large department stores, small kimono shops, and the Nebuta-themed stores that pop up in the summer. Reservations, either online or over the phone, are recommended since rental costumes are likely to be booked out early, especially for the last night of the festival. Renting a yukata and belt starts at around ¥4,000, with additional trimmings, such as footwear or bells, costing extra. Costumes are also available for purchase, starting from around ¥10,000 for the full get-up. Most rental stores are located around the parade route and have a dressing team to help dancers with their costumes. The elaborate outfit has many layers and folds, so it helps to have an expert assist with putting it on and tying the belts. After they have their costumes on, the haneto dancers meet up at the starting point of the parade where they can find their favorite Nebuta team to dance with. The haneto then stick with one float throughout the whole parade route, making a full loop until they come back to the start. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    14. 跳⼈(ハネト)参加⽅法





  • 特に祭の最終⽇はすぐに予約で埋まってしまいます。レンタルは浴⾐と帯の基本

    料⾦が 4,000 円前後からで、履物や鈴などの装飾品は追加料⾦が必要となりま

    す。⾐装は購⼊することもできます。⼀式揃って 10,000 円前後からとなります。








  • 036-015 15. Baketo Jokers ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】化⼈(バケト) 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    15. Baketo Jokers Baketo resemble old-fashioned circus clowns with their farcical and sometimes scary costumes. They serve the purpose of entertaining the audience with their amusing appearance, and can be seen clowning around in the moments after a Nebuta float has passed by and before the next one arrives. The baketo have been around since at least the Meiji era (1868–1912), and occasionally outnumbered the haneto dancers in the pre-World War II period. In those days, the baketo ranged from circus strongmen to men dressed in racy, feminine costumes. Nowadays, fewer people are willing to take on the role of the fool and most would rather participate as a haneto dancer or in the hayashi (musical ensembles) instead. However, the baketo still exist and there is even a baketo association dedicated to keeping the tradition going. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    15. 化⼈(バケト)








  • 今⽇では道化師になろうという⼈は減り、ハネトや囃⼦⽅としてねぶたに参加す



  • 036-016 16. Mae-Nebuta (Lead Nebuta) ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】前ねぶた 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    16. Mae-Nebuta (Lead Nebuta) Mae-Nebuta, or lead Nebuta, are smaller floats that parade in front of each of the 22 large Nebuta floats. These “mini-Nebuta” head each committee’s procession and are usually modeled on a character, product, or other theme associated with the committee. They come in a wide variety of shapes: beer cans, anime characters, airplanes, and pet food have all made appearances along the parade route. The lead Nebuta are made with the same material as the regular floats—washi paper painted bright colors with lightbulbs inside. After working on a Mae-Nebuta, their creators sometimes move on to become apprentices of the nebutashi (Nebuta artisans) or otherwise deepen their involvement with Nebuta-making. The lead Nebuta sit on rickshaws and are pulled by only a handful of people, instead of a 20-person hikite (float pulling) team. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    16. 前ねぶた

    前ねぶたは隊列の先頭を⾏くねぶたです。⼤型の⼭⾞は 22 基ありますが、それ







  • た職⼈)に弟⼦⼊りしたり、ねぶた作りにさらに深く関わったりといったことが


    数⼈です。曳⼿(⼭⾞を動かす係)が 1 チーム 20 ⼈からなるのとは対照的です。

  • 036-017 17. Nebuta Prizes ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】受賞ねぶた 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    17. Nebuta Prizes Every year a small number of floats are awarded prizes. These awards are decided by a panel of judges. Festival organizers, members of the media, and other experts well versed in the Nebuta tradition or the arts, as well as representatives of local citizens, all vote. The awards are not only for the quality of the Nebuta float; they also take into account the participants and the overall performance. Approximately 60 percent is judged on the Nebuta float itself, 25 percent on the parade and the haneto’s participation and costumes, and 15 percent on the hayashi ensemble’s music. To achieve a high score, it is important for the participants to follow all the rules of the festival, including wearing the full costume. The panel members rank each section with a point system and the float with the highest total number of points is awarded the Nebuta Grand Prize. The Governor Prize is handed to the runner-up, the Mayor Prize to the third-best float, and the Chamber of Commerce President Award and the Tourism Convention Association President Award to the fourth- and fifth-best teams, respectively. Category prizes are handed out for best hayashi ensemble, best overall float and haneto performance, and superior design. Only full-size Nebuta floats paraded on at least two days between August 2 and 5 are eligible for the prizes, which are announced on the evening of August 5. The winning floats display large placards signifying their awards at their front during the following day’s evening parade. The prize-winning Nebuta floats are paraded on boats in Aomori Bay near the Aomori Bay Bridge on the evening of the festival’s last day (August 7) along with a two-hour fireworks show. After the festival, some of the winning floats are displayed in the Nebuta Hall in the Wa Rasse museum until the following year.

  • 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    17. 受賞ねぶた





    は持ち点のうち約 60%を⼭⾞の出来、約 25%を運⾏やハネトの参加状況とその⾐

    装、そして約 15%を囃⼦の演奏に割り振って判断します。⾼得点をあげるために




    ねぶた⼤賞を獲得します。次点の⼭⾞には知事賞が、3 位の⼭⾞には市⻑賞が授

    与されます。また 4 位と 5 位の⼭⾞には商⼯会議所会頭賞と観光コンベンショ



    賞などがあります。審査対象となるのは 8 ⽉ 2 ⽇〜5 ⽇で 2 ⽇間以上運⾏した⼤

    型ねぶたで、審査結果は 8 ⽉ 5 ⽇の夜に発表となります。受賞したねぶたは⼤き


    受賞したねぶたは祭の最終⽇(8 ⽉ 7 ⽇)、⻘森ベイブリッジ近くの陸奥湾の海

    上を運⾏します。同時に 2 時間の花⽕⼤会も開催されます。祭の後、受賞したね



  • 036-018 18. Miss Nebuta ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】ミスねぶた 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    18. Miss Nebuta All parades during the Nebuta Festival are headed by three Miss Nebutas, who ride in a convertible ahead of the Nebuta floats while waving at the assembled crowds. The Miss Nebuta pageant was first held in 1972. Young women compete to be the first place Miss Nebuta Grand Prix or one of the two supporting Miss Nebutas. The final pageant takes place in the Wa Rasse museum and the contest winners are announced in early summer. During the one-year period afterwards, the Miss Nebutas attend various events throughout Japan to promote both the Nebuta Festival and the city of Aomori. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    18. ミスねぶた

    ねぶた祭の全てのパレードは、3 ⼈のミスねぶたによって先導されます。彼⼥た


    す。ミスねぶたのコンテストは 1972 年に最初に⾏われました。若い⼥性たちが、

    ミスねぶたグランプリと 2 ⼈のミスねぶたを⽀える 1 ⼈となるために、競いま


    者は初夏に発表されます。その後 1 年の期間、ミスねぶたは、ねぶた祭と⻘森市


  • 036-019 19. Community Nebuta ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】地域ねぶた 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    19. Community Nebuta The giant, professional-looking Nebuta floats might command all the attention, but the Aomori Nebuta Festival also features smaller, less imposing floats. These Community Nebuta floats are handmade by local residents and can represent neighborhood associations, kindergartens, and elementary schools. They are paraded around the city from late June to mid-August, with up to 70 neighborhoods taking part. About a dozen Community Nebuta floats take over the parade route on August 2 and 3, the first two days of the festival. A lot of effort goes into building these, and they are often notable expressions of local creativity. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    19. 地域ねぶた




    幼稚園、⼩学校などを代表します。それらは⻘森市の周辺を 7 ⽉下旬から 8 ⽉中

    旬にかけて練り歩き、70 ⼈にのぼる近隣住⺠が参加します。祭の始めの 2 ⽇間

    である 8 ⽉ 2 ⽇と 3 ⽇には、およそ 12 のコミュニティねぶたが⾏進の道をいっ



  • 036-020 20. Rasse Land ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】ねぶたラッセランドとねぶたガイド 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    20. Rasse Land Rasse Land is a cluster of 22 tent-like hangars, each one 12 by 12 meters in area and 7 meters high, where the figures on top of the Nebuta floats are assembled by the nebutashi (Nebuta artisans) and their assistants. The facility is located next to the triangle-shaped ASPAM, a building that houses Aomori’s tourist information center. The hangars are set up before May and taken down after the end of the festival; guided tours for the general public, which let you watch the Nebuta being built, are offered from July 1 to August 6. The smaller parts of the figures are built in the Nebuta artisans’ studios, but they are moved to Rasse Land for assembly. During the Nebuta Festival, the huts are open and visitors have the opportunity to marvel at the floats up close and take advantage of the photo opportunities during the day. Nebuta Eve (August 1) festivities also take place at Rasse Land. On Nebuta Eve, the floats are lit up in public for the first time and hayashi ensembles perform their festival tunes. Visitors can enjoy the outdoor food stalls and watch the artisans and participants celebrating the completion of the Nebuta floats. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    20. ねぶたラッセランドとねぶたガイド

    ラッセランドは、22 個のテントのような作成⼩屋が集まった場所で、それぞれ

    は 12×12 メートルの広さで 7 メートルの⾼さがあり、ねぶたの⼭⾞の最上部の



  • ASPAM の隣に位置しています。作成⼩屋は 5 ⽉下旬に建てられ、祭の最終⽇であ

    る 8 ⽉ 7 ⽇に、再び取り壊されます。⼀般の⽅に向けたガイドツアーが、7 ⽉ 1

    ⽇から 8 ⽉ 6 ⽇には⾏われます。装飾の⽐較的⼩さな部分は、ねぶた師のスタジ




    ねぶた前夜(8 ⽉ 1 ⽇)祭も、ラッセランドで⾏われます。ねぶた前夜には、公




  • 036-021 21. Goldfish Nebuta ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】⾦⿂ねぶた 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    21. Goldfish Nebuta Goldfish are considered a symbol of summer throughout Japan, but the people of Aomori have a particular affinity for them. When the Nebuta Festival approaches, paper or plastic lanterns with goldfish motifs (kingyo nebuta) can be found everywhere in the city of Aomori, gracing the station building, storefronts, and many other locations. Children can be seen walking around with these dainty lamps during the festival, while souvenir shops sell not only the lanterns themselves but also sweets, keyrings, handheld fans, and other items featuring their likeness. The lanterns were originally used as Nebuta figures, and when this tradition started is unclear. They have, however, appeared in the festival at least since the end of the Edo period (1603–1867). The goldfish portrayed in the lanterns are of the Tsugaru Nishiki variety, which was developed in the Tsugaru domain (part of present-day Aomori Prefecture) as a result of years of selective breeding during the Edo period. Only local samurai and other high-ranking individuals were allowed to own this type of goldfish, which has a distinctive, long tail fin but no dorsal fin. Its exclusive nature made the species a subject of fascination among commoners of the time, who began recreating its appearance in the form of lanterns. These were initially made from washi paper, but plastic versions have become far more common since the early 1980s. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)




  • フとした紙やビニールの灯篭が⾒られ、駅舎や店頭など、多くの場所を飾ります。





    かし、江⼾時代(1603〜1867 年)の終わりには少なくとも、祭に登場していまし








    紙で作られていましたが、1980 年代前半にビニールのものが作られるようにな


  • 036-022 22. Fireworks Festival and Nebuta Bay Parade ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】⻘森花⽕⼤会 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    22. Fireworks Festival and Nebuta Bay Parade The evening of August 7 features a fireworks show and the Nebuta Bay Parade, both events that Aomori locals and tourists look forward to. The fireworks festival was first held in 1955 and has since grown into a highlight of the Aomori summer. For two hours, more than 11,000 fireworks illuminate Aomori Bay. Beneath the fireworks the Nebuta Bay Parade commences, with the winning floats lit up, placed on boats, and driven around the harbor. The origins of the Nebuta Festival lie in the region’s version of the Tanabata Festival, a summer tradition in which lanterns are floated along the river and sea. For the Bay Parade, the floats circle the harbor, passing by Aoiumi Park, Rasse Land (the floats’ home during the festival), and the Hakkoda-Maru Memorial Ship, a retired vessel once used for traveling between mainland Aomori and Hakodate in Hokkaido, in a gesture of homage to the festival’s roots. The hayashi musical ensembles play melodies from the festival and the “rassera” chants are heard from afar, their distinctive sound combined with the booming fireworks. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)


    8 ⽉ 7 ⽇の⼣⽅は、花⽕⼤会とねぶたの海上運⾏が⾏われます。どちらも、⻘森

    の地元の⼈々や観光客たちが楽しみにしているイベントです。花⽕⼤会は 1955


    時間にわたって、11000 発以上の花⽕が、陸奥湾を彩ります。花⽕の下ではねぶ

  • た海上運⾏が始まり、優勝した⼭⾞が持ち上げられ、船に乗せられて、港の周り









  • 036-023 23. Nebuta Museum Wa Rasse ⻘森ねぶた祭実⾏委員会

    【タイトル】ねぶたの家 ワ・ラッセ 【想定媒体】パンフレット


    23. Nebuta Museum Wa Rasse Opened in January 2011, Wa Rasse is a two-floor, family-friendly museum dedicated to the history and art of the Nebuta Festival. The museum’s name comes from wa, short for warai (laughter), and rassera, the customary festival chant. Only one minute on foot from Aomori Station, Wa Rasse provides in-depth knowledge and insider information for anyone wanting to learn more about the big event. It is open year-round. The large black and red building is set against the backdrop of Aomori Bay. Inside, the museum is dark and the traditional hayashi music of drums, flutes, and cymbals plays in the background, recreating the evening atmosphere of the Nebuta Festival. Bright displays are used to explain the history of the festival and give a behind-the-scenes look at the design and construction of the Nebuta floats. After the festival ends, four award-winning floats are displayed in the Nebuta Hall with a description of the construction and story behind each float. Visitors can observe all the details that go into their creation, from the wooden and wire frames to the detailed painting that pulls everything together. Preliminary sketches made by the nebutashi (Nebuta artisan) are also on display. This type of sketch—a simple image rather than a detailed blueprint—is the guide for the Nebuta float’s year-long construction process and is the key to the artistic design of the float, a real test of the artisan’s imagination. Visitors can feel the expressive energy of the float in the two-dimensional drawing, even before its construction. Visitors have the opportunity to touch the floats and try their hand at constructing pieces of sample floats using materials such as washi paper. There are also classes and workshops that give a behind-the-scenes look at the festival. Visitors can learn how to play traditional festival music with the taiko drum, bamboo flute, and hand cymbals, or make crafts such as paper goldfish or the heads of miniature Nebuta figures.

  • 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    23.ねぶたの家 ワ・ラッセ

    ワ・ラッセは 2011 年の 1 ⽉にオープンした、ねぶた祭の歴史とアートを展⽰す

    る、2 階建で家族向けのミュージアムです。⻘森駅から徒歩で 1 分の場所に位置








    祭が終わったあとは、組み⽴ての時の説明と、背景にある物語とともに、4〜5 台








    ⼈々は、たとえそれが組み⽴てられる前であっても、2 次元の描画から、⼭⾞の




  • ともあります。ねぶた祭の背景をみるための講座やワークショップも⾏われてい




  • 037-001 1. Namahage Performance, Part 1: Introduction 男⿅版DMOインバウンド推進委員会

    【タイトル】男⿅真⼭伝承館︓実演 開始挨拶(1) 【想定媒体】パンフレット/ タブレット



    1. Namahage Performance, Part 1: Introduction Thank you for visiting the Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum today. Before we see the Namahage of the Shinzan region in action, a guide will give a brief explanation of what the Namahage are. The Namahage are considered incarnations of the mountain deities of Oga. They go from house to house in the nearby villages on New Year’s Eve, driving away evil and impurity, imparting blessings to ensure a plentiful harvest or bountiful catch, and promising health and safety for the household in the year to come. They also chastise the lazy and disobedient in a folk ritual that has been passed down through generations. The word namahage comes from namomi, a term in the Oga dialect that means “heat blisters.” It referred to spots or rashes on the hands and feet caused by overexposure to heat. Lazy people who spent most of their time inside by the fireplace would develop these blisters. Namomihagi, then, emerged as the word for the act of removing (or, more literally, “peeling off”) such signs of idleness. Namomihagi was eventually shortened to namahage, and this term came to refer to both the embodied deities themselves and the annual ritual performed in Oga at least since the early nineteenth century. The Namahage historically appeared on the evening of Koshogatsu (the “little New Year”), a festival that celebrates the first full moon of the new year. This corresponds to the 15th day of the first month of the traditional lunar calendar, and usually falls in mid-February in today’s terms. After Japan implemented the Gregorian calendar in 1873, the Namahage also had to adapt to the new order. Today they visit settlements in the Oga region on December 31.

  • Of the approximately 140 settlements in Oga, about 90 have their own Namahage traditions, which are expressed through the appearance, behavior, and possessions of the embodied deities. Here in Shinzan they do not carry tools or weapons, nor do their masks have the horns seen on Namahage in most other settlements. The size of the Namahage party, which makes its way from house to house, also varies locally. In Shinzan it is a group of three: two Namahage and one messenger who announces the arrival of the group beforehand. Upon arriving at a house, the messenger enters first and asks the residents whether the Namahage can come in. Namahage customarily avoid homes in which a child has been born or a member of the family has died in the past year. 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    1. 男⿅真⼭伝承館︓実演 開始挨拶(1)













  • 葉は、神の使いそのものと、少なくとも 19 世紀の初頭から男⿅で毎年⾏われて



    夜に出現していました。これは、太陰暦に基づく旧暦の 1 ⽉ 15 ⽇にあたり、今

    ⽇では⼤体 2 ⽉中旬になります。⽇本が 1873 年にグレゴリオ暦を導⼊してから


    は男⿅の村を 12 ⽉ 31 ⽇に訪問します。

    男⿅には約 140 の村がありますが、その中で 90 ほどの村に独⾃のなまはげの伝




    て異なります。真⼭では 3 ⼈で、うち 2 ⼈はなまはげ、残る 1 ⼈は⼈間の使い⼈



    ⼈に尋ねます。過去 1 年に⼦供が⽣まれた家や家族が亡くなった家には⼊らない


  • 037-002 2. Namahage Performance, Part 2: Introduction (2) 男⿅版DMOインバウンド推進委員会

    【タイトル】男⿅真⼭伝承館︓実演 開始挨拶(2) 【想定媒体】パンフレット/ タブレットのテ



    2. Namahage Performance, Part 2: Introduction (2) Before entering a home in Shinzan, the Namahage stamp their feet seven times. They then barge in, calling out, “Are there any lazybones or crybabies here?” and go through the house in search of such people. The head of the household sets out food for the Namahage and asks them to sit down; they stamp their feet five times before obliging. Next, they quiz their host on topics such as that year’s harvest and family matters. Finally, the Namahage stamp their feet three more times and walk through the house once more. The 7-5-3 combination of numbers is considered auspicious in Japan. When the Namahage walk around indoors, straw from their costumes often falls onto the floor. This straw is considered sacred, and is left there overnight. Wrapping particularly long straws around one’s head is said to give protection from the common cold or make one smarter. It is fine to pick up the straws left behind after the performance, but please do not pull straws from the Namahage: this is said to scare away the deities and make the straws lose their power. The performance you are about to see is a reenactment of a Namahage visit to a home in Shinzan decades ago. Taking photos during the performance is allowed, as is moving around to get a better angle, but do not enter the room the performers are in. Now, please sit back and enjoy the show.

  • 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    2. 男⿅真⼭伝承館︓実演 開始挨拶(2)

    真⼭では、なまはげは家に⼊る前に、7 回⾜を踏み鳴らします。そして家に⼊り、



    意し、座るよう頼みます。なまはげは 5 回⾜を踏み鳴らしてからそれに従いま


    尋ねます。最後になまはげはもう 3 回⾜を踏み鳴らし、再度家の中を歩き回りま

    す。⾜を踏み鳴らす回数の 7、5、3 という数字の組み合わせは、⽇本では縁起が













  • 037-003 3. Namahage Performance, Part 3: The Arrival of the Messenger 男⿅版DMOインバウンド推進委員会

    【タイトル】男⿅真⼭伝承館︓実演 先⽴ち登場 【想定媒体】パンフレット/ タブレットの



    3. Namahage Performance, Part 3: The Arrival of the Messenger The head of the household, whose role is to protect his family from the Namahage, is the first character to take the floor. He is soon joined by the messenger, who informs him that the Namahage will be arriving shortly. The two exchange New Year’s greetings and remark on the amount of snow outside before the host asks where the Namahage are now. The messenger relates that the Namahage are taking some time at the neighbor’s house because one of the children there has been disobedient and is being lectured. He says the Namahage are threatening to take the child with them into the mountains. This is a traditional warning used locally to keep adolescents in line, and one that ties into the first of the Namahage’s central roles: that of teaching children discipline. Next, the messenger suggests that the Namahage have finished up at the neighbor’s and are heading this way. Before the head of the household has time to move, loud noises are heard outside. The Namahage let out a sudden roar in front of the house and bang on the door. They then storm into the house and go through all the rooms on a hunt for any family members who might be hiding. After a quick search, the two Namahage sit down in front of trays of food the family has prepared for their fearsome guests.

  • 上記解説⽂の仮訳(⽇本語訳)

    3. 男⿅真⼭伝承館︓実演 先⽴ち登場



    えます。2 ⼈は新年の挨拶を交わし、外でどれほど雪が積もっているかについて


    使い⼈は、近所の⼦供の 1 ⼈がやんちゃにしていたため説教されているので、そ








    ていないか探すために、全ての部屋をまわります。⼿早く⾒回った後、2 ⼈のな


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