  • 8/6/2019 Dynamics of Change- Ndim


    By : Neha Bhardwaj

    Dynamics of Change

  • 8/6/2019 Dynamics of Change- Ndim



    yChange refers to any alteration whichoccurs in the overall work environment ofan organisation.

    y It implies a new equilibrium betweendifferent components of the organisation

    technology , structural arrangement , jobdesign and people.

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    Nature of Change

    y Change results from the pressure of forces which are both

    outside and inside the organisation.

    y The whole organisation tends to be affected by a change in

    any part of it.y Change takes place in all the parts of the organisation , but at

    varying rates of speed and degrees of significance.

    y Change may effect people , structure , technology & other

    elements of the organisation.y Change may be reactive or proactive .

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    Reactive Change & Planned Change

    y When change is brought about due to the pressure of

    external forces , it is called as reactive change.

    y Eg : many organisations which were in manufacturing

    business id not care to install pollution control devices, theydid only when they were forced by the Government.

    y Proactive change is initiated by the management on its

    own to increase organisational effectiveness.


    Thses organisations constantly interact with theirenvironment to identify new opportunities & threats before

    these opportunities /threats force them to change

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    Forces of Change

    External Forces Internal Forces

    y Technology


    MarketingConditionsy Social Changes

    y Political Forces

    y Changes in managerial


    y Changes in operative


    y Defeciencies in existing



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    Chain Effect of Change/ Domino Effect

    y A change touches a sequence of related and supported

    changes. This is known as domino effect.

    y A change brings disequilibrium in the organization.

    yIn order to achieve new equilibrium , organization has tomodify many aspects of the organization.

    y Eg : company not able to cope up with its old technique of

    production & competetors with new techniques.

    y Only alternative with the company is to change itselfccording to the needs of the hour.

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    y Org acquire new technology

    y New technology may lead to new job content

    y Old jobs being replaced by new ones

    y This may require change in people as they may not be wellversed with new technology.

    y It may involve recruiting new employees or training the

    existing ones

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    Resistance to Change

    y Resistance to change is a type of human behavior which arises

    to protect human beings from the real or perceived threats

    because of change.


    Sources ofC

    hange can be classified into 2 categories: Individual Sources

    Organisational Sources

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    Individual Sourcesy Habit: to cope with lifes complexities we rely on habits . But

    when confronted with change , this tendency to respond in ouraccustomed ways become s a source of resistance.

    y Security; people with high need for change are likely to resist

    change because it threatens their feeling of security.y Fear of Unknown: change substitutes ambiguity and uncertainity

    for the unknown

    y Economic Factors: changes in job tasks or established workroutine can arouse economic fears if people are concerned that

    they wont be able to perform new tasks to their previousstandards, especially when pay is closely related tied toproductivity.

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    Organisational Sourcesy Structural Inertia : Organizations have built in mechanism like

    their selection processes to produce stability.When confrontedwith change , this structural inertia act as a counterbalance tosustain stability.

    y Group Inertia; If individuals want to change their behavior , groupnorms act as a constraint.

    y Threat to expertise : Changes in organisational patterns maythreaten the expertise of specialized groups.

    y Threat to established resource allocation: groups in the orgnisationthat control sizable resources often see change as a threat.

    y Threat to established power relationships: any redistribution ofdecision making authority can threaten above relationships in theoranisations

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    Techniques ofOvercomingResistance

    to Change

    y Effective Communication

    y Involvement of union leader

    y Facilitation & Support

    y Negotiationy Manipulation & co-optation

    y Coercion

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    Process of Planned Change

    y Kurt Lewins Process OfChange

    1. Unfreezing

    2. Changing

    3. Refreezing

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    y It is the process in which a person casts aside his old behavior

    which might be inappropriate , irrelevant or inadequate to

    the changing demands of the situation.


    Unfreezing calls for loosening of emotional link with thestatus- quo , ie old work methods and practices . It leads to

    unlearning of old things to learn new ones. The forces which

    drive change should be strenghtened and the forces which

    discourage change should be weakened.

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    y This is the stage at which the individuals being changed learn

    new behavior methods of working , new thinking ,

    perception of new roles.


    Guidelines for effective change are as follows:1. Recognise that the primary purpose of change is to

    improve performance results.

    2. Make individuals responsible for their own change.

    3. Use positive energy , courageous leadership to drivechange relentlessly.

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    y It means what has been learnt is integrated into cactual

    practice.At this stage , individuals internalise the new beliefs

    , feelings & behavior learned during the changing phase .

    They adopt these elements as a permanent part part of their

    behavior . Often there is tendency that individuals revert

    back gradually to their old behavior , which they were

    displaying before the change , in the absence of suitable

    reinforcement. Therefore reinforcement is necessary for the

    internalisation of new behavior.

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