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How to Build and Manage a Dynamic Integration Support TeamJason RoweCapgemini

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What is This All About?

• SAP projects require close coordination and governance• Integration teams can provide this coordination and

governance• Various cross-module support activities should be

tackled by a competent and equipped integration team

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In This Session ...

• We’ll learn the purpose and importance of an integration team

• We’ll discover the breadth of services your integration team will provide to your SAP production support organization

• We’ll peer into each of these services and see how they operate

• We’ll review tips, tricks, and gotchas to make the most of your integration team

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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Definition and Purpose of an Integration Team

• Dedicated team to handle the multitude of cross-team or no-specific-team activities that must take place to support your SAP system

Generally found in implementations with over 25 people• Team that looks into current operational activities plus

planned or future efforts• Team to handle tasks that may not have a clear owner

otherwise• And if that isn’t enough … “If no one wants it, give it to


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What an Integration Team is NOT

• Integration is NOT meant to mean SAP Technical Integration or SAP Integration Technologies

HR to FI module “Integration”Integrating systems via ALE or XI or custom ABAPCross Application Timesheets (CATS)Master Data Distribution

• Not the Project Management Team or Project Management Office

• Not the expert in the functional capabilities of SAP


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Benefits of a Dedicated Integration Team

• Dedicated CoordinatorThey can be your link to the other groups

• Dedicated EnforcerThey can be the bad guy for you!

• Dedicated PlannerThey can look into the future and help you plan

• Dedicated StrategistThey can help you understand where your SAP landscape is heading

• Central Knowledgeable ResourceThey hold a great deal of history and knowledge about your SAP system

• The larger the implementation, the more obvious the benefit

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Skill Sets of an Integration Team

• “Must Have” skill setsExcellent coordination skillsTechnical knowledge of SAP landscapeChange management and communication skillsMicrosoft Excel, Word, Email (like the back of your hand!)Knowledge of your organization and connections in your organizationFunctional understanding of your current SAP solutionProcess development skill sets (flow diagrams, RACI diagrams)

• “Nice to have” skill setsDetailed SAP configuration skillsABAP, Basis, or DBAIntegration technologies (interfaces: ALE, XI)Security and controls

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Typical Organizational Structure

Global SAP Owner(IT)

Business Unit A Business Unit B Shared SAP Services

System A1 System A2

Process Team OTC

Process Team PTP

Process Team FIN

System B1 Technical Team IntegrationManager

A1 Integration

A2 Integration



Process Team PY

Process Team OM

Process Team BN

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Benefits of this Organizational Structure

• All integration team members under the same leadership• Global, cross-system consistency easier to drive

Metrics look the sameSupport models look the sameCoordinated calendars are more effectiveLess chance of “rogue” integration activities

• Cross-system sharing of resources• Global follow-the-sun support more feasible

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What Key Activities Will My Integration Team Do?

Design Review5%

Data Management


Key Coordination




Automated Regression


Performance Tuning


Release Management


Transport Management


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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Transport Management – Definition

• Transport Management consists of the procedures and tools used to migrate changes through your SAP landscape

Integration should own documented procedures to ensure integrity of the solution and consistency of Development with Acceptance and Production SAP systemsUses SAP’s TMS (directly or via Solution Manager’s CHARM)

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Transport Management – Process Overview

ProductionDevelopment Acceptance

Unit test

Release to Acceptance

Create transport

Transport in Acceptance

Integration/ User Test

Request for migration of transports to Production

Transport in Production

Transport list

scheduled for

migration to Production

Transport list reviewed at weekly

Review Board Meeting Monitor System

• Validate Import & Import Order

• Short Dumps

• System activity

• Functionality

Production Monitoring

Create Ticket in Problem Ticket


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Transport Management – Periodic Change Review (CRB)

• Weekly meeting to discuss changes across the system• Topics:

Safety/Emergency ProceduresInfrastructure UpdateDesign Review Board (to be discussed later)Upcoming Transport ReviewLast week’s Emergency ImportsSpecial Topics/ProjectsRound Table

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Transport Management – Tools Used

• SAP’s Transport Management System (TMS) is used for migrating all changes through the landscape

• Remedy or SAP Solution Manager can be used to track change tickets

• Excel spreadsheets can be used to help manage various transport lists and metrics

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Transport Management – Tips and Tricks

• Use Transport Attributes to help you classify your transport lists

• Get Business owner sign-off in STMS_QA or CHARM• Check for out-of-order transports (leapfrogs) via custom

report or Excel/Access compare routine• Use SAP user exits for pre-release validations• Link to your Problem Management System (like Remedy)• Automate the imports to Dev and Acc instead of simply

pushing buttons• Publish Transport Metrics for each sub-team

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Transport Management – Gotchas!

• SoD: Importer vs. owner – Integration should not be owner

• SoD: Configuration not done by Change Coordinator, who is on integration team

• Emergency/On Demand Transports becoming the norm• Re-transporting all transports back into acceptance after

a refresh• Buffer maintenance (just say no!)• Aging Transports in Acceptance system• Requests to send only the “last” transport in a series of

related transports• Transport that “Leapfrog” older transports


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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Release Management – Definition

• Release Management (RM) implies a scheduled and regulated method for moving related and non-related transports as a bundle through the SAP landscape

For more mature systems, RM is used to reduce the frequency and impact of production support changesRM also allows for better work planningIntegrated with TMS tool or standard operating procedure when using SAP’s CHARM tool

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Release Management – Overview

• Process steps consist of Prioritizing, Planning, Tracking, and Communicating

• Provides exceptions for emergency and routine changes• Frequencies of Daily (or on-demand), Weekly, and

Monthly changes• The entire process requires central coordination best

done by an integration team member called the Release Manager

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Release Management – Overview (cont.)

Week 0

Create Release

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Develop Release

Test Release

Plan Release

Cutoff for Inclusion in Release

Migrate to P

New Request can potentially be included in current Release

Consider pushing new Request to next/future Release*

Migrate to A

Implement Release

Week 0

Create Release

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Develop Release

Test Release

Plan Release

Cutoff for Inclusion in Release

Migrate to P

New Request can potentially be included in current Release

Consider pushing new Request to next/future Release*

Migrate to A

Implement Release

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Release Management – Tools Used

• Systems not using Solution Manager must wrap TMS with additional change control procedures to make Release Management work effectively

Use TMS AttributesExcel SpreadsheetsProblem Ticket Management Software (e.g., Remedy)

• CHARM (SAP’s Solution Manager) by default implements a Release Management solution very similar to the above solution

Already has ability to group tickets in a releaseIncludes Service Desk functionality (like Remedy)Still have the ability to download to Excel when needed

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Release Management – Tips and Tricks

• Integration should plan to spend a lot of time on Change Management when implementing Release Management for the first time

• Wait until your system is mature before implementing RM• Track reasons for pulling a change out of a ticket and

publishes those to your SAP IS Leadership team• Carefully consider Vacation/Holiday schedules

specifically on the business side and foreign countries

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Release Management – Gotchas

• SoD: Integration team should not be delivering configuration/ABAP changes

• SoD: Business Owner should make final decisions on inclusion/exclusion of items in a release. This can be delegated to the IS organization, but should remain with a High Level Manager (e.g., System Manager)

• Strong arming from the various process owners (PTP, Payroll, etc)

• Resource constraints due to Payroll, Month End, or other business cycles

• Exempting certain sub-modules of SAPGOTCHA!

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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Automated Regression Testing – Definition

• A powerful technique used to ensure that new changes to a system do not have an adverse impact on existing functionality

• Repeatable process performed by an automation tool• Tests are run just prior to change to generate results and

again and again after the change is implemented• Before and after results are compared to identify

differences• Clear benefits in any sizeable or complex SAP


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Automated Regression Testing – Integration’s Role

• Integration plays the key role in ensuring a regression test is executed and is successful

• Integration team can:Provide the automation based upon defined inputs from the various process teams

Use spreadsheet to capture requirements from application support resources and/or business

Centralize the development of the test cases, ensuring consistency of design and architecture of test casesMove burden of automated tool training from many to fewHelp keep costs down by including low cost integration team members (i.e., junior-level resources or offshore)

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Automated Regression Testing – Process Overview

Review & Log Results

Execute Automated Baseline





Research PopulationBased on Criteria

Re-execute Automated Baseline

Log & Assign Defects









Review Comparison Results

Output to fileApply changesin test client

Update your Baseline with Population

Transfer to Test Environment

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Automated Regression Testing – Tools and Controls

• Tools used:Mercury’s QuickTest Professional and Test DirectorSAP’s CATT/eCATTData Transfer Tool (various makes)File Comparison toolExcel (help with automation/reqs gathering)

• ControlsAccess to PCs with automated testing software should be secured in a test lab to prevent misuse of powerful testing IDs and softwareNever hook testing tool directly to PRD system


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Automated Regression Testing – Tips, Tricks, and Gotchas

• Tips/TricksMake your test cases intelligent to minimize constant interaction

Goal is to run them overnight/off hoursSpend enough time defining/validating testing dataUse powerful IDs to run tests to avoid time-consuming security errors

Separate security related testing from application functionality testing

Create a physically secured lab with multiple PCs to assist in running test cases in parallelCommunicate success of the testing!!!

• Things to watch out for (Gotchas)Upfront identification of point of contact for both IS and businessDon’t underestimate the time/effort it takes to automate testing


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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Performance Tuning – Definition

• Performance tuning entails the analysis, design, and implementation of run-time improvement strategies for the myriad of programs in SAP to improve the reliability and performance of a system

• This presentation is NOT referring to the many Basis, DBA, and network tuning processes

• Integration’s role:Integration team is interested because tuned programs improve reliability of SAP system AND score big points with system owner(s)!Integration needed to set up procedures, ensure tuning goes forward, and communicate success to system ownersABAP, DBA, Basis, and Process Teams (not integration) all required to resolve performance tuning issues!

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Performance Tuning – Process Overview

1. Identify Candidates for Tuning

2. Create Problem Ticket

3. Identify Improvement Opportunities

4. Tune, Test, and Measure

5. Implement in Production

Track & Push

6. Communicate Success


PT, User








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Performance Tuning – Tools, Tips, and Tricks

• Tools usedProblem Ticket Management System

• Tips/tricksUse testing runs in ACC to get an idea of how much improvement you are likely to seeUse Automated Regression Test cases if they already existSend your ABAPers to ADVANCED tuning techniques trainingPrevent tuning issues with a well-managed pre-release performance QA processRecord tuning technique used for trend analysisAlways check OSS when analyzing standard programsSet aside budget specifically for tuning each year

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Performance Tuning – Gotchas

• Testers and business users will forget to record run times used to show improvement

• Tuning will take a back seat to higher priority issues leaving half-adjusted/half-tested programs in DEV and ACC

• Under-qualified ABAP resources who don’t pay attention to basic performance techniques

• Integration will have to continually push tuning efforts to continue to improve system reliability and performance


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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Design/Architecture Review – Definition

• A Design Review process ensures that the basic design of the existing solution remains intact with the multitude of changes coming through a SAP landscape

• Common acronyms:Design Review Board/Committee/TeamArchitecture Review Board/Committee/TeamSolution Approval Board/Committee Team

• Composed of knowledgeable team members from the following groups; Integration (Lead), Process, ABAP, Security, Basis

• Design Reviews take place PRIOR to the finalization of a design and BEFORE coding has begun

• Requires a documented “standard” design to already be in place

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Design/Architecture Review – Process Flow

Gather and DocumentRequirements

Type ofChange?End Regular

Complete Gap Template

Fill out Gap Template

Prepare and SendInvitations for Meeting



Facilitate Meeting

Record Results ofMeeting(s)

Communicate Results

Review Recommendationand Alternatives


Perform Initial QA



Return to Author for Re-work


Recommendation Champion ARB Facilitator



Identify and EvaluateAlternatives

Determine RecommendedSolution







MeasureProcess andCommun-


Log Issue

IS MgrContinue?


End No





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Design/Architecture Review – Tools, Tips, and Tricks

• Tools usedWord or Excel used as a FormNetwork storage or document storage location

• Tips/tricksMeet regularly instead of ad hocRequire IS system owner approval for all core modificationsPublish a “When to use the DRB” list for each system or application area (see following slides)Key is design review up front!Number each proposal with a smart naming convention and store for future reference

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Design/Architecture Review – Gotchas

• Requests will be made without any alternative solution analysis

• During Transport Reviews (CRB), items that should have been to DRB previously may be caught

• All core mod requests should have already been elevated to SAP via SAP Service – be sure to ask this question

• Last minute requests that have not been communicated prior to the meeting

• Regular attendees “checking out” when other seemingly unrelated designs are being presented


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Design/Architecture Review – When to Use the Board

• Use the Design/Architecture Board in the following situations:

Any change potentially impacting other systems or functions (including CRM, BW; other businesses; other regions)Common system or client settings changes (including common menus) Creation of a new SAP clientSignificant changes to common tables (e.g. sub-group, workflow, customer) Significant, new non-recurring SAP configuration (including function specific)New use of a shared master data fieldUpdates to data dictionary (manipulation of tables, fields, indexes) New common Security and Controls designsExisting ABAP changes that enable direct delete or update to a standard tableCopies of standard ABAPs

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Design/Architecture Review – When to Use the Board (cont.)

• Use the Design/Architecture Board in the following situations: (cont.)

New or modified user existsNew or modified common ABAP/Report Requests (non-Function Specific) New or modified Interfaces, side systems or technology (non-Function specific or Global) Non-function specific SAP Repairs or Modifications (supported or unsupported by SAP) More informational:

Any change to a screen seen by a business userSAP SAP Note with a single function impact or SAP Hotpack application to R/3BW extractor exit changesFI substitution and validations changesOTC Pricing Access Sequence changesFI Global Tax programs changes

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Design/Architecture Review – DRB Form Contents

• DRB Request Form should be filled out for every proposed change

• Data gathered should include:Type of Change

Common system changeCore modificationLegal/Public Affairs impactModification to corporate principlesSAP Note

CriticalityNon-discretionary, Low, Med, High

Country dependenciesCurrent situationProposed solutionAlternative solution(s)Impact on security and/or InterfacesDecision

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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Data Management – Definition

• Data Management refers to the handling of data in your SAP system as it relates to volume

• Three main ways to handle data management:Avoid creation of the data in the first placePurge the dataArchive the data

• Benefits include improved performance/avoidance of crashes, reduced DASD, and even reduction in liability!

• Integration plays a key role in identifying and driving these solutions with the System Owner(s)

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Data Management – Examples

Archive OnlyPayroll Clusters and Posting InformationPCL2, PPOX, PPOIX

PurgeIDocsEDI* Tables

PurgeRemote Function Call (RFC) StatisticsRFCSTXTAB

PurgeComputer Aided Testing Tool (CATT) execution Logs


PurgeBatch Data Communication (BDC) LogsAPQD

Prevent and ArchiveSAP HR Infotype logsPCL4 LDOCs

Prevent, Purge, and ArchiveStandard Database Table Logging in SAPDBTABLOG


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Data Management – Process Overview

1. Create a “position paper” for each object to be archived/purged/prevented

2. Configure/Develop3. Test in Dev and Acc4. Obtain Testing Sign-off5. Obtain Data Owner buy-off before implementation6. Implement in production7. Follow up with Metrics and look for improvements8. Communicate successes!

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Data Management – Tools and SoD

• Tools usedBasis metricsSAP delivered archiving and purging toolsCustom developed ABAP programs to purgeTable Logging configuration

• Controls and Segregation of DutiesProtect programs and variants that purge data tightlyCheck output of archiving programs carefully after each runRun purging/archiving programs using secured system IDs


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Data Management – Tips and Tricks

• All custom purging programs should have a “Test”functionality

• Identify tables that could cause SAP shutdowns and address them first (e.g., Payroll Clusters)

• Gain agreement from System or Data owner upfront regarding both online and offline retention

• Turn off all types of logs that are not necessary via configuration

• Communicate success stories to upper management• Combine Purging/Archiving with ABAP tuning to gain

significant benefits

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Data Management – Gotchas

• Don’t underestimate the amount of effort it takes to get your organization comfortable with purging or archiving

• Be sure to check legal requirements to ensure compliance

• Standard delivered purge programs sometimes don’t have sufficient selection screen criteria (4.6c and below)

• Just because DASD is cheap doesn’t mean you can ignore Data Management!

• Copybacks from PRD to ACC should be done AFTER major purges


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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Metrics – Definition

• Various metrics about your SAP systems should be collected by your integration team as they relate to integration-led activities

• Not referring to any of the more detailed Basis or DBA metrics or EarlyWatch metrics which should be gathered and analyzed by those organizations

• Used for Trend Analysis to ensure efficiency of your SAP system

• Used for “Good Press” – showing the system owner that IT is “taking care of business” Don't


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Metrics – Examples

N/ASummarized output from individual runs of programs

QuarterlyEnsure purging/archive is occurring

# Records Archived/Purged

Offline Tracking Spreadsheet, Problem Ticket System, or Transport Attributes

Offline Tracking Spreadsheet or Transport Attributes from table E070/E070A

Table E070 and E070a in PRD (assuming attributes are used)

Table E070 PRDSource

Ensure positive traction in tuning effort, Communication to System Owner(s)

Analyze effectiveness of controlling change to production system

Analyze rate of unplanned change to production system

Analyze rate of change of production system

Reason for Metric

Decrease over time

Quarterly# of Programs Tuned

Increase over time

Monthly# of Transports in a Release

Decrease over time

Monthly# of Emergency Transports

Decrease over time

Monthly# of Transport to Production

TrendFrequencyMetric Description

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Metrics – Examples (cont.)

As system matures, incidents should decrease

Individual Tracking Spreadsheet or Problem Management System

MonthlyTrend Analysis; Management Reporting

# of Major Incidents

N/ADBA metrics before and after the purge per table

QuarterlyAnalyze effectiveness of data management effort; Communication to System Owner(s)

% Reduction in Purged Tables/Archived Tables

Run Logs from individual runs of programs

TestDirector or equivalent testing management software


Rates should remain very low with minor blips

MonthlyShow effectiveness of automated testing

Success Rate of Automated Testing (# of errors/# of successes

N/AAs it occursCommunication to System Owner(s); Good Press

% improvement in run time per tuned program

Reason for Metric TrendFrequencyMetric Description

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Metrics – Examples (cont.)

• Example metrics NOT gathered by integration team and why they are useful to an integration team

Top 10 Largest Tables (DBA) – helps identify potential purging/archiving or performance tuning candidatesResponse Times (Basis) – helps proactively avoid calls from end users or worse…Emergency ID Usage (Security) – identify trends in problem areas for permanent fixesProblem Management Tickets (Process Teams) – help quantify maturity of the system and assist in judging readiness for Release and Test Management

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Metrics – Tools, Tips, and Tricks

• Tools usedTransaction SE16 in SAPSpreadsheet (Microsoft Excel or similar)Database (Microsoft Access or similar)SAP run logs and output

• Tips/tricksUse metrics that show improvement to “brag”Use metrics that show a problem to launch effort for a resolution, then brag when the issue is resolved ;-)Keep metrics simple to avoid complication and lots of explaining

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Metrics – Gotchas

• Complicated metrics (those with lots of filters) don’t tell the whole picture

• Sometimes you spend more time explaining them than they are worth, so choose your metrics wisely

• Major projects/implementations may skew the data (as will other incidents)

Abnormally large emergency transport number• Because processes may differ from system to system,

some metrics may make sense in one system but not in another

Incidents in a critical system vs. non-critical system GOTCHA!

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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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Key Coordination Activities

• One of the largest values an integration team can bring to your organization is the centralization of key cross-team activities that require strict planning

• Below is a partial list of these activitiesLegal Change Package/Hotpack SchedulingDisaster Recovery Planning and Test ExecutionMajor Project Configuration, Testing, and Go-Live coordination and schedulingMaintenance Window schedules/Planned OutagesSystem Copybacks (Acceptance Refresh)Infrastructure Upgrades or OutagesImpactful Database Administration activities

• Having a single resource that is fully aware of these activities is critical for any large and well-integrated SAP system

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Key Coordination Activities (cont.)

Integration Calendar WEEKEND PR Payroll Run

t BKK HOLIDAY - Thailand ME Month End Closeu Houston holiday - US X Activityb Curitiba holiday - Brazil PRJ Project Activityh Budapest holiday - Hungary DEV/ACC/PRD - Activity in SAP System

SU M T W TH F SA SU M T W TH F SA SU M TNOVEMBER 2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Holidays h bUS PayrollItaly PayrollSingapore Payroll PR E PMonthly Transport Release PRDMaintenance Outage X XWave 2 FI Release Testing PRJ PRJ

DECEMBER 2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Holidays t tUSItaly PayrollSingapore Payroll PR PR ELCP install PRDMonthly Transport Release PRDMaintenance Outage XWave 2 FI Release Testing PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJ PRJDisaster Recovery Test

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Key Coordination Activities – Overview, Tips, and Tricks

• Roles/Process OverviewOnly one good way to gather all of this information – stay in the middle of everything!Use all kinds of team meetings, project milestone meetings, change tickets, DRBs, CRBs, etc.

• Tips/TricksRequire participation from infrastructure and Basis in weekly Change Review Meetings to gather informationSet-up “gates” where the Integration Manager is an additional sign-off for project activities

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What We’ll Cover …

• What is an Integration Team?• Transport Management• Release Management• Automated Regression Testing• Performance Tuning• Design/Architecture Review• Data Management• Metrics• Key Coordination Activities• Wrap-up

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What Else?

• This list is provided for illustration


ERP Roadmap OwnershipOwnership of Solution Manager

Major Incident ManagementCentral SAP relationship contact

Disaster RecoveryOSS Coordination

Data Transfer Tool ManagementEmergency Access

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• On your take-home CD:“Test and release management strategies for multi-country SAP implementations” session

• Want to learn more?A free SAP Experts Sampler CD containing more than 20 relevant articles from BW Expert and SAP Professional Journalis available at the WIS/SAP Insider booth in the Solutions Showcase.

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7 Key Points to Take Home

• A truly reliable SAP system must have someone focusing on key integration activities

• Integration team members can have a great impact on the effectiveness of your support organization or project implementation

• Integration teams handle a large breadth of activities, but try not to use them as a dumping ground

• Balance your integration team between day-to-day operations (Transports, Metrics) and forward looking strategic initiatives (Coordination, Archiving)

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7 Key Points to Take Home (cont.)

• Keep your integration processes simple to avoid creating work where work should not really exist

• Document Integration Processes to ensure everyone knows “Who’s on First”

• Don’t forget to communicate successes to ensure your organization sees the value in your integration team

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Your Turn!

How to contact me:Jason Rowe

[email protected]

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