  • 8/11/2019 DVHHS: Sept. 11 Packet


    Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services

    Board Meeting Agenda

    Date September 11, 2014 9 a.m.

    Conference Room LEC Windom

    I. Call to Order / Establish Quorum

    II. Public Hearings (if applicable)

    III. Approval of Agenda


    IV. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the DVHHS Boardand will be enacted by one motion and an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present. There will beno separate discussion of these items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item(s)will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately by the Board under Other below .

    a. Approve Auditor Warrants (summary in packet)

    b. Approve August 14, 2014 Board Minutes (in packet)

    c. RBA- Approval of SWMHC Contract for Psychiatric and Consultative Services

    d. RBA- Revised Records Retention Schedule

    e. RBA- Declaration of Surplus Technology Property


    V. Staff / Programming Report- DVHHS Eligibility Unit

    VI. Executive Director Agency Report

    a. RBA Date Change for November 2014 DVHHS Board Meeting

    VII. Human Services

    a. RBA- Temporary Social Worker

    b. Directors Report

    VIII. Fiscal

    a. Fiscal Reports

    b. Directors Report

    IX. Operations

    a. Directors Report

    X. Human Resources

    a. RBA- Insights Discovery

    b. RBA- 360 Review Process for Directors

    c. Directors Report

    XI. Public Health

    a. Directors Report

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    XII. Other

    XIII. Adjourn

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    Warrant List

    August 2014







    Number Amount

    8/4/2014 5763 5782 $5,179.86

    8/5/2014 5783 5838 $37,746.03

    8/8/2014 5839 5846 53,952.41$8/12/2014 5847 5875 20,034.40$

    8/19/2014 5876 5914 150,076.09$

    8/19/2014 5915 5952 22,525.28$

    8/22/2014 5953 5965 59,471.24$

    8/26/2014 5966 5980 29,694.57$

    8/1/2014 2553 2614 14,523.80$

    8/13/2014 2615 2665 30,073.98$

    8/15/2014 2666 2668 4,354.60$

    8/22/2014 2669 2724 88,900.82$

    8/26/2014 2725 2802 88,385.45$

    8/27/2014 2803 2489 25,186.26$

    TOTAL OF WARRANTS 763,914.99$

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    The regular meeting of the Permanent Joint Powers Board of Des Moines Valley Health andHuman Services (DVHHS)was called to order Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 9:00 AM at theLaw Enforcement Center in Windom, Minnesota.

    Presiding over the meeting was Chair Rosemary Schultz. Members present for the meeting wereCommissioners, Dave Henkels, Norman Holmen, Kim Hummel, John Oeltjenbruns, KevinStevens, Jim Schmidt, William Tusa, Tom White, and Gary Willink. Also present were CraigMyers, DVHHS Executive Director, Patricia Stewart, Public Health Director, Robert Pankratz,Director of Business Management, Kay Steffen, Director of Agency Operations, Mary Bezdicek,Fiscal Officer, Janice Fransen, HR Director, Tammy Crowell, Associate Board Secretary, SandraPhillips Project Manager, April Harrington, Child Support Officer; Cindy Harrington, ChildSupport Officer; Chris Macek, Child Support Lead Worker.

    Quorum Established.

    Agenda ApprovalMotion by Hummel, second by Willink and unanimous vote to approve Agenda, with theaddition of updates on the Southwestern Mental Health Center and on the Alternative LearningCenter changes.


    Norm Holmen presented the information received regarding the Southwestern Mental HealthCenter and increases in the 3% increase in the Block Grant from each of the participatingcounties.

    James Schmidt and Rose Schultz presented information in regards to the changes at the

    Alternative Learning Center and the dissolution of their Joint Powers and county funding of theDay Treatment Program. The dissolution would need to occur in the respective County Boardmeetings.

    Consent Agenda

    Claims in the amount of $763,914.99. A detailed list of claims paid is available uponrequest.

    July 10, 2014 Board Minutes

    Approval of FSN Joint Powers Agreement/Contract Amendment

    Approval of new Public Health policies: Admission Policy, Admission Process Policy,

    Bill of Rights Grievance Policy, Clinical Record Review Policy, Consent for Medical

    Photography Policy, Coordination Policy, Emergency Response Plan Policy, HomeHealth Aide Supervision Policy, Home Health Aide Services Policy, MedicareQualifying Criteria Policy, Medication Administration Error Policy, MedicationManagement Policy, Medication Profile Policy, Non-Coverage Policy, Oasis Policy,Professional Standards Policy, Provision of Availability Policy, PT/INR ProfessionalTesting System Policy, Service Plan Policy, Skilled and Maintenance Policy, StaffCompetencies Policies, Supervision of Service Policy

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    Approve New Policy 369 Wage Disclosure Protection, Approve Updated Policy 724Leave Benefits Sick

    Approve Joint Powers Agreement for Group Employee Benefits

    Approve Records Retention Schedule

    Appointment of Tammy Crowell as Associate Board Secretary

    Motion by Henkels, second by Oeltjenbrunsand unanimous vote to approve the ConsentAgenda items.

    Staff/Programming ReportPower Point presentation given by the DVHHS Child Support Unit. Presenting and answeringquestions were Child Support Officers April Harrington and Cindy Harrington, and ChildSupport Lead Worker Chris Macek.

    Executive Director Agency Report

    Work EffectsCraig gave an update on the Work Effects retreat trainings that were going to be held August18th- 20thin Jackson. More specific detail would be emailed out.

    UnionThe first meeting was held and the second meeting was scheduled.

    Southern Prairie Community Care

    Discussion held about upcoming meeting in Worthington on August 25, 2014.

    Human Services

    Directors ReportCraig gave an update on the MN Choices roll out. He also updated the Board on a meeting hehad with New Horizons in regards to supervised visits.


    Budget ReportRobert Pankratz, Director of Business Management, presented the budget report and the Out ofHome Placement costs report. Motion by Holmen, second by Hummel and unanimous vote toapprove the fiscal reports.

    DVHHS 2015 BudgetMotion by White, second by Schmidtand unanimous vote to approve the 2015 DVHHSPreliminary Budget.

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    Operations ReportKay Steffen, Director of Agency Operations, presented an update on staff changes. Update given

    up Job Description and Evaluation process

    Human Resources

    Janice Fransen asked for direction on the need for a review process for the Director positions.She was asked to bring information to the next Board meeting on the 360 process. Discussionheld about the rates of health and ancillary benefits. Update given on the Benefits and WellnessCommittee meeting in regards to Wellness Institute.

    Public Health

    Quarterly StatisticsMary Bezdicek presented the Public Health quarterly statistics.

    PHEP grant formula to SCHSACUpdate given on grant formula changes and their impact on grant awards received.

    JCC School Contract.Approval of Contract with JCC for school nurse. No changes from prior years contract.Motion to approve by Holmen, second by Tusaand unanimous vote to approve.

    Directors ReportPat Stewart, Public Health Director gave an update on Home Care license changes. Informationwas also presented about Ebola.

    AdjournMotion by Henkels, second by Stevens, and unanimous vote to adjourn meeting at 11:46 a.m.

    __________________________ ___________________Chairman Date

    _______________________________________ _____________________________Attest To Date

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    Complete and email this form to: [email protected]

    Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services

    Request for Board Action

    ** Requests must be received by the Board Secretary before noon the ThursdayPRIOR to the regularly scheduled board meeting. ***

    Requested Board Date: September 11, 2014

    Agenda Type: Consent Agenda

    Agenda Item: SWMHC Contract for Psychiatric & Consultative Services

    Presenter: Click here to enter text. Estimated Time:Click here to enter text.

    Board Action Required:Approve Contract covering 8/1/2014 12/31/2014

    Attachments: Yes, identify below Attachment Name:Contract

    Background: DVHHS Board previously approved up to $5,000 of purchasedservices from SWMHC at the 7/10/2014 meeting. Contract drawn up andreviewed by Attorney.

    Fiscal Impact:Click here to enter text.

    Attorney Review: Completed

    Board Action: Approved Denied Tabled No Action

    Motion: ________________________

    Second: _______________________

    Roll Call Vote: Henkels Holmen Hummel Oeltjenbruns Schmidt

    Schultz Stevens Tusa Willink White







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    Complete and email this form to: [email protected]

    Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services

    Request for Board Action

    ** Requests must be received by the Board Secretary before noon the ThursdayPRIOR to the regularly scheduled board meeting. ***

    Requested Board Date: September 11, 2014

    Agenda Type: Consent Agenda

    Agenda Item: Surplus Technology Property

    Presenter: Click here to enter text. Estimated Time:Click here to enter text.

    Board Action Required:Declare various technology equipment as surplus fordisposal.

    Attachments: Yes, identify below Attachment Name:2 lists of technology items

    Background: A variety of old technology equipment inventoried to be declaredsurplus and disposed of through the PCs for People Project.

    Fiscal Impact:none

    Attorney Review: Not Applicable

    Board Action: Approved Denied Tabled No Action

    Motion: ________________________

    Second: _______________________

    Roll Call Vote: Henkels Holmen Hummel Oeltjenbruns Schmidt

    Schultz Stevens Tusa Willink White







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    Surplus Items Windom HS (1)

    Item Item Description (make/model) Computer Name Serial No Last User In Track-IT Program Comments

    1 Tower Dell Optiplex 755 Windows XP CFS-08-5KDX9G1 5KDX9G1 Kristen Mandelkow X

    2 Tower Dell Optiplex 755 Windows XP CFS-08-6W9Z6G1 6W9Z6G1 Sue Miller

    3 Tower Dell Optiplex 755 Windows XP CFS-08-45P47G1 45P47G1 Carla Rahn X

    4 Tower Dell Optiplex 755 Windows XP CFS-08-25P47G1 25P47G1 Kaylene Gohr

    5 Tower BTM Windows XP CFS12055 Was in the Server Room

    6 Tower BTM Windows XP CFS-05-11052 ? X

    7 Tower BTM Windows XP CFS0106-06 Was Val Halter's old PC

    8 Tower BTM Windows XP CFS0106-10 Was in the Work Room

    9 Tower BTM Windows XP CFS-03-319 ?

    10 Laptop ProStar Windows XP CFS20040409-146 Craig Myers old laptop

    11 Monitor WinBook C1500 AAY1210C00371 ?

    12 Monitor Acer V173 ETLCA0202182902E1C4101 Dee Determan X

    13 Monitor Acer V173 ETLCA0202182902E184101 ? X (retired category)

    14 Monitor Acer V173 ETLCA0202182902E174101 Amy Riihl X

    15 Monitor Acer AL1912s ETL290806553802464PK07 ?

    16 Monitor Acer AL1912s ETL290806554000D71PK07 ?

    17 Monitor Acer AL1912s ETL290806554000DABPK07 Jess Behrens X

    18 Monitor Acer AL1912s ETL290806554000DBPFK07 ? X

    19 Monitor Acer G215H ETLN30800503407BF04218 Nancy Marsh Bad

    20 Monitor Acer AL1916WA ETL800C0507126363E4031 Rose Carsten X

    21 Monitor Acer G215H ETLN30800503407C894218 Melissa Vongsy

    Monitor CTX 17" CRT Monitor Really old

    Monitor AOC CT710g 17" CRT Monitor Really old

    Keyboards Microsoft Multi-Media PS2 White Qty. 17

    Keyboards Microsoft Multi-Media USB Blk Qty. 5

    Keyboards Standard PS2 white Qty. 5

    Printer Brother HL-5250DN U61444A8J451571 Bad

    Laptop IBM ThinkPad 350 Really old devices Qty. 5

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    Surplus Inventory List Windom HS Basement (2)

    Item Item Description (make/model) Numbers Numbers

    1 Tower Dell Optiplex 755 BW9Z6G1 70045-605-295-970

    2 Tower Dell GX260 4YPHP01

    3 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-492 MBQ4X-P88HW-K6B7G-MD29VKKTTM

    4 Battery Backup APC Smartups 1000 AS0436132375

    5 Tower BTM 00045-442-977-244 072903U86GRA004

    6 Battery Backup APC ES350 3B0629X57389

    7 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-493

    8 Tower BTM 00045-135-277-127

    9 Tower BTM 00045-450-425-02610 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-501

    11 Tower BTM 00045-450-2419-498

    12 Tower BTM 00045-135-277-129

    13 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-452

    14 Tower BTM 00045-442-977-247

    15 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-496

    16 Tower BTM 00045-442-977-249

    17 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-499

    18 Tower BTM 00045-442-977-248

    19 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-450

    20 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-497

    21 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-500

    22 Tower BTM 00045-135-277-128

    23 Tower BTM 00045-507-189-555

    24 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-495

    25 Tower BTM 00045-635-515-651 CFS 010604

    26 Tower BTM STICKER OFF CFS010607

    27 Tower BTM 00045-450-249-451

    28 Tower BTM 00045-135-277-126

    29 Tower BTM 00045-835-516-656 CFS 010605

    30 Tower BTM 00045-509-119-287

    31 NO #31

    32 Tower BTM 0045-509-119-288

    H:\DVHHS Board and Committees\Surplus Inventory List Windom HS Basement (2) 9/4/2014

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    Surplus Inventory List Windom HS Basement (2)

    Item Item Description (make/model) Numbers Numbers

    33 Tower BTM 00045-635-516-653

    34 Tower BTM 00045-635-516-649

    35 Tower BTM 00045-635-516-646

    36 Laser Printer HP Laser Jet 4050 TN

    37 Tower BTM 00045-635-516-648

    38 Electric Type Olivetti ET 115 FSA 6445257

    39 Electric Type Olivetti ET 109 No Label

    Printer Brother HL 5250 DN U61444G8J657337

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 5550

    Ink Jet Printer Deskjet 692CCC SG87H1X19K

    Ink Jet Printer Deskjet 692CCC SG87H1X1VP

    Ink Jet Printer HP Deskjet 930P MX0CE1F1SR

    H:\DVHHS Board and Committees\Surplus Inventory List Windom HS Basement (2) 9/4/2014

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    Complete and email this form to: [email protected]

    Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services

    Request for Board Action

    ** Requests must be received by the Board Secretary before noon the ThursdayPRIOR to the regularly scheduled board meeting. ***

    Requested Board Date: 09/11/2014

    Agenda Type:Regular

    Agenda Item: Change November Meeting Date

    Presenter: Craig Myers Estimated Time: 5

    Board Action Required:Approval to move the November meeting date to Friday

    November 7th, 2014

    Attachments: None Attachment Name:

    Background: Due to work effects training conflict

    Fiscal Impact: None

    Attorney Review:

  • 8/11/2019 DVHHS: Sept. 11 Packet


    Complete and email this form to: [email protected]

    Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services

    Request for Board Action

    ** Requests must be received by the Board Secretary before noon the ThursdayPRIOR to the regularly scheduled board meeting. ***

    Requested Board Date: September 11, 2014

    Agenda Type: Regular Agenda

    Agenda Item: Temp Social Worker Hire

    Presenter: Click here to enter text. Estimated Time:10 min

    Board Action Required:Approve the hiring of a temporary social worker to covera leave of absence. Request hire coverage for 14 weeks from approximatelyNovember 10, 2014 thru February 13, 2015.

    Attachments: Yes, identify below Attachment Name:Fiscal information

    Background: Click here to enter text.

    Fiscal Impact:Estimate of $2,280 to $4,872

    Attorney Review: Choose an item.

    Board Action: Approved Denied Tabled No Action

    Motion: ________________________

    Second: _______________________

    Roll Call Vote: Henkels Holmen Hummel Oeltjenbruns Schmidt

    Schultz Stevens Tusa Willink White







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    6103 6150 6163 6175 6176 6153 6153 6153

    Hrly Rate Hours Salary Cty Bene PERA FICA Medicare Cty Bene Cty Bene Hlth/Veba Grand T

    Life 7.25% 6.20% 1.45% Health VEBA Total

    Number of weeks -8Social Worker 22.59$ -320 (7,228.80)$ (524.09)$ (448.19)$ (104.82)$ -$ (8,30$Number of weeks 14Temp Social Worker 21.86$ 560 12,241.60$ -$ -$ 758.98$ 177.50$ -$ -$ -$ 13,17$

    Cost to DVHHS 4,87$

    Estimated number of CW TCM "hits" Temp Social Worker will get. 36 72 2,59$

    Temp. Social Worker hired for 14 weeks NET COST 2,28$

    Current worker is taking 8 weeks of unpaid leave

    2014 salaries used

    Temp. Social Worker salary based on step 0.

    Current worker would continue to receive Health Insurance benefits.

    12/30/11 H:\DVHHS Board and Committees\Temp social worker 9 2014 Board nns

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    $ 107 $ 107 $ 107 $ 107 $ 107 $ 107 $ 107 $ 107 $

    $ 112 $ 112 $ 112 $ 112 $ 112 $ 112 $ 112 $ 112








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    12 monthmoving avg

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