
DVAP Quick & EasyRod Hardman

VE3RHF Director, Ontario SouthRAC Day @ Radioworld

24 May 2014

DV-Dongles, DVAPs & GMSKs?


• DV-Dongle: USB device which allows user to use their personal computer and internet connection to access the DSTAR network (headset mic recommended)

• DVAP Dongle: USB device similar to DV Dongle to connect to D-STAR network over the internet but uses a built-in 10mW transmitter for users to access D-STAR. Access Point can be set to a particular 2m or 70cm frequency and user can then use HT/mobile around the house or the near vicinity

• Hotspot: USB or standalone device gives D-STAR users access to remote D-STAR systems using OTA interface. Can be simplex or repeater. (Interface is connected to a 9.6k ready or modified radio)


DVAP / Raspberry Pi

Steps towards a DVAP

• Get a DVAP• Play with the DVAP on a PC / Mac / Unix box• Get a Raspberry Pi, play with that• Download the DVAP / Pi image – Jonathan Naylor G4KLX (Who is awesome)

• Image your SD Card (Which is harder than it looks)

• Set up the DVAP, Play!


• “call to action”

DHAP – Hardened Power Systems

Kit list (Useful stuff)

• DVAP here at Radioworld)

• Raspberry Pi

• Software• DHAP

DVAP Quick & Easy

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