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During project implementation, HBTS took part in realization of all activities, predicted for this institution by the project.

Page 2: During project implementation, HBTS took part in realization of all activities, predicted for this institution by the project

WP.1 Establishing common

benchmarks/guidelines for MSc chemistry programmes at Serbian universities in

cooperation with EU partners

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WP.1.1 Review Analysis of current MSc programmes

Within the work package 1.1 MCHEM project team of HBTS did the Analysis of current basic professional studies programme in Environmental Engeneering, which existing in HBTS. This document is merged with a similar analysis has been done in other partner institutions in Serbia and presented in the document Review Analysis of current MSc programmes .

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WP.1.2 Setting standards/benchmarks to be applied at Serbian institutions

In order to set a common benchmark/standards and common learning outcomes significant efforts have been focused on the training of the HBTS staff through the seminars and workshops held

WP. 1.3 Workshops that will facilitate adoption of common learning outcomes

- at Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade in January and May 2011

- at School of Science, University of Greenwich in July 2011- at Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad in October 2011

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In June in 2011, during realization of the project activity of development of benchmark standards, the part of this project activity, which had been done until then was presented to the council of HBTS staff.

The representatives of HBTS gave their contribution in creation Reference education standard for Chemistry and Chemistry related disciplines which was passed by consultation with the public and Published in Hemijski pregled vol. 53, no. 4, (2012) pp 99-105.

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WP.2 Tuning/Modernisation of the existing

master programmes to meet the agreed guidelines

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WP. 2.1 Revision of curricula in line with the common learning outcomes and competencies

Since the goal of this work package is modernisation of existing studies programme and because of basic professional studies programme in Environmental Engeneering existing in HBTS, the teachers of HBTS have reviewed the content of this programme, during December in 2011 and January in 2012.

After the Consortium of the Project has adopted the benchmark/standards, these standards have implemented in the existing standards of the documentation for the accreditation of basic professional studies programme in Environmental Engineering.

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By using revised standards, teachers improved and harmonized the aims, outcomes, ECTS of courses and methodology of evaluation of students' work on teaching subjects of the basic professional studies. Books of the teaching subjects of the studies programme


the changes made look like as follows.

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WP. 2.2 Accreditation of restructured curricula at university level and national if needed

The council of HBTS staff has decided to approve the revised basic professional studies programme of Environmental Engineering, and the Commission for Accreditation and Quality has adopted decision on the accreditation of this studies programme and has issued a certificate of accreditation of the studies programme.

Restructured curricula of basic professional studies programme of Environmental Engineering was accredited, at the national level, in April in 2012

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WP. 2.3 Enrollments of students into the revised master programmes

During period from July in 2011 to July in 2012, enrollment of students into the programme of basic professional studies of Environmental Engineering, before and after revision, has been monitored.

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WP. 2.4 Evaluation of revised MSc programmes

In the case of HBTS this activity corresponds to Evaluation of revised basic professional studies programme of Environmental Engineering.The quality of the implemented revisions was reviewed by Quality Commission of HBTS.Documentation on the assessment of quality of improved studies programme was shown as a report and was saved.(The quality of the revised basic professional studies programme Environmental engineering is shown.)

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WP. 3Modernisation of teaching methodology

and student assessment procedures

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WP. 3.2 Modernisation of teaching equipment

The activities of modernisation of teaching equipment, that have been implemented in HBTS during realization of the project include:- establishment of Laboratory of Chemistry and Physical

Chemistry, Laboratory of Environmental Protection, as well as Multimedia classroom equipped with IT equipment and

- modernization of library.

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Laboratory equipment, supplies, vessels and chemicals, purchased during the project are located in the classroom 312 (Laboratory of Chemistry and Physical Chemistry) and 313 (Laboratory of Environmental Protection).

IT equipment, purchased during the project are located in the classroom 308 (Multimedia classroom), as well as in the classrooms 101, 105, 112, 208, 313 and hall of HBTS.

Books, purchased during the project are located in the library of HBTS.

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WP. 3.3 Implementing training programme: Innovation in teaching and teaching practice

Through the three series of study visits (from April in 2011 until June in 2012) in the EU partners institutions, teachers from the HBTS have been trained in all aspects of

- modern teaching and learning design techniques,

- the implementation and use of e-learning,

(WP. 3.3 Implementing training programme: Innovation in teaching and teaching practice)

- use of quality control systems

(WP. 3.4 Implementing training programme: QA systems, adoption of benchmarks)

and were familiar with modern methods of preparation of teaching materials and the development of on-line teaching materials in the field of Environmental Chemistry which have carried out in the institutions of the EU partners

(WP. 4.2 Preparation of teaching material)

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People who have participated in the implementation of these activities were chosen from the staff of HBTS, according to their knowledge and affinity.

These activities helped with developing closer academic ties between HBTS and EU partner institutions.

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WP. 4Development of New interdisciplinary

MSc programmes in Environmental Chemistry

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In the case of HBTS, the activities of WP 4, Development of New MSc programme in Environmental Chemistry, correspond to the activities of Development of New Specialist professional programme in Environmental Engineering.

This Work Package was conducted by...

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WP. 4.1 Development of Syllabuses

Based on previous meetings with the project partners the important components of the syllabus were identified and two-semester study programme of Specialist professional programme in Environmental Engineering (which would provide a staff of Specialist professional environmental engineers) were created.

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WP. 4.2 Preparation of teaching material

The staff of HBTS have prepared teaching materials of subjects, which are shown in book of Specialist professional programme of Environmental Engineering.

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Also, the staff of HBTS were staying at the faculties of the Serbian Universities in order to participate in the workshops, which facilitated the preparation of teaching materials in order to develop new interdisciplinary Master's programme of Environmental Chemistry.

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Workshops that were facilitated a preparation of teaching materials, and which have been organized on HBTS were:(1) Development of the course “Environmental Processes” within new MSc programme in Environmental Chemistry from the 28th to the 30th of March in 2012.Staff, students and all those interested are invited to participate in the workshop "Environmental Processes", which was organized at HBTS in the period 28-30.03.2012.The workshop was very well attended. List of participants which took part in the workshop is shown.Also, report of the workshop of course “Environmental Processes”, as well as media reports about workshop are presented.and ...

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(2) Development of the course “Environmental Impact” within new MSc programme in Environmental Chemistry, from the 09th to the 11th of May in 2012.Staff, students and all those interested are invited to participate in the workshop "Environmental Impact", which was organized at HBTS in the period 09-11.05.2012.The workshop was very well attended. List of participants which took part in the workshop is shown.Also, report of the workshop of course “Environmental Impact”, as well as media reports about workshop are presented.

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The HBTS staff have contributed to the development of teaching materials for teaching courses Environmental Processes and Environmental Impact (PhD Olivera Novitović) and Remediation (PhD Vesna Marjanović) of the new MSc programme of Environmental Chemistry.

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WP. 4.3 Accreditation at university and national level

Following the adoption of the Specialist professional programme in Environmental Engineering by Teacher Council of HBTS, at a meeting held in March 2011, and the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance has adopted decision on the accreditation of this studies programme and has issued a certificate of accreditation of the studies programme, at a meeting held in July 2011.

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WP. 4.4 Launching of study programmes

First-generation of students was enrolled in Specialist professional programme in Environmental Engineering in 2011/2012 school year, and 2012/2013 school year the second-generation of students was enrolled.First- and second-generation of students attended classes, completed all subjects, as well as they were defended their specialized works.In 2013/2014 school year the third-generation of students enrolls in Specialized professional studies.

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WP. 4.6 Mobility of best students to EU universities

The best students of the studies programme in Environmental Engineering have had an opportunity to travel and study during one-month stay at the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, RWTH Aachen University, at the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology and at the School of Environmental Science, University of Nova Gorica, where they improved their skills by participating in student projects.

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WP.5Strengthening the work of the

stakeholder and professional networks

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WP.5.1 Building advisory and support networks

In order to introduce non-academic partners in the project, it was noted that so far HBTS has made good cooperation with a significant number of regional companies, institutions and agencies.

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WP.5.3 Defining CPD programmes in Chemistry

WP.5.4 Implementing CPD courses

From the 18th to the 19th of April in 2013, on the HBTS, CPD course “Monitoring of pollutants and sampling” was held.The goals of this course were: presenting the methods of monitoring land, air and water, local and national register sources of pollutants, sampling methods and the definition of the criteria for establishing the monitoring points and control program. The CPD-book “Monitoring of pollutants and sampling”of HBTS as well as the report of the CPD course held on HBTS at Uzice are shown.

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WP.6Quality Control and monitoring

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The project manager undertook monitoring visit of project on July, the 15th of 2011 at High Business Technical School.

Also, internal quality control and monitoring is carried out by the project manager periodically review of all project documentation of HBTS.

During a meeting in Novi Sad (October, the 12th-14th of 2011) as well as in Nis (September, the 29th-30th of 2012) and Belgrade (December, the 19th-20th of 2012) manager of project had given directions for preparation the interim and final report.

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The National Tempus Office had been undertaking monitoring visits of projecton April the 19th in 2011, at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry,on December, the 27th in 2011, at High Business Technical School of Uzice andon June, the 21st in 2013, at University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science.

The EU partner of project undertook monitoring visit of project on October, the 4th of 2013 at High Business Technical School.

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Project administration is monitored and governed by the manager of HBTS, school lawyer and the financial service of HBTS of Uzice.The submission of reports of realized activities of the project, to teaching and non-teaching school staff, and to the student representatives was done.

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Dissemination the results of the project

Until now, on HBTS, in order to dissemination the results of the project to the public the following was done...

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- Public lectures, with following topics, have been organized.- Press Releases to the media (newspaper articles, radio and TV)

were given.- On the front page of the Web-site of School ( in the section Cooperation - Tempus project as well as in the section Cooperation - International Cooperation there is information on realized activities on the project (presented in the forms of reports, presentations, and videos).

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