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The Board of Arrows College, Perth extends heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers who have in one way or another helped to make the School of Ministry 2014 a success. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “ I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus”.

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We praise and thank the Lord for another successful year where both the college and students have been wonderfully enriched, empowered and blessed of the Holy Spirit to be His ambassadors in the marketplace, the local church and in the highways and byways of life where the reality of our Christian faith and walk would be tested to the full.

Indeed God is able and in His love and in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, all that have been learned and caught by our students over these past ten weeks will be put to good use to the glory of God.

We look forward to exciting testimonies from our graduates in the months ahead as they take their rightful place in a world that is in so much need of the Saviour’s love and saving grace.

What a joy it is to see another batch of students graduate from the college!

As you step up to receive your certificate, my prayer for you is that this certificate will be a visual reminder of every lesson you have gleaned from your lecturer, every personal encounter you have with the Lord, every insight you have gained from your interaction with one another and every download you have received!

As you leave the college; my prayer for you is thatthe Lord will grant you a fresh resolve to use everything you have learnt to serve your church and your community in a posture of quiet humility and yet confident resolve.

May God’s greatest blessing be with you as you move into the next season of your life and ministry!

We thank the Lord for bringing in new students every year seeking to equip themselves by learning from experienced lecturers who are seasoned practitioners in their respective fields. It is very rewarding to see the students this year, with the youngest at 20 to the matured at 62, go through ten weeks of learning and staying focused on many challenging tasks throughout the term.

Congratulations on your successful completion of this phase of your life; which is only the beginning of another phase. We are greatly encouraged to see the camaraderie built up during this ten-week period which has allowed you to fully support each other in every sense, spiritual or otherwise.

We pray that you will continue to look forward to new challenges with vigour, knowing you have acquired additional knowledge and skills for a victorious Christian lifestyle. Remember in 1 Peter 4:10, it says “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.”

The Lord will surely bless the works of your hands as you serve Him faithfully.

Pastor Benny Ho Founder

Rev. Cheng Lai Lim PrinciPal

Ng Kin Ho Treasurer


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The Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-20 draws our attention to look carefully at ourselves and be aware of what God and Satan are doing. Mark, being an action-pack author, paints us a strong but purposeful analogue of a thief who steals and robs us knowingly and unknowingly from treasures that were meant for God’s beloved. Jesus used this parable to gently tell an imminent encounter everyone faces.

The gospel speaks of Satan, whose agenda is to destroy God’s people through the poisoning of the food whilst God is feeding his children. The parable identified three strategies of Satan:

Satan immediately comes and takes away (v4)speaks of swift removal of good ideas from God’s teaching. This comes in a form of distraction from ‘what we supposed to do’ to ‘what we feel like doing’ (eg. majoring on the minors – a BLIND SPOT). Worries about our tomorrows. Reacting to irritations and sucked into wrong thinking. Rejecting the preaching from a personal ill-felt preacher even though it is the ‘truth’. Our limited capacity to understand. Satan’s aim is to throws us off balance.

It is at this stage that Satan must be stopped via “Resisting the devil…”(James 4:7) before he gains further grounds. It is no easy work but resisting must be from the Body, Soul and Spirit. If we allow distractions to happen, we then grow on shallow soil.

Pastor Choy Lee dean


“...They have no root in themselves... when tribulation or persecution arises... immediately they fall” (v5) speaks of a slower process of poisoning when we do not cultivate deep soil condition to weather the coming storm. Satan uses the pain and suffering of this world to discourage our belief and lure us to resign God. Are we ready?Stop the devil via God’s saying, “those who honor me, I will honor’ (1 Sam 2:30)

“...hears the word but the cares of the world and deceit of riches...” (v7) speaks of the love and allegiance of our heart that is given to the

prosperity of the world. Satan twists prosperity and defiled it by telling us to give up Christ to gain the pleasures of the world. The inner voice and feeling just takes over. Who then is our Master?

Stop the devil via God’s saying, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them” (1 John 2:15)

I congratulate you for being comrades who dared to take the challenge of completing

the race in the School of Ministry course. Though the race seems to have ended, another new lap ordained by our Lord has just begun for you. The seeds of His Kingdom sown in 10 weeks will find its way to growth and maturity (v8) for the next lap. May the new season greet you with strength from the Lord to do, to be, to choose and to appropriate your Calling and Destiny as believers/followers of Christ who constantly ask…

”Henceforth, how then shall I live?”



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One of the keys to build a successful and sustainable ministry is to honour the Sabbath. Keeping the Sabbath is about living a Christocentric life (Mark 2:28), an expression of our reliance and recognition that God is the builder of the house (Psalm 127, Matthew 16:18).

Actually, Sabbath may be the least recognised weapon of warfare. When faced with the raging red sea in front of them and the pursuing Egyptian army behind them, the Israelites were commanded to “stand still.” In that posture, they saw God fighting for them (Ex 14:13-14).

As you pursue the call of God passionately, as you fight the good fight valiantly, remember your Sabbath. Take time to rest in Him, take time to know that there is a God fighting for you.

Pastor Sin Giap Teo

reFerence commiTTee member, execuTive PasTor oF c3 rockingham


We are grateful to the College and students for the opportunity to share in their journey with the Lord through this course.

This pastoral experience underscores our awareness of how intimately our God knows each student, how all the days for each were written in His book before one of them came to be, and the vastness of His thoughts concerning each one.

We are blessed to be given the privilege of listening to them, praying for them, and waiting with them, for the revelation and unfolding of His purposes, plans and desires for them.

As they yield to His continuing work of transformation, may they go forth as ambassadors for Christ, showing the all-surpassing power of God in their lives.

serene Tan and serena choochaPlains

“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honour

the one who serves me.” - John 12:24-26

Jesus is that kernel of wheat that died to produce many seeds. His death on the cross is unique and sufficient to give eternal life to everyone who believes.

But in verses 25-26 Jesus adds that whoever serves Him must follow Him. He is teaching us to follow His example and lay down our lives in order to see God’s Kingdom grow.

Jesus’ example of sacrifice is what the Church needs today. As the class of 2014 steps out to serve and follow Christ, we know that God will honour you as you offer your lives in service and sacrifice to the King!

Pastor Yat Wan Eu

reFerence commiTTee member, senior PasTor oF new liFe ciTy church

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congratulationsto arrows college

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight

Proverbs 3:6

Chan Brothers Import/Export Pty LtdUnit 2/183, High Road,Willetton

Tel: 93543022



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ANGELA LAU secreTary

I had set my mind to attend the School of Supernatural Ministry (SSM) the following year. I submitted an advance verbal application for 3 months No Pay Leave with my Senior Pastor. He granted the approval immediately. However, after giving more thoughts to it, I informed my boss that I would prefer to take the sabbatical rest after I have completed 15 years of full-time service in Church Office on 31 December 2013.

Pastor Benny Ho, our camp speaker in Year 2013 promoted Arrows College but it did not captivate me, as I was so ready to register for SSM.

To my surprise, one month later while doing household chores on my off day, I heard a voice asking, “Why not Perth?” and it came very strongly.

I did not dismiss the prompting. I checked out the curriculum of Arrows College online and counted the cost. I was longing for a complete break from work and ministry to rest, retire, be refreshed and renewed by God so that I can be more effective after my sabbatical leave.

Being an Arrows College student is a great blessing for me. I have the luxury to learn from all the anointed lecturers. I was challenged to allow God to be my dance partner, let Him take the lead to dance with me and be intimate with Him. God is still speaking to me and sharpening the rough edges in me so that I can continue to shine for Him.


ARTHUR LAI36, engineer

“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly

and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8

My time at Arrows College has been nothing short of amazing! I initially attended with the purpose of equipping myself for the possibility of pursuing full-time ministry and Arrows helped me achieve that beyond expectations. Every week I’m surrounded by passionate students (now all family!) and privileged to receive rich teachings by spiritual giants. This course has not only opened up my eyes on many spiritual aspects I was previously not aware before, but has also opened up my heart to be more submissive to the Lord. I couldn’t have asked for a better environment to be immersed in God’s presence!

One verse I hold very close to my heart is Micah 6:8 - And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. I truly believe that Arrows College was a course God intended for me to go through in order to learn what it means to be humble before our Lord so I can walk faithfully in my journey of life. This course has been truly inspiring and an incredible privilege to attend.


DANIEL MO33, medical PracTiTioner

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you

know those from whom you learned it, and how from

infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed

and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and

training in righteousness, so that the servant of God

may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:14-17 NIV

I enrolled for Arrows not really knowing what to expect except a general longing to be better equipped for ministry. I have learnt so much throughout the course in the areas of deepening my walk with God, digging deeper into His word and learning to do ministry with the right heart and mind. A particular aspect of my life that was changed was encountering and learning about the spiritual aspect of Christian living. It has really stirred in me a hunger to want to chase more of the Holy Spirit and to see miracles here on earth, as the course rightly put it, to see “Heaven invade Earth.”

Thank you Arrows!


Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the

shadow of the Almighty.

Iwill say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my

God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:1-2

Enrolling in Arrows College was never something that crossed my mind. I evaded conversations whenever the community around me showed signs of “probing my spiritual life”. It was only through a series of life events that I ended up in Arrows College, and it was really beyond what I had expected.

The first week in and my idea of life took a 180-degree turn. While I always knew that there was more to life than how I was living it, I never really knew the purpose of pushing myself. By Friday of the first week, I found a purpose that has been till this day (7 weeks in), re-emphasized through people who I have just met.

Arrows College is truly different from a bible college. The dean likens the format to a “tasting platter” where we are given just enough to whet our appetites.

No matter how old you are, no matter where you are in life, the modules and atmosphere at Arrows College will surely have something for you.

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ELYN HEAH42, nurse

“In God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

My purpose for coming to Arrows is to seek direction in my life as well as to find rest upon the Lord especially after battling with an illness earlier this year. I am grateful to have the privilege to study in Arrows College. I am also impressed by the team as it is run by volunteers who are so passionate to serve the students and have been blessed by their love, joy and guidance.

Truly, my journey with the Lord is deeper now. Not only am I equipped with His knowledge, I am also more confident now in my ministry work. I have been greatly blessed by the lecturers too.

Besides that, the stay at the Mission House has brought great memories to me. The sisters and brother in Christ are so supportive and encouraging. The fellowship with one another helped me to identify with the verse “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17) too. They have also blessed me with a Ukulele and I am so thankful for it.

I thank God for the wonderful experiences in Arrow College, may the Lord continue to shower His blessings upon each and every volunteer and their households too.


FRANCIS CHEAH62, communiTy care manager

I knew about Arrows College in November 2013. At that time, I was helping out with FGA’s work at the Love Bentley Community Centre. In March 2014, I was informed of a change in church direction and they had to close Love Bentley.

My wife, Sally and I, prayed and sought God over the decision to take on the role to run the program.

So it began, 1st May was the official start to the impending fun, fear and joy. I realised that I would need a whole team to help run the ministry. I too realised that I lacked necessary knowledge and skills and enrolling in Arrows was the best option for me to seek the Lord in these areas.

In the first week, Ps Benny Ho’s class on “Calling and Destiny” confirmed the direction of my calling. Classes on healing and deliverance by Dr. Margaret Seaward & Rev. Derek Hong revealed to me of the Abba Father’s love for me; it was indeed beyond my comprehension.

I picked up useful skills such as the “2R2B” method by Ps Chris Hayward in his class on “Breaking Bondages” that can be applied to my ministry straightaway. I have learnt from Rev. Edmund Chan on how to prioritize and to say “No” gracefully.

I enjoyed the classes and I am thankful to the team at Arrows who have contributed exceedingly. I am grateful to be able to bless others and be blessed in return.

JACKIE CHIA41, general manager

I currently serve as a full-time staff in my church called Agape Family Centre (AFC) in Brunei. Thanks to my Senior Pastor Peter Chin who recommended me to enroll to study School of Ministry in Arrows College. He heard about the course through Pastor Benny Ho and knew that the topics covered in the course will further equip me to serve better in ministry. Praise God for His divine favor that I am able to be here for 10 weeks to learn.

The course structure is well organized with classes in the morning and the afternoons are kept free for students to have their own time for study. The lecturers are equipped with many years of experience serving in their respective ministry that made their teachings very rich and valuable for me to learn from. The practical sessions are very beneficial; I have been ministered to during those sessions and in turn I learnt to minister to others as well. It has been a fruitful 10weeks of studies at Arrows College, apart from learning from the various lecturers, it has been a nice break for me to find rest in the Lord and be recharged. I am now better equipped to serve the Lord and I am looking forward to be back to my ministry. I highly recommend Arrows College School of Ministry to anyone who desires to be further equipped and also to have a time of rest with the Lord.


Throughout the course of Arrows Matthew 28:18-20 has impacted me significantly. It reminds me of what we are all called to do, of the command that Jesus gave us as His last.

This command is for all who believe and confess Jesus as Christ, and although the method may change across different people, the purpose and the reason why we should follow this commission is the same. This is the reason why I joined Arrows College, so that I could find out more about myself and about God, and to discover how I can obey everything Jesus has commanded me to do, doing it according to how God has created me, with the small things that make me different to other people.

Surely, I’ve found many things. Not everything, but I’ve found out many things about myself, about how God moves and works in me and in the world. There are so many things about ourselves and about this world that is still for us to be discovered, and Arrows is just the beginning of an adventure to finding God in His divine diversity.

Everything I’ve learnt in Arrows College is a prelude to the purpose God has for me, and to the long journey that is still ahead, and Arrows has propelled me towards that journey, equipping and preparing me.


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JAIME TEO23, sTudenT

I enrolled into Arrows college as a break between work and to re-evaluate my life priorities, determined to seek God first in whatever comes next. I found out about the college from my mum who attended the course last year. Seeing a positive change in her general demeanor, as well as the testimonies of her personal experience, enticed me to apply and see what God would have in store for me here.

It has been an amazing experience from all angles. Through the classes, my understanding of what “being a Christian” is has been stretched. Thanks to the interactive setting of the course, I feel equipped to share these newfound revelations with people back home who have asked the same questions I had before coming to the Arrows. All the significant moments of my time at Arrows correlates to a result of leaving with a fuller sense of God’s love having experienced His presence.

On the more social and daily life aspect, it’s been incredibly fun getting to know my other course mates during class and even when we’re outside simply enjoying each others company. The social bonds formed and inside jokes are things that I’ll treasure, and I’m pretty sure any ukulele I see from now on will act as a reminder of these fun times.


You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

I enrolled in Arrows College to seek the truth about the Christian faith. I was born into a Christian home and grew up to be what is known as a ‘Sunday Christian’. I never cared too much about the Christian faith until I enlisted for National Service (NS) in Singapore. My beliefs were shaken and was on the verge of giving up on the Christian faith.

However, my dad encouraged me to seek God for myself. After completing my NS, I decided to take matters into my own hands by enrolling myself in Arrows College to experience the God that my parents always talked about.

I have gained a holistic understanding of God through my time at Arrows, understanding myself and putting into words all the confusion that I was experiencing with God. I found most of my answers in the bible. With the guidance of the school dean, lecturers, course-mates and my parents, I am now on the right path to searching for answers. Arrows is my start to a life-long pilgrimage in seeking God. I believe Arrows College is true to its name and will point you in the right direction in seeking God.

I would like to make a shout-out to: T-Choo, JB, D-Mo & Arty. Thanks for sending me to and fro from the college!

MARGARET YAPP53, business enTrePreneur

I thank Ps Choy, the Dean of Arrows College for encouraging me to go full time in this 10-weeks course

This was a challenge for me as I am working full-time in the marketplace. I remembered distinctively Ps. Choy saying, “Don’t worry, you can come to see me if you have any needs.” I enrolled because I wanted to equip myself in areas of ministry as well as to learn more about biblical theology.

I am glad to be in the marketplace as it gives me the opportunity to share the gospel with others. At the same time, others are able to see God’s glory and blessings in my family and in our business.

God has changed me and I have become a more confident person. The spiritual food that he has fed me with has enabled me to be bold and courageous. I have benefited from all the classes especially from Dr. Margaret Seaward and Ps. Chris Hayward’s sessions on Deliverance & Inner Healing and Breaking Bondages.

The practical sessions have build up my faith in ministering to others as well. I am glad to be given the chance to boldly pray for others especially during the Encounter Weekend with Ps Chris Hayward. I witnessed many being touched by the Holy Spirit that day and it was an amazing encounter with the Lord.

JOSEPH SEAH56, senior PasTor

“… but those who wait for the LORD shall renew their

strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,

they shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:31

I have been serving in China for 12 years as a tentmaker. I felt that this trip to Perth/Arrows College would be good for me to take a sabbatical and a 2nd honeymoon with my wife. It was a chance to experience a deeper walk with God, but also time with my wife.

The lead up to Arrows was a divine appointment that began with meeting Pastor Benny Ho last year in Perth, then in Singapore and finally Shanghai. He told us about Arrows and we felt that it would be beneficial not only to equip ourselves, but to bring back these valusable lessons for our disciples here in China.

I have made the right choice to enrol. I was able to set aside 10 weeks to study, take inventories of myself, renew my spirit and renounce the sins and pains in my life. This period of repentance has allowed God to heal me totally.

I now know that with the help from God, I am able to soar as an eagle and be eqipped with confidence to face new challenges. I am able to proclaim that I have walked a deeper walk with my Father, my spirit is renewed, and He is my source of strength.


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MELISSA LEONG27, early childhood

I came to Arrows College with the desire to immerse myself in the Lord’s presence and to be away from the busyness of Singapore.

In this short span of 10 weeks, I have gained more than what I wanted, encountering the Lord in real and tangible ways and I am encouraged to bring these encounters to share with my community back home.

In addition, I have learnt to receive with humility and to give graciously especially in aspects of servanthood. Serving one another brings about an unexplainable joy and it is truly a delight to be able to learn and in turn teach one another the skills that we all uniquely possess. In the process of serving others, I discover more about myself too.

The equipping modules were applicable for all areas of ministry work; whether serving as a leader in church or in the marketplace. The take-away is more than the lesson content itself; the biggest lessons evolving from the daily fellowship with the lecturers and students. The most rewarding experience for me is being able to witness the glory of God in everyone’s lives. Whether you are a young believer or a mature Christian, there is a place for your story to be shared and embraced. The stories and journeys of my classmates have helped to build me up. Surely there are no strangers here in Arrows, just friends you have not met.

TREVIN CHOO50, homemaker

These five weeks in Arrows College has been a pilgrim progress for me; the daily chapel session led by each student helped me to see what God can do and use anyone who is willing.

What I like about Arrows is that, ‘everyone is given the chance to explore their strength.’ If we do not explore we will miss out on God’s divine plan for us. In class, we stepped out from our ‘comfort zone’ and overcame the fear that holds us back from what God has in store for us. The sequence of the courses is very divinely programmed to tailor to our body, soul and spirit.

The start of the course brings us from recognising God’s calling and right down to spiritual cleansing. There were so many spiritual insights that I was not taught as a young Christian therefore wrong thought patterns were developed.

I enjoyed every single course and have picked up many treasures and gems as I gleaned from various anointed teachers. I cannot say which one is my favourite subject; they are all relevant in order to fix the jigsaw puzzle in my life.

Though the class is made up of students as young as twenty to those who over fifties, there is no generation gap in sight; I am thankful to be in this class of 2014, because this is the BEST class anyone can ask for!


Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke

and encourage—with great patience and careful


2 Timothy 4:2

Since Arrows College (Perth) started in 2012, I have been looking forward to enrol for the course. It was only possible for me to attend this year, after I moved back from Singapore to re-settle down in Perth.

In Feb 2014, before I returned to Perth, God has revealed to me that the two years ahead (2014 and 2015) will be a season of equipping and training to prepare me for the next phase in life. I thank God for opening the door and providing financially so that I can have the wonderful learning opportunity at Arrows College 2014.

Through the course, I have gleaned much from all the lecturers who shared with us their wisdom, biblical knowledge, amazing experience and spiritual journey unreservedly.

It has been an interesting but uncomfortable 10 weeks for me as I surrender my life to God and allow Him to do the deep uprooting work in me and deal with the inner issues in my life. I am glad that God has once again reminded me to stop worrying and just enjoy the days He has created, to spend time with Him, worship Him, soak in His presence and live life to the fullest with Him.

There is nothing more important than to enjoy walking with Him.

PRISCILLA LAM56, senior PasTor

I came to know about Arrows College when holidaying in Perth in 2013. I longed to come but I also thought it was impossible.

My husband and I talked to Ps. Benny at least twice about this and he encouraged us to come to Perth to study and to go on a sabbatical leave at the same time. I told him that we may not be be able to finish it as ten weeks seemed too long for us.

We finally made the decision to enrol for the course all thanks to Ps Benny, for his encouragement, kingdom mentality and his willingness to bless the China Mission.

Just a week before classes commenced, I had an emergency eye operation, and nearly could not travel. After prayers from my family and loved ones, God gave me strength and enabled me come to Perth.

The first three weeks was a struggle because of the persistent pain in my eye. I was in pain but I was also touched by God’s love for me every moment.

Before I came, I was tired, weary and badly hurt. Throughout the lessons like Deilverance & Inner healing and Breaking Bondages, I am healed and I learnt to rest on Him more.

During the weeks God reminded me of Isaiah 40:31.

I want to put my hope in God, renew my strength and soar like an eagle, in my walk with Him, my maker.



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I BELIEVE IT IS a divine appointment for me to

enrol in Arrows College.

In June 2013, I went for my church camp, where Ps

Benny Ho was the speaker. I became aware that my

relationship with God was very superficial, and it

stirred up my desire to grow as a disciple of the Lord

Jesus Christ. I also learnt about the 10-week School of

Ministry course at Arrows College in Perth and thought

that it would be so nice if I could go. But the leave was

not approved.

In March 2014, I suddenly developed a high fever and

severe headache, and was diagnosed with aneurysms

in my brain and neck. An aneurysm is an excessive

enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the

artery wall. Nine days after I got sick, the Lord healed

me - the symptoms were gone. On my discharge from

hospital, a member of my cell group took me into her

home and all of my cell members helped to look after

me. The Lord made sure that I was not left alone to

fend for myself as I had been doing from a very young


Falling sick made me realise that there was much

hurt and pain hidden in my heart from things that

had happened to me in the past. I went for 2 or 3

deliverance and inner healing sessions in my church.

My deliverance from bondage and curses made me

feel like I had been set free.

One day, while on medical leave, the Lord gave me the

idea to use my illness as a reason to apply for 10 weeks

of no-pay leave in order to go to ministry school. I

prayed about it before going to see my supervisor but

for some reason, approval was only given for 8 weeks.

When this happened, I took it to be God’s will, even

though that meant that I would not graduate.

Besides applying for leave and adjusting to my new

posting in neonatal ICU, I also struggled with the issue

of finances and my responsibilities to my family. I

bargained with God to let me go to ministry school in

Singapore so that these issues would be easy for me

to handle. But His will was so clear that He wanted me

to enrol in Arrows College. I did not know why it was

so important to Him that I should come to Perth but I

chose to obey.

Extension of No-Pay Leave

At the start of the course, Ps Choy, the Dean of Arrows

College, spoke to me and asked if I could complete the

10-week course. I told him that it is God’s will that I

should do only 8 weeks. He prayed for me, that I would

enjoy good health and be able to complete the course.

Apart from the fact that I was sure it was God’s will for

me to do only 8 weeks, I was not at all keen to extend

my time at Arrows College to 10 weeks as this would

entail not only the cost of changing my return flight

but also cancelling the 3-day trip I had planned to take

to Penang, my hometown, to visit my family before

returning to work in Singapore.

But now, I started to wonder if it could really be God’s

will for me to do only 8 weeks of this 10-week course.

During Ps Benny’s teaching on “Calling & Destiny”, the

first module of the course, my heart was very uneasy;


From Strength to Strength: My ten week journeyIt has been a journey of faith and obedience for student Elyn Heah through her ten weeks at Arrows College. Encountering the healing and breakthrough God of her life, her time at Arrows College was a time of intimacy with God and new experiences in learning to worship Him.

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it soon dawned on me that God is a

purposeful God and it did not make

sense to not complete the course. I

asked my classmates, Jamie and

Melissa, to pray for me.

Finally, on the third day of term, I sent

an email to my supervisor to extend

my no-pay leave. I told the Lord that I

truly wanted to follow His will and that

I surrendered this issue to Him. Three

days later, my supervisor informed me

that my request for extension of my

no-pay leave had been approved. I was

so happy to receive this news as I had

begun to really enjoy myself at Arrows.

Inner Healing and Deliverance from an Orphan Spirit

When I was first approached by the

Dean to participate in the Encounter

Weekend, I refused, as I thought I had

dealt with all the issues in my life. I

did not see why I should go when

participation in this event was optional.

But almost immediately, the Holy Spirit

began to convict me otherwise and

within 3 days, the thought that came so

clearly to me (with a fear of God) was,

“you go!”. I obeyed and informed the

Dean at the earliest opportunity that I

would go for the Encounter Weekend.

Once I had done that, my inner turmoil

was replaced by a tremendous sense of


During the Encounter Weekend, I

experienced a breakthrough when

the Lord revealed to me His desire to

heal and deliver me from an orphan

spirit. I had always felt that I had been


abandoned and left to fend for myself.

Now, the Lord was reassuring me that

He is with me. I acknowledge it and I

receive it, with joy and thankfulness.

The Encounter Weekend turned out

to be a great blessing to me, and also

equipped and gave me the opportunity

to be a blessing to others. I am glad I

went and I am thankful to my Dean for

encouraging me to go.

Playing the Ukulele

One day, I was sitting with Jamie while

she played the ukulele. When I told

her I wanted to play too, her reply

was “sure!”. She and Melissa taught

me a few chords. When I found that I

was able to play a simple song on the

ukulele within a few hours, I was so

happy! I realised that it was God who

had enabled me to do it. It was an

amazing experience!

Playing the ukulele is so therapeutic – it

lifts my spirits and gladdens my heart.

It is to me yet another expression of

our heavenly Father’s love for me. I

was even more surprised when my

housemates blessed me with a ukulele

of my own. Later, when Ps Ray Badham

came to stay with us at Mission House,

the ukulele was autographed by him.

Under Ps Ray’s tutelage, my team (Bo,

Margaret, Jonathan and I) composed a

song entitled “God is my Healer” which

I proclaim, because of my sickness. I

feel very good about the song, and find

it amazing that we could actually write

a song and praise the Lord in that way,

within just 2 hours.

An Indescribable Experience

In bringing me to Arrows, the Lord

has gone to such great lengths to

demonstrate His love for me in real and

tangible ways and to draw me into a

more intimate relationship with Him.

I am so touched and amazed by the

depth of His love for me. I pray that

He will lead me to live in His will and

finish my race well.


- Hebrews 12:1

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.


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There is no retirement, just “re-wirement”For more than 10 years, Joseph Seah and Priscilla Lam served the Lord faithfully in China and were considering retirement. After several divine appointments and the opportunity to come to Perth, their time at Arrows College changed all that.

PRISCILLA AND I were thinking of retirement or at

least a semi-retirement before coming to Arrows College.

Instead, we are now rewired, recharged and really for

bigger challenges in our lives ahead.

Arrows College is like a re-charging station for us. We are

56 years of age now and have been married for 33 years.

The Lord has touched us once again in our journey here.

Priscilla and I have had many encounters with the Lord

over the past years.

We encountered the Lord together on the same day, same

time, same moment in 1989, during an altar call. Both

of us had our eyes closed as we listened to the message.

A voice spoke to my inner being and told me that I am

special and Jesus loves me. My spirit cried out and I told

myself, “I want to invite Jesus into my life no matter what

happens, even if my wife does not want to accept HIM.”

To my surprise, Priscilla had the exact thoughts too!

We were shocked to look at each other and on that day

we gladly received the wonderful gift of salvation from


After giving our lives to the Lord, Priscilla and I faced

many challenges. There were many ups and downs but

we knew deep down that the challenges we faced did not

have a stronghold in our lives because of our personal

relationship with our Father. He is true to his words

and He has presented himself countless of times to

strengthen us during our darkest moments. With that, we

have both grew steadily in our Christian walk.


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Serving in ChinaYears ago we felt the passion to go

into mission work; thereafter we

pursued to become missionaries and

Marketplace Ministers in China. We

have been there for more than 10

years now.

It was a divine appointment that

within a year we met Pastor Benny Ho

for 3 times and he introduced Arrows

College and invited us to come. The

prospectus looked interesting, and

the lecturers are prominent spiritual

heroes of the decade.

We felt that we should come just to

recharge, have a time of sabbatical

and a second honeymoon.

Soaked in NatureStaying in the Mission House has

allowed me to be away from the

busyness of the metropolis cities of

Shanghai and Singapore. In addition,

I find myself having more alone time

with God, observing nature and

allowing His creation to speak to

my inner being. My first encounter

was watching the Willy Wagtail

nestling outside the Mission House.

It was a gift to be able to watch the

bird hatched her eggs until the

transformation of her 3 little babies.

Witnessing their growth brought

about a re-born experience and it

felt like something new was bursting

out of my life! My time in Arrows is

indeed a re-born experience!

We have chapel and devotion time

daily and it gives the students an

opportunity to share their thoughts

as well as to lead worship. We grow

every day in learning from the

lecturers and the students, as iron

sharpen iron.

There is so much more than just

receiving head knowledge.

During the process of the course,

many hidden, unknown blind spots,

and sin in my life surfaced. I came


before the Lord to confess known

and unknown, forgave those who

wounded knowingly or unknowingly.

I repented and renounced all things

that are bad for me and now I have

a cleaned life, a renewed life and an

imparted life. I am strengthened

and confident to take on greater

challenges for the Lord.

We caught the impartation and the

anointing of our spiritual heroes and

we are prepared to pass it on.

Study Hard, Play HardIn addition to our study sessions, we

had many fun outings and I am glad

to experience the joy with everyone.

This was a great honeymoon with

Priscilla; as my relationship with the

Lord grows deeper, my relationship

with my wife is also strengthened

day by day. I begin to understand the

verse in Ephesians 5:31-32;

“For this reason a man will leave his

father and mother and be joined to

his wife, and the two will become

one flesh.” This is a great mystery,

and I am applying it to Christ and the


Isaiah 40:31it feels that I am like the eagle

where after 40 years of flying in the

wilderness, I am now seeking to be

renewed and restored to help prepare

for the flight for the next 30 years.

After Arrows, my wife and I will

impart what we have learned here

to the next generation of leaders in

China and immediately we will enter

into a new nation that the Lord has

prepared for us.

We are confident and prepared to

move ahead for our second half with

the help of our Lord Jesus, because

He is able.





- ISAIAH 40:31



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Angela Lau encourages us with her story of a God that stays the same yesterday, today and forever who is always faithful as He sustains her through life’s ups and downs.

I SERVED THE Regional Director of

a public-listed company in 1993. The

office was located only 8 minutes’

walk from my home. I had favour with

my boss and colleagues. As I was not

required to work overtime, I took up a

part-time Management Course at night.

In 1996, while having a vacation

in Perth, God spoke to me of His

provision through Matthew 6:26-28

as I was seeking for His direction. I

prayed for 2 years before responding

to God’s calling into full-time service

on 2 Jan 1998. Since then, I have

been faithfully serving as a P.A. to

the Senior Pastor in a Community

Pastoring Church in Singapore.

In early 1996, I was deeply hurt

emotionally from a relationship. For a

short period, I visited other churches.

God was peeling me like an onion to

allow His fragrance to be released.

In 1997, I went through a session of

deliverance from the spirit of death

and spirit of rejection. I was set

free from the strongholds in my life

before entering full-time ministry.

My love and passion for children led

me to serve in the Children Ministry

for about 20 years. It gave me great

A Thankful Heart

joy to teach the young ones, visit

them at home and get to know the

parents. However, in 2003, I was not

satisfied in being a Children Church

counselor only so I began to pray

that God will open doors to a new

ministry. A year later, together with

some of my leaders and members, we

attended a course on Divine Healing

by Pastor Derek Hong in COOS.

As I have experienced God’s instant

healing of a naggy fever, I felt

compelled to be on a 3-months

attachment with the Healing Rooms

in COOS at night. 5 of my leaders and

I had planned to operate a Healing

Rooms Ministry in my church. On

1 April 2005, I attended a 10-Day

Conference organized by Ellel

Ministries in Malacca. The sessions

on Deliverance & Inner Healing were

indeed an eye opener to me. God

continued to break me as I went

through a deliverance session.

Although I was not in Singapore on

7 April 2005, the team launched the

Healing Rooms Ministry and there were

30 “patients” that night. For the past

9 years, many from the community

who came for prayers have received

Christ. We have witnessed instant

and progressive healings; some who

had dropped out of church have

returned to His fold after receiving

ministry at the Healing Rooms. I had

the privilege of visiting the “patients”

in the hospital and at their homes.

I felt a terrible sense of loss when there

were 2 deaths within 3 months in May

2006. A close friend and colleague

who was serving in West Kalimantan

as a missionary was knocked down

by a motorbike and suffered head

injuries. She was immediately flown

back to Singapore. The church was

rallied to pray for her but she did not

survive. On 17 August 2006, the wife

of an Elder serving in the Healing

Rooms’ committee was called home

to be with the Lord after battling with

cancer for a period of time. Although

it was a painful journey for me, I

still believe that God is the Healer.

During the 15 years of service in the

church, I have had many opportunities

to participate in overseas mission

trips, organizing church events and

interchurch network meetings. I have

tried to throw in the towel 3 times but

each time I prayed; I was convinced


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that my plan was not God’s plan.

Studying at Arrows College is

definitely one of the greatest

blessings in my life. I have never

imagined that I’ll be able to take time

off from work to receive spiritual

feeding for 10 weeks. My heart was

filled with thanksgiving the moment I

arrived in Perth. God is so good to me!

In addition to the beautiful Mission

House and the company of wonderful

housemates, He had also brought

Jane Teo, an ex-Arrows College

student who volunteered to be the

House Steward. Jane’s culinary skill is

so good; thus meals preparation was

eased from my mind that allowed me

to have full enjoyment in my studies.

I felt very privileged to be able to

learn from all the anointed lecturers.

However, I did not expect to cry so

much during the 10 weeks course.

On 22 September 2014, I received

news from my home church that one

of the Senior Elders whom we have

been serving together for a long time

had passed on. There were many

questions running through my mind

as I grieved over the sudden death.

The in-depth teaching of Dr Margaret

Seaward on Deliverance & Inner

Healing has reinforced that spiritual

war is always ongoing but God is

Sovereign and has victory over our

situations. I received supernatural

peace from the Lord although the

physical separation was painful and

I was unable to be at the funeral.

During the N.T. Survey, I was convicted

to allow God to be my dance partner,

let Him take the lead and be intimate

with Him again. The assignment to

read the 27 New Testament books

in the bible within a month had

created a hunger in me to go a second

round. On the 5th week, when some

students were answering the altar

call to receive the Father’s blessings

through Pastor Derek Hong, the Lord’s

presence just came upon me where I

stood and began to weep and weep.

I felt so loved by my Abba Father.

As God continued to sharpen

the rough edges in me, He has

also brought about deep healing

during the module on Breaking

Bondages by Pastor Chris Hayward.

I trust that the Lord will use me to

impact the community where I’m in and

live out the promises in Luke 4 : 18-19.



- LUKE 4:18-19



I truly appreciate the team of

volunteers comprising of the Dean

Pastor Choy, Administrator Kin Ho,

the Chaplains Serene Tan & Serena

Choo and House Steward Jane Teo

who have showered their care and

love on the students at Arrows

College. They are indeed walking

testimonies of Matthew 25:21.

II am glad to get to know

many new friends in Arrows

College, Faith Community

Church and Anchor Church.

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Understanding the Father’s heart and His unconditional love towards her was a journey that Melissa Leong had to walk through with Her Heavenly Father. At Arrows College, she discovers herself on a road of restoration and the rediscovery of His plans for her.

Pursuing My Abba Father


YOU DON’T HAVE TO come all the

way to Perth to encounter the Lord, but

if your soul needs to be recharged, and

if you need that one-to-one time with

Him in a private and intimate setting,

may I encourage you to consider taking

time off from your responsibilities to

be here and allow the Lord to embrace

you in His love and His creation.

Growing up I always wondered if God

is real and I wondered what does it

mean to be loved unconditionally

by Him. As I grow in my relationship

with God, I began to understand that

my Abba Father makes all things

beautiful in His time. Regardless of the

desires in my heart or opportunities

that I am waiting to have, God makes

it come to pass in His perfect timing.

No one can ever comprehend His

ways, and if there’s anything that I

know and am certain of, is that our

Abba Father always has it controlled.

I returned to the Lord in 2013 after

realizing that I had to make a choice

to either start living the right way of

light and life or to carry on with one

that was full of darkness and vices. It

was through a series of events that

led me to come before His throne to

say that, “Lord, I give up. I can’t move

anymore unless you carry me. Take

me to a place where I can seek you

face to face. Take charge of my life

because your timing and ways are

perfect.” I never understood what is

it like to be loved unconditionally

by my Father, until I came to Arrows.

It may seemed like it took a long time

for me to figure this out, but I am glad

that the Lord took his time to reveal

His unconditional love to me. He

showed me, through His people, what

it is like to be blessed (be endowed

with divine favor and protection)

and be loved. I met many new faces

in Arrows, and everyone, from the

young to the seniors, had a story to

share. Their stories are filled with

praises and thanksgiving, and every

story was built on the agape love of the

Father. It wasn’t just their stories that

revealed the real and tangible ways of

God; it was also shown in their day-to-

day lives. I was encouraged by their

stories and faith in action, and it was

through their encounters with Him

that heightened my pursuit for the

Father’s heart. I wanted to encounter

the Lord too! I thought to myself.

Understanding the father’s heart

wasn’t a one-day effort. As with

all relationships, it takes time to

develop and grow. God has taken

His time to peel my layers and He

has shown me that there are indeed

He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom  what God has done from beginning to end.

- Ecclesiastes 3:11

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no fears in His perfect love and this

revelation came together with the

understanding of His perfect timing.

I had a past that was traumatic and

from time to time it still pricks when I

look back on the yester years. However,

I am comforted that all things work

for good to those who love Him. God

took those dark years and turned it

around for the goodness of many and

in the process of it, He showed me what

is it like to be loved and accepted, to

be forgiven and extend forgiveness.

I wouldn’t have been able to forgive

myself if the Lord hadn’t revealed the

beauty of His creation and plans for

my life. I am thankful that there is no

limit to God’s timing and I am even

more thankful to for His redemptive

love and countless second chances.

Matthew 7:7 (NLT) “Keep on asking,

and you will receive what you

ask for. Keep on seeking, and you

will find. Keep on knocking, and

the door will be opened to you”

This verse is the highlight of my

journey in Arrows. With every promise

from God comes a condition, and

the condition of this promise is for

us to seek first His kingdom and

righteousness. I believe that the Lord

knows the desires of our heart and He

will grant you those desires if you search

Him earnestly and wholeheartedly.

Music played a great role in my younger

days; I grew up under the influence of

my dad’s playlist and I remembered

listening to evergreen and country

music on the Walkman that my parents

gave me. It would be my favourite thing

to do to rewind the cassettes on each

side and listen to the albums back

to back. I was known as the “walking

walkman” those days in school. Music

also became my hideout where I

would retreat to when the chaos in

my world became too big to handle.

Because of my interest in music, my

mum decided that it was best for me

to learn the piano. However, I gave

up at Grade 5 as I couldn’t cope with

the rigorous training. In my teenage

years I remembered growing envious

of the friends who could play an

instrument, I wanted to be like them—

to play my favourite tunes on the

piano or on any other instruments

for that matter! I attempted to re-

learn the piano, only to realize that

I can’t play and sing to save my life.

This desire of wanting to learn how to

play an instrument didn’t stop there; I

began to develop a liking for stringed

instruments and thus sparked my

interest towards the guitar. At 21,


a friend gave me a guitar and I was

thrilled to receive it as a gift! I knew

nothing about the instrument; not

the notes, not the intricateness of

the design, nothing! The guitar came

along with a 2nd hand chord book

and that was the beginning of the late

night clatters in my home. For nights I

would practice strumming and sing my

favourite tunes at the top of my voice

even though I could not play and sing

at the same time. 2 years later I stopped

as I figured that I wasn’t progressing.

About a year later I discovered the

ukulele and Youtube made it seemingly

easier to learn the instrument. I bought

myself one and carried on with the

“late-night clatter” tradition. I used it

in the classroom where I taught and

it was a popular hit amongst the kids!

To keep the story short, at 26, I was saved

and in thankfulness and admiration

to the Lord I found myself having a

desire to sing to Him and worship His

mighty name. Singing alone could not

suffice the desire; in my spirit I knew

I could do more than just singing. I

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you .

- Matthew 7:7

began to pick up the guitar again and

started singing hymns to the Lord in

my tiny abode. Even though I could not

coordinate, it didn’t bother me much

as it was for His ears and mine to hear

only. Through that atmosphere I begin

to understand why people fall to their

knees during worship; I could feel the

overwhelming presence of the Father’s

love as I sang my heart out to Him. I told

the Father that someday, I too would

like to bring people into His comforting

presence through worship—both

singing and playing of the guitar.

This was told to no one but Him.

Coming to Arrows was the beginning

of the answers to my desires. I

remembered Pastor Choy asking for

musicians during orientation and

unknowingly, I raised my hands.

Immediately I exclaimed, “I can’t

play and sing! And I can only play the

basic chords on the guitar!” Later did

I know that I would be helping friends

from the Mission House with their

morning worship in chapel services!

It was always nerve wrecking when

someone approached to ask for help,

as I was afraid that I couldn’t meet

his or her expectations. That said,

I realized that this was the request

that I presented to the Lord for a long

time! It’s no wonder that He gave it to

me all at once. Over the course of 10

weeks, I have been graciously blessed

with classmates who taught me some

basics on the guitar. Morning chapel

services became the platform for me

to participate in leading everyone to

exalt His mighty name. Freely you have

received, freely you give; I am grateful

to be blessed with a skill that only God

can give, and I am even more thankful

to be able to share this gift with His

people. Thank you Jamie, for your

enthusiasm in learning the Ukulele,

alongside with Elyn and Jackie, who

have encouraged me to pass on this gift

for the purpose of His greater glory.


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I GREW UP IN A small, loving

family with a strong Buddhist

background that was involved in idol

and ancestor worshipping in Brunei.

In 2004, I met a Christian friend

who caused my curiosity to want

to know what Christianity is all

about. In order to find out more, I

started attending Home Group and

Services at AFC (Agape Family Centre)

in Brunei that is now my current

church. During the one year period of

searching, I was ministered to by the

worship sessions, Sunday sermons,

testimonies by brothers and sisters

in Christ which led me to realize the

search for an answer to the meaning

of my life. I then accepted Jesus into

my life in July 2005.

On 1st January 2011, I left my

managerial role in an international

bank that I have served for 14 years

and began to serve full-time in AFC

Brunei after confirming God’s call

in my life. Currently I am holding

the role of a General Manager for

our church office, a Deaconess, a

cell group leader, ministry head

for security and photography,

coordinator for foundation course,

School of Leadership seminar and I

also help to liaise between our Brunei

Mother church and 9 other extension

centres, with 8 of them located in

China, Malaysia, Philippines, India

and Indonesia.

In 2013, my Senior Pastor, Peter

Chin recommended me to enrol and

study in Arrows College knowing

that this course would further equip

me to serve better in ministry. I read

through the topics which will be

covered in the course and my heart

was stirred with excitement. Early

this year, I committed to the Lord

my enrolment application to Arrows

College and Praise the Lord for His

divine favor! Two weeks before I came

to Perth, one of my local pastors

prayed for me and among the words

released to me was to find rest in the

Lord. My heart was filled with joy as I

looked forward to the 10weeks course

knowing that apart from receiving the

invaluable teaching, I would also have

more devotional time with the Lord.

During the night of Arrows College

orientation, all the students were

prayed for. One of the intercessors

prayed for me and again among the

words released to me was to find

rest in the Lord. I thanked God for

re-affirming to me the precious time

that He has prepared for me to have

encounters with Him during my time

at Arrows College.

One of the significant moments at

Arrows College was during the lesson

taught by Ps Derek Hong on the topic

of “Healing Ministry Today”. As he

taught about “Identity in Christ”, he

shared on how our Lord Jesus can

identify with Father God and had a

close relationship with Him. Similarly

for each one of us as a child of God,we

also need to be able to identify and

have a close relationship with our

Father God and this is only possible



Jackie Chia had planned to come to Perth, Western Australia to be equipped at Arrows College and to have a time of rest and devotion with the Lord. Instead, He blessed her with much more than she had initially expected.

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if we first have a close relationship

with our earthly father. I lost my loving

father in January 2007 when he passed

away suddenly due to a heart attack. As

in a traditional Chinese family, we did

not practice much hugging between

father and daughter. One month before

my father’s passing away, he sent me to

the airport as I needed to take a flight

to Malaysia for a conference. Very

unexpectedly, after he had dropped

me at the airport, he came out from

the car and hugged me from the

side. I held that moment dearly in my

heart because I didn’t have any more

opportunity to receive my father’s

love and hug. I didn’t expect Ps Derek

to have a time of ministry, so when he

opened up the floor for ministry, I was

in tears and knew strongly in my heart

how Father God wants to fill me again

with His love and to say that He loves

me very much even though I have lost

my earthly father. Ps Derek hugged me

and prayed a prayer of blessings over

me. I thanked God for His love because

from that moment onwards, there was

a breakthrough in my life as I felt the

immediate intimate relationship with

my Abba Father. A few days later we

participated in the Encounter Weekend



with Ps Chris Hayward and he shared

on “The Father’s Love” on the first

night. When Ps Chris Hayward opened

up the floor for ministry, I went up to

minister the Father’s love to those in

need. It was also my first experience to

minister to others and I thank God for

this experience of ministry time.

I have been greatly blessed by the

invaluable rich teaching from all

the lecturers with many years of

experiences in their respective

ministry. I also thank God for giving

me a time of rest and I believe I have

been better equipped and I am ready

to serve and contribute back to my

church in Brunei.

I would like to personally thank all the

teachers who have taught us in Arrows

College this year for their invaluable

impartation, Ps Choy as Dean and

Uncle Kin Ho as Administrator of

Arrows College for their sacrifices

and for taking very good care of all

the students. May Father God bless

them and their families abundantly in

all areas of their lives. Special thanks

to my Senior Ps Peter, Senior Pastoral

team, Sapphire Zone members and AFC

Family for their support shown to me.

I highly recommend Arrows College

School of Ministry to those who desire

to be further equipped and also to

have a time of rest with the Lord. May

I encourage you with these words from

1 Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my

dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing

move you. Always give yourselves fully

to the work of the Lord, because you

know that your labor in the Lord is not

in vain.” All Honor, Praise and Glory to

Father God and Lord Jesus!

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. - 1 Corinthians 15:58


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two quick questions

The reason I’m so passionate about breaking bondages has to do with setting people free to serve Jesus Christ.

Bondage restricts people by quenching the gifts that God has given them. Once they are

set free they are released to serve Him fully.

I don’t think there is any one single message for the church, but certainly a central message would be; Receive the Father’s Love.

If you are unable to receive the Father’s love, how can you hear His voice or walk in the Spirit?

When you are able to embrace the Father’s love you hear His voice and can move with confidence in whatever He gives you to do.

When you are in bondage you lose confidence and when you lose confidence there will be no bold proclamation of the gospel to anyone around you.

It is not that God pulls away from you when you are in bondage, but you are reticent to hear His voice or to believe that He is speaking with you.

So many of God Saints are in this condition and it hinders the church from moving forward to advance the Gospel.

A freed saint is a witnessing saint.

What makes you so passionate about the subject on breaking bondages?

In your opinion, what is the message for the church today and why? 




Ps. Chris is the president of Cleansing Stream Ministries, an organization dedicated to equipping local churches for biblically balanced, sound and effective healing, and deliverance ministry.

Chris has served in pastoral ministry for over 24 years and was the founding pastor at Christian Fellowship Church in Mount Vernon, Illinois for 12 years.

He has lectured at Arrows College since 2013 and teaches on ‘Breaking Bondages” and has blessed many students.

I am passionate about theology since it is the study of God. This study finds its basis in the Bible and proper interpretations are required if one is to understand God in Christ by the power of His Spirit.

The Spirit is our teacher who makes Christ a known reality in our lives and He keeps our faith active and sharp to face the challenging climate of contemporary religious thought.

Theology is not a glorified Bible study; it is fundamental Bible study in Biblical and contemporary contexts in its truest form. Theology must clear misconceptions about God and His Word and my passion is to clarify erroneous Christian thought and draw people to the real God in Christ of the Bible.

I am passionate in making my classrooms become church and the church become classrooms, albeit in an atmosphere of engaging, innovative and creative exploration. Theological study sets one free as Christ intended.

What makes you so passionate about the subject of theology?

In your opinion, what is the message for the church today and why? I believe that the message to the Church today is to stand firm in the faith for in the last days the love of many will wax cold.

We are living in turbulent times that require the Church to speak God’s Word as the essential truth and to pray God’s will as the essential action for human history. When the Church becomes “corporate business” rather than engaging in our “Father’s business”, we miss the mark of the Gospel story.

On which side of the pendulum would the present day Church/churches be found? Your guess would be as good as mine but thanks be to God who has the final say.

To this end I minister so that the Church can remain true to its calling and not be found wanting when our Lord returns.



A gifted theologian, preacher and teacher, he has a passion for pastoral ministry and Christian education.

He is serving as Principal of the Bible College of Western Australia, his academic research focusing on Systematic Theology with his Masters’ degree having researched the area of ‘sanctification’.

He has planted a church in Perth, Grace Community Church.

He has been a lecturer at Arrows since the school began and has been equipping students in Basic Theology.

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Life After Arrows: Joanne GohPart of the pioneer batch, Joanne Goh is currently living out her God given calling. Be inspired by her story and see where God has taken her since her time at Arrows College.

IT HAS BEEN TWO YEARS since Arrows College 2012 and I would have never imagined then that I get to do what I’m doing now.

I am currently living in the US where I am serving as a missionary in a school called Antioch Centre for Training and Sending. In the winter of 2013 I moved to the US to train with this school where I completed a yearlong internship. This included a short-term outreach trip, which brought me to the Middle East.

I am now preparing to lead a new short-term outreach in December to North Africa. My heart is for Arab Muslims where I want to work amongst them in order to see the Name of Jesus glorified there.

Back in 2012 the Lord used Arrows College as a launch pad. Firstly through the ministry of various teachers, I received multiple confirmations of what the Lord has called me to

do. Secondly, the Lord opened doors in that time for me to walk into what He was calling me to.

I reminisce back on Arrows College with much joy because it was a time marked with the sweetness of His presence. In addition, it was a time where I enjoyed great fellowship with my housemates and deep friendships with my classmates. It was a time of multifaceted growth and preparation mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

What I experienced during Arrows College was both a completion and the beginning of God’s work. The completion of dreams of the past and the beginning of dreams yet to be fulfilled.

The time at Arrows College was simply a time to sit at the feet of Jesus just like Mary of Bethany. In the words of Jesus I conclude: “few things are needed, indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”



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you have not met.- MELISSA LEONG


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As iron sharpens iron, so one man (PROV ERB S 27:17 ) ’’sharpens another.

- E LY N H E A H


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CONGRATULATIONS, 2014 BATCH OF STUDENTSBlessings from Serena, Lesley & Jane (Arrows 2013)November 2014

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Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,

as faithful stewards of God’s gracein its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10

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