Page 1: Ductus Dictum - Issue 1 (Installation Issue)

Penning down this message as the

President of this wonderful club, my family

– Rotaract Club of Loyola Community is a

matter of pride and honor for me,

personally after watching the club grow

leaps and bounds over the past two years

under the inspiring leadership of my

Immediate Past President, Rtr. Aditya


Before getting into the Presidential

Message, I would like to acknowledge Rtr.

Aditya Mohan for the work he has done as

Charter President of the club. Three years

back when a few of us from Loyola College

started this club, we all had a dream of

making it big, and today, I believe, we stand

there in front of you having achieved that

dream. Without the dedication shown by Rtr.

Aditya and his complete team of Office

Bearers over the past two years, I know none

of this would have been possible.

Coming to the year 12-13, there are a

lot of plans as any club would be having at the

beginning of the year. I know that Rotaract

Club of Loyola Community has a lot of

talented members and my vision this year

would be to club all these talents and come

up with innovative and unique projects. I have

always stressed on team bonding in the past

and now I believe this post of President is a

responsibility to act as a catalyst to instill that

team spirit in everyone. I also look forward in

joining hands with other clubs in coming up

with really creative joint projects.

I look forward to a wonderful year of

Rotaraction ahead, and hopefully this is my

first message of many to come through this

medium called ‘Ductus Dictum – The LEADER

Speaks’. We are planning on fortnightly

releases, so stay tuned for more from

Rotaract Club of Loyola Community



- BinU

Dated – 12th August 2012

Rotaract Club of Loyola CommunitySponsored By

Rotary Club of Chennai Sun City

Volume 3, Issue 1

President’s Message


Rtr. Binu


Rtr. Gokul


Rtr. Neelesh

Page 2: Ductus Dictum - Issue 1 (Installation Issue)

Ductus Dictum – The Leader Speaks

Projects Coming Up..!

- Photography Day- Anti – Spit Campaign- (GYO2) Grow Your Own Oxygen

Pot Luck Lunch – Second EditionAfter the immense popularity of the first edition of Pot Luck Lunch, Rotaract Club of Loyola Community planned the second edition on May 15th at Rotary Centre, Egmore. This year, Pot Luck Lunch was used as an opportunity to welcome the new members into the Loyola Community Family. Rtr. Binu, started off with some really entertaining games that captured the imagination of all the new as well as existing members, and in the process worked up everyone’s appetite. These fun and creative games were followed by the moment everyone had been waiting for – Open the lunch boxes!! With a variety of cuisines from various cultural backgrounds laid in front, it was a banquet fit for Royalty. A scrumptious lunch always invokes conversation and it was a heartening sight to see the new members break the ice and get the first feel of ‘Loyola Community Family’

YAWN YAWN – You are Welcome Nanbaa! YAWN was a club service where around 35 members from the club assembled at Rtr. Tarun Murugesh’s

house on 7th July 2012. It was a carnival of sorts, with action packed games, team building and ice breaking sessions that saw the Rotaractors combine as one and form a TEAM striving to win the numerous games that were conducted. The new members were then officially welcomed and the Rotaractors were given a briefing on their Roles & Responsibility during the year 12-13 by Rtr. Binu, President elect of the club.Once the official welcoming part was done, it was time to let the hair down and grove to the DJ music and that concluded a very fine evening.

I-OpenerIt is very important to get the right idea on the basics of what Rotaract is all about and why we are members of this movement. I-Opener was a Club Service cum Professional Service project where members were oriented on the Rotaract movement by PDRR Rtr. Solomon. The orientation took place at Nahar Hall, and 37 members from the club were present for the orientation.Rtr. Solomon handled a lot of team bonding exercises and briefed the members on the history of Rotary and Rotaract in R.I. District 3230. We later had a small quiz on different questions related to rotary International. During the fag end of this project, we celebrated birthdays of Rtr. Solomon, Rtr. Radhika and Rtr. Ramakrishnan who celebrated their birthday during July.

TheGreen Revolution

This year,

Rotaract Club of Loyola Community is focusing on going GREEN. As part of this Green initiative, we will be focusing on making this world a GREENER and CLEANER place to live in with a series of projects, awareness campaigns and rally’s.

The first project as part of this initiative is (GYO2) ‘GROW Your Own Oxygen’.

The 4 Way TestIs it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all concerned?Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Projects – July 2012

Page 3: Ductus Dictum - Issue 1 (Installation Issue)

Ductus Dictum – The Leader Speaks

Gallery – The Colors of Loyola Community

Page 4: Ductus Dictum - Issue 1 (Installation Issue)

President Rtr. Binu.C.B 9789069570

Secretary Rtr. Gokul Raj 9790063969

Imm. Past President Rtr. Aditya Mohan 9884725244

Vice President Rtr. P.Lawrence Durai Seelan 9884098407

Joint Secretary Rtr. R.Ramakrishnan 9884385386

Treasurer Rtr. Inbaraj 9962828905

Club Service Rtr. Tarun Murugesh 9789985252

Community Service Rtr. Saranya Babu 8056069924

Professional Service Rtr. Beni Jebanesan 9940365360

International Service Rtr. Satheesh Kumar 9884888280

Pulse Polio Rtr. Sujan John 9789979582

Sergeant-At-Arms Rtr. Ramakrishna.G.K 9962391651

Editor Rtr. Neelesh Balakrishnan 9789003193

PRO Rtr. Jayakumar 7299338865

Happy Village Ch. Rtr. Ajay Pradeep 9841795037

Ductus Dictum – The Leader Speaks

Editor’s Message

I thank Rtr. Binu for giving me this opportunity and in urging me to come up with the first edition of Ductus Dictum during the installation ceremony. The name, conceptualized by IPP Rtr. Aditya Mohan roughly translates to ‘The LEADER SPEAKS’. The main idea of this newsletter is to bring about the LEADER in all of us. The newsletters to follow will throw light upon a variety of projects, achievements and the color and frolic that happens around the Loyola Community family.

A lot of people have contributed in bringing out this magazine. Rtr. Aditya for the logo, Rtr. Binu for his inputs, Rtr. Ramakrishna for the design template and the photos. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed compiling itCheers, Rtr. Neelesh

Loyola Community – Board Officials for the Year 2012 – 2013

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