
Fishy Dualacy Chapter 1


Welcome back to A Fishy Dualacy! Where Axolotl likes to spy on neighbors.Hey!What else are you looking at? I know it's not birds.

As a recap, Axolotl Salt and his sister Lupe Fresh, just finished college. They're founding dual legacies. Or dueling, who know how it's gonna end up.

Sorry for changes in picture size, some of the older pictures are small.

Aww come on Pony, do I have to start out this way. Plenty of other sims get a whole house with paint and carpet.Yes, it's tradition. Just think if I didn't have seasons you wouldn't even have this much.

It was too long before the welcome wagon arrived. Gilbert Jacques was there too. Both women swooned over him repeatedly.

As the welcome wagon entertains themselves, Ax looks for a job.No slacker career yet.Darn, be a security guard for now. We'll keep looking.

Ax goes ahead in walks to work the first day, there's nothing to do at home, except watch Lisa and Wanda heart-fart over Gilbert.

The day was quiet, his welcome wagon gone and no one had walked by. Ax realize how lonely he was when he accidentally made a group serving of sandwiches.

Luckily, good company was only a phone call away.Hey Mary. It's Ax, I wanted to know if you wanted to come over for a bit?Sure I'll just gussy up and come right over.

Mary it's goo d to see you.Same to you Ax, nice place you got here.Mary I've got to admit I have more than one reason for calling you out here.Really what would the other reason be?

I love you, I think I have from when I first saw you, I just didn't realize it.Really? What about Marie?We liked each other a lot but I didn't love her. Not like I fell for you.

Mary Mamuyac will you marry me?Oh Ax!

Yes, I'll marry you.

Unfortunately Mary was unable to move in, I found out later that it's because because she is a playable student instead of being an NPC. So the wedding's delayed.

They're still a sickeningly sweet couple.

Of course this is the time for Ax's sister Lupe to stop by.

Lupe I can explain.Why need to? I'm surprised yes. But I'm not all that fond of Marie and Mary is my best friend.So you're not going to tell her?Not that's your job. You can't leave her in the dark. But I'm sure she won't be all that surprised either.

So Lupe's okay with us?Looks like it. But one of us has to tell Marie.I'll take care of that when I get back to the Greek. Hopefully she won't explode.

Ax finally got a job in the slacker career.

Mary began coming over everyday, because I'm mean I'm not going to drop her out of college until it's the Greek turn in the rotation.

I'm nice enough to let them go on a date downtown.

Mary even got to spend the night a couple times.

The last day of the season, Ax gets a promotion and is able to upgrade his house.

~At the Greek~

Are you sure this is okay Marie. I still feel like I stole Ax from you.No worries Mary, Do you honestly think I wanted to grow old with Ax. Sure he's made of fire and a lot of fun, but he's also the settling down type and I'm a romance sim. We were never going to work out in the long. Besides now I can woo that Brandon guy.

Well here goes nothing.

Mary moved in with Chester Gieke briefly long enough to get a make-over and get rid of her 20,000 start-up money. So that Ax and her didn't get an unfair boost ahead of Lupe and Jay.


Pony guess what day it is.First day of winter...Yes, and now I can invite Mary to move in with me.

Of course she came over in a llama suit.Sorry Pony, I'll go change immediately.Good, Ax seems to be having trouble finding your face.Am not.

Mary also got a kitty while she was with Chester. Chester got a dog, but that's not important. Anyways meet Banx. He's a Russian blue cat that I changed a little bit.

Now that Mary's all moved in. Her and Ax go to Cover Me Clothing and get something new to wear.I like Ax in his suit.I do too, but it doesn't fit his profession.

On the way back home they stop by Pepe's pets and get a singapora named Honeydew.I can't resist having a side petacy. Ax is gonna do cats while Lupe gets dogs.

Ax loves her already.

The next morning Mary ate some quick breakfast while Ax called the guests for the wedding.

Soon the guests arrived. From left to right we have Gilbert Jacques, Adriana, Jay(Lupe's husband), Lupe, Mary's friend Abbey and the matchmaker who calls Ax everyday.

Adel decided to come the back way to the lot and arrived moments after the others.

Mary also invited Chester over.

Ax and Mary stood under the arch as the guest clamored for the scant seat.Pregnant lady gets dibbs.

They're so sweet together it's just despicable

Proud of you little bro.Little we're twins.I was born first.. Mary's a good fit.Yeah, I feel bad about not inviting Marie to the wedding though.Don't, she really didn't mind.

Hi there baby it's me your uncle Ax.Ax he can't hear you yet.You never know, I bet he's listening to every word you say.I hope not.

Needless to say Lupe's baby belly was a big hit.I can't wait to have this one day.Want this one? I haven't seen my feet since fall.

The wedding party was a roof raiser even thought in started to snow in the middle of it.

You look ravishing tonight Mrs. Salt.You're not so bad yourself Mr. Salt.

Banx and Honey followed theirs owners suit and spent the night outside.

Honey I don't feel so good after last night how about you?Mew.

Banx does look incredibly smug wouldn't you say?

The reason for Mary's illness was soon apparent, she was pregnant. Suddenly getting a job in her chosen career of law enforcement was all that more important.

Turns out Honey was pregnant too. Not long after Mary entered her second trimester; the little cat laid down on the bathroom floor and gave birth to four kittens.





They look a bit overwhelmed don't they.

I want to keep Binx, Pony. Look at her face isn't she cute.I know, but I like Squirrel too.

See isn't Squirrel adorable, his bowl is too big.

Ax! Wake up the baby is here!!!!

Say hello to Azure. She has Ax's blue eyes and black hair? Where'd that come from? Anyway, Azure is named after the azure damsel a common saltwater starter fish. Damsels are known for their hardiness and aggressive behavior.

Here baby, I'm tired would you take care of her?Of course dear.

And this is where I leave you in Ax's first season. I should have Lupe's up in the next few days, I got all the pictures just need to write.

I also want to apologize for the little continuity issues and I have no idea why Mary changed to her everyday clothes while giving birth and was back in her pajamas afterward.

Credit for the Azure Damsel picture goes to Animal World or

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