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Page 1: DSDN 112 Usage


Student name: ______________________________________________________________________ Place: family hostel flat _______________________________________ Device(s) used for monitoring: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: record your daily energy consumption based on the whole household and your individual consumption of your computer, stereo and other appliances. Please also record your attitude towards looking at the monitoring device, what did you find surprising, interesting and what made you want to look at it more/less often. Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 4.8 kWh (approx) Appliances 2.4 kWh Attitude Because it was my first time monitoring my usage, I was super self-conscious of how much power I was using and always turned devices off and tried to use the minimum amount of power.

Kiran Matthews

Hostel: Stafford House

Elto Power Meter

1 - Monday

Page 2: DSDN 112 Usage

Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 4.3 kWh (approx) Appliances 2.2 kWh Attitude I was out of the house and found that my greatest amount of (non heating) usage came from charging my cellphone when I got home. Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 4 kWh (approx) Appliances 1.4 kWh Attitude I found myself doing things like turning off the oven after my flat mates used it. Day ___________________________________________________________________________________ Household 5 kWh (approx) Appliances 2.6 kWh Attitude After being quite Nazi-ish about my power usage yesterday, I became more relaxed today.

3 - Wednesday

2 - Tuesday

4 - Thursday

Page 3: DSDN 112 Usage

Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 5.4 kWh (approx) Appliances 3.4 kWh Attitude I found that I’ve become more resigned to unnecessarily using large amounts of electricity, the meter I am using should have some sort of notification that alerts me when I’m wasting power Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 6.9 kWh (approx) Appliances 3.8 kWh Attitude I found that my power usage peaked during the morning/afternoon and lessened significantly overnight. Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 7.8 kWh (approx) Appliances 3.6 kWh Attitude Being home most of the day resulted in my highest power usage; it made me realize how much we rely on power for entertainment. It made want to stay out of the house more often.

5 - Friday

7 - Sunday

6 - Saturday

Page 4: DSDN 112 Usage

Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 4 kWh (approx) Appliances 2 kWh Attitude I’m definitely finding checking my little grey power monitor particularly tedious. Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 4.3 kWh (approx) Appliances 1.4 kWh Attitude Today I noticed that my MacBook pro charger drew (small but not insignificant) amounts of power while my MacBook was not connected. Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 5.6 kWh (approx) Appliances 2.8 kWh Attitude Today my power usage was slightly higher as I hung about the house watching films.

10 - Wednesday

9 - Tuesday

8 - Monday

Page 5: DSDN 112 Usage

Day ___________________________________________________________________________________ Household 6 kWh (approx) Appliances 2 kWh Attitude My attitude towards economical power usage has improved, as I’ve been charging my laptop at Uni. Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 3.7 kWh (approx) Appliances 1.5 kWh Attitude I feel like it would be very useful to have some kind of flashy interface that put my power usage in a more useful context by comparing it to that of my friends. Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 7.1 kWh (approx) Appliances 4 kWh Attitude The weekends definitely result in more power usage, because I find myself out of the house less (during the day time).

11 - Thursday

12 - Friday

13 - Saturday

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Day________________________________________________________________________________ Household 8 kWh (approx) Appliances 5.3 kWh Attitude After two weeks of monitoring, I began to lose interest in just looking at the dull readout screen of my power monitoring device.

14 - Sunday

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