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SUMMER 2013 50p

Drypool EchoDrypool Echo

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DID YOU GET IT? In July‘s issue we included this rather picturesque

scene by Mike Foottit on our cover with the

tantalising caption: ―where might this be?‖

To put an end to the suspense we can now reveal this

hidden gem is an idyllic backdrop to the animal centre in our very own East Park.

Well done to those of you who guessed correctly.

Mike will be continuing to paint the hidden wonders

of Drypool and the surrounding area over the coming

months, we‘ve given you an easy one this month watch this space for more mind-bending mystery


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―It‘s a plum, obviously!‖ I said feeling annoyed that I had to explain at


―Oh.‖ Said Christine, as though surprised that I could even think that it

resembled such a fruit. She studied it more closely. ―It looks more like

an apricot with sunburn!‖

My‖ tut‖ was quite audible as I looked across to the near perfect

representation of a lime fruit that she had completed.

We were in St J‘s and sitting in small groups, busily making fruits for

a tree that the vicar had provided. It linked in with his sermon about

―the fruits of the Spirit‖, though, as usual, I had missed most of it by

sitting doodling spacecraft on the service sheet. But onwards and


I hesitated as people walked up to the tree and began, carefully, to

attach their fruits to it.

―Aren‘t you going to put yours on the tree?‖Asked Christine, in a

suddenly encouraging manner

I looked at the ―sunburnt apricot‖ and then at the tree. ―Perhaps at the

back‖ I suggested.

I must admit that I felt something of a failure. I couldn‘t even model a

fruit properly. What would God think? Carefully I placed my fruit

right at the back of the tree. It was hidden away so that no-one would

see it. I started back to my place, glancing at the list of the fruits of the

Spirit. I didn‘t see ―enthusiasm listed there!

―Put it to the front,‖ said God, ―I appreciate the effort! You don‘t need

to be perfect. You just need to try!‖



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One of the things I've noticed about modern life is how easy it is to

never really switch off. The sun goes down and you switch on a light.

The office closes and you hook up to the network via the internet. You

stay in the house and your phone rings and if you go out you must

leave your mobile on; ―what if there was an emergency?‖ And even

once your phone is off the hook, your mobile is switched off and your

computer shut down, you have your DVD collection, your sky box and

the freeview channels. It might not be work but our minds are still

hammered with sounds and pictures and information. Some people

seem to do okay on this diet of media and electricity for a while but I

have to admit that I find it really tiring. Sometimes I have to switch

off, not only the gadgets but my mind.

It might seem a strange gift but when we read the first chapter of the

Bible (Genesis chapter 1) before God had even created humanity God

gives a place to the day and the night. It actually happens twice! On

the first day God separates the darkness and the light ‗and there was

evening, and there was morning the first day‘. Then on the fourth day

God creates the great light (Sun) and the lesser light (the moon) to

watch over the day and the night. They are given to ‗serve as signs to

mark sacred times, and days and years‘. When was the last time you

went to bed with the sun?

Then of course there is the climax of all creation which God calls the

Sabbath day. And God rested on the seventh day when all the work of

creation was done and made that day blessed and holy. Rest is not

about giving up, it's not that there isn't more you might want to

achieve; it's not that you don't care. It's about following the pattern

which God gave to all of creation in the beginning. It's about caring for

yourself so you can better care for others and about switching off from

work at one time so that you can be more fruitful at another. It's also

about accepting a gift from God and trusting that it is He (and not you)

who sustains the world. This is a very special gift.

So when was the last time you had a rest?

Grace and peace


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I arrived at the very last meeting of the St Andrew‘s Fellowship a little

late, as I‘d found it difficult to find a parking space, in the Balfour

Centre‘s car park. I was warmly welcomed and given a cup of tea.

I‘d expected everyone to be feeling rather sad, and talking about what

a shame it was that the fellowship was closing. However what I‘d

interrupted was lots of laughter, and exclamations, as Phil trawled

through a long list of previous St Andrew‘s vicars. The members were

reminiscing about each one as Phil said their names. I didn‘t know any

of the vicars as they were before my time, so to speak. But I was

greatly entertained by all the stories being swapped of each vicar‘s

different interests and character. There was even one who ―re-married‖

couples when it was their wedding anniversary. What a brilliant idea.

He must have kept a note of all the dates. But by taking the trouble to

do so and remembering them during Sunday service, he helped the

couples to refocus on their vows, and made them feel special.

After Joan blessed the food we all tucked into lunch whilst chatting to

each other. There was talk of possible future projects, even though the

meetings have officially stopped. As Doris rightly said ―The meetings

at the Balfour Centre may have stopped but the Fellowship goes on.‖ It

may start again in the future, albeit in a new format. We certainly hope


Phil presented Pat and Doris with floral arrangements, as Joan, Olga,

Jean, Jenny, Sylvia and Bill clapped their appreciation for all the hard

work these two have put into the running of the fellowship over the

years. I learnt that it had been going for 10 years and I know that,

throughout these years, a great many people have been comforted,

helped and strengthened in their faith by the Christian love and support

they received at St Andrew‘s.

As I made my exit I left this lovely Christian group about to conclude

the meeting, by praising the Lord in song.

I know that the fellowship meetings will be very much missed, but I

feel sure that it‘s less of an ending, more of a new beginning.

© Carole Harvey

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(Debt Counselling in Drypool)

We had a meeting on Monday 8th

July to discuss debt advice for the

parish. It was good to have Graham

and Nigel from Victoria Dock (who

really are the driving force/vision

behind this) and Shane, Christine and Dave from St John's, as well as

3 people helping us with information - Jackie and Christine who run

the debt counselling service based from New Life church and Rory

who had come across the country to lead the meeting. Rory is from

CMA - Community Money Advice - a Christian based national debt

counselling ministry.

Having heard from Rory, we all felt very inspired to go with their

model, which involves training local volunteers and running a locally

based service - this can be a day a week/every day/ based at an office/

including home visits etc. It involves 2 days training for all debt

advisors, but also the opportunity to be involved in other ways -

prayer, admin, pastoral support.

The initial idea of the meeting (which I co-ordinated with my work,

SEARCH, hat on) was to see if we might put a centre or 2 into East

Hull, sharing the people resources we've got, I think we'd all say this is

still the vision, but there also feel like a need to get started as soon as

we can - anecdotally, even at the meeting we could name several

people without much thought who need this sort of help to move them

on from a crisis point, have previously made referrals from the parish

(there are 3 CMA centres based in Hull, all of whom are willing to

take referrals but all of whom are virtually at capacity in terms of time

and volunteers).

So, the plan at the moment is:

1)We are heading towards a CMA centre, based in our parish (but tak-

ing clients from wherever if we can, depending on volunteers). Initial

thoughts are that we would be "open" one day a week - a Tuesday, at

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St John's, to coincide with our weekly open day, but we would also

explore home visits, which would mean volunteers could also come

forward who aren't available during the day

2)There is a lot more to say! So, we want to have a Parish-wide

meeting on Sunday eve, 15th September, at Victoria Dock, to explain

the vision, the need and the practical implications.

3)This would then lead on to 2 training days (Saturdays) in Sept/Oct,

then hopefully "opening" after that

4)In the meantime, over the summer, Nigel will look at us setting up a

charity for us to do this within, and Cathy will attempt to secure some

money for setting up costs and training.

HOWEVER, we'd love to know what you think!

© Cathy Westby


A visit to the Maritime Museum was scheduled for July and a few of

us went. We split up as we went in and I must admit that I had a very

enjoyable afternoon wandering round. It is the first time I have been

in there (what an admission!) and there is quite a bit to see and watch.

It will take a few more visits to see it all


There is a break in August and then the afternoon group will start

meeting again on Wednesday 4th September 2013.

Rev, Alan Bagshaw is coming to talk to the group. All welcome.

The evening group is in abeyance at the moment but will start meeting

again in September. Details will follow on the notice sheet at

St Columba.

Parish Roving Reporter

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Sarah‘s wedding was booked for June next year. Plenty of time to get

things done, or so you might think. But the weeks seemed to fly by.

―Can‘t you talk about anything else, only weddings,‖ was the

grumble of one of the ladies. But it was a good natured grumble.

All the other events came round. In August the home was having its

Summer Fair, so the ladies were busy. Friends and relatives were

asked if they had any bric- a- brac, unwanted books and paperbacks.

Then prizes for the tombola and the bottle stall were needed. Sorting

out articles for the nearly new stall, Jean found a lovely white stole

with sparkly thread.

―Where did that come from?‖ asked Hilary

Jean did not know. ―It was in a carrier bag with some other things.‖

She said.

Mabel decided that she would like to buy the stole for Sarah.

―Won‘t she mind it not being new?‖ asked Rosa.

Tilly said no she didn‘t think so. Sarah was a practical young lady and

although they would not cut corners, there was a limit on what they

could afford.

―We know they are having a white wedding, but how many

bridesmaids? And what colour scheme?‖ asked Pearl.

―A lot of things have yet to be decided.‖ Said Tilly

The days went by so quickly that the Summer Fair was on them before

they knew it. The minibus had been booked to take the ladies for a

drive and it was such a lovely day. They all enjoyed the drive seeing

the countryside. The harvest was in full swing and poppies were

blooming in the fields and hedgerows, while the hay had been cut and

baled earlier.

The minibus pulled up on the cliff top so they could enjoy the sea air,

and sun sparkling on the sea. Jean and Hilary, being the most able

bodied, volunteered to go to the little hut and get the ice creams.

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There was not a lot of chatter in the lounge that night, as everyone was

tired out but all agreed it had been a lovely day.

―Seeing the men busy in the fields made you realize it would be

Harvest Festival soon.‖ said Mabel.

―Yes,‖ said Mrs Moore, the manager, who had come in with the

evening coffee, ―we will be having our own Harvest celebration, with

all the well loved hymns‖

Mabel smiled as she knew her sister Tilly would want to share it with


© Margaret King


In the midst of modern life, it‘s not

always easy to ‗come aside‘ and be with

the Lord. There is so much business and

so many things to do, God is sometimes

pushed to the outer limits of our lives. But

having said that, God wants us to meet with

Him. He enjoyed walking in the garden with Adam. When

sin came in, Adam hid. Do we hide from Him and not allow Him into

our everyday lives? Often we feel shut in by circumstances but we

need to let God into them. Noah was shut in with the Lord for quite

some time (Gen 7:16), he was totally in the hands of God. We haven‘t

got arks to retreat to, but we can have a quiet place where we can en-

joy His presence. If that‘s too much to hope for, closing your eyes and

turning your heart and mind to Him, even for a few seconds can bring

peace especially when feelings are running high and the temptation to

give in to sin is strong.

Peter‘s prayer for help when he found himself sinking is all we need to

say, and God will be there.

© Barbara Pritchard

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MOTHERS’ UNION Wednesday 4 th

September 1.30 pm at St Columba Rev Allen Bagshawe Evening Group Tuesday 24 th

September t.b.a.



St Columba

7th & 8h


For further details contact

Janice Garbutt 714856 or

Barbara Pritchard 701903

















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[email protected] OR



Knitwits Wednesdays 11th and 25th September

1.30 pm at St Columba’s Church Ring Liz Pacey On 705723 For further details


Wednesday 18th


2 pm at St Columba


Pie and Pea Talent Night

Saturday 5th October 2013 7pm—10pm

For further details contact Victoria Dock Church




Come and relax in our

friendly surroundings,


time to pray, help with our

community garden, speak to

your local wardens and


much more...

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(Or “Out with the new, in with the old”)

Not the normal title for a Parish magazine I agree, but the 15th of June

was no ordinary morning! On that day I found myself in Coventry, in

order to learn more about the Community of the Cross of Nails. This

was a Society that was founded in Coventry, following the destruction

of the ancient cathedral, and initially worked for peace and

reconciliation between Britain and Germany. It now finds itself

involved in the wide world over. Something of a lesson there I fear.

Ortrun Voedisch, the Reconciliation Team Ministry member, had

suggested that I attend a conference day and I, ever keen to travel,

accepted this invitation with some alacrity. And so here I was, in that

wonderfully medieval city having been deposited in the cathedral area

by Christine. I checked my watch. 8am! It was an early start, and a

major sacrifice from Christine, who tends to think that there is only

one eight o‘clock in any one day.

And I was just in time. I met

with the others, said a few

―hellos‖, and accepted a quick

coffee. Then we were ready to

go. We were told that we

would begin with a prayer

walk around the ―hallowing

sites‖ with prayers and

readings at each. These

included the ancient priory ru-

ins, the parish church and the

bombed cathedral.

As we walked around what

remained of the Priory (given

by the Earl and Countess of

Mercia, the latter better known

to history as Lady Godiva), we

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chanted the Laudate. ―Laudate Omnes Gentes, Laudate Dominum‖ I

drew great comfort from those wonderful Latin words! (Or, to

translate, ―Sing praises all you peoples, sing praises to the Lord.‖)

But I also felt uneasy, and as to that let me explain. For some time now

I have been pondering the relevance of old phrases, poems and hymns.

Though I love them, do they still have a purpose, or place, in our

modern, jargon ridden world? Where everything is a verb and

convenience of speech is the key to our means of communication. No

bad thing in itself, but do we simply discard the more elegant of our

phrasings? After all the language of the King James Version of the

Bible was falling from common parlance, even as the translation was

being completed! Indeed, I must be the only churchgoer today who has

a KJV Bible app on his mobile telephone!

But as we processed slowly around, it really didn‘t seem to matter. As

a poet, I felt a keen resonance in the simple chanting of these

beautifully phrased Latin words. And, as we quietly chanted, I felt

also, the blessed fellowship of like minded individuals. But it was

more than that! For in those quiet corners of Coventry‘s ruined Priory,

I felt that I now knew God a little better. There was no need to speak

of it though. We all knew. He was here with us.

And I had my answer! God meets with us where we are. Of a sudden I

realized, that I could find Him just as easily in Westminster Abbey, or

by reading poems by Donne or Cowper, as I could in a humble church,

quiet garden or the rare simplicity of a home study group. It was as

though God Himself was saying to me. ―Be in no doubt. I gave you

your love of poetry and words. Of course I will meet you in and

through them. Why wouldn‘t I?‖

It was as simple as that! And it demanded only the simplest of

responses from me…….Amen!

#Laudate Omnes Gentes, Laudate Dominum

Gratias Tibi Dominus.

© Shane Blades

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Never to be deterred by a bit of weather, the Knitwits have been out in

force the last couple of months. And wherever they go they seem to

get noticed… whether they have their knitting with them or not…..

Knitwits has become so popular of late that we now meet every

Wednesday afternoon….. somewhere. It is actually quite simple:

second and fourth Wednesdays in St Columba, first and third in East

Park café. However we have had the odd emergency, like when two

Knitwits, who shall be nameless, not only gate crashed the Mothers‘

Union but also rearranged all the chairs at the back of church before

hot footing it to East Park.

Then there are the occasional fifth Wednesdays. On those days we

could be anywhere…. as long as it leads to tea and cake. Gathering

for afternoon tea in a garden centre recently a passing gentleman

wanted to know what organisation we were from. I don‘t think he was

quite prepared for the answer he got.

One sunny Wednesday afternoon in East Park cafe the staff were on

red alert because there was a rumour of rival cupcakes being sold on

the premises. Panic over when said cupcakes were revealed to be

knitted and were being handed over ready for the Knitwits‘

fundraising tea the next week.

Our Strawberry Tea was a great success and £250.00 was raised. That

will keep the needle clicking for a bit….. Grateful thanks to all the

Knitwits who worked so hard to make it such a success and to all the

refined ladies and gentlemen who partook of the delights.

We are currently knitting for projects in Malawi, Ghana and Gambia.

We have personal links with all these and they will be hand delivered

by our contacts. We have just finished thirty plus pairs of legwarmers

for trampoliners which will raise money for Cystic Fibrosis (to be

delivered personally to the trampoline company in Devon by our own

fair Irene. Hope she‘s not going to claim expenses…..). We have also

sent twenty beanie hats to a homeless charity in Bradford.

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Future projects are likely to include Angelbears for Dove House

Hospice, and bunting for Hull City Centre. We take our knitting and

the charities we support very seriously, but boy, do we have fun. New

members always welcome.

Knitwit Liz

Our Lord in Heaven,

We thank You for Your grace and forgiveness. We thank You for

Your sacrifice for the saving of our souls. Tonight we hope to bless

that sacrifice with the teachings of Your good book. We hope to learn

and appreciate, and to carry out Your teachings in our own lives. As

willing and loving believers, we wish to acknowledge the love we

have for You our Lord. Our lives are fulfilled knowing that the

sacrifices You made have allowed us to live the lives we have today.

Walking hand in hand with You Lord, has given us the strength to get

where we are today. So tonight we praise You in our own way. May

You be worshipped in the manner You deserve as our Lord and

Saviour, in the name of Your one and only blessed Son, Jesus Christ.


Written for the St John’s Bible Study Group by Jamie Scott

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Greetings from Filey!


I had a problem free but very long journey back from South Sudan.

Thank you for your prayers particularly for good weather so I could

fly out of Maridi on the MAF plane – it was a sunny day! It is good to

be back with my family again.


The funeral of my father was on Thursday 11th July at 2.00 pm at St.

Oswald‘s Church, Filey. Please continue to uphold us as a family in



I expect be in UK for six months as I will also be doing the expected

five months of Home Leave as well as having coming back a few

weeks early due to my Father‘s funeral. There are some issues to

solve in Maridi but if the way opens I hope to return there early in

January 2014.


I have not yet been able to get my book printed due to lack of facilities

within South Sudan and lack of money. I am hoping to get some cop-

ies printed soon so I can take them when I do Link Visits. Do any of

your churches have a printing machine which initially could print in

black and white 100 copies of an A5 size booklet with 56 pages?


My dog Tessa in Maridi has a benign tumour on one of her back feet

which is growing but at present not causing her a problem. Pray that in

my absence it does not grow bigger and that I find her well when I

eventually return.


9th July was the second anniversary of the Independence of South Su-

dan. I am sorry that I missed the celebrations.

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Thank you for your prayers for my health. After 15 years with very

little sickness I had Dengue Fever, Typhoid and Brusellosis all within

the period of a month. I managed to carry on and just took two days

off from work as Principal at Chaima Institute in Maridi and I am glad

to report I am now well again but tired.


I have sent off nine project proposals to try to raise money for different

areas of work in Chaima Christian Institute in Maridi. The process

seems very slow but pray that I get some positive responses as we des-

perately need money for the Institute.


Adam Bathe who spent five months in Maridi working with the Youth

left at the end of June. Marsha and her elderly mother arrived back in

Maridi in June so it was a very happy reunion to see them again.


He and his wife Joyce have been away for over three months visiting

friends overseas. He should soon be back in Maridi so pray for his re-

turn journey.


My mother and sister both have health issues which are slowly im-

proving but pray for healing. Some of this sickness may well be stress



Pray for Rev. Eli Paul and Rev. Titus Morris who will be responsible

for the work at Chaima Christian Institute in my absence.

I look forward to seeing many of you again when I start to visit my

Link Churches. Pray for energy as it is a very hectic programme with

many other meetings and commitments also.

God bless.

Trisha Wick

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The last time I went to the Yorkshire Dales, nature had moved on to

the next step in its familiar ecological cycle. The sheep in the field that

we overlook had gone, along with their growing lambs. They had been

taken to another pasture and we could no longer enjoy them as they

gambolled about and seemingly held races. Only the chickens

remained in one corner and took part in their daily stroll around the

edges of the field en masse.

The reason for the removal of the sheep at this time is so that the grass

is able to grow. This happens in the Dales especially Wensleydale and

Swaledale. The various species of grasses and many beautiful wild

flowers are left to flourish until the end of June by which time they

have grown to a good height. Walkers are advised to keep to single file

to avoid trampling on and flattening the growth. Everything is left to

nature in this way in order to provide winter fodder for the livestock.

At the appointed time, the ‗crop‘ is cut and left for a day or two to dry

out. After that, the various machines involved in collecting and baling

the grasses are trailed behind the tractor and neat bales are formed,

collected and taken away to be stored.

This process does not just help with the feeding of livestock in the

winter. The variety and abundance of grasses and flowering plants

make these meadows so valuable for wildlife providing nectar for bees

and other creatures. These in turn attract insect-eating birds during the

day and bats at night. Some birds like lapwing, curlew and snipe rely

on these meadows for food and nesting places.

There is nothing like the small of the hay meadow. I could drink it in

all day long. Sadly, methods have changed and many of our hay

meadows have been lost. Green silage fields have replaced the tradi-

tional hay meadows. They are more economically viable for the mod-

ern farmer, involving less manual work and fewer people. It is also

less dependent on the weather for success than is the hay meadow. The

National Trust and Natural England want to safeguard the last

remaining hay meadows because of their importance for wildlife and

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• Join Us For Breakfast

• Saturday, August 3 @ 8:00am

• St. Columba’s Church

Aian Macpherson is our special guest. He starts his ordained ministry here in Drypool and will be speaking about his faith.

If you are thinking of attending, please let Eddie Thompson, Neil Billany or Shane Blades know

their cultural significance. This

year there is a new initiative

recently launched by the Prince

of Wales. Hay meadows at

Muker in Swaledale have been

s e l e c t e d a mo n g s i x t y

‗Coronation Meadows‘ across

the UK as part of the sixtieth

anniversary celebrations of The

Queen‘s Coronation. The scheme aims to identify a species-rich

meadow in every county that will act as a ‗donor‘ site to provide seed

to restore nearby degraded meadows in order to preserve the local

characteristics of grasslands in each region and also the wildlife that

they support.

All things bright and beautiful and all the beauty of this earth are held

by us in stewardship for those who come after us.

© Heather Clarke

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On Saturday 29th June St John‘s hosted it‘s annual Summer Fayre. There was an army assault course provided by the local cadets, live music, character and

puppet shows and French singing plus a host of stalls from local businesses and organisations and a good time was had by all. St John‘s would like to offer

their thanks to all who made the event possible. Here‘s a selection of images from the event...

Images © Allyson Brain

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On Saturday 29th June St John‘s hosted it‘s annual Summer Fayre. There was an army assault course provided by the local cadets, live music, character and

puppet shows and French singing plus a host of stalls from local businesses and organisations and a good time was had by all. St John‘s would like to offer

their thanks to all who made the event possible. Here‘s a selection of images from the event...

Images © Allyson Brain

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Also ordained as Deacon in a different

ceremony was Heather Houlton. Heather is

pictured with her husband David who was a

long-term member of St. Columba's. He is now

Vicar of Gargrave near Skipton. Heather will

serve as Curate in the Grassington area.

Image © Martin Houlton

Sunday 30th June

saw the ordination

as Deacon of

Drypool‘s new


Aian MacPherson.

Aian is pictured

left with Jason

Taylor and

also with the

Archbishop of

York and other

candidates for


Images ©

Diocese of York

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Reproduced with the kind permission of the Bishop of Hull

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St. James the Least

My dear Nephew Christopher,

Your suggestion that every month at clergy meetings, someone should review a book of theology they have been reading, was bound to be greeted

with uneasy resistance. It would mean that the majority would have to start

opening books, rather than just occasionally dusting them. Possessing books does not necessarily imply that they are ever read.

Your high church colleagues will only read the Racing News, low church members the Railway Review, liberals the Knitting Weekly and those with

tendencies towards non-conformism, the Vegetarian Times. Clerical studies

may be lined with books, but they are largely for effect – and to hide damp patches on the wallpaper. Anything with hard covers will have been bought

with the best of intentions - but somehow the vicarage lawn or the church

hall drains will have taken precedence. And from what I know of your

colleague at St. Crispin‘s, the only books he will buy will be to colour in.

I do try to keep up with my reading, but sleep mercifully intervenes after the

first 10 minutes. On those days when I sit by my study window, so passers -by can see me deeply occupied in intellectual activity, it is most useful that

my large tome on the letters of Eusebius can easily conceal an Agatha

Christie inside it.

I confess that I was once gloriously put down when I tried to get one of our

blue stockings interested in a new edition of a Dostoevsky novel. She replied: ‗I have never read Dostoevsky in translation.‘ It only confirmed my

suspicions that she had worked as a Russian spy in earlier years.

I was hugely impressed when during the bitter cold of last winter the Earl of

Stowe, whose library would comfortably contain one of our cathedrals, told

me he was slowly getting through its contents of tens of thousands of volumes. It was only some time later I discovered that he meant he threw the

occasional one on the fire when he was running low on wood.

No, my dear Christopher, the only literary activities that will spark interest

will be crosswords for the majority, or diocesan reports for the truly

dedicated – with weighty tomes being used as door stops.

Your loving uncle,


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St Columba St John Victoria Dock Other

4th August 10th After


Holy Communion

All Age Service


11th August 11th After


9.15—Holy Communion

10.30—Family Service

Morning Worship

Family Service

18th August 12th After


Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Family Service

25th August 13th After


Morning Prayer

Morning Worship

Holy Communion

Midweek Services St Columba’s Tuesdays at 9.15am St John’s Wednesdays at 9.30a.m



1st Sept 14th After


Holy Communion

All Age Service


8th Sept 15th After


Family Service

Morning Worship

Family Service

15th Sept 16th After


Holy Communion

Morning Worship

Family Service

22nd Sept 17th After


Baptism Holy Communion

Family Service

29th August 18th After


Morning Prayer

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

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Lorraine Iveson shares her favourite recipes with the Echo....


Lorraine’s own special recipe and a family



8 Sausages

4 Rashers of Bacon

4 Medium Potatoes

1 Tin Baked Beans

1 Tin Chopped Tomatoes

Salt & Pepper (optional)


Cook potatoes for 20 minutes. Lightly fry bacon. Cook sausages well. Slice

the potatoes and cut sausages and bacon into medium pieces. Place in layers

in a casserole dish adding beans and tomatoes. Place in a preheated oven at

Gas Mark 4 (190 degrees) for 30—40 minutes.



A well known favourite at all parish functions!!!


8 oz Shortcrust Pastry

4 oz Margarine

4 oz Caster Sugar

6 oz Desiccated Coconut

1 Egg



Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 (190 degrees). Roll and cut pastry to fit a

Yorkshire pudding tin. Put a small blob of jam into each. Cream margarine

and caster sugar until smooth then add coconut and egg. Add a spoonful of

coconut mix on top of the jam and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until

golden brown.


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'Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me...' Isaiah 8:18

You may not be able to give your children everything you'd like to, or

everything they want, but here are four things you owe them: 1)

Connect with them. The story's told of a couple who decided to buy a

new playpen for a friend, on the arrival of her sixth child. A year later

the friend wrote back saying, 'Thank you for the pen. It's wonderful-I

sit in it every afternoon and read, and the children can't get near me.'

Seriously, what do you really know about your child? Their struggles,

their heroes, their music, their friends, their fears, their dreams? If your

answer is 'not much,' start making changes right away! 2) Listen to

them. If some of us paid as much attention to our garden as we did to

our children, we'd be living in a weed patch. You'll never understand

your child until you take time to listen to what they're saying-and what

they're not saying. 3) Believe in them. As a child, the great Caruso was

told by a music teacher that he had no talent at all. Parent, make sure

your voice is the loudest. Build their confidence; give them the faith

and self-worth required to overcome the obstacles they'll face in life.

4) Let them see God in you. Three kids were discussing their fathers.

One said, 'My father knows the mayor.' Another said, 'My father

knows the governor.' Confidently the third said, 'That's nothing; my

father knows God!' Dad, Mum, do you know God? If you don't,

commit your life to Him today.

© Bob & Debby Gass

Reproduced from UCB—The Word for Today.

Free copies of this daily devotional are available for the UK and

Republic of Ireland—to subscribe visit or write to

UCB, Broadcast Centre, Hanchurch Lane, Stoke on Trent, ST4 8RY


―More wonderful than me going to the moon for my country

was God‘s Son coming to the earth for me.‖

Buzz Aldrin, Astronaut

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St John‘s Monday toddler group – Alphabet Mondays—has recently

received a national award as East Yorkshire‘s favourite parent and

toddler group!

The group, run by Lynsey Maughan, a member of St John‘s Church,

and her husband Steve bagged the top prize in our region in a recent

poll on the Netmums website for their hard work and dedication to

making St John‘s Community Centre a fun place for all the family.

The prize pot was £250 which Lynsey intends to combine with other

fundraising money to buy new toys for the use of both the Monday and

Friday groups as well as the growing Sunday School.

The group runs every Monday morning (excluding bank holidays) and

there is a special programme throughout the school holidays which

enables older siblings to take part. In the past these have included

musical workshops, animal welfare days and dentistry! The holiday

dates are popular so best to check the programme before turning up.

For more information contact St John‘s or look up Alphabet Mondays

on the Netmums website.


Christine Brain

Page 31: Drypool Echo


Geoff Howlett’s CD Review

Of the month

VARIOUS : Jesus Firm Foundation – Hymns of Worship. (Provident : 02341-0180-2)

This collection of timeless hymns have

been ―re-imagined‖ by today‘s most

respected Christian artists. The sad thing

for me, listening to this album, was that I

didn‘t know a lot of the hymns. I guess, by

the artists featured, that most of these tunes are American. I enjoyed

the title track, even though I didn‘t know the song. This one is sung by

Mike Donehey (Tenth Avenue North), Steven Curtis Chapman, Mark

Hall (Casting Crowns) and Mandisa. I smiled to myself as I listened to

‗All Hail the Power of Jesus‘ Name‘. The big voice, the over the top

production, it just had to be Michael W. Smith. Matt Maher sings a

nice version of ‗Holy, Holy, Holy‘, while Kari Jobe gives a pretty

rendition of ‗Be Still My Soul‘. For lovers of Celtic music, both the

Newsboys and Matthew West give tremendous versions of ‗Jesus Paid

It All‘ and ‗Blessed Assurance‘, respectively. This, I feel is the

album‘s purple patch and it‘s a strong finish to the track listing. It‘s an

album that throws up a few different sounds for the listener, and

despite the unfamiliarity of some of the hymns, it‘s well worth a

listen. 8/10.

GRACE EARLE It was with great sadness that we heard recently of the sudden death of

Grace Earle. She was involved with the Stoneferry Fellowship from its

early days. She was a faithful and regular attender, often taking a

leading role, and being especially supportive to curates and Readers in

their times of ministry there. Those of us who spent time at Stoneferry

have especially happy and grateful memories of her. Our thoughts and

prayers are with Ray at this sad time.

Liz Pacey

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Last months solution

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Across 8 One of the titles given to the Messiah in Isaiah’s prediction (Isaiah 9:6) (6,2,5) 9 International Nepal Fellowship (1,1,1) 10 Single(1Corinthians7:27)(9) 11 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s seminal book about Soviet prison camps, The — ~Archipelago (5) 13 Treachery(2Kings11:14)(7) 16 Of India(anag.)(2,3,2) 19 ‘God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession,like men con-demned to die in the — ’ (1 Corinthians 4:9) (5) 22 Follower of a theological system characterized by a strong belief in predestination (9) 24 ‘Put these old rags and worn-out clothes under your arms to— the ropes’ (Jeremiah 38:12) (3) 25 They brought together all the elders of the Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 4:29) (5,3,5)

Down 1 The season when kings ‘go off to war’ (2 Samuel 11:1) (6) 2 Simon Peter’s response to Jesus by the Sea of Galilee: ‘Go away from me, Lord; I am a — man’ (Luke 5:8) (6)

3 Beaten with whips (1 Kings12:11) (8) 4 ‘You shall not — ~adultery’ (Exodus 20:14) (6) 5 Encourage (Hebrews 10:24) (4) 6 Service of morning prayer

in the Church of England (6)

7 ‘Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for you, and — — him in your h e a r t b y f a i t h w i t h thanksgiving’ (4,2) 12 Run(anag.)(3) 14 Member of 17th-century party that denied the right of autonomy to the Church (8) 15 ‘We will triumph with our t o n g u e s ; w e — o u r lips’(Psalm12:4) (3) 16 Earnings(1Corinthians16:2)(6) 17 ‘I rejoice greatly in the Lord that——you have renewed y o u r c o n c e r n f o r me’ (Philippians 4:10) (2,4) 18 How Paul described Philemon (Philemon 1)(6) 20 Multiple territories under the rule of a single state(Daniel11:4)(6) 21 ‘You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women,—to Israel’s guilt’ (Ezra 10:10) (6) 23 This month(abbrev.)(4)

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“FATHER FORGIVE” CANON ANDREW WHITE ―Father Forgive‖ by Canon Andrew

White, is a wonderful testimonial of a

subject relevant to the world today; for he

writes about his efforts to help bring peace

to the Middle East. As the vicar of St.

George‘s church in Bagdad, Canon White

has vast experience, and a wealth of

knowledge, on the subject of reconciliation

and forgiveness. Basing his ministry on

the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation, the

teaching in this book also includes relevant

biblical extracts.

Canon White writes in a gentle, non judgemental, and yet

uncompromising style. This helps the reader to understand the

fundamentals of reconciliation and forgiveness, in a straightforward

way. This book may be based around the conflicts between Sunni and

Shia Muslim, but it soon opens up to help the reader to understand the

cultural and religious conflict between Christian, Jew and Muslim.

From this comparison of different faiths, the book examines the roots

of conflict, both on an international and a social level. Canon White

then writes about six of the sins written about in the law, as given to

Moses, and known as the Ten Commandments. The six included here

are; covetousness, greed, envy, indifference, lust and pride. The Canon

calls for all of us to recognize the need to forgive, and to love one

another, in order that we can have a fuller relationship with God.

In his summary, Canon White quotes Lewis Smedes, former Fuller

Theological Seminary lecturer, who writes in his book ―Forgive and

Forget‖ (Harpers and Francisco 2007) ―When you release the

wrongdoer from the wrong, you cut a malignant tumour out of your

Page 35: Drypool Echo




St Columba‘s Ava Jane Brewster Ava-Rose Hewitt

Alisha Marie Hopkin Aiden Tobias Hinch

inner life. You free a prisoner, but you discover that the real prisoner

was yourself.‖

I have found this book a great comfort, and a wonderfully practical

tool to find the strength to forgive those who have hurt me. If, like me,

you have found it hard to forgive those who have caused you pain,

then I believe this book will help and encourage you, to find the

strength, through the scriptures and Jesus, to release your suffering.

© Dave Chapman, Hull Churches Network

Page 36: Drypool Echo



Team Rector, St.Columba

Rev Philip Goodey;

The Rectory; 139 Laburnum Ave; Hull HU8 8PA .

Tel 01482 786553

Email: [email protected]

Curate: Rev. Aian MacPherson,

St Andrews House, 2 Harcourt Drive, Hull, HU9 2AR

Tel. 07929 733555 [email protected]

Parish Office

Open Tuesday 7:00– 8:00pm.. Friday 10.30am-12.00 noon

At Drypool Rectory. 139 Laburnum Ave. Tel:01482 786553

Email: [email protected]


Parish Wardens:

Liz Harrison (Tel:797110) John Saunderson (Tel 784774)

Antoine Robinson Darren Wilkinson

Richard Boniface Graham Wragg

Parish Readers

Margaret Liversedge (Tel: 588357)

Liz Pacey (Tel:705723)

Graham Wragg (Tel: 223050)

David Norton

Team Vicar, St.John

Rev, Martyn Westby

383 Southcoates Lane Hull, HU9 Tel. 01482 781090

Team Vicar, Victoria Dock

Rev Jason Taylor 22 Corinthian Way, Victoria Dock Hull; HU9 1UF Tel 01482 216130:

Page 37: Drypool Echo


The Magazine Team Editor: Shane Blades; 26 Linkfield Road, Hotham Road North; Hull. HU5 2NN

[Tel: 07949 040495]

Email: [email protected]

St.Columba’s Reps: Katie Brown ([email protected]) 321611

Carole Harvey 07733222727

St.John’s Rep: Carl Allison Tel: 07908 180672

Victoria Dock Rep: Elaine Galloway Tel:224959

[[email protected]]

Advertising: Contact Editor

Page 38: Drypool Echo


Funeral Directors A. SHEPHERD & SONS 01482 323510 48 Beverley Road, Hull East Yorkshire HU3 1YE

S. ROBINSON & SONS 01482 320371 424 Hessle Road, Hull

East Yorkshire HU3 3SE

T. S. ANNISON & R. BODDY 01482 329327 365 Holderness Road, Hull East Yorkshire HU8 8QY



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Page 39: Drypool Echo


Page 40: Drypool Echo


Aug/Sept 2013 © The Drypool Parish MMXIII

Views expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editorial team or the parish staff.

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