
Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


Dry Powder Inhalers: A Review

Niti Yadav*, Alka Lohani

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Moradabad-244001, India

Address for Correspondance: Niti Yadav; [email protected]

ABSTRACT: In the recent years pulmonary drug delivery system is found to be preferred route of administration for various

drugs. It has been divided into 3 classes: Nebulizers, pMDI, DPI.DPI are used as an alternative to pMDI because pMDI contains

propellant (CFC) which has ozone depletion characteristics. DPI delivers medication in the form of dry powder to lungs. DPI is

formulated either as a carrier based system or carrier free system. A wide range of dry powder inhaler devices are presently available

in the market to deliver drugs with maximum drug delivery and low variability. This review focuses on the DPI formulation, factors

affecting performance of DPI, and evaluation parameters. The development of DPI is governed by regulatory bodies. FDA and EMEA

supported by pharmacopoeia are responsible for assessing safety and efficacy. © 2011 IGJPS. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS: Laser Diffraction; Nebulizer; Pulmonary Route; Propellant.

INTRODUCTIONSince ancient times pulmonary route have been used to treat

various respiratory diseases. Ancient therapies include the use

of leaves from plant, vapors from aromatic plants, balsam and

myrrh. Although aerosols of various types have been in use

since the middle of the 20th century, the use of pulmonary

route for systemic delivery is recent. Targeting the delivery of

drug into the lungs is one of the important aspects of local or

systemic drug delivery systems [1]. Development of

pharmaceuticals for inhalation is basically a challenging job as

it involves formulation and selection of device for aerosol

dispersion. The lungs have lower buffering capacity than any

other delivery sites which limits the range of excipient that

could enhance the delivery outcomes [2].

Advantage of Pulmonary Drug Delivery [3]

1. Large surface area is available for absorption.

2. Close proximity to blood flow.

3. Avoidance of first pass hepatics metabolism.

4. Compared to other oral route smaller doses are

required to achieve equivalent therapeutic effect.

5. Provides rapid drug action.

6. It can be employed as an alternative route to drug

interaction when two or more medications are used


7. Provides local action within the respiratory tract.

8. Provides reduced dose.

9. Allows for a reduction in systemic side-effects.

10. Reduces extracellular enzyme levels compared to GI

tract due to the large alveolar surface area.

Disadvantages of Pulmonary Drug Delivery [3]

1. In order to get effective drug deposition,

aerodynamic filter present efficiently in lungs must

be overcome.

2. Pulmonary airways having mucous lining clears the

deposited particles towards the throat.


ISSN 2249- 1023

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


3. Only 10-40% of the drug leaving the inhalation

device (conventional) usually deposited in the lungs.

4. It has short-lived duration of activity because drugs

are rapidly removed from the lungs or because of

rapid drug metabolism.

5. Compel frequent dosing.


DEVICESDevelopment of inhalation devices have diverged into 3

distinct classes:


Pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs)

Dry powder inhalers (DPI)

Nebulizers are systems in which the liquid formulations

are disperse using compressed air or piezoelectric vibrations.

The primary disadvantages of nebulizers are the length of time

it takes to use them (typically at least several minutes to set

up, inhale and clean), external power requirement, their size

and weight may limit portability. In contrast pMDIs

inaugurated in the 1950’s prevail over the market for many

years; it uses a pressurized gas propellant to aerosolized the

dose. Because pMDI is pressurized it emit dose at high

velocity which makes premature deposition in the oropharynx

most likely. Thus it requires more careful coordination of

actuation and inhalation. However this delivery system is now

under increasing threat because of environmental concern

regarding ozone depleating chloflourocarbon (CFC) as


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has

regulated that in the US after 2008 no CFC MDIs will be sold.

In need of an alternative propellent, CFC have been replaced

by HFA (hydroflouro alkane) , although the transition have

not proven seamless , challenges arose with respect to

reformulation issues, redesigning valves and actuators and

conducting clinical trials.4 The elastomeric components in

currently available metering valves are generally incompatible

with HFA propellants, and some surfactants (oligolactic acids,

acyl amide acids, and monofunctionalized polyethylene

glycols) used in CFC formulations are not soluble in HFAs..

GlaxoSmithKline have developed formulations by using HFA-

134a alone as particulate suspensions without any surfactant

eg: salbutamol, salmeterol, and fluticasone propionate.

Sophisticated measures had to be employed to prevent the

adhesion of drug particles to canister walls, which could cause

unacceptable dose variations [4-5].

As an alternative to pMDI, dry powder inhalers (DPIs)

have been developed, which do not contain propellant but it

have their own advantages and limitations [5].

DPIs are devices through which a drug powder formulation of

an active drug is delivered for local and systemic effect via

pulmonary route.

In DPIs, the drug particles (<5µm) are blended with

the suitable large carrier (e.g. Lactose), to improve the flow

properties and dose uniformity and the dry powders are

delivered to the lung through a device known as Dry Powder

Inhalers. Powder deagglomeration and aeroionization of the

formulation occurs via patients own effort. In order to achieve

this, a high turbulence is needed to break the large

agglomerates to the smaller, fine and inhalable particles [6-8].

Dry powder devices which operate at low inspiratory flow rate

e.g: Diskhaler, turbohaler, are clinically desirable for childrens

and adults with decreased lung function either because of age

or disease.

Characteristics of ideal DPI systems will include most or all

of the following attributes [9]

1. Simple and comfortable to use.

2. It should be compact and economical.

3. Highly reproducible fine particle dosing.

4. Reproducible emitted doses.

5. Powder should be physically and chemically stable.

6. Minimal extra-pulmonary loss of drying.

- Low oropharyngeal deposition.

- Low device retention.

- Low exhaled loss.

7. Multidose system.

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


8. Powder protected from external environment and usable

in all environments.

9. Overdose protection.

10. Indicating the no. of doses delivered or remaining.

No DPIs achieved all of these characteristics; however

considerable research is being conducted to improve their

performance characteristics wherever necessary.

Advantages of DPI

Propellant-free , Less need for patient coordination, Less

potential for formulation problems, Less potential for

extractable from device components, Formulation stability

Disadvantages of DPI

Dependency on patient’s inspiratory flow rate and profile,

Device resistance and other design issues, Greater potential

problems in dose uniformity, Less protection from

environmental effects and patient abuse, More expensive than

pressurized metered dose inhalers, Not available worldwide.

The formulation of DPI can be classified into three categories:

API production.

Formulation of API with or without carrier.

Integration of formulation into device.

Inhaled drug combinations are generally considered a unique

medication whose in vitro performance and in vivo efficacy

must be demonstrated. All DPIs have 4 basic features Fig.2:

1. A dose metering mechanism.

2. An aerosolization mechanism.

3. A deaggregation mechanism.

4. An adaptor to direct the aerosol into patient mouth.

To introduce the drug particle into the lungs, they must be <

5µm in aerodynamic diameter. This is achieved by milling the

powder prior to formulation. An important consequence of

fine particle requirement for the inhalation arises from the fact

that powder flow properties are dependent on the particle size

distribution; fine particles generally flows less well than

coarse ones. The final formulation must flow sufficiently well

either to be dispersed from the bulk reservoir to give an

adequately responsible dose or be capable of being handled

well on automatic filling machine to produce the unit dose

form for use in device. Small particles are also notoriously

difficult to disperse must therefore be formulated to have

appropriate properties such as reasonable flow ability and high

dispersibility. 3 major processes are involved in delivery of

drug particles from the carrier, their dispersion in the air flow

and deposition in the respiratory tract. Thus any factor that

affects any of these processes could ultimately influences the

bioavailability of the inhaled drug.

Carrier Free system: In this carrier strategy, the drug

particle which is to be inhaled must have aerodynamic

diameter less than 5 μm and present either in the form of

single compound or as an encapsulated particles.

Carrier Based system: Lactose is the most common

and frequently used carrier in DPI formulations, Carrier

particles offers several advantages like: improve drug particle

flow ability, improved dosing accuracy, minimum dose

variability, ease of handling during manufacturing operations,

inhalation efficiency increases etc. and lactose as a carrier

have all these characteristics. Carrier particles should have

several characteristics such as physically and chemical stable,

biocompatibile and biodegradabile, compatible with the

various drugs and must be inert and economical [10-11].

Alpha-lactose monohydrate is typically used as 'the'

carrier in dry powder inhalers. There is an urgency to find

suitable alternative carriers due to several drawbacks of

lactose and modified lactose as a carrier for dry powder

inhalers like mannitol, glucose, sorbitol, maltitol and xylitol.

From all the sugars, mannitol pretends to be most promising

carrier for DPIs as compared to sorbitol, maltitol and xylitol

sugars due to their hygroscopic nature. Carriers like

crystallized mannitol (Pearlitol 110 C), spray-dried mannitol

(Pearlitol 100 SD), crystallized maltitol (Maltisorb P90) etc

were used ,it was found that crystallized forms of the carrier is

better than spray-dried forms as it offers lower adhesion and

better release of the active ingredient. By mixing micronized

drug with larger lactose carrier particles DPI formulations are

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


basically prepared. It is prepared in such a way that results in

good blend uniformity and better flow characteristics. It is

most important that, when the formulation is delivered to the

patient via a inhalation device the drug particles are released

to provide a safe and efficacious dose to the patient [12].

Integration of formulation in a DPI device

In the development of a new DPI formulation, DPI device is

the primary facto of concern. It is essential to have knowledge

about computational fluid dynamics (CFD) while designing

DPI devices. Particle flow, shear stress and potential particle

impaction within the device is analysed by CFD.

Consequently this data may be utilized to estimate the in vitro

aerosolisation efficiency of a model drug [13] .


OF DPI DEVICESHumidity: In the dry powder inhalers (DPIs), due to the

interactions between the active substance and the excipient

adhesion results. The delivery of the drug is believed to be

affected by the morphologies of the carrier and the micronized

drug particle. Van der Waals and electrostatic forces are the

primary adhesion forces for a dry uncharged particle on a dry

uncharged substrate. The total adhesion force increases in

humid environments due to capillarity condensation which

leads to rise to a very large capillarity force. The capillarity

force dominates when the RH is above 50% [11].

Interparticulate forces: Flow and dispersion properties of the

micronised and microcrystalline powders (particles smaller

than 5μm), used for inhalation therapy are predominantly

influenced by the Interparticulate force. Chemical and

physical of the bulk drug, have been attempted in order to

enhance inhalable dose performance.

Particle size: It is assumed that by controlling the particle

size, aerosols may be targeted to a particular lung site.

However, the complexity of the respiratory tract and the

patient’s respiratory dynamics cannot be ignored. Regardless,

there are several clinical studies which established the

importance of particle size on deposition and affective clinical

response. The effectiveness of the inhaled drug inside the

human respiratory tract is also affected by the size, shape and

density of the inhaled particles.

Physical properties of powders: DPI provides powder

pharmaceuticals in aerosol forms to the patients. The

powdered drug is either loaded by the user into the DPI before

use or stored in the DPI. To generate an aerosol the powder in

its static state must be fluidized and entrained in to the

patient’s inspiratory air flow. The powder is subjected to

numerous cohesive and adhesive forces that must be overcome

to get dispersed. Optimisation and control of flow and

dispersion (deaggregation) characteristics of the formulations

is of critical importance in the development of DPI. These

properties are governed by adhesive forces between particles

including vanderwall forces, electrostatic forces and surface

tension of absorbed liquid layers. These forces are influenced

by various physiochemical properties like particle density, size

distribution, particle morphology and surface composition.

Several cohesive and adhesive forces are exerted on particle

on particles characteristics such as size, shape and crystalline

form and powder characteristcs such as packing density and

equilibrium moisture content.

Drug carrier and carrier size: Optimization and control of

particle–particle and particle –inhaler interaction is of critical

importance in the development of efficient DPI’s. A

complicated situation exists in powder formulations- drug

particles less than 5 µm aerodynamic diameter to ensure

efficient drug deposition but should also exihibit acceptable

flow properties required for accurate dose metering. Thus

micronized powders are also blended with coarse inert carriers

like lactose to improve powder flow. Lactose is often selected

as carrier/excipients because of several advantageous

properties like low reactivity and toxicity, low water content

and its low costs. The number of carrier particles per

formulation mass decreases as the carrier size increases, and

also the number of drug particles per carrier increases.

Furthermore, this carrier size increment results in an increased

momentum and reduced number of collisions between carrier–

carrier and carrier–device. The increased momentum of larger

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


carriers is the reason for the slight increase in formulation

removal efficiency. However, it is unlikely to be responsible

for drug release and aerosolisation efficiency since the

increase in carrier size results with a concurrent decrease in

drug aerosolisation performance for all formulations.

Particle engineering: One of the most important factor

involved in evaluating DPI performance is the engineering of

particles required to produce powder formulation that delivers

accurate, uniform and efficient doses of drug. In a review

Staniforth [14] has outlined the development of improved

performance of DPI by preformulation characterization of

drug carrier combinations. Staniforth explained the Pascal

system which is an example of carrier formulation technology

using a novel single step process called as Corrasion. This is a

simultaneous milling, mixing and surface modifications of

mixtures of 98-100% α lactose monohydrate and 0-2% of

amino acid L-leucine [15].


FORMULATIONThe DPI formulation aims at pulmonary drug delivery having

uniform distribution, small dose variation, good flow ability,

adequate physical stability in the device before use and good

performance in terms of emitted dose and fine particle

fraction. The performance of DPI was improved significantly

by the utilization of particle engineering thus lowering the

aerodynamic diameters of the particles, decreasing particle

density (by increasing porosity of particles), altering shape and

by creating rough surface (to increase the air drag force).

Liposomal Drug Delivery: Liposomal drug delivery to the

respiratory tract is the study of interest, because drugs are

deposited locally in the lungs as the target organ, it is

biocompatible as more than 85% of lung surfactant is

composed of phospholipids. It provides controlled release of

drugs for local or systemic action. Taylor and Newton, 1992 [16] has reduced local/systemic side effects and thus improved

therapeutic index of the drug and reducing design frequency,

total dose and probably cost of therapy. The delivery of drugs

encapsulated in liposomes in suspension form to the lung

using a nebulizer or pMDI,s are already under clinical

investigation. In suspension form, liposomes have problems

such as lipid degradation, aggregation and fusion of

liposomesresulting in drug leakage during storage and

aerosolization to lungs [16-17].

Chitosan-Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticles:

Production of mucoadhesive nanocarriers made from

macromolecular drug heparin, chitosan (CS) and hyaluronic

acid (HA), is suitable for pulmonary delivery was reported.

For the first time, this drug was tested by conducting ex vivo

experiments on mast cells, in order to investigate the potential

of the heparin-loaded nanocarriers in antiasthmatic therapy [18].

Ionotropic gelation technique is used for the formation of

nanoparticles. CS and blend of HA with unfractionated or

low-molecular-weight heparin (UFH and LMWH,

respectively) were combined to form nanoparticles. The

resulting nanoparticles laden with UFH were between 162 and

217nm in size, and those prepared with LMWH were 152nm.

Ex vivo experiments purpose is to evaluate the capacity of

heparin to prevent histamine release in rat mast cells indicated

that the free or encapsulated drug exhibited the same dose-

response behavior. Development of microparticle and

nanoparticle based drug delivery systems aims at better

management of diverse clinical conditions.

EVALUATIONAppearance and Color: The appearance of the content

present in the container and the appearance of the container

and closure system (i.e., the valve and its components and the

inside of the container) should comply with their respective

descriptions as an indication of the drug product integrity. If

any color is present with the formulation (either present from

initial stage or form due to degradative processes occurring

during shelf life), then a quantitative test with relevant

acceptance criteria should be established for the drug product.

Particle size analysis: Many methods have been developed

for the particle size measurement. Cascade impactor and light

scattering decay methods have been used to greater extent.

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


The cascade impactor operates on the principle through a

series of nozzles and glass slides stream of particles projected

at high velocity, the smaller particles pass on and are collected

at higher velocity stages while the larger particles are

impacted on the lower velocity stage. The optimum

aerodynamic particle diameter for most inhalation products

has generally been recognized as being in the range of 1–5

microns. Sieve analysis and laser diffraction are used for the

particle size analysis for lactose used in inhalation products.

Laser diffraction is a fastest growing technique that describes

almost the full profile while sieve analysis gives only a limited

amount of data. Sieve analysis is often used in combination

with laser diffraction to guarantee the absence of coarse

particles in the lactose.

Sieve analysis: For the measurement of particle size of lactose

various sieve analysis techniques are present. Sieving could be

done by using nest of standard sieves shaken on a seive shaker

or with air-jet sieving. By weighing the material received on

each sieve the particle size distribution can be calculated. To

known particle size distribution sieves can be calibrated with

reference materials. Sieves works well for coarse as well as

granulated lactose. Fine powders may often lock the holes

present in the seives. Therefore for finer lactose grades air-jet

sieving works better but it has a disadvantage that only one

sieve screen at a time can be operated.

Laser diffraction: In the Unites States Pharmacopeia (USP)

General Chapter <429> (4) it is stated that laser diffraction

involves the measurement of “a representative sample,

dispersed at an adequate concentration in a suitable liquid or

gas”. For the measurement the powder is passing a laser beam.

The light of the laser beam is diffracted in different directions

and the scatter pattern is recorded by detectors. The scatter

pattern is strongly related to the particle size and the size

distribution of the particles. Theories have been developed

which quantitatively relate the scattering pattern to the particle

size distribution. In ISO 13320:2009 the theories are described [19]. The result of laser diffraction techniques is often expressed

as a volume distribution. In Figure 1 a particle size graph of

Lactohale® 200 is plotted. The full profile is often evaluated

and the particle size is often specified as a three point

specification containing d10, d50 and d90 value. Also the

amount of fines % below 5, 10 or 15 μm could be part of the

specification. These parameters are often linked to product

performance. For inhalation lactose the most common laser

equipments used are supplied by Sympatec and Malvern. The

lactose can be dispersed dry or in a suitable liquid e.g. iso-

octane or saturated iso-propanol. The preferred method is the

dry-dispersion technique. The method between supplier and

users should be consistent, validated, understood and shared.

This is necessary to understand the outcomes of a

measurement. It is helpful to investigate the off-set between

machines and laboratories by carrying out a round-robin. The

results give a better understanding of the outcomes of a

measurement Fig.3.

Moisture Content: The Karl Fisher method has been

accepted to a greater extent for the measurement of small

amounts of water present in the inhalation powder which has

important effect on capillary condensation, solid-state phase

behaviour, solid-state properties, and solid-state stability of

pharmaceutical particles in the solid-state.

Flow properties of Powder [20]: Carr’s Flowability Index:

The flow properties of a DPI were measured by the Carr’s

method which involves following four tests:

1) Angle of repose;

2) Compressibility;

3) angle of spatula; and

4) uniformity coefficient

Hausner’s Ratio-Hausner’s ratio (HR): was determined

from the minimum and maximum bulk density values with the


Packing Properties of Dry Powder Inhalation: The packing

properties of the powder used in DPI were determined with

the tapping method by utilization of Kawakita’s equation for

indicating porosity.

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


Figure 1 Classification of DPI.

Drug Content (Assay): The drug concentration present in the

formulation (in the entire container) should be determined

analytically with a stability indicating method. The acceptance

criteria should as high as possible to ensure conformance in

other related aspects (e.g., dose content uniformity). Although

this test may not be directly related in terms of performance of

inhalation aerosols, it provides assurance of consistency

concerning the manufacture of the drug product (e.g.,

formulation, filling, crimping, and sealing).

Net Content: Several methods can be used to determine

whether sufficient product has been placed into each

container. The tared cans that have been placed onto the filling

line are weighed again and the difference in weight is equal to

the net contents. The other method is a destructive method and

consists of weighing a full container and then dispersing the

contents. The contents are then weighed with provisions being

made for the amount retained in the container. Other

modifications consists of opening the container and removing

as much as the product as possible. These tests are not

indicated in determining the actual net content of each

container as related to the amount that can actually be


Impurities and Degradation Products [21]: By means of

stability indicating methods the levels of degradation products

and impurities should be determined. Acceptance criteria

should be set for individual and total degradation products and

impurities. For identification and qualification thresholds,

refer to the appropriate guidance. If the individual impurities

or degradation products appearing at levels 0.10 percent or

greater it should be specified. Specified impurities and

degradation products are those, either identified or

unidentified, that are individually listed and limited in the drug

product specification.

Microbial Limits [21]: The microbial quality should be

controlled by suitable tests and acceptance criteria for total

aerobic count, total yeast and mold count, and freedom from

designated indicator pathogens. Furthermore, proper testing

should be done to show that the drug product doesn’t support

the microorganism’s growth and that microbial quality is

maintained throughout the expiration period.

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


Spray Pattern: Comparison of spray pattern obtained from

different batches of material or through the use of different

valves should be used. The method of comparison is based on

the impingement of the spray on a piece of paper that has been

treated with a dye-talc mixture. Depending on the nature type

of powder, oil soluble or water soluble dye is used.

Figure 2 Principle of dry powder inhaler design.

Figure 3 Laser diffraction pattern of Lactohale 200.

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


Extractables/Leachable [21]: For non-compendial plastic and

for rubber container closure components that are in contact

with the formulation during storage (e.g., valves), a study

should be conducted to determine the extractables profile. It

should be determined whether any of the extractables or

leachables presents in the formulation at the end of the shelf

life of the product. The leachables profile should also be

determined for compendial plastics and rubber container

closure components. Identification should be attempted for

compounds that appear as leachables and also safety

assessments should be conducted in accordance with sufficient

established safety thresholds. Depending on the levels and

types of compounds detected, consideration should be given to

including a test and limits for leachables in the drug product


CURRENT TRENDSInspiromatic is produced by Inspiro Medical, a portfolio

company of The Trendlines Group, and is meant to take the

place of hard-to-use nebulizers for young children as well as

the elderly and people with certain disabilities. Inspiromatic

has an internal microcontroller and flow sensor that detects the

right time to deliver the medication and automatically disperse

the drug particles in the right size without need for forceful

inhalation [22].

Twisthaler: This inhalation device is relatively independent

of flow rates. It has been demonstrated that with inspiratory

flows between 28 l/min and 60 l/min 91% to 112% of the

metered dose is delivered at the mouthpiece. The fraction of

particles smaller than 6.5 µm amounts up to 40% at an

inspiratory flow of 60 l/min. Additionally drug doses released

from the Twisthaler® only vary slightly between each dose.

The twisthaler is approved by momentosone furoate

(Asmanex) [23].

Nexthaler: Cambridge Consultants is working to develop the

next generation of dry powder inhaler for Chiesi Farmaceutici

SpA, an emerging European pharmaceutical company based in

Parma, Italy. The new inhaler aims to be the easiest-to-use dry

powder inhaler on the market. The design incorporates

features to improve performance and make the device discreet,

intuitive to use and futuristic in appearance [24].

HandiHaler: It is used to deliver the contents of Spiriva

inhalation capsules containing the bronchodilator tiotropium,

used for long-term treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease (COPD) and other obstructive airways disease; to

relieve symptoms of bronchospasm [25].

Turbuhalers: It has the dry powder medication inside the

tube-shaped inhaler. They have a removable cover and a

twisting base. It is a ‘breath-activated’ device means the dry

powder medication is ‘sucked’ from the device rather than

‘fired’ like it is from other devices. Turbuhalers may be

difficult to use for young children, or adults who are short of

breath. It is recommended to have a puffer and spacer

available for emergencies [26].

Easyhaler: The Easyhaler®, is developed and patented by

Orion, is an environment friendly and efficient, easy to use for

the treatment of respiratory illnesses such as asthma and

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Orion aims to

expand the product family of inhalable Easyhaler® drugs used

for treating asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [27] Fig.4 .

Various marketed products available in the market are shown

in Table 1and delivery devices for currently used inhaled

drugs for asthma in us is shown in Table.2.




Orally inhaled and nasal drug products (OINDPs) include DPI,

pMDI, nebulizers and nasal sprays. The FDA and EMEA,

supported by the pharmacopoeia and International Standards

Organization, are responsible for assessing safety, quality and

efficacy. In 1998 and 1999, the FDA issued two draft

documents providing regulatory guidance on chemistry and

manufacturing controls for orally inhaled and nasal drug

product [28, 29].

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


Figure 4 Various inhalers available in market. A: The Inspiromatic device; B: Twisthaler; C: Nexthaler; D: Handihaler ; E: Turbohaler; F: Easyhaler

Product Name Company name

Acu-Breathe ( Respirics) Aerolizer Novartis

Breezhaler Novartis

Clickhaler Vectura

Cyclohaler Tera

Diskhaler Glaskosmithkline

Diskus Glaskosmithkline

Podhaler Novartis

Pulmojet Sanifi-Aventis

Skyehaler Skyepharma

Solis Sandoz/Novartis

Taifun Akela

Twisthaler Schering/Mercks

Turbohaler Astra Zeneca

Table 1 Marketed products.

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


Drug DPI

Formoterol Fordil Aeroliser (Novartis AG)

Salmeterol (serevent) Serevent Diskus (Glaskosmithkline)

Tiotropium Spiriva Handihaler (Boehring Ingelheim)

Budenoside Pulmicort Flexhaler (Astra Zeneca)

Fluticasone Flovent Diskus (Glaskosmithkline)

Mometasone Asmenex Twisthaler (Schering- Plough)

Table 2 Delivery Devices for currently used inhaled drugs for Asthma in US.

The inhalation solution, suspension and spray guidance was

finalized in 2002. In 2002, the FDA launched a new initiative

“Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century” in which it

proposed a new risk-based approach to pharmaceutical

manufacturing. This initiative gave birth to PAT, it aimed at

better understanding and advancing the processes involved in

pharmaceutical development, manufacturing and quality

control described in the FDA’s Guidance of September 2004 [30]. The goal of PAT is to ensure final product quality by

understanding and controlling the processes involved in

manufacture. The MDI/DPI guidance is still in draft form.

Guidance for industry issued by FDA provides information

and recommendations on the tests and general approaches for

manufacturers to consider when developing a new drug

application for submission to the agency. In principle, such

guidance is based on research data and information compiled

from industry, academic sources, and the agency’s previous

experiences. The guidance recommendations should also

reflect the capabilities of current drug product technology. The

issuance of the orally inhaled and nasal drug products

guidance presented a significant advance as they provided for

the first time, in documented form, the expectations of the

FDA regarding tests that should be performed to assess

product quality and regarding specifications for OINDP.

When the draft guidances were issued, industry provided a

great deal of comment to the agency, noting disagreement

with approaches and acceptance criteria for some of the tests

and seeking clarification for others [31].

What are the challenges posed by the changing regulatory


While the adoption of new nebulizer guidance is

straightforward, implementing QbD (quality by design) in the

formulation and of OINDPs presents a unique challenge. QbD

is significantly more complex for inhaled products as

compared to other dosage form because, for example:

performance of the product is a function of both device and

formulation, a patient’s operating procedure may influence the

received dose. Manufacture of product and usage is influenced

by environmental conditions. There is a lack of relevant real-

time analytical tools.

Applying QbD in inhaled products is very complex,

which may mean that take-up could be slow for OINDP

manufacturers; however, regulatory bodies may be merciless

of those who fail to adopt the initiative [32-33]. Table 3 and

Table 4 given below shows the future DPI and the patent

approved or applied.

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


Device Company Drug

Aspirair/active Vectura Apomorphine hydrochloride

Omnihaler/active Innoveta Biomeds Ltd. -

Taifun Focus Inhalation Fentanyl

Cyclovent Pharmachemie Opioids (Morphine)

Spiros/breath activated active Dura Albuterol sulphate

Acu-Breath Respirics Fluticasone propionate

Swinhaler Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Procaterol, budesonide

Procaterol, budesonide Novartis Pharma/Skye Pharma Formoterol

Technohaler/passive Innoveta Biomed Ltd. -

Table 3 Future DPIs (approved or in development stage). Dash line (–) indicates information is not available.

Device Patent no. Delivery type Company Ref./Company

DPI EP2239002 B1 Lock and Blister advancement

Sanovel Illac sanayive Ticaret Anonim sirketi,


Zafer Toksoz et al. (2013) 34

DPI US8381721 B2 Piercing membranr Oriel Therapeutics, US Gerald A Thoe et al. (2013) 35

DPI/ Bead like US20120291780 A1 Bead like actuator Respira therapeutic Inc. Martin J Donovan et al. (2012) 36

DPI EP 1923087 B1 Single dose, capsule Mannkind Corp., Valancia

Soloman S Steiner et al. (2012) 37

DPI/Metered EP2314336 A2 Metered Dose Nortan Healthcare Ltd.,USA

Lawrence Keane et al. (2011) 38

DPI/Breath actuated EP1294421 B1 Breath actuated Nortan Healthcare Ltd.,USA

Lawrence Keane et al. (2010) 39

DPI EP1042025 B1 Blister disk Vaolis SAS, France Allan Cmeron et al. (2009) 40

DPI/passive . US 2008035143 A1 Reservoir USA Sievers et al. (2008) 41

DPI WO 2008001132 Single dose, capsule Brintech International Limited, UK

Chawla and Paul (2008) 42

Cyclone DPI Britt. UK Pat. Appl., GB2439204;WO 2007144614

Cambrdge Consultant Ltd., UK

Smith and Harris (2007) 43

Hinged Cyclone DPI Britt. UK Pat. Appl., GB2439205;WO 2007144607

Multi-unit blister pack Cambrdge Consultant Ltd., UK

Smyth and Truman (2007) 44

Simple Inhaler WO 2007132217 Multi-unit cartridge Hovione Inter AG, Switzerland

Villax et al. (2007) 45

Table 4 Future/next generation DPI device (patented/applied for patent).

Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(2): 142-155


CONCLUSIONAs DPI have several advantages like propellant free nature,

high patient compliance, high dose carrying capacity and drug

stability it has become subject of interest for the treatment of

diseases like: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(COPD). It is estimated by WHO that worldwide, some 300

million people suffer from Asthma and 240 million people

from (COPD). The future research in DPIs will incorporate

drug in a matrix particle to achieve specific pulmonary drug

deposition and probably to achieve intracellular drug delivery

especially, proteins, peptides, plasmids, DNA etc. The design

of inhaler needs improvement to meet requirements of an ideal

inhaler. A better understanding of the influencing properties of

powder on the performance of DPI will help to address the

challenges in the development of DPI formulation and inhaler

devices for optimum therapeutic benefits.


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