Page 1: Drupal 8 - Hosting, Performance and Drush

professional services for the webconsultancy design development hosting training support

Monday, November 25, 13

Page 2: Drupal 8 - Hosting, Performance and Drush

about me

Greg Harvey

Monday, November 25, 13

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Last year we looked at hosting Drupal 8

It almost worked!


No drush!

Monday, November 25, 13

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:’-(Monday, November 25, 13

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what’s the stack?

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what’s the stack?Debian “Squeeze” (6)

Percona 5.5.33

PHP 5.3.27 (from Dotdeb)

nginx 1.2.3 (from Code Enigma)

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installingIf you block install.php:

It has moved!


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file system

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file systemDrupal 7

755 everything

Application only writes to sites/%site

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file systemDrupal 8

What about CMI?

By default it sits in ‘files’

What about VCS?

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$config_directories = array( CONFIG_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY => array( 'path' => '/some/directory/outside/webroot', 'absolute' => TRUE, ), CONFIG_STAGING_DIRECTORY => array( 'path' => '/another/directory/outside/webroot', 'absolute' => TRUE, ),);

file system

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file systemIf you alter the path, also make sure the web server can read and write from/to that path!

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file systemAnd deployment?

Keep ‘staging’ in Git

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.htaccessIncludes have moved to /core/includes/

New rewrite rules to push update and install requests to new /core/ paths

Optional rules for additional security

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# Uncomment the following two lines to only # allow PHP files in the webroot and in "/core":# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/core/[^/]*\.php$# RewriteRule "^.+/.*\.php$" - [F]


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.htaccessAlso, TXT files!

All moved to /core/

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drushWhat works?

Pretty much everything!

drush si

drush cc

drush uli

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drushWhat’s new?


config-edit (cedit) config-export (cex) config-get (cget)config-import (cim)config-list (cli)

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drushAnd deployment?

These new drush commands for CMI are important!

drush cmi <- importing ‘staging’ config to ‘active’

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memcache - Drupal 8 version already BUT:

Can’t work fully until it support cache tags

No Redis movement to date

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databasesNothing much changes

But EVERYTHING changes

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PHP versionWe’re running PHP 5.3

What about PHP 5.4 and 5.5?

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PHP version

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PHP version

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PHP versionSo why not?

Breaks Drupal 6.

Probably breaks Drupal 7 contrib too.

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does it work?!YES!

Of course it’s not ready, but you can play.

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performanceA lot to do:

But almost there!

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performanceSo please take the next slide with a large pinch of salt:


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Monday, November 25, 13

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