Page 1: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

Drone Security Team

Conceptual Proposal

Page 2: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per


1. Concept of Operations – Methodology

2. Our Approach

3. Duties

Our Proposed Solution

4. Capabilities Example

5. Cost Matrix - EXAMPLE

Option 1: Traditional

Option 2: Proposed

6. Contact

Page 3: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

1. Concept of Operations – Methodology

A Drone Security Team (DST) will conduct regular proactive aerial security patrols across the client’s site, ensuring

rapid detection of intruders or threats.

Equipped with the very latest in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) aka drones; the DST delivers both routine and an on-demand overwatch, enabling a heightened situational awareness. This innovative amalgamation of professional experience and technology ensures that an appropriate response is administered, relevant to the threat or incident, in a timely manner.

The DST generally consists of two Security Industry Authority (SIA) operatives,

guaranteeing that they are trained and legally enabled to deal with any security related

threat presented to them, throughout the course of their duties. This negates the need to

await a police response, thus rapidly improving the security integrity and task objectives.

The team are medically trained, therefore competent to deliver First Responder

Emergency Care (FREC).

The impact of a drone presence will drastically improve the security response and coverage. Commercial aircraft can be equipped with a 30x optical zoom (plus additional 6x digital zoom) and the highest resolution FLIR thermal imaging sensor, allowing the team to scan large areas quickly and efficiently during both the day and night. Airvis are committed to understanding our clients and the issues and concerns that they

face, so that we may propose considered, pertinent and apt solutions, with a prominent

stake on cost consideration.

Page 4: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

2. Our Approach

The DST will carry out their duties within an area identified within our plans, at agreed shift times (day or night) as arranged. The DST is equipped and capable of reacting to several situations, providing an effective and professional response, whether it be a security, medical, or fire emergency. Loss prevention being at the heart of the role, the DST will proactively seek to identify how loss can be reduced through the protection of both tangible and intangible assets, through a structured reporting process. The DST will provide a comprehensive shift report to our office each day, which will be disseminated and the contents (non-priority) used to form the basis of a monthly KPI management meeting. As an industry pacesetter; we actively seek to engage and understand our clients and their needs throughout the duration of our relationship. We will endeavour to work with you and explore possibilities throughout the duration of our engagement, offering surplus value-added provisions and costs savings where possible. We are currently progressing our SIA ACS, ISO9001 and CHAS certification. 3. Duties

The DST will conduct the following as primary core duties:

✓ Conduct regular overt vehicle (mobile) patrols (if relevant/practical)

✓ Conduct regular drone flights, to detect suspicious activity across the site and furthermore the immediate

external boundary environment or areas impassable by foot and/or road

✓ Protect assets from theft or damage

✓ Protect personnel from violence or crime related harm or threats

✓ Liaise with and task any support services (dog handlers, mobile patrols, security guards etc) and provide a

protective overwatch of them, thus improving security response to intruders or crime

✓ Investigate suspicious activity and behaviour

✓ Investigate suspicious vehicles

✓ Liaise and develop a rapport with the client and project management

✓ Represent and positively promote the client brand

✓ Liaise and collaborate with the local police constabulary

✓ Maintain a database of logs, incidents, suspicious behaviour and duty tasks

✓ Record statistics for KPI and progress meetings

✓ Provide evidence for the prosecution of offenders

✓ Provide first responder emergency care if required, in the event of serious injury to the client’s


The DST will utilise various software and programmes to capitalise their effect when deployed.

Page 5: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

Our Proposed Solution;

“Reduces the man power required to secure such area, thus potentially reducing overall cost”.

We cover large areas quickly. From a static position we can zoom in on a point of interest from 2.6km away, therefore

removing the need to deploy surplus security personnel or a vast array of CCTV to maintain the traditional security


[Caption: Day time range capability – 2.6km]

“Maximises privacy and minimises disruption for our clients”.

Our aircraft can operate at a height of 400 feet, can travel 500 meters from us and can zoom in 2.6km (during the

day) or detect human sized heat sources in complete darkness up to 1km away. This system capability allows us to

minimise disruption to local neighbourhoods (compared against increased vehicle roaming patrols). We respect

privacy and operate accordingly, our purpose where possible is to identify suspicious people and/or vehicles

moving towards our client’s site and intervene, before they are already on it.

“Reduces associated crime in the area”.

Our service delivery is highly overt. We believe in promoting this thoroughly, as the first objective to any

professional security delivery should be to deter the threat. Our vehicles, uniforms and approach will be visible to

all, forcing unsavoury characters away from our area of operation entirely.

“Improves the likelihood of a recovery when emergency medical treatment is required”.

Equipped with sufficient medical supplies, equipment and an AED (Defibrillator), our FREC3 qualified personnel are

capable to deal with many life threating illnesses. This is critically important in locations where paramedic arrival

may be delayed, particularly during winter when access/road closure issues may occur.

Page 6: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

“Reduces the risk to security personnel”.

The capabilities of our systems allow us to cover large areas from a static point. This negates the need for surplus

personnel and removes the requirement to subject them to potential hazards and/or hazardous environments.

Equipped with commercial drone systems, the DST can bypass ground hazards, therefore providing a risk mitigation

approach to security continuity.

“Supplies greater coverage and pick up indication of persons in hiding”.

Our aircraft has similar imaging capabilities as a police helicopter (NPAS – National Police Air Service); offering both

optical zoom and thermal imaging systems. This combination makes it extremely difficult for a person to hide from

us and as such, is significantly more effective than traditional manned guarding approach whom are easily avoided.

“Increasing costs of some NPAS have risen to £2,820 per hour. Another force has an annualised budget of 1000 hours (at a stated cost of £1700 per hour) which equates to an average of only 2.75 hours per day. Deployments of commercial grade UASs can cost as little as only 5% of this per hour and can remain airborne for significantly longer. “

[Derek Robinson – LinkedIn - 2018]

“Tim Murrell, group manager and International Search and Rescue Manager for Lancashire Fire, said: “The drone is incredible. The amount of time we can save by having this drone up in the air is unbelievable. If we were searching for a missing person, we could set the drone to search an area instead of using dozens of police officers on foot.”

[Tim Murrell – - 2018]

[Caption: Lancashire Fire & Rescue and Lancashire Constabulary displaying their UAS capability. Previously reliant on NPAS)

Page 7: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

4. Capabilities Example – 360° and linear distances

The Mersey Gateway Bridge is a toll bridge between Runcorn and Widnes in Cheshire, England which spans the

River Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal. It forms part of a wider project to upgrade the infrastructure around

the Mersey crossings that includes major civil engineering work to realign the road network, change and add tolling

to the Silver Jubilee Bridge, and build new interchanges together with landscaping 9 km (6 miles) of highway.

After extensive site preparation, construction work began on 7 May 2014 and the bridge opened to traffic just after

midnight on 14 October 2017. The crossing's total length is 2.3 km (1.4 miles) and its river span is 1 km (0.6 miles).

New roads were built to connect the bridge to the highway network. A 28.5 ha (70-acre) nature reserve was

established around the bridge and the surrounding riverside, managed by the Mersey Gateway Environmental Trust,

an independent charity tasked with promoting biodiversity, landscape, science, and educational opportunities.

Page 8: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

During construction the Mersey Gateway project contracted a vast amount of security personnel, predominantly

security dog handlers and static security guards, to provide protection of assets and restrict access to trespassers

and protestors.

The following will theorise how a UAS security team could have supported the security resilience and directly

reduced the quantity of security personnel involved, thus decreasing costs.

Legislation restricts standard UAS flights to “Visual Line Of Sight” (VLOS), which is set by the Civil Aviation Authority

(CAA) at 500m. Using the site below as an example, we can highlight the effective range and capability.

Caption: A proposed LZ (Landing/Take-off Zone).

Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS) range. The red marker indicates how far away we can legally fly our aircraft from the LZ.

Caption: 500m VLOS range marker.

Page 9: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

Thermal Imaging (TI) range (white). The white marker indicates the effective range of our thermal imaging sensor

beyond the boundary of VLOS (red). In this example, any person or vehicle approaching or trespassing on the

construction project would be indentified, even in complete darkness without their knowledge.

Caption: 1000m TI range marker.

Visual Imaging (VI) range (yellow). The yellow indicates the day time effective range of our Visual Imaging (camera)

beyond the boundary of VLOS (red). In this example, a privacy impact assessment and operating instructions would

be developed to ensure that this enhanced capability is kept relevant to the construction project area only.

Caption: 2600m VI range marker.

Page 10: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

5. Cost Matrix - EXAMPLE

Assuming that such a large scale project would require ten security dog handlers per shift, to cover the large

construction area and quantity of assets in situ, a comparison between this (option 1) and a blended UAS security

and response approach (option 2) can be provided (below).

This does not include premium charges (bank holidays) or auxillary costs such as welfare units, generators, lighting

and toilets to sustain personnel, which will be much higher in option 1.

Option 1: Traditional Coverage – Security Dog Handlers

# Item Value

A Contractor rate per hour £15.00 B Hours per shift 12 C Personnel per shift 10 D Combined cost per shift (A*B*C) £1,800.00 E Combined cost per month (D*365/12) £54,750 F Project months 41 G Total cost (E*F) £2,244,750.00

Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams

# Item Value

A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per shift 1 D1 Service cost per shift (A1*B1*C1) £780.00

A2 Response rate per hour (2 personnel with dog handler provision) £30.00 B2 Hours per shift 12 C2 Teams per shift 1 D2 Service cost per shift (A2*B2*C2) £360.00

D3 Combined cost per shift (D1+D2) £1,140.00 E Combined cost per month (D3*365/12) £34,675.00 F Project months 41 G Total cost (E*F) £1,421,675.00

Benefits of option 2:

✓ 36.6% reduction on service costs (equating to a £823,075.00 over the construction period)

✓ Transparent management and KPIs (easy to confirm staffing levels on contract at any time, no shift ghosting)

✓ Minimal personnel attributed disruption (illness, traffic delays, vehicle breakdowns, holidays etc)

✓ Improved staff retention (securing aquired project knowledge and relationships)

✓ Significantly less auxillary costs (welfare, portacabins, generators, lighting, fuel etc)

✓ Significantly reduced noise pollution (personnel, vehicle, engine, canine noise)

✓ Significantly reduced light pollution (vehicles, lighting towers, floodlights)

✓ Significantly reduced environmental pollution (generator/engine fumes)

✓ Wider area coverage (external threat detection)

✓ River security – detection of water bourne heat signatures (persons in water). Traditional methods will not

detect a person or marine vessel in the river

✓ Value added business support – visual aerial inspections and/or video/photo imagery for project management

or marketing purposes can be included as a value add service at no additional cost

Page 11: Drone Security Team - Airvis...Option 2: Proposed Coverage – UAS Security and Response Teams # Item Value A1 UAS Contractor rate per hour £65.00 B1 Hours per shift 12 C1 Teams per

+44 (0) 1253 206 222

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Permitted by the Civil Aviation Authority for both day and night UAS operations within the UK.

Copyright © 2019 Airvis Ltd

All rights reserved. Copies of this publication may not be reproduced for personal, company or

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