Download - Draw the Line 5

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Draw the LineA visual update with reflections, comments and explanations. COP 15, 16. Dec ‘09

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Five types of loopholes that are still threatening the integrity of the Copenhagen out-come: Offsets, Hot Air, LULUCF, Bunker fuels, and starting points for the new targets.

Page 3: Draw the Line 5

You can find all issues of Draw the Line and many more illustrations at

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Contact info: Vivan CintronAdministrator

Mobile: +45 29 90 42 47 Email: [email protected]

Visual Language for Ministers and Presidents- Your guide to making simple icons enabling negotiation clarity and a FAB Deal.

Sometimes words create more confusion than clarity. Sometimes even the best wordsmiths have difficulties putting together text which can inspire and engage. Sometimes illustrations, visuali-sations and graphics do the job 1000 times better.

In order for you to work towards a Fair, Ambitions & Binding Deal, this Guide will help you and the other negotiators get to the point, create common ground and reach a shared picture of a FAB Deal.

Step 1: Practice drawing these 15 icons and start using them in your negotiations.

Step 2: Decide what these 5 icons mean to you (write a title for them) and practice drawing them.

Step 3: Make 6 icons of your own. It must be ones which you con-sider to be powerful and useful in negotiations. Give them a title.

Step 4: List the Top 10 words you’d love to have an icon for (your Wish List).

Step 5: Write your name, country and email the icon wishes to the emailadress below. We will do our best to return with the requests you have made.

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