  • 8/8/2019 Dragon Ball x Sample Chap 1-3


  • 8/8/2019 Dragon Ball x Sample Chap 1-3


  • 8/8/2019 Dragon Ball x Sample Chap 1-3


  • 8/8/2019 Dragon Ball x Sample Chap 1-3


  • 8/8/2019 Dragon Ball x Sample Chap 1-3


  • 8/8/2019 Dragon Ball x Sample Chap 1-3


  • 8/8/2019 Dragon Ball x Sample Chap 1-3


    There was no hiding now; the Kaidokhans forces were on to her

    position and the only thing that would save Shana now from the

    Kaidokhans relentless forces was all out speed.

    Shana knew that her father the Premier really wanted to get her

    to safety before the city fell and he believed his only chance to do

    so would be to send her away from the planet on this desperate


    Breaking through the planetary barricade proved disastrous,

    Shana escorts were destroyed and Shana Tols own crippled ship

    fell back to Vindus with the grace of a tumbling ox.

    This is where we now find Princess Shana Gar-Tol bereft of every

    resource save her battle armor, a fusion blaster on her hip, her

    trusty battle blade and her indomitable will.

    Another ravine, this one deeper and wider than the last. Shanas

    down hill view of the approaching drop-off aided in her buildingspeed.

    Unfortunately the approach left her with little cover, with a half

    second to make up her mind she pours on her incredible speed and

    leaves the cover of the overhead canopy.

    Enemy sensors now able to clearly ascertain her position lock

    onto her position and begin raining hellfire down on her.

    Shanas downhill approach is all speed. She does not even bother

    dodging the blasts raining about her but puts everything into her

    run for only that will enable her to clear the wide gap.

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    She picks her leap point and twenty power-charged seconds later,

    she leaps and soars across the ravine. She makes it, barley. She

    rolls and smacks her head into a large boulder, dazing herself.

    Shana lays stunned against the boulder. The bombardment has

    stopped and Shana mistakenly thinks that she can take a few

    minutes to catch her breath under the wide branches of the Bilbo

    tree. She has not slept in days, which combined with her hours long

    run has taken its toll on her. If only she could rest

    Princess Shana of the House of Tol, we meet again.

    Shana Tol recognizes the voice and opens her eyes to see the form

    of Commander Cain, the head of the Kaidokhans RAZIR force.

    Shana struggles to her feet, she stands wavering before the

    Commander and his entourage.

    She surveys her surroundings. She is surrounded by armedmercenaries of the RAZIR force. These men are not amateurs and

    are not to be taken lightly.

    Shana sees this but what really grabs her attention is the sleek

    Quantum Drive cruiser that sits just behind the RAZIR force.

    Shana straightens to her full height, muscular shoulders rippling,

    and gazes with contempt at Commander Cain. The team of

    Mercenarys and droids tighten their stance and their grips on

    their weapons, zeroing on Shana Tol.

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    Commander Cain, I see you have decided to pay another visit to our

    beleaguered little planet. Has running the RAZIR force from space

    become a bore for you?

    Cain regards Shana as if she were a speck of dirt.

    Princess Shana, I am amazed that Metron would agree to allow his

    beloved daughter to leave the relative but soon non existent

    safety of the walls of Kurak!

    Cain moved closer to Shana, not even bothering to remove his

    weapon, He knew the vakir droids would vaporize Shana if she even

    breathed the wrong way.

    Cain stops about six feet from Shana. Cain is a powerfully built

    humanoid. His red hair tied in a long braid hung down his back. His

    imposing physique covered with deadly neural armor.

    This cutting edge armor contained a vast array of weaponry. It

    efficiently provides protection against injury and offers topshelf options for dealing death. The entire RAZIR force each

    possesses similar armor.

    The Neural Armor operated by tapping into the hosts nervous

    system and in doing so becomes an extension of the hosts nervous

    system. It reads electronic impulses from the brain, effectively

    operating by the speed of though.

    Shanas attention was still on his ship even as she was looking at

    and speaking with Cain.

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    My father trusts me and has trained me well, Commander. Even if I

    am killed you can be sure of this, my people will never surrender.

    Cain shakes his head at the defiant princess.

    When will you Vindans ever learn? He says. I declare, you are

    the most defiant bunch of scum that I have ever encountered!

    Anger flashes in Shanas eyes.

    We are an honorable peoplewarriors! We will defend our race

    until the end, monster!

    Cain snorts in derision. You are nothing Shana Tol! Nothing but a

    member of another conquered race that will serve the whims of the

    supreme Kaidokhan! You may not believe this now but it will become

    very clear, very soon. The final option is now in its final stage and

    it will soon be served to the people of this planet!

    Shana stares at Cain and then she giggles. The giggle feels good soShana tilts her head back and laughs a hearty, long and very

    amused laugh.

    My word Commander, I never realized this but you have made it very

    clear to me today. You invaders are more scared of us than we ever

    will be of you! I never would have believed it if I did not witness it

    firsthand. I guess this long siege has taken the thirst for blood

    from your lips after all, final optionindeed! Shana taunts.

    Fury knits Cains brow, He takes aim at Shana with his blaster.

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    My thirst for Vindan blood could never be quenched, Princessas

    a matter of fact I thirst right now

    Cains finger tightens on the blaster

    KABOOM!! Explosions shatter the surrounding area. Shana is

    thrown from her feet by the force of the blast. She quickly regains

    her footing and finds cover behind the large rock.

    Peering around she sees Cains force trading blasts with what is

    left of her escort. They tracked her to this location and from the

    looks of things they are not going to be able to hold out against the

    RAZIR force for more than a minute.

    The time is now. Shana springs from her hiding place and begins to

    run up the hill to get around the RAZIR force as they fight the

    royal escort.

    Several of the Vakir droids sense her flanking movement and begin

    to give chase. Shana lobs several fusion grenades from her vest atthe droids destroying several of them in the process. The others

    are deadly accurate and begin firing upon her with a multitude of


    Shana screams with rage and pain as a tree she is passing explodes

    sending wooden shards in every direction, some of the wood

    penetrate her skin about the neck and right arm causing her to

    bleed from her wounds, weakening her even further. Shana keeps

    her target in sight as she sets then throws the entire bandolier of

    grenades behind her.

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    The blast pushes Shana forward; she rolls down the hill suffering

    more scrapes and bruises. She rolls to her feet and sees the

    Quantum cruiser fifty feet from her.

    She feels a surge of hope; her original ships were all quantum

    class cruisers like this one. The other ships and her loyal guards

    were now lost but the mission might still be possible if she can

    commandeer this ship and make it past the blockade.

    The entrance to the ship is open. Shana makes a beeline for it, just

    as she reaches the opening she feels a ball of fire burn its way into

    her lower back. The blast brings an unbidden scream of agony from

    Shanas lips.

    Commander Cain stands at the far edge of the clearing holding his

    blaster that just tore through Shanas armor.

    Shana spins, running sideways, and throws a quick volley at Cain.

    Two of the bolts miss the third blast tears through the ground at

    Cains feet. Cain pitches forward cracking his head against theground. His brow sensor which controls the neuro armor

    shatters, effectively shutting down the system. His protection

    field blinks out.

    Both opponents lie stunned. Shanas mind screams get up! Though

    severely wounded, the Princess warrior begins to move. She is in

    Agony, her back a large fiery wound.

    Cains damaged armor begins to reroute circuitry and affect

    repairs slowly becoming battle ready. Not willing to wait he rolls

    to his knees and picks up his blaster lying near him. Regaining his

    footing he targets Shana who has shakily regained her footing.

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    Today you die, Princess. Cain gloats.

    A dark, large blur breaks from the tree line behind Cain and flies

    towards the two combatants.

    Not even pausing it speeds past Cain as he targets Shanas wounded

    frame, so fast that Cain sees the blur before he feels the pain.

    Large teeth amputate the blaster bearing right arm of the RAZIR

    force commander in a flash.

    Cain howls in shock and pain. The trigger finger squeezes of a shot

    that goes high and wide. The thought made it to the digit a

    hundredth second before the traumatic amputation.

    Cains armor immediately detects the damage to its host. Secondary

    systems re-route command functions while engaging first aid and

    life support priority modes for its bearer.

    Small exo-constructs eject from a hidden mount in Cains shoulder,

    quickly working down to his injured arm to begin to control

    bleeding by neutralization and knitting the injury with Synthi-


    Shana, barely alive from shock and loss of blood, sees this with a

    frame that keeps standing only because of her iron will. Suddenly

    Gak stops in front of her barking and wagging his bushy tail.

    Gak! Shana croaks as she falls to her knees and hugs her oldest

    friend who stoically but lovingly nuzzles Shana, sniffing her black


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    Shana realizes that Gaks huge teeth coupled with his speed and

    power are what severely wounded Cain who is lying on the ground

    across the clearing writhing in pain and shock, his neural armor

    working on his severe wound.

    Shana realizes with some disgust that Cains hand and forearm are

    probably digesting in Gaks stomach.

    Two Vakir Droids appear at the clearing. Out of time! Shana grabs

    her dog as blasts hit the ship; they run up the plank and into the


    Shana wastes no time, she cannot even check on her loyal guards

    because she is now in mortal danger due to the severity of her

    wounds. If she dies her peoples fate may very well be sealed.

    Running aboard the cruiser, she seals the doors of the moderately

    sized ship. Immediately she hears the blasts of the RAZIR force

    firing at the ship.

    She kills two humanoids that appear from the forward section of

    the command deck with her blazer. She is grateful this time for the

    training that she received even she does not even blink at the

    taking of these two lives nor does losing her ships and guards even

    give her pause, she will have time to mourn her friends later, now,

    only the mission is paramount.

    She gains access to the command deck and seals the bulkhead

    doors behind her. Not certain if the rest of the ship is occupied; she

    seals every door on the ship and locks all primary and secondary

    functions from the control panel on the command deck.

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    She looks out the forward view port to see the rest of the RAZIR

    force converging on her position.

    She quickly hits the forward cannons and blasts several of the

    opposition to pieces.

    At the same time she scrambles all ground communications for

    several miles to prevent the ground force from communicating with

    the rest of the invading force.

    Weakening, Shana realizes that pain and loss of blood will leave

    her unconscious or dead if she does not soon attend to her healing.

    Shana engages the antigravity drive and heads the cruiser for

    space. She realizes that the blockade surrounds her planet and

    that the chances of her making it through the blockade are very

    slim at best.

    Originally she and her escort were going to try and forcefully pierce the blockade by using her defender ships to attack a weak

    point in the blockade and then, once clear the blockade, Shanas

    ship and any that were left with her would engage the ships

    quantum drive.

    With plan A dead, Shana hoped plan B would fare better.

    Shanas father taught her that the creator initiated the law of

    averages for all created beings but for those who trusted him and

    tried their very best the law would at times work in their favor,

    Shana needed the creators favor now more than ever.

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    The ship was not fired upon as it approached the imperial command

    ship. Shana slowed the vessel down as if she were going to dock

    within the ships bay.

    As Shana came within receiving distance she received a comm from

    the imperial vessel to which she were to appropriately reply or risk

    destruction from the imperial command ship if she did not reply


    As soon as Shana receives the initial hail she engaged the ships

    quantum drive. The ship vibrated with power as the drive is engaged

    and disappears in a flash of shimmering light.

    Shana shakily sits in the command chair, leaning forward she

    checks her readouts on the illuminated panel. Quantum Drive

    indeed engaged, no pursuit of any kind, not that she expected any.

    All ships in the blockade are Quantum Drive equipped or better but

    the enemy would have to be literal mind readers to track her route

    and destination through the limitless void.

    That is why this mission was ultra surreptitious, classified to the

    highest levels and only on a need to know basis.

    Her destination: Earth.

    Her Mission: a last ditch effort to save her race and planet by

    contacting and convincing a legendary warrior to come to the aid

    of her people.

    Shanas mission was to find the great Goku of Earth and convince

    him to come to Vindus and save her people.

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    Shana shakily leans back in the command chair and screams in pain

    from the severity of her wound. Shanas hand goes to the edge of

    her injury and comes away bloody.

    She checks the readout of the ships interior and verifies she is

    alone on the ship. After checking the quantum drive and her travel

    coordinates again she slowly gets up to head for the medical bay

    and collapses before she reaches the command deck door.

    Gak nudges and nuzzles Shana; When Shana does not respond he

    howls mournfully, not knowing what to do.

    Her tail unwraps from around her waist and she begins to writhe

    from convulsions. As she falls into unconsciousness her very real

    fear is that her mission may be over before it has even begun.

    I cannot fail. She pleads as she slips away, I cannotfail

    Her Saiyan tail twitches and then falls still. The cruiser streakson through oblivion.

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    Far and away from the failing Shana Gar-Tol the great warrior,

    martial artist and teacher inhales the crisp morning pre-dawn air.

    Krillin sits on a hill overlooking the great sea. Krillin, perfectly

    still, senses eternity in a cross-legged position of peaceful

    meditation. The moment he has waited for was upon him.

    The brilliant sun edges above the waves of the great sea and

    washes the aging Krillin with its vibrant energy and warmth.

    Krillin does not move but keeps his eyes closed and smiles at the

    wonderful warmth of energy given by the creator this new day.

    He has already been up for several hours. He spent an hour

    running along the high ridge that overlooked his training area.

    Long finished his run Master Krillin now awaits the rest of his

    students who were only now reaching his location winded, spentand trembling from their fifteen mile run.

    Krillin sighs to himself. He was nearly seventy years old now and

    all of his hair was a bright grey. He had finished his run nearly an

    hour ago and here these young ones could not even do half as well

    as the old man, they had much work ahead of them.

    It took about another five minutes for all of Krillins students to

    catch up. When they finally arrive he waits in silence another five

    minutes basking in the warmth of the rising sun, breathing in the

    cool energy and fresh air of another day.

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    Krillins students, winded, sweating and shaking from the mornings

    exertion wait expectantly for the next directive from the great

    martial artist.

    All were young, the oldest was thirteen the youngest ten. All were

    dedicated to learning the martial arts from one of the greatest

    martial arts masters alive.

    Krillin opens his eyes and gracefully stands to his feet. He turns

    to his students and with a twinkle of humor in his eyes he says:

    My old teacher, Master Roshi, was an excellent martial artist and

    I loved him dearly but he used to goof off rather excessively,

    especially when launch lived with us. But even with that He kept

    Goku and I on our toes and trained us constantly. He hammered into

    us every martial arts technique he knew.

    Krillin walked in a large circle keeping his eyes on his panting


    I honestly wanted to quit a dozen times. Oh yes I wanted to learn

    the martial arts from master roshi whom everyone knew was the

    greatest the world had ever seen but I did not realize just how

    hard roshi would push us or how hard he would break us, mentally

    as well as physically.

    Half the time he was not even fully engaged because he was too

    busy chasing skirts. Krillin laughed.

    Krillin stopped walking and looked squarely at the group.

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    My brother Goku set the proper example that kept me from

    quitting. He showed me that no matter how hard life became or how

    extreme master roshi pushed us that one could still laugh and find

    joy in even the worst of circumstances.

    Krillin bends to pick up a smooth stone lying near his feet; he feels

    the texture of the smooth white stone and squeezes it in his hand.

    Goku taught me a lesson that was outside the realm of fighting but

    was in effect the greatest lesson of all. Goku taught me that if you

    can find joy in the everyday drudgery then your success will be far


    A young bald student raised his hand.

    Master, are you telling us to take it easy?

    Krillin paused, cocking his head to the side. Uhh, no. You will work

    hard but as you do, do not lose focus of who you are and rejoice in

    the happiness of life constantly, I guess that is what I am trying toteach you.

    Krillins students each smile, the lesson learned. Krillin was sure

    to have to reinforce that one as time passed and the lessons got

    harder. Like this time.

    You see this stone? He asks his students.

    They all nod their heads.

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    Krillin launches the stone from his grip in a seemingly innocent

    throw that launches the stone over a mile out into the sea where it

    lands with a small kerplunk.

    Whoever is the first to find that stone will eat breakfast, the rest

    will go hungryand dont try to fool me by finding a similar stone, I

    put my special mark on that one so I will know the real one from a


    Krillin looks at his watch.

    You have exactly twenty minutes. Krillin watches as his four

    students fly top speed into the foliage to race down the ridge

    towards the water.

    Krillin laughs to himself, memories flashing through his mind.

    I am such a stinker. He says to himself. He turns and walks

    towards the Kami House in the opposite direction.

    The four students each rush towards the shoreline in their own

    particular fashion.

    The slowest and largest of the four is a male named Brick. He

    plows along knowing he is not the fastest but determined s till to

    give it his best. His big heart and care for his fellow trainees make

    him an indispensable asset to the student team.

    Next comes Podi, the smallest member of the group. Similar in

    appearance to Krillin, Most of Podis family was wiped out during

    the final battle with Shenron years ago. His mother and father

    were among the last of his village to survive. After some years

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    they married and had a son, Podi. Not long after Podi was born he

    became an orphan when his parents were killed in the Windsong


    Podi runs as fast as his little legs could carry him concentrating

    fiercely the whole way. Trying to outthink his comrades while

    simultaneously keeping an eye on the location where the stone hit

    the sea and sank. Little legs moving faster still a large cloud of

    dust spins up in Podis wake.

    Gale is next, the female member of the group. She is a white haired

    beauty from Evergreen City. Her father was a boy when Cell

    invaded evergreen city and killed nearly everyone there. Her

    father and grandfather were among the last defenders of the city

    against the horrible monster known as Cell.

    She remembers her fathers face glowing with remembrance as he

    related to her the story of how the tide turned upon the arrival of

    five super powered defenders, one of them a certain man named


    They fought the monster head on and finally drove him away from

    the city, saving its last survivors. Later, Hercule along with these

    super beings were able to finally defeat Cell, saving the earth

    from the incredible menace.

    Gale loved Master Krillin. He was the best teacher a student of

    the martial arts could have. He was tough but Gale knew that

    Krillin cared deeply about each and every one of them and would

    not hesitate to step between any of his students and danger, just as

    he had done for Gales familyso long ago. Gales smile is wide as

    she rounds a bend.

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    Ginko looks kinda unsure at this, the others were gainingnearly

    upon them now.

    Gale yanks his arm.

    Better than nothing! She yells

    Ginko could not argue with that.

    Deal, Lets go, Ginko yells.

    Side by side Goten and Gale swim. Goten occasionally pulls the

    slower Snow to keep up with him. They are now a team and have to

    operate together. Especially with Gotens poor eyesight he needs

    to keep snow near in case he losses his glasses again.

    When they get to the area where Krillin sunk the stone, they both

    dive under the water to begin looking for the stone. In these

    conditions Ginkos abilities are limited. The water is dark this timeof morning and with Ginkos poor eyesight it would be nearly

    impossible for Ginko to find the stone, even with his Saiyan power.

    Ginko knew that he initiated many of these challenges to test some

    students greater than the rest. This one was definitely a

    particularly difficult test for Ginko.

    By now all four students are at the area diving in forty feet of sea

    water trying to use everything they were taught to locate the


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    Podi and Brick apparently have teamed up like Ginko and Gale in the

    hopes that if either locate the stone then at least both will get

    something to eat.

    After more than ten minutes of diving no one has found the white

    stone yet and the group was starting to become a bit frantic at the

    thought of missing yet another meal.

    Gale breaks the surface, her fist raised in triumph.

    I found it!! she yells.

    Suddenly a fiery object streaks overhead. Treading water, the

    students watch in shock as the object falls into the sea more than

    fifteen miles away.

    Krillin has already taught the students Bukujutsu, the art of

    flying but has ordered them not to use it for the time being in order

    for them to concentrate more on the other lessons they are


    Krillins form flashes overhead heading in the direction of the

    crash. The four students follow their teachers lead for this


    Seconds later Krillin and his students dive into the sea at the crash

    site. Krillin uses a small scale illumination similar to the Solar

    Flare to illuminate the dark deep. Several sharks, Cougar-rays,

    Barracudas and other predators flee in fear from the heroes.

    Twelve year old Ginko is the first to reach the door of the ship

    which has come to rest on the sea bed about a hundred and seventy

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    feet down and is about to rip it off when a hand restrains him, he

    turns to see Krillin shaking his head and mouthing no to him.

    Krillin points to the ship then raises both palms towards the

    surface. Ginko nods in understanding. Powering up he blasts into

    the sea floor near the ship and begins tunneling under the silt

    covered sea bed then up under the alien ship to raise it off the sea


    Ginko clears the water and begins flying the vessel toward shore,

    Krillin and the others escort him.

    Minutes later, they reach shore. Ginko gently sets the ship down

    with Bricks help. Krillin, Snow and Podi peer into the bridge view

    port to see several command and control areas but no one in sight.

    They all assemble by what they assume is the ship entrance. After a

    short examination Krillin jerks his head in surprise.

    Kinda reminds me of a Ginyu force ship! Krillin exclaims.

    You got a good memory old man. An even older Yamcha exclaims

    upon landing.

    Krillin smiles at the appearance of his old friend. Yamcha dwelt in

    a home near the Kami house on the island and helped Krillin in the

    day to day instruction of the students.

    Yamcha was in his seventies but still going strong. His lean bearded

    face wore shades this sunny morning that reminded Krillin of

    Master Yoshis. His tanned face bore a smile that was Yamchas

    trademark ever since Krillin could remember.

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    Yamcha returned to studying the martial arts not long after Goku

    disappeared with Shenron and in the years since retired to the

    island to lend a helping hand with training and day to day


    Hey Yamcha, You think Freiza has returned for one last round?

    Krillin asked.

    Yamcha bent to examine the beached ship. Lets hope not, we barely

    managed to defeat him last time and that was with Goku and Vegeta

    both leading the fight. He said. With Goku gone we wouldnt

    stand a chance against him.

    Ginko steps up. There does not appear to be any external

    controls. You want me to rip it off? He asks.

    Yamcha looks at Ginko who reminds him of another boy a long time


    Stand by kid, lets try and figure this out. Yamcha says.

    Suddenly locks are heard disengaging within the hull, the entire

    group steps back several paces. The door slides up and a ramp

    lowers to the ground. A beautiful woman walks down the short


    She is as tall as Yamcha, wearing black form fitting armor. Her

    black hair cascades down her back. A monster of a dog follows

    directly behind her, his eyes suspiciously checking out the island


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    Krillin and Yamchas eyes go wide however as they see the long tail

    twitching back and forth behind her.

    She looks like a bronze-skinned Saiyan! Krillin thinks.

    The beautiful woman stops in front of the group, and bows.

    I am Shana Gar-Tol of the House of Tol, Planet Vindus of the Twin

    Suns federation. I am here on a desperate mission to save my people

    from Annihilation. I am here to find the warrior known as Goku of


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    Chapter THREE

    The Man known as Vegeta soared among peregrine falcons above

    the Karakoram mountain region located in the north-western part

    of the greater Himalayas. This area has the largest concentration

    of glaciers on mainland Asia. He slowly surveys the glacier below

    looking for any sign of his quarry.

    Vegeta, The last Prince of the great Saiyan race, carried within his

    heart a fierceness that had never quite gone away. This was due, in

    large part, to the pure royal Saiyan blood flowing through his

    veins and the upbringing he experienced at his Father, The Saiyan

    Kings tutelage.

    His heritage was one to envy, and one to fear. As the only son of

    the great King Vegeta, prince Vegeta was molded to rule. From the

    time he developed understanding he was taught that he was the

    inheritor of a great destiny. This destiny he was expected to

    undertake as the future king of the Saiyan race.

    Envious indeed, to anyone looking at the surface.

    The Saiyans were also a warrior race since before time immemorial.

    They were known to wage savage battles across entire star


    They remained a nomadic warrior race spread out across the North

    Galaxy, ruled by tribal leaders. That is until Vegetas Ancestor,

    The great tribal king Cebolla, came upon the homeworld of the


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    King Cebolla knew his people would never flourish without

    another base to serve as their homeworld. Their original home

    world was lost to war ages ago and ever since that time the Saiyan

    race wandered the galaxy, waging war from one end of the galaxy

    to the other, destroying entire civilizations to appease their


    Cebolla knew that his people killed because they despised their

    true condition. It was because they lacked a world of their own

    and true unity and leadership that the Saiyans had become the

    warmongers of the galaxy.

    When Cebolla and his war party found the Truffle planet they

    decision was made to not destroy but to study the planet. The

    Truffle planet was found to contain a wealth of natural


    Finally, A planet fit to serve as the homeworld for the Saiyan

    people. Cebollas plan now revolved around finding a way to unite

    his people, to convince them to settle down on a planet of their ownagain, to unite under a single head-a single governing body.

    This way the power of the Saiyan race could be directed from a

    unified location. The Saiyans would evolve an orderly and

    effective government from the corrupt and diseased clans which

    now warred for the sake of war from one end of the galaxy to


    Several problems had to be overcome in order for this vision to be

    realized. One that was truly was not a problem at all was what to

    do with the peace loving truffles?

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    The Truffles fought the marauding invaders as valiantly as they

    could but their effort could not come close to the awesome power

    and ferocity of the Saiyans.

    Finally, the truffles were destroyed. All save that disgusting

    symbiotic slug Baby. Cebolla then worked for many years to unite

    The Saiyans by offering them the mouthwatering carrot of a

    homeworld, the most beautifully lush world they had seen by far.

    That was several millennia ago and in the thousands of years since

    the Saiyan race had re-worked itself into a flourishing empire. That

    is until Freiza overcame them.

    The power that Freiza, King Cold, Cooler and their opposing force

    displayed literally dwarfed anything the Saiyans had. These beings

    had power on the galactic level and could rip apart a star system

    with but a thought.

    They did not need to fight for years on end, they only had to wish

    their enemies death and it was done.

    King Hampus, Vegetas fifth generation Grandfather, saw that a

    prolonged battle with Freiza would end only with the complete

    destruction of the Saiyan race.

    And so Hampus, with a royal delegation, met with Freiza, his father

    King Cold and his brother Cooler and negotiated the Salvation of

    the Saiyan race.

    Hampus agreed to have the Saiyan Empire of twenty known worlds

    annexed by Freizas huge empire. The Saiyans were allowed to

    retain control over their territories but they were required to

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    answer to Freiza by way of the Saiyan ruler whom they would be

    allowed to keep facilitating their own unique identity.

    Saiyans would also serve as Freizas elite mercenary force. Unlike

    the Ginyu force whom regarded the Saiyans as trash, Saiyans teams

    would be composed of Saiyans alone.

    They would be dispatched to different worlds, either alone or in

    teams whenever Freiza called upon them for aid in conquering

    another world for the empire of Freiza and his ruling family.

    This accepted Agreement allowed the Saiyans to survive another

    day. Vegeta thought Hampus a weak minded fool.

    Although Freiza, Cooler and Colds triune empire greatly

    outnumbered that of the Saiyans it was of Vegetas determination

    that the Saiyans should have stood their ground and fought them,

    to the death if necessary.

    Vegeta, leaving the falcons behind soars south toward theBhutanese boarder. His quarry remained elusive, goodVegeta

    always loved a challenge, smiling Vegeta streaks across the

    Bhutan border.

    Vegeta knew that human governments regard the crossing of

    borders without permission as something of egregious trespass.

    Earth men have waged war over such trespasses.

    They would have to be pretty pissed indeed to wage war with the

    Prince of Saiyans, Vegeta laughs aloud at this thought.

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    His people should have been pissed, pissed at the thought of

    essentially becoming Freizas slaves.

    Several revolts were launched at Freiza by The Saiyan people. The

    final revolt was launched nearly simultaneously by his father and

    that idiot Bardok a leader of a small mercenary team which

    conquered planets in the Canit system 75 light-years from Planet


    Bardok was also, Vegeta later learned, the father of Radditz and


    There was a renewed sense of Saiyan pride around this time, Vegeta

    remembers, as well as anger and indignation over the realization

    that they had now become pawns of Frieza. It was a state they had

    chosen and agreed to because of the ill conceived planning of


    Hampus thought that by negotiating a deal with Freiza he would be

    able to ensure the Saiyans continued existence.

    In reality, the deal nearly turned the Saiyans into the Galaxies

    trash, pathetic shades of a once mighty race. Even Vegetas father

    bowed in servitude before the disgusting Freiza.

    Vegetas head turned left, a power signature-due east. Fainter

    than he remembered but he was sure it was him. Vegeta turned east

    and followed the signature.

    Vegeta remembered as a boy hearing agitated discussions whispered

    within the palace halls, talk of revolt from under the hand of

    Freiza, a restoration of Saiyan dominance.

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    This was an ideal that Vegeta understood fully. During his early

    life Vegeta had never witnessed his people live free, under the

    absolute rule of their own King.

    He had never seen with his own eyes the Saiyan race grasp their

    destiny. He had never seen his people firmly realize the mighty

    potential for absolute power that lay within each of themand

    now, only the smallest handful of half-Saiyans remained with

    Vegeta himself was the last Saiyan of pure blood.

    Bhutan was a small nation of mountainous regions, very little

    roads were carved in this place and travel was a difficult prospect

    for normal humans into the interior. For a Saiyan warrior it was

    the simplest of tasks.

    Nearly there, Vegeta sensed his quarry dead ahead and saw a stone

    mountain dwelling on a wide plateau stretching from the side

    several hundred feet below a vertical summit. It was one of

    several dwellings his quarry chose to call home, he obviously likedto stay on the move.

    He landed on the edge of the plateau and stood motionless. Vegeta

    wore a black power suit that stretched over his muscular torso

    and legs, a leather vest covered part of his torso.

    A black mane stood up from his crown under which his furrowed

    brow and fierce eyes stood out as his most outstanding features. A

    black mustache and goatee-type beard covered the lower half of

    his face.

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    After many years Freiza began to sense the true power of the

    Saiyans and it extended beyond anything ever dreamed by either him

    or the Saiyans themselves. It was a power that, if tapped by some

    intrepid Saiyan prince, would tear apart Freiza and his family as if

    they were a childs plaything.

    It was at this time that Bardoks revolt occurred, his final act.

    Kakarrot was on his way to earth in a space pod, Vegeta, Radditz,

    Nappa and that fool Tullece were off world as well as well as

    Paragus and the powerfully mad Broly who escaped Vegeta the

    moment Freiza destroyed Bardok and the remaining Saiyans as well

    as the Planet Vegeta.

    But that power was not discovered by Vegeta, at least not at first.

    No that honor fell to a buffoon who did not even suspect the

    nature of his own birth and existence. That honor fell to the low

    class Saiyan called Kakarrot, the son of Bardok.

    Kakarrot grasped the true power of the Saiyan race without even

    pursuing it. He became all that the Saiyan race was meant tobecome and more.

    He accomplished all he did because he possessed the one trait that

    was sneered upon by every Saiyan that was worth his tail, by every

    Saiyan who breathed for the power of a Saiyan came by the war

    they waged.

    Kakarrot loved everything and everyone. He possessed a heart

    bigger than any man Vegeta had ever known. Vegeta thought

    Kakarrot a fool that would be immediately crushed by him and this

    was very nearly so.

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    Tien, floating above and behind the Saiyan prince flies down and

    lands thirty feet in front of Vegeta.

    The two warriors regard each other in silence for several

    seconds. Tien still posed a powerful figure but had now become old

    as humans do at this age.

    His once powerful frame had lost some of its thick muscle and the

    weight of age had somewhat stooped the back that was once

    ramrod straight but the eyes of the man contained the same

    determination, the same fierceness that Vegeta had first seen many

    years before.

    Whatdo you want? Tien demanded.

    The Saiyan princes arms remained folded as he regarded Tien.

    The years have not been kind to you Tien, you have become nearly

    an invalid in your time upon this mountain, Vegeta remarks.

    I had a hell of a hard time trying to locate you; you hid your power

    well, or has old age robbed your vitality? Vegeta taunts with a


    Tien snorts and looks at Vegeta incredulous.

    Have you come all this way to make fun of me murderer? Is there no

    one left for the great Vegeta to kill or maim that he has to fly up to

    a lonely mountain peak to make fun of an old man? Tien asks. Life

    must be pretty dull indeed.

    Vegeta cocks his head to the left. One might think. He says.

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    Yes Tien, you are right, the challenges left to me in this world are

    very few and far between and so, I have decided to take this

    opportunity to see how things would fare between you and Iin


    Tien stares at Vegeta in shock. Vegeta sees this and continues.

    You see for the true warriors there is only the war that


    Vegeta lowers his arms and begins to power up.

    In the end only the battle remains and the fire and the blood

    Vegeta Snarls

    You will fight me Tien, here and now. We will cross that line

    together; we will end what was begun so long ago. We will see who

    the better fighter is and it will be decided by death, either mine,

    Vegeta laughs, eyes narrowing or yours.

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