Page 1: Draft Work For Music Magazine

Music Magazine Drafts

Page 2: Draft Work For Music Magazine

1st Set of Drafts

This first set of drafts has a strong male lead in all of the key images. The front page is based around the main artist 'Jake Fruitelli' who is going to be this issues main article headliner. I decided to draw him holding a microphone because from my research I found that music iconography is used a lot in the photography side to signify to the audience that this is a music magazine

. As my genre is Alternative Rock the stereotypical artist of a alternative rock genre has lots of tattoos, piercings and looks edgy. This is why I drew my model with lots of tattoos and a tank t shirt in order to show of the tattoos as much as possible. For the contents page I chose a house style of red and black as I think these two colours work well together and also from looking at existing magazines like NME and Kerrang they both use red and black in their house style.

My double page spread is more simpler it will just have one photograph of the main artist holding a music-related prop here I have drawn him holding a record. The text will be segregated with photos to make the text seem less threatening as my target audience will be younger readers.

Page 3: Draft Work For Music Magazine

2nd Set of Drafts

For this set of drafts I had a strong female lead this is because I wanted to subvert the stereotypical boy band and change it into a girl band which will attract a female orientated audience. For my front page I decided to have my model wearing the iconic John Lennon sunglasses which is linked to music iconography because John Lennon is a rock genre legend as he was in the band The Beatles and when people see these type of glasses they tend to signify them with him.

For my house style I chose red and black as these are the main colours I am sticking with. I decided to use a album cover design on my contents page instead of all photographs to show variation in media used which I think works well.

The double page spread has one photograph on the left side of the page of two female models against a brick wall. The brick wall gives a urban vibe to the photograph which I have seen used in a lot of photography for magazines.

Page 4: Draft Work For Music Magazine

3rd Set of Drafts

My third set of drafts is similar to my 2nd set, as I have used the same artists however I have included some male artists as well to show diversity.

The front page has the two female models standing in front of a black bars which sends of a bad girl vibe because when we see black bars we think of jail. This links to the rock and roll genre because when people do crazy things the term often used Is "it's rock and roll" so I thought this would be a good signifier.

For the contents page the house style is red, black and blue. I decided to add more colours into my third design to experiment and see if It worked because my genre is alternative rock it isn't stereotypical rock. The double page spread has one photo on the left side which is what I found fewer magazines do in existing material however I thought it worked well in with this photograph.

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