Page 1: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?


Dr. Marion BishJuly 23, 2013

Page 2: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

As We Begin . . . .

Introductions All questions are welcome 100% participation Why is this topic important? What do you hope to learn? What are your expectations of the setting

and each other?

Page 3: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?


Use motivating factors in designing PD Provide workplace learning environments

that support PD Work with given assumptions for planning

and working with groups when designing PD

Develop PD with generational differences in mind

Page 4: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Motivating Adult Learners

Build social networks Meet expectations Advance in their careers Be stimulated Help others Learn for its own sake

Page 5: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Conditions That Encourage Workplace Learning

Realistic goals and expectations for learning have been established.

The organization has made a commitment to the learning process.

Sufficient trust exists in the organization. Sufficient time is provided to permit

learning. The workplace learning is guided by a

plan. A clear senses exists about “next steps”

following the workplace learning process.

Page 6: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Conditions Contd. Organizational leaders share a common

understanding of vision and goals of learning.

Fear has been reduced so that individuals are not afraid to take risks and learn.

Learners feel empowered. Learners can see the value to

themselves. Responsibilities for who should do what in

the workplace learning process have been clarified.

Page 7: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Improve the Learning Climate Encourage introductions so people know

each other. Emphasize that every question is

worthwhile. Explain that all are expected to

participate. Explain why the topic is important to the

organization and to the participants. Ask learners what they hope to learn. Ask what the expectations are of the

setting and each other.

Page 8: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Assumptions for Planning PD Adults prefer focused learning on how to

apply immediately. Older adults may take longer to learn –

more careful so it is done right. Younger adults more willing to experiment

without careful planning. Adults do not like to make mistakes that

makes them appear foolish or incompetent. Environment must support and encourage. Older adults may prefer face-to-face. Younger adults may prefer on-line.

Page 9: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Assumptions for Working With Groups

No hard chairs and long, boring lectures. Active and interactive settings – stimulating

but psychologically safe. Respond best to a facilitator who poses

questions, gives just enough information, and then lets learners participate.

Facilitation skills are crucial in PD for adults!!“The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when someone asked me what I thought and attended to my answer.” Henry David Thoreau

Page 10: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

The Issue of “Transfer”

Less than 8% of OTJ learning transfers back to changed behavior. Short-term memory loss. Supervisors and co-workers are seldom in the

same learning session. Group norms.

Page 11: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Building “Transfer” Give memorable instruction – stories more

than rules. Appeal to multiple senses. Relate learning to what is already known,

purposely building on current knowledge – be explicit and overt.

Identify OTJ problems learners face and openly problem-solve as part of the PD.

Ask what barriers learners feel will impact their application of learning AND what leaders can do to break down the barriers.

Page 12: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Influences on Generational Differences

Avoid stereotypical thinking on generational differences BUT

Analyze learners targeted for the PD Be aware of general, aggregate

characteristics of various generations when designing PD

Page 13: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Baby Boomers (B. 1946-1964)

Tell them why they should care about the learning. What’s in it for them?

Tell them how the organization will gain by them changing or by application of their learning.

Know a sense of urgency and keep time moving.

Take advantage of their experience, lots of opportunities to share what they have learned.

Page 14: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Generation X (B.1965-1980)

Show how applying what they learn can benefit others as well as themselves.

Play down their cynicism. They will challenge training content and

process - avoid becoming defensive and move on to ask others what they think.

Give them an opening to vent by inviting them into the discussion – don’t avoid them.

Challenge other groups to respond to the points made by them.

Page 15: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Generation Y (B. 1979-1999)

Involve and pay attention – most likely group to leave an organization.

Show how training will help them meet personal and organizational goals – ambitious!

Often defined by their work, eager to improve self and RESULTS.

Heavily peer influenced – deliberate effort to appeal to whole group, esp. informal leaders.

Use technology – speed allows them to link in.

Page 16: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Developing Teacher Leaders

Three Dimensions of Successful Teacher Leaders Knowledge and Skills Dispositions Roles and Opportunities

How do the 3 dimensions translate into working with adult learners?

Page 17: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Knowledge and Skills Build Trusting Relationships

Fostering group membership Listening intently Taking an ethical stand Taking a caring stand Creating a safe environment Developing cultural competency

Facilitating Professional Learning for Teachers Using reflection strategically Structuring dialogue and discussion Disrupting assumptions Fostering learners’ engagement Encouraging collegial inquiry Understanding development of teacher knowledge in content

and pedagogy Foster responsibility for the group’s learning by all group


Page 18: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?


Believe that teacher learning is interwoven with student learning

Value the work of learners Accept and act on constructive feedback Possess courage to take risks Is reliable

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Roles and Opportunities

This disposition becomes the key factor in living out and using what is learned.

Districts and schools must open doors for teacher leaders, providing opportunities for development of leadership skills.

Not all teachers wish to become administrators but many wish to lead. LET THEM!

Page 20: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

Linda Darling Hammond

“If teachers are to prepare an ever more diverse group of student for much more challenging work – for framing problems; finding, integrating and synthesizing information; creating new solutions; learning on their own; and working cooperatively – they will need substantially more knowledge and radically different skills than most now have and most schools of education develop.”

Page 21: Dr. Marion Bish July 23, 2013.  Introductions  All questions are welcome  100% participation  Why is this topic important?  What do you hope to learn?

“If you want to go quickly, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.”

African Proverb

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