Page 1: Double page spread 3

The left side of the double page is the image

of the band. The mise-en-scene of this

image immediately creates an impression of

the rock genre of the magazine, due to the

clothing worn by the band members and

their appearance, e.g. leather jackets and

denim, heavy eye makeup etc. The props

used in the image also imply this genre, as

they are carrying guitars. The lighting in the

image is very high key, especially on the

lead singers face, connoting his importance

in the band.

On the right top side of the double page, The band

name is placed in bold, black font. The font is on a light

coloured background, depicting the band is quite

big/important in the rock music industry. Under the

masthead, there is a coverline for the band with the

lead singers name highlighted in blue font whilst the

rest of the coverline is in black, mirroring the idea from

the main image; that the lead singer is very important

in the band.

The article text is set out in 2 columns. There is a

quote in the middle of the 2nd column that is

highlighted in blue; possibly conveying this quote

as an important part of the interview. The colour scheme of the double page

spread is blue, beige and black.

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