Page 1: Doomsday preachers and preaching


Logic or Faith

Here we have it again, another doom’s day prediction. Result, failure! But this Californian preacher wants to save his face. So, another date has been fixed. I think, the next failure, would not only fail to save his face but also his ass. Somebody should give him a public ass spanking, for stressing people by fixing dooms day dates, when even the Bible did not fix any dates. Man! This preacher needs to go back, not to Bible School but to Sunday school. Boo... Boo...

One doesn’t need faith to know that dooms day might happen, given the rate at which mankind is stockpiling nuclear weapons on the pretexts of deterrence. It is only logical. One doesn’t have to read the Bible or go to a theological seminary to understand doom’s day logic. But it would be foolishness to go around fixing dates. What we should be fixing, is getting certain war mongering politicians, to lessen our probability of a nuclear annihilation. That again, is a logical step, which does not require much faith to be understood. The next thing is to understand Bible logic.

Bible Has No Fixed Dates

I just have a basic Bachelor in Theology (Th. B) degree from Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary, Penang. While in Seminary, I made it a point to study the book of “Revelations” more than once. I did not and still have not found any fixed dates for global dooms day, either in Revelation or the entire Bible. So any preacher who wants to go around fixing dooms day dates, should have their heads fixed-up first. They are welcomed to come to me for a free service, on the condition of repentance from their fallacy. Hear thee, hear thee, THERE IS NO FIXED DOOMS DAY DATES IN THE BIBLE. If there are no fixed dates in the Bible, it is wise to lose a dooms day monger as quickly as possible.

Better to Lose a Dooms Day Monger than to Lose One’s Sanity

It is interesting to note CNN news, that, despite his failure in prediction, Camping has gathered many followers, among whom, many have given up their homes, life savings and jobs. Camping himself, through his Family Radio network, has received $80 million in contributions between 2005 and 2009. Well, he has made it big alright. Fear seems to be a good business tool.

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What a contrast? He gains while people are losing. If I were one of his followers, I would rather lose him than my sanity, savings and home, especially after the failure of his first prediction. When I say lose him, I mean run away from him as far as possible. Have nothing to do with him. I am still surprised, that, in a country like U.S.A, there are still gullible lambs that want to be slaughtered (mentally) willingly. Wow! I was always under the impression, that, Americans were a very logical people. But it is surprising, that, logic doesn’t seem to work with some, when it comes to fear. Fear of dooms day. Fear of being left behind (rapture) to suffer. Fear of being under the rule of anti-Christ. And this fear is being used to fleece them. Let me propose a simple Bible logic proposition to alleviate you from any errors that may be caused by being driven by these foregoing fears. Propositional conclusion is, follow what the Bible says, which is, there are no fixed dates for rapture and dooms day based on its authority.

Bible Logic

Let’s examine this very simple Bible propositional logic:

The Bible is an authority on “rapture and dooms day,”

The faithful must believe in the Bible teaching,

If, the Bible has fixed dates for the “rapture and dooms day,”

Then, the faithful must follow it,

But, the Bible has no fixed dates for the “rapture and dooms day,”

So, the faithful must not believe in fixed dates that aren’t in the Bible.

Even, if an angel from haven says, there is, the faithful must not follow,

As the Bible is an authority on “rapture and dooms day,”

You must follow it rather than preachers like Camping.

There you have it. There is no authority that knows the subject of “rapture and dooms day” among the faithful, better than the Bible. Any faithful, who doesn’t want to understand the above Bible logic, deserves to be the sacrificial lamb, on the erroneous altar of dooms day predictions. Am I being hard? No, not after, I have shoved the fallacy about fixing dates on dooms day right in your faces. Let me say, brothers! sisters! Whether you are in America or in any other environment on this planet, May your sanity, money and

Page 3: Doomsday preachers and preaching

homes, rest in peace if you have decided to defy Bible logic by following or fixing dooms day dates? Sayonara... Bye... Chow...

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