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Done by Adriana Johnson


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White tigers habitat!

A tigers territory depends on the food amount and or food available. And some times are in the ranges of about 10 to 30 square miles. Most tigers normally live alone and the tigers territories can over lap. The male tigers territory is usually overlapped by several female tigers. Now today there are only about 5,000 to 7,000 wild tigers that live across Asia. From the past and the present ranges of the remaining five tigers of subspecies are illustrated.

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Description and diet

The white tiger is a carnivore they predominantly feed on medium or large size animals. Such as chital, wild boars, nilgai, buffalo, and pythons ,and more like the sika deer. They also eat smaller animals like the hares, rabbits, fish, and monkeys. Some times conflicts often arise between tigers and elephants. Because even though elephants do not serve as a gentle prey for the white tiger when they come across elephants. They also eat domestic animals include cows, donkeys, cows and dogs.

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Population statistics

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Cause of endangerment and ways to help!

There are only around 200 of the white tigers left in the world. White tigers are an Asian species, found from the frozen tundra of the Soviet Far East, south to the humid jungles of Malaya and Indonesia, and west to the hot, hardwood forests of India. There are five living subspecies; three others are already extinct. Current estimates put the world population of wild tigers at about 5,000-7,000, the most numerous race being the Bengal race, distributed among some 18 tiger reserves and sanctuaries of India (and a half-dozen in Nepal and Bangladesh), accounting for over two-thirds of all wild tigers.

Tigers are a protected species all over the world. Even though it's completely illegal to hunt them, people are still slaying these beautiful creatures.

Ten easy was to help save white tigers 1.) Create awareness 2.) Educate the people 3.) Stop poaching and don't encourage poachers 4.) Support a cause 5.) Severe punishment for poachers 6.) Ban the goods made of tiger skin 7.) Protect forests 8.) Take an eco tour 9.) Support accredited zoos and wildlife sanctuaries 10.)

Donate money to tiger conservation organisations. Help save the white tigers and stop before its to late!


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