
Domino’s Online Ordering

Providing Auburn students with a secure online method to order their

favorite pizza!

Our Proposed System

Website Usage

• When users log on to they will be greeted with a listing of today’s specials, possibly along with Auburn sports scores.

• On this splash screen will be a link that says “Click here to place an order online!”

Picking a Size

• Users choose a size by clicking on either the words (medium or large) or the radio button next to them.

• This marks the button and tells the website what size pizza they would like.

• The price of the different sized pies is listed below each label

Picking a Crust

• The same is true for the style of crust they prefer.

• This decision is necessary to complete an order.

• This lets users get the exact pizza they would like.

Picking Toppings

• Users choose a desired topping by clicking on the checkbox next to each label.

• Multiple toppings can be chosen, and each one adds 50 cents to the total.

Running Total

• The total for the order (including local tax) is computed live for the user along with the chosen style of crust and pizza size.

Delivery Information

• User’s name, address and phone number are required for delivery.

• They provide that by filling in the text fields above the labels.

Finalizing Your Order

• To finish an order, simply click on the checkout button under the total.

• After clicking on checkout, users are presented with payment options.

• Currently only cash, check or credit card will can be accepted, though a system using Tiger Card is in the works.

• The driver then takes the pizza to the provided address.

Scenario #1

• Robby and Kelly are Hungry.

• Neither Robby nor Kelly have paid their cell phone bills in 3 months.

• However they do maintain their cable internet connection

Scenario #1

• They simply need to log on to

• There they can order their favorite pizza and a cold beverage.

• They can even use their Tiger card, because dad will pick up the tab!

Scenario #2

• Megan and this guy are on the road in Ontario and they see an Internet café.

• Never missing an opportunity to help a friend, they go inside to order a pizza.

Scenario #2

• Their friend Lindy is at home in Auburn, depressed and more than likely hungry

• They log on to and order her favorite pizza with her favorite toppings and pay online!

Scenario #3

• Cocoa is a sad clown.

• Cocoa is about to leave the computer lab at Auburn’s Foy Student Union.

• Cocoa wants hot pizza at home when he gets there.

Scenario #3

• He places his order online before leaving.

• Though he has to rush home to beat the incredibly fast Auburn Domino’s Driver…

Scenario #3

• He wants to be there to greet him!

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