  • 7/31/2019 Dominican Republic - Has it all :)




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    Domncan Reublc s the second largest and most dverseCarbbean country, stuated just two hours south o Mam,less than our hours rom New York and eght hours rommost Euroean ctes. Known or our warm and hostable

    eole, Domncan Reublc s a destnaton lke no other,eaturng astoundng nature, ntrgung hstory and rchculture.

    Surrounded by the Atlantc Ocean on the north and theCarbbean Sea on the south, our lush trocal slandaradse boasts nearly 1,000 mles (1,609 km) o coastlne,250 mles (402 km) o the worlds to beaches, magncentresorts and hotels, and a varety o sorts, recreaton andentertanment otons. Here you can dance to the ulse-oundng thrll o the merengue, renew n our luxurousand dverse accommodatons, exlore ancent relcs ocentures ast, delght n delcous Domncan gastronomyor enjoy ecotoursm adventures n our magncent natonalarks, mountan ranges, rvers and beaches.

    Dscovered n 1492 by Chrstoher Columbus, thecountry overfows wth ascnatng hstory, museums andexctng cultural exerences lke musc, art and estvals,lus unquely Domncan secaltes such as cgars, rum,chocolate, coe, merengue, amber and larmar.

    The #1 destnaton or gol n the Carbbean and LatnAmerca, Domncan Reublc delghts vstors wth 25desgner gol courses amd breathtakng coastlnes wthmountan backdros and lush green arways. Wth somany beautul natural settngs lke romantc wateralls,breathtakng coasts and dyllc accommodatons,Domncan Reublc s a to destnaton or weddngs and

    romance. Many world class-resorts and hotels also caterto meetngs and ncentve grous who fock to DomncanReublc or excellent, rendly servce and dynamcmeetng venues.

    Domncan Reublc oers a antastc combnaton oenvronments to cature your magnaton and reresh thesoul. And wth eght nternatonal arorts, aradse hasnever been easer to exlore. We nvte you to dscover ourbreathtakng sland sanctuary and create memores thatwll last a letme.

    Welcome toDominican Republic

    Cover photo: Playa JuanilloAlczar de Coln, Santo Domingo

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    Domncan Reublc occues the eastern two-thrds o the largesland o Hsanola, whch t shares wth the Reublc o Hat,and s the second largest country n the Carbbean, comrsngan area o 19,279 square mles (48,442 square klometers). Thecountry has a oulaton o 9.5 mllon and enjoys sunny trocalweather year-round. The average year-round temeratures are78 to 88 F (25 to 31 C). The cooler season s Novemberthrough Arl, whle t s warmest rom May through October.

    TiME: The local tme one s Eastern Carbbean Tme (GMT-0400). Domncan Reublc does not observe daylght savngstme.

    CApiTAL CiTY: Domncan Reublcs hstorc and sohstcatedcatal cty, Santo Domngo, s the oldest cty o the New Worldand was declared a World Hertage Ste by UNESCO n 1990.

    LANGUAGE: Sansh s the ocal language; however, youll besurrsed by the act that the majorty o emloyees n hotels andtourst destnatons seak relatvely good Englsh, French, Germanand italan.

    CURRENCY: The Domncan eso (RD$) s the ocal currency.

    GETTiNG HERE: Domncan Reublc currently has eght

    nternatonal arorts throughout the country, ncludng:Las Americas International Airport (SDQ) servng thecatal cty o Santo Domngo, Boca Chca and Juan Dolo.

    La Romana International Airport (LRM) servng the Casade Camo resort and Bayahbe Hotels.

    Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ) servng the puntaCana/Bvaro resort regn.

    Gregorio Lupern International Airport (POP) servngthe puerto plata resort regon.

    El Cibao International Airport (STI) servng the cty oSantago.

    El Catey International Airport (AZS) servng theecologcally- rch Saman pennsula.

    AiRLiNES: Aerofot, Ar Berln, Ar Canada, Ar Carabes, ArEuroa, Ar France, Ar italy, Ar Transat, Amercan Arlnes,Amercan Eagle, Avanca, Brtsh Arways, Cubana de Avacn,Condor, Coa, Delta, Gol, ibera, Jet Ar, Jet Blue, Lan, Srt,Sunwng, Taca, Unted Arlnes, US Arways, Veneolana, WestJet and XL Arways, among others.

    CRUiSE SHipS pORTS: Santo Domngo port (Don Dego andSans Souc termnals), Casa de Camo port n La Romana, andSaman Bay acltes.

    Dominican Republic Facts

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    HOTELS: For normaton about Domncan Reublc hotels, vstthe Assocaton o Hotels and Toursm: www.Asonahores.comand

    DOCUMENTATiON: For most vstors, a vald assortalong wth a US$10 Tourst Card (avalable at the arort)s requred to enter the country. For a lst o countres that canenter Domncan Reublc wth or wthout a vsa, lease, any erson, no matter ther natonalty, can enter

    Domncan Reublc wth a Tourst Card (not a vsa) they arelegal resdent or they have one o the ollowng vald vsasn ther assort: Unted States, Canada, Unted Kngdom orSchengen.

    ELECTRiCiTY: Oerates at 110 Volts/60 Hert, the same as NorthAmerca.

    AREA CODES: 809, 829 and 849.

    TAXES: Domncan hotels and restaurants collect 26 ercent other ublshed rces (16 ercent sales tax + 10 ercent servcecharges).

    MEDiCAL pRECAUTiONS: Travelers vstng the country are

    advsed to drnk only bottled water. Also, because o the strengtho the Carbbean sun, t s recommended that vacatoners drnkwater throughout the day to avod dehydraton.

    DRiNKiNG AGE: The legal drnkng age s 18-years old.

    SHOppiNG: in the man ctes and vacaton resorts, numerouscommercal laas can be ound that sell nternatonally knownbrands, as well as local desgners and roducts. The manDomncan roducts that can be urchased throughout thecountry nclude amber, larmar, ceramc dolls, chocolate, coee,rum, macadama nuts, cgars, Tano ceramcs, merengue musc,and more.

    GASTRONOMY: Domncan Reublc ossesses a rch and mult-aceted culnary hstory, havng been nfuenced by San, France

    and many other corners o the world, gvng rse to Domncan oodwth delcous tastes and aromas. Man ngredents n Domncandshes nclude rce, meat, beans, lantans and vegetables, aswell as seaood.

    NATiONAL SpORT: Baseball.

    NATiONAL DANCE: Merengue.

    NATiONAL FLOWER: Bayahbe Rose.

    NATiONAL TREE: Mahogany.

    NATiONAL BiRD: Cgua palmera.

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    EventsWHALE SEASON Between md-January and md-March, 3,000to 5,000 humback whales mgrate to the waters o the Bay oSaman n order to mate and gve brth. Whale watchers canvst the Land Whale Observatory at punta Balandra or n thesurroundng area o the Marne Mammal Sanctuary n SamanaBay.

    LA VEGA AND SANTO DOMiNGO CARNiVAL Thousands otownseole and vstors alke gather n La Vega every Sundayn February to take art n the annual celebraton wth colorulmasks, musc and dancng. La Vega s the countrys culturalcatal durng February, where the countrys largest celebratono Carnval eatures sectacular dablos cojuelos (mschevousdevls) wth ther oversed masks and huge horns mmckngdemons or anmals. The Santo Domngo carnval arade takeslace on the rst week o March wth a bg celebraton n theMalecn, Santo Domngos Ocean Boulevard.

    pUNTA CANA CARNiVAL Vstors and locals alke celebratepunta Cana Carnval n punta Cana Vllage each March. The

    annual arade eatures carnval troos rom throughout thecountry, costumed characters and lve erormances. Thecelebraton showcases more than 1,000 carnval characters rom15 o the slands rovnces. Be one o the hundreds o sectatorswho gather to watch and jon the arade.

    MERENGUE FESTiVAL Santo Domngo holds one o the mostoular merengue estvals n Domncan Reublc every July.The Malecn, Santo Domngos Ocean Boulevard, becomes amuscal stage to celebrate the unque assonate and thrllngmusc o Domncan Reublc. Another oular merengue estvals celebrated n puerto plata n October.

    KiTEBOARDiNG COMpETiTiONS Cabaretes dyllc bays known or hostng some o the worlds most sectacularkteboardng events durng the summer months. The baysexcellent trade wnds and warm waters draw nternatonallyrecogned comettons that attract to-ranked water and wndsort chamons globally.

    BASEBALL in December and January, Domncan Major LeagueBaseball greats jon ther local teams n Santago, San pedrode Macors, La Romana, San Francsco de Macors and SantoDomngo to close the regular season and commence leagueseason nals. The regular season oens n the mddle o Octoberand runs through the rst week o February when the wnner othe Wnter proessonal Baseball Chamonsh gets to reresentthe country n the Carbbean Seres. Every year the CarbbeanSeres rotates among Domncan Reublc, puerto Rco, Mexcoand Veneuela.

    DOMiNiCAN REpUBLiC JAzz FESTiVAL Ja aconados travelrom around the world each all to the annual Domncan ReublcJa Festval held on the beaches o Cabarete and Sosua, whchs held every November. The event eatures an mressve lne-uo ja muscans, ncludng artsts rom the U.S., Cuba, puertoRco and Domncan Reublc.

    For an udated lst o events n Domncan Reublc vst

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    Santo Domingo

    Where to go

    Domncan Reublcs catal cty, Santo Domngo, s theCarbbeans most dverse destnaton and, arguably, ts mostvbrant. The ctys restaurants secale n gourmet Domncangastronomy and cusne rom around the world. Boutques andmajor chan retalers rom the U.S. and Euroe have set ushos, and a wealth o museums, galleres and theaters ensureno shortage o cultural exerences.

    in Santo Domngo, by the Oama Rver, les the rst cty o theAmercas, whch was establshed by Chrstoher Columbus andhs brother Bartholomew n 1498. Vstors can walk cobblestonestreets that conqustadors once strolled centures ago. TheColonal Cty s one o the most beautul and romantc areasn all o the Carbbean at nght, wth beautully lt restaurants,museums and stone structures datng to the early 1500s.

    Just orty mnutes east o Santo Domngo, vstors can escaeto the resort town o Boca Chca, known as the catals beachtown. Boca Chca beach s a amly avorte or ther coral ree-rotected lagoon, shallow waters and sot owdery sand laedby turquose waters. The area s surrounded by a varety oseaood restaurants; charmng hotels, un shos, rstne beachesand boasts erect weather or salng.

    Further east, Juan Dolo s a slow-aced escae rom the energetccatal cty or Domncans and vstors alke. The beach town lesalong the Carbbean shorelne wth a quet man street where mosthotels and restaurants are located. Two o Domncan Reublcsto gol courses are also located near Juan Dolo makng thsa avorte getaway wth just the rght amount o relaxaton andrecreaton nearby.

    El Conde street Ruinas San Nicols de Bari Santo Domingo Cathedral

    View o Ozama river

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    Two hours east o Santo Domngo along the Carbbean Sea aretwo o the most oular destnatons n the country. La Romanaand Bayahbe, two o the astest-growng arts o the country,rest amd vast sugar cane elds that surround some o theCarbbeans most beautul resorts and beaches. The area eaturesa combnaton o cturesque beaches, chc accommodatonsand desrable attractons.

    Wth ts brllant waters, trocal orests and excellent range oactvtes, La Romana rovdes the deal destnaton or amles,honeymooners, dvers and golers. Wthn La Romana s Casade Camo, a leadng hotel o the world and one o the mostluxurous and comlete resorts n the Carbbean. Here golenthusasts can lay gol on three magncent courses: Teeth othe Dog, Dye Fore and the Lnks. Addtonally, the resort boasts amarna wth nternatonally renowned boutques and restaurantsthat serve haute cusne.

    Your vst to La Romana wont be comlete wthout a tr to Altosde Chavn, a beautul relca o a 16th century artsts vllageoverlookng the Chavn Rver. An equally delghtul actvty s tovst nearby Catalna island and Saona island.

    Nearby, the local resort area o Bayahbe was ounded as ashng vllage n 1874 and s now known as a avorte destnatonor the beach and sun. Ths ecotoursm-rch destnaton s locatedjust 25 mnutes east o La Romana. Bayahbe allows vstors toenjoy a tour o the surroundng nature and learn the hstory o theauthentc shng vllage.

    La Romanaand Bayahibe

    Parque del Este Altos de Chavn, La Romana

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    Domncan Reublcs east coast s a to destnaton orsohstcated luxury, chamonsh gol, the worlds to beachesand exctng actvtes. The area faunts a growng array o rst-class accommodatons, marnas, and more than a doen desgnergol courses.

    The punta Cana regon eatures a varety o world-class hotels nseveral dstnct dstrcts, ncludng (rom south to north) Ca Cana,Juanllo, punta Cana, Cabea de Toro, Bvaro, El Cortecto,Arena Gorda, Macao and Uvero Alto. punta Cana s a laceor relaxaton and serenty wth sumtuous resorts and mles oowder-ne whte sand beaches and coconut alms.

    in addton, exctng excursons such as lne adventures,swmmng wth dolhns, jee saars, stngray and sharkencounters, nearby natonal arks and other great attractonsmake or un-lled and memorable amly vacatons.

    The North Coast o the Domncan Reublc wll satsy travelerswantng both a relaxng beach vacaton and one lled wthecotoursm adventures. Mountans and sugar cane elds serve asa backdro to sunny coastlnes wth the best condtons or watersorts n the world.

    puerto platas centrally located nternatonal arort s less than

    a 20-mnute drve rom most hotels. Cores and playa Doradaare the man toursm enclaves located near puerto plata cty. inCores, Ocean World Adventure park Marna and Casno sone o the most mortant attractons. Here you can nteract wthmarne anmals, ncludng swmmng wth the dolhns.

    playa Dorada, 10 mnutes to the east o puerto plata, hasthe largest number o hotel rooms n the north. Ths vacatoncomound ncludes 12 low-rse resorts bult n a U shae thatshare a common gold sand beach and the playa Dorada GolCourse, an 18-hole course desgned by Robert Trent Jones.

    Whle n the area, dont mss a vst to San Fele Fort on puertoplatas waterront, bult by the Sanards n the 16th Century toend o rates. Another avorte or vstors and locals s taknga cable car to the to o Mount isabel de Torres, whch oerssectacular vews o the envrons and surroundng sea.

    Cabarete, art o the puerto plata rovnce, s a coastal vllagelocated just 25 mnutes east o Gregoro Luern internatonalarort. The vllage s known as the worlds kteboardng andwnd sortng catal o the world due to ts warm waters anderect tradewnds. Cabarete s very oular among the youngand adventurous or the aquatc sorts oered on ts beach,ts amous annual ja estval each all and ts eclectc bars,caes, restaurants and shos. Nearby, Sosa eatures excellentsnorkelng and dvng or those seekng an underwater thrll.

    Punta Cana

    Puerto Plata

    Playa Dorada


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    Santago, the second largest cty and the heart o the central regon,roves to be a cultured downtown area and a very actve androductve cty wth vbrant restaurants, culture, shos and nghtle.Centro Len s a world-class cultural center or the Domncan artsthat ncludes a multmeda bodversty show, a museum dedcatedto the hstory o Domncan Reublc, a relca o a tycal localmarket, a dramatc showcase o Domncan art and sculture, areroducton o the Len amlys rst cgar actory and more.

    Southeast o Santago s La Vega. The cty becomes one ocelebraton durng the month o February, snce t s the home oDomncan Carnval.

    Those seekng more adventure can travel to Jarabacoa, a majordraw n the countrys ecotoursm ndustry. The rads o the threervers fowng nearby also make the area oular or outdooractvtes. Smlar to Jarabacoa, the Cbao Valley and Constanaare known or resh roducts and fora.

    i Domncan Reublc has a well-ket secret, t s the bodverseSouthwestern Regon wth amang natural beaches juxtaosed

    to rugged ranges o mountan ne, and cloud orests leadng towetlands and cactus studded deserts.

    The areas o Barahona and pedernales are the most ecologcallydverse n the country and the strkng natural attractons o thsregon are ncomarable, boastng the largest and only saltwaterlake n the Carbbean, and a scenc hghway wth vstas alongthe coast.

    Two o the countrys major natonal arks, parque NaconalJaragua to the southwest and parque Naconal Serra deBahoruco to the north, serve as borders and make the vllage anexcellent base cam or hkers.

    The Saman pennsula on the Northeast Coast o DomncanReublc s one o the countrys most breathtakngly beautulregons. Ths s the lace many Domncans choose as thervacaton getaway or ts secluded beaches, radant turquoseocean waters and lush green mountans covered wth coconutalm trees, and the magncent vews o the Bay o Saman.

    Three man towns located on the Saman pennsula are theocal ont or toursm actvtes Saman, Las Terrenas and LasGaleras.

    The pennsula s a romantc destnaton wth majestc wateralls, thesecluded Cayo Levantado sland, trocal orests, the untouchedmangrove reserves ound n nearby Los Hatses Natonal park,and Domncan Reublcs Whale Sanctuary, where thousands ohumback whales return durng the wnter months to rolc, mateand gve brth.

    Saman PeninsulaSantiago andthe Central Region



    Cayo LevantadoLos Haitises

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    FROM SANTO DOMiNGO Santo Domingos Colonial City Cueva de los Tres Ojos (Three Eyes Cave) Shopping, Casinos and Night Life

    Boca Chica and Juan Dolio Beaches

    FROM LA ROMANA Altos de Chavn Saona Island Cueva de las Maravillas (Wonder Cave)

    FROM pUNTA CANA Manati Park Dolphin Island Park Marinarium Inland Safaris Zipline Caribbean Festival

    Fun Fun Cave

    FROM pUERTO pLATA 27 Charcos de Damajagua

    (27 Falls o Damajagua) Cayo Arena (Paradise Cay) Ocean World Adventure Park Mount Isabel de Torres & Cable Car Ride Puerto Plata City Tour and Rum Factory Zip Lines

    FROM SAMANA Humpback Whale Observation El Limon Waterfall Cayo Levantado Island Los Haitises National Park Zip Lines

    FROM SANTiAGO Centro Leon Tobacco Museum

    FROM JARABACOA River Rafting, Horseback riding and Tubing

    Top Excursions:

    Salto El Limn

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    Local Transportation and Table of DistanceAs the second largest country n the Carbbean, DomncanReublc oers a wde range o actvtes whch can be a shortor long dstance away rom one another. Many otons exst ortravelng on well-mantaned hghways to nearby attractons andalso to more dstantly located excursons.

    BUS COMpANiES Ar condtoned motor coaches and vansarranged by local tour oerators are avalable rom most hotels.Major comanes nclude Carbe Tours, Autobuses Metro andExreso Bvaro.

    CAR RENTALS Car rental oces and acltes can be ound atmost arorts. Renters must be 25 wth a vald drvers lcense.

    BY pLANE Local arlnes and numerous domestc arorts maken-country transortaton easly accessble or locals and vstorsalke. Aerodomca (, Takeo (, and Ar Century ( arelocal comanes that oer daly and weekly fghts throughoutthe country.

    GROUND TRANSpORTATiON Taxs are avalable at most hotelsand tour oerators are more than wllng to rovde addtonalotons or gettng around. Vstors should also check wth therhotel or any recommendatons.

    SANTO DOMiNGO TOBoca Chca 40 mnutesJuan Dolo 55 mnutesLa Romana 2 hoursBayahbe 2 hours 20 mnutesConstana 2 hoursJarabacoa 2 hoursSantago 2 hoursSaman 2 hoursBarahona 3 hourspuerto plata 3 hourspunta Cana 3 hours

    LA ROMANA TOBayahbe 20 mnutesCatalna island (by boat) 30 mnutesJuan Dolo 1 hour 10 mnutesBoca Chca 1 hour 20 mnutespunta Cana 1 hoursSanto Domngo 2 hoursSaman 3 hoursJarabacoa 4 hoursSantago 4 hoursBarahona 5 hourspuerto plata 5 hours

    BAYAHiBE TOSaona island (by boat) 45 mnutes

    pUERTO pLATA TOCores 10 mnutesplaya Dorada 10 mnutesSosa 20 mnutesDamajagua 25 mnutesCabarete 30 mnutes

    playa Grande 1 hoursRo San Juan 1 hoursCayo Arena (paraso) 2 hoursSantago 1 hourJarabacoa 2 hoursSaman 2 hoursSanto Domngo 3 hoursLa Romana 5 hoursBayahbe 5 hours 50 mnutesBarahona 6 hourspunta Cana 7 hours

    SAMAN TOCayo Levantado (by boat) 20 mnutes

    punta Balandra 20 mnutesLas Galeras 30 mnutesLos Hatses (by boat) 40 mnutesLas Terrenas 55 mnutesplaya Rncn 1 hour 10 mnutesSanto Domngo 2 hourspuerto plata 2 hoursSantago 2 hoursLa Romana 3 hoursBayahbe 3 hours 20 mnutespunta Cana 4 hours

    pUNTA CANA TOCa Cana 15 mnutesCabea de Toro 15 mnutes

    Bvaro 25 mnutesUvero Alto 50 mnutesBayahbe 1 hour 10 mnutesLa Romana 1 hoursJuan Dolo 2 hours 40 mnutesBoca Chca 2 hours 50 mnutesSanto Domngo 3 hoursSaman 4 hoursJarabacoa 5 hoursBarahona 6 hourspuerto plata 7 hours

    Times may vary depending on trafc conditions

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    Isla Saona

    Isla Beata

    Atlantic Ocean

    Hato Mayor




    Puerto Plata







    Punta Cana


    Baha deSaman Cayo





    Parque NacionalIsla Cabritos


    Lagunade Oviedo

    Cabo Rojo

    Parque NacionalSierra de Bahoruco


    J. ArmandoBermdez

    Jos del CarmenRamrez

    Los Haitises

    Baha deManzanillo

    Pico Duarte

    San PedroDe Macors

    Monte Plata

    Salto El Limn




    Cayo Arena(Paraso)

    Estero Hondo

    La Vega

    Laguna Rincnde Cabral

    Loma QuitaEspuela

    El Choco



    Lagunas Redonday Limn

    Hoyo dePelempito


    El Seibo

    Cabo CabrnCabo Saman

    CuevaFun Fun

    Mara Montez (BRX)

    Punta Cana (PUJ)

    La RomanaCasa de Campo


    La Isabela (JBQ)

    Arroyo Barril




    La Romana

    Reserva Cientficabano Verde

    Cibao (STI)



    Cueva LasMaravillas


    Altos deChavn

    El Catey (AZS)

    Las TerrenasEl Portillo

    Las Amricas(SDQ)

    La Caleta

    Bocade Yuma

    Dunasde Ban


    Lago EnriquilloIsla Cabritos

    Caribbean Sea

    ParqueNacionaldel Este



    San Cristbal


    San Josde las Matas

    Dominican Republic

    San FranciscoDe Macors

    City and Town

    Point of Interest

    Cruise Port

    International Airport

    Domestic Airport


    Protected Area/Park

    Golf Course


    Highest Peak


    Playa Grande


    Atlantic Ocean

    Caribbean Sea

    Gulf of Mexico

    United States







    Atlantic Ocean

    Caribbean Sea

    Gulf of Mexico

    United States







    2012 PRO RD S.A. Email: [email protected] Tel. 809.769.9560

  • 7/31/2019 Dominican Republic - Has it all :)


    Dominican RepublicMinistry of Tourism

    Avenida Cayetano Germosn esquinaAvenida Gregorio Lupern

    Santo Domingo, Repblica DominicanaPhone: 809-221-4660

    Email: [email protected]

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