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While the exact words,

notice, dream, connect, do,

are certainly not set in stone, and certainly aren't to be worshiped, we do see great value in detoxing along with others.

Common verbiage and a means to access others' experiences/documentation will be helpful.

We are working with Jim Folkestad at CSU to craft mappings of this process, this activity system, through some type(s) of documentation by the learner and/or their mentor.

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We believe learning is a natural process for anyone in a non-oppressive environment with exposure/access to resources. Many of us have become intoxicated with standardization, unable to self-direct our own learning. Detox jump starts learning of anything.The why: nothing is for everyone

What we're calling detox is simply a process of learning to learn, of knowing what to do when you don't know what to do. This process is a means to facilitate interest/passion driven learning.The what: awakening indispensable people

We believe, to notice the unlikely, dream boldly, connect to people and info, and do what matters, is a pretty good representation of the natural process of learning. We’re currently experimenting with youtube (and hopefully soon wikipedia) as a means to document/share.The how: to a person, be you - to a people, help clear spaces to be

To truly do this on your own, we suggest you be. A jump into be is here, and if you'd like a little nudge beyond that, go here. 

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Personalizing in public education allows the learner to own their learning. Focus on learning process, iterated no matter what the content, streamlines a standard curriculum, so to speak, to one skill. Something incredibly messy and complex, differentiating for each learner, now becomes very simple and focused. This simplicity and focus allows for a pruning out of unneeded content/busywork, as well as an intense, deep practice of the goal at hand. Iterations of the same process soon become second nature. And the learner has the skill set to do anything they previously didn't know how to do.

What matters most, how do you define success?

click to play

This is Jim, CSU prof, explaining a

mapping systems model

we’re experimenting with.. to affect

the research of detox.

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With detox, or some other similar process, the learner can naturally follow their fancy, and without even realizing perhaps, be cementing, what we think is the only skill worth making sure everyone practices, knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do.Success can now be defined by a person/community rather than by a school, a state, a nation.The empowerment of that choice drives learning beyond anything we can measure, as we are currently measuring things that often don’t impact a person.

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After the course of our first year, we found more natural and useful ways kids share, youtube and wikipedia in particular.

We ended up with over 600 youtube clips of raw footage, that we have been retagging (tsdil, student name, topic, notice, dream, connect, do – thanks Julie) and hope to create some search engine widget that could be placed on our sites, [labconnections and be you], as well as each of the kids blogs/portfolios.

more here

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Clay on searching.

Once we would gather enough, you could search – noticing about soccer, or connecting about Portuguese, or doing about human trafficking, etc.. Or videos on a certain kid..follow them through a project. And their mentor.

Next year Adam is going to wear a helmet with a camera on it.. By the end of the year the kids just expected it to be on my hand. We think this will be even more natural.

click to play click to play

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The kids are pumped, they wanted a helmet video anyone for sports etc. they want one for creating this.. Which we think is key – want to learn how to learn, watch surfers and skateboarders

Video captures things we often don’t notice. I had my best year of pd if you want to call it that.. I would video kids during the day and watch it at night. I learned more about learning than I ever would have imagined.Certainly something about 3d logging.Also – takes less time.. You’re not buried in paperwork – things that might never get read. And we now have a treasure of videos if the kids ever want to share or make a project video

So – we’re liking the videos – we think they need to be tagged spot on, we bought a big usb so all could access, not sure about flips anymore.. Having to convert.. And they are goin gout of business.. But video capture islike noticing what you do when you are alive. Love that

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In order to be open to creativity, one must have the

The No. 1 Habit of Highly Creative People

capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone. Rollo May

more on be

Get in the alone zone.

Interruption is not collaboration.


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Relax (disconnect/unplug from the success/failure games).Curiosity is natural.Knowledge deemed as opportunity now binds us.The web allows access to anything.Self-construction is natural.Most need detox to get back to what matters.NCLB = absolutelyAchievement gap = misnomer

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Let’s use spaces that already organize documentation for us… ones that are already populated and easy to use. Looking at 3d detox documentation through youtube.

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Guiding principle… is it useful?

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It will be obvious that our tagging, and who knows what else, will need to get better. But that’s great. We want more brilliant eyes on this. See if it’s bunk, or if it might just work.


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Funny – noticing has to be the most basic skill that all of us possess. It is probably the most taken for granted, the most outsourced, and the most potent of all skills.

Noticings determine action.

Learning how to notice is key to making the world a better place.

One of the best gifts we can share with each other, is how to notice.Listen … with whatever means you have.. to what’s going on around you.

more on notice

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more on notice

click to see all videos currently labeled notice

Then you tell us.. do you notice anything about noticing? See above.. more on notice if you’d like more leading through this.

Please note: we need help here… the link above “click to see all videos…” takes us to 43 videos on our youtube site labeled “notice”.. but apparently it doesn’t take others there. Any insight please leave in comment below deck. Thank you.

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you could search NOTICE in videos

some prototyping…

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To see if you notice anything about people noticing different things.

some prototyping…

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You could take one kid and one topic, look at him going through all stages or one cycle.

ie Cristian and soccer.And see if he got anything besides soccer out of doing soccer.

Lucy…And see what she how she experienced detox.

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more on dream

click to see all videos currently tagged dream

Do you notice anything about dreaming? See above.. more on dream if you’d like more leading through this.

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more on connect

click to see all videos currently tagged dream

Do you notice anything about connecting? See above.. more on connect if you’d like more leading through this.

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(does it matter, is it awesome)

If it’s your art, you will do almost anything to give it away. -Linchpin

more on do

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more on do

Do you notice anything about doing? Can you tell if it mattered? If it was awesome?See above.. more on do if you’d like more leading through this.

click to see all videos currently tagged do

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This is a video Jim made, piecing together kids in the Lab talking through detox of a project.. or thinking..

click to playnote – if wearing headphones no volume between :47 and 1:23

Comparing noticings might be of interest..Comparing dreams, connections, and what people end up doing.

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Click here to follow Lucy

modeling detox…

Then too, following one student through those steps… might be of interest.

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You could take one kid and one topic,

ie Cristian and soccer.And see if he got anything besides soccer out of doing soccer.

Doing this just now helped me to see that the tagging is failing here, as Cristian has made many connections and learned many unlikely things in his pursuit of soccer, that aren’t showing up here.But, if tagged right, etc.. this would be a great check/validation of the richness of his soccer focus.

ie: Lucas and music.Same as with Cristian, getting more relatable footage when I just put in Lucas as opposed to music.

I like it though, you?

Fiddle with more if you like: Hans, Everett, Chase, Peter, hebrew, guitar, sign, etc..

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Perhaps currently - youth have connecting down. They aren’t bound so much by the way we’ve always done things. The web is taking them places we never dreamed of. And they aren’t waiting to read the directions, they are learning by doing. Today. - adults have the dreaming down, or more accurately, under management. They hold the keys, in a sense, to permission. What if we - pay closer attention to what youth are doing, how they are connecting. It’s really quite brilliant. Even how they, under our definition, cheat the system. - set them free to follow their fancy, to dream boldly.

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Focus on this process provides learners with ultimate

choices in

what, where, when, how and with whom they learn.

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We're especially interested in getting the submitting/editing process of wikipedia down, as we see wikipedia as a universal, organized, sharing space that already exists and is already acknowledged as such.

We believe this documentation/sharing (on youtube, on wikipedia, wherever the learner sees fit) will prove to be: 1) useful to the learner 2) useful to validation of the whole idea 3) useful to others seeking to own their learning

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Focus on this process provides learners with ultimate

choices in

what, where, when, how and with whom they learn.

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Document or not, the kids did learn tons from youtube..

More than google.. at this point

Cristian and Peter with ipod, … Cristian with guitar,

click to play click to play

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When learning per passion.. Kids often come in saying.. I want to learn everything.They also often come in – drowning in their own words.. So excited, but unable to articulate.

click to play

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So we’re wondering, is this mind twist an authentic sign of ownership?.. Should we value more the things we can’t measure. Sure, we want to move past not being able to share, but the fact that a person is so into something they can’t explain it – that’s deep practice..

We keep trying to fix the intangibly articulate.. Keep it from happening.. But is that like the fear that never goes away from a true actor? If it no longer existed, would that mean we were no longer growing?.

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One thing or way that I’ve learned from people this year - is that for some of them - it's not that complicated,they are living documents.

People around them are keeping track for them by feedback.Reflection is goodbut sometimes - the ultimate is what you don't have words for.I’d even say that if you have words for all you do, you're not really living.

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Our next experiment is with wikipedia.. We think this is another huge means to share and document…If you share something there and it stays – must be awesome,, if it gets hit a lot – very much needed.

We’re trying to add detox as our first try.

Difficult – but really believe it and youtube are currently the most useful means to sharing.

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Our plans this year include a detox room (booth), 54 sq ft. one chair, one camera, as much time as you need/want.

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Prompts will be given to find out:different ways people are experiencing detox.

Response could be nothing.It could be, I noticed a fly on the wall.It could go on for an hour.

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Prompts will be given to find out:different ways people are experiencing detox.

Response could be nothing.It could be, I noticed a fly on the wall.It could go on for an hour.

Over the course of time.. we imagine splicing together a time warp to see if we notice anything interesting,

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Prompts will be given to find out:different ways people are experiencing detox.

Response could be nothing.It could be, I noticed a fly on the wall.It could go on for an hour.

Over the course of time.. we imagine splicing together a time warp to see if we notice anything interesting, see if we notice any type of change, … see what experiences detox provides.

Space time worms from Deb Roy’s TED.

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We will also have a local uni masters student coming in twice a week with a cam helmet. He’s a writer.. so he’ll write, video log, etc…

how people are experiencing detox

as well.

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click to playvideo of how we’re doing detox..

warning – poor quality (working on it) simply a voice over slideshare..

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Lisa Nielsen interview on a viable education

We measure too muchwe spend more time measuring and not enough doing.

Too much focus on proving, too little on perhaps - where will my findings/craft be the most useful vs what do I need to do for validation/recognition

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For scalable efficiency perhaps the institution decides.

For indispensably thriving learners perhaps the learner decides, along with their respective community/communities.

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-Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants

Technology brings expanding choices. Sociologist David Riesman, 1950, " the more advance the technology, on the whole, the more possible it is for a considerable number of human beings to imagine being somebody else.“

We expand technology to find out who we are and who we can be.

To maximize our own contentment, we seek the   minimum amount of technology in our lives.yet to maximize the contentment of others, we must maximize the amount of technology in the world. 

How can we personally minimize stuff close to us while trying to expand it globally.

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We believe many of us need time and space

and permission to

detoxify habits we have formed to get at scalable efficiency into a natural state of scalable learning. (for more)

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This may take time for some (including adults).

This time period may be rough, steeped in



appearances of

parent voice on this

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Any success will depend on our mindset, our outlook, our purpose and belief in learning.

“ “click to hear student voices

Doing what has been considered standard doesn’t equate with success anymore.

We need to be freeing kids up to be themselves. Giving them space to fail. Showing them we trust learning. That it is that fascinating and alluring.

- James Bach

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Please note: You’re good if you love what you are doing/teaching/learning.

This isn’t about changing public ed as much as it is about offering more

within public ed. It’s about thinking about people and re-thinking the optional learning spaces.

Many people in public ed won’t be changing much at all. Incredible students attend our schools. Incredible teachers prepare lessons and facilitate learning.

We believe the change will be in the shifting around of.. who is learning what, when and how, and with whom.

We believe this is more about putting all the stakeholders (that’s everyone) into a big sifter and patiently shaking, till everyone is where they want to be.

Imagine that. Even if you don’t currently believe it. Imagine the 70% plus time we spend on classroom management. Gone.


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Personalizing in public education allows the learner to own their learning.

Focus on the learning process, iterated no matter what the content, streamlines a standard curriculum, so to speak, to one skill.

Something incredibly messy and complex, differentiating for each learner, now becomes very simple and focused. This simplicity and focus allows for a pruning out of unneeded content/busywork, as well as an intense, deep practice of the goal at hand. Iterations of the same process soon become second nature.

And the learner has the skill set to do anything they previously didn't know how to do.

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Learners gain space/time/expertise when they can

prune what is not needed

and amp what is.

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click for more

See detox process slideshare for more of this within a school system.

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Most people are other people.Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde

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to story deck

Wondering how the chaos of personalized stays grounded? By matching up each learner with a face to face mentor, per passion.

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click to see

Lucas’s 2 yr

planclick to see Lucas explaining it to school board member

click to see Lucas talking through literature possibilities

here and here

a real example in the making

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This is live. Publish then edit. Join us. Help us. Transparency is the new currency & we want to be rich.Our strategy: offense. Our belief: we're different - but we all want to do good.

click to see live documentation..

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Myelin sheath grows best through deep practice.Deep practice happens through passion.

In monitoring progress:

how do you practice how thick is your myelin compare activity systems (n,d,c,d) of expert learner and learner

Jim explaining this to parentsScientific Journal’s Ontology Explorer

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So …. learning returns to a

natural state…

what do you want to be what do you value how do you like to learn…

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And we facilitate learner choices through a process, until the process becomes

2nd nature…

(for more)

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….so thatthe learner knows

what to do when

they don’t know what to do.

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They are ready for life.. and remain

hungry for learning.

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excellent reads for detox:

Clark Aldrich’s, Unschooling Rules, (rethinking school means not thinking school)

James Bach’s, Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar, (self-directed learning)

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previously slides are one story deck of the narrative deck:

The entire narrative deck can be accessed here.. Or you can go to the next slide to access another story deck…

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4-39: mindset - the skinny40-79: redefining success: school as a business … community as a school

43-40: the dandelion effect50-53: is respect for every voice a part of your soul54:63: we don’t need more resources, we just need to be more resourceful

: on health & wealth64-72: joi ito & wikipedia as exemplars – nothing is for everyone73-79: declaration of interdependence – as glue

80-80: findings in failings: history (deliberately not teach, homeless analogy): detox (process/what, unpacking/why, doing/how)

90-95: city as floorplan96-97: connected adjacency

98: suggested book reads99: faq100-111: mindset

Suggestion per parents, if you were only going to look at 2 things: slide 42 and detox.

as story

just out: awakening indispensable people via videoswarning – poor quality – ie slidedeck with voice

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