Page 1: Does Twitter have a positive impact in the United States?

Does have a positive impact in the

United States?

Page 2: Does Twitter have a positive impact in the United States?


•Addiction•Privacy•Security• Fraud• Vulnerabilities

•Safety•Financial•Cultural Impacts

Page 3: Does Twitter have a positive impact in the United States?


A teenager was electrocuted after dropping her laptop into the bath while twittering in the tub.

Police say Maria Barbu, 17, had plugged in her laptop with wet hands after the battery died while she was bathing.

Her parents found her dead, with the laptop lying next to her.

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“Twitter collects personally identifiable information about its users and shares it with third parties. The service considers that information an asset, and reserves the right to sell it if the company changes hands.”

-Twitter Privacy Policy

Some people just don’t understand the concept of privacy.

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On January 5, 2009, 33 high-profile Twitter accounts were compromised.

Fake tweets—including sexually explicit and drug-related messages—were then sent from the accounts.

The issue with these 33 accounts is different from the Phishing scam aimed at Twitter users. These accounts were broken into by hacking into the support team tools.

Twitter considered this a very serious breach of security and immediately took the support tools offline.


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What Is Phishing?

“The criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.”

How Does It Work?

The scam sent out emails resembling those you might receive from Twitter. The email provides a link that redirects to a site masquerading as Twitter.


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A security vulnerability was reported on April 7, 2007, by NiteshDhanjani and Rujith.

The problem was due to Twitter using the phone number of the senders of SMS messages as authentication.

Nitesh used FakeMyText to spoof a text message, whereupon Twitter posted the message on the victim's page.


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One would-be Cisco employee proves that to place a permanent black mark on your resume, Twitter is the tool of choice. Here’s the tweet the now Web-infamous "theconnor" shared with the world:

“Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.”

Tim Levad, a "channel partner advocate" for Cisco Alert, shared this response:

"Who is the hiring manager. I’m sure they would love to know that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the web."


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Social Impact

The Twouble with Twitter

Twitter is an addiction to "constant self-affirmation" that encourages narcissism, inflated egos and said Tweets are nothing more than "shouts into the darkness hoping someone is listening".

During a February 2009 discussion on NPR’s Weekend Edition, Daniel Schorr noted that Twitter lacked rigorous fact-checking and other editorial improvements.

Twitter gives already pretentious people an even greater reason to think people care about their second-to-second-actions--is what impact it has on communication as a whole.

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Social ImpactThanks to IM and SMS, human communication is becoming shallower, more stilted, and less meaningful.

Even in the current workplace, many teenagers don't speak in sentences of more than a few words in length because they spend so much time talking via text, where vocabulary is limited and sentences are truncated for typing speed.

The long-term impact on communication is worrying. People are forgetting how to talk to each other in meaningful ways.

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The End.

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