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Blank Earth Science Study Guides

Final Review Currents, Tides, Moon

. Surface currents on the oceans are created by ___________ and go the same way that they _____________.

They flow _______________________ across the surface of the ocean in the top __________ meters.

. Correctly indicate where each prevailing wind would occur on the globe by writing its name on its section.

*Polar easterlies *Polar easterlies *Westerlies *Westerlies

*South East Trades *North East Trades

Which of the winds listed would be involved in formation of the South Equatorial Current shown in the diagram below?

. Deep currents in the oceans are created by differences in _______ of the water

What creates these differences?

. Why are deep currents important to sea creatures?

Antarctic Bottom Waters

Start in:


Atlantic Deep Water

Starts in:


Two ways that the salinity of sea water may be increased

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Two ways that the salinity of sea water may be decreased.

ways that the salinity of sea water may be decreased.

diagram below represents the position of the sun, Earth and moon at a Spring


label the phases of the moon represented in the diagram below:

diagram represents a possible moment for a lunar eclipse.

diagram the umbra.

An umbra is:

a. the area of partial shadow created by a planet or moon

b. the area of complete, dark shadow created by a planet or moon

c. the area of light created around a planet or moon by the sun

d. the area of light created by the moon on a still body of water

EarthScience Review 17,18,20- atmosphere and weather

Phase changes of water and the flow of energy as it changes from on to the other:

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15. What three things do you need to cause condensation?

a. b.


When the air is saturated with water vapor, the amount of evaporation is

a. the same as the amount of condensation

b. greater than the amount of condensation

c. less than the amount of condensation

The balance point, when condensation equal evaporation is called the ___________ _________________.

What was the source of the “fog” that formed on your glass in the experiment with the ice water?

If the air in the room was 18 C and “fog” formed on the glass at 11 C, what was the difference between the wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures?

Use that difference and the original 18C air temperature to determine the relative humidity of the air in the classroom.

. _______________ cooling is the drop in temperature due to decreased pressure.

Explain what clouds made of.

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Three major classes of clouds:

Explain how raindrops are formed/begin to fall.

Where does most of the electromagnetic radiation that enters Earth’s atmosphere come from?

The atmosphere is divided into layers according to

pressure or temperature

Circle the layers of the atmosphere in which the temperature decreases as your go up in altitude. You should be able to put them in the correct place on the temperature graph!

Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere


What happens to the temperature in the Stratopause?

Atmospheric pressure Increases/Decreases/Remains constant as you go up in altitude.

What layer of the atmosphere do you live in?

Which layer of the atmosphere has the greatest amount of ozone?

In which layer of the atmosphere does most of the weather occur?

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Where is the amount of radiation from the sun most concentrated :

At the poles at the Equator in Williamsburg

What two gases act to trap heat energy in the atmosphere?

Electromagnetic waves from the sun are longer/shorter than heat energy waves radiated from the surface of a hot car.

Identify the means of heat transfer in each of the following examples. Write “CONDuction” “CONVection” or “RADiation” above the proper ones

Microwave popcorn hand on hot burner of electric stove

Child in the top bunk hot air balloon

Sunshine on my shoulder grilled cheese sandwich on the grill

Explain, in a few sentences or a well labeled diagram, how the level of the liquid in a thermometer reflects the energy of the molecules of the air.

What is Air Pressure – define or explain it:

Air pressure goes________ as you go higher above sea level.

Air pressure goes ________ as the temperature rises (the air is _______ dense, so molecules ___________ ______ and there are more/fewer right on top of you.

Air pressure goes _________ as the humidity increases (there are more water molecules filling spaces that could have been other ____________ gases- so it is less dense.

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the mass of a water vapor molecule is _______ than that of the other molecules that make up most of the air?

Describe how molecules move when the temperature gets higher.

Wind is created by differences in air pressure. It blows from areas of _______ pressure to areas of __________ pressure. Balloon

Match the wind indicated by each arrow with its proper name.

North wind South wind East Wind West Wind

Coriolis Efffect

What does the rotation of the Earth do to the path of winds travelling from the North Pole to the Equator?

M.E. stands on the Equator. Jenna stands on the South Pole. Brett stands at 30 degrees S. Kristen stands at 60 degrees S. Arrange them in order of increasing speed, as the Earth rotates.

________________________ goes the fastest, _____________________ is the next fastest, _______________________ is next, and __________________ is slowest.

In the southern Hemisphere, the Coriolis Effect makes the path of the


Coriolis only changes the path of things travelling long distances across lines of latitude.

a. an ocean current c. a cup of water going down the drain

b. a rocket d. a prevailing wind

Air masses over the poles are:

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Creates an area of ________ pressure

Air masses over the Equator:

Creates an area of ________ pressure

Label the North Pole, South Pole, Equator, 30 N latitude, 30 S latitude,

60 N latitude, and 60 S latitude on the globe

Label the areas of HIGH pressure and LOW pressure on the globe

Label the prevailing winds

Circle the correct choice of words for each set of (parenthesis):

During the NIGHT, air over the land cools (faster/slower) than the water.

The air over the land will become (warmer/cooler) than the air over the water.

It will (sink/rise), making the pressure over the land (low/high).

The air over the water will be (warmer/cooler) than the air over the land.

It will (sink/rise), making the pressure over the water (low/high).

The above conditions create a wind during the NIGHT. If Joe is sitting

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in a little sailboat 400 meters from the shore, this wind will blow him:

a. toward the shore c. away from the shore

b. around in circles d. none of the above

If Joe sits in his little boat 400 meters from the shore during the DAY,

the wind conditions created then will blow him:

a. around in circles c. away from the shore

b. toward the shore d. none of the above

24. When you label air masses, what does each of the following letters stand for?

c_________________________ m_______________________

T_________________________ P________________________

Match the air masses with the area where they most likely formed:

Warm, moist Alaska and/or Canada

Cool, dry Gulf of Mexico

Cool, moist North Atlantic

Warm, dry Mexican Deserts

What is a front? – define or explain it:

The conditions that would accompany a warm front:

a. Gentle rains that last for hours, followed by cooler, clear weather

b. Strong winds & heavy rain, followed by warmer, humid weather

c. Strong winds & heavy rain, followed by cooler, clear weather

d. Gentle rains that last for hours, followed by warmer, humid weather

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Diagram the formation of a warm front.

Correctly label the air masses and add arrows inside each to show its direction of travel.

Label each mass with an R or an S to indicate whether it will rise up and over, or sink under the other air mass when they meet.

Front Travels

________________ fronts usually pass quickly.

________________ fronts have a steep slope.

Which type of front would Farmer Brown prefer?______________ because:

Do air masses mix easily when they meet?

Earth Science Final Review ch 12,13,14

Types of Weathering

_______________ is the chemical reaction of oxygen with minerals to form red soils.

When roots grow or animals dig holes and rocks split apart, it is an example of weathering by ______________ ______________

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When rocks fall, collide with one another, and break apart the weathering is due to the force of _____________________.

Formation of potholes in winter due to the force of the freezing of water is an example of ____________ _________________.

Soils shrink and crack in a drought This is weathering due to ________________ and ____________________

Decide which of the following processes are examples of mechanical weathering and which are examples of chemical weathering. Write C or M to indicate your choice.

____Frost Action _____Oxidation ____Organic Activity

____Abrasion _____Gravity _____Exfoliation

As a result of mechanical weathering, rocks are broken into smaller particles to become soil, but remain the same ___________________

Hummus is a _____________________ _______________________ ________________, but humus is partially decayed _______________ __________________.

Organic matter is/was:

a. material that was once part of a living creature

b. waste products of a living creature

c. all of the above

The pie chart below represents the “Ideal Soil.” Correctly label the portions that represent:

Minerals Organic Matter

Water Air

Pore Space Solid

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Correctly label the horizons in the soil profile and correctly locate the following in the soil profile shown above by

writing the terms in the horizon/s where they are found.

(Some may occur in more than one horizon!)

* Growing seeds *Tree Roots *Worms

*Fungi * Minerals *Bacteria

* Substratum *Subsoil *Topsoil

*Solid Bedrock * Humus *Rocks

Soil particles: Draw and show difference in particle size and pore spaces

Box of sand: Box of silt: Box of clay:

pH scale: ____ - ______ is acidic ______ is neutral _____ - _______ is basic

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strongest acids lowest strongest bases highest

Most plants do best in soils with a pH range of _____ - _______

In EROSION, soil moves and is lost due to:




In MASS MOVEMENTS, soil moves and is lost due to:


In class we discussed many ways farmers might go about reducing erosion and depletion of the soil. Choose three of them and explain how they work. Use complete sentences and include a picture if you feel it will help your explanation


The high points in a landscape that separate one watershed from another are____________________

The land inside the divides is a _______________ __________________

Draw a river with tributaries. Label the headwaters and the mouth. Draw arrows to show the direction of flow in the river and tributaries

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The gradient would be greatest at the ___________ ______________

The discharge in this river system would be greatest at the ________________

The velocity of the water in this river system would be the greatest at:

The steepness or slope down which a river travels is called its:

a. gradient c. discharge

b. capacity d. competence

The largest particle/object that a river can carry at a given place and time is called its:

a. gradient c. discharge

b. capacity d. competence

Draw a few meanders in a river below.

Label the inside and outside of one of the meanders. What happens to the speed of the water and the load at each of these?



If this river was to flood, where would levees form? Show me!

Rivers carry materials in three “loads.” Name the three loads and explain them – what do the rivers carry in each and how is it carried?

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Which would be carried in the slowest moving water?

a. sand c. silt

b. clay d. boulders

Circle the object that best represents the competence of the Johnstown Flood waters at this point of the channel.


Groundwater is found in ____________ between soil particles and in cracks in certain types of __________.

Draw a diagram to illustrate groundwater. Draw and label the zone of aeration , zone of saturation , and water table. Color the water in the appropriate zone/s.

Porosity is the percentage of the material’s volume that is ________ ___________

The pavement on a parking lot forms an ________________ layer and causes __________________.

Which would be most permeable, a well-sorted sand, or a mixture of sand and silt? Explain why this is true.

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What makes hard water hard? Define hard water.

A water budget explains the income and spending of water in a watershed. Give two sources of water “income.”

Explain how plants “withdraw” water from the groundwater.

Think back to the plastic cup model of groundwater. Draw and label a picture of a cup model that shows conditions where a “surplus” of water would exist.

How do pollutants get into the groundwater? Explain two different pathways.

Show the position of the water table as the contour of the land changes

Match the motion of the water table with the condition:

Lots of rain table drops

Lots of pumping water from well table rises

Pesticides sprayed on the ground table stays the same

Ch 6,8,9,10 Review Earth Science

Sedimentary Rock-

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Metamorphic Rock-

Igneous Rock-

KNOW how to move through the rock cycle from one type of rock to any other.

KNOW that any type can become any other type in any order – there is not one path!


The portion of the Earth’s mantle that is made of a “plastic” solid is :

The crust and upper mantle makes up Earth’s ____________________.

The outer core of the earth is solid/liquid. And made of _______ and __________

The polarity of the magnetic field of the Earth has periodically ___________

itself throughout history

Records of the polarity of the magnetic field of the Earth and the age of rock found on the ocean floor provide evidence for _______ _____________ spreading.

The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are located at mid-ocean _______________

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Alfred Wegener was The “Father” of the __________________ _________ theory.

The presence of the same____________ and ____________ ___________on several continents that match up along puzzle-like lines supports the hypothesis of continental drift.

The theory holds that continents have moved_____________ to their current locations.

They were once joined into one huge supercontinent. This supercontinent has been named ___________________________

Plates move apart at ____________ boundaries.

a. convergent c. divergent

b. stable d. transform

When two oceanic plates move apart, a _______________ ____________forms.

The boundary between two plates moving together is called a _____________ ______________________.

________________ ___________ are formed when two continental plates collide.

A _____________ zone forms where two oceanic plates collide.

Oceanic crust is _______________ than continental crust and more ______________

Put the following in order from the least dense, to the most dense:

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Mantle water oceanic crust continental crust

Put the following in order from the least dense, to the most dense:

Rock wooden block hot water cold water

26. Slab pull happens at __________________ boundaries where one plate is being subducted. The leading edge of that plate is colder and more dense than the mantle so it ________ into it, pulling the rest of the plate behind it.

With a diagram and 2 or 3 complete sentences, explain what mantle convection is and how it causes tectonic plates to move.

Label the 7 major plates and the Nazca Plate in the diagram below.

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Outline the Ring of Fire in red. Explain in a complete sentence or two what it is.

36. If a volcano’s magma is high in silica, then the volcano will probably:

a. erupt quietly c. remain dormant

b. erupt explosively d. produce fluorescent green lava

Before lava reaches the surface, the molten material is called ____________

If you want to melt rock and form magma, you want:

a. high temperature, high pressure, and lots of dissolved gases

b. low temperature, low pressure, and little dissolved gas

c. high temperature, low pressure, and little dissolved gas

d. high temperature, low pressure, and lots of dissolved gases

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True or False? Volcanoes can form on the ocean floor.

True or False? There is no relationship between plate tectonics and


True or False? Gas trapped in magma under high pressure can cause

explosive volcanic eruptions.

True or False? Shield Volcanoes often form above Hot Spots.

True or False? Hot Spots are found along the edges of tectonic plates

Explain in 1 or 2 sentences what a pyroclastic flow is and what it does.

Types of Volcanoes


The point where the lithosphere breaks under stress and movement occurs is called a _________________.

Remembering the example of the sponges, which of the following choices best describes the motion of blocks of lithosphere as they slide past one another?

a. steady and smooth c. constant

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b. jerky d. no motion possible

The force that keeps plates, blocks of lithosphere, or sponges from moving past each other immediately is called:

a. tension c. elastic rebound

b. friction d. convection

The force that causes tectonic plates, blocks of lithosphere, or plastic spoons to “sproing” up when the pressure on them becomes too great is called _____________ __________________

The point in Earth’s interior where the energy release and first movement of an earthquake occurs is the ______________

a. focus c. epicenter

b. fault d. inner core

__6. In the diagram below, letter ___ represents the epicenter of the earthquake.

Most earthquakes happen without _____________, along _______________ _______________, where Earthquakes have ___________________ ___ _____ _________.

The type of seismic wave that arrives at the surface first and moves by compressing and expanding the ground like an accordion are called:

a. S waves c. P waves

b. Love waves d. Rayleigh waves

S waves are also known as:

a. primary waves c. secondary waves

b. surface waves d. focus waves

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Compared to P waves and S waves, surface waves move:

a. faster c. slower

b. at the same rate d. farther from the focus

The most destructive seismic waves are:

The waves that can ONLY travel through solids are:

The type of seismic wave that moves the ground from side to side, perpendicular to the direction that the energy of the wave is moving, is:

Use the seismogram to determine the arrival time of the P wave.

Use the seismogram to determine the arrival time of the S wave.

Use these to calculate the S – P lag time and the distance from the seismograph to the epicenter of the earthquake that generated these waves.

Explain in a few complete sentences why three seismograph stations are necessary to locate the epicenter of an earthquake with certainty. Include diagrams to illustrate your explanation.

The strength of an earthquake with a Richter magnitude of 3 is ___times as powerful as an earthquake with a Richter magnitude of 2.

a. 10 c. 25

b. 31 d. 200

The ground vibrates {up and down} and from {side to side} during an earthquake. Which motion is most likely to damage or destroy a building?

a. {up and down} b. {side to side}

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(3pt)29. In the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, more structures were destroyed by fire than by the quake itself. Explain why fires are often associated with earthquakes and why they cause more damage after earthquakes than at other times.

The most economical, least disruptive thing to do with old buildings in earthquake zones that were not originally built to withstand earthquakes is:

a. to tear them down and build safer structures

b. to wait and repair them after earthquakes damage them

c. to retrofit them, making them stronger and more flexible

Earth Structure Final Study Guide

Earth Structure

Size of Earth - __________________ calculated the circumference of the Earth to be 40,000km based on geometrical theorems and observations of shadows.

Were they way off?

Current measurements based upon precise data from ____________:

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Circumference around equator is Larger/smaller than that around

the poles.

the Earth____ _______ a perfect sphere.

About _____% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water and _____% of it is land.

Shape of the Earth –

Current theory: Earth is an __________________________________

*Based on careful measurement of weight of an object at different locations INDIRECT OBSERVATION

Weight is a measurement of the force of ___________ on an object.

Weight changes with ____________, based upon the distance from the Earth’s center of gravity

Farther when one is on the ______________ so one weighs less

Closer when one is _______________, so one weighs more

*Confirmed by precise photographs and measurements from space



A way to learn about things that you cannot see/touch/smell/taste/feel .Some things are too large, too small, too far away, too hard to reach……so

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Scientists observe how other things are influenced/effected by what they want to understand.When you shook/held the metal boxes, nobody guessed that the thing inside was a box of Jello. You could get some pretty good ideas about what the object inside was like based upon how heavy it made the box, how it moved inside the box, what sounds it made, what odors it gave off…. But all we could do is make theories (educated guesses) about what was in there. Only direct observations could definitely determine what was in the box. Better technology (x-ray, MRI…) might make our theories more reliable, based upon more and stronger evidence, but without direct observations, we cannot ever be 100% certain.That is the way science works. Theories are made, supported by evidence. The more evidence, the stronger the theory, but they are always subject to change as new discoveries and technologies come along.

You should be able to explain this in your own words. Indirect observations are IMPORTANT, USEFUL, but not PROOF. Thus theories change over time.

Interior of the Earth:We have no _______________ observations of the interior of the Earth – cannot dig through to China, no Journey to the Center of the Earth Attempts to dig through crust:

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Indirect observations that support the current model of the Earth’s interior:Energy waves created by ___________________ change speed and direction when they pass from one substance to another

Careful observation of energy waves from earthquakes show this happening:

1909 Croatian Andrija Mohorovicic observes waves arriving off –center from predicted pathway. Suggests second layer/substance within the Earth: ________________

The boundary between the layers is named for him: _____________________ Discontinuity

1913 German Beno Gutenberg observes additional offset of waves. Suggests a third layer within the Earth: __________

The boundary between these layers is named for him: ________________ Discontinuity

1936 Dane Inge Lehmann observes yet another offset. Suggests the core has an _____________ __________________ Current model:Lithosphere- includes ________________ & upper portion of the ___________________Crust : outermost layer of solid rock

Thin compared to the interior layers of Earth

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Light, rigid, surface layer. Thickest where there are __________________s, thinnest under the ____________

Mantle: beneath the crust, ___________ layer that has properties of a __________________.

Asthenosphere: slush-like portion of the __________________, temperature and pressure cause it to act like a liquid and to move beneath the crust in currents, even though it is still a _________________

Outer core: nickel and iron in ________________ formTemperature hot enough to keep it _________________

Inner core: nickel and iron in _____________________ formTemperature hotter than outer core

Solid due to “___________________ __________________” Immense pressure overcomes the effect of increased temperature. Molecules do not have enough energy to get away from one another.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

The Earth behaves as if it is a huge _______________It has ________ poles, like any other magnet. These are NOT

the same as the geographic poles. The exact location of the magnetic poles changes over time.

Rotation:The Earth __________ on its axsis once every _______ hours.This creates __________ and _____________It turns _________ degrees of _________________ per hour.

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Time calculations – Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific TimeGreenwich Mean Time _______ hours ahead of Eastern time.

Earth Science Chapter 2 and Measurements Review

What tool do scientists use to measure mass? What is the basic metric unit for mass?

What tool do scientists use to measure weight?

What tool do scientists use to measure time? What is the basic unit for time?

What tool do scientists use to measure length? What is the basic metric unit for length?

What tool do scientists use to measure volume of liquids and irregular objects? What is the basic metric unit for volume?

Describe how to properly measure the volume of a liquid.

Describe how to properly determine the volume of an irregular object.

What tools do scientists use to measure and then calculate the volume of a regular object like a cube or block?

Describe how to do this properly.

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How many meters are there in one kilometer? In one hectometer?

In one decameter?

How many decimeters are there in one meter?

How many centimeters are there in one meter?

How many millimeters are there in one meter?

Write the Prefix chart we use to “hop/slide” the decimal point to convert metric units from one to another.

How many cm are equal to 350 mm? How many km = 22200 m?

How many hL are equal to 75 daL? How many mg = 12 kg?

Use the unit factor method to determine how many eggs there are in 12 dozen.

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Use the unit factor method to determine how many minutes are in 4 days.

When you write a number in scientific notation, what is the general form?

Write 2,000,000 in scientific notation:

Write 435 in scientific notation:

Write .000495 in scientific notation:

Write 2.6 x 10-5 in standard notation:

Write 1.9 x 104 in standard notation:

Write 3.5 x 103 in standard notation:

What is the goal of science?

List the steps of the scientific method:

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Why is having a control group important? What does it ensure?

What is a hypothesis?

Can a scientific theory “grow up” to become a scientific law? Explain.

When scientists collect data in an experiment they can share them with others in the form of:

Explain density.

What is the formula for calculating density?

What is the density of an object that has a mass of 25 g and a volume of 5 ml?

An object that has a mass of 36 g is placed in a graduated cylinder of water. Before the object was in the cylinder, there were 105 ml of water in it. The new water level is 111 ml. What is the density of the object?

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What is the formula for calculating volume when you know the mass and density of an object?

If an object has a density of 15g/ml and a mass of 45 g, what is its volume?

If an object has a mass of 125g and a density of 5g/ml, what is its volume?

What is the formula for calculating the mass of an object when you know its density and volume?

If an object has a density of 20g/ml and a volume of 20 ml, what is its mass?

If an object has a volume of 7ml and a density of 20g/ml, what is its mass?

Chapter 3 Final Study Guide

You need to know the three types of map projection. They show the Earth as if a…… was placed upon it. Sounds like a fill-in –the blank or matching type of question (hint)


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What are the advantages and disadvantages of each projection? Check your book and your grapefruit lab. There should be at least two advantages for each!




Section 3.2

What does USGS stand for?

Who founded this organization and what are they supposed to do?

Explain plane-table surveying.

How do aerial photography and radar technology help cartographers make better maps?

What organization developed, owns and operates the satellites that make GPS possible?

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How many does it take to triangulate information for your GPS reciever?

In the 1500’s , who created a map projection that made sea navigation much easier?

Newton said the Earth wasn’t a globe, it was a ___________________, because it had bumps and bulges due to gravity.

Greenwich prime Meridian ?

Section 3.3

What is a contour map? How is it different from a regular street map?

What is a contour line?

What is a contour interval?

What are the rules for Contour lines – What must they never do (4 things)

You need to be able to identify lines of latitude and lines of longitude

You need to be able to use a scale on a map to figure distance between two points.

You need to be able to read latitude and longitude on a map.

You need to be able to read a contour map (tell elevation, judge steepness, identify streams, buildings, bridges…

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