
Do Now: June 1, 2015Take out a blank piece of paper for Do Now and Cornell NotesDO NOW

Which word best describes the Roman family system?• a. matriarchal• b. patriarchal• c. democratic• d. monotheistic

In Roman values, the virtue of loving one’s country more than oneselfwas known as?

• a. gravitas• b. civic virtue• c. loyalty• d. minerva

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• Patriarchal [p. 498]: means centered around males, or men

• Civic virtue [p. 501]: In Roman times it meant loving your country more than loving yourself. Today, it means a willingness to serve your country. Example: serving in the military.

From Republic to Empire


• Timeline 44 B.C. “Caesar: Dictator for Life: Transition from Republic to Empire”

Gaius Julius Caesar


Questions and Titles From Republic to Empire


How did the growth of the empire cause problems?

• The empire grew. With every new victory slaves were brought back to Italy. There were more slaves then citizens, this caused unrest.

Why do you think that this would cause unrest?

Questions and Titles From Republic to Empire


How did the growth of the empire cause problems?

The empire grew. With every new victory, slaves were brought back to Italy. There were more slaves then citizens, this caused unrest.

Who is Julius Caesar?• Romans wanted a strong leader to restore order.

Julius Caesar was a great military hero, many people loved him. Although he crossed the Rubicon River and caused a year long civic war, he took power in 44 B.C and declared himself “Dictator for Life.”

Fun Facts

What country did Julius Caesar form an alliance with?

Questions and Titles From Republic to Empire


How did the growth of the empire cause problems?

The empire grew. With every new victory, slaves were brought back to Italy. There were more slaves then citizens, this caused unrest.

Romans wanted a strong leader to to restore order. Julius Caesar was a great military hero, many people loved him. Although he crossed the Rubicon River, which caused a year long civic war, he took power in 44 B.C and declared himself “Dictator for Life.”

Who is Julius Caesar?

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

• Caesar had many enemies. Citizens and Senators of Rome did not like how he ended the republic. A group of senators stabbed him to death.

Questions and Titles From Republic to Empire


How did the growth of the empire cause problems?

The empire grew. With every new victory, slaves were brought back to Italy. There were more slaves then citizens, this caused unrest.

Romans wanted a strong leader to to restore order. Julius Caesar was a great military hero, many people loved him. Although he crossed the Rubicon River and caused a year long civil war, he took power in 44 B.C and declared himself “Dictator for Life.”

Who is Julius Caesar?

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

Caesar had many enemies. Citizens and Senators of Rome did not like how he ended the republic. A group of senators stabbed him to death.

Questions and Titles From Republic to Empire


Who became Rome’s first emperor?

After Caesar’s assassination, Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian wasgranted the title “Augustus,” which meant ‘great and holy one.’Augustus ruled the Roman Empire for 40 years and during this timebegan a great period of peace.

What was Pax Romana?

Pax Romana means ‘Roman Peace’ and was a long period ofRoman prosperity [wealth] and time of peace that began during the rule of Emperor Augustus.

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