
Latitude and Longitude

Do NowDraw a map of this classroom. Use

a key to label 5 important items in this room.

LatitudeLines that run east and westShow the distance north or south of the equator.

Called parallels: they are parallel to each other, are always the same distance apart, and never meet.

Lines of Latitude

EquatorLine that is halfway between the North and South Poles

Divides the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemisphere and is marked 0 degrees

Equator on Globe

Equator on Map

LongitudeLines that run north and southShow the distance (in degrees) east

or west of the Prime MeridianCalled meridians: run from the

North Pole to the South Pole, they meet at the Earth’s poles, and they are farthest apart from each other at the Equator.

Lines of Longitude

Prime MeridianLine that runs north and south through Greenwich, England, near the city of London

Divides the eastern and western hemisphere and is marked 0 degrees

Prime Meridian on Globe

Prime Meridian on Map

Applying Latitude and Longitude

Wrap Up

Which direction to lines of latitude run? What do they measure? Which direction do lines on longitude run? What do they measure?

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