
Do e-cigarettes helpsmokers kick the habit?

10 facts about e-cigarettes

According to Public Health England, E-Cigarettes first came onto the

UK market in 2007

Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014


6.1 million people in Great Britain current or former users of e-cigarettes

Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

That’s 3.9 million former users...


...and 2.2 million current users

Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

59% of current users of e-cigarette also

use cigarettes

2.2mE-cigarette users

in the UK

59%also used cigarettes


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

Half (53%) of the 2.2 million current e-cigarette users said their main reason for vaping was to

help them quit smoking.

0 25 50 75 100


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

Most people (67%) use an e-cigarette on a daily basis and a further 19% use one at

least once a week.

7%7%19%67%Daily basis Once a week

(less than daily)Once a month(less than weekly)Less than once a month


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

More than one in five (22%) vaped because they felt e-cigarettes were less harmful than cigarettes.


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

0 25 50 75 100


of e-cig users felt vapour exposure was damaging

who have never smoked or used e-cigs felt vapour exposure was damaging



20% off all current and ex e-cig users felt exposure to vapour was damaging to others, compared with 41% of those who have never smoked or vaped.


felt that e-cigarettes were less harmful than cigarettes.


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

Almost three quarters of all those surveyed felt that e-cigarettes were less harmful than cigarettes.


Source: The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, ONS, 2014

Read the full survey here,


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