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Transcript Friends, First of all thanks for visiting my blog. I added Search option for my blog, you can easily search for a particular topic using Google Search. If you are facing any issues, or if you have any questions please mail me at [email protected] Thanks. Coming into the Topic.What is DNS?DNS stands for Domain Naming Server, it is a standard of naming domains in any operational environment (Windows,Linux,Solaris,Any environment). It is a server which contains a database of all the domains and all the servers which are associated with those domains. Why it is Used? Its a service dedicated to identify all the machines (domains & member servers) in a network. To make this possible, every machine has to be registered in the authoritative DNS server of that network. That means every operational network should have a dedicated DNS server to enable identification and communication between the machines. How it works? As i said, it is dedicatedly used for identification, in technical words for name resolution. Every machine in a network has a dedicated IP address & hostname as its identity. Whenever a machine tries to communicate with another machine on the network it should first identify the second machine, that means it should know the ip address of that particular machine. After knowing the identity (i.e ip address), it will directly communicates with the second machine. So to speak, a machine should know the ip address of the another machine, with which its going to communicate before it starts. Another question Why the hostnames are used, if the machine already have an identity in the terms of IP address? Hostname is an English word which is useful for Human remembrance. It is impossible for a human being to remember lots of IP addresses, but it is possible to remember English names of the same hosts (as we configure the hostnames generally with employee name or department name or location name etc). For example we can remember but not its ip address, because we are not having only one website on the internet. To sum up Hostnames and IP addresses both are used to identification and communication between two machines in a network. But machines are only able to communicate with the IP addresses and which are impossible to remember for Humans (Keep in mind machines never communicate with hostnames). To solve this situation DNS was implemented. It basically contains a database of host records in a network. A host record contains Hostname : IP address, see the image below for better under standing. Out Internet is purely depended on DNS, when we access a particular website we will give its English name, when we press ENTER immediately the machines starts finding the IP address of the website using the DNS server configured on it. I will explain the name resolution process in details. And one more thing about the DNS is, it is the only largest database on the internet which changes every second. If this database goes down by a chance, we must remember all the ip addresses to access the internet. hahaha it will not happen, why because we have so many backup solutions already implemented.

How the name resolution takes place? I will explain this concept with internet as an example. Before that i want you to check some settings on your machine. Check the TCP/IP properties and see whether DNS server is configured or not. If you are seeing obtain automatically option, open command prompt and type ipconfig /all and press Enter. You will get DNS servers information along with your machines IP address. Now lets talk about the scenario, When you try to open a website like, what happens next? how your machine gets IP address of the Here it goes.1. The request sent to the DNS server which is configured on your machine.2. The DNS server checks for the host record of in its database, if it contains a record for, it will directly send response with the IP address of Otherwise it starts requesting another DNS server.3. Before it goes to another DNS server, how it identifies which DNS server is responsible for this request ? It checks the entire hostname (it is called as FQDN : Fully Qualified Domain Name), i.e in googles case (note the FQDN ends with a period, and this period is called as root domain). 4. Every DNS server contains a roothint file associated with it, and the same will be used to identify the responsible DNS server. Root hint file contains Master DNS servers information. Here you go it looks like this. These are the master DNS servers for .com, .net, .edu, .org domains etc. 5. So in your case, the domain is .com, DNS server sends request to .com master DNS server (for ex: assume it as, the .com master DNS server contains name server records for all machines ending with .com . That means it definitely contains DNS server IP address for In the same way it contains all .com servers, & so on. 6. It does not contain the IP address of, it contains DNS server IP of 7. So then the request is forwarded to DNS server, in that server you will have a host record with the name www and its IP address. Finally you reached it. With the found IP address the request comes back as a response in the same reverse way to the DNS server which is configured in your machine, that DNS server tells the IP address of to your machine. 8. This process happens in milliseconds in the background. i.e by the time you will get Website found waiting for reply message in the status bar of your internet explorer. 9. Oh my god!!!! Is that simple? Yes it is. The same process occurs in corporate networks also. But the requests are handled by their local DNS servers only. In my previous discussion about Understanding DNS, you learned most of the basic things related to DNS. In this post i want to elaborate more about DNS. Let's start... DNS RecordsThere are so many records associated with a DNS Server. Name resolution process does not happen in a proper way with out these records.As you know the DNS server main purpose is to resolve the host names to IP's and vice versa. A Record : Contains information about IP address. It is helpful in resolving host names to IP addresses. PTR Record : Pointer record, contains information about host name. It is helpful in resolving IP address to hostname. CNAME Record : Alias of A Record. It is helpful in giving multiple names to a single host. Which means, the same host is able to provide multiple services. In that case, for segregation of service and to communicate with that service we need to give different names to each service. Even though these services are hosted on a single server, but we can send our request to the target service. CNAME record was helpful in identifying and communicating with that service on that server. MX Record : It is a record helpful in identifying the mail server in a DNS domain (for that organization) NS Record : It is a record helpful in identifying the DNS server in a DNS domain (for that organization) SRV Record : This record is created when we install a service which is DNS dependent. It is automatically generated and will be associated with a specific IP address. It is called as Service record. SOA Record : Start of Authority record, this is not a record associated with any IP address. But it is associated with a number, which determines the update number. What ever the update, when ever it is done this number will be incremented.These are the records associated with each and every server in this world. A fact is that " DNS is the biggest database in the world and that is the only one which gets updated every second " And this database is not located at a single place, it is spread across the world in different places like, different companies, different ISP's, different homes etc. And the name resolution process is explained in my previous post Understanding DNS. That is the reason why, a DNS request goes to different location to get the correct answer. In my next article related to DNS, i will discuss about HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT DNS PROBLEMS, KEEP VISITING OR SUBSRCIBE NOW TO GET THE LATEST POST UPDATES.

___________________________________________________________________________________Introduction to DNS RecordsUpdatedTuesday, January 20, 2015by Elle KroutThe Domain Name System (DNS) is the Internets address book. DNS directs web traffic to your Linode and email to your inbox by mapping memorable domain names likeexample.comto IP addresses like12.34.56.78or0123:4567:89ab:cdef:0123:4567:89ab:cdef. This guide introduces basic DNS concepts and the different types of DNS records.How DNS WorksBefore adding any DNS records, you should learn the basics of DNS. Youll start by dissecting a domain name, and then youll learn about the mechanics of DNS resolution, including name servers, zone files, and individual DNS records.Domain NamesDomain names are best understood by reading from right to left. The broadest domain classification is on the right, and become more specific as you move to the left. In the examples below, the top-level domain, orTLD,

Every term to the left of the TLD and separated by a period is considered a more specific subdomain, although conventionally, first-level subdomains plus their TLDs ( are referred to as domains. Moving to the left,helloandmailare the second- and third-level subdomains, respectively. Typically, subdomains are used to uniquely identify specific machines or services, but this is left up to the domain owner.Name ServersChoosing and specifyingname serversis an essential part of domain ownership. If you dont, the Internet wont know where to find your DNS information, and your domain wont resolve. Name servers host a domains DNS information in a text file called thezone file. Theyre are also known as Servers of Authority (SOAs). You can host your DNS information on name servers in one of several locations: Linode (recommended) Your registrar Your own DNS server Third-party DNS hostingUsing Linodes free name servers is the easiest approach, because Linode provides a default zone file with all the right IP addresses for your website and email. For basic DNS setups and many advanced ones, Linodes name servers will work beautifully. However, you can also look into the options offered by your registrar and third-party DNS hosts, or host your own DNS if you want to take control of as much of the DNS process as possible.Youll specify name servers on your domain registrars website. Theyll take care of publishing that information to the higher-level name servers. Youll want to specify at least two name servers. That way, if one of them is down, the next one can continue to serve your DNS information.DNS Records and Zone FilesThe next aspect of DNS management is specifying DNS records, which actually match domain names to IP addresses. The DNS records are then automatically bundled up into a zone file, which is what allows the Internet to look up the correct IP address for your domain. If you decide to use Linodes name servers, our DNS Manager will help you create a default zone file. It contains records similar to the following:123456789101112; [448369]$TTL 86400@ IN SOA 2013062147 14400 14400 1209600 86400@ NS NS NS NS NS MX 10 A A A

Every domains zone file contains the admins email address, the name servers, and the DNS records. Of course, you are not limited to these default entries. You can create a variety of DNS records for as many different subdomains as you wish. To learn how to add individual DNS records using the DNS Manager, readthis article.DNS ResolutionSo how does DNS actually work? First, the domain name needs to get translated into your Linodes IP address. DNS matches human-friendly domain names likeexample.comto computer-friendly IP addresses like12.34.56.78. This happens in a special text file called azone file, which lists domains and their corresponding IP addresses (and a few other things). A zone file is a lot like a phone book that matches names with street addresses.Heres how the DNS lookup process works:1. You type a domain name likeexample.comin to the address bar.2. Your computer connects to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP).3. The ISPsDNS resolverqueries aroot nameserverfor the proper TLD nameserver. In other words, it asks the root nameserver, Where can I find the nameserver for.comdomains?4. The root nameserver responds with the IP address for the.comnameserver.5. The ISPs DNS resolver visits the.comnameserver, using the IP address it got from the root nameserver. It asks the.comnameserver, Where can I find the nameserver The.comnameserver responds with the IP address for theexample.comnameserver.7. The ISPs DNS resolver visits your domains nameserver and reads the zone file.8. The zone file shows which IP address goes with the domain.9. Now that the ISP has the IP address, it connects you to your Linode.10. Apache handles everything after that, ensuring that the correct files and folders get displayed in your visitors browser.

The scenario described above is what happens if the ISP has no current information about the requested domain. In actuality, ISPs cache a lot of DNS information after theyve looked it up the first time. This results in faster lookups and less strain on DNS servers. Usually caching is a good thing, but it can be a problem if youve recently made a change to your DNS information, like when you move to Linode from a different hosting provider. In those cases, youll want to pay attention to your zone filestime to live (TTL)so that your DNS change happens as quickly as possible.Types of DNS RecordsA and AAAAAnA recordmatches up a domain (or subdomain) to an IP address. In other words, it points your domain name to your Linodes IP address, which allows web traffic to reach your Linode. This is the core functionality of DNS. A typical A record looks like the A

You can also make A records for subdomains you want to direct to your A

You can point different subdomains to different IP addresses.If you want to pointeverysubdomain ofexample.comto your Linodes IP, you can use an asterisk (***) as your subdomain:1* A

AnAAAA recordis just like an A record, but for IPv6 IP addresses. A typical AAAA record looks like the AAAA 0123:4567:89ab:cdef:0123:4567:89ab:cdef

AXFRAnAXFR recordis a type of DNS record used for DNS replication, although there are also more modern ways to do DNS replication. AXFR records are not used in ordinary zone files. Rather, they are used on aslave DNS serverto replicate the zone file from amaster DNS server. For an example of how to configure Linodes nameservers as slave DNS servers using AXFR, visit thisguide about configuring DNS on cPanel.CNAMEACNAME recordorCanonical Name recordmatches up a domain (or subdomain) to a different domain. With a CNAME record, DNS lookups use the target domains DNS resolution as the aliass resolution. Heres an CNAME A

With this setup, whenalias.comis requested, the initial DNS lookup will find the CNAME entry with the target A new DNS lookup will be started, which will find the IP address12.34.56.78. Finally, visitors toalias.comwill be directed to12.34.56.78.CNAME records exist so that domains can have aliases. You should not use a CNAME record for a domain that gets email, because some mail servers handle mail oddly for domains with CNAME records. Likewise, MX records cannot reference CNAME-defined hostnames. Also, the target domain for a CNAME record should have a normal A-record resolution. Chaining or looping CNAME records is not recommended.In some cases, a CNAME record can be an effective way to redirect traffic from one domain to another while keeping the same URL. However, keep in mind that a CNAME record does not function the same way as a URL redirect. A CNAME record directs web traffic for a particular domain to the target domains IP address. Once the visitor reaches that IP address, the local Apache (or other web server) configuration will determine how the domain is handled. If that domain is not configured on the server, the server will simply display its default web page (if any). This may or may not be the web page for the target domain in the CNAME record, depending on how the server is configured.DKIMADKIM recordordomain keys identified mail recorddisplays the public key for authenticating messages that have been signed with the DKIM protocol. This practice increases the capability to check mail authenticity. A typical DKIM record looks like the TXT k=rsa;p=J8eTBu224i086iK

DKIM records are implemented as text records. The record must be created for a subdomain, which has a unique selector for that key, then a period (.), and The type is TXT, and the value includes the type of key, followed by the actual key.MXAnMX recordormail exchange recordsets the mail delivery destination for a domain (or subdomain). A typical MX record looks like the MX 10 A

The above records direct mail forexample.comto themail.example.comserver. The target domain (mail.example.comabove) needs to have its own A record that resolves to your Linode. Ideally, an MX record should point to a domain that is also thehostnamefor its server.Your MX records dont necessarily have to point to your Linode. If youre using a third-party mail service, likeGoogle Apps, you should use the MX records they provide.Priorityis another component of MX records. This is the number written between the record type and the target server (10 in the example above). Priority allows you to designate a fallback server (or servers) for mail for a particular domain. Lower numbers have a higher priority. Heres an example of a domain that has two fallback mail MX 10 MX 20 MX 30

In this example, ifmail_1.example.comis down, mail will be delivered Ifmail_2.example.comis also down, mail will be delivered recordsorname server recordsset the nameservers for a domain (or subdomain). The primary nameserver records for your domain are set both at your registrar and in your zone file. Typical nameserver records (you need at least two) look like NS NS NS NS NS

The nameservers you designate at your registrar then carry the zone file for your domain.You can also set up different nameservers for any of your subdomains. Subdomain NS records get configured in your primary domains zone file. For example, if youre using Linodes nameservers, you could configure separate NS records in your Linode zone file for the subdomainmail.example.comas shown NS NS

Primary nameservers get configured at your registrar; secondary subdomain nameservers get configured in the primary domains zone file. The order of NS records does not matter; DNS requests are sent randomly to the different servers, and if one host fails to respond, another one will be queried.PTRAPTR recordorpointer recordmatches up an IP address to a domain (or subdomain), allowing reverse DNS queries to function. It performs the opposite service an A record does, in that it allows you to look up the domain associated with a particular IP address, instead of vice versa.PTR records are usually set with your hosting provider. They are not part of your domains zone file. This means that youll always set reverse DNS for your Linodes in the Linode Manager, even if your nameservers are elsewhere. Likewise, if you have servers somewhere else but are using Linodes nameservers, you will still have to set up your PTR records with your hosting provider.As a prerequisite for adding a PTR record, you need to create a valid, live A or AAAA record that points the desired domain to that IP. If you want an IPv4 PTR record, point the domain (or subdomain) to your Linodes IPv4 address. If you want an IPv6 PTR record, point the domain to your Linodes IPv6 address. Beyond that, IPv4 and IPv6 PTR records work the same way.For instructions on setting up reverse DNS on your Linode, see ourReverse DNSguide.Its possible to have different IPs (including both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) that have the same domain set for reverse DNS. To do this, you will have to configure multiple A or AAAA records for that domain that point to the various IPs.SOAAnSOA recordorStart of Authority recordlabels a zone file with the name of the host where it was originally created. Next, it lists the contact email address for the person responsible for the domain. There are also various numbers, which well get into in detail in a moment. First, heres a typical SOA record:1@ IN SOA 2013062147 14400 14400 1209600 86400

The administrative email address is written with a period (.) instead of an at symbol ().Heres what the numbers mean: Serial number: The revision number for this domains zone file. It changes when the file gets updated. Refresh time: The amount of time (in seconds) a secondary DNS server will keep the zone file before it checks for changes. Retry time: The amount of time a secondary DNS server will wait before retrying a failed zone file transfer. Expire time: The amount of time a secondary DNS server will wait before expiring its current zone file copy if it cannot update itself. Minimum TTL: The minimum amount of time other servers should keep data cached from this zone file.The single nameserver mentioned in the SOA record is considered the primary master for the purposes of Dynamic DNS and is the server where zone file changes get made before they are propagated to all other nameservers.SPFAnSPF recordorSender Policy Framework recordlists the designated mail servers for a domain (or subdomain). It helps establish the legitimacy of your mail server and reduces the chances of spoofing, which occurs when someone fakes the headers on an email to make it look like its coming from your domain, even though the message did not originate from your Linode. Spammers sometimes try to do this to get around spam filters. An SPF record for your domain tells other receiving mail servers which outgoing server(s) are valid sources of email, so they can reject spoofed email from your domain that has originated from unauthorized servers. A very basic SPF record looks like the TXT "v=spf1 a ~all"

In your SPF record, you should list all the mail servers from which you send mail, and then exclude all the others. Your SPF record will have a domain or subdomain, type (which is TXT, or SPF if your name server supports it), and text (which starts with v=spf1 and contains the SPF record settings).If your Linode is the only mail server you use, you should be able to use the example record above. With this SPF record, the receiving server will check the IP addresses of both the sending server and the IP address of If the IPs match, the check passes. If not, the check will soft fail (i.e., the message will be marked but will not automatically be rejected for failing the SPF check).Make sure your SPF records are not too strict. If you accidentally exclude a legitimate mail server, its messages could get marked as spam. We strongly recommend visiting to learn how SPF records work and how to construct one that works for your setup. Theirexamplesare also helpful.SRVAnSRV recordorservice recordmatches up a specific service that runs on your domain (or subdomain) to a target domain. This allows you to direct traffic for specific services, like instant messaging, to another server. A typical SRV record looks like the SRV 10 0 5060

Heres a breakdown of the elements in an SRV record: Service: The name of the service must be preceded by an underscore (_) and followed by a period (.). The service could be something like_xmpp. Protocol: The name of the protocol must be proceeded by an underscore (_) and followed by a period (.). The protocol could be something like_tcp. Domain: The name of the domain that will receive the original traffic for this service. Priority: The first number (10in the example above) allows you to set the priority for the target server. You can set different targets with different priorities, which allows you to have a fallback server (or servers) for that service. Lower numbers have a higher priority. Weight: If two records have the same priority, weight is used instead. Port: The TCP or UDP port on which the service runs. Target: The target domain or subdomain. This domain must have an A or AAAA record that resolves to an IP address.An example use of SRV records would be to set upFederated VoIP.TXTATXT recordortext recordprovides information about the domain in question to other resources on the Internet. Its a flexible type of DNS record that can serve many different purposes depending on the specific contents. One common use of the TXT record is to create anSPF recordon nameservers that dont natively support SPF. Another use is to create aDKIM recordfor mail signing. _______________________________________________________________________DNS Records Explained with ExamplesDNS(Domain Name System), is the service which translates between Internet names and Internet addresses.Internet names are the names which we use to refer to hosts on the Internet, such as addresses are the numbers which routers use to move traffic across the Internet, such as and

What are DNS Records ?

DNS records or Zone files are used for mapping URLs to an IPs. Located on servers called the DNS servers, these records are typically the connection of your website with the outside world. Requests for your website are forwarded to your DNS servers and then get pointed to the WebServers that serve the website or to Email servers that handle the incoming email.

Different Types of DNS Records With Syntax and ExamplesTypes of DNS RecordsAAAAACNAMEMXPTRNSSOASRVTXTNAPTRThe above DNS records are mostly used in all DNS Configurations. Now we will see each one with examples.

A Record

An A record oraddressrecord.

Address Record, assigns an IP address to a domain orsubdomainname. When the domain name system was designed it was recommended that no two A records refer to the same IP address.Suppose you have the somedomain.tld domain and want to assign IP address to your web server, then you should create an A record with "www.somedomain.tld" as Fully Qualified Domain Name and "" in the value field.

From now on, all the requests for www.somedomain.tld will be sent to a server with that IP.

Basically is useful to use an A record when you have subdomains residing on various systems.

Usefultip: you might use a "*.somedomain.tld" A record to allow WHATEVER.somedomain.tld to be resolved to your IP, though a wildcard CNAME record is often better than a wildcard A record.

Example of A Record with Syntax IN A


IN indicates Internet

A indicates the Address record.

The above example indicate that the IP Address for the domain is

AAAA Record

An AAAA record or IPv6 address record maps a hostname to a 128-bit IPv6 address.

The regularDNSAddressresource record is defined for a 32-bit IPv4 address, so a new one was created to allow a domain name to be associated with a 128-bit IPv6 address. The four As (AAAA) are a mnemonic to indicate that the IPv6 address is four times the size of the IPv4 address. The AAAA record is structured in very much the same way as the A record in bothbinaryand master file formats; it is just much larger. The DNS resource record Type value for AAAA is 28.

Example of AAAA Record with Syntax

The AAAA record is to help transition and coexistence between IPv4 and IPv6 networks.An IPv4 nameserver can provide IPv6 addresses:

linux aaaa 3ffe:1900:4545:2:02d0:09ff:fef7:6d2c

CNAME Record

A CNAME record or canonical name record makes one domain name an alias of another. The aliased domain gets all the subdomains and DNS records of the original.

You should use a CNAME record whenever you want associate a new subdomain to an already existing A record; i.e. you can make "www.somedomain.tld" to "somedomain.tld", which should already have been assigned an IP with an A record.

This allows you to have as many subdomains as you wish without having to specify the IP for every record. Use a CNAME if you have more services pointing to the same IP. This way you will have to update only one record in the convenience of a change of IP address.

Example of a CNAME record: " CNAME" where '' is an A record listing an IP address, and '' points to ''. It will NOT allow you to foward a domain to a specific web page. Use a webhop for that. Port numbers can be changed with webhops, as well; CNAMEs cannot change the HTTP default of 80 to any other port number.

Do not use CNAME defined hostnames in MX records. For example, this is not recommended

Example Of CNAME With syntax IN CNAME


IN indicates Internet

CNAME indicates CNAME record.

MX Record

An MX record or mail exchange record maps a domain name to a list of mail exchange servers for that domain.Example with MX Record Syntax - Single mail servers 14400 IN MX 0

The MX record shows that all emails @ should be routed to the mail server at The DNS record shows that is located at This means that email meant for [email protected] will be routed to the email server at This finishes the task of the MX record. The email server on that server then takes over, collects the email and then proceeds to distribute it to the user ``test''.

It is important that there be a dot(``.'') after the domain name in the MX record. If the dot is absent, it routes to ``''. The number 0, indicates Preferance number. Mail is always routed to the server which has the lowest Preferance number. If there is only one mail server, it is safe to mark it 0.

Using Multiple mail servers

If you want to use multiple mail servers you have to use MX record preferences.The MX record preference values indicate which mail server to use and in which order to try them when they fail or don't respond. A larger preference number is less preferred. Thus, a mail exchanger with a preference of zero (0) is always preferred over all other mail exchangers. Setting preference values to equal numbers makes mail servers equally preferred.

Example with MX Record Syntax - Multiple mail servers 14400 IN MX 0 14400 IN MX 30

You can have unlimited MX entries for Fallback or backup purpose.If all the MX records are equal Preference numbers, the client simply attempts all equal Preference servers in random order, and then goes to MX record with the next highest Preference number.

PTR Record

A PTR record or pointer record maps an IPv4 address to the canonical name for that host. Setting up a PTR record for a hostname in the domain that corresponds to an IP address implements reverse DNS lookup for that address. For example has the IP address, but a PTR record maps

Example of PTR Record with syntax IN PTR

Here as you see the IP Address is reversed and added with and this has come to the left side while the actual domain name has gone to right side of IN PTR.

This is mostly used as a security and an anti-spam measure wherein most of the webservers or the email servers do a reverse DNS lookup to check if the host is actually coming from where it claims to come from. It is always advisable to have a proper reverse DNS record (PTR) is been setup for your servers especially when you are running a mail / smtp server.

NS Record

An NS record or name server record maps a domain name to a list of DNS servers authoritative for that domain. Delegations depend on NS records.

NS Record Name Server Record which indicates the Authoritative Name Servers for a particular Domain. The NS records of the Authoritative Name Server for any given Domain will be listed on the Parent Server. These are called as the Delegation Records as these records on the Parent Server indicates the delegation of the domain to the Authoritative servers.

The NS record will also be listed in the Zone records of the Authoritative Name Server itself. These records are called as the Authoritative Records.

The NS records found on the Parent Server should match the NS records on the Authoritative Server as well. However, you can have NS records listed on the Authoritative server that is not listed in the Parent Server. This arrangement is normally used to configure Stealth Name Servers.

Example of NS Record With syntax IN NS


IN indicates the Internet

NS indicates the type of record which Name Server record

The above indicates that the is the authoritative server for the domain

SOA Record

An SOA record or start of authority record specifies the DNS server providing authoritative information about an Internet domain, the email of the domain administrator, the domain serial number, and several timers relating to refreshing the zone.

An SOA(State of Authority) Record is the most essential part of a Zone file. The SOA record is a way for the Domain Administrator to give out simple information about the domain like, how often it is updated, when it was last updated, when to check back for more info, what is the admins email address and so on. A Zone file can contain only one SOA Record.

A properly optimized and updated SOA record can reduce bandwidth between nameservers, increase the speed of website access and ensure the site is alive even when the primary DNS server is down.

Example of SOA Record with syntax

Here is the SOA record. Notice the starting bracket ``(``. This has to be on the same line, otherwise the record gets broken.

; name TTL class rr Nameserver 14400 IN SOA (2004123001 ; Serial number86000 ; Refresh rate in seconds7200 ; Update Retry in seconds3600000 ; Expiry in seconds600 ; minimum in seconds )

name- is the main name in this zone.

TTL- 14400 - TTL defines the duration in seconds that the record may be cached by client side programs. If it is set as 0, it indicates that the record should not be cached. The range is defined to be between 0 to 2147483647 (close to 68 years !) .Class- IN - The class shows the type of record. IN equates to Internet. Other options are all historic. So as long as your DNS is on the Internet or Intranet, you must use IN.Nameserver- - The nameserver is the server which holds the zone files. It can be either an external server in which case, the entire domain name must be specified followed by a dot. In case it is defined in this zone file, then it can be written as ``ns'' .Email address- - This is the email of the domain name administrator. Now, this is really confusing, because people expect an @ to be in an email address. However in this case, email is sent to [email protected], but written as . And yes, remember to put the dot behind the domain name.

Serial number- 2004123001 - This is a sort of a revision numbering system to show the changes made to the DNS Zone. This number has to increment , whenever any change is made to the Zone file. The standard convention is to use the date of update YYYYMMDDnn, where nn is a revision number in case more than one updates are done in a day. So if the first update done today would be 2005301200 and second update would be 2005301201.Refresh- 86000 - This is time(in seconds) when the slave DNS server will refresh from the master. This value represents how often a secondary will poll the primary server to see if the serial number for the zone has increased (so it knows to request a new copy of the data for the zone). It can be written as ``23h88M'' indicating 23 hours and 88 minutes. If you have a regularInternetserver, you can keep it between 6 to 24 hours.

Retry- 7200 - Now assume that a slave tried to contact the master server and failed to contact it because it was down. The Retry value (time in seconds) will tell it when to get back. This value is not very important and can be a fraction of the refresh value.

Expiry- 3600000 - This is the time (in seconds) that a slave server will keep a cached zone file as valid, if it can't contact the primary server. If this value were set to say 2 weeks ( in seconds), what it means is that a slave would still be able to give out domain information from its cached zone file for 2 weeks, without anyone knowing the difference. The recommended value is between 2 to 4 weeks.

Minimum- 600 - This is the default time(in seconds) that the slave servers should cache the Zone file. This is the most important time field in the SOA Record. If your DNS information keeps changing, keep it down to a day or less. Otherwise if your DNS record doesn't change regularly, step it up between 1 to 5 days. The benefit of keeping this value high, is that your website speeds increase drastically as a result of reduced lookups. Caching servers around the globe would cache your records and this improvessiteperformance.

SRV Record

The theory behind SRV is that given a known domain name e.g., a given service e.g. web (http) which runs on tcp in this case, a DNS query may be issued to find the host name that provides such on behalf of the domain - and which may or may not be within the domain.

Example of SRV Record with syntax ttl class rr pri weight port IN SRV 0 5 80


Defines the symbolic service name (see IANA port-numbers) prepended with a '_' (underscore). Case insensitive. Common values are:

_http - web service_ftp - file transfer service_ldap - LDAP service


Defines the protocol name (see IANA service-names) prepended with a '_' (underscore). Case insensitive. Common values are

_tcp - TCP protocol_udp - UDP protocol


Incomprehensible description in RFC 2782. Leaving the entry blank (without a dot) will substitute the current zone root (the $ORIGIN), or you can explicitly add it as in the above (with a dot).


Standard TTL parameter. For more information about TTL values.


The relative Priority of this service (range 0 - 65535). Lowest is highest priority.


Used when more than one service with same priority. A 16 bit unsigned integer in the range 0 - 65535. The value 0 indicates no weighting should be applied. If the weight is 1 or greater it is a relative number in which the highest is most frequently delivered i.e. given two SRV records both with Priority = 0, one with weight = 1 the other weight = 6, the one with weight 6 will have its RR delivered first 6 times out of 7 by the name server.


Normally the port number assigned to the symbolic service but does this is not a requirement e.g. it is permissible to define a _http service with a port number of 8100 rather than the more normal port 80.


The name of the host that will provide this service. Does not have to be in the same zone (domain).

TXT Record

A TXT record allows an administrator to insert arbitrary text into a DNS record. For example, this record is used to implement the Sender Policy Framework specification.

Example of TXT Record with syntax

SPF domains have to publish at least two directives: a version identifier and a default mechanism. TXT "v=spf1 -all"

This is the simplest possible SPF record: it means your domain never sends mail.

It makes sense to do this when a domain is only used for web services and doesn't do email.

MX servers send mail, designate them. TXT "v=spf1 mx -all"

Let's pretend has two MX servers, mx01 and mx02. They would both be allowed to send mail from

other machines in the domain also send mail, designate them. TXT "v=spf1 mx ptr -all"

This designates all the hosts whose PTR hostname match

any other machines not in the domain also send mail from that domain, designate them. TXT "v=spf1 mx ptr -all"'s IP address doesn't show up in its list of MX servers. So we add an "a" mechanism to the directive set to match it. TXT "v=spf1 a mx ptr -all"

This is shorthand for the same thing.

Each of your mail servers should have an SPF record also.When your mail servers create a bounce message, they will send it using a blank envelope sender: . When an SPF MTA sees a blank envelope sender, it will perform the lookup using the HELO domain name instead. These records take care of that scenario. TXT "v=spf1 a -all" TXT "v=spf1 a -all"

NAPTR Record

NAPTR records (NAPTR stands for "Naming Authority Pointer") are a newer type of DNS record that support regular expression based rewriting.

Example of NAPTR Record with syntax


NAPTR 10 100 "u" "E2U+sip" "!^.*$!sip:[email protected]!" .NAPTR 10 101 "u" "E2U+h323" "!^.*$!h323:[email protected]!" .NAPTR 10 102 "u" "E2U+msg" "!^.*$!mailto:[email protected]!" .

This record set maps the phone number +441632960083 onto three possible identically ordered URIs, with a preference for SIP, then H323, and finally email. In each case, the regular expression matches the full AUS (^.$), and replaces it with a URI (e.g., sip:[email protected]). As this is a terminal record, this URI is returned to the client.Though most NAPTR records replace the full AUS, it is possible for the regular expression to back-reference part of the AUS, to grab an extension number, say:


NAPTR 10 100 "u" "E2U+sip""!^+441632960(.*)$!sip:\[email protected]!" .

Once the client has the URI it must be resolved using DNS, but this is no longer part of the DDDS algorithm..

wildcard DNS record

A wildcard DNS record is a record in a DNS zone file that will match all requests for non-existent domain names, i.e. domain names for which there are no records at all.

______________________________________________________________________________Configure MX Records for Incoming SMTP E-Mail TrafficPosted onJanuary 7, 2009byDaniel PetriinExchange Serverwith0 CommentsHow do I configure and test the MX Record for my Internet Domain name?SponsoredExchange Monitoring Reporting DashboardMonitor vital messaging components with a one-look dashboard & avoid costly downtime. Mailscape makes your job easier by providing Exchange monitoring and reporting in a concise, easy-to-use solution.Test Drive Mailscape Today!When you want to run your own mail server, and it does not matter what version and make of mail server youre using as long as the mail server is using SMTP as the e-mail transfer mechanism youll need to configure the MX Records for your domain.MX is an acronym for Mail eXchange. MX is defined inRFC 1035. It specifies the name and relative preference of mail servers for the zone. MX is a DNS record used to define the host(s) willing to accept mail for a given domain. I.e. an MX record indicates which computer is responsible for handling the mail for a particular domain.Without proper MX Records for your domain, only internal e-mail will be delivered to your users. External e-mail from other mail servers in the world will not be able to reach your server simply because these foreign servers cannot tell to which server they need to talk (or open a connection to) in order to send the mail destined for that domain.You can have multiple MX records for a single domain name, ranked in preference order. If a host has three MX records, a mailer will try to deliver to all three before queuing the mail.MX Records must be in the following IN MX 10 Preference field is relative to any other MX Record for the zone and can be on any value between 0 and 65535. Low values are more preferred. The preferred value is usually 10 but this is just a convention, not a thumb rule. Any number of MX Records may be defined. If the host is in the domain it requires an A Record. MX Records do not need to point to a host in the same zone, i.e. an MX Record can.point to an A Record that is listed in any zone on that DNS or any other DNS server.External and Internet-connected networksWhen connecting your mail server to the Internet (or to another ex-organizational mailing system that uses SMTP) you must always make sure that the rest of the world can successfully resolve your domains MX Record. Failing to do so will cause e-mail traffic not to be delivered to you.In order to properly configure your domains MX Record you should contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or the party responsible for hosting your DNS Domain name. They will ask you for your FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) and IP address of your mail server. Make sure you know them.Whenyour mail server is connected directly to the InternetIn cases where no NAT (Network Address Translation) is being used and where your mail server is directly connected to the Internet, you will need to provide them with the FQDN and IP address of your mail server.Note:This is, by far, the least secure method for connecting a mail server to the Internet.Lets say you have the following LAN configuration:

In the above example you need to give the mail servers IP address as your MX Record.Domain name: dpetri.netRecord FQDNRecord TypeRecord ValueMX Pref



You should make sure the ISP has had all the necessary routing tables updated in order to provide Internet availability to your internal IP network range.Note:It doesnt matter if the real host name of the mail server is NOT mail. Internet hosts dont mind that, they just need to know whats the name of the mail server, and whats the IP address for that name.When NAT is being usedIn cases where NAT (Network Address Translation) is being used you will need to provide them with the IP address of your external NAT interface, and configure your NAT device with Static Mapping for TCP Port 25, and have all TCP Port 25 traffic forwarded to the internal IP address of your mail server.Lets say you have the following LAN configuration:

In the above example you need to give the NATs IP address as your MX Record.Domain name: dpetri.netRecord FQDNRecord TypeRecord ValueMX Pref



Note:Make sure you properly configure the NAT device to forward all TCP Port 25 traffic to a Mail Relay is being usedIn cases where you have a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) with a Mail Relay host (i.e. Linux, Windows 2000/2003 + IIS and SMTP, a dedicated appliance and so on) you will need to provide the FQDN and IP address of your Mail Relay machine, and configure the Firewall to only allow TCP Port 25 traffic to be sent to the Mail Relays IP address, not to your real mail server.You should then configure the Mail Relay to forward the incoming e-mail traffic to the real mail server (after scanning it for spam, viruses and so on).Lets say you have the following LAN configuration:


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SponsoredIn the above example you need to give the Mail Relays IP address as your MX Record.Domain name: dpetri.netRecord FQDNRecord TypeRecord ValueMX Pref



Note:Make sure you properly configure the Firewall device to forward all TCP Port 25 traffic to, and to allow to send TCP Port 25 traffic to your internal mail server at Also, make sure you let the internal mail server communicate only with the Mail Relay device and that you set up an SMTP Connector on the mail server and configure it to relay all external mail to the Mail Relay.Note:Some networks might use the Internet Router as their NAT device, and let the Firewall do just that. In those cases, the scenario is a mixture between option #2 (NAT) and this one.Internal networksAs stated above, there is usually no need to configure MX Records for internal use, simply because internal (i.e. inter-organization) e-mail and replication traffic is usually controlled via Active Directory-store information. However there are some cases where you will want to configure internal MX Records.While these MX Records will generally not cause any harm even if you configure them without actually needing them, you must pay close attention to various configuration issues, especially when Mail-Relays and Smart-Hosts are involved. Therefore I cannot say for sure if configuring non-necessary MX Records will cause any problems to your local network. If you do not know for sure (and this might be the case since youve bothered to read this article in the first place) I suggest you consult a network specialist before doing any changes.Fault ToleranceIn case your mail server fails youd like to still be able to receive incoming e-mail messages. Most small to medium sized companies will pay their ISPs some monthly fee and that will buy them storage space on the ISPs mail servers. For that to happen, a new MX Record will be added to their DNS information, pointing to the ISPs mail server with a higher priority. For example:Record FQDNRecord TypeRecord ValueMX Pref





Load BalancingMedium to large sized companies will want to configure some load balancing features for their incoming mail servers. For that to happen, the company must set up a number of mail servers, each one with a different IP address (actually, one can use Network Load Balancing NLB, or even clustering but thats a topic for a different article). Then new MX Records will be added to their DNS information, pointing to the mail servers, all with the same priority. For example:Record FQDNRecord TypeRecord ValueMX Pref









Testing the MX Record configurationTesting the MX Record configuration is critical especially when configuring it for the first time with a new ISP you dont know that well and so on. Use NSLOOKUP or DIG or any other DNS querying tool to make sure your records are set straight.Sample screenshot is of an NSLOOKUP test to Microsofts MX Records:

Also, make sure you can connect to the mail server by using the MX Record information. You can do so by using Telnet, as described in theSMTP, POP3 and Telnet in Exchange 2000/2003andTest SMTP Service in IIS and Exchangearticles.

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