  • 8/13/2019 DMS 2 Thickness Gauge Training


    DMS 2

    Versatile, easy to use A-Scan thickness

    gauge loaded with time saving features.

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    When unit is turned on, it

    goes to the TG ModeConfirms probe andmeasurement modes in one


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    Probe Selection - Dialog Probe

    Dialog Probe : Automatically

    selected by the instrument.Can not change selection.

    Sets up Gain, Gates, Mode

    and other probe selectionitems.

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    Probe Selection - Non-Dialog Probe

    User selects probe from list

    of probes available in theinstrument.

    Scroll the probe soft-key toreview all the probes in theprobe list.












    + Others

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    Measurement Mode

    Select Measurement Mode

    for application

    Non-Coated Material =DUAL

    Coated Material = DUAL-MULTI

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    DUAL Mode

    Measurement is made to

    the 1st backwall echo.

    Used for makingmeasurements when nocoatings are present on thetest object

    Carrot shows echo

    being measured

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    Measurement is made from

    the 1st backwall echo to the2nd backwall echo

    Requires 2 gate operation.

    Used for measuringmaterials with coatings areon the surface

    Carrots shows echoes

    being measured

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    Probe Zero Mode

    Probe zero measures thedelay times in the probe so

    the instrument knows whento start measuring the testmaterial.

    AUTO - automatically setszero (default)

    MANUAL - User has topress PRB ZERO key tozero the probe.

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    Thickness Calibration Options - 1 Point

    Calibrate to a known

    thickness sample or cal.Block

    DMS 2 performs Zero

    Couple to sample

    Adjust thickness and press


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    Thickness Calibration Options - 2 Point

    Calibration on a Thin andThick calibration Block

    Set THKCAL to 2-PT

    Adjust Low BlockThickness

    Measure and press SEND

    Adjust High Block


    Measure and press SEND

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    2 Point Calib. Memory

    DMS 2 remembers thethin


    values so youDONTadjust them everytime you calibrate

    Simply press CAL, and theSEND key twice tocomplete a 2-pt Calibration



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    Velocity Calibration

    Adjust velocity to knowvalue to calibrate system

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    Alarm Menu

    Set and turn on both Min.

    and Max. alarmsIf thickness values exceedthe limits, the red LED will

    light, < or > icon shows thealarm on the display.

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    A-Gate Menu

    Adjust and set

    measurement gate settingsStart position



    Also, adjust probe delay

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    B-Gate Menu (only when in Dual-Multi Mode)

    Adjust and set

    measurement gate settingsStart position



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    B-Scan Operation

    Before Starting B-Scan

    Set Range

    Set Sweep Time

    Set Time-Out

    Set T-Min. Value (same asalarm T-Min.)

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    B-Scan Operation

    During the scan

    Range, Time, T-Min itemsare not shown

    No thickness display isshown

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    B-Scan Operation

    At the end of the scan

    Minimum value isdisplayed

    Range, Time, T-Min valuesare shown (but notchangeable)

    CLEAR function is active -Pressing CLEAR will erasethe B-Scan and start the

    process over.

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    Parameter Sets

    ONLY the DMS 2 allows

    Parameter Sets to be savedfor both single AND dualelement probes.

    Complete calibrationincluding Velocity settings.

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    Parameter Sets

    Using parameter sets allows for saving and

    recalling special set-ups.Only a simple calibration check may be required

    after recalling a Parameter set. Significant timesaver!!!

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    TEST key always takes you

    to the TEST ModeActs like home key.

    Where MENU you are inpressing the TEST key willtake you out and to theTEST menu.

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    MIN-CAP saves time

    Use the DMS 2 Min-Cap mode to always get

    the minimum thickness.Fast 32Hz measurement rate.

    Time Out mode allows re-couple of probe tocomplete scanning (no need to start over).

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    Min Cap Mode

    While Scanning, the

    minimum value measured isdisplayed in the black box.

    The live value is in big digits

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    Time Out Bar

    If you un-couple during a

    Min-Cap scan, the time outbar indicated how muchtime is left that you can re-couple to continue the scan.

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    Min-Cap Completed

    When the time out has

    completed, the DMS 2 willdisplay the thinnest readingtaken during the scan anddisplay the associated A-Scan.

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    The BACK or Secondary Menus

    Press the LEFT and RIGHTarrow keys at the same time

    Secondary Menu System isDisplayed

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    Secondary Menu Items

    Set-Up Menu

    I/O Menu

    Display Menu

    Global Menu

    Operator Menu

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    Multiple Update Rates

    Only the DMS 2 enablesthe user to set the defaultupdate rate.

    > 4 Hz

    > 8 Hz> 12 Hz

    > 16 Hz

    > 32 Hz (B-Scan & Min-Cap Modes)

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    DMS 2 Scans FASTER

    32 Hz update rate in B-Scan and MIN-CAP modeallows users to scan faster.

    Higher frequency update

    rate = fast scanning withbetter coverage

    Approx. Speed of 2


  • 8/13/2019 DMS 2 Thickness Gauge Training


    TopCOAT IS a Superior

    Through CoatingMeasurement Technique

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    Superior Thru-Coating Thickness Measurement

    TC-560 4 Element Probe

    No need to calibrate to coating thickness

    Have Auto-Velocity Mode

    Temperature Limit (130 F)

    DMS 2 Coating Value Prominent

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    DMS 2 Coating Value - Prominent

    With no data logger fileactive, the CoatingThickness value is largeand very easy to read

    With data logger file active,small coating value is aboutthe same size as the 37DL+

    text but easier to read

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    Auto-V Mode

    No Material CalibrationNeeded

    No Special CalibrationBlocks

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    DMS 2 is the gauge with thebest value vs. features

    Works with a wider varietyof probes for solving

    corrosion applicationsHas the best utility Softwareavailable

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