
PCB Construction Process

You may solder your components onto the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) only AFTER you have completed the 2 soldering practice tasks shown here;

Printed Circuit Board preparation.

Drill the Battery clip and switch holes with a 2mm drill using the Drill Press.

Step 1

Collect 2 x 65K resistors and solder them in place. Remember, the components go on the white side of the PCB so that you can solder the pins to the copper track.Step 2

Collect a Battery clip and a Switch and solder them in place. Be careful to get the polarity of your battery clip correct.

Step 3

Collect 2 x BC549 NPN Transistors and solder them to the PCB. Make sure the flat sides are facing towards the outside.

Step 4

Collect 2 x ? uF (the size you’ve identified in the ‘your design’ section) Electrolytic Capacitors and solder them to the PCB.

Step 5

Collect 2 x ? Resistors (the size you’ve identified in the ‘your design’ section) and solder them to the PCB.

Now measure and cut the fly wires for your 2 banks of LED’s. Follow the Soldering LED’s guide to complete your LED Flasher Project.

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