
Distributed Learning Utilising On-Distributed Learning Utilising On-Demand Internet-Transmitted Demand Internet-Transmitted

Lectures: A Case StudyLectures: A Case Study

Michael FardonMichael FardonAcademic DirectorAcademic Director

Multimedia Centre, University of Western AustraliaMultimedia Centre, University of Western Australia

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon, University of Western Australia.Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon, University of Western Australia.

This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Today’s SessionToday’s Session

University of Western Australia case studyUniversity of Western Australia case study Model for use by other universities in Australia Model for use by other universities in Australia

and New Zealandand New Zealand Dipping the toeDipping the toe

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


University of Western AustraliaUniversity of Western Australia

established 1911established 1911 Go8 memberGo8 member research-intensiveresearch-intensive 16,500 students 16,500 students

(12,500 UG; 4,000 PG)(12,500 UG; 4,000 PG) high entrance scoreshigh entrance scores high % school leavershigh % school leavers comprehensive focuscomprehensive focus campus-basedcampus-based regional programsregional programs

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Lectopia SummaryLectopia Summary

records audio and/or visuals from f2f lecturesrecords audio and/or visuals from f2f lectures first developed 1998first developed 1998 processesprocesses captured recordings or other media into captured recordings or other media into

variety of streaming/download formatsvariety of streaming/download formats accessible 24/7accessible 24/7 known as iLecture System in Australiaknown as iLecture System in Australia

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


UWA ContextUWA Context

university priorities in flexible teaching and university priorities in flexible teaching and learninglearning

emerging emphasis on e-learningemerging emphasis on e-learning regional and transnational program delivery regional and transnational program delivery

initiativesinitiatives demand from staff and students to increase demand from staff and students to increase

accessibility of audio cassette lecture recordingsaccessibility of audio cassette lecture recordings

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Primary UsePrimary Use

University-wide University-wide lecture capturelecture capture

360 lectures per week 360 lectures per week at University of at University of Western AustraliaWestern Australia

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Other Use CasesOther Use Cases

Student constructed Student constructed audio and video audio and video projectsprojects

Public lectures, Public lectures, seminars and seminars and presentationspresentations

Adhoc teacher-Adhoc teacher-produced audio and produced audio and video materialvideo material

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Other Use CasesOther Use Cases

Student constructed Student constructed audio and video audio and video projectsprojects

Public lectures, Public lectures, seminars and seminars and presentationspresentations

Adhoc teacher-Adhoc teacher-produced audio and produced audio and video materialvideo material

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia



unobtrusive for teaching staffunobtrusive for teaching staff easy access for studentseasy access for students compatibility with existing facilities/systemscompatibility with existing facilities/systems reliable processesreliable processes high level of automationhigh level of automation streamlined monitoringstreamlined monitoring low running costlow running cost

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Core CapabilitiesCore Capabilities

media acquisition and publishing managementmedia acquisition and publishing management media capturemedia capture schedulingscheduling flexible processing capabilitiesflexible processing capabilities automation of complex processautomation of complex process delivery of media to studentsdelivery of media to students advanced monitoringadvanced monitoring integrationintegration

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Capture-enabled Lecture TheatresCapture-enabled Lecture Theatres











1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Lectures Recorded Per YearLectures Recorded Per Year











1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Lecture Hits Per YearLecture Hits Per Year









1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Current Figures: Recording TypeCurrent Figures: Recording Type21 - 28 August 200521 - 28 August 2005

Audio onlyAudio only 199 recordings per week; 57%199 recordings per week; 57%

VGAVGA 61 recordings per week; 18%61 recordings per week; 18%

VisualiserVisualiser 81 recordings per week; 23%81 recordings per week; 23%

VideoVideo 7 recordings per week; 2%7 recordings per week; 2%

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Current Figures: Hits per WeekCurrent Figures: Hits per WeekSemester 1, 2005Semester 1, 2005

Weeks 1-3: average 8,245 hitsWeeks 1-3: average 8,245 hits Weeks 4-6: average 8,338 hitsWeeks 4-6: average 8,338 hits Weeks 7-9: average 8,827 hitsWeeks 7-9: average 8,827 hits Weeks 10-12: average 9,843 hitsWeeks 10-12: average 9,843 hits Week 13: 11,963 hitsWeek 13: 11,963 hits Pre-exam Study Break: 16,386 hitsPre-exam Study Break: 16,386 hits Exam week one: 13,326 hitsExam week one: 13,326 hits Exam week two: 5,437 hitsExam week two: 5,437 hits

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Current Figures: Hits by Time of DayCurrent Figures: Hits by Time of DaySemester 1, 2005Semester 1, 2005

Midnight - 4am: 8,118 hitsMidnight - 4am: 8,118 hits 4am - 8am: 3,305 hits4am - 8am: 3,305 hits 8am - Noon: 50,708 hits8am - Noon: 50,708 hits Noon - 4pm: 76,506 hitsNoon - 4pm: 76,506 hits 4pm - 8pm: 55,588 hits4pm - 8pm: 55,588 hits 8pm - Midnight: 40,980 hits8pm - Midnight: 40,980 hits

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


2004 Case Study2004 Case Study

online student surveyonline student survey completed by 1,262 studentscompleted by 1,262 students

iLecture usage logs and system recordsiLecture usage logs and system records records of hits against time/day/week/etc.records of hits against time/day/week/etc.

iLecture support recordsiLecture support records queries from staff and students logged on support deskqueries from staff and students logged on support desk

lecturer feedbacklecturer feedback

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


2004 Survey: Student Use2004 Survey: Student Use

Reasons for using iLecture Recordings:Reasons for using iLecture Recordings:

Revision - 60%Revision - 60% Review of occasional missed concept - 43%Review of occasional missed concept - 43% Timetable clash - 38%Timetable clash - 38% Work commitments - 30%Work commitments - 30% Prefer iLecture format - 25%Prefer iLecture format - 25% Family commitments - 9%Family commitments - 9% Regional students - 3%Regional students - 3%

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


2004 Survey: Student Demographics2004 Survey: Student Demographics

iLecture recordings are most popular with: Students in the 16-20 and the 26-30 age categories Students with greater traveling distance to university Female students Academically average students, i.e. credit level (60-69%) Students in first year level units (rather than upper level students)

iLecture recordings are least popular with: High distinction students (80-100%) & students who fail (0-49%) Mature-age students (30+) Part-time students

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


2004 Survey: Staff Feedback2004 Survey: Staff Feedback

attendance figures have dropped by only 5-10% students are less likely to ask repetitive questions about

material covered in lectures informal feedback can be gathered from students using the

Lecture Rating feature accessing one’s own lectures provides the opportunity for

self-review listening to previous year’s lectures can be useful when

preparing lectures previous year’s lectures can be made available in case of

illness, etc.

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


2004 Survey: Discussion Points2004 Survey: Discussion Points

lecture attendance minimal change in attendance patterns

compatibility of lecturing style delivery experience issues relating to visual materialsdelivery experience issues relating to visual materials interactive elements of lectureinteractive elements of lecture

preference for iLecture format 25% students preferred iLecture format to face-to-face but 25% students preferred iLecture format to face-to-face but

half of these still attended f2f lectures regularlyhalf of these still attended f2f lectures regularly compounding lecture material

significant use of iLecture to clarify content and revisesignificant use of iLecture to clarify content and revise flexible access to lecture material

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Australian University UptakeAustralian University Uptake

Licensing model developed for Australian Licensing model developed for Australian universitiesuniversities up-front licensing fee with ongoing maintenanceup-front licensing fee with ongoing maintenance hardware, third-party software, UWA licensehardware, third-party software, UWA license

10 Australian universities + UWA (29%)10 Australian universities + UWA (29%) Developing iLecture communityDeveloping iLecture community

websitewebsite discussion listsdiscussion lists

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Benefits and ChallengesBenefits and Challenges

expansion of use casesexpansion of use cases requires “buy-in” from numerous stakeholdersrequires “buy-in” from numerous stakeholders

Manager of teaching spacesManager of teaching spaces Director of ITSDirector of ITS PVC AcademicPVC Academic FacultyFaculty

every university is differentevery university is different associated support model necessaryassociated support model necessary tremendous opportunities for collaborationtremendous opportunities for collaboration vendor or universityvendor or university

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Dipping The ToeDipping The Toe

Duke University “proof of concept” pilotDuke University “proof of concept” pilot Alt-C presentation in UKAlt-C presentation in UK EDUCAUSE presentation in USEDUCAUSE presentation in US

Copyright 2005 Michael Fardon University of Western Australia


Collaborations and PartnershipsCollaborations and Partnerships

University research collaborationsUniversity research collaborations Duke University “proof of concept” trialDuke University “proof of concept” trial Existing Australian universitiesExisting Australian universities ……

Vendor partnershipsVendor partnerships ……


Michael FardonMichael FardonAcademic DirectorAcademic Director

Multimedia Centre, University of Western AustraliaMultimedia Centre, University of Western Australia


email: [email protected]: [email protected]

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