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Dissolution of Marriage: In Bangladesh Perspective

Researcher: Shamima Alam

ID: 151-26-709

Section: A

Batch: 23rd.

Department of Law

Daffodil International University

Supervisor: Md. Safiullah

Senior Lecturer

Department of Law

Faculty of Humanities & Social Science

Daffodil International University Daffodil International University

Date of Submission:

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Table of content

1st chapter:


1.1 Background of dissolution of marriage

1.2 Statement of problem

1.3 Question of research

1.4 Objectives of study

1.5 Methodology

2nd chapter

Conceptual framework of dissolution of marriage

1. Dissolution of marriage

2. Effects of divorce on children

3. Marriage & divorce rate: Keys scenario the world situation

4. Benefits of marriage

5. Divorce

6. World map on divorce

7. Top 20 countries

3rd chapter

Reason behind increasing rate of divorce

1. Divorce situation in Bangladesh: policy, laws, & procedures.

2. Causes of increasing divorce rate: Divorce in Dhaka

4th chapter

Present situation in Bangladesh and recommendation

1. Peoples reasons for divorcing: Genders, socio- economic status based on research.

i) Gender

ii) Socio economic status

iii) Life course variable

2. Reasons for divorce in modern days:

3. Recommendation

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5th Chapter :


6th chapter:


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Dissolution of Marriage: In Bangladesh perspective


The center point of this investigation is to examine the best approach to make an equivalent and

fair separation law for man and ladies of every network. It'll furthermore talk about the

downsides of existing individual and statutory laws affirmed for got together those

disadvantages. The investigation runs leading all with simple talk and meeting about separation

and its effect on relationship i.e. husband mate youngsters and kinsfolk. Diverse religious laws

have distinctive says about the character of separation, its impact, capacity to separate. These

laws have additionally extraordinary says with respect to procedure to break up the marriage. As

a matter of first importance arrangements given by the Muslim law are talked about of marriage.

At that point the dialog is made over Hindu individual laws and over Christian individual laws

with a wide exchange over lawful improvement of these 3. There exist basic circumstance under

these arrangement which are examined by proposal investigation. The examination attempts to

discover reply of for the most part debating issues with respect to separate from law. At that

point it is anticipating changes arranging made by various area their requests, desires stipulating.

It additionally demonstrates the endeavor of Government and law commission report in such

manner. There are a few issues proposed arranging of change by sanctioning a uniform family

code. So to guarantee better open intrigue some real changes are suggested without shacking of

emotions and confidence of individuals.

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1st Chapter:

1. Introduction:

Background of dissolution of marriage:

"Disintegration of marriage" is simply one more method for saying "separation," and it alludes to

the framework by which a couple can end their wedding life for all time. Disintegration of

marriage totally closes your lawful relationship as companions and finishes your conjugal status

life. Arrangement, laws and strategies According to per BBS (2011) the separation rate of male

of Bangladesh in 2011 was 0.06% where it is lower than ladies zero.49%. The ladies can

document a suit under the Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 for dower cash and upkeep for

herself and the kids living respectively with her in a family court which is named suit.

The center point of this investigation is to examine the best approach to make an equivalent and

fair separation law for man and ladies of every network. It'll furthermore talk about the

downsides of existing individual and statutory laws affirmed for got together those

disadvantages. The investigation runs leading all with simple talk and meeting about separation

and its effect on relationship i.e. husband mate youngsters and kinsfolk. Diverse religious laws

have distinctive says about the character of separation, its impact, capacity to separate. These

laws have additionally extraordinary says with respect to procedure to break up the marriage. As

a matter of first importance arrangements given by the Muslim law are talked about of marriage.

At that point the dialog is made over Hindu individual laws and over Christian individual laws

with a wide exchange over lawful improvement of these 3. There exists basic circumstance under

these arrangements which are examined by proposal investigation. The examination attempts to

discover reply of for the most part debating issues with respect to separate from law. At that

point it is anticipating changes arranging made by various area their requests, desires stipulating.

It additionally demonstrates the endeavor of Government and law commission report in such

manner. There are a few issues proposed arranging of change by sanctioning a uniform family

code. So to guarantee better open intrigue some real changes are suggested without shacking of

emotions and confidence of individuals.

2. Statement of the Problem:

Marriage could be a base of common society and no a piece of the laws and foundation of a state

will be more essential to its subjects than these which manage the way and ten states of framing

and if vital of dissolving the marriage contract. [Lord Westbury discourse (1868) L.R., 3H.L, 55]

in show V Gould. In Our nation marriage, disintegration of marriage and distinctive associated

issues are arranged by close to home laws in alongside some uncommon related statutory laws.

In any case, a lot of laws are adequate to give evenhanded response to the gatherings this inquiry.

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Islamic law initially perceives the significance of separation. It is now and again recommended

that the best blame of the Moslim framework is that the total power given to the spouse to

separate from his better half with no reason. Dower to some degree limitation the utilization of

this power. Be that as it may, encounter demonstrates that an extraordinary experiencing comes

no dependable exercise of rights. Other than the remark of some another researcher with respect

to the issue is Islamic law as deciphered and rehearsed by the Hanafi school has turned out to be

one perspective motor of persecution in the hands of the spouse. [Syed Ameer Ali,

Mohammedan Low, Volume-II, page 409-10].

Albeit Muslim ladies are offered appropriate to separate by Khula and Talaq-etafwiz yet in

principle type of talaq men are given total right. In Hindu individual law, under their spirituo-

levelheaded assessment, Hindu society was constantly restricted to the prospect of separation or

partition. A marriage from the Hindu motivation behind view makes relate constant connection

between the couple. Neither gathering to a marriage could separate the opssite except if it had

been permitted by traditions. [Kudomee v Jotecram,(1878) 3,c,305] [Sankaralingam v Subban

(1894) seventeen, M 479]Manu, the Hindu law provider set down, „Neither by deal nor

abandonment can a spouse be free from her significant other. Give shared devotion a chance to

till of death.‟[Manu(X 49.101)]. Wherever the marriage life is loaded with sufferings, which

power to break down marriage yet law doesn't consent this reality. This is frequently therefore

severe. Essentially Christian individual law doesn't authorization of Divorce. Jesus says and

"Whoever separates from his better half and weds another, submits infidelity against her and if a

woman separates from her significant other and weds another, she submits infidelity. [mark 10:

11-12] Section 10 of the Divorce Act, 1869 states the arrangement of disintegration of Christian

marriage. Be that as it may, it likewise can't give total equity. Such situation urges me to ponder

with respect to check the issue can be discovered .So that relate evenhanded and to a great degree

expected goals.

3. Objectives of the Study:

At the point when the issues among a couple reach towards an overwhelming circumstance, the

separation occurs. At that point after the separating of marriage some squeezing undertakings

defy everyone inside the family-spouse, wife, youngster and family. They have to change in

accordance with the new surprising circumstance and endeavor to make the future life simple

and straightforward. Be that as it may, the vast majority of the cases ladies nearly got the

opportunity to confront significant issues. Therefore I will attempt to discover the reasons of this

issues and expectable arrangement, the lacuna of laws and the strategy anyway it very well may

be satisfied to guarantee fairness and uniformity among the gatherings,

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4. Methodology:

The examination of proposition will be led for the most part by subjective strategy. Since the

scientist will go very surprising laws including individual law of various networks, statutory

laws, composing of researchers, critiques by an investigative technique. Other than books

worried to separate from issue and its outcome diaries, articles, news paper and so forth going be

considered. At that point to a decent degree this work will rely upon Case Study and lawful

choice given by prominent judges. For better arrangement think about among advancement of

different individual laws of various nations will be made. To outfit arrangement of the issue the

specialist will dissect proposals made by various examination terms and furthermore by law


5. Research Question:

I will have the capacity to investigate whether separate is as of late a great deal of choice taken

by the couples due to urbanization and modernization or the absence of duty and awareness of

other's expectations that prompts separate in my examination. On the examination I will have the

capacity to take a gander at finding the appropriate responses of the resulting questions:

1. Do couples consider the duties of marriage important in their life?

2. Is urbanization making correspondence hole and crack among accomplices?

3. Is it advocated to a more prominent need to singular needs as opposed to bargaining for the

need of the accomplice amid a marriage life?

4. Are make rationally qualities and ideas prompting envy and uncalled for treatment among


5. Are the more prominent instruction rate among ladies and their opportunity undermining

relational unions’ rate?

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2nd Chapter:

Conceptual framework of dissolution of marriage:

The aim of this study was to explore the factors responsible for divorce among women who are

comes to divorce system. Eleven women were selected by purposive sampling technique from

the Bangladesh National Woman Lawyers' Association at Agargaon, Dhaka, who were enlisting

legal support for his or her marital problems. Preliminary research design under qualitative

methodology was followed. Results indicated that extramarital affairs, substance abuse, physical

abuse, dowry-related problems, abandonment, harassment, interference from in-laws, polygamy,

personal issues, criminal activity, and unemployment of husbands are the primary factors

responsible for divorce among women in Bangladesh. A marriage is a voluntary institution

between a man and a woman who matrimonially establish their rights and obligations between

them. Usually, all marriages in every religion are solemnized according to the personal law and

customary law of the spouses. A marriage registration has not been made compulsory in most of

the personal laws in Bangladesh, however, nowadays, a marriage registration is most important

for obtaining an established status of legality from the country. Besides, as is that the situation

now prevailing, it is very important to prove the official and legal status of the marriage and to

ensure the rights of the man and the woman at the time of divorce or other official or

unreasonable situations. However, there is no uniform law for the marriage registration for all

religions in Bangladesh. Therefore, this analysis will analyze the existing laws relevant to the

marriage registration for the people of all the religions in Bangladesh. Finally, the analysis will

attempt to recommend a modern uniform marriage registration law in Bangladesh. Qualitative

and analytical research methods will be applied primarily; besides, non-doctrinal method will

also be applied during this research.

What is Dissolution of Marriage?: A dissolution of marriage completely ends your legal

relationship as spouses and ends your marital status life. Unlike an annulment, dissolution does

not “undo" the marriage as if it never existed. Instead, it is a legal close to the marriage. Divorce

(or the dissolution of marriage) is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal

duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the

parties (unlike annulment, which declares the marriage null and void). Divorce laws vary

significantly around the world, but in most state it requires the sanction of a court or other

authority in a legal process. The legal process of divorce may also involve issues of alimony

(spousal support), child custody, child support payment, distribution of property, and division of


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2.1 Dissolution of marriage and relationships:

Research done at Northern Illinois University on Family and Child Studies suggests that divorce

will have a positive result on families due to less conflict in the home. There are, however, many

several instances wherever the parent-child relationship may suffer due to divorce. Financial

support is many times lost when an adult goes through a divorce. The adult can also be obligated

to obtain extra task to maintain financial stability. In turn, this might lead to a negative

relationship between the parent and their children. The relationship may suffer due to lack of

attention towards the kid as well as minimal parental supervision. Studies have also shown that

parental skills decrease after a divorce occurs; but this effect is only a temporary change. “A

number of researchers have shown that a situation, including diminished parenting skills, occurs

in the year following the divorce but that by 3 years when the divorce re-stabilization has

occurred and parenting skills have improved”. In a study done by the American Psychological

Association on a parents relocation after a divorce, found that a move is a long-term affect on

children. In the first study done amongst 3,000 college or school students on the effects of

parental relocation relating to the well being if their children after divorce, researchers found a

serious variations. In divorced families where one parent moved, the students received less

financial support from their parents compared with divorced families where neither parent

moved. These findings also imply other negative outcomes for these students like a lot of.

2.2 Effects of divorce on children: Children from age range from 3– 5 years old may often 12mistake the divorce their parents as their own major fault. Older children experience feelings of

anger, rude nature, grief, and embarrassment. The parents as their own fault and mistake. Older

children experience feelings of anger, rude nature, grief, and embarrassment. There is nothing

worse, for most children, than for their parents to denigrate one another “Parents simply do not

realize the damage they do to their children by the battles they wage over them. Separating

parents rarely behave reasonably, although they always believe that they ‘re doing so, and that

the other party is behaving unreasonably." – Sir Nicholas Scott (President of the family division

of the High Court division. Although not the intention of most parents, putting children in the

middle of conflict is especially detrimental. Examples of this are: asking children to carry

messages between parents, grilling children about the other parent activities, telling children their

parent does not love them, and putting the other parent down in front of the children. Poorly

managed conflict between parent increases children risk of behavior issues, depression, abuse

and dependence, poor social skills, and poor academic performance.3

2.3 Marriage & divorce rate: In 2009 by Institute of American Values key situation of the

world circumstance the Marriage Index was built. It is build up on 5 pointers and the marriage

1. Albrecht, S. L., Bahr, H. M., & Goodman, K. L. (1983). Divorce and remarriage: Problems, adaptations, and adjustments.

Westport, CT: Greenwood 3]

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Index was made incidentally condition of marriage. In 1970 marriage Index in 2008 is 60% from

a high of 76%. there decay is demonstrated and the 5 markers under underneath

•. In 1970, 78%; in 1980 69%; in 1990, 62%; and about 61% in 2000 and 57% in 2008 of grown-

ups were hitched. Hitched has consistent declined who are 20-54 rates of individuals?

• The couple of that is "extremely glad" has dropped to 57% rate. In 1970 and 1980 it was 67%

and 2000 and 2008 it dropped for to 62%.

• The flawless first relational unions have dropped to 61%. The relational unions were

unblemished in 1970, 76% of, 71% to dropped in 1980 and 2000 in 60%..

• The births to wedded couples dropped to 60%. In 1970 all conceived were to wedded couples

of 89%, dropped to 82% in 1980 it, in 1990 to 72% and in 2000 67%.

• The rate to 61% additionally in dropped kids living with their very own folks. Kids living with

their natural guardians were 69% in 1970, the level of and it dropped to 61% in 2000

2.4Benefits of Marriage:

• Single or separated from individuals not live longer than wedded individuals. Less death rates

wedded ladies than non wedded ladies have half and hitched men bring down rate than non

wedded men have a 250%. (Waite and Gallagher, 2000)

Separated, isolated or single individuals are altogether more averse to be issue consumers than

hitched individual. (Waite and Gallagher, 2000)

• Single, bereaved, or living together individuals are not more joyful than hitched individuals.

Hitched individuals report being about 40% of exceptionally content with their lives, report

being extremely glad while just separated from individuals of 18%, isolated individuals of 15%,

and bereaved just 22% and 22% of unmarried individuals. (Waite and Gallagher, 2000)

• Single, separated or living together people are not increasingly effective in their professions, no

acquire more, and have no more riches than hitched individuals. (Waite and Gallagher, 2000;

Antonovics and Town, 2004)

•The guardians are hitched will in general be all the more scholastically effective, more feeling

steady, more frequently accept influential positions and bliss life where from kids at home.

(Waite and Gallagher, 2000; Manning and Lamb, 2003)

• Children with living their natural guardians are more averse to any relationship. (Pearson,

Frisco, 2006)

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• Poverty is negative impact from their youngsters two-parent family units ensure. In the U.S.,

almost 60% of the kids from single-parent family units live in destitution, just 11% of youngsters

from two-parent families as thought about. (U.S. Authority of the Census, 2007)

• Adolescents peers from some other family types show bring down dimensions of issue conduct

than living with their organic guardians. (Carlson, 2006)

• Cheat on their accomplice is altogether less inclined to wed and bound to never wedded whose

male guardians (Colman and Widon, 2004)

• Peers in other family structures are probably going to end up pregnant contrasted with

adolescent in unblemished families (Painter and Levine, 2004).

2.5 Divorce:

• In 2008, there have been 2.1 million relational unions and roughly 1 million separations. (U.S.

Department of the Census, 2008)

•The U.S. populace—are by and by separated about 9.8% Americans 23.2 million. (U.S. Agency

of the Census, 2009)

• Today individuals wedding have a 40-half and shot of separation there carelessness.

Measurably, 40% of first relational unions, 60% of second, and 73% of third relational unions

end in separation. (U.S. Agency of the Census, 2006, Popenoe and Whitehead, 2010)

• Divorce will in the long run remarry about of 75%. (U.S. Authority of the Census, 2008)

•Of the relational unions that endure separate, the nature of a portion of those could likewise be

poor. (Popenoe &Whitehead, 2010) • After 10 years of marriage, it is anticipated that just 30% of

couples will at present be cheerfully hitched (Popenoe and Whitehead, 2010)

• Most separations include kids, and more than 1.5 million youngsters are influenced by

separation every year. (U.S. Department of the Census, 2008)

• Approximately youngsters will encounter separation of 45% before their adulthood (Amato,


• Men are not enthusiasm than ladies to seek legal separation.

• Divorce after some time 30% feel their lives were contrarily affected well to alter grown-ups

(Popenoe and Whitehead, 2010).

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2.6 World map on divorce:

Top twenty Countries with Highest Divorce Rates per Capital

1. Belarus 68%

2. Russian 65%

3. Sweden 64%

4. Latvia 63%

5. Ukraine 63%

6. Czech 61%

7. Belgium 56%

8. Finland 56%

9. Lithuania 55% 4



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10. UK 53%

11. Moldova 52%

12. USA 49%

13. Hungary 46%

14. Canada 45%

15. Norway 43%

16. France 43%

17. Germany 41%

18. Netherlands 41%

19. Switzerland 40%

20. Iceland 39%


5 Data source:

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3rd Chapter:

Reason behind increasing rate of divorce

3.1. Divorce situation in Bangladesh:

BBS (2012) the separation rate of male of Bangladesh in 2012 was 0.07% where it's beneath than

ladies 0.49% Policy, laws and methods. The separation procedure is essentially in Bangladesh

just in three equation to separate for each Husband and Wife needing partition one another;

i)Written Notice, ii) Arbitration Board, iii)After of 90 days lapsing, they take a recorder

endorsement from Registration office. Pertinent of three stages the instance of spouse. Muslim

Family Law Ordinance 1961 for The spouse will record a suit beneath the dower cash and

upkeep for herself and family court authorization the kids living respectively with her which is

called common suit. 1974 this area 6 of the Marriages and Divorces (Registration) Act, gives that

under the Muslim law a Nikah enlistment center made an application could enroll separate from

influenced inside his purview to him for such enlistment. On the off chance that Talaq see was

served the enrolled as per law expressed higher than a lawful Divorce or Talaq will be executed

of marriage life. The laws of Hindu family, under any situation thought against the decision don't

authorization to separate is common partition. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, by india ethicalness of

each spouse and in addition her significant other they go to court for their privilege and need to

disintegration of the marriage their life. Area 13 stated, the grounds had acknowledged for

looking for separation incorporates truth remorselessness, infidelity, renunciation, madness or

serious sickness, etc. Area 12 gives the additional ground to a superior a large portion of, that the

spouse being impotency and gives segment 13(2)(4) that a Hindu better half will get separate on

the base that her marriage was solemnized before she accomplished the age of 15 years of age

and she or he has denied the weeding in the wake of achieving that age anyway before achieving

the age of 18 years. Hence, it's very certain that contrasted with Republic of India, the law

identifying with separation for a Hindu lady in Bangladesh is overflowing with shamefulness and

it requires modernization. Bangladesh Government ought to institute separate from law for

Hindu spouse and ladies. There exists another law of separation in Bangladesh that named the

Special Marriage Act, 1872. It additionally covers a few relational unions. Segment 17 of this

Act has referenced that the Divorce Act, 1869 will apply to the majority of any relational unions

contracted underneath this Act, and any such marriage might be proclaimed invalid or broke up

in the way in that gave, and for the causes in that referenced, or on the base that it negates

somebody or a greater amount of the conditions recommended in provisos (1), (2), (3) or(4) of

segment 2 of this Act. The Divorce Act, 1869 contains the disintegration of marriage in part III,

nothing worth mentioning of marriage in section IV and legal division in section V. Each

national of Bangladesh for these laws is pertinent. Separation and division are as yet negative

sides in Bangladesh (Bangla News 24, 2012). Media and news reports say Bangladesh increment

in separation rate by sensational. Different reasons exist for the more extensive territory of

instruction this are marvel, including extramarital relationship, monetary process, 'marriage

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transients', and familial impact. Ladies have turned out to be better life they chance to taught, and

started making the most of their opportunity same open doors like a men, and advancement their

profession. In the opposite side, when spouses are manhandled they chose to leave their

husbands this number is part of, they feeling that more drawn out time no need somebody' more

grounded to look out for them. More up to date age sees in this manner things are extraordinary.

Dhaka University of the brain research office Dr. Mehtab Khanam remarks, "Ladies are

preferably progressively taught over previously and know about their rights, so they don't endure

anything which may influence their sense of pride and poise." Mohila Parishad president in

Bangladesh, Advocate Elina Khan, says, "The separation rate is expanding because of brutality

against ladies" likewise stated, "Ladies are currently instructed and self-subordinate in our

general public. Ladies know about their rights in this purview. On the off chance that the

individual acknowledges something going deficiency of his/her, for example, extramarital

relationship, they can look for alleviation instantly. The even regularly is genuine when the

minor issues is includes. Dhaka University Department of Sociology Professor Moniruzzaman at

says the normal issue in separation. Sociologists and therapists it has been likewise discovered

separation rate 80 to 90 percent additionally express worry over the rising step by step. The

organization officer's and paper reports that of Dhaka City Corporation's 10 zonal workplaces

said each day marriage enlistment centers' workplaces with recorded the separation petitions

80% and town in the courts had been documented by their insufferable conduct, torment by

spouse, ladies asserting extramarital undertakings on a piece of their husbands. Dhaka City

Corporation (DCC) Zone-4 between November 2009 and December2010 made by a stunning

scene report of expanding divorce rate. At rundown 372 separation cases were recorded, amid

this period that 100 spouses' were by document and wives by 261. In January 2012 same zone,

the quantity of 172 separation cases, men were documented by fifty nine cases were and the

ladies were 113. From January to May, in this year separate from cases was recorded at rundown

135, of which, men were documented by 30 people by 150. Anyway the distinctive picture

indicates DCC zone-1. Common court was field right around 16,433 from January 2012 to

December 2012. As indicated by media reports, ladies were documented by 11,203 and rest of

the men field by 4,759. Bangladesh Muslim Legal Register, Kazi Iqbal Hossain is general

secretary, he said the enrollment perceived out that it was the men, not as much as ladies; they

are recording of separation takes note. Principally the ladies torment by their spouses. He

additionally said that a striking number of illicit relationship have been issued by separation, thus

finishing their marriage life. Subsequent to being presented to Western culture this year, as

'unrivaled' is seen to independence the-seniority, the East customary of family esteems. The

earlier days, the additional conjugal issues may have had by spouse. Such the cases, the ladies

interrogated concerning herself as well as her very own skill as a mother and spouse, anyway this

issue likewise felt obliged to keep mystery to spare her better half's notoriety, her family

notoriety and for stress her bigotry would compromise the marriage life. Be that as it may, by

and by ladies have turned out to be all the more straight, forward and mindful of their

confidence, confident,. (Billah 2013)

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3.2 Causes of increasing of divorce rate: Presently multi day's separation can be seen from

various viewpoints that could be an intricate occasion. For example, human science examination

has fundamentally centered around basic and conjugal life disturbance of indicators course, for

example, period of at first marriage, social class,and race (Bumpass, Martin, and Sweet, 1991;

White, 1991). Interestingly the Psychological research, activity of wedding bury has

concentrated on measurements, the administration strife (Gottman, 1994), or attributes of

individual friendship, against social conduct or interminable have negativ impact on (Leonard

and Roberts, 1998

This record is Dhaka Tribunal data collection.


6 Dhaka Tribune 2017 May 14,



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4th chapter

Present situation in Bangladesh and recommendation

4.1 People’s reasons for divorcing:

Gender: They contrasted their associations with tell with all the more almost men, ladies and

tend, progress toward becoming they ready issues of relationship, and they are more talks of

relationship any issues share with their accomplices (Thompson and Walker, 1991). Men are

talks of relationship issues are more probable with their better half to pull back any issue.

(Gottman1994). Maybe, spouses are more probable than husbands to start separate therefore,

(Albrecht, Bahr, and Goodman, 1983). Gendered encounters are just if that conjugal friction and

separation, people's records of separation are not amazing that scientists have between contrasts

archived. For instance, a few examinations have demonstrated that previous wives give longer

and more unpredictable clarifications for their separations than do previous husbands

(Levinger1966).Women have all the earmarks of being almost certain than men to ask relative or

enthusiastic delicate issues, as to apparent reasons for separation, to allude to a bunch of contrary

effect of accomplice practices, including physical maltreatment, psychological mistreatment,

substance use, going out with "the young men," and disregard of home and youngsters, for

example, an essential despondency and contrariness previous life partners 'identities, and a

general absence of adoration previous spouses likewise are more presumably than previous

husbands. Conversely, men, ladies increasingly fault to one another the separation on outer

elements, work or issues with in-laws (Levinger,1966). They don't realize what reasons the

separation are previous spouses likewise are bound to advise their. (Kitson,1992).

b) Economic status of socio: Here and there estimated by training and pay, has been a focal

point of separation explore by monetary status of social. These investigations indicate that pay

encourage instruction and conjugal status (Voydanoff, 1991). Couples or accomplices are

progressively compelling between instructions advances, correspondence in this way helping

them to determine contrasts. Interestingly, the strain produced increments by makes life partner's

crabby, financial hardship contradictions over accounts, touchy and diminishes articulations of

passionate help. These reasons somewhat SES is contrarily connected with the risk of separation

(White, 1991). Never the less, accomplished people may hold especially exclusive requirements

for marriage and expect a significant dimension of contacting backing, brotherhood, and

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individual satisfaction from their companions. On account of this abnormal state relationship

issues could trigger considerations moderately rapidly among knowledgeable people of

separation. That SES is a few numerous investigations proposed correlative with individuals'

explanations behind separation. Kitson (1992) found of following separation, high SES people,

were a great deal of liable to whine about absence of correspondence, changes in interests or

inconsistency, values, and their ex life partners 'self - centeredness. In qualification, low-SES

going out with the young men/young ladies, disregard of family unit obligations people were

bound to whine about physical torment, betting, cash issues, and work issues criminal exercises

and numerous different issues. So also, Levinger(1966) found that low-SES separated from

individuals grumbled about drinking, money related issues, and physical maltreatment, though

high-SES\ separated from individuals people whined from their better half and accomplices

about absence of adoration and inordinate requests. Goode (1956) found to reports divorced

people tended identity issues and strife over qualities as explanations behind separation that high

status families, though report by low status divorced people tended budgetary help absence of

financial or from their previous consorts. These outcomes recommend that as SES to reports

people increments, are more outlandish instrumental reasons and bound to report open and

relationship-focused reasons.

c) Life course variables: The existence course point of view with its span of occasions and

accentuation on the fleeting request, (Elder, 1994), additionally the nearness of kids, consolidates

factors, for example, age at marriage, and length of marriage. Individuals who wed at more

seasoned ages a ton of reports regarding age at marriage, people they wed at more youthful ages

tend of conjugal issues and experience a more serious danger of separation (Bumpass et al.,

1991). Marriage at an early age might be because of mental immatureness, shaky business, and a

truncated spousal-look procedure of the negative results. The early as opposed to the later long

stretches of wedding with reference to term of marriage more happen in separations (White,

1991). Becker (1991) that individuals by and large have blemished data about their accomplices

contended plea romance however their life partners after marriage life about more learn

generously. Subsequently couples in relational unions difficulties of significant lot confront early

separations are struggle in qualities, identity conflicts, excessively because of the revelation of

essential contrariness, and. By the by, (for example, bringing up youngsters, fatigue with the

relationship, and bit by bit wandering interests and frames of mind) in relational unions of brief

span that differ from those of people. For sure, thinks about have demonstrated that in conjugal

satisfaction in conjugal period is connected with long haul decays. Are life course the apparent

reasons for separation with factors related? Kitson (1992) noticed that individuals were bound to

make reference to changes in interests or having "no feeling of family," wedded for an all-

inclusive time while individuals wedded for a shorter time were all the more apparently to

specify in-laws or sexual issues. Goode's (1956) look into uncovered that protests of betrayal,

drinking, and furthermore broad nature of home life expanded with term of marriage, though

grumblings about identity and value struggle diminished. Sprout et al. (1985) marriage and

treachery found a between length of positive association. Albeit particularly apparently to be

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upset when individuals search out new sexual accomplices are it creates the impression that long

haul relational unions the under lying design isn't altogether clear, or end up mindful of changes

in themselves or their accomplices due to the progression of time. (Maybe out of weariness)

4.2. Reasons for divorce in modern days: Relations have wound up complex in the

advanced days. 'Marriage' that once said that 'made in paradise 'neglected to bring radiant

satisfaction among present day life accomplice. Similarity and shared comprehension is the real

issue which present day couples are look in nowadays. The guardians acquiring parcel of

pressures inside move the job and obligation the family procedure. Youngsters who grow up

have part of impacts in negative climate. The couples will prompt end their connections hidden

necessities and false impressions its warmed pressures. The separation rate has been expanding

immensely and furthermore has turned out to be so basic separations.

a) Infidelity: Any relationship is the base of most noteworthy of shared trust. The accomplices

delude to other do separate when both of connections. he most essential explanation behind

separation is disloyalty. the relationship will wind up and separate turn into the response to

appreciate lawful opportunity of their life when accomplices end up unfaithful to each other.

b) Young age: In the year marriage is an exceptionally youthful age improves the probability of

separation, especially. A separation rate is higher who wed teenager ages. The hazard goes down

drastically about age twenty one or twenty two.

c) Less Education: Researchers have a lower likelihood of separation evaluated that people who

have some school instruction (versus not completing secondary school)

d) Less salary: Income is firmly identified with training. Yearly earnings of more than $50,000

have a lower possibility of separation (contrasted with people with yearly livelihoods under

$25,000). (Roberts 2000) with the scientists have assessed that individuals. Break the

relationship of the money related condition.

e) Communication breakdown: a great deal of do not have this correspondence makes holes

among couples. a great deal of mistaken assumptions such holes lead between them.

Correspondence issue can't express their sentiments to each other. Each other confidence and

'sense of self' stops them to be open up their correspondence. There is a risk of complete their

relationship, in the event that they don't represent a more drawn out time that stops two different

ways correspondence.

f) Physical, passionate and mental maltreatment: Relationship have a great deal of any

maltreatment, dodge, torment. Numerous desire and conditions is completely grown up marriage

bond which is shared Physical, including harassing, mauling, or savagery is very insufferable and

has clear justification for separation. The accomplice harms the feeling or mental maltreatment

and furthermore the odds are high that to remain back with an oppressive their accomplices.

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g) Sexual Incompatibility: Married life a great deal to the effective sexual act contributes. The

particular accomplices are critical to make a physical bond with feeling solid and amazing. They

keep away from parcel of complexities and uncertainty closer to brings feel of fulfillment each

other's. This after effect has been of prompting irritation detachment and separation. The highest

point of the reasons for separation could be sexual frequently Sexual and conceptive


h) Boredom: Couples way of life typically gets exhausted off from their dull and uninteresting.

At such time while perfect couples remain together, a few couples get in the long run fall

unbiased and develop remotely. Attempting new things can move their life to legitimate track

like eating go out, watching motion picture , making a trip to colorful spots and different things.

The soul of life isn't a simple thing keep by any means. Dynamic investment to realize each other

premium in better terms in various exercises makes them. At the point when accomplice bring a

great deal of regard to depends at the two closures others intrigue that naturally,

I) Religious and Cultural Strains: Now daily's Marriage is a typical pattern between various

confidence, culture and ethnicity. That is definitely not a basic issue at all living with an alternate

foundation social. A gathering must be parcel of modifications and penances from every one of

edges. Accomplice's confidence and regularly cause hatred among them the Couples of an

alternate religion, culture or ethnicity once in a while don't take up the desires for. On account of

the few taboos are chiefly presented by a distinction culture. Common trade off can spare

accomplices and just tackle this issue as well.

j) Child Rearing: Divorce or part of the real explanation behind tyke rising is one of the delicate

issues causing fractures in the relational unions and causing commonly. On the off chance that

the reasonable can be sufficient to incite the appeal to of separation by the parent than one of the

accomplices is totally hesitant towards kid raising issues. Both the guardians have been similarly

from should felt it's not reasonable for fault just the mother since her job has been broadening

and duty.

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3. Recommendation:

I even have gone over different recommendations that may assist the couples with resolving

their issues in my examination. These are being recorded underneath:

i) Talking over or motivating proficient help to defeat the issues should be given


ii) Greater mindfulness about the earnestness of the choice.

iii) External help: marriage mentoring, specialists and so on.

iv) To continue attempting best.

v) They ought to impart more.

vi) Making alterations and required changes.

vii) Compromising is here and there the main arrangement.

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5th Chapter


This examination was controlled to discover the clarifications behind the taking off separation

rates among youthful couples generally. As referenced inside the theory, it's has been found in

my examination that separate from rates now a days are expanding a result of issues prompted

my urbanization. The separation rate is high among the youthful couples – 'Being youthful at

time of wedding is one of the essential indicators of separation.' (Stewart and Brentano, 2007, p.

36). The best ten hazard components of separation encapsulate wedding without being certain,

procuring less and having separated from guardians. In any case, close by the clarification, this

examination focused on discovered answers for the issues youthful couples are confront.

Separation might be an issue with an answer, and not all issues should end in separation. Couples

should participate to take care of issues and there is no such equation for a glad marriage life, nor

is there a specific explanation for an awful marriage. In the Bangladesh, the court will complete

the marriage if any gathering believers the religion. In the event that it legitimate for the support

stipend to her significant other even after he changes over to various religion. In any case,

according to the Native believers' Marriage Dissolution Act 1866, she loses her rights.

In spite of the fact that separation or partition isn't reachable for Hindu ladies beneath Shastra

guidelines and this custom as utilized in Bangladesh, they can anyway bring a suit for court

declare for a different Resident and upkeep demonstration of 1946. The conditions are that the

spouse experiencing a serious illness not contaminated from the wife keeps up an unfeeling way

that it stands unreliable or bothersome to proceed with her better half, the husband abandons her

without her endorsement remarries changes the religion or there are some concede table reasons.

According to the 1946 Act support right isn't outright for the Hindu spouse. A Hindu spouse isn't

qualification in the event that she is improper adjusts to other confidence or neglects to acclimate

with a court declare for compensation of marital rights [section two and three of Hindu Married

Women's Right to isolate Residence and Maintenance demonstration of 1946].

It's appropriate to take note of that the discussion through which to look for alleviation response

must be needed to area 3 of the Family courts Ordinance 1985 that gives that a Hindu ladies can

bring a suit inside the council for upkeep against her significant other.

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6th Chapter:


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