Page 1: Discussion topics for bigger

Discussion topics for Bigger, Faster, Stronger

Use these questions as catalysts for thought and class dialogue while we are watching this film.

These questions are also good topics for your paper that will be assigned later. You may agree or disagree very strongly with some of the things said in the movie… be sure

to make a note of those things, and feel free to discuss them in class.


1. Do you, or have you ever gained inspiration or motivation from entertainment figures like Hulk Hogan, Rocky, or Rambo… is it a different type of inspiration than the kind you get from a teacher.

2. Notice the family dynamic going on with the Bell family. The relationship with their parents (esp the mother), and between the brothers…. “Oreo cookie”

3. Mike Bell, kid from the east coast, sees his heroes training out on the west coast. If he could just get there he could be an American Hero. Does this parallel another concept in American History?

4. Paul (the guy who lives in the van) what do you think about him. Loser? Living in reality? Happy?

5. “The Fallen Hero” Can you relate to the feeling Chris Bell had when he found out his hero’s we taking steroids. Have you had similar feelings towards people you look up to

6. “If you apprehensive about taking steroids, then maybe your not cut out to be a champion” How does that quote (esp if you’re an athlete) make you feel.

7. Keep in mind that amount to time congress spent on steroids on sports, and how does it make you feel to see the Congressmen who was in charge not know things like the drinking age and if steroids are ever LEGAL (Henry Waxman)

8. Do you believe steroids can be uses safely… Although it would be totally unethical do you think there would be a high value in doing a comprehensive study on steroids

9. “Benefit to risk ratio” Steroids clearly have a ton of benefits, and some very clear negative effects. What do you think about the people who choose to take steroids because they feel the benefits out weigh the negative.

10. Is it morally ok for the “gym rats” to use these drugs, but not ok for professional athletes 11. If blood doping is illegal, but there are ways to achieve the same effect blood doping gives you,

should all of those methods also be banned. 12. What do you think about the mother and fathers reaction to hearing their son took steroids 13.Compare the attitude of Paul (the guy who lives in the van), and Mike Bell (the failed pro

wrestler) 14.Why do you think the Bell brothers took steroids?? Because of their role models OR parents15. Supplements? Think of supplements like the internet: totally unregulated, lots of junk, very

hard to find real substance. 16. discuss the use of performance enhancers in other professions (i.e. music and fighter pilots.)

vs. the use in sports and body building. Is it a question of professionalism or competition or money??

17.Mike Bell doesn’t want to be “normal” is he normal to begin with??18.Steroids are not a “physically addictive” drug. When you here Smelly talk if there something to

be said about the power of the drug and the psychological addiction it could cause 19.Are steroids really a side effect of being American.. OR for the Bell’s, is it just a side effect of

being part of their family

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