Page 1: Discussion Input: Organizational Schemes

Organizational Schemesof Enterprise 2.0

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Same procedure as last year?

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So it‘s all about the change! But …

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… not only about this!

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Discussing the changes of the game setup and design patterns

– Perception of work time, work process & work output

– Organizational Structure & Coordination Mechanisms

– Forms of Collaboration & Supervision (Specialization & Formalization)

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Changes in the Way of Working

• Working hours = office hours?

• Time for social activities = lost working time?

• Change of way of working = change of evaluation of working!

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Changes in the Structure & Mechanisms

• Is cutting the middle management helping to enforce the overall performance?

• Introduction of a new support staff on community management/gardening

• Evolution: From Hierarchy to Market Structures in Decision Making(Power of the Grassrooted Movements)

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Forms of Collaboration & Supervision

• The renaissance of mutual adjustment of decision making & collaboration

• Adhocracy = decentralisation of power – but how can this be highly performant?

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